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ISSAT (Institute Suprieur de Sciences Appliqus et de Technology)


Ingnieur dInformatique et de Telecommunications: Damascus


SYBASE 28 June 2009 02 July 2009

System And Database Administration for ASE (Adaptive Sybase


Associate & R&D Manager at e-bridge

2007 present

e-bridge is a Syrian start-up software solutions provider.

I was one of e-bridge co-founders in 2007, e bridge supports private and
public organizations in general, and financial institutions (banks, telecom
companies, etc), in particular, increasing competitiveness, profitability and
customer satisfaction, by providing systems and software solutions of high
quality and performance.
e-bridge provides turn-key services. Either Organizations need a basic
system, or an ultra customized system, we deliver comprehensive software
for all sizes and types of business. Hence, as our customers business grows,
e-bridge s systems and services grow with it. e-bridge supports and
improves your business performance with a comprehensive range of
professional services, starting from choosing the right software and project
planning to implementation, software development, training and continuous
Managed by outstanding technical expertise, business knowledge and a
professional approach, e-bridge values long-term business relationships and
works closely with customers to make sure they implement solutions that are
proper for their business model, vision and strategy.
e-bridge featured customers list includes:
1. REB: Real Estate Bank of Syria.
2. SCFA: Syrian Comission for Familly Affaires.
3. SaraTech .
I work at e-bridge as Research and Development Manager, My duties
and responsabilities include:

Leading the search and development of innovative and

complex services and software through sophisticated
research initiatives.

Introduce new and innovative technologies to e-bridge.

Leads e-bridge labs to produce demos and POCs.

Supervise the software development lifecycle.



Barzeh Near
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Full Name: Mohammed Mahfoud.
Birth date: 1st jan, 1976.
Marital State: Married, 2 children.
Cellphone: (+963) 944 898 268.
Email Address:
Address: Damascus - Barzeh Barzeh AlBalad - Near Assalam Mosque.

Mohammed Mahfoud


Solution architecturing for most e-bridge projects.

Hereunder is a list of the project I worked on at e-bridge.

Mohammed Mahfoud


REB OBPG Online Bill Payment Gateway (July 2007- present):

Online Bill Payment Gateway, a middleware system that enables REB to
provide online bill payment for various biller in Syria including:
Syriatel (GSM bill payment + prepaid topup voucher).
MTN (GSM bill payment + prepaid topup voucher).
Aya (Internet Service provider, internet fees and prepaid cards).
STE (Syrian Telecommunication Establishment, Fixed phone bill
REB (Real Estate Bank, Loan installement payment).
OBPG is an integration system that integrates:
1. REB Systems:
a. Core banking system (Phoenix).
b. ATM switch system.
c. Internet banking.
d. SMS Gateway server.
e. IVR system.
f. Prepaid cards management system.
g. Web payment gateway.
Billers billing systems (Syriatel, MTN, STE, Aya, ..).
REB Internet Banking (July 2009- present): is a public site that enables registered REB customers manage
their accounts including:
1. Account balance inquiry.
2. Account Summary.
3. Electronic Transactions (Fund Transfer).
4. Integration with OBPG to enable bill payment through WEB:
Syriatel (GSM bill payment + prepaid topup voucher).
MTN (GSM bill payment + prepaid topup voucher).
Aya (Internet Service provider, internet fees and prepaid cards).
STE (Syrian Telecommunication Establishment, Fixed phone bill
REB (Real Estate Bank, Loan installement payment).
REB SMS Gateway for Bill Payment Services (Dec 2009- present):
An SMS gateway that enbles REB customer to use REB payment services
through the SMS, this includes:
1. SMS Gateway Server.
2. Integration with REB core banking system (Phoenix).
3. Integration with OBPG to enable bill payment through SMS:
Syriatel (GSM bill payment + prepaid topup voucher).
MTN (GSM bill payment + prepaid topup voucher).
Aya (Internet Service provider, internet fees and prepaid cards).
STE (Syrian Telecommunication Establishment, Fixed phone bill
REB (Real Estate Bank, Loan installement payment).
REB IVR System (Dec 2009- present):
Interactive Voice Response system that enbles REB customer to use REB
payment services through the fixed phone, this includes:
4. IVR Server (Trixbox with asterisk).
5. Integration with REB core banking system (Phoenix).
6. Integration with OBPG to enable bill payment through IVR:
Syriatel (GSM bill payment + prepaid topup voucher).
MTN (GSM bill payment + prepaid topup voucher).
Aya (Internet Service provider, internet fees and prepaid cards).
STE (Syrian Telecommunication Establishment, Fixed phone bill

