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Draft Minutes

Minutes of Milesmark & Baldridge Community Council Meeting

Tuesday 24th February 2015
Baldridgeburn Community Centre
In Attendance: Carol Anderson, Ian Baxter, Andrew Brown, Amanda Cook, Linda
Ferries, Marion Gillies, Sandra Gilmour, Marie Mackinlay, Mary McLaren, Graham
Neil, Mike Reid, Gordon Somerville, Kate Shaw, George Gunn, Cllr H Law, Cllr W
Campbell, Cllr D Mogg, Cllr B Young.

1. Welcome / Apologies for Absence

The meeting was opened by Chair, I Baxter.
Apologies: Gordon Neil, Graeme Welch, Cllr J Leishman, Cllr N Hanvey.
2. Police Report P.C. Lee Morris and P.C. Derek Skene

P.C. Lee Morris

P.C. Derek Skene

P.C. Lee Morris explained that with the restructuring of the police force in
Scotland into, Police Scotland, a new community-policing model has been
introduced for a 6-month pilot. It commenced on12 January 2015.

There will be six community police officers, two for Dunfermline South, two
for Dunfermline Central and Two for Dunfermline North. A community police
Inspector and Sgt Hilary McKinlay will lead them.

The community police team will focus on local issues, engaging with the
community to address areas of concern.

P.C. Morris highlights the success of recent drugs raids which were initiated
on the basis of intelligence gathered from residents.

If a resident wishes to report and incident dial 101 or 999 if it is an


A Rep. from Speed Watch (Mr Bill Young) attended the meeting and asked for
volunteers. George Gunn put his name forward.

Cllr Young reported an incident in which traffic is not stopping as directed by

the lolly pop person at Milesmark Primary School. The police will look into
this issue.

A resident raised the issue of dog fouling on the cycle path at William Street.
The advice is to seek identifying details such as a car registration number or

details of when the dog is walked each day (the dog may be walked around
the same time each day) and pass the details to the community police.

Illegal parking around Mclean Primary School was raised. The police agreed to
look into this matter and possibly fine offenders.

Off-road bikers using the land north of Tremayne Place are causing a
nuisance. The advice is, collect as much information as possible before
contacting the police.

3. Update from I&H Brown will be covered in Matter Arising.

4. Minutes of November 2014 Meeting /Matter Arising.
No amendments were made to the minutes, which were proposed Sandra Gilmour
and seconded by Graham Neil.
Regarding speed controls on William Street, a legal public notice has been placed.
Lesley Craig from Fife Council is confident the matter will be addressed within the
current financial year.
Double yellow lines on Mill Street to be approved by the end of March 2015.
Regarding the I&H Brown development, there has been no progress with the
planning application since the last report on November 2014.
5. Correspondence

Roadwork is planned for Kincardine Bridge. The bridge will be closed for 6
weeks. Details can be found on Fife Direct.
The CC had been approached asking for a contribution to the Childrens Gala
and after consulting the Treasurer on our up to date funds, agreed to donate
100 to the Dunfermline Childrens Gala.
Tesco Notice Board the board intended for the new store has gone the
Dulloch site.

6. Treasurers Update
The current balance stands at 247.99.
The sum of 700(Raboc donated funds) has been allocated for the I&H Brown site.
Newsletter 14.65
Hall Hire
Montgomery Forgan - 1200
7. Requirement to Appoint a New Treasurer.
Item held over to the May 2015 meeting.
8. Planning Application Report

There is nothing significant to report. The Allan Water development site and further
changes to their original application will be discussed at a Planning Committee
I Baxter updated the Community Council on the Northern Relief Road, the
information coming from notes circulated on the CC gmail account from Gordon
Harvey (Halbeath Ratepayers Association).

Representatives from the northern communities met with Thomas Docherty

MP and Cara Hilton MSP on 20th Feb and discussed concerns re FIFEplan and
particularly the viability and assurance around the building of the Northern
Relief Road prior to any house building commencing.
Thomas and Cara advised they had met with Robin Presswood, Head of
at Fife Council, and two of his colleagues who were eager to assure that the
road would be built before any detailed planning was approved.
Robin advised it was very likely the road would be built using the City
Futures Fund which was a Scottish Government initiative to allow
infrastructure to be established before housing or retail development went
ahead. The costs of the road would then be recovered from developers as
houses were built.
The enquiries made by Thomas Docherty with regard to people he had
consulted about FIFEplan varied, but in general reflected the strength of
feeling and concern
seen by our organisations.
In terms of actions going forwards, Thomas and Cara were asked to
seek a more comprehensive response from Alex Neal the Scottish Cabinet
Minister who was written to before Christmas 2014 and this was agreed.
It was also asked if Thomas and Cara could do anything to ensure the
northern communities concerns could be presented at a public hearing
rather than the possibility that the
Reporter would rely only on paperwork. Thomas advised this would have to
pursued at a later date and Cara would take the lead on this issue for the
present time.
9. Fife Councillors Report

Cllr Mogg reported that the Broomhead flats are progressing well with the
first block nearing completion. Community Centre facility on ground floor of
one of the flats. M McLaren will contact the Tenants and Residents
Association to offer to meet with them at some point and offer support going
forward. Action M McLaren
Cllr Law commented on the Council Budget and the shortfall of 77m. All
proposals in reducing the budget are being considered.

Cllr Law reported that 1000 is being donated to all Dunfermline schools from
the Carnegie trust fund.

10. A.O.B.

A suggestion was made on Parking on East Baldridge Drive. The proposal is

that slanted bays might reduce the congestion on the road. Cllr Law will take
this forward with the Housing Department. Action Cllr Law

Street lighting on East Baldridge Drive was also raised. The lights are on the
opposite side from the public footpath, which is not well lit at night. Cllr Law
will take this on. Action Cllr Law

Amanda Cook has agreed to look into developing Face Book pages and a Web
site for the CC. Action Amanda Cook

The Chair of Headwell CC, Barry Murphy was introduced.

The current CC notice board has been damaged. The suggestion is to contact
Lindsay Duffy, as there may be funds available from the Ward Budget. Action
Marion Gillies

The condition of the Pilmuir Works building was discussed. Bill Fletcher, a
local developer, owns the building. Apparently he has been unable to agree
plans with Historic Scotland and he has now decided to sell the building. M
McLaren will contact the council raising concerns on Health and Safety.
Action M McLaren

Workshop for new CC members was discussed. M McLaren has contacted Bill
Welsh who advised that Fife Council hope to offer workshops in the near

Cllr Law raised the matter of the 70-th Anniversary of the twinning with
Trodheim. There will be a series of events throughout 2015.

A resident asked for assistance with horse dung. It is fouling the William
Street cycle path. As its not illegal, the only suggestion is for residents to
discuss the problem with the owners and try to reach an agreement. No
Action by CC

The Next Meeting will be held on - Tuesday 26 May 2015 at 7.30pm

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