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Bea0200-00,Can I help you?

Bea0200-01,And my little gift? You do not have it? Fine then, get lost!
Bea0200-02,Full of promises and empty handed... Huh?
Bea0200-03,I do not deal with you journalist types.
Bea0200-04,Journalist? For what rag, may I ask?
Bea0200-06,Does your rag have a name?
Bea0200-07,Oh, so now you are a detective! Why not a plumber, while we are at i
t? Can I see your licence?
Bea0200-09,A private dick... I see. Well, you had better show me your licence.
Bea0200-10,The American secret service... But of course! And I am the Queen of
England. Come on, papers please!
Bea0200-12,Ah, I would love to believe it! But an official document would help!
Bea0200-13,I have family over there. Jules Quincampoix, do you know him? He work
s for the News... A Frenchman in New York gets noticed. It is like an American i
n Paris, is it not?
Bea0200-15,I have a brother-in-law who works at the News. Do you know him? Jules
Bea0200-16,Just stop! Your story does not hold up. I never had any family in New
York. You are a lousy liar!
Bea0200-18,Caught! Liar... I do not have any relatives in New York.
Bea0200-19,Forget it! Hmmm... It is baking in here, isn't it? You would not happ
en to have anything to drink, would you? Just one for the road?
Bea0200-20,Not bad, but you will have to come back. There is no such thing as pe
rmits for detectives...
Bea0200-21,Where did you get this licence? In Paris, private eyes do not need pa
pers. Everyone knows that!
Bea0200-23,You are a smart one, aren't you? But you do not need a licence to be
a private investigator in Paris. So now it is swarming with snoops who ask too
many questions. Who do you work for, anyway?
Bea0200-25,I will let it pass... this time! Private detective. You must be wor
king for someone! Who hired you?
Bea0200-26,This is not New York, sonny! We are in Paris and we do not like littl
e snoops here. Who hired you?
Bea0200-27,Just checking! Always want to know who I am dealing with. So you ar
e an American PI in Paris. And your client? American or Parisian?
Bea0200-29,The murder at the Orphee? It is the victim's sister who is paying? T
hat would surprise me! There was no family at all in this case. Anyway, it is
simple: there is nothing to say, no more to the journalist than to the detective
Bea0200-31,The sister? Strange, we did not know the victims had family... I can
not tell you anything about the Orphe case.
Bea0200-32,I have received very strict instructions about the Orphe case... No le
aks! And I have everything to gain, if you catch my drift!
Bea0200-34,It is going to be hard to help you in these conditions! What if you w
ere a little joker? The Orphe case is not in your league!
Bea0200-35,Secret agent... Do I look like I was born yesterday?
Bea0200-37,No one does that to me! I want proof!
Bea0200-38,What is your chief's name?
Bea0200-39,Your boss has to contact us.
Bea0200-41,Trying to appeal to my soft side? That does not work with me. I like
Bea0200-42,You think I am in a fix, do you, Yank? Do not go reversing the roles
Bea0200-44,My job is to ensure he does not get disturbed by snoops like you!
Bea0200-46,The inspector does not see visitors.
Bea0200-47,Do you think I enjoy all this paperwork? I would be much happier in a
caf! But that is bureaucracy for you! And you will not be getting your authorisa
tion for a week.
Bea0200-49,It is going to take at least a week...
Bea0201-00,Great, here is the pen-pusher giving it another go.

Bea0201-01,Great, the private eye returns...

Bea0201-02,Great, the secret agent reappears. Strange lot, you Americans. I swe
Bea0201-03,I already said no. No means no! Talk directly to Lebrun. I am not get
ting mixed up in this. This story is far too complicated.
Bea0201-06,He is not seeing anybody. Just make a statement.
Bea0201-07,Because you do not think Inspector Leburn thought of that himself? W
here do you get your leads? You get them out of thin air?
Bea0201-08,First-class leads? Where do they come from? What about?
Bea0201-09,Fresh info? You are better informed than us, are you?
Bea0201-12,I already told you Inspector Lebrun does not want to be disturbed! B
ut I can pass on a message.
Bea0201-13,You have a picture of the suspect? That is all Lebrun needs to go on!
Bea0201-18,If you want to speak to him, you have to confide in me first, sonny.
Bea0201-20,Malet! You're mistaken, MacPherson. Malet is not a murderer. He had n
o reason to kill the two Americans for their money: an old aunt just left him a
Bea0201-23,Have anything concrete? Like a picture of the suspect? No! Well, f
orget it. Lebrun does not want to see you!
Bea0201-27,Lebrun needs a detailed description of the suspects. A composite ske
tch, for example.
Bea0201-30,You are wasting your time, Mr MacPherson. Lebrun specifically told me
, no visitors. Between me and you, he is already pretty busy sorting out all the
se statements. If we could have a picture of the suspect, our life would be easi
Bea0201-33,Do you have new testimony from Malet? We need it, that lowlife!
Bea0201-34,You are the stubborn type. Inspector Lebrun does not see anyone, for
any reason.
Bea0201-37,Lebrun will not see you. Unless you have a picture. One of the Whytes
' mysterious visitors, the night before the murder...
Bea0201-45,Doctor Kaufner is our expert. Forensic scientist and, above all, psy
chiatrist. The sort of guy who prefers the company of madmen and corpses to the
likes of you and me.
Bea0201-46,The chief of police himself imposed Doctor Kaufner on us. It is not g
oing to help matters any!
Bea0201-50,All these new-fangled methods! The Bertillon system, photographs, rec
ords, fingerprints and, now, psychological profiles! It beats me, all that!
Bea0201-52,This case is pretty messy! A foul murder, unclear motive... If Inspec
tor Lebrun needs a hand, he will ask me. For the time being, he is managing on h
is own like a big boy! That is all I know!
Bea0201-55,If he is not making headway in his investigation, it is his own fault
! Lebrun is bending over backwards trying to find the mysterious visitor the Why
tes had that evening, just before the murder. He is not even cross-checking the
Bea0201-58,I already told you. He wants to be left in peace. Unless there is som
ething solid.
Bea0201-59,Thanks for the bottle of red, but I have stopped drinking! I would no
t say no to a spot of betting though. Any tips for the next race?
Bea0201-60,Excellent. It is one of the three favourites. I will bet everything o
n it. Here, here is Hulot's file. Nobody gives a damn, anyway!
Bea0201-61,Yeah, right... Goodbye...
Bea0210-00,Well! If it is not my buddy Hellouin! How is business going, snoop?
Bea0210-03,You are really pushing it with all you questions, Hellouin. You know
that if I talk too much, I am as good as fired. Since I do not want to spend the
rest of my life sniffing around dirty laundry like you... You better go...
Bea0210-04,You are really starting to tick me off, Coco. I have nothing more to
say to you anyway, so, come back next week or something.
Bea0210-05,De Allepin is one of the biggest sharks around! A filthy rich banker
, an old slightly eccentric Parisian. Have you gotten on his bad side?

Bea0210-07,Earth to Hellouin! You are dreaming if you think de Allepin would com
e to see me for a simple burglary case! He is tight with the big boss. If any
thng ever happened to him, it would stay between him, the chief of police, and t
he crook, who would probably stand a good chance of ending up in the Seine, keep
ing the fishies company!
Bea0210-09,De Allepin has plenty of connections, but no friends. That's what mak
es him so influential. He knows all the right people. He's basically untouchabl
Bea0210-12,Hellouin, I will keep in touch. We are pals after all. Give my regar
ds to your mother.
Bea0210-14,Eaton, Eaton... Let me think... No, I have nothing under that name. A
re they dangerous?
Bea0210-16,A client with plenty of dough... We working for the rich now, are we?
If I hear anything, I will not forget you. We will go fifty-fifty, as usual.
Bea0210-18,Hellouin, you must be the only bloke in Paris who uses police records
to pick up girls. Listen, if I hear anything about a young single criminal, I'l
l let you know.
Bea0210-20,Dr Kaufner is our regular consultant here at the station. He special
ises in loonies and crackpots. He also dabbles in forensic science. He is a rea
l brainer!
Bea0210-22,In any case, since he is the only one who understands his psychobabbl
e, he does as he pleases here. But beyond these walls, he is the laughing stock
of all the other psychoanalysts.
Bea0210-24,The bloke is so weird. He really is not my cup of tea!
Bea0210-25,They had a blow-up. A psychoanalyst tore Dr Kaufner's theory to shred
s. Get the picture?
Bea0210-28,Dr Kaufner thinks he is the most important man in the force. But we d
o not need him and his expertise to do our job properly!
Bea0210-29,The Alambic is a bistro in Montparnasse, isn't it? If I am not mistak
en, the owner is on our records.
Bea0210-32,We have reason to believe this bistro is the hub of Paris' black mark
et in art. The owner, a certain Albert Hulot, acts as a fence.
Bea0210-34,That is not what I said. But... I know he was under investigation for
fencing illegal goods.
Bea0210-35,Especially with a guy like the owner of the Alambic, Albert Hulot. Ta
lk about the fox minding the geese! He is a fence, didn't you know?!
Bea0210-37,It is not hard to understand, Hellouin. When a metro employee becomes
the owner of a bistro like the Alambic, you can bet something dodgy happened. I
n any case, the police is investigating him.
Bea0210-39,We are not private snoops here, Hellouin. We follow procedures. Witho
ut concrete evidence of Hulot's dealings in this forgers' network, our hands are
Bea0210-41,The Brotherhood? Hmm... A sort of secret society for Paris' intellect
ual elite. Not to be taken too seriously. Its members are interested in history,
psychology, esotericism...
Bea0210-44,Its members... Well, they are a discreet lot! But highly influential
. If I said, the chief magistrate, the chief of police, the wealthy banker de Al
lepin, the psychoanalyst Kaufner, would you believe me?
Bea0210-45,The Brotherhood is a club for decadent bourgeois! They babble on abou
t esotericism to make themselves feel important!
Bea0210-47,Well before the Great War, there were already rumours about them! The
re has been a lot of gossip ever since. Everybody knows they exist but nobody is
really sure what they do.
Bea0210-50,Hey! You never heard any of this from me! No messing around, ok!
Bea0210-51,That is right, let honest folk work...
Bea0299-00,No! I do not believe it! It is my friend Hellouin! Jacques Hellouin.
We were in the squad together! He is a detective in the 11th now. His mother is
not going to like this! Shit... It is not possible... No, no. Something is not r
Beb0400-00,Mac! You disappear for ages then turn up without warning! You must be

after something...
Beb0400-01,Mac? I'm going to start thinking you can't do without me. Did I forge
t something at your place?
Beb0400-05,Still the same sense of humour? I see the Parisian air inspires you!
Beb0400-06,It is funny you mention it. Another detective came and asked me the s
ame thing a few days ago. Good-looking bloke that PI, nice moustache. Yes, yes,
I remember Eaton. He was hanging out with the Alambic crowd last month.
Beb0400-08,Yes. Well, I think it was the same. He came asking questions a few da
ys ago... I do not know...
Beb0400-10,Mac, you know full well I would not refuse you anything. Ask, I'll fi
nd you the answer.
Beb0400-12,Paul and old man Hulot? Of course they knew each other! They even got
really chummy.
Beb0400-14,He was not very chatty, Pauly boy. I must say he did not speak Frenc
h very well. All I got was that he was in Paris with his sister, who I never saw
. He hinted once or twice that they were onto something big. Loads of cash, easy
work. You know, Mac, now that I think of it, Paul Eaton was definitely the dodg
y type...
Beb0400-16,Albert is not here. I was supposed to meet him here this morning, but
he has not come by today. You know, Mac, Albert Hulot has not changed. He is as
weird as ever. If I see him, I will tell him you are looking for him.
Beb0400-18,No point getting all jealous, Mac. You are the only American in my he
art! I have not seen Eaton here again, and as for Albert, the owner, I have no i
dea! I suspect Paul pulled off the scam of the century and fled to Borneo.
Beb0400-20,Ciao, Mac! Take care...
Beb0401-00,You have never been here, I would remember your face... I am curious
to know what brings you here.
Beb0401-01,You again! It seems like you enjoy hanging around here! At your servi
ce, now that we are acquainted!
Beb0401-03,You are barking up the wrong tree, my dear. Next time, bring me a que
stionaire and I will fill it in in my spare time...
Beb0401-05,The American? Paul Eaton, yes, I know him! He has been filling our he
ads with his stories for the past month. He and the owner are mates.
Beb0401-07,The owner is not here. He is just driven off. Actually, I think he ha
d a rendezvous with Eaton.
Beb0401-09,I am old enough to look after myself, but thanks for the thought.
Beb0401-10,You know, Jacques, that Eaton smells like trouble! One day, he turns
up from God knows where, with his little British accent. After a few drinking se
ssions with Hulot, the owner, he loses his accent! After that, he shows up here
practically every day, more American than ever. Then wham!... No more news!
Beb0401-12,We do not really know what Eaton is doing in Paris. In the beginning,
he said he was with his sister, a student. After a few binges, his sister had b
ecome his wife and they were both onto the scam of the century!
Beb0401-14,I am fond of you, snoop. You know how to go about things. I am going
to help you. Paul Eaton was in Paris for a contract. A scam that would make him
rich. His wife was his accomplice. Then he got the jitters. He is hiding now. Hu
lot, the owner, definitely knows more. You will have to see him about that. Only
thing is, he is not too fond of private snoops!
Beb0401-16,Eaton called an hour ago. He seemed really worried. I put Hulot on th
e line. They kept it brief. Hulot was not happy. It bothered him to be in a chi
c Parisian restaurant, sandwiched between Eaton and his bird. He does not seem t
o be too fond of her!
Beb0401-18,It is simple, Jacques! The owner went dashing off. He mentioned a res
taurant, getting back late... How would I know?
Beb0401-19,And why would I know? Eaton talked about going out to a chic restaura
nt with his wife, but he did not even know which one. It was Hulot who scribbled
down the address before leaving.
Beb0401-21,The owner, Hulot, knows a thing or two. Paul only spoke English and h
e never mentioned any names. He could not have known much! It is not because you
drink like a fish that you know more! It was his other half who pulled the stri

Beb0401-24,Charming and smart, that PI! Only he has it wrong. It was not the ban
ker's money the Eatons were after, it was a treasure he had hidden in his place.
The woman took care of seducing him. Paul was there to pick the fruit when it w
as ripe. He was completely manipulated, that poor Paul!
Beb0401-25,Ciao, snoop! Good luck...
Beb0499-00,How can you ask me that under such circumstances... You really only t
hink of yourself, Gus MacPherson...
Beb0499-01,Again? Right, come and see me later, your letter will be ready.
Beb0499-02,No problem. Come by later, your letter will be ready.
Beb0499-03,No... with Hulot's death, I really do not feel like it...
Beb0499-04,Here it is.
Beb0500-00,Mac, something awful happened. Hulot... Hulot is dead... He has been
Beb0500-01,Mac... I do not know what to think anymore, Mac...
Beb0500-05,The cops discovered his body at sunrise. But he may have been dead fo
r a couple of days. I have no idea... no idea...
Beb0500-06,I do not know how to describe it. It is so... sordid. His head, Mac,
his head was cut off... His body was hanging on the front of the car... And his
head was sitting on the hood, like a figurehead. Worst of all, in his mouth... t
he police found a coin in his mouth.
Beb0500-09,The pigs? They're all the same. The investigation is taking its cours
e, Miss. Like hell! Everything I know, I got from my contacts!
Beb0500-10,Inspector Lebrun. Always spotless! The perfect bourgeois! They are pu
tting on an act in an attempt to hoodwink us! In fact, Mac, they haven't got any
thing to go on. Hulot, you, me, Hellouin, for them we are all nobodies! It is up
to us to unravel this!
Beb0500-12,Hulot started from nothing. He worked as a construction worker on the
metro before becoming a very important patron of the arts. You know, a big shot
Beb0500-14,Hulot always had a solution for everything. Like he said, "Every man
has at least one quality". There were those he exhibited and then there were the
others! A real little hive of activity behind Hulot. Painters, sculptors, write
rs, intellectuals... In any case, Mac, nobody in Paris knows anything about art
but they all want a picture on their walls! And they are willing to pay a small
Beb0500-16,Mac, all that was Hulot! A real hub of the Parisian art scene. The pa
int never dried under his feet! There was something to suit everybody's taste!
Beb0500-18,You know how much Hulot loved his entourage! Everybody had a chance.
The Alambic was his masterpiece! Take this fresco, for example. Know how many ar
tists contributed? Hulot would ask them to paint a bit, sometimes just a brush s
troke. Over the years, it became his treasure.
Beb0500-20,Hulot saw himself as the Robin Hood of the art world. He got money ou
t of the rich for the art of the poor. He may have been a fence but he had ideas
Beb0500-23,He used to sit and stare at the fresco at night. Honestly, Mac, it ke
pt the secrets of his soul!
Beb0500-24,Of course, Mac. I worked for Hulot. We all have to live, you know. An
d sculpture does not exactly pay a girl's rent.
Beb0500-25,Strangely enough, yes! The day you came to the Alambic, the first tim
e, I gave him a copy of a grotesque bust.
Beb0500-27,It is exactly the same! Hulot asked me to make a copy. I gave it to h
im the night you came. Mac, I am scared. What is going on?
Beb0500-29,I have no idea who gave the head to Hulot! I made a copy, that is all
Beb0500-31,I have no idea, Mac. If what you are saying about the killer is true,
I had better help you. Hulot was too fond of the Alambic to hide that kind of
merchandise here. I am afraid he may have taken the secret of its whereabouts to
the grave.
Beb0500-32,Find the killer for me, Mac. I will manage on my own!

Beb0500-33,Mac... What you see here, is my life's work. It is really perfect! It

is good work!
Bla0001-00,Are we going to keep on staring at each other or are you going to inv
ite me in?
Bla0001-01,Mr MacPherson, I need you to investigate a case that is dear to my he
art. Just name your price!
Bla0001-02,Mr MacPherson, I have an offer to make. Interesting for you, vital fo
r me.
Bla0001-03,You need money, I need your investigative skills.
Bla0001-04,May I come in, Mr MacPherson? What I have to say will appeal to the
detective in you!
Bla0001-06,Your talents as a private dick brought me here.
Bla0001-07,Mr MacPherson, you have been in Paris for some time and I need your h
elp. Only you can investigate this case. I am ready to pay anything.
Bla0001-10,I understand. Especially after your last New York case. Suspected of
murder, weren't you? I was offering you the chance to redeem yourself. Never min
Bla0001-11,You relieve me, Mr MacPherson. This case is strange. It is a crime...
A double murder.
Bla0001-13,This case may take you several days. I'll give you 500 straightaway a
nd 500 per day of succesful investigation.
Bla0001-15,You probably have not heard about the Orphe case, Mr MacPherson. The n
ewspapers have kept quiet. A couple of American tourists were brutally murdered.
They were my sister and her husband. I want to know the circumstances surroundi
ng their death.
Bla0001-17,I owe you a lot, Mr MacPherson, much more than the money I am paying
Bla0001-19,A hotel in a chic part of Paris, in the 8th district. The Hotel Orphe.
They arrived there about a week ago. They were found... dead in their hotel bed
Bla0001-20,The detective in charge of the investigation is named Lebrun. You kno
w, the police are the same in every country, Mr MacPherson. Whether you are in
New York or in Paris, you must not be in a hurry! Lebrun is no exception!
Bla0001-21,I was supposed to meet them in Paris. You know, Mr MacPherson, visiti
ng Europe was my sister Ruby's childhood dream. With Mr Whyte, her wish came tru
e. They were so very much in love...
Bla0001-22,The Whytes were found decapitated in their hotel room, Mr MacPherson.
Bla0001-23,Your reputation, Mr MacPherson. I find your nickname, "Spooky", to be
charming. I have friends who know people at the Pinkerton Agency in New York. T
he suspicion surrounding you was totally unfounded, naturally! You are the man I
need for this investigation. Discreet, capable of seeing beyond appearances...
Bla0001-24,Mr MacPherson, I have no faith in the police. The 8th district police
station, Lebrun especially, is trying to hush up the affair. All they care abou
t is keeping their reputation as a chic area!
Bla0001-26,The police did not find any items of value in the room. Yet my siste
r and her husband travelled very comfortably. In luxury and with old family heir
looms. It was a passion they both shared!
Bla0001-27,An old relic of no value. My sister was very fond of it. Of no value
Bla0001-30,I really need your investigative skills. I will pay all your expenses
Bla0001-31,I ask only one thing of you, be discreet. The police must not suspect
you are involved.
Bla0006-00,Sophia Blake. Who is speaking?
Bla0006-01,Meet me in an hour at the restaurant Chez Alexandre. We can talk ther
Bla1003-00,I knew you would not be able to resist for very long, Mr MacPherson.
So you are ready to listen to my offer?
Bla1003-01,Unfortunately, Mr MacPherson, I am in Paris to take advantage of your
skills as a private detective.