Mohammed Mahfoud


REB (Real Estate Bank, Loan installement payment).

REB Payment Gateway (Mar 2009- present):
Enables Merchants to provide their customer with payment solution through
the REB payment gateway, this includes:
1. Merchants Management.
2. Electronic fund transfer through integration with REB IB (Internet
banking) and REB OBPG.
3. Merchant notification with transaction completion.
4. Merchant monitoring system.
5. Refund Management.
REB SBPS and SFT (Mar 2010- present):
Schedualed Bill Payment System and Schedualed Fund Transfer enable REB
customers settle their bills or Transfer money based on schedualed
transactions. This includes:
1. Schedualed Transfer Jobs Management.
2. Schedualed Bill Payment Jobs Management.
3. Job Exection through integration with:
a. OBPG for bill payement.
b. Core banking system.
c. Monitoring.
REB Notification System (Mar 2010- present):
Enables online notification for REB staff in case of important and critical
events, this includes:
1. Integration with OBPG, to notify REB staff with Error Events, Biller
Connection Status, Biller System Availability,
2. Integration with Internet Banking to notify REB staff with problems
and errors immediately.
3. Multiple Notification Media:
a. Email.
b. SMS.
REB Public site (Mar 2009- May 2009): is the main entry point for all REB services.
SaraTech QSMS (July 2010- present):
SaraTech is a lebanease company that provides application services (ASP),
SaraTech main customers are major construction companies in the area.
QSMS (Quantity Survyeor Management System), is a Multiportal website that
enables SaraTech customers (Construction Companies) to manage
construction projects, this includes:
1. Project Workflow Management.
2. Project BOQ Management (Bill of Quantities).
3. Breakdown workflow management.
4. Payment certification and Takeoff quantities management.
5. Purchase Orders Management.
6. Inventory Management.
SCFA NODV (Aug 2009- Dec 2009):
NODV (National Observatory for Domestic Violance) project is the web
portal for SCFA (Syrian Committee for Family Affairs) staff (32 observor, 4
managers, and 2 admins) that allows them to file domestic violence cases
observed in their observation points all over the country (16 observation
points), this includes:
1. Questionaire bulder: The customer can build new questionnaires, or modify
existing questionnaires without e-bridge intervention.
2. Decision support: descriptive and analytical reports.
3. Auditing and monitoring.
4. Managing observation points & staff.

Mohammed Mahfoud


5. Managing users & roles.

Data warehouse Architect and senior dev at EIS (UNDP)


EIS (Enhancing Investment in Syria) is one of the UNDP projects in Syria. This
project involves3 major government institutions:

UNDP (United Nations Development Projects) in Syria.

Syrian State Planning Committee

Syrian Investment Committee.

This project aims to enhance and develop the investment environment in
Syria. I worked on this project with the technical team assigned by UNDP to
build and develop the IT infrastructure of the SIC.
My responsibilities are:

System analysis and project architecture (IPMIS Workflow, Storage

Databases, IPMIS DNN Portal, IPMIS Reporting System, Archiving System

Leading and supervising the development process of the IPMIS

(Investment Projects Management Information System) and the IPAS
(Investment Projects Archiving System). IPMIS is a workflow system that
allows SIC employees track investment projects down and handle
investors requests. IPAS is an archiving system that allows archiving of
investment projects documents and integrates these documents with the

Developing some of the IPMIS components (Configuration web modules,

Project Details web module, Skins...)

