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Question: Who were the winning and losing nations as a result of the Vienna


I. Introduction:
a. The Goal of the Vienna Settlement was to restore international
peace after a disastrous Napoleonic war.
b. However, each nation had its own agenda and had its own welfare
in mind.
c. No nation can be considered to have won or lost because each
nation lost some and won some as far as land and etc.
1. Russia
2. Britain
3. Austria
I. Russia:
a. Represented by Alexander I, the only nation to be represented by a
b. Wanted a Polish Kingdom under Russian Control, Supported Prussia
getting hold of Saxony.
c. Ended up getting most of Prussia, but did not get the city of Krakow,
and Prussia was able to get 40% of Poland.
I. Britain:
a. Represented by Castlereagh.
b. More interested in securing British commerce than territory.
I. Austria:
a. Represented by Metternich.
b. Wanted dominance in Central Europe, and wanted to limit the powers
of France and Russia.
c. Received some part of Poland (Galicia) as well as Salzburg and a
Germanic confederation under Austrian rule, but lost the Netherlands.
I. Conclusion:
a. The Vienna settlement is too complicated to say that some countries
lost or won.
b. It is critical to understand the international affairs of the past in order
to understand the international affairs today.

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