Bla1003-03,I was so hoping you would accept, because, you see, I'm a foreigner i
n Paris and I need some light shed on a strange case. A murder, Mr MacPherson. A
double murder...
Bla1003-06,I need you to shed light on a case that is dear to my heart.
Bla1003-07,This is the first time I have hired a detective. This case may take y
ou a few days. I will give you 500 straightaway and 500 per day of fruitful inve
Bla1003-08,1000 per day, 500 upfront
Bla1003-09,Money is not enough to thank you, Mr MacPherson. The service you are
doing is invaluable, thank you.
Bla1003-11,I... I do not know where to start... It was a brutal murder, Mr MacPh
erson. But for what reason? Here, here in Paris... My sister, it is my sister Ru
by who was murdered. She and her husband Regis were killed. Please find out what
really happened.
Bla1003-13,A hotel in the heart of a chic part of Paris, in the 8th district. Th
e Hotel Orphe. They had been there a week. They were found... dead in their room.
Bla1003-14,The officer in charge of the investigation is named Lebrun. But the p
olice are the same in every country, Mr MacPherson. Whether it is New York or Pa
ris, they are hardly fast. That Inspector Lebrun is no exception to the rule.
Bla1003-15,I was supposed to meet them in Paris. You know, Mr MacPherson, visiti
ng Europe was my sister Ruby's childhood dream. When she met Mr Whyte, Regis, he
r husband, he made that dream come true. They were so very much in love...
Bla1003-16,The Whytes were found decapitated in their hotel room, Mr MacPherson.
Bla1003-18,Your reputation preceded you, Mr MacPherson. I have friends who know
people at the Pinkerton Agency in New York.You worked there as a detective... an
d had a few problems. The suspicion surrounding you in that murder case proved t
o be unfounded, of course!
Bla1003-19,Mr MacPherson, if I am asking you for your help, it i's because I hav
e no faith in the police. And that would be so even if I had the entire Quai des
Orfvres at my disposal! The 8th district police station, Lebrun especially, is t
rying to hush up the case. So as not to tarnish the good reputation of their are
a, you understand!
Bla1003-21,The police did not find any items of value in the room. Yet my siste
r and her husband travelled surrounded by luxury and family heirlooms. It was an
Bla1003-22,Ruby's good-luck charm. A sort of bust, in my family for generations,
on my grandmother's side. My sister was always her favourite.
Bla1003-24,Shouldn't you be investigating the case, Mr MacPherson?
Bla1004-00,If you want to see me, Mr MacPherson, I imagine it is because you hav
e made some headway?
Bla1004-01,I do not understand, Mr MacPherson. What do you mean?
Bla1004-02,Ruby Whyte was my younger sister and Regis Whyte was her husband. I a
lready told you, Mr MacPherson.
Bla1004-03,I do not know what you are talking about, Mr MacPherson. Should I?
Bla1004-05,All right, I admit that I was not totally honest with you.
Bla1004-06,What do you want to know?
Bla1004-07,Do not leave me alone, Mr MacPherson. My life is in danger! I am sorr
y I tricked you. I am going to tell you everything about the danger that we are
Bla1004-10,I do not have a sister, Mr MacPherson. Ruby Whyte's real name was Fay
Johnson, and Jerome Johnson was her real husband. I hired them. A terrible mis
take on my part. But I am not responsible for their death.
Bla1004-12,The Whytes were criminals, Mr MacPherson. They made a foolish mistake
. They are dead. Aside from their own carelessness, it can only be because of th
e man who is behind all of this, Grgoire de Allepin.
Bla1004-14,The object has been in my husband's family for generations, Mr MacPhe
rson. I did not lie to you. Grgoire de Allepin stole it from us. My husband, alre
ady weak from his illness, died of sorrow. I now want to retrieve what is rightf
ully mine and avenge the memory of the man I loved.
Bla1004-16,A madman... Blinded by an obsession to possess a supposedly valuable

relic. The Head of Baphomet... By stealing it, he destroyed my life. De Allepin

led my husband to his death, my family to ruin.
Bla1004-17,They were supposed to retrieve the object that was stolen from me. Ev
erything was planned in minute detail. They failed. Their death is a regrettable
Bla1004-19,They were professional con artists, Mr MacPherson. As soon as they oc
cupied their room at the Hotel Orphe, they became the Whytes, a rich couple on va
cation. It was also the signal that they had pulled it off. I was supposed to ta
ke delivery of... the merchandise. Unfortunately, they were killed in the meanti
Bla1004-20,You still have not understood, the police do not want a part of this.
De Allepin has the Paris police in his pocket, Mr MacPherson. Paris is just a p
uppet on his string.
Bla1004-21,He would do anything to achieve his aim, Mr MacPherson. Everyone who
has crossed his path is in danger. The man is insane. He will kill again. You mu
st understand that you are the only one who can stop him. We have to put an end
to this madness! The object must be found before other heads roll!
Bla1004-22,I do not really know... My husband was very secretive about the value
of the Head of Baphomet. As for me, I simply want to retrieve what is rightful
ly mine. But de Allepin and his lot venerate the relic, surround it with many l
egends. Legends of immortality... As you grow old, these legends suddenly become
a source of hope, a source of life and death.
Bla1004-23,I was alone in Paris, confronted by a fearless enemy. I had to act qu
ickly and discreetly. If you had refused to help me, Mr MacPherson, I would have
had no one else. I did not want to be dishonest with you.
Bla1004-26,It is too late, Mr MacPherson. We cannot back out now. The Whytes are
dead. This doorman is dead, your patron is dead. Would you be able to live with
new victims on your conscience? Innocent people you have met, questioned? Find
me the Head of Baphomet and the problem will be resolved.
Bla1004-27,You see we can reach an agreement, Mr MacPherson.
Bla1004-29,Do you really think de Allepin will let you live with all that you kn
ow? Mr MacPherson, you cannot back out now. This case concerns you just as much
as it does me now.
CBea0200-01,Yes, yes, I am sure. Go on, Mrs Hellouin, go home. We will take care
of this, I promise!
CBea0200-03,Ah, a little bottle of red...
CBea0200-04,Come on, next!
CBea0202-01,My God... I do not believe it... Let me warn Inspector Lebrun immedi
CBea0202-02,Hellouin, Jacques Hellouin... It's impossible...
CBea0202-03,The Inspector would like to see you immediately.
CBea0203-01,It would be better if you spoke to Inspector Lebrun directly. I will
show you in immediately.
CBea0203-02,I do not want to be mixed up in all this. No thanks, it is not for m
e! Way too complicated...
CBea5008-01,Mrs Hellouin?
CBea5008-02,I do not know how to tell you this, but I have news about your son..
CBea5008-03,Indeed. I would rather tell you in person before the newspapers get
hold of it.
CBea5008-04,The execution will take place the day after tomorrow...
CBeb0400-01,Hey cutie! We have not seen you in ages!
CBeb0400-02,Ah no... But surely the owner does! You are lucky, he is in right no
w. Hulot knows everyone, you know.
CBeb0400-03,Ah! Call me Bb like everybody else. Right, I have got to run too, cuti
e. You know, work! See you soon, okay!
CBeb0402-01,... and the time he dressed up as an angel and he...

CBeb0402-02,... did not have a string in his bow...

CBeb0402-04,Why not... Would you like a drink?
CBeb0402-05,Come on, do not be silly, I am a modern girl. Come have a seat!
CBeb5001-01,I knew the yanks were strange, but to talk to yourself out loud and
in French to boot!
CBeb5001-02,See you soon...
CBla0001-01,Sorry, I did not introduce myself. Blake, Sophia Blake.
CBla0002-01,If you would like to meet me...
CBla1305-01,MacPherson... Help me, Gustave... Do not let him... He is insane!
CBla1305-02,MacPherson, help me down. He will kill me, he will kill you! Like he
killed all the others! He killed them all, that Kaufner... He killed them...
CBla5006-01,Hey... Do not forget me!
CBla5007-01,Hey... Do not forget me!
CD_Check,Please insert disc 1 in your drive and press 'Retry' to continue.\nTo q
uit the game, press 'Cancel'.
CD_Question,Please insert the CD entitled
CD_Title,Insert CD
CDea5005-01,...But he couldn't stop me from joining the Templars. I have to try
to cleanse myself of their sin of the flesh. Because of him and my mother, my s
oul may already be condemned to hell! Only the balm of the Templars' faith can r
id it of the mortal sin engraved upon it.
CDea5005-02,...On October 9, St Denis' Day, I finally discovered the traces of t
he Head. Blessed by Saint Denis, he who smiles down on me in all his beatitude t
o help me leave my soul! Yes, Saint Denis is smiling on me. The Head purifies me
CDea5005-03,...As God is my witness. I, Simon Lebel, in this year of our Lord 13
05, shall enter the body of Pierre Lebel de Clamency tomorrow, June 24, and sha
ll retrieve what is mine by divine right. In this new body, purified of my soul
and of my parents' carnal sin, death will no longer hold any mystery for me. The
Head of Baphomet has finally revealed all of its secrets!
CDea5005-04,Victory! I would shout this divine miracle from the rooftops if I di
d not fear the unbelievers and their stake! I am in a new younger, stronger body
, and it is God's will! How else can I explain Adeline's appearance at my bedsid
CDea5005-05,Blessed and cursed! God gave me a new body, but Adeline, my angel wh
o took care of this new body is forbidden to me! It would seem she is the daught
er of that idiot Pierre, that's to say my own daughter at present...
CDea5005-06,I am weary of this existence. What is the point of living for centur
ies if I can never again glimpse the smile of my beloved Adeline? Ah, Adeline, y
ou who are forbidden to me, will I ever see your sweet face again? I would gladl
y exchange these solitary centuries to see your face, your eyes once more...
CDea5005-07,She has returned! She is once more of this world and so close to me!
She visited Kaufner today. It really was her. That excellent doctor of the mind
confirmed it. It is her, and this time, she will be mine for the rest of my lif
CDum0800-01,If I can be of any assistance, sir...
CDum0800-02,Follow me...
CDum0802-01,What have you done?
CDum0803-01,I see. The Order's rooms are at your disposal.
CEve0900-01,Those dirty kids, they roll around in the mud all day. And who scrub
s? Old muggins, here!
CEve0901-01,Little rascals! Wait till I catch you!
CEve0901-03,Hey! Not my flowers, my beautiful flowers! Wait! They are going to s
ee what I'm made of.
CEve0902-01,And where do you think you are going, ay? You going to walk over me
to get in here? Some people have got work to do!
CEve0902-02,Mind your own business!
CFab0200-01,Are you quite sure, Mr Beauvais, that you have not seen him?

CFab0200-02,Oh, thank you, Mr Beauvais, you're so kind! The next time I'm at Czne'
s, I'll bring you back a nice bottle of red wine. That's a promise. Goodbye, the
CFab0601-01,Yes, you must be right.
CFab0601-02,He is upstairs. Just go on up.
CFab0602-01,Yes, what do you want?
CFab5003-01,I have brought you a little snack...
CFab5008-01,Oh, Gendarme Beauvais! I did not expect to see you here.
CFab5008-02,What is wrong? I can tell that you have news for me and they are not
CGar0100-01,Gee, these suitcases are heavy!
CGar0100-02,Ah! Brother!
CGar0111-01,Here we go again!
CGar0111-02,Don't worry about it, Mr Petit.
CGar0111-03,This is is really heavy. Talk about starting a new job on the wrong
CGar0111-04,Just one more step.
CGar0111-05,And there we go... Ooof!
CHel0105-01,What do I do now?
CHel0105-02,Now what?
CHel0105-03,This case is really beginning to get on my nerves!
CHel0205-01,It is just that...
CHel0205-02,Lebrun, aren't you tired of making people believe this story? The ev
idence is there, on the table!
CHel0205-03,Yes! And there is the proof of my innocence, Lebrun!
CHel0402-01,Oh... sorry. Jacques Hellouin...
CHel0402-02,Perhaps you could help me...
CHel0903-03,Oh dear!... What a mess! Mrs Evelyne, you have got some cleaning to
CHel5002-01,I am innocent.
CHel5002-02,I may have led the murderer to the Eatons, but I did not kill them.
CHel5002-03,It's a long story but this is what happened...
CHel5002-04,It was after a rather tiresome case. A story of adultery that ended
badly. The husband had hired me because his wife had supposedly run off with the
money. She told quite another story, of course! I will spare you the details...
CHel5002-05,I came home shattered. During my absence, a certain de Allepin had c
ome by about some employees who had swindled him. I knew that de Allepin was a b
anker and that there would be plenty of money in it but I was dead on my feet.
So I told my mother to call him back and tell him to get lost. That's when she s
howed me the cheque... So off I went again!
CHel5003-01,Who knows? He is a fence, is he not?
CHel5003-02,Thank you. Just put it there, we will help ourselves...
CHel5003-03,Ok, where was I? Ah yes, the restaurant...
CHel5004-01,Mr de Allepin, your birds have returned...
CHel5004-02,Even so I would like to take a quick look.
CHel5004-03,Room 507... Just a quick look...
CHel5004-04,Before opening the door, I knocked but no one replied. So I went in.
CHel5004-05,That's when I saw the most amazing thing in my life.
CHel5004-06,I do not know if it was the smoke that blurred my vision but one thi
ng is for sure: that creature was not trying to keep them warm!
CHel5004-07,And... And the damned creature saw me. I have fought in the war, you
know.... But I have never seen the likes of that! When its eyes stared at me...
CHel5004-08,I ran. Yes, I fled like a little kid!
CHel5004-09,There must have been something in the air because I fainted right af
ter that. I came around later, near the Alambic. That is where you saw me.
CHel5004-10,Mom, is that you?

CHel5004-11,Believe me! I'm not the culprit! Speak to my mother, she will give y
ou the proof!
CHel5006-01,What happened to Kaufner?
CHel5006-02,What some people will do for power...
CHel5007-01,That was close...
CHel5007-02,Never mind that. If it was not for you, I would still be rotting awa
y in jail.
CHel5007-03,Ah, it is not like me to turn down such an offer... And there is tha
t cute girl that works there...
CHel5007-04,Was Kaufner right? Was he really de Allepin?
CHel5007-05,What some people will do for power...
CHul0401-01,Come on, let see that hot hand of yours.
CHul0401-02,Ahhh no! Are you doing it on purpose or what? Three of a kind! You b
eat my three aces! Right, I have had it... I am off!
CHul0401-03,Do not start, Malet! Do not think that you can get away with things
just because you have settled your bar tab!
CHul0401-04,Why it is MacPherson!
CHul0401-05,Hey! MacPherson, come over here!
CHul0401-06,Another American in Paris...who is broke. Let me introduce you.
CHul0401-07,MacPherson, let me introduce Theo Malet.
CHul0401-08,Right, I will leave you two. I have work to do!
CInt0300-01,It's over there, right at the end. Make sure you don't get lost!
CKau0301-01,Come in!
CKau0301-02,What can I do for you, sir?
CKau0301-03,Tell me what you want to hear.
CKau0302-01,Come in!
CKau1305-01,Mr MacPherson, did you know that in tarot the Hanged Man is not put
to death but confronted by his destiny instead? Arriving at his journey's end,
he is able to see his life again from a new angle.
CKau1305-02,Sometimes a man thinks of certain events again and discovers that he
was tricked, betrayed...
CKau1305-03,This painful blow... This moment when our convictions, our beliefs,
our passions are shattered! When you discover your life has been nothing but lie
s and trickery.
CKau1305-04,Judged! All guilty of having tricked me, betrayed me, stolen from me
. Just as you did, Blake! And just as she tricked and betrayed you too, Mr MacPh
erson! The Baphomet is mine! It has been mine for centuries! It is my immortalit
y! Give me back the Head, MacPherson, or she will be sentenced before the tribun
al of God!
CKau5000-01,Where is it?
CKau5007-01,Blundering idiot!
CKau5007-02,Did you really think I would let you leave with my secret?
CKau5008-01,Did you really think he would save you? You were wrong.
CLeb0204-01,Come in, dear sir, come in.
CLeb0205-01,...If I understand correctly, the Whytes were not the Whytes but the
Eatons, who are in fact the Johnsons.
CLeb0205-02a,A couple of professional con artists hired to retrieve a relic at d
e Allepin's by Sophia Blake, also your employer, Mr MacPherson.
CLeb0205-02b,Yet according to this note, Sophia Blake is currently being held ho
stage by Mr de Allepin. Would it be the same de Allepin we see dead in these pho
CLeb0205-03,Do you understand anything?
CLeb0205-04,That is to say that you and me are going to have a little chat to se
t this story straight from the beginning.
CLeb0205-05,Sir, I advise you to go back to your paintbrushes and leave the auth
orities to do their job. Now, if you will excuse us...
CLeb0205-06,Consider these documents as facts, Mr MacPherson, and without facts,
there is no proof!

CLeb0205-07,We shall see about that, Hellouin, we shall see...