IPMIS Data warehouse Design (IPMIS Cube, ETL Scripts, Analytic reports).
Dev lead at Tanweer Group

7/2006 7/2007

Tanweer Group (Owned by Mr. Josef Samaan) founded the SoukCom and
Souk Halal projects along with some other Arab partners in order to create
an advanced e-market for B2B and B2C e-business in Arab World. SoukCom
is a B2C (Business-to-customer) multi-portal web solution that allows:


Browse merchants stores and products.

Order and buy products.

Create and manage own auctions.

Browse others auctions.

Bid on auctions.



Sell products on line.

Manage financial accounts and invoices.

Have a space for advertising.

Conduct most e-business operations.

I worked on SoukCom project as a leader of the development team, my
responsibilities were:

Analysis of the various subsystems of the SoukCom project. These

subsystems include:

E-Store system (Products Catalog, Invoices, Shopping carts...).

E-Auctions (Create, manage, schedule, and close auctions).

Merchant accounting system (Chart of accounts, Journal, General

Ledger, Balance sheet, and Fiscal Periods management).

Leading and supervising the development process of SoukCom


Mohammed Mahfoud


Developing some of the SoukCom components (Configuration web

modules, Skins...)

Dev Lead at Al-Manar Informatic Center

2004 2006

Almanar is a young software provider, that owners have great dream of

building a Leading Syrian Company in providing Solutions (Hardware &
Software) for the public or/and private sectors. The following list shows the
projects I worked on at AlManar.
Asia for International Transportation & Shipment (July 2005- August
Asia is a Syrian-Saudi company that works in Transporting Haj & Oumra
Syrians to Saudi lands. Almanar took the responsibility to provide Asia with
an integrated ERP solution that includes the following subsystems:


Trips Management.

Buses & drivers Management & State monitoring.

Ticket reservation.

Shipping management.

Inventory Management.

Maintenance System.

Employee working days monitoring.

Security Management & Roles Management.

Agents Management.
Duties & responsibilities include:

System analysis and project architecture (Workflows, Storage Database,

Security components, business process...)

Leading and supervising the development process of the various

components of all subsystems.

Developing some of the components (Trips Management Board, External

Tickets, Bus and Drivers working reports...).
AlmanarSoft Web Site (July 2005- August 2005):
Designing and developing a small web site for Almanar, and publish it on the
Duties & responsibilities include:

Content preparation.

Graphics design.

Content publishing.
Integrated Solutions for the Dentists Syndicate (2004-2005):
This project involves 3 main phases:

Automation of Syndicate Branches in Syria (14 branches).

Automation of Central Syndicate (in Damascus), depending on

replicating all Branch databases into one central database that provide
the Central Syndicate with all branches information.

Providing a user-friendly application that helps any dentist to access

the Branch or Central Syndicate in order to monitor, modify and place
his personal account in the Branch (his share of a system called the
Collaborative system that enables dentists to treat some public
organizations employees with no money and get these money from
the branch later).
I worked on this project as a Senior Developer developing Windows desktop
solution using VB 6.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2000. The following is a list of
the systems I worked on:

Dentists personnel.

Employees and staff personnel.

Mohammed Mahfoud


Inventory System.
Accounting System.
Documents Management System.
Collaborative System.
Integrating all these systems together.

Senior Developer and Dev Lead at ISS 2002 2003

ISS (Internet Services Support) is an outsourcing company for Revenue
Science Inc. (a.k.a digiMine). I worked as a Web developer in the ProServ
team that is responsible for providing customer specific reports for
digiMines customers. digiMines reporting system provides an analytic
solution for large companies to measure their web sites metrics in order to
get real data needed for the Business Decision Support process. Also I
worked as a Dev leader for some of these projects.
Adding Spellchecking to digiDesk (2003)
digiDesk is a content management system based on Tickets. Duties and
responsibilities include:

Add a server side spell checking tool using ASP and VBScript (based on
Microsoft Office tools installed on the web server).

