VHP Sampark June 2009

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VHP Sampark

Give us just 10 minutes. We’ll give you the truth that the secular media suppresses
Vol.2, No.2 June 2009

Congress rides to power on Minority

Appeasement – Wake up Hindus, as
this will lead to your subjugation and
ultimate enslavement by foreign
The boisterous multitude comprising men and women seen on the
television screens dancing frenziedly to the beat of drums outside the
Congress HQ and Sonia’s house in Delhi to celebrate the Congress victory
were perhaps not aware that they were dancing towards their own
enslavement … a tandav of self destruction.
They were perhaps unaware that the Party
whose victory they were celebrating had
ridden to power on the back of minority
support … support that the Congress had
bought by appeasing the minorities by way of
a slew of material sops, anti Hindu policies
and betrayal of Hindu interests, imprisonment Please don’t dismiss this as a figment of our
and torture of patriotic Hindu Sahib Pragya imagination. Or part of the Hindutva
Singh Thakur and Lt. Col. . Purohit, and propaganda. It is straight from the horse’s
virulent anti Hindu propaganda launched by mouth, And who is it? It is none other than a
the party’s mercenary minions and the anti Muslim, an eminent Political scientist, Janab
Hindu media hoodlums. Arshi Khan of the Aligarh Muslim University
who has gone on record in the Hindustan
Times, saying “ The Congress has got Muslim
support because of the Sachar Committee
and investigations over the Hindutva Terror

”It may seem strange but it is true. number of seats. Kerala where Muslims and
Muslims and Christians who constitute Christians together account for almost 48 per
just 18 per cent of India’s population have cent of the population, have voted en block for
decided who will rule over this country’s
85 crore Hindus for the next five years. the Congress. Similar is the case with Tamil
Nadu and Andhra Pradesh that have a huge
Analyze the election results and you will find Christian and Muslim presence. And Muslims
that states with a significant minority presence who form a sizable chunk of the population of
have given the Congress the maximum Uttar Pradesh have voted en bloc for the
Congress. And secular Hindus, most of them Throughout the ages the resource starved
unaware of the sinister machinations of the Christian West and the Muslim Mid east have
anti national forces out to destroy this country, salivated over the riches and resources of
aided this MUlla and Missionary orchestrated India. For the last over 2000 years beginning
block voting in these states by voting on a with Alexander, these barbaric marauders
strictly secular basis. Secular Hindus and have invaded our holy land and carted away
communal minorities. That is what brought the elephant loads of riches. And finally, they
Congress back to power. enslaved us and filled their empty coffers, fed
their starving populations and built up their
Now you may wonder how will this pave the prosperous cities and towns and enriched
way for the enslavement of the country by the their countri8es. First it was the Muslims and
Western Christian powers. Read on. then the Christians.

The super rich western Christian world calls Our elections are held on the principle of first t
itself the the post. This means that any candidate who
first t world only because of the barbaric loot gets the maximum number of votes gets
that it carted away in shi8ploads from this elected. Thus for example if the total voters
country. To build its economy, to erect its comprise hundred and there are say, 5
factories and mills, to put up its infrastructure, candidates and four of these get 19 votes
to boost the health of its population and above each and the fifth one gets 24 votes, the latter
all to built up its formidable armies. that have is declared the winner. And it is here that the
terrorized the world for over 500 years. But concept of the minority vote bank vote bank
eventually, the Christian west had to give up comes into play.
its colonies .As they say, the wheel has turned
full circle. The Christian West, starved of Muslims and Christians tend to vote en bloc.
resources that it could rob from the fabulous For them what counts is not a party’s
colonies, is on the brink of economic collapse. ideology, or manifesto. What matters to them
Growing unemployment, an ageing is what the padre declares from the pulpit or
population, lack of even the basic resources, the mullah at jumma prayers. But Hindu votes
has put it in dire straits. The Christian west is get fragmented.
in the grip of desperation.
And it suits the political interests of the
Like of old, the West cannot march its armies Congress and the pseudo secular parties to
into India and enslave us again. So what is pamper this vote bank by not only showering
the next best way to once gain enslave this all kinds of unreasonable goodies on them but
country and grab its resources? even turning a blind eye to conversions that
has dangerously altered the country’s
The answer lies in carrying out large scale demographic balance to the detriment of the
conversions to drastically alter the Hindus. For instance today, the complete
demographic balance and exploit the North East is Christianized, Kerala’s Muslim
loopholes in our electoral system.
and Christian population ore burgeoning,
Let us talk about conversions first. Once a Assam is in the grip of illegal Muslim
person gets converted, he gets completely immigration, Andhra has been put on the fast
alienated from the mainstream Hindu society. track to Christianization courtesy the Christian
The brainwashing he is subjected to, puts him CM Samuel Rajasekhar Reddy, Tamil Nadu is
in an adversarial position vis a vis the Hindu not far behind. So also Orissa.
majority. He aquires a different social, cultural
and personal identity that makes him a The following scenario manifesting itself in the
natural ally of the foreign roots and foreign not far too distant a future is inevitable. This
religious ideology of the converter. This is will lead to the country’s Hindus losing power
augmented by the constant foreign inspired to those who will have their loyalties to their
brainwashing that he is subjected to in his Christian masters in the west.
place of worship. He thus develops an identity
and a mentality that is far removed from his 25% Muslim + 15% Christian (With Hindu
national and patriotic roots Vote Divided) Is all that is needed to grab
power in India today. So who will grab
power? The Christian Western nations So economic and political independence, nay
they can rule this country by proxy. their very existence. Other wise dancing to
the drum beats of a party led by a woman of
And Election 2009 is just the beginning. foreign origin is going to prove to be the
Hindus must heed the warning bells and act dance of death of Hinduism. A Vinash tandav.
before it is too late to save their religion, their A dance of self destruction
Hindu Students Bludgeoned, Butchered in
Christian Australia– No one, not Sonia, not the
mercenary media, not the Catholic Church, not the
bogus human rights organizations talk about
Christian terror !!!
When Australian missionary Graham Staines was found mysteriously dead, the
Congress Party, the entire mercenary Wog Indian media, the media abroad, the
governments of Christian countries like Italy and Spain, Germany and the US,
Australia and New Zealand the Human Rights organizations, Amnesty
International and the Christian Church world wide were howling like a pack of
rabid wolves baying for the heads of the country’s Hindutva organizations..