CLeb0205-08,Mr MacPherson, goodbye.
CLeb5004-01,Ah, no! Jacques Hellouin, I am arresting you for the double murder o
f the Whytes.
CLeb5004-02,Well! Thank you for your help!
CLeb5004-03,Yes, I had you followed. And you led us straight to the culprit.
CLoi0151-01,Ah, it's the detective...
CLoi0152-01,You, the detective, you want to know? Come on in and you shall...
CMac0111-01,And me who found the studio tiny...
CMac0111-02,Hoping that his break did not...
CMac0111-06,It's a good thing I did not have the Atlantic to cross!
CMac0112-01,An ideal observation post for watching the entrance!
CMac0150-01,do not mention it.
CMac0150-02,In any case, I have always preferred to visit at my own pace.
CMac0151-01,Err... Mrs Loiseau?
CMac0153-01,There we...
CMac0202-01,And do you recognise this man?
CMac0202-02,Do you recognise him? Wait, do you know who he is? You...
CMac0202-03,Hellouin? The name rings a bell...
CMac0202-04,If only I could see that vision again, control that vision, if only.
CMac0205-01,May I retrieve my documents?
CMac0205-02,Poor Hellouin. I did what I could for him! The only thing I've got l
eft now is my conscience. Me, Blake and my conscience!
CMac0300-00,Dr Kaufner's office, please...
CMac0301-01,Dr Frank Kaufner?
CMac0301-02,I am Gustave MacPherson. I have come to ask you a few questions abou
t the Whyte case.
CMac0303-01,I must get past these alleys. If anyone lays their hands on me, I ce
rtainly do not want to find myself in a cell!
CMac0400-01,Brnice! What a surprise! Look, I am in a bit of hurry. Do you know a c
ertain Theo Malet?
CMac0400-02,You are as charming as ever. Thank you, Brnice.
CMac0400-03,Yes, anyway, you know my address. Come up and see me some time! Ciao
CMac0800-01,Yes, I...
CMac0802-01,Right, he will not be in my way anymore...
CMac5001-01,Got your memory back then?
CMac5001-02,But, what the...
CMac5001-03,It's him. It is the man in the picture!
CMac5001-04,Hey! You! Stay there!
CMac5001-05,Shit... My best suit...
CMac5001-06,That is all very well, but how am I going to find that man now? He w
ill never come back to the Alambic.
CMac5001-07,Some are stranger than others.
CMac5002-01,Right. Jacques Hellouin, I am arresting you for the murder of Regis
and Ruby Whyte.
CMac5002-02,The Eatons? What are you talking about?
CMac5003-01,Hulot is implicated in this affair? But how?
CMac5004-02,No... something is off. I have been tricked like a sucker. But by wh
CMac5005-01,Well, Mrs Blake, it would seem you did not tell me everything...
CMac5005-02,Right, that is all I needed! Blake has been abducted and the kidnapp

er takes himself for de Allepin. And, naturally, he wants the Head in exchange.
As if I knew where it was!
CMac5006-01,No. You'll get my bill within the next few days. And the police shou
ld be turning up any moment.
CMac5006-02,What do you think? The cops carted him off and he is rotting in jail
CMac5006-03,Yes. Some people would do anything for power and money. But not us..
CMac5007-01,Right. You have the Head now. Let her go.
CMac5007-03,Yes. I owe you one.
CMac5007-04,Come on, I will buy you a drink at the Alambic.
CMac5007-05,Be careful, people are not always what they seem...
CMac5007-06,No. You will get my bill within the next few days. And the police sh
ould be turning up any moment.
CMac5007-07,What difference would it make? He is dead now. He might have been im
mortal, he is not any longer.
CMac5007-08,Yes. There are people who would do anything for power and money. But
not us...
CMal0105-01,If you want any leads about the Whytes, wait for me at the Nantis, I
will give you some.
CMal0106-01,Sit down...
CMal0401-01,Queen... and her three sisters...
CMal0401-02,Ah! Hulot, you are not going now, are you? Not when I was about to r
elieve you of your car!
CMal0401-03,MacPherson? Who is that?
CMal5004-01,Mr Whyte, Madam. It's a chilly evening, is it not?
CMal5004-02,That's it, laugh... laugh...
CNic0104-01,And one for the road!
CPet0100-01,And do not forget, young man, the elevator is still out of order!
CPet0101-01,Excuse me, sir. May I help you?
CPet0111-01,And make sure you do not drop it, young man!
CPet0150-01,This is it. Unfortunately room 507 isn't accessible. The police has
not yet solved this sordid affair.
CPet0150-02,But rest assured, it is an isolated incident, the hotel does not hav
e a reputation as...
CPet0150-03,What the...? What is going on now?
CPet0150-04,Would you excuse me for a minute?
CReg0115-01,She has nothing to do with it, nooo...
CReg5000-01,Lost or stolen?
CReg5000-02,Who are you? Can't you see I'm busy?
CReg5004-01,Ha ha ha ha ha!
CRub5000-01,Regis Whyte! You have completely lost your mind!
CRub5000-02,You rascal...
CRub5004-01,Yes, and you are stuck outside! Shame...
CRub5004-02,Ha ha ha ha ha!...
CTon1001-01,Follow me.
Dum0800-00,Good evening, sir... Are you expected?
Dum0800-01,Ah... the gentleman has returned...
Dum0800-03,Sorry, sir... My master cannot see you.
Dum0800-04,Sorry, sir... I can not answer your questions.
Dum0800-05,I do not believe I know you... You are?
Dum0800-07,All information about our members is confidential, sir. I am sorry.
Dum0800-08,I thought I had already told you, sir, that your presence was not des
irable. This is a private establishment, sir... Only members and their guests ar
e admitted.
Dum0800-10,Sir is insistent... It would however be preferable if you withdrew.
Dum0800-12,Miss Eaton, the medium. Of course, I remember her! But I do not remem
ber having ever met you before.

Dum0800-13,Our brotherhood is private, sir... You must leave the premises otherw
ise I shall be forced to call the authorities.
Dum0800-15,SB GdA is absent. And he did not inform me of your visit to the BSORC
, sir... I am terribly sorry but you must make an appointment with him.
Dum0800-17,Miss A was very respected here, sir... Unfortunately, she has not hon
oured us with a visit in a long time.
Dum0800-19,Her brother Paul?
Dum0800-20,We knew Gracie Eaton by the name of the spirit that inhabited her, Ad
eline, Miss A. A lady who lived in the days of chivalry.
Dum0800-22,No, no, sir, they are very much alive. But I cannot give you any info
rmation about any of our members.
Dum0800-23,Mr H, the BSORC is no laughing matter. Our topics of study are immens
ely serious and the companions are amongst the most influential members of Paris
ian society.
Dum0800-25,Mademoiselle was introduced by one of our most eminent members, and w
hat is more, the SB GdA never leaves her side.
Dum0800-26,Mr de Allepin is absent... He is not here, I mean. Do you know him? I
have never seen you at a Brotherhood's meeting.
Dum0800-29,Indeed, Madam did come here. She was introduced by one of our most il
lustrious members. However, the name Paul Eaton means nothing to me.
Dum0800-30,Nothing is missing, sir... So why did Mr de Allepin require your serv
ices? She became his protge... introduced by one of our most respected members.
Dum0800-33,But that is not Mr de Allepin's handwriting! You are trying to fool m
Dum0800-34,The SB GdA has no servant, sir... Leave before I call the authorities
Dum0800-35,It would be preferable if you asked Mr de Allepin that in person, whe
n he is available.
Dum0800-38,It is a famous restaurant, Chez Alexandre, in the 8th district. Is th
ere a menace looming?
Dum0800-39,I am sorry, sir... Even if I really wanted to, I am not allowed to di
vulge any information.
Dum0800-40,You are persistent. I have told you repeatedly that you were not welc
Dum0800-41,Sir, I cannot tell you any more. I have already said too much.
Dum0801-00,Visitors are not admitted, sir... Would you kindly leave?
Dum0801-01,Sir, must I tell you again that only the initiated have access to the
Brotherhood's lodge. So I'm going to ask you yet again to leave the premises.
Dum0801-02,As I have already told you several times, sir. You cannot obtain any
information here. As the doorman, I am responsible for the security of the premi
Dum0801-04,Visitors are not admitted, sir... Would you kindly leave?
Dum0801-05,Our library contains knowledge and secrets that cannot even be found
at the Sorbonne. The Brotherhood of the Supreme Order of the Rosy Cross are the
most erudite people in the western world.
Dum0801-07,Sir, one must not joke with the occult arts. Alchemy, the Great Work!
Dum0801-08,The Great Ouroboros has spoken, sir... GdA is no more, the SB K is ou
r supreme leader now.
Dum0801-10,You have an overactive imagination, sir! The Templars were knights in
the service of God. All the historians agree. They never used magic, witchcraft
or alchemy. They were disbanded by a king who was in debt. He envied them their
power. Come on, sir, do not go believing everything you are told!
Dum0801-13,The Head of Baphomet? Sir, you have no idea of the forces at work! It
would be better if you stayed out of all this.
Dum0801-15,Sir, the last Grand Master of the Templars perished on the stake on M
arch 18, 1314.
Dum0801-17,I am not going to weep for these innocent victims. That's what happen
s when you start poking around!
Dum0801-18,GdA... It is only a name. What counts is the soul. GdA is no longer,
Mr K is our next guide, our new Supreme Brother. He shall lead us out of darknes

s towards the light. Our days of dwelling in darkness are over!

Dum0801-20,Eaton... Gracie... Adeline... That woman will never lay her eyes on u
s again. Betrayer!
Dum0801-22,We are not in the Middle Ages now, sir... It is simply an inheritance
by due succession.
Dum0801-24,GdA is the supreme light. His wisdom becomes accessible to all consci
ences. The Great Work has been done...
Dum0801-26,His word is ultimate, his hand vengeful. He is the SB!
Dum0801-27,Glory to the SB K!
Dum0801-28,What would the police do, eh? What would it gain? They will have to w
ait a long time for an order from the police chief! Leave before things get wors
e for you!
Eve0900-00,Well, I'll be! Here you are again! Those grubby kids are already driv
ing me crazy, I do not need a mug hanging around watching me work! Clear off! Or
I will make you eat my sponge as a snack! Mark my words!
Eve0900-01,Who are you? Can't you see I am not here? If it is for the poor, I ga
ve at the office!
Eve0900-02,You are a tough one to get rid of! I have scrubbed stains that were g
one faster than you. What else?
Eve0900-03,The Eatons! What do you want from the Eatons? Are you a friend of the
irs? You do not look the sort that they would associate with.
Eve0900-04,Now look here! You're not the one down here scrubbing the floor on al
l fours! What exactly do you want?
Eve0900-05,What is it now? Some of us have work to do. And nobody goes up the st
airs until I have finished! Who are you coming to see, anyway?
Eve0900-06,It is certainly going to be a surprise! Except you are the one who is
going to be on the receiving end! As I understand it, you and your sister... th
at is a laugh. His sister, the tramp, she is not his sister, she is his dame! Th
at Mr Paul really conned you. In any case... Ha! Ha!... Your lovebirds have flow
n the nest.
Eve0900-07,A detective! I knew they were shady, those two. With all the riffraff
that Paul knocked about with... That Montparnasse bunch! In any case, they have
Eve0900-08,I know how to recognise lovebirds, thank you! Yours were more like tw
o vultures about to devour each other. Always tearing each other's hair out! And
she was the one who ruled the roost. She was hardly ever around. That Paul used
to get in a right state, when he was hanging out with the Montparnasse lot...
Eve0900-09,Wait for them? I have been waiting for three days now! They did not p
ay me for their room!
Eve0900-10,The Alambic gang! That's where all the layabouts met! Birds of a feat
her stick together, as they say!
Eve0900-11,These bloody rascals really want to drive me up the wall! I have a fl
oor to scrub. So you with the moustache, clear off or I will chuck you out on yo
ur ear...
Eve0900-12,Are you trying to tell me how to do my janitor's job? Nobody is going
up to that room while their belongings are still there! What kind of pickle wou
ld I be in if they'd just gone away to the country for a week!
Eve0900-13,They had no morals those two! That Eaton woman used to go out all dol
led up and she'd come back at all hours from God knows where! I even surprised h
er once- tarted up as a princess! She will not find herself a prince charming in
Paris, I can tell you! And that Paul, always hanging around with that Montparna
sse crowd.
Eve0900-14,Don't you think janitors have anything better to do than spy on their
tenants? What do I know about their comings and goings?
Eve0900-15,It really is too much! They spend a month here, and wham! Suddenly al
l the Parisian riff-raff turns up! Your Eatons are not here!
Hel0006-10_L1,Oh! I seem to have the wrong number! Thanks, doll!
Hel0006-11_L1,A telephone lady! Ah! That is what I call service! I would like Ma

rais 82-11, Mr Grgoire de Allepin, please.

Hel0101-00_L1,Whytes, I've come to see the Whytes. Which room might I find them
Hel0101-01_L1,Come on, pal, be a sport, I can pay...
Hel0101-02_L1,Come on.... It is not as if I am asking for the moon - I just want
to know if the Whytes are guests at your hotel!
Hel0101-03_L1,Ah! I had you going there for a minute! The Whytes really are gues
ts at your hotel!
Hel0101-04_L1,You're not the first guard dog I have encountered, but you are cer
tainly the toughest. I will let you think about it. Do not worry though, I will
be back soon.
Hel0101-05_L1,Eh! And while we are at it, any chance I can get their room number
as well?
Hel0101-06_L1,You don't know what you are missing...Crisp bills straight from th
e bank.
Hel0101-07_L1,I will give you the goods on the Whytes, and you tell me if they s
tayed at the Orphe, deal?
Hel0106-00_L1,You look like someone who might be able to slip me some info about
the Whytes.
Hel0106-01_L1,Do not worry, it is my client who pays.
Hel0106-02_L1,That is what I like, helpful men like you. But carefull, you will
not get your dough until I have checked out the info.
Hel0106-03_L1,The Whytes.. Do you know who I am talking about? Well, they are a
couple... What is Mrs. Whyte like? Is she hot?
Hel0106-04_L1,How long have they been at the hotel?
Hel0106-05_L1,Have the Whytes had any visitors since their arrival?
Hel0106-06_L1,Ah! Never a dull moment, those Whytes! Always leading the good lif
e! That being said, I do not envy them. Cash can go to your head sometimes.

Hel0106-07_L1,Will you give me their room number? I am going to pay them a littl
e visit.
Hel0107-00_L1,A bottle, please!
Hel0107-01_L1,All right, thanks and good day!
Hel0107-02_L1,Everything is fine, thanks anyway!
Hel0210-00_L1,So, Mimile, how is it going? Tell me, the police would not have an
ything on a certain Grgoire de Allepin, would they?
Hel0210-01_L1,Don't you worry. DeAllepin is not on my back, he is in my back po
cket. Has he reported a theft or anything of the sort in the past few days? Pr
eferably something that seems to be the cause of much frustration?
Hel0210-02_L1,Come on, mile, I am sure you know more about de Allepin than you ar
e willing to tell me. You do not loaf around behind a counter for nothing...
Hel0210-03_L1,It is almost a privilege to investigate for him! Strange that DeA
llepin did not make use of his contacts to sort out his little problems...
Hel0210-04_L1,Does the name Eatons mean anything to you? A woman and man, broth
er and sister, Americans.
Hel0210-05_L1,You know the job, mile! I am paid to investigate... with the utmost
discretion. A theft, but with no violence! Good thing, because I don't even hav
e a gun! Nothing for you to be concerned about!
Hel0210-06_L1,Do not you worry about me, mile. With that little Gracie Eaton, it
is in the bag... But I prefer to check out the company I wish to keep before inv
olving myself... Get my drift?
Hel0210-07_L1,Emile, surely you can help me out with this one detail. Have you
heard of a certain Frank Kaufner? A psychiatrist?
Hel0210-08_L1,He works for the police. What is he? A psychiatrist... charming co
Hel0210-09_L1,And you, mile, what do you think of this Dr Kaufner?
Hel0210-10_L1,He may not be respected by other psychiatrists because his job is
to seek the truth... He works for the cops, after all.
Hel0210-11_L1,mile Beauvais, you must not be afraid of a psychiatrist. You are be

yond reproach, as you might say...

Hel0210-12_L1,What is the Alambic, Emile? Anything special going down there? A
nd what about the regulars, the owner?
Hel0210-13_L1,Another joint that makes your life hard in the wee hours of the mo
rning. Filled with lowlifes and the like.
Hel0210-14_L1,What do the police know about this guy? Is he a criminal?
Hel0210-15_L1,All artists are thieves, mile... Where do you think they get their
inspiration? They steal it from the lives of others and call it a work of art! E
nd of story.
Hel0210-16_L1,How do you know that the owner of the Alambic uses the restaurant
as a front for dealing illegal goods?
Hel0210-17_L1,Why do you let the owner of the Alambic operate if you think he is
a criminal?
Hel0210-18_L1,Do you know a group called the Brotherhood of the Supreme Order of
the Rosy Cross?
Hel0210-19_L1,There is no denying it, mile, you know exactly what the members do.
Ain't that so?
Hel0210-20_L1,Apart from escaping their old women, what do the brotherhood's act
ivities consist of?
Hel0210-21_L1,Has the Brotherhood been around for a long time?
Hel0210-22_L1,mile, are you sure de Allepin and Kaufner are in this together? It
smells fishy to me.
Hel0210-25_L1,Goodbye, Emile, see you later!
Hel0301-00_L1,Hello, Doctor Jacques Hellouin, private detective. Sorry, I am ou
t of business cards. You will have to take my word for it. That way we'll both b
e in the same boat.
Hel0301-01_L1,That is what is so frustrating about doctors. As soon as you walk
in the room, they have guessed the reason for your visit.
Hel0301-02_L1,Actually, I am not interested in your patients, Doctor. On the oth
er hand, you could be of great assistance

Hel0301-03_L1,My work is somewhat like yours, doctor... People pay me to ask que
stions. As it happens, you know certain answers that are essential to my invest
Hel0301-04_L1,I found your business card at the home of... Of someone who is not
so innocent.
Hel0301-05_L1,You do not happen to have a patient by the name of Gracie Eaton, D
octor Kaufner?
Hel0301-06_L1,Gracie Eaton is a little crazy, isn't she? You do treat the mental
ly ill, don't you?
Hel0301-07_L1,We are not just talking about reputations, Doctor. She stole from
my client.
Hel0301-08_L1,According to what they say, you are not such strangers!
Hel0301-09_L1,Have you known my client Grgoire de Allepin for long?
Hel0301-10_L1,Are you the kind gentleman who introduced Gracie Eaton to the Brot
herhood of the Supreme Order of the Rosy Cross?
Hel0301-11_L1,I am delighted that I can count on your help, Doctor! I'm curious
to hear your reasons for introducing Gracie Eaton to the Brotherhood.
Hel0301-12_L1,I'm curious, but can you explain exactly what the Brotherhood does
? I've always dreamt of belonging to a brotherhood where I could talk amongst me
Hel0301-13_L1,You do little esoteric things: magic, abracadabra, hocus-pocus, pu
lling a rabbit from a hat...
Hel0301-14_L1,Just between us, Doctor, what attracted you to Gracie Eaton?
Hel0301-15_L1,Since you are friends with my client, could you tell me what was g
oing on between him and Gracie Eaton?
Hel0301-16_L1,Gracie Eaton has a brother, Paul Eaton, doesn't she? What do you k
now about him?
Hel0301-17_L1,I hate to be the one to tell you, but Gracie Eaton has taken you f
or a ride Doctor Kaufner.