Add a client side (using Jscript) spell checking capability because server
side solution was obstacled by the security policy used in digiMine.
Developing SRNV Application (2003)
A windows scripting host application consists of many scripts to be run after
the web log files are processed in digiMines solution pipe line. SRNV (Single
Release Number Validations) runs some tests on the statistical distributions
of the web logs data and provides reports of failed tests and sends alerts to
the responsible contacts in digiMines data warehouses. Duties and
responsibilities include:

Design the SRNV database for statistical measures of each data report.

Develop a VB ActiveX component ReportValidator responsible of running

the tests on the data report (using Visual Basic 6, and a digMines library
called ReportAPI).

Develop a scripting system responsible for running the tests (using the
ReportValidator) and provide the failure reports.

Develop an alerting tool that uses the digiMines digiDesk database and
send failure reports for the proper contact in charge.
Developing Car Configurator Report (2002):
This report provides DCX (Demller-Crysler) with the business information
they need to know in order to measure the added value of the Car
Configurator tool they added to their web sites. Duties and responsibilities

Lead the development team for this project.

Designing the web report layout and functionality.

Provide a project plan for the proposed solution.

Develop the middle tier that is responsible for providing the user data
from an OLAP cube, using ASP, VBScipt, MDX and Multi-Dimensional
ActiveX Data Components.

Developing a custom web tree component to display the data.

Integrate the different parts to fit in digiMines solution.

Mohammed Mahfoud


Developing eCRA 2.0 report (2002)

This report provides Amex (American Express) with the business information
of the Campaign Response Analysis in their web sites. Duties and
responsibilities include:

Lead the development team for this project.

Designing the web report layout and functionality.

Provide a project plan for the proposed solution.

Develop the middle tier that is responsible for providing the user data
from an OLAP cube, using ASP, VBScipt, MDX and Multi-Dimensional
ActiveX Data Components.

Developing a custom web filter component to retrieve user input.

Integrate the different parts to fit in digiMines solution.

Change Request Management Tool 2.0 (2002)
CRM 2.0 is a web tool that enables digiMines Customers and their digiMines
Contacts to manage the change request they are asking for. It has 2 different
parts, one in the customers side (digiMines reporting system) and the other
is in digiMines side (digiMines digiDesk, a content management tool). My
work was only adding a search and reporting tool. Duties and responsibilities

Designing the web report layout and functionality for the Change
Requests Search & Reporting tool.

Design the database tables and views and stored procedure for this tool.

Develop the Customer Side part and integrate it to digiMines solution.

Develop the digiMine Side part and integrate it to digiDesk.

Lecturer at HIAST

1999 2007

HIAST (a.k.a ISSAT) is one of the top education institutions in Syria. It aims to
provide the country with competitive, highly-skilled engineers. HIAST
students are the picked from the most talented and intelligent students over
the country. I taught some courses at HIAST (Information Theory and C++
Programming language), and also supervised some of the 4th year and 5th
year Students projects. The following list includes some of these projects.
Token Ring network over RS232 (2001-2002):
A 4th year project which represents a prototype to be used for connecting
PCs using a Token Ring LAN over RS232. This includes implementing Token
Ring standards and TCP/IP stack over token ring.
The prototype was a software package that contains tools, applications, and
a library that is to be considered as the protocol stack.
Duties and responsibilities include supervision, project planning, unit test,
and documentation.
Proxy-based firewall (2001-2002):
A 5th year project (graduating) which is a prototype of a firewall application
to protect an internal network from attackers on the external side. This
includes having a good defense against famous attacks like Ping of Death,
Sync Flooding and smerfs.
Duties and responsibilities include supervision, project planning, unit test,
and documentation.
RS232 Switch (2000-2001):
A 4th year project which is a prototype to be used for connecting PCs in a
LAN through a switch that uses the RS232 as a physical layer. This includes
implementing Idle RQ over RS232 as a link layer and TCP/IP stack over it.
The prototype was a hardware card to be connected externally to a PC
through the serial port, and some software tools, applications, and a library

Mohammed Mahfoud


that is to be considered as the protocol stack to allow profiting the card as a

network card.
Duties and responsibilities include supervision, project planning, unit test,
and documentation.