Hindus across the world watched in Or again compare the way the Congress
horror on their television screens and rushed to the defence of the Hyderabadi
read in the newspapers about the most Muslim doctor held as a terror suspect in
inhuman atrocities on Hindu students not Australia. It pulled every diplomatic string,
only by the savage Australian Christian used every trick to get this suspected
hoodlums but also by the racist Muslim doctor terrorist from the Australian
Australian police. In fact the police jail. Minority appeasement at its worst.
atrocities on the protesting Hindu
students, would put the Gestapo to Australia, as the world knows, is a country
shame. Australian police were seen comprising descendents of hard core
savagely kicking the protesting Hindu white Christian criminals. The country is
students, bashing them up with batons, known for its beer and boorishness and
knocking them to the ground and this has been on display in every sphere
stomping on their chests before dragging including the boorish, savage behaviour
them like animals and throwing them into of its cricketers or its citizens.
waiting police vans. But the Congress
government, basking in the glory of its The country’s Prime Minister has gone
minority backed victory, couldn’t care on record to say that Australia is a
less. A few Hindus getting butchered in Christian country and those who wished
far off Australia doesn’t matter. They just to live there have to adhere to the wishes
aren’t enough in number to affect their of its majority Christian citizens. Can you
vote bank. Just as the thousands of poor ever imagine Sardar Manmohan Singh or
Kashmiri pundits who were driven out of Sonia Gandhi making such a declaration?
their homes and hearths by Muslim They would rather sacrifice the interests
fundamentalists. Kashmiri pundits aren’t of Hindus to pander to the minorities.
an important vote bank. But the Muslim We call upon the country’s pro minority to
Kashmiri fundamentalists do. government to do justice to the Hindu
students being tortured in Africa and the
USA. We also demand that the country its diplomats and (d) take up the racist,
should (a) call back all the Hindu communal Christian fundamentalist
students from Australia (b) snap attacks with the United Nations.
cricketing ties with that country (c) recall

Post 26/XI Diary of Shame

Day 1 – Inefficient, impotent administration caught unawares as 10 Pakistani Muslim
terrorists enter Mumbai y, gun down hundreds, destroy city landmarks

Day 2 Onwards – The ten Muslim terrorists lead the government on a merry go round
waging war against the country. Brave officers martyred. Brave firemen and ill equipped
policemen fight off the mercenaries. Lay down lives

Sonia loyalist Home Minister Shiva Patel, more occupied with changing his dresses than
with the crisis, proves how unworthy he was

Viagra Deshmukh goes on a sight seeing visit with Bollywood director on disaster
tourism. Abdul Rehman Antulay accuses Hindu groups behind martyrdom of Hemant

Kasab still enjoying government hospitality. Yet to be hanged. Vilasrao Deshmukh is

rewarded with Union minister ship.

And the rabid Islamic rulers of Pakistan are mocking at the Government’s impotence

And martyrs souls cry out for revenge.

Published for Private Circulation, by the Sampark Vibhag, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, 36, Piroja
Mansion, Opp: Grant Road Station(E), Mumbai 400007. Editor in Chief Prof. Vyankatesh Abdeo.
Phone NO.23094306. E Mail samplvhpmum@gmail.com. Printed at Rajesh Art Printers, Dadar,

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