Hel0301-18_L1,You know why I have been hired, and I will not hide the fact that
I do not have any hards facts on the theft.... Is there anything you can tell me
Hel0301-19_L1,What is Grgoire de Allepin's role in the Brotherhood? Is he one of
the leaders? Is there even a leader? And you, what is your role exactly?
Hel0401-00_L1,Today must be my lucky day! In my job, I usually deal with punks,
not cute dolls like you. I'm a detective. Do you happen to know a certain Paul E
Hel0401-01_L1,The owner, Hulot, he is also your friend...hmmm... Would you be ki
nd enough to introduce us?
Hel0401-02_L1,Brnice... Pretty name. Your knight in shining armour left you alone
in such a place? That is hardly wise...
Hel0401-03_L1,What about Paul? Does he come here often? You know, if he starts b
ugging you, it would give me more reasons to nail him.
Hel0401-04_L1,That's a shame, I was really hoping to find him here. To be honest
, I went to his place before coming to the Alambic and - Pfft! - like magic they
disappeared... So I thought you might be able to help me.
Hel0401-05_L1,Interesting story about Eaton! Is he on to something big? Did he g
ive you any details? Mind you, with guys like him, you never know what to believ
Hel0401-06_L1,Damn it, this is too much! I am always one step behind! This tim
e I will catch them before they slip away again.
Hel0401-07_L1,A restaurant, how fitting! I was planning on inviting you. But a
restaurant in Paris... it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Any idea
which one?
Hel0401-08_L1,Charming! Brnice, I can feel that, like me, you are dying to know wh
ere Paul Eaton and his wife are. What was Paul planning to do after his job? Any
Hel0401-09_L1,Brnice, do you believe this bank heist story? Eaton must surely have
been planning something. He could not have just given up like a complete idiot.
It must be a diversion. It smacks of a wild goose chase.
Hel0401-10_L1,That is all you know, is it? In any case, someone as charming as y
ou is always beyond suspicion!

Hel0800-00_L1,My name is Hellouin. I've come to see the master of the house. Wou
ld you introduce me, please?
Hel0800-01_L1,Right... Are you in charge here? Do you mind, as a pure formality,
if I ask you one or two questions? Is this the lodge of the Brotherhood of the
Supreme Order of the Rosy Cross?
Hel0800-02_L1,But tell me, old chap, your name would not be Dumoulin, would it?
Hel0800-03_L1,As Doorman, you are in a position to know all the members of the c
lub. K and GdA are both members, are they not?
Hel0800-04_L1,I apologise. Your honourable members are naturally not under any s
uspicion. In fact I am seeking information about a young woman, Gracie Eaton. Or
maybe you've seen her brother, Paul Eaton, a big, strong fellow... They've been
Hel0800-05_L1,But you and I have some mutual friends, Dumoulin. The Eatons for e
xample. Gracie and Paul have told me a lot about you. Especially Gracie... You d
o remember them, I hope?
Hel0800-06_L1,Come on, buddy, I am not asking for much just for you to think bac
k a little. Grgoire de Allepin is a member of your little family, is he not?
Hel0800-07_L1,We have never met. GdA simply recommended Mr Dumoulin's excellent
hospitality. He asked me to wait for him here.
Hel0800-08_L1,Of course, Miss Gracie the medium... When is the renowned clairvoy
ant's next seance?
Hel0800-09_L1,I can only presume her brother Paul is a great magician and he has
made both of them disappear! Where can I find them? Either of them, it does not
make any difference...
Hel0800-10_L1,Who is this Miss A?
Hel0800-11_L1,A spirit that possesses Gracie... I see... So GdA and K must also
be spirits of people from Antiquity. Is it possible to see them? With or without
a medium?
Hel0800-12_L1,According to my information, Mr Dumoulin, Gracie Eaton was living
in a small apartment with her brother Paul. This is not a question of ghosts or
great magicians, but of two crooks I have to find.
Hel0800-14_L1,I need an appointment with GdA? Can you tell me if Gracie Eaton al
so needed an appointment to enter your lodge?

Hel0800-15_L1,You are sure Gracie Eaton was invited by one of your members? Unde
r what circumstances? Did she already know him? Because you know, she is not fro
m Paris. In fact, do you know which member introduced her?
Hel0800-16_L1,Mr Dumoulin, my name is Jacques Hellouin, with an H. I am a privat
e dick hired by one of your members: Mr Grgoire de Allepin. Now that you know who
I am and whom I work for, I am sure we will get along much better.
Hel0800-17_L1,Mr de Allepin has asked me to find out about the Eatons. Gracie an
d Paul. What can you tell me about them?
Hel0800-18_L1,If I were you, I would not hold this woman in such high esteem. Sh
e and her brother stole money and valuable objects from Mr de Allepin. Did you n
otice anything missing here as well?
Hel0800-19_L1,I am sorry to disappoint you, but Mr de Allepin told me himself th
at she stole the money from him. Their relationship has now certainly been compr
omised. Did you happen to notice if she was meeting any other members of the lod
Hel0800-20_L1,Sorry, I should have shown you the letter signed by Mr. De Allepi
n authorising me to investigate on his behalf.
Hel0800-21_L1,What is it gonna take for you to believe me? De Allepin gave the l
etter to my mother who gave it to me. As for the handwriting, maybe it's his sec
retary's. Who knows?
Hel0800-22_L1,Mr Dumoulin, I respect your position and the necessity of discreti
on, however Mr de Allepin and Gracie Eaton saw each other more often than they l
et on. They even had a favourite restaurant they went to. Can you give me the na
Hel0800-23_L1,Mr Dumoulin, time is of the essence. The integrity of your Brother
hood is at stake... I must find the Eatons before there is a scandal.
Hel0900-00_L1,Lovely day, isn't it?... Say, can you give me the Eaton's room num
Hel0900-01_L1,I think there's a spot there... Careful, otherwise you might as we
ll start all over again.
Hel0900-02_L1,Are you done, Cinderella? You are blocking my way!
Hel0900-03_L1,Paul and I were in the same regiment during the Great War. We bond
ed and I was in love with his sister Gracie. So when I heard they were coming to
Paris, I just had to surprise them!

Hel0900-04_L1,You are the janitor? My name is Jacques Hellouin, I'm a friend of
the family. They are not often in Paris, so I thought I would pay them a visit.
Hel0900-05_L1,I'm Jacques Hellouin, private detective. I hate to be any bother,
but I have a few questions to ask the Eatons.
Hel0900-06_L1,Wait, you mean Paul and his sister are not in fact... brother and
Hel0900-07_L1,It is a shame they are not in. What time are they expected back? I
really need to speak to them. What if I wait for them? Is that okay with you?
Hel0900-08_L1,Montparnos? You mean people who live in the Montparnasse district,
the artists' quarter? Paul hung out with artists there... Anywhere in particula
Hel0900-09_L1,I'm sure we can figure something out for the room. Let me see it a
nd I will pay the bill.
Hel0900-10_L1,What do you think I am, some sort of idiot? You better tell me wha
t you know about who the Eatons hung out with or I will just have to use more...
convincing means.
Hel0900-11_L1,This smacks of a scam! If Paul was hanging out with good-for-nothi
ngs, Gracie must have been planning some dirty trick! Do you know where she went
Hel1000-05_L1,I'm here to see some friends. Two Americans. A couple. The Eatons.
I hope I haven't missed them.
Hel1000-06_L1,Jacques Hellouin, private detective. I'm looking for two crooks. C
an you tell me if you have any clients by the name of Eaton. Be discreet, they a
re dangerous...
Hel1000-07_L1,Tell me, buddy, does the name Grgoire de Allepin ring any bells?
Hel1000-08_L1,Look, I do not care about your reservation problem. All I want is
some information. Does the name Hulot mean anything to you?
Hel1000-09_L1,I am sorry to insist, but I'm sure this couple knows your restaura
nt. A man and a woman. Americans. The woman has been here. Quite a looker. Goes
by the name of Gracie Eaton...
Hel1000-10_L1,Oh, come on, try a little! Another guy may have joined them. A cer
tain Hulot...

Hel1000-11_L1,My two American birds have flown the coop again! Talk about bad lu
ck... Thanks for your help. I will leave you my number in case you see them arou
nd again.
Hel1000-12_L1,I am a private detective... hired by Grgoire de Allepin. I have to
find them, and quickly! I am fed up of chasing after them. Any idea where they c
ould be? Got an address?
Hel1000-13_L1,Well, if that is all you have, the Whytes will have to do. Do you
know where I can find them? I hope they are not too far away. This is becoming q
uite urgent.
Hor0600-00,But...who are you? What do you want?
Hor0600-01,You are here to help? Isn't that something! What are you doing in his
Hor0600-02,My son is away... He is... He is not here. Why do you want to see him
Hor0600-03,No, but... You have got some nerve, mister! Coming in uninvited and g
iving orders left, right and center! Can I get you anything else? How about a sl
ap in the face?
Hor0600-04,Hortense Hellouin... Jacques' mother. And now, do you mind telling me
what you are doing here?
Hor0600-05,My son has... disappeared. I do not know where he is. He is a good bo
y, you know. He would not hurt a fly.
Hor0600-06,Liar! I do not believe you. Jacques is not a criminal! Get out! He is
not here. Scram!
Hor0600-07,The door was not open! You broke in! Couldn't you have knocked at my
door like a normal person?! I would have told you he was not here.
Hor0600-08,Hiding? I swear he's not here! Why would he hide? I have not seen him
... for several days. I have no idea where he is.
Hor0600-09,You do not want to harm him? Can... can I trust you? Please understan
d, Hellouin has not done anything... He is afraid, that is all. He is not hiding
, but he needs help... My son is up there. Follow me.
Hor0601-00,You again? Wasn't getting my son arrested enough for you?
Hor0601-01,Do you think so? My son left me the key to his office safe. Here, tak
e it. You will find what you're looking for in there.
Hul0403-00,Gus MacPherson! Long time no see, old boy!
Hul0403-01,What a surprise! Back already!
Hul0403-06,I do not like seeing friends in need. I am sure I can help you out.
Hul0403-08,And here I was thinking you had turned into an honest soul...
Hul0403-10,He turns up occasionally here and there. I can not tell you more than
that, professional secrets and all...
Hul0403-13,That and a few sticks of dynamite should set you up for that bank job
, right? Seriously, Mac, why would I be carrying all that stuff? Do I look like
a hardware store?
Hul0403-14,I am such a popular guy... Sure, I can get what you need. In exchange
, you can do me a little favor...
Hul0403-16,A little job. Do not worry, it is nothing risky. I know you are good
at this kind of thing. This painting is a reproduction, and here is the real thi
ng. Do you notice any differences?
Hul0403-18,MacPherson, you seem to be forgetting that I have helped you out of s
ome tight spots. Cut me some slack here, will you?
Hul0403-20,Illegal or not, I am not the one doing it, so... OK, Mac, I will help
you. But in exchange I want you to do me a small favour.
Hul0403-22,I will help you, but in return, you have to straighten out a little s
omething for me.

Hul0403-24,MacPherson, you are pushing your luck! Your paintings are a little to
rturous for today's tastes, that is all.
Hul0403-25,Listen, go home, have a cup of tea and come back to see me when you h
ave calmed down. I have work to do.
Hul0403-26,It's okay, MacPherson, we all make mistakes. I don't mind helping you
if, in return, you do a little job for me. It will clear your mind...
Hul0403-28,I'd like to see you running a bistro, MacPherson! Customers to satisf
y, friends, budding talents, art critics, nosy cops, soires to organise, exhibits
to prepare... I don't even have time to work on my frescoe anymore. And then th
ere are all the other little things, a favour here and there... Fall is always l
ike that: a little slow...
Hul0403-31,For 5 francs, you will not find a better wine in Paris!
Hul0403-33,You know, Paris is the center of the art world! Someone's got to orga
nise all that!
Hul0403-34,Look, you have no problem communicating with people, Mac, right? Why
don't you ask Malet what is job is? I don't want to get involved in all this.
Hul0403-36,You are a pain, MacPherson! If I tell you to leave me alone, leave me
alone! He claims to have inherited a pile of money. The rest does not interest
Hul0403-38,I know!
Hul0403-40,Goodbye, MacPherson, be careful.
Hul0403-50,Hold on, MacPherson, I see you've found mistakes where there are none
...Do you take my artists for amateurs?
Hul0403-51,You have done well, but some of the mistakes you have found are actua
lly ok. So examine them again, will you?
Hul0403-52,With a few more touches, it will be perfect. There are a few details,
however, that you say are wrong that are actually correct... We have to fool th
e expert, so there can not be no mistakes...
Hul0403-53,That is almost it, MacPherson...
Hul0403-54,Perfect, MacPherson! The painting has to be redone, but it will be fi
Hul0403-55,Hey, Mac, come on! You have hardly found any mistakes...
Hul0405-00,MacPherson, here again? You have got back your taste for life...
Hul0405-03,Should I know him? No... I do not know who it is... But he did not se
em too keen on meeting you.
Hul0405-05,MacPherson, you are wasting your time with Malet. He has not been in
the Alambic since. Anyway, I already told you, he is a stand-up kind of guy. He
paid me what he owed. That is all I care about!
Hul0405-08,I will not say another word about Malet! But I am sure of one thing:
he is not a killer!
Hul0405-09,Strangely, no one has said a word. Nobody cares, except your client,
I imagine. The press has hardly mentioned it. Even the police have not really in
vestigated with much conviction.
Hul0405-12,The guy who ran off seemed much more guilty. Maybe it has something t
o do with politics... He had a foreign look about him, this chap, with his moust
ache. Try finding him.
Hul0405-13,As far as I am concerned, the matter is closed. Basta cosi!
Hul0405-14,MacPherson, leave Malet alone. I saw his face when he ran out the bac
k door. It was not guilt that made him run away, it was fear.
Hul0405-17,All that I know comes from the papers. And that's all I want to know.
Hul0405-18,What am I, a locksmith? Do you really think I have this great supply
of lockpicks or something? Really, Mac...
jbCarteBlake00,Sophia Blake's calling card,
jbCarteBlake01,Miss Sophia Blake
jbCarteBlake02,Tel No: lyses 1-2-5-8
jbCarteKaufner00,Dr Frank Kaufner's business card
jbCarteKaufner01,Dr Frank Kaufner, Psychoanalyst
jbDossierGDA00,Grgoire de Allepin's medical file
jbDossierGDA01,Subject's name: Grgoire de Allepin. Age 65.

jbDossierGDA02,Introduced to the subject through mutual interests.

jbDossierGDA03,In 1921, the subject was first seen at a BSORC meeting.
jbDossierGDA04,An exemplary orator, he immediately seemed to be suffering from a
condition known as melancholic hysteria, an obsession for an ancient era. In hi
s case, Grgoire de Allepin is convinced he had lived in the 13th century as a Kni
ght Templar. After numerous discussions, the subject volunteered to undergo seve
ral sessions.
jbDossierGDA05,It is decided the sessions should be progressively comprised of h
ypnosis therapy.
jbDossierGDA06,1. Day One. Grgoire de Allepin indeed suffers from melancholic hys
teria. A variation of the Jungian theory of collective consciousness, but one th
at transcends time periods and is manifested in a single man. A heightened consc
iousness of existence in a former life?
jbDossierGDA07,2. Beyond all wildest dreams, Grgoire de Allepin is the living pro
of of Kaufner's theory. The subject, Grgoire de Allepin, firmly believes he has b
een alive since the 13th century. He claims to have been the same person since t
hen, born in Clamecy, France. He believes he is a practitioner of alchemy. He is
convinced he possesses the secret to immortality.
jbDossierGDA08,3. Over recent months, the subject, Grgoire de Allepin, has been m
ore and more receptive to hypnotherapy. Like an open book, he recounts his story
, and in great detail. A forbidden love, Adeline, appears to be the cause of his
melancholic hysteria. Adeline was the daughter of his first victim, of the firs
t body he possessed. He calls this transfer of the soul Transmigration. Since th
en, over the centuries, this woman figure has always appeared at the moment of T
ransmigration: the passing of his soul from one body to another. Dr Kaufner is e
xamining what this Adeline represents.
jbDossierGDA09,4. Dr Kaufner seems to believe Grgoire de Allepin killed all these
men. His forebears, as he calls them. If true, this makes the subject a crimina
l... But Kaufner refuses to denounce him, considering him a too-valuable subject
of research.
jbDossierGDA10,5. Nearly four years spent gaining his trust, on building up this
unique case. And finally everything is falling into place. A woman called at Dr
Kaufner's office, claiming to be Adeline. The doctor recognized her to be the A
deline from the Grgoire de Allepin case. He decided to treat her and to eventuall
y introduce her to Grgoire de Allepin.
jbDossierGe00,Gracie Eaton's medical file
jbDossierGe01,Subject name: Gracie Eaton. Age 24.
jbDossierGe02,One morning last August, the patient was taken to the doctor's off
ice by her brother. Seemingly suffering from a severe case of melancholic hyster
ia, the subject quickly became a very important figure in the doctor's present r
jbDossierGe03,The subject, according to what she said, was deemed to be Adeline
de Clamecy!
jbDossierGe04,The SAME Adeline as in the case of the SUBJECT Grgoire de Allepin!
jbDossierGe05,Dr Kaufner believes that a meeting between these two individuals c
ould allow the personality, buried for so many years, to resurface.
jbDossierGe06,He convinced Grgoire de Allepin to let him treat Gracie Eaton.
jbDossierGe07,Three sessions took place in September.
jbDossierGe08,1.Gracie Eaton is British. She came to Paris with her brother to s
tudy at the Sorbonne University. She claims to have always had recurrent memorie
s of the Middle Ages. Feelings of dj-vu.
jbDossierGe09,2. Since her childhood, she says she has felt a void, an absence.
But since meeting Grgoire de Allepin, she feels reborn, as though this void has s
uddenly been filled. Is Adeline then this trigger element, the cornerstone that
the subject Grgoire de Allepin has been waiting for? If so, Kaufner's theory woul
d appear to be true.
jbDossierGe10,3. The doctor has doubts about the veracity of Gracie Eaton's mela
ncholic hysteria. She appears to consciously want to be this Adeline. But the mo
st important factor is that the subject Grgoire de Allepin is convinced of her au
thenticity, of the return of his Adeline...

jbDossierGe11,4. Dr Kaufner notes the increased meetings between Grgoire de Allep

in and Gracie Eaton. She was even admitted to the lodge of the Brotherhood. The
doctor seems to be awaiting a grand event that will involve him and his two pati
jbJournal00,The Clairon de Paris
jbJournal01,Between news items from overseas, dealing with prohibition and the t
hreat of communism hanging over Europe, the Paris Clarion managed to slip in a s
hort report on the Orphe case.
jbJournal02,It mentioned the death of two American tourists, but no light was sh
ed on the nature of the crime. According to the police, it was a simple case of
a burglary gone wrong.
jbJournal03,Basically, the police don't a clue and want to bury the case.
jbLettreBlake00,Blake's letter
jbLettreBlake01,A letter written in English by a woman.
jbLettreBlake02,Addressed to Fay Johnson and signed Sophia Blake.
jbLettreBlake03,It mentions the name Grgoire De Allepin.
jbLettreBlake04,The letter hires Fay and Jerome Johnson (their real names???) to
acquire a relic called the Head of Baphomet for Sophia Blake.
jbLettreBlake05,There follow details of a possible plan for their mission.
jbLettreBlake06,It explains how the conmen should implicate themselves into the
life of Grgoire De Allepin by pretending to be a brother and sister (Paul and Gra
cie Eaton) that came to study in Paris.
jbLettreBlake07,Once accomplished, Fay should put on an act to convince Grgoire D
e Allepin that she is a certain Adeline, long lost love of Grgoire De Allepin.
jbLettreBlake08,Once the Head of Baphomet is in their hands, the couple were und
er orders to check in to their hotel room and to contact Sophia Blake for furthe
r instructions.
jbLettreBlake09,Blake states that the couple will only be paid on delivery of th
e relic.
jbLettreDeAllepin00,De Allepin's letter
jbLettreDeAllepin01,Addressed to the private detective Jacques Hellouin, the let
ter requires him to locate two swindlers who supposedly stole an object of great
value from the home of Mr. De Allepin. The address of the thieves, a brother an
d sister called Paul and Gracie Eaton, is included in the letter.
jbLettreDeAllepin02,De Allepin promises to pay good money, as long as the affair
is kept quiet and well removed from the eyes and ears of the police.
jbLettreDeAllepin03,This seems to confirm Hellouin's story, at least in part...
jbLettreDeAllepin04,If I had a similar letter, but in my name, I could probably
enter the Brotherhood's lodge...
jbLettreRancon00,The ransom note
jbLettreRancon01,A note signed by de Allepin
jbLettreRancon02,If I don't bring him the Head of Baphomet, he'll kill Blake.
jbLivreMonnaie00,The ancient coins
jbLivreMonnaie01,One coin dating from the 13th century catches the eye:
jbLivreMonnaie02,This copper coin showing a crouching saint has an extremely mys
terious origin.
jbLivreMonnaie03,The only reference allowing us to date the coin is found in the
medieval town of Clamecy in Burgundy. In the 13th century, this town belonged t
o the seat of the Counts of Nevers. In its center, is a house where coins were m
inted, still bearing the sign of the Crouching Saint
jbLivreMonnaie04,Like the coins found in the victims' mouths, only those were go
jbLivreTempliers00,Templar history
jbLivreTempliers01,The book relates the principal dates in Templar history.
jbLivreTempliers02,The Templars were created during the conquest of Jerusalem on
15 July 1099.
jbLivreTempliers03,The Pope officially recognized them as an order on 14 January
jbLivreTempliers04,They built up power and influence throughout Europe over the
next two centuries.