Mohammed Mahfoud

Lecturer at Faculty of Information Damascus University




I taught some courses at FIT (Information Security Systems, Operating

Systems), and also supervised some of the 4th year and 5th year Students
projects. The following list includes some of these projects.
Distributed Secure Version Control Management System (2006):
A 5th year (graduation) project where students have to design & implement
a distributed & secure Version Control Management System based on an
already-existing Version Control Management System developed by
Microsoft: Visual Source Safe VSS. Technologies involved are: VCS,
Distributed Systems and Network Security. Tools that were used: .NET
Framework, VSS, C#, ASP.NET (for web clients), CryptLib (A security library).
Duties and responsibilities include supervision, technology selection, project
planning, and risk assessment.
SDLC Automation Software Tools (2006):
A 5th year (graduation) project where students have to design and
implement a software package that consist of most tools needed by
programmers to organize, optimize, and increase productivity of the Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC), this spans the 4 phases of the SDLC
(Envisioning, Planning, Development, and Stabilization).
Duties and responsibilities include supervision, technology selection, project
planning, and risk assessment.
Mining Models for Weather Prediction (2005):
A 4th year project where students have to design and implement Weather
Prediction System to analyze historical data and find the possible patterns of
weather changing. Daily reports and prediction results with comparisons
reports are the final results for the system, but many mining models
Duties and responsibilities include supervision, technology selection, project
planning, and risk assessment.
Web-Server load balancing system (2005):
A 4th year project where students have to design and implement an Web
load balancing system, that is responsible for measuring the load (based on
response time) on each of the connected web servers, and decided to
CONNECT each client to the proper (Less loaded) server.
Duties and responsibilities include supervision, technology selection, project
planning, and risk assessment.
Web-based analytic reports regarding the users activities on ISP
A 5th year project where students have to design and implement a reporting
system that generates built-in and ad-hoc analytical reports regarding users
activities of an Internet Service Provider. Log files of the Proxy server and log
files of the DHCP server are to be parsed and transformed into a data
warehouse (also requested to be designed and implemented), then reports
should be generated on regular basis.
Duties and responsibilities include supervision, technology selection, project
planning, and risk assessment
Fixed line SMS server (2003-2004):
A 4th year project where students have to design and implement an SMS-like
server that handles users phone calls via a modem and enables them to:
- Browse their messages.
- Transform text messages into speech.
- Compose new message by encoding phone buttons into text.

Mohammed Mahfoud


- Send composed messages.

Duties and responsibilities include supervision, project planning, and
Modular firewall in the Linux kernel (2002-2003):
A 4th year project which is a prototype of a firewall works in the kernel mode
on Linux Operation System, using libpcap library and kernel specific system
Duties and responsibilities include supervision, project planning, unit test,
and documentation.
Network visualizer (2002-2003):
5th year project that includes developing a network visualizing and
simulating tool.
Duties and responsibilities include supervision, project planning, unit test,
and documentation.
Protocol Analyzer and Traffic Generator (2001-2002):
A 4th year project which is a prototype of a software package that contains
tools and applications for network packets capturing, filtering, storing and
retrieving. Also generating some user-specific packets.
Duties and responsibilities include supervision, project planning, unit test,
and documentation.
Web site for the faculty using various advanced technologies (20012002):
Also a 4th year project that includes developing static web pages (HTML)
that contains static information about the faculty designing and
implementing some important web services like a Books Library, a Forum, a
web-based free e-mail, an e-Magazine and Students affairs management.
This includes consulting a database through ODBC and ADO, and an email
server (Exchange Server) through CDO (Collaborative Data Objects).
Duties and responsibilities include supervision, project planning, unit test,
and documentation.
Trainer at New Horizons

2004 2005

New Horizons is the Syrian branch of the famous world-wide New Horizons
Training Centers. I taught the MCAD & MCSD Certifications courses, this

Introduction to C# programming language.

Programming with ADO.NET.

Microsoft .NET Framework Programming.

Developing Windows-based applications using Microsoft Visual C#.

Developing Web-based applications using ASP.NET & MS Visual C#.

Developing Xml Web Services & Windows Server Components.

