English Language - 2nd Term - 4th ESO C: CERVERA 2.0 Project Culture Activity

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English Language - 2nd term - 4th ESO C

Questionnaire in pairs. This activity adds marks to the final score of second term,
as work in class and as one of the activities for second term project.




Answer all these questions, you can use internet to solve this quiz.
1. Cervera is the capital city of a Catalan region. What is the name of this region and where is it situated?
2. Where is Cervera situated? Find the latitude and length? Is located in the southern sector of the region of
Segarra Latitude: 41.6667 Length: 1.2833
3. What is the size of Cervera area in hectares and its altitude?. The size of the area is 55.2 km and its
altitude is 548 m.
4. Cervera got the title of city from a king. Which was the name of the king? And when did it happen?
5. That king built the University of Cervera and closed the rest due a Decree. What was the name of that Decree?
6. What is the postal code of Cervera? the ZIP CODE 25200 Cervera
7. Write the distance between Cervera and some of Spain Capital cities. For example the distance between
Barcelona and Cervera is 81 km. The cities are:
Madrid: 441 km

Bilbao: 387 km Seville: 785 km Valencia: 282 km Murcia: 459 km

8. Cervera celebrates every year an unusual concert organized by la Paeria de Cervera and la Coral Ginesta.
What is its name? Where and when is it organized? The concert is called the highway tunnel
9. Cervera has festivals and traditions. Name 5 of them. When do they take place?
Coven: held the last Saturday of August
The passion held in Lent
Sant Magi: held on August 19
Christmas fair: the first weekend of December
San Isidro: held in May
10. What is Isagoge? is the introduction to the festival of Christ
11. Which day is the weekly market celebrated? Held on Friday
12. Name 10 important monuments or places in Cervera city.
the castle, the church of St. Peter Gros, the walls, the parish church of Santa Maria, the building of the
Town Council, the University, the historic center, the Union and the castles of the nuclei aggregate
Castellnou, and Despite the Prenyanosa .

13. Cervera has 7 places or monuments which were Monuments declared National Cultural Heritage. Write down
their names: Cervera has 7 places or monuments which were Monuments declared National Cultural Heritage.
Write down their names:
old town walls, 4 bars, square pit, San Antonio church, university, dead witches and the shoemaker and
the house and carried san pere
14. Cervera has some villages belonging to its municipality. Which are they?Malgrat,Prenyanosa,Vrgos,etc.
15. Cervera has a street which was related with Jewish quarters. What is its name? call him juss located
within the streets of witches
16. Cerveras Major Square has a symmetric and united aspect due to. Following a reform carried out in
1789 for the holidays proclamation of King Charles IV, L-shaped space
17. What are The Gibbets (Les forques)? The Tossal of Forks is a mountain of 562 meters located in the
town of Cervera in the region of the Segarra
18. What is the name of a famous alcoholic drink from La Segarra area? And what is made of? Aromas of
Segarra liquor natural herbs (thyme, wild mint, chamomile herb leaves and white flowers heart of gold
19. Cervera has a non-gluten restaurant. What is its name? El Raconet

20. Cervera played an outstanding role in the history of Catalonia and the basis of a very important institution for
the Catalan country were laid. What was it and when? In 1717 Philip V ruled the order of removal of the seven
universities in Catalonia (Lleida, Barcelona, Girona, Tarragona, Tortosa, Vic and Solsona and the creation
of a single university in the central city of Cervera. The decision of King Philip V wanted to reward the
loyalty of the city to his cause during the War of Succession.
21. Who was Agust Duran i Sanpere? When did he organize El Museu Comarcal de Cervera and Museu del blat
i la pagesia? Agustin Duran Sanpere (Cervera, June 5, 1887 - Barcelona, 29 April 1975) was a historian,
archivist and archaeologist Catalan. Besides archivist, was historian, humanist and propagator of cultural
policies. The museum was founded in the late 50s in a old building number 15 of the street of Cervera.
22. How many years was Cervera the only place, all over Catalonia, with the privilege of exclusivity in higher
studies? 1718 to 1837
23. The first document in which appears the word Cervera as a village dates from the year 1182 and it was built a
wall around it to protect the village and its villagers in civil war under the reign of Peter the ceremonious
24. Where was the commercial area of Cervera situated in the XVIIIth Century? Write down the name of the
neighbourhood or the street. Ribera district
25. Write down 5 important or famous people from Cervera, and why are they famous?
Marc Maquez: MotoGP winning twice (also winning in lower categories, Moto2 and Moto3
Alex Marquez: brother Marc, Moto2 winner.
Pepa Fernandez: journalist, winner of numerous national journalism awards (Wave Award, Golden
microphone, two microphones Plata, among others)
Josep Benet: historian, politician and lawyer.

Josep Ramoneda: Philosopher

26. The University of Cervera was built and dedicated to a Virgin. Which one? Virgin of the Immaculate
27. Write the names of two famous people who studied in The University of Cervera. One of them invented the
submarine. Narcs Monturiol, Joan Prim o Jaume Balmes.
28. King Philip V gave Cervera some privileges as a city after a war. What was the name of the War?
29. Who was the previous king to Philip V? civil War
30. How many castles are there near the city of Cervera or considered in its area? What are their names and
where are they?
Castle Cardosa
catsell Cervera
Castle castellnou
Castle Malgrat
Castle of prenyanosa
31. There is a Castles route in La Segarra region. What is the name of this route? MARCH OF THE CASTLES
32. People can visit the castles of the route mentioned before, but some of them cant be visited inside. What are
their names?
33. Where is situated el Tossal de les bruixes? Tossal Witches is a mountain of 492 meters which is located
between the towns of Zion Granyanella and plans in the region of Segarra.
34. What did The Diables de Cervera celebrate in 2011?
35. When is Aquelarre celebrated? 29,30 i 31 dagost What is the festival about? is about witches
36. Write down the name of another festival in Catalonia very similar to Aquelarre.
Night Witches (altafulla)
37. What is the meaning of the word Aquelarre? What is Aquelarre related to? Coven is where the witches
held their meetings and rituals
38. When and where did the Aquelarre of Cervera take place for the first time? took place in 1978
39. Who were the architects of The University of Cervera? Francesc Soriano
40. What is lAquelarret? Children's parade on the occasion of the Aquelarre

41. Name these images:



excess of macho cabrio

Streets of witches

42. When was celebrated La Passi de Cervera for the first time? In 1969
43. Who was the Captain Galceran Yolt? it achieves apoderarse city Cervera
44. What is the possible meaning or origin of the word Cervera?
45. What are the most important world championship titles Marc Marquez has won? What is the meaning of the
number 93 that he uses? Who is his sport counselor?
125cc World Champion
World Champion motorcycle 2
MotoGP World Champion, year it was born, Emili Alzamora
46. Locate other villages, towns or cities called Cervera in the world. Name and locate 5 of them.
47. What is The Cervera Bible? Cervera Bible is one of the oldest and most Bibles Sefarad most important
48. What is Els diables de Cervera name? Carranquers Name the animals of the Bestiari of Cervera: The
Carranco Biland in Matraca as La Polla, La Cuca and puppets.

49. What are the names of Cerveras gegants and gegantons?

The old giants: William and Almodis
New Giant: Roger Fonollar Nasa and Tobacco
The giants of the Aquelarre: Ghosts
The giant Joan Balaguer
50. When is the antiquary and craftsmanship market held in Cervera? What do the organizers give to the visitors?
1st Saturday of every month from 17 pm

Write down the webgraphy used: Turisme Cervera,Viquiedia,etc

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