jbLivreTempliers05,They were accused of heresy by the King of France, Philippe l

e Bel, and were arrested en masse on 13 October 1307.
jbLivreTempliers06,Their last Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, was burnt at the s
take in Paris on 18 March 1314.
jbNoteCompagnons00,Notes on the Brotherhood
jbNoteCompagnons01,A letter written in English by a woman.
jbNoteCompagnons02,Appears to be information on an organization called the Broth
erhood of the Supreme Order of the Rosy Cross.
jbNoteCompagnons03,The names of De Allepin, Dumoulin and Dr Kaufner are mentione
jbNoteCompagnons04,The Brotherhood, an apparently harmless esoteric fraternity i
nfluenced by the Templars.
jbNoteCompagnons05,A dozen members, some very influential.
jbNoteCompagnons06,Grgoire De Allepin is the leader, the Supreme Brother
jbNoteCompagnons07,He goes by the initials GdA
jbNoteCompagnons08,Dr Frank Kaufner is his right-hand man.
jbNoteCompagnons09,Goes by the initial K
jbNoteCompagnons10,Dumoulin is the doorman at their meeting place.
jbNoteCompagnons11,The notes were taken by Fay. She notes the success of her pla
n (??), which consists of pretending to be the reincarnation of a woman called A
deline who supposedly lived in the Middle Ages, thanks to her "talents" as a med
jbNoteCompagnons12,According to Fay, De Allepin and Kaufner both seem to have fa
llen into her trap.
jbNoteCompagnons13,De Allepin supposedly promised Fay could see the Head of Baph
omet (??) once he had Transmigrated. (What does that mean?)
jbNoteCompagnons14,Curiouser and curiouser. What's really going on?
jbNoteWhyte00,Hellouin's notes
jbNoteWhyte01,The Eatons left their room in haste.
jbNoteWhyte02,Even a locked safe, with no key, was left behind.
jbNoteWhyte03,They hadn't paid their rent.
jbNoteWhyte04,Their nationality is uncertain. British or American?
jbNoteWhyte05,Came to Paris at the end of August under the name of Johnson?
jbNoteWhyte06,The concierge confirms they were not brother and sister, but lover
jbNoteWhyte07,Paul was a regular at the bistro l'Alambic.
jbNoteWhyte08,Bragging about being on to something big. De Allepin the victim?
jbNoteWhyte09,Gracie was seeing a psychiatrist: Dr Frank Kaufner.
jbNoteWhyte10,He is a friend of De Allepin's and a member of the Brotherhood of
the Supreme Order of the Rosy Cross.
jbNoteWhyte11,The Eatons have changed identity. They are now called the Whytes.
jbNoteWhyte12,They are lying low at the Hotel Orphe...
jbp_Hel_Bea00,mile Beauvais, gendarme
jbp_Hel_Bea01,My pal!
jbp_Hel_Bea02,Always ready to give me something to go on.
jbp_Hel_Beb00,Brnice, a pretty dame
jbp_Hel_Beb02,She confirms she knows Paul Eaton
jbp_Hel_Bla00,Sophia Blake?
jbp_Hel_Bla01,Fay's sister, her mother?
jbp_Hel_Bla02,She lives in the States.
jbp_Hel_Dea00,Grgoire de Allepin, the client
jbp_Hel_Dea01,Rich Parisian banker who's paying me good money to find the thieve
jbp_Hel_Dea02,Supreme Brother (Master) of an esoteric order, the Brotherhood of
the Supreme Order of the Rosy Cross.
jbp_Hel_Dum00,Dumoulin, the valet of the Brotherhood
jbp_Hel_Dum01,He confirms the Eatons' visit.
jbp_Hel_Dum02,He refuses to give me any names.

jbp_Hel_Dum03,But dammit, I work for his Master!

jbp_Hel_Gra00,Gracie Eaton
jbp_Hel_Gra01,She robbed the home of a rich banker called Grgoire De Allepin, my
jbp_Hel_Gra02,I have to find where they're hiding.
jbp_Hel_Hul00,Albert Hulot, owner of the Alambic
jbp_Hel_Hul01,Went to meet the Eatons
jbp_Hel_Hul02,Renowned for having the most chic car in Paris.
jbp_Hel_Kau00,Dr Kaufner
jbp_Hel_Kau01,A psychiatrist!
jbp_Hel_Kau02,Why did Fay consult a psychiatrist?
jbp_Hel_Kau03,He's a member of the Brotherhood of the Supreme Order of the Rosy
jbp_Hel_Kau04,Confirms having met Gracie Eaton!
jbp_Hel_Kau05,Knows Grgoire De Allepin well.
jbp_Hel_Mal00,Malet, doorman at the Orphe.
jbp_Hel_Mal01,An informer!
jbp_Hel_Mal02,For a few coins, he gives some info on the Whytes, including their
room number: 507!
jbp_Hel_Man00,Manu, the owner of the Chez Alexandre
jbp_Hel_Man01,He confirms seeing my two birds
jbp_Hel_Man02,But he's sure their name was Whyte, not Eaton.
jbp_Hel_Man03,I can still catch them at their hotel, the Orphe.
jbp_Hel_Man04,Picked up by a guy in a chic car... The guy from the Alambic?
jbp_Hel_Nic00,Nicolas, caf waiter
jbp_Hel_Nic01,Waiter at the Caf des Nantis
jbp_Hel_Pau00,Paul Eaton
jbp_Hel_Pau01,Brother and partner of Gracie Eaton
jbp_Hel_Pau02,I have to find where they're hiding.
jbp_Hel_Pet00,Petit, the manager of the Orphe
jbp_Hel_Pet01,Front desk clerk at the Orphe
jbp_Hel_Pet02,What a jerk!
jbp_Hel_Pet03,How can you do your job with guys like that?
jbp_Mac_Bea00,Beauvais, the gendarme
jbp_Mac_Bea01,Need a portrait of the suspect
jbp_Mac_Bea02,Police officer who enjoys a good drink
jbp_Mac_Beb00,Bb, a girlfriend
jbp_Mac_Beb01,An old friend, an artist
jbp_Mac_Beb02,A protge of Hulot
jbp_Mac_Beb03,Made a fake Head of Baphomet
jbp_Mac_Bla00,Sophia Blake, my client
jbp_Mac_Bla01,Needs a detective to solve her sister's murder.
jbp_Mac_Bla02,Can be reached at Tel. No. lyses 1-2-5-8
jbp_Mac_Bla03,Her sister and brother-in-law were found dead at the Orphe.
jbp_Mac_Bla04,Keep her identity secret.
jbp_Mac_Bla05,Find a trace of the murderer.
jbp_Mac_Bla06,Find a trace of a family heirloom.
jbp_Mac_Bla07,She changes her story.
jbp_Mac_Bla08,Whyte isn't her sister!
jbp_Mac_Bla09,The Whytes were hired to find the Head of Baphomet.
jbp_Mac_Bla10,Is she being held captive by De Allepin?
jbp_Mac_Dea00,Grgoire De Allepin, the banker
jbp_Mac_Dea01,Rich banker who hired Jacques Hellouin
jbp_Mac_Dea02,Supreme brother of the Brotherhood of the Supreme Order of the Ros
y Cross
jbp_Mac_Dea03,The man seems to be hiding something
jbp_Mac_Dea04,Found dead in his secret laboratory. What happened?
jbp_Mac_Dum00,Dumoulin, the valet of the Companions
jbp_Mac_Dum01,Brotherhood cold...and loyal to his Master.

jbp_Mac_Hel00,Jacques Hellouin, the main suspect

jbp_Mac_Hel01,Former member of the Brigades du Tigre... A detective!
jbp_Mac_Hel02,He's the guilty one!
jbp_Mac_Hel03,What a story! Could he be innocent?
jbp_Mac_Hel04,But the police are holding him, and it's my fault... I must prove
his innocence!
jbp_Mac_Hel05,The guillotine awaits him...
jbp_Mac_Hor00,Hortense Hellouin, Jacques's mother
jbp_Mac_Hor01,Mother of the suspect... Innocent?
jbp_Mac_Hor02,It's the woman who was looking for her son.
jbp_Mac_Hor03,Hellouin's trusted assistant!
jbp_Mac_Hul00,Albert Hulot, owner of the Alambic
jbp_Mac_Hul01,The owner of the Alambic
jbp_Mac_Hul02,Art collector. Shady connections...
jbp_Mac_Hul03,Patron of the arts
jbp_Mac_Hul04,He's dead! Killed like the Whytes and Malet!
jbp_Mac_Hul05,He used to work in the Metro.
jbp_Mac_Hul07,Had a fake Head of Baphomet made. Where is its hiding place?
jbp_Mac_Kau00,Dr Frank Kaufner, psychiatrist and police profiler
jbp_Mac_Kau01,Psychiatrist, he assists the police as a specialist.
jbp_Mac_Kau02,Sketches the psychological profile of the suspect.
jbp_Mac_Kau03,Nominated Grand Master Companion! What's happening with De Allepin
jbp_Mac_Leb00,Inspector Lebrun
jbp_Mac_Leb01,Head of the investigation, is going nowhere...
jbp_Mac_Leb02,Knows Hellouin, who's a detective.
jbp_Mac_Leb03,Hellouin's fate is in his hands!
jbp_Mac_Leb04,I must prove Hellouin's innocence!
jbp_Mac_Loi00,Mrs. Loiseau, eccentric
jbp_Mac_Loi01,Eccentric lady, neighbor of the Whytes, versed in the occult
jbp_Mac_Loi02,Saw the suspect on the night of the murder
jbp_Mac_Loi03,Psychic? She claims to have felt an evil presence
jbp_Mac_Loi04,Knows the impenetrable goings-on of Paris
jbp_Mac_Loi05,Occult informer!
jbp_Mac_Mal00,Tho Malet, ex-doorman
jbp_Mac_Mal01,Ex-doorman at the Orphe... Witness or suspect?
jbp_Mac_Mal02,Inherited a large sum of money
jbp_Mac_Mal03,Denies meeting anyone at the caf
jbp_Mac_Mal04,He's lying!
jbp_Mac_Mal06,Was killed the same way as the Whytes!
jbp_Mac_Nic00,Nicolas, caf waiter
jbp_Mac_Nic01,Waiter at the Caf...source of info!
jbp_Mac_Nic02,Saw suspects on the night of the murder
jbp_Mac_Nic03,Witness to an astonishing scene
jbp_Mac_Nic04,Malet, the doorman was with another questionable man
jbp_Mac_Pet00,Petit, the manager of the Orphe
jbp_Mac_Pet01,Manager of the Orphe...
jbp_Mac_Pet02,Saw suspects on the night of the murder
jbp_Mac_Reg00,Regis Whyte, one of the victims
jbp_Mac_Reg01,Husband of Ruby Whyte
jbp_Mac_Reg02,Found dead at the Hotel Orphe
jbp_Mac_Reg03,Was decapitated, an ancient coin in his mouth.
jbp_Mac_Reg04,Was posing as Paul Eaton, brother of Gracie Eaton.
jbp_Mac_Reg05,He was working with Gracie for Sophia Blake!
jbp_Mac_Reg06,His real name is Jerome Johnson. He's married to Fay Johnson. An a
ccomplice in the theft of the relic.
jbp_Mac_Rub00,Ruby Whyte, the second victim
jbp_Mac_Rub01,Sister of Sophia Blake

jbp_Mac_Rub02,Found dead at the Hotel Orphe

jbp_Mac_Rub03,Was decapitated, an ancient coin in her mouth.
jbp_Mac_Rub04,Went by the name Gracie Eaton
jbp_Mac_Rub05,She's not the sister of Sophia Blake!
jbp_Mac_Rub06,Her real name is Fay Johnson. Paid by Blake to steal a relic from
Grgoire De Allepin.
jbPapers00,Various documents about Grgoire de Allepin's finances. Interesting but
jbPapers01,The handwriting doesn't match the handwriting in Hellouin's letter!
jbPapers02,Even so I can make use of these documents to write a fake letter of i
ntroduction to the Companions...
jbParchemin00,The parchment
jbParchemin01,Etheric vapours
jbParchemin03,I must call upon the influence of the Heavenly Bodies.
jbParchemin04,And find, through the Seven Substances that are theirs
jbParchemin05,Those that will have
jbParchemin06,The secret that will create the All.
jbParchemin08,From saffron who is in the House of the Sun
jbParchemin09,From the seed of the white poppy that is in the House of the Moon
jbParchemin10,From the brimstone that is in the House of Mars
jbParchemin11,From the dried rose that is in the House of Mercury
jbParchemin12,From the lapis lazuli that is in the House of Jupiter
jbParchemin13,From the green coral that is in the House of Venus
jbParchemin14,From the Mandrake root that is in the House of Saturn
jbParchemin16,Quoth Pythagoras "The universe is made but by four numbers
jbParchemin17,And above this Four, there is but Void and all can be."
jbParchemin18,It is by this Number that the All can be.
jbParchemin20,But to obtain this All, this Number is not enough
jbParchemin21,And it is by these Squares of Elements
jbParchemin22,That the All will come to be.
jbParchemin24,Sum and Square, the All shall be made of this
jbPasseports00,American passports
jbPasseports01,American passports belonging to Fay and Jerome.
jbPasseports02,They arrived in Paris one month ago.
jbRPAutopsie00,Extract from the autopsy report
jbRPAutopsie01,Man 6'2", Caucasian, aged between 25 and 28.
jbRPAutopsie02,Distinctive(s) feature(s): a sailor's tattoo
jbRPAutopsie03,Woman 5'7", Caucasian, aged between 23 and 25.
jbRPAutopsie04,Distinctive(s) feature(s): hair recently dyed
jbRPAutopsie05,Death was caused by decapitation in both cases. The death of the
man preceded that of the woman. The broken bones in the neck suggest use of a fi
ne, but extremely sharp blade. The heads were removed with a single cut.
jbRPAutopsie06,Traces of a substance, an opium derivative of unknown nature, was
found in their respiratory tracts.
jbRPDeposition00,Witness statements,
jbRPDeposition01,Isidore Petit, Hotel Orphe reception.
jbRPDeposition02,The Whytes returned around 11 p.m.
jbRPDeposition03,Was advised by neighbor, Mrs Loiseau, that door 507 had been le
ft open. Time: round midnight.
jbRPDeposition04,Called police on discovery of the bodies. Claims not to have to
uched the crime scene.
jbRPDeposition05,Two striking facts about that evening:
jbRPDeposition06,Recalls a man wanting to see the Whytes the night before their
jbRPDeposition07,The on-duty bellboy resigned that evening. His name: Tho Malet.

jbRPDeposition08,Description of the suspect:

jbRPDeposition09,No glasses.
jbRPDeposition10,Small, dark eyes.
jbRPDeposition11,Large mouth, thin lips.
jbRPDeposition12,Boxer's nose.
jbRPDeposition13,Mrs Loiseau, neighbor, residing in room 506 of the Hotel Orphe.
jbRPDeposition14,Note that the lady claims to be a clairvoyant.
jbRPDeposition15,The Whytes returned around 11 p.m. They were still in high spir
jbRPDeposition16,Claims to have heard singing coming from room 507 in the hour t
hat followed,
jbRPDeposition17,As she was about to take her dog for its midnight walk, she saw
a man running down the stairs. All she can say is that he came from room 507.
jbRPDeposition18,Noticing the door open, she contacted the reception.
jbRPDeposition19,She also claims to have felt evil emanating from the room...
jbRPDeposition20,Description of the suspect:
jbRPDeposition21,Square face.
jbRPDeposition22,Short, straight hair.
jbRPDeposition23,Flat, medium-sized ears
jbRPMeurtre00,Report: Murders at the Orphe
jbRPMeurtre01,This contains details concerning the discovery of the two bodies b
y Police Inspector A. Lebrun.
jbRPMeurtre02,Called by Mr. Isidore Petit, employed at the reception of the Hote
l Orphe, the police went to room 507 of the said hotel.
jbRPMeurtre03,The two individuals, already dead on arrival of the police, were s
eated side by side in an upright position. Their bodies, showing early signs of
rigor mortis but still warm, were decapitated.
jbRPMeurtre04,Their heads were resting in their hands. An ancient gold coin was
found in each of their mouths.
jbRPMeurtre05,The victims, a man and a woman registered under the names Regis an
d Ruby Whyte, had reserved their room more than a month before their arrival. Th
ey had only been staying four days.
jbRPMeurtre06,A search of the room did not reveal anything in particular, other
than, perhaps, the distinct lack of valuables.
jbRPMeurtre07,On the ground a fine purple powder was noted.
jbRPMeurtre08,No documents were found at the scene to confirm identification of
the victims or to enable us to contact their next of kin.
jbRPMeurtre09,Theft is therefore the recorded motive for this crime.
jbRPMeurtre10,Due to the violent and unusual nature of the crime, the associated
police pathologist, Dr Frank Kaufner of the Salptrire Hospital, was asked to draw
up a psychological profile of the killer.
jbRPMeurtre11,The ancient gold coins and the purple powder were sent to forensic
s for analysis.
jbRPMeurtre12,The report is signed Aristide Lebrun.
jbSketchBaphomet00,Sketch of the Head of Baphomet.
jbSketchBaphomet01,It is an ancient bust.
jbSketchBaphomet02,It is a head with a strange face.
jbSketchBaphomet03,It appears to have no skin.
jbSketchBaphomet04,It seems to be made of flesh.
jbSketchBaphomet05,Can probably lifted with one hand.
jcMac_Nic04,Malet, bellboy, and another questionable man.
jourStrDecodedLong,But he could not stop me from joining the Templars.
jourStrEncoded,Elyggius xazium wawaril kjorgelum. Haphrium fabuzus reyicum, xowa
yium oftanus geyteum. Qisuf rex wus vexa wiq.
Kau0300-00,So you are investigating the incident at the hotel Orphe?