Database design & Implementation using Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

Programming with Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

Duties and responsibilities include Course Preparation, Teaching, Training and
Software development team leadership skills:
Technology choice, support and transition mechanism.
Code quality control (Coding standards, code review, and unit testing
Synergy and animation (team motivation).


Mohammed Mahfoud


Development Team Management (project tracking, status reports, risk

assessment, problems tackling, change management, bug tracking and
System analysis and solution architecture skills:
Analyzing requirement and finding solutions (using both MSF and RUP).
Technical Requirements Analysis.
Functional Requirements.
Business Process Re-engineering.
Software development technologies:
Development Platforms:
Windows Desktop Applications.
Windows Distributed Applications.
Web-based Applications.
Web Services.
Windows Services.
Client/Server Applications using Sockets.
Network Security and Hack proofing tools.
Programming Languages and technologies:
Microsoft .NET framework 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 technologies:
Microsoft Visual C#.NET 2.0
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.
Windows forms.
ASP.NET 1.0 and 2.0.
XML Web Services.
WPF, WCF, Workflow.
Web development technologies other than .NET:
Classic ASP.
JSP and Servlets.
HTML, DHTML, Javascript (ECMAScript and Jscript).
Delphi 7.0 and 8.0.
Visual Basic 6.0
Java (J2EE and J2ME).
VBScript with Classis ASP.
Programming IDEs:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2003, 2005, 2008.
Delphi IDE.
Operating Systems:
Microsoft Workstations:
Windows 2000 Professional.
Windows XP Professional.
Windows Vista.
Microsoft Servers
Windows 2000 Server.
Windows 2003 Server.
Sun Solaris.
Redhat Linux.
Ubuntu Linux.
Database Management:
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000, 2005.
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise.
Oracle 9i.


Mohammed Mahfoud


MS Access, Paradox and InterBase.
Internet and TCP/IP Stack.
LAN Design and Technologies:
Token Ring.
WAN Technologies:
Network programming:
Sockets standard library.
Libpcap and libnet.
NetBIOS (only Microsoft Windows).
Networking tools:
Sniffers (Ethreal and Analyzer 3.0)
PING, NetStat, ARP, TraceRT, ..
Encryption & Decryption Standards (DES, 3DES, EAS, RSA).
Digital Certificates & Digital Signature.
Authorization: Membership Providers and Role providers.

Excellent communication skills.
Highly self-motivated.
Fast learner.
Lingual Skills:
English: Excellent in reading and writing. Very good in conversation.
French: Good in reading and writing. Fair in conversation.
Arabic: Native language.
Mr. Ammar Moussa, ebridge Associate & General Manager.
o Cellphone: +963 944 673361.
o Email:
Mr. Ali Jdeed, REB CTO.
o Telephone: +963 11 2321310.
Mr. Kamel Adla, REB IT Manager.
o Telephone: +963 11 2321310.
o Cellphone: +963 933 007101.
o Email:
Mr. Allam Salameh, REB IT Support Manager.
o Cellphone: +963 966 262 181.
o Email:
Mr. Abdullah Abdullah, SaraTech General Manager.
o Cellphone: +961 3 897787.
o email:
Mr. Alaa Karmeh, UNDP EIS Project, IT Expert.
o Telephone: +963 11 4470313/4.

Mohammed Mahfoud


o Cellphone: +963 933 335338.

Dr. Bassel Alkhoushy, FIT Networking Department Head.
o Cellphone: +963 944 401002.
Dr. Amr Salem, Former Minister of Telecom. & Technology.
o Cellphone: +963 933 363684.
Mr. Nour Sarsar, AlManar Information Center, General Manager.
o Cellphone: +963 933 561638.
Dr. Salah Dohajy, HIAST, former Information Department Manager, also
former CBS (Commercial Bank of Syria) CTO.
o Cellphone: +963 944 398723.
Mr. Jaime Charaf, ISS CEO.
o Telephone: +963 11 2324409. Or 5006.
Wael Sharba, Ingnieur de telecom. Friend.
o Cellphone: +963 944 266417.
Louay Mohammed, Ingnieur dinformatique. Friend.
o Cellphone: +963 933 574727.


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