Kau0300-01,I am very busy, sir... You should speak to Inspector Lebrun for more
detailed information.
Kau0300-02,It has been a most pleasant conversation, but unfortunately I cannot
afford you more time, Mr. MacPherson. I hope I have satisfied your curiosity.
Kau0300-03,Did Inspector Lebrun send you, Mr. MacPherson?
Kau0300-04,I am an associate of the Paris police department when needed. As a ps
ychoanalyst and pathologist, I observe, analyse and advise.
Kau0300-05,Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, doctor of the mind, philosopher to some
and, of course, quack to others. These are the various names accorded to my prof
ession, Mr. MacPherson.
Kau0300-06,No crime has ever been committed with such passion and hatred, Mr. Ma
Kau0300-07,You are investigating out of personal interest... What, Mr. MacPherso
n, is your interest in this case?
Kau0300-08,A private detective... Then someone is showing an interest in the Why
tes' murder?
Kau0300-09,We all have a reputation to protect...
Kau0300-11,A friend... Are you quite sure? The Whytes had no friends in Paris. A
t least, not as far as I know.
Kau0300-13,I am at your disposal, Mr. MacPherson. How can I help you?
Kau0300-16,The man who committed this murder - and I stress the fact that it is
a man - is probably quite overwhelmed at the present time. This crime was commit
ted under the influence of a sudden impulse...without premeditation. His act is
now haunting him. He is not himself.
Kau0300-18,I was a doctor during the Great War. I witnessed terrible suffering..
. How can I help you, Mr. MacPherson?
Kau0300-19,Is that why you left New York, Mr. MacPherson? Would you like to talk
to me about it?
Kau0300-21,Forgive me Mr. MacPherson, it goes with the job... How can I help you
Kau0300-22,Sequential repetition of habits. The cure for hysterical behaviour is
by elimination of the source of anguish... I am just a psychoanalyst, Mr. MacPh
erson. It is the job of the police to draw conclusions, not mine.
Kau0300-24,That is what the police say. But does the official version reflect In
spector Lebrun's true opinion? This murder could be the first in a long series o
f crimes.
Kau0300-26,Beyond the conscious, Mr. MacPherson, lies the unconscious. We all to
o often ignore the monsters that lurk there.
Kau0300-28,Do you know, Mr. MacPherson, that in Antiquity, superstition had it t
hat we should pay Charon, the boatman of Hades, by placing a coin in the mouth o
f the dead? These ancient myths are buried deep in our unconscious and resurface
when we are overcome by hysteria. Fascinating, isn't it?
Kau0300-30,All that is symbolic, Mr. MacPherson. The murderer himself probably d
oes not even know. Like all symbols, it is up to us to interpret them.
Kau0300-32,We are all victims of the secrets of our soul, Mr. MacPherson. This c
riminal is no exception. We are all victims of our past.
Kau0300-33,And do you have a suspect, Mr. MacPherson?
Kau0300-34,Love, hate, revenge. Those are the three reasons behind so much human
bloodshed, Mr. MacPherson.
Kau0300-37,You are discovering the dark side of Paris, Mr. MacPherson.
Kau0300-39,Very little. Probably a drug used by the murderer to ease the pain of
his act.
Kau0300-40,Impressive. You are on to something that not even the police managed
to discover... You are most intuitive, Mr. MacPherson.
Kau0301-00,You were not announced, sir... I wasn't expecting you. How can I help
Kau0301-01,You do not seem to understand, Mr. Hellouin. Your presence here is no
t welcome. I demand you leave my office.
Kau0301-02,Listen, old chap, if you want to know where the Eatons are hiding, yo
u have come to the wrong place! Yes, I introduced Gracie Eaton to the Companions

. Yes, she knew De Allepin. But as to how intimate they were... that is their bu
siness. All I can tell you is, that if I knew where she and her brother were, yo
u would not be here!
Kau0301-03,So do the job you are being paid to do, Mr. Hellouin! Find the thieve
s and let us get on with the rest. We each have our own role, do we not?
Kau0301-04,A private eye... I am sure you are well aware I am not at liberty to
discuss one of my patients. Doctor-patient confidentiality!
Kau0301-05,My job is to discover intention...
Kau0301-06,Do you want a consultation, Mr. Hellouin?
Kau0301-07,I imagine you are being well paid, Mr. Hellouin. What exactly do you
Kau0301-08,I have no control over who has one of my calling cards, Mr. Hellouin.
The proof: you yourself have one. And yet, I never gave it to you....
Kau0301-10,Gracie Eaton? Of course, Mr. Hellouin. What do you want to know about
Gracie Eaton?
Kau0301-12,Not all my patients are ready for a straightjacket, Mr. Hellouin! On
the contrary. I care for all those with tormented souls. It is called therapy. O
ne could classify Miss Eaton in this category.
Kau0301-14,I know the nature of the misdeed committed by the Eatons, Mr. Helloui
n. It was I who introduced Gracie Eaton to your client.
Kau0301-16,Excellent work, Mr. Hellouin! You have discovered the link between my
self, Gracie Eaton and your employer... Grgoire De Allepin. And you have done so,
as he requested, by keeping his identity secret.
Kau0301-19,Mr. De Allepin is an intimate friend. We are very close.
Kau0301-21,Ah... the Brotherhood of the Supreme Order of the Ruby Cross. As a go
od detective, you are right to be curious. You have some questions on our brothe
rhood, Mr. Hellouin? You would like to know why Gracie Eaton was invited?
Kau0301-22,Let's say Gracie Eaton thought she had a gift that was of interest to
us. Gracie Eaton thought she was a medium, Mr. Hellouin.
Kau0301-24,The Brotherhood are very influential in Paris. All driven by the same
desire: to study life, the secrets of existence. None of that really interests
you, Mr. Hellouin.
Kau0301-26,You would have made a fine Inquisitor, Mr. Hellouin. If you do not un
derstand a phenomenon, it must naturally be sorcery! But it is not decorum that
makes a heretic.
Kau0301-28,You have never met Gracie Eaton, Mr. Hellouin. A fascinating person.
Charming. Intimate. Like she has known you all her life. As though... And sudden
ly she stops being the young princess. Her eyes change... She becomes monstrous.
Sardonic. I have never come across such psychosis. I had to share this experien
ce with the Brotherhood.
Kau0301-31,These details concern Mr De Allepin alone. You worry about finding th
e Eatons and ignore the distractions you find along the way, Mr. Hellouin. It is
for the best.
Kau0301-32,Paul Eaton... I suspect he engineered the whole thing. He is the one
who brought Gracie to my office when she had her first attack... Thereafter, he
remained in the background.
Kau0301-34,You confirm my doubts. She is indeed a smooth talker.
Kau0301-35,You know enough to complete your investigation, Mr. Hellouin.
Kau0301-36,Let's say that Grgoire De Allepin's knowledge of some subjects is... m
uch older than my own.
Kau1100-00,How can you ignore the power of Baphomet? He is our inspiration! The
giver of life! He holds the key to eternity!
Kau1100-01,Their death is fair payment for their treachery!
Kau1100-02,The memory of Adeline lives on stronger than ever...
Kau1100-03,Ah! Become my successor, MacPherson. I will initiate you into the pow
er of Baphomet!
Kau1100-04,The death of innocent people must weigh heavily on your conscience, M
r. MacPherson... You have failed.
Kau1100-05,I am the sole judge of my actions...
Leb0205-000,MacPherson, right? You are a journalist?

Leb0205-001,Mr. MacPherson, I presume. Would-be private detective. I have no tim

e to waste with snoops. What do you know about the Whyte case?
Leb0205-002,Special Agent MacPherson... American Secret Service... What do you w
ant from us?
Leb0205-003,Can't you see I am busy? Come back later, MacPherson!
Leb0205-004,A private eye... Hmmm. What do you want from us? I have no time to w
Leb0205-005,I am listening, MacPherson. Go on, fire away!
Leb0205-007,Where is this portrait from, MacPherson?
Leb0205-008,And where did you find the witnesses, MacPherson?
Leb0205-010,Mr. MacPherson, you did not answer. The drawing, where is it from?
Leb0205-012,MacPherson, you are not really in a position to make deals...
Leb0205-013,Interesting. Our work is very similar.
Leb0205-015,There is just one problem. You are interfering with our investigatio
n, MacPherson!
Leb0205-016,I can tell you are not paid with public money, MacPherson!
Leb0205-019,What are you insinuating, MacPherson? That I do not know how to do m
y job? Is that it?
Leb0205-020,MacPherson, I have wasted enough time with your insinuations. I have
had enough of your cynical attitude. Now beat it!
Leb0205-022,Okay, let's say I agree to work with you... What do you want to know
Leb0205-023,People like you who step out of line, MacPherson, I lock 'em up! How
does a short spell in the clink sound?
Leb0205-025,Yes, this man rings a bell. How about you, MacPherson, do you know h
Leb0205-028,Very well, MacPherson! I do not need you anyway, I have the portrait
of the killer.
Leb0205-030,Okay, MacPherson! Say I do know him, does that get you any further a
Leb0205-033,Jacques Hellouin. He is a private eye, an ex-cop. He lives in the 11
th district. And he is in big trouble.
Leb0205-035,You are very naive, Mr. MacPherson! This man is incredibly dangerous
. Our specialist, Dr Kaufner, has informed us that the ritualistic nature of thi
s murder could provoke severe psychosis in the mind of the public. Like in Londo
n, at the turn of the century.
Leb0205-037,Tho Malet, the former doorman at the Orphe... Do you know him, Mr. Mac
Leb0205-038,Now you have what you want, make yourself scarce, I need to think. G
oodbye, MacPherson.
Leb0205-040,Malet was decapitated, Mr. MacPherson, like the Whytes. He was an im
portant witness in this case. One who did not have time to make a statement. His
death means other witnesses are in danger. And that includes you, if I understa
nd your role in this correctly.
Leb0205-042,What you are telling me only serves to prove his guilt.
Leb0205-044,I have some solid witnesses and, moreover, a very accurate witness s
ketch. Thank you.
Leb0205-045,In other words, the accomplice is still out there...
Leb0205-046,The Whytes were not the Whytes?! MacPherson, what are you talking ab
Leb0205-047,That does not prove anything, MacPherson! What about all of the swee
t talk, huh? Fay? An faery! Of course! Why complicate things? To my faery with l
Leb0205-049,Thieves? What did they steal then, MacPherson? We did not find anyth
ing in their room. And moreover, no one has brought up charges. Explain that!
Leb0205-050,Right, listen, MacPherson, if you find out anything else, come back
and see me then.
Leb0205-051,De Allepin? Grgoire De Allepin? The banker? MacPherson, I assure you
that a man as important as Grgoire De Allepin would have called on the police to
solve this case. He has the means, believe me.

Leb0205-052,This object, the Head of Baphomet, is it valuable?

Leb0205-053,I would have to check with Mr. De Allepin. I can't tell you more, Ma
Leb0205-054,Right, listen, MacPherson, I will check all this out. If you find an
ything else, come and see me again.
Leb0205-056,Even working for De Allepin, Hellouin could have committed these cri
Leb0205-057,MacPherson! Grgoire De Allepin is surely not the only man in the worl
d to own such a vial. It proves nothing.
Leb0205-058,Leave the vial with me, I will have it examined.
Leb0205-059,Thank you, MacPherson.
Leb0205-060,The murder weapon must be a knife of extreme precision. Medical prec
ision. With an incredibly sharp blade. Show me what you have, MacPherson.
Leb0205-061,As you wish, MacPherson. As you wish...
Leb0205-062,What are you talking about? If anything happens to Mr. De Allepin, I
assure you, heads will roll!
Leb0205-065,Even if Mr. De Allepin had died of natural causes, it would not prov
e Hellouin's innocence, MacPherson. Quite the contrary...
Leb0205-066,That's right, MacPherson. We shall see... We shall see.
Leb0205-068,And I suppose you are going to tell me who this mysterious person is
, Mr. MacPherson!
Leb0205-069,I do not get it, either, Mr. MacPherson. But until proof to the cont
rary , there is nothing I can do. Hellouin is our only suspect.
Leb0205-070,So until proven otherwise, Hellouin is my number one suspect.
Leb0205-071,Everyone has the right to collect ancient coins. Anyway, what has Dr
Kaufner to do with all this?
Leb0205-073,How do you know about the coins?
Leb0205-074,Beauvais will get any earful about this... Leave the coins with me,
they are evidence.
Leb0205-075,Like you, Hellouin is a mercenary, Mr. MacPherson. Ready to do anyth
ing for a little money.
Leb0205-078,Malet was the one who linked Hellouin to the Whytes' murder. An emba
rrassing witness. If he had not been behind bars, other witnesses would have bee
n eliminated. Maybe even you, Mr MacPherson!
Leb0205-080,The justice of the guillotine, Mr MacPherson. That's what's in store
for Jacques Hellouin.
Leb0205-081,You're not a judge, Mr MacPherson. But if you think you can prove hi
s innocence, go ahead!
Leb0205-082,Hellouin had never met the Whytes, but he killed them nonetheless. A
lbert Hulot was probably another embarrassing witness.
Leb0205-083,Fine, MacPherson! Come back whenever you want. You know where to fin
d me.
Leb0205-084,Mr MacPherson! I was just thinking about you! Good to see you again.
Have you brought me any more culprits?
Leb0205-085,I will speak with Hellouin and we shall see.
Leb0205-087,All right, let's suppose they were using pseudonyms. Could you tell
me why?
Leb0205-088,A Liston knife! Used by doctors for amputations. With a single movem
ent, you can remove a limb... Impressive... I will see what we can learn from th
is. Thank you, Mr MacPherson.
Loi0111-000,Welcome to my home, Inquisitor.
Loi0111-001,You are the detective, are you not...
Loi0111-004,I am a seer... I simply see things others do not
Loi0111-005,I was only their next door neighbour...
Loi0111-006,I can feel the suffering radiating from you.
Loi0111-007,Go ahead and mock me like all the others, you philistine! Mark my wo
rds, this little ritual is only the beginning!
Loi0111-008,The papers and the police are talking about it, but nobody knows the
truth! Except me...
Loi0111-009,Young man, your instinct spoke to you. You are an artist, are you no

Loi0111-011,Everything I told the police came to pass. Have you read the report?
What did they say about it? That I am mad, is that it?
Loi0111-013,Take this. They say Napoleon brought it back from his Egyptian campa
ign. It represents Thot, the Egyptian god of arcane knowledge. The Ibis of the N
ile. It will help you on your quest.
Loi0111-014,I shall be there to help you find the right path...
Loi0111-015,Evil, young man... It was here, close to me. Very close...
Loi0111-016,Ancient... Dark... Hypnotic eyes... Authoritarian... I can see a col
our... Like a ruby... Like... blood!
Loi0111-017,The Whytes brought Evil with them... Evil lurked inside them and dev
oured them from the inside out, until they were one with It.
Loi0111-019,Do not deny the artist in you, young man. It is your instinct, your
sixth sense. It is the key to your survival against an insourmountable force th
at you can not even imagine the existence of.
Loi0111-021,Evil wormed its way into the Whytes... Slowly, relentlessly destroyi
ng their being.
Loi0111-022,The purpose of this ritual was to feed Evil, young man!
Loi0111-024,I have never had any ties whatsoever with the Whytes, young man! The
y were appalling people, and what is more they were cursed by Evil!
Loi0111-025,When they arrived, I began to notice a change in the vibrations. The
ir souls were dark and disturbed long before their death...
Loi0111-027,I did speak to the police, young man... But they did not believe me!
Loi0111-028,Mr MacPherson, you, along with everybody else, will dismiss the ravi
ngs of an old madwoman. You will refuse to see the true culprit - Evil!
Loi0111-031,A shadow has been cast upon them. I felt its presence...
Loi0111-032,Oh yes! Evil is still at large... And It will strike again, I can fe
el it...
Loi0111-033,Malet is probably already gone to gamble his soul with the devil. Al
l or nothing!
Loi0111-036,He was there. Perched on the edge of the staircase, like a beast fro
m mythology, ready to pounce on me. When he saw me, he fled. I can still see him
foaming at the mouth, his ears as large as wings. His hide was harsh and thick.
.. His eyes were wild, burned by the fires of hell.
Loi0111-038,Yes, I do despise him! I let him take Kiki for a walk one evening, a
nd he did not come home until the early hours!
Loi0111-039,Tho Malet is anything but a killer, Mr MacPherson. True Evil does not
reside inside him.
Loi0111-042,You do not know Malet! Nothing of value ever escapes his gaze.
Loi0111-044,For a detective, you are extremely pleasant!
Loi0111-045,Should you have need of guidance, do not hesitate. Come back and see
Loi0111-046,What was stolen from the Whytes, Mr MacPherson?
Loi0111-048,The Whytes never had any visitors.
Loi0111-050,The police tend to jump to conclusions too quickly! They don't have
your instinct.
Loi0111-052,A client who wishes to remain anonymous, a horrific murder... I love
mysteries, Mr MacPherson, and here we are, knee deep in one!
Loi0111-053,As you can see, I have everything I need around me: I have Kiki, I h
ave my trinkets, I have my music. They can tell you everything about my past. Th
ey mean everything in the world to me! I can understand the suffering of those w
ho lose someone or something that is dear to them.
Loi0111-055,Mr Whyte did go out several times... Always in the dead of night, an
d always without his wife! Where did he go? Only the devil knows... I only saw t
hem together on that last night. The night of their death.
Loi0111-057,Nobody visited the Whytes, young man. No one except Death...
Loi0111-059,That is one way of putting it, yes.
Loi0111-060,Would you like to know your future, Mr MacPherson?
Loi0111-062,A woman will need you, much as you will need her...
Loi0111-063,You had an unhappy childhood. You were blamed unfairly for something

. You have come here to make a new start in life.

Loi0111-064,Mr MacPherson, I know that you know. You saw the murderer, as I did.
Trust your instinct, your gift, your visions! The spirits are talking to you, y
ou have to learn how to listen to them.
Loi0111-067,Our paths may well cross again, young man...
Loi0111-068,Your eyes have met his. He knows you exist. His anger has not been l
essened by the Whytes' death...
Loi0111-070,Be on your guard, Evil is... temptation. It is man's primal sin...
Loi0111-071,My words cannot be understood, Mr MacPherson, they can only be felt.
Loi0111-072,Come back later... I need to rest...
Loi0112-01,There is a resemblance, but I do not feel Evil in him...
Loi0112-02,It is all so confusing. I saw the man so quickly. And he was so terri
Loi0112-04,All I do is share my visions. I am afraid that if you are looking for
anything more practical, it is the police you want to see, not me.
Loi0113-001,It is time to decide who you trust, Mr MacPherson. I am as eager as
you to see the end of this nightmare.
Loi0113-004,The man that the police suspect is innocent. He is not the source of
Loi0113-006,Nonsense. Evil is shapeless!
Loi0113-007,Faced with danger, your friend's instinct got the upper hand. He had
to flee. In order to save his pride, he had to invent a horrible monster.
Loi0113-010,I felt it, that is enough.
Loi0113-011,In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Look for the sou
rce of Evil and you will find the culprit. The police have no need to understand
his true nature.
Loi0113-013,Beware, Mr MacPherson. Evil will be the stuff of your worst nightmar
Loi0113-016,A being possessed by Evil who tried to punish the Whytes. Evil took
the law into its own hands.
Loi0113-017,Death is only the beginning of their torment, Mr MacPherson.
Loi0113-020,Their head severed and a coin sentenced their souls to eternal suffe
Loi0113-022,A pact with Evil rarely works out in our favour, Mr MacPherson.
Loi0113-023,His crusade will only be finished when he obtains what he seeks. Unt
il then, your paths will cross.
Loi0113-026,He has lost a part of his being...
Loi0113-027,So you are trying to find an item, Mr MacPherson? Is that why you we
re hired?
Loi0113-029,The murderer was privy to occult knowledge that very few people poss
ess. Your culprit is part of a select group, Mr MacPherson.
Loi0113-031,Grgoire de Allepin is an extremely rich banker in Paris, the heir of
an old family.
Loi0113-033,Doctor Frank Kaufner. Are you interested in psychoanalysis in partic
ular or just in the part it played in the Whyte case? He is also an influential
member of a brotherhood: The Brotherhood of the Supreme Order of the Rosy Cross.
Did you know that?
Loi0113-035,An occult brotherhood. Beware, its members are highly influential in
every sector of Parisian life! That is what makes them so dangerous. Contrary t
o what they'd have you believe, their occult knowledge is rather limited.
Loi0113-036,De Allepin is a powerful man... He works in the shadows. Fascinated
by the Middle Ages, he is the founder of the Brotherhood of the Supreme Order of
the Rosy Cross. Will that be enough, Mr MacPherson?
Loi0113-038,Conceit can easily become the driving force behind revenge...
Loi0113-039,A brotherhood of puppets, manipulated by their Supreme Brother...
Loi0113-040,I fear that his influence is becoming harmful. It is rumoured that t
he Supreme Brother can comfortably manipulate everyone up to and including the c
hief of police himself...
Loi0113-041,They still live according to the social constraints of the Middle Ag

es. Women are not admitted. It is, as their name claims, a brotherhood after all
Loi0113-043,Do not confuse them, Mr MacPherson. Miss Eaton was introduced as a g
uest. It seems she had a particular talent that charmed the Supreme Brother.
Loi0113-044,For a very long time, Grgoire de Allepin was the Supreme Brother, Mr
MacPherson. But he... He has now given way to another...
Loi0113-045,K... Yes, yes, he does hold a high-level position. In fact, he is th
e new Supreme Brother!
Loi0113-046,K is succeeding GdA as Supreme Brother... You know him, Mr MacPherso
n, as Grgoire de Allepin.
Loi0113-047,The heir took his place. K is the new Supreme Brother. And K is Doct
or Frank Kaufner, Mr MacPherson.
Loi0113-048,Grgoire de Allepin might have reached illumination and achieved a hig
her level of consciousness...
Loi0113-049,This succession is the result of a schism at the heart of the Brothe
rhood. The two men did not share the same vision of the past and the future. De
Allepin no doubt saw that his time had come... His retirement was quite volontar
Loi0113-050,Weren't the Whytes known to both Kaufner and De Allepin, Mr. MacPher
son? Nothing is beyond their reach.
Loi0113-051,Even Evil has a reason, Mr MacPherson. Even Evil.
Loi0113-053,At his cabinet or else directly at the Brotherhood's headquarter. I
imagine you know where that is?
Loi0113-054,Our paths will cross again... I am sure of it.
Loi0113-055,He lives in a townhouse in the Marais, but I would be very surprised
if he received you. Otherwise you can always try the Brotherhood... But you wou
ld have to be sponsored by one of the members. It is no use going to his bank, i
t is only open to his own handpicked customers! It is not a common-or-garden hig
h-street bank.
Loi0113-056,All women have their charm! This fixation with the Middle Ages is pr
obably the old man's only weakness.
Loi0113-058,Sometimes the truth can be staring you in the face. But you only see
it at the last moment...
Loi0113-060,It all depends whether you are living in reality or in dreamland. Th
ere is a very thin line between the two!
Loi0114-000,Throughout the ages, this relic has been the subject of so many rumo
urs and aroused so much greed that many have doubted its existence.
Loi0114-002,The Church also has its relics, Mr MacPherson. Instead of magic, the
y talk of miracles. What is important is the faith that believers attach to the
object of worship. Nothing else!
Loi0114-004,Rumours about this relic have been widespread for almost a thousand
years. A mixture of historical and Hermetic Knowledge. I see it as invisible his
Loi0114-005,Yes, Mr MacPherson. Many people believe in the existence of the Head
of Baphomet. This was one of the factors that brought about the final downfall
of the Templars on March 18, 1314. But why the interest?
Loi0114-006,The Head of Baphomet can indeed be a highly fascinating subject, if
somewhat dangerous. Be very careful to whom you speak!
Loi0114-007,Is your client interested in the occult?
Loi0114-008,Theft? What did the Whytes want with the Head of Baphomet?
Loi0114-009,Let's just hope your client knows what forces he's playing with...
Loi0114-010,Thieves who were working for someone else... Their death was their c
urse. This relic is dangerous.
Loi0114-011,I fear the symbols that it represents, Mr MacPherson. That's quite e
Loi0114-012,It is better to stay silent about certain things. Especially if they
fall into the wrong hands. Leave me now. You know quite enough.
Loi0114-013,The Head of Baphomet has belonged to Grgoire de Allepin for a long ti
me. It is the symbol of his power over the Brotherhood. It is his only reason fo
r living.

Loi0114-014,Yes... To believe so strongly in a power that it controls your life.

Loi0114-015,Doctor Kaufner has become the mirror of de Allepin's soul. They are
so alike we no longer know which one is pulling the strings. He has lost both hi
s will and reason.
Loi0114-017,It only took one believer to create a myth that has grown throughout
the centuries, Mr MacPherson.
Loi0114-018,To some, Baphomet is the devil. To others, a saint. His shape is cha
ngeable, elusive...
Loi0114-019,De Allepin firmly believes that the Baphomet confers eternal life, M
r MacPherson!
Loi0114-020,What is immortality? What is eternal life? Only philistines talk abo
ut it. Those who do know do not talk.
Loi0114-021,A fascinating subject, is it not? It is so simple to link everything
back to the Templars. Forget them! They disappeared seven centuries ago.
Loi0114-022,The Templars... Protectors of pilgrims to the Holy Land. Blessed by
the pope at the request of Saint Bernard on January 14, 1128. Accused of heresy
by Philippe Le Bel, king of France, they were arrested throughout the country on
October 13, 1307. They met with a tragic and controversial end. They were sent
enced to death by fire. Their Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, perished on a bonf
ire in Paris on March 18, 1314.
Loi0114-023,Mr MacPherson, several rumours that fuelled this accusation mention
the fact that the Templars idolized a demonic entity: Baphomet!
Loi0114-025,Throughout the centuries, more than one group has claimed to have be
come their spiritual heirs.
Loi0114-026,Stuff and nonsense... The Templars were soldiers of God, not practit
ioners of sorcery!
Loi0114-028,The Brotherhoods are aping the Templars and their rituals. Nothing m
ore, Mr MacPherson.
Loi0114-029,Grgoire de Allepin is dangerous. He is attempting to awaken forces be
yond his control and is putting the balance of nature in peril.
Loi0114-030,Alchemy, magic! The occult! Stay clear of these things, Mr MacPherso
Loi0114-031,We do not know anything, only what was reported. There exists in the
shadows an invisible history... Each thing will become clear when the time come
s... Good luck, Mr MacPherson.
Loi0114-032,What can I say, you have the soul of an adventurer! An American in P
aris! Good luck, Mr MacPherson.
Loi0114-033,Alchemy is magic through symbols. Nothing is lost, everything is cre
ated... The transmutation of matter by metals. The Great Work. Order in chaos.
Loi0114-034,Ordinary mortals are unaware of the true nature of alchemy. Transfor
ming metals into gold was a way of attracting favours from princes. In fact, alc
hemy is a far more ambitious quest.
Loi0114-036,Yes, they do exist, hidden in the shadows. This Art is a set of symb
ols, Mr MacPherson. A secret code hidden behind a veil of lies.
Loi0114-037,Their quest is the most noble of all. They are seeking to purify the
ir souls!
Loi0114-038,One cannot uncover the secrets of alchemy, one must adopt its philos
ophy and that involves living in a world of symbols, where nothing is what it se
ems. That is the only way to glimpse the truth, to realise that it is still a li
Loi0114-039,The philosopher's stone is the building block. The Angular Stone.
Loi0114-040,Beware, Mr MacPherson. Grgoire de Allepin is an alchemist at the heig
ht of his powers! His quest goes beyond the purification of the soul. He lusts a
fter immortality!
Loi0114-041,Only the wise man can tell what part of knowledge is truth and what
part is lies. Others... Others perish while trying to do so.
m_CinCin0115,Vision of the Whytes' murder
m_CinCin0205,Hellouin pleads his innocence to Lebrun
m_CinCin0400,Mac meets Bb
m_CinCin0401,Hulot introduces Mac to Malet

m_CinCin0402,Hellouin meets Bb
m_CinCin0500,Bb mourns for Hulot
m_CinCin0501,Vision of Hulot's murder
m_CinCin0600,Mac caught red handed!
m_CinCin1101,A secret door!
m_CinCin1102,Vision of de Allepin's transmigration
m_CinCin1201,Metro coming!
m_CinCin1202,Vision of the theft of the Head of Baphomet
m_CinCin1305,Kaufner... Or de Allepin?
m_CinCin5010,Chase in the streets of Paris
m_CinCin5020,Hellouin is nailed!
m_CinCin5040,The death of the Eatons/Hellouin is arrested
m_CinCin5050,De Allepin's secret
m_CinCin5060,Smashing the Head...
m_CinCin5070,The death of Kaufner/de Allepin
m_CinCin5080,Mac is dead...
m_CinintAlmb,Intro Alambic bistro
m_CinintComm,Intro police station
m_CinintDeA,Intro de Allepin's house
m_CinintEatn,Intro Eatons' apartment
m_CinintHell,Intro Hellouin's office
m_CinintMetr,Intro abandoned metro
m_CinintODC,Intro Brotherhood of the Sacred Order of the Rosy Cross
m_CinintOrph,Intro Orphe Hotel
m_CinintRest,Intro Chez Alexandre restaurant
m_CinintSalp,Intro Dr Kaufner's office
Mac0001-00_L1,Oh yes, forgive me... Do come in...
Mac0001-01_L1,It is just that... I was not expecting anybody. If you do not mind
my asking, what can I do for you?
Mac0001-02_L1,But, er... someone sent you... What is their name?
Mac0001-03_L1,No. I can not be of any help to you. I am a painter, not a detecti
ve... not any more... sorry...
Mac0001-04_L1,I mean... I no longer do detective work. But do come in if you wan
t to...
Mac0001-05_L1,I do not think you quite understand... Now, all I want to do is pa
int... and nothing else.
Mac0001-06_L1,You mentioned an interesting offer... What exactly was it?
Mac0001-07_L1,I do not want to upset you, Miss Blake, but... I can not help you.
Being a detective no longer holds any interest for me.
Mac0001-08_L1,I do not investigate any more, Miss Blake. But... you mentioned so
mething about an interesting sum... I do not have any orders at present, maybe I
could make some room for your case...

Mac0001-09_L1,I do not want to seem overly interested, but why do not we settle
my fees before we go any further.
Mac0001-10_L1,Could you give me any more details about the case? At the moment i
t all seems rather nebulous...
Mac0001-11_L1,I am sorry... I can not do it...
Mac0001-12_L1,Your offer is very reasonable... I accept.
Mac0001-13_L1,These murders were committed in Paris... Do you know whereabouts i
n Paris?
Mac0001-14_L1,Are the police handling the case? If they are, it may well complic
ate things. Do you know the name of the inspector in charge of the investigation
Mac0001-15_L1,Your sister and her husband... They were both American... What exa
ctly were they doing in Paris?
Mac0001-16_L1,How did they die? Are you sure they were murdered? It may just hav
e been a terrible accident...
Mac0001-17_L1,I do not get it... I've never worked for you before, not here nor
in New York, yet you come to me and ask me to find your sister's murderer. Why m
e, Miss Blake?
Mac0001-18_L1,To be honest, I am not sure I should take the case. Firstly becaus
e where there is a murder there is a murderer... Inspector Lebrun is in a better
position to arrest murderers than I am.
Mac0001-19_L1,You would like me to begin right away... I think I have all the i
nformation I need to begin. You are sure you have not forgotten anything?
Mac0001-20_L1,It is risky travelling with large sums of money. It would be a sha
me if they had been killed for that reason. How valuable were these family heirl
Mac0001-21_L1,I hope to have results quickly. I will be in touch with you when I
have made some progress in my investigation. Goodbye, Miss Blake.
Mac0001-22_L1,I have not investigated in a long time, Miss...

Mac0006-00_L1,Forgive me, Miss, I seem to have misplaced the number, thanks all
the same!
Mac0006-01_L1,I am sorry to disturb you, Miss, can you connect me to lyse 15-28. I
want to speak to Sophia Blake.
Mac0006-02_L1,I am sorry to disturb you, Miss, can you connect me to the Post Of
fice, please. I would like to send a telegram.
Mac0006-03_L1,Miss Blake, this is Gus MacPherson. Can we meet? I would like to c
larify a few points with you.
Mac0006-04_L1,Post Office? I am sorry, I have nothing to send. My mistake...
Mac0006-05_L1,I would like to send a telegram to New York, please. The addressee
is one J. Wells of Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, number 57, Broadway.
The message reads: Need information on woman named Sophia Blake, stop.
Mac0006-06_L1,This is urgent! A telegram for J. Wells, Pinkerton Agency, New Yor
k. Take this down! Seek information on a couple, Fay and Jerome Johnson, stop.
Americans, stop.
Mac0006-07_L1,I want to get in touch with the Pinkerton Agency in New York as so
on as possible. I will dictate the contents of the telegram: Seek information on
American couple Fay and Jerome Johnson, stop. Also need information on woman na
med Sophia Blake, stop.
Mac0100-00_L1,Gus MacPherson. I am a detective. A private investigator... I am w
orking on an investigation. A private investigation... The death of the Whytes.
Mac0100-01_L1,Are you the manager? My name is MacPherson, I am from the internat
ional office of W.A.I., Worldwide American Insurance. I am investigating events
that took place in your hotel several days ago. The murders.
Mac0100-02_L1,Good evening, my name is Gus MacPherson, I am a journalist for the
Clairon de Paris. Could I ask you a few questions concerning the death of two A
merican tourists? Name of Whyte! That is it, Whyte with a Y, not with an I.
Mac0100-03_L1,I am sorry, I am not employed directly by the Clairon. I am a free
lance reporter.
Mac0100-04_L1,You are very harsh on the Clairon. What exactly do you have agains
t it?
Mac0100-05_L1,Be reasonable, Mr Petit! The Hotel Orphe was the scene of a double

murder! The guilty party is still at large. Who would dare spend a night at the
Orphe now?
Mac0100-06_L1,You seem rather defensive. Maybe there was some kind of security f
ailure? Am I right?
Mac0100-07_L1,It is unfortunate that you were upset by the article that appeared
in the Clairon. I am writing another one now that will emphasise the new securi
ty arrangements.
Mac0100-08_L1,Are you going to turn this room into a tourist attraction? Spend
a spine-tingling night in the room where an horrific murder was committed!
Mac0100-09_L1,But the Whytes did not have any problems. You think it was just a
gratuitous crime? Or maybe they were associating with the wrong people?
Mac0100-10_L1,The room has not been touched since they died? Can I see it?
Mac0100-11_L1,Mrs Loiseau? Who is she? The chambermaid? Did she see anything th
e night of the murder?
Mac0100-12_L1,Was it true what they say about the Whytes? Were they really just
American tourists here on a visit?
Mac0100-13_L1,Were the Whytes always alone in their room?
Mac0100-14_L1,How could you possibly prevent a raving lunatic from killing two i
nnocent American tourists?
Mac0100-15_L1,I thought you were the manager of this establishment. I am sorry i
f I made a mistake...
Mac0100-16_L1,What if I offer you... a little something extra...
Mac0100-17_L1,So you will not discuss it! Do you have any reason to feel guilty?
Mac0100-18_L1,Do you often get murders and robberies in your hotel?
Mac0100-19_L1,Fights? What kind of fights? Were they breaking the furniture and
hurling insults at one another? So what, it happens in the best relationships!
Mac0100-20_L1,I will come clean with you... I... My employer is a rich American
lady, with no ties to the Whytes. She wants to take a room with you, but recent

events have made her sick with worry. I have to check that she will be in no dan
ger here. I have to give my report tomorrow, so, you see, I do not have much tim
Mac0100-21_L1,My client insists that everything is checked before she confirms h
er arrival. A stay of several months, maybe even a year, must be carefully prepa
red. So I have to visit the room. What number did you say it was... 507?
Mac0100-22_L1,You must have dealt with lots of complaints from your other custom
ers. Could there be any link between their death and the way they behaved?
Mac0100-23_L1,Did you see them arguing with the people around them? Like with th
eir neighbour, or someone else, maybe?
Mac0100-24_L1,You refuse to answer my questions! Is that it? Well, then... I ref
use to answer yours. I'll just stay here and wait.
Mac0100-25_L1,One of your customers will come by in the end... One of them must
have seen something. Maybe they can give me some information on the Whytes. Who
Mac0100-26_L1,I am waiting... I am waiting for time to go by, that is all! Just
wasting time...
Mac0100-27_L1,Journalist? Yes, that is right, I am a journalist... For the New Y
ork News.
Mac0100-28_L1,Me, a journalist? No, you are mistaken. I am nothing like a journa
Mac0100-29_L1,The Whytes. What can you tell me about the Whytes?
Mac0100-30_L1,A man came to see the Whytes? On the night they died! Did he intro
duce himself? Do you know his name?
Mac0100-31_L1,With the description you have given me, I will be able to draw him
myself! I am something of a painter, too.
Mac0100-32_L1,And their room, is it still empty?
Mac0100-33_L1,The police? No, this is too complicated for the police. They ask a
bunch of questions and never get any answers.
Mac0100-34_L1,The bill? Yes, that is right, I have come to settle their hotel bi

Mac0100-35_L1,I know there has been a murder, but I do not know any details. How
did it happen?
Mac0100-36_L1,This man is suspicious! Have you told the police about him?
Mac0100-37_L1,You suspect that the criminal knew a member of your staff? Or even
worse... that the criminal is a member of your staff!
Mac0100-38_L1,2500 francs!!! But... But the Whytes only stayed a few days?! I ca
n not pay that much!
Mac0100-39_L1,I can not pay... Help yourself from what they must have left as a
Mac0100-40_L1,Look, I can not pay it all. Especially considering the Whytes only
stayed four days. I can manage 250 francs.
Mac0100-41_L1,Would it be possible to see the room?
Mac0102-00_L1,Tho Malet, your doorman, did you fire him personnaly?
Mac0102-01_L1,You do not resign from your job just like that! Malet must have gi
ven you some reason, some excuse, a letter, even!
Mac0102-02_L1,So your memory is returning, Mr Petit. That is good! What do you
remember about the man who asked for the Whytes the night of their murder?
Mac0102-03_L1,How is Mrs Loiseau involved in this case? I really do not understa
nd. Is she a witness? Is she a suspect? Can she be trusted?
Mac0102-04_L1,But... I have an idea. Did Malet resign before or after the Whytes
' death? That would change everything...
Mac0102-05_L1,Mrs Loiseau would not be a bit... how shall I put it? Nutty? Not m
any people would dare claim that they can sense Evil. In any case, I certainly w
ould not.
Mac0103-00_L1,When the Whytes returned on the night of their death, did you noti
ce if a car dropped them off? A smart car... I do not remember the make.
Mac0108-00_L1,I would like to enquire about a couple of friends.
Mac0108-01_L1,An American couple who were staying at the Orphe. The Whytes. They
had a terrible accident, now they are dead.

Mac0108-02_L1,My name is MacPherson, I am a private detective.
Mac0108-04_L1,I know that they were killed.
Mac0108-05_L1,Gus MacPherson, private detective! I am investigating the death of
the Whytes.
Mac0108-06_L1,That cannot be, the Whytes, dead!
Mac0108-08_L1,Come on, you must know something!
Mac0108-09_L1,The police... That's right, exactly, the police! I am helping thei
r enquiries along by keeping one step ahead.
Mac0108-10_L1,Tell me about the evening, what was the atmosphere like?
Mac0108-11_L1,The police have a suspect, I saw the inspector's report. What do y
ou know about the man who spent the entire evening by the window?
Mac0108-12_L1,Did you have any unusual customers that evening?
Mac0108-13_L1,What do you mean?
Mac0108-14_L1,And he stayed there alone for the whole evening?
Mac0108-15_L1,Until what time did the man stay?
Mac0108-16_L1,Who is in charge of this investigation?
Mac0108-17_L1,Who is this Malet?
Mac0108-18_L1,And do you know where I might find this Malet?
Mac0108-19_L1,Why is he a lowlife?

Mac0108-20_L1,Did you see this man with the Whytes?

Mac0108-21_L1,Did you notice whether Malet gave any money to this man?
Mac0108-22_L1,What do you have against Inspector Lebrun?
Mac0108-23_L1,Could you give me a description of this mysterious character?
Mac0108-24_L1,Where might I find this Inspector Lebrun?
Mac0108-25_L1,Thank you.
Mac0108-26_L1,The Whytes never came to the Caf?
Mac0108-27_L1,So these two men may have no connection to the Whytes' murder...
Mac0108-28_L1,And bang! Your wine turns into vinegar...
Mac0108-29_L1,Give me a bottle of red!
Mac0108-30_L1,Just call it a hunch. A big hunch.
Mac0108-31_L1,Does the elevator often break down at the Orphe?
Mac0108-32_L1,I had this feeling about the Whytes' murder, a kind of premonition
... I just knew.
Mac0108-33_L1,Did you see what direction he went when he left?
Mac0108-34_L1,I am fine, buddy, I do not need anything... But how did this happe
Mac0108-35_L1,Do you have the name of the neighbour?
Mac0108-36_L1,Do the police have a suspect?
Mac0108-37_L1,If you agree to help me, you kind of become my assistant.
Mac0108-38_L1,Is it money that you are after?
Mac0108-39_L1,Fine, I will buy you a bottle of red wine, then...

Mac0108-40_L1,Forget about money, let's just share our information. Is that OK?
Mac0108-41_L1,What about the employees at the Hotel Orphe? Did you know them well
Mac0108-42_L1,Can you tell me any more?
Mac0108-43_L1,Be a good guy and tell me in detail what you saw that night!
Mac0108-44_L1,Yeah, a real detective, investigating a real murder... the one at
the Orphe.
Mac0108-45_L1,I am investigating the Orphe case.
Mac0109-00_L1,Do you recognise this man?
Mac0110-00_L1,The man you identified is called Hellouin. Jacques Hellouin. Can y
ou confirm your statement?
Mac0110-01_L1,You saw him use the phone? Who did he speak to?
Mac0110-02_L1,At what moment did Hellouin telephone?
Mac0110-03_L1,Did Malet join him, or was it the other way around?
Mac0110-04_L1,Malet is dead.
Mac0110-05_L1,What do you remember of their conversation?
Mac0110-06_L1,Did he owe you money?
Mac0111-00_L1,Who told you I was a detective, Madam?
Mac0111-01_L1,Did you come into contact with the Whytes? While they were alive,
of course... If you saw them after that, it's your business...
Mac0111-02_L1,A clairvoyant, really? What luck, so am I!
Mac0111-03_L1,Your little dog is your oracle? And he can tell the future! That i
s just so special!

Mac0111-04_L1,If you are clairvoyant, you can tell me what went on in room 507!
Mac0111-05_L1,Have you been the victim of visions, Madam, rather like me? Vision
s of murder. The Whytes' murder.
Mac0111-06_L1,What did you tell the police, Madam?
Mac0111-07_L1,I am also an artist. Perhaps you'd like to buy one of my paintings
Mac0111-08_L1,I suppose that on the night of the murder you also felt vibrations
Mac0111-09_L1,This Evil... Could you describe it or is it too abstract to be nai
led down?
Mac0111-10_L1,Do you believe that Evil was in the Whytes' room, just like you an
d I are in here?
Mac0111-11_L1,Artist, private detective, American and a lot more besides! At you
r service, Madam!
Mac0111-12_L1,This Evil, Madam, did it know the Whytes? No doubt your visions ca
n guide us.
Mac0111-13_L1,So you think their death was the consequence of some ritual?
Mac0111-14_L1,Despite the fact you have a reputation of being rather... er... ec
centric, did you still get on well with the Whytes?
Mac0111-15_L1,Respect their memory, Mrs Loiseau. The Whytes surely were not as u
npleasant as all that. You did not really know them!
Mac0111-16_L1,Can we talk about the night of the murder without using your clair
Mac0111-17_L1,The police did not believe you? That is hardly surprising if you t
old them you were clairvoyant!
Mac0111-18_L1,In concrete terms, could you tell me what you really saw that nigh

Mac0111-19_L1,If you know Evil this well, why do not you invite it over for tea?
We could get to know each other!
Mac0111-20_L1,In all the time you have been staying at the Hotel Orphe, did you g
et to know Mr Tho Malet pretty well?
Mac0111-21_L1,The man you saw the night of the murder, was he real or was it ano
ther vision?
Mac0111-22_L1,Why do you dislike this Malet so much?
Mac0111-23_L1,Does Malet play some role in your visions? Is he mixed up in the m
Mac0111-24_L1,Mrs Loiseau, the way you behave with Malet is like an old aunt sco
lding her mischievous nephew.
Mac0111-25_L1,Yes, poor Kiki... Is he feeling better now?
Mac0111-26_L1,This man does indeed sound terrible. And you made him run away...
It's astonishing, is it not? Had you never seen him with the Whytes before?
Mac0111-27_L1,I am just a private detective, Mrs Loiseau. The police will tell y
ou whether or not a robbery was committed.
Mac0111-28_L1,I am a private detective. I cannot reveal the details of my invest
Mac0111-29_L1,If a crystal ball was stolen, you would have been on the list of s
uspect. But judging by the objects in your room, I do not think the Whytes' old
family heirlooms would have interested you.
Mac0111-30_L1,Seeing how you kept an eye on the Whytes, you can surely give me i
nformation on their comings and goings.
Mac0111-31_L1,Apart from your constant attention, nobody met up with the Whytes?
Mac0111-32_L1,Oddballs, were they not?
Mac0111-33_L1,Mrs Loiseau, are you really clairvoyant or have you been talking n
onsense all this time?
Mac0111-34_L1,Tell me my future, that way I will know sooner how this story ends

Mac0111-35_L1,Tell me about my past instead. It is far more probable that it too
k place...
Mac0111-36_L1,That's easy, almost all Americans in Paris find themselves in that
Mac0111-37_L1,You are going to tell me it is you. That's too easy, Madam...
Mac0111-38_L1,I will remember what you said. Who knows? One day I may even need
your clairvoyance!
Mac0111-39_L1,And this force of Evil is what caused their death?
Mac0111-40_L1,Please, be more specific in your ramblings. Describe this Evil to
me. Tell me what it is like!
Mac0111-41_L1,Mrs Loiseau, I can not arrest a culprit based on your ravings abou
t Evil. Please, be more specific!
Mac0112-00_L1,Do you recognise this man? Don not be afraid, it is just a portrai
t, it can not do you any harm.
Mac0112-01_L1,You can not identify my suspect?
Mac0112-02_L1,You really think criminals have a certain type of face?
Mac0113-00_L1,With the arrest of Hellouin, this case has taken a different turn.
And I am the only one who can save him from the guillotine. I have to shed ligh
t on two investigations at the same time.
Mac0113-01_L1,It is not a secret anymore, Mrs Loiseau. I know who was in the Why
tes' room on the night of the murder! I've been told the whole story.
Mac0113-02_L1,According to Hellouin, Evil is a horned being with eyes the colour
of rubies!
Mac0113-03_L1,Mind you, Madam, everything you have told me is hardly more likely
. In any case, he is incapable of inventing such a story.
Mac0113-04_L1,And how does Evil appear to you, Mrs Loiseau?
Mac0113-05_L1,You are living in an imaginary world! The police will never believ

e us with that kind of explanation, Mrs Loiseau.

Mac0113-06_L1,I will not react like that to this Evil... I can control my imagin
Mac0113-07_L1,Can you identify another suspect, or will you have to use magic ag
Mac0113-08_L1,No transgression deserves death, Mrs Loiseau!
Mac0113-09_L1,Is that how you explain the ritual surrounding their death? The co
in in the mouth, the head cut off. All this is linked to their souls' eternal re
Mac0113-10_L1,This being took advantage of the situation to deal with Theo Malet
Mac0113-11_L1,Has your oracle predicted any other victims?
Mac0113-12_L1,If you know what he is looking for, why remain silent about it?
Mac0113-13_L1,If I have got this right, Evil is immaterial, it has no reason to
kill for material things.
Mac0113-14_L1,Magic, symbolism and occultism. The police will not be impressed b
y any of that.
Mac0113-15_L1,You associate with the Parisian upper crust, Mrs Loiseau. Can you
tell me about Grgoire de Allepin?
Mac0113-16_L1,Mrs Loiseau, you must know Doctor Kaufner. He is a psychoanalyst.
For all I know, you are even one of his patients!
Mac0113-17_L1,You probably know the Brotherhood of the Supreme Order of the Rosy
Mac0113-18_L1,You're telling me stuff that everybody knows, Mrs Loiseau. Give me
something paranormal, something occult!
Mac0113-19_L1,It must be hard for Doctor Kaufner to intervene when he has been p
ublicly humiliated by the Vienna authorities!
Mac0113-20_L1,So none of its members can aspire to true illumination, such as yo
u attained, Mrs Loiseau.

Mac0113-21_L1,Does this Supreme Brother have such an influence over the members
as to endanger my investigations?
Mac0113-22_L1,Mrs Loiseau, your knowledge of the occult world must surely qualif
y you for a place amongst them?
Mac0113-23_L1,Sorry to disappoint you, but they have had a woman member: Gracie
Mac0113-24_L1,Lurking in the shadows from the beginning of my investigation, Grgo
ire de Allepin is the Supreme Brother! I am right, am I not?
Mac0113-25_L1,As a psychoanalyst, Frank Kaufner must have a fairly high rank in
the Brotherhood's hierarchy. Is he an influential member?
Mac0113-26_L1,I really do not get it! Kaufner succeeded who?
Mac0113-27_L1,The job is open. The time is ripe to propose you as successor.
Mac0113-28_L1,What becomes of Grgoire de Allepin? Did they give him a leaving bon
us? Did he retire to Provence?
Mac0113-29_L1,What becomes of Grgoire de Allepin? Did they give him a leaving bon
us? Did he retire to Provence?
Mac0113-30_L1,Would these men be capable of ordering the deaths of those who wou
ld stand in their way?
Mac0113-31_L1,There are too many questions! We will only get answers to our ques
tions by shedding light on the Whytes' death.
Mac0113-32_L1,I can see you knew him well. Do you know where I might meet him? M
aybe he would pay you a visit?
Mac0113-33_L1,None of this rhetoric will get us anywhere, Mrs Loiseau! I have to
act. If I need any advice from you, I will know where to find you.
Mac0113-34_L1,But where can I meet this character who is so important, this Grgoi
re de Allepin?
Mac0113-35_L1,He shared this fascination with the Middle Ages with someone else!
A woman... For the time being we will call her Gracie, if you do not mind.

Mac0113-36_L1,What am I looking for? Madam, I do not know myself what I am looki
ng for!
Mac0113-37_L1,Certain enigmatic phenomena, which include you, Madam, are making
my investigation very complicated!
Mac0114-00_L1,Of all the strange things that my investigation has thrown up, Mrs
Loiseau, there is nothing more mysterious than this object that everyone calls
the Head of Baphomet! What do you know about it?
Mac0114-01_L1,Some seem to think that this object possesses magic powers. Anothe
r illusion dreamed up by fans of esotericism!
Mac0114-02_L1,If it is that old, this object belongs in a museum, does it not?
Mac0114-03_L1,So the Head of Baphomet is a real object. It is not a metaphor or
an invisible force?
Mac0114-04_L1,I do want to enrich my culture. And you are helping me considerabl
y. Thank you, Mrs Loiseau.
Mac0114-05_L1,I have no interest in this object personally. It is my client who
Mac0114-06_L1,Because of all the help you have given me, I fell like I can tell
you the real reason for my investigations. Anyway, it is not like I can keep any
thing from you. You know everything that goes on. The Whytes took this object fr
om Grgoire de Allepin.
Mac0114-07_L1,Let's say his tastes change according to his moods. The occult is
his latest hobby.
Mac0114-08_L1,They were paid to carry out a contract. Just like me. We are all m
Mac0114-09_L1,You talk about this object as if it were cursed. Are you afraid of
it, Mrs Loiseau?
Mac0114-10_L1,And de Allepin managed to spread this myth? By surrounding himself
with loyal supporters who share his beliefs!
Mac0114-11_L1,So in losing Baphomet, de Allepin has lost his head, in a manner o
f speaking!

Mac0114-12_L1,How can a psychoanalyst like Doctor Kaufner believe that the Head
of Baphomet holds some kind of power?
Mac0114-13_L1,do not expect me to believe that the Head of Baphomet is just some
ordinary object, Mrs Loiseau! There are far too many people interested in it fo
r it to be totally innocuous!
Mac0114-14_L1,Who could believe such foolishness?
Mac0114-15_L1,Do you believe that, Mrs Loiseau? Do you share Grgoire de Allepin's
Mac0114-16_L1,De Allepin is dead! The myth of Baphomet is absurd. There is no su
ch thing as immortality!
Mac0114-17_L1,What is this business about Templars, Mrs Loiseau?
Mac0114-18_L1,There were such things, though. What do you know of their history?
Mac0114-19_L1,How could they have been accused of heresy? Weren't they soldiers
of God?
Mac0114-20_L1,Perhaps, unbeknown to you, Templars still exist today, Mrs Loiseau
Mac0114-21_L1,How can you be convinced that the Templars did not continued to ex
ist in the shadows?
Mac0114-22_L1,But the Brotherhood of the Supreme Order of the Rosy Cross claim t
o be the Templars' heirs. Would you deny these claims?
Mac0114-23_L1,All this you have told me about the Brotherhood, Mrs Loiseau, does
the same go for Grgoire de Allepin?
Mac0114-24_L1,You talk of a force. Is it tangible, or is this part of your esote
ric mumbo jumbo again?
Mac0114-25_L1,Doesn't the story of the Templars mention the particular part play
ed by a woman, a woman called Adeline?
Mac0114-26_L1,Right now this investigation is out of my control, Mrs Loiseau. I
am not continuing for the money, it is now a question of honour.
Mac0114-27_L1,Could you, in your infinite wisdom, tell me what alchemy is?

Mac0114-28_L1,You really think that metals like copper and lead can be turned in
to gold?
Mac0114-29_L1,Are there still people around today who believe in alchemy? Alchem
ists, perhaps?
Mac0114-30_L1,After so many centuries, do they themselves remember what the purp
ose of their quest was?
Mac0114-31_L1,With what I have seen over the last few days, I feel I can uncover
any secret.
Mac0114-32_L1,So alchemy is a philosophy. Whence comes the philosopher's stone.
Am I right?
Mac0114-33_L1,I do not understand. You, Grgoire de Allepin, all the others, you c
laim to possess occult knowledge. To know magic, to practise alchemy! You are li
ving in a fantasy world, do not you realise!
Mac0114-34_L1,You honestly believe all that!
Mac0115-00_L1,Thanks to you, I have been able to draw up a portrait of a potenti
al suspect. It is not perfect, but... But I think that with this we are onto som
ething! Now all we have to do is show it to the police.
Mac0115-01_L1,Just one minute, Mr Petit, I never said this man was guilty. I do
not even know his name!
Mac0130-00_L1,Can you identify this man?
Mac0200-00_L1,You are a policeman? Er... My name is Gus MacPherson, I am an Amer
ican journalist. I would like to ask you a couple of questions about the Orphe ca
Mac0200-01_L1,I understand... It is always intimidating to come up against a jou
rnalist... In any case, I am not supposed to speak to the police either... Shall
we make a little exception?
Mac0200-02_L1,In fact, I am a journalist from New York. In Paris, I make my livi
ng as a private detective. I find it hard writing in French, you see? But that d
oes not mean I do not notice things!
Mac0200-03_L1,I am a journalist, but... I am not under contract! Right now I am
working for the overseas branch of the American secret police. I am an undercove
r agent .

Mac0200-04_L1,You know, it is a newspaper in New York... The News... The New Yor
k News!
Mac0200-05_L1,Quincampoix... Yes, yes, of course, good old Jules. Your cousin is
a nice guy!
Mac0200-06_L1,I do not know who you are talking about. Are you sure he works at
the News? There are dozens of daily newspapers in New York, you know. Maybe it's
the Post News or the Early News... Heck, I can hardly tell them apart myself...
Mac0200-07_L1,Look, anyone can make a mistake. I do not know this guy, it is tru
e! But what does it matter! I have an article to write. I have to wire my piece
to New York tomorrow morning or I will lose my job. Come on, be a good sport!
Mac0200-08_L1,My name is Gus MacPherson, I am a private eye. Private detective.
I wanted to ask you if you would be willing to answer a few questions and help m
e in my investigation on the Orphe murders?
Mac0200-09_L1,A licence... Of course I have a licence. It is back home right now
... I can go and pick it up, if you want to see it that much. But we will waste
a whole lot of time!
Mac0200-10_L1,A licence? Er... I did not know detectives needed a licence. Where
can I get one of those?
Mac0200-11_L1,You... You did not quite understand me. I am a researcher, not a p
rivate detective. No, no, I am a journalist, a reporter. For a newspaper... The
Mac0200-12_L1,I am not really a detective... Well, I am whenever I have a contra
ct! But right now I am on a secret mission... I am working for the American gove
Mac0200-13_L1,I thought you wanted to see my private investigator's licence from
New York. Sorry... It is good to know I do not need a licence to work in Paris.
Mac0200-14_L1,You got me there... But I really am a detective, believe me. In fa
ct I have been living in Paris for quite some time. I had just put my career as
a detective on the back burner, but now it is gradually warming up...
Mac0200-15_L1,For the moment, I can only tell you two things. She is the sister
of one of the victims from the Orphe and she trusts my services more than she doe
s yours.

Mac0200-16_L1,It is just that... My client pays me very well to keep silent. She
is very fond of her privacy.
Mac0200-17_L1,Just a helping hand so I can launch my investigation in the right
direction. That way we will not get our lines crossed! I do not want to impede y
our work in any way.
Mac0200-18_L1,Er... I have been sent by the American government to investigate t
he murder that took place at the Hotel Orphe. Gus MacPherson.
Mac0200-20_L1,Thing is, back in America we do not have any papers! It is a small
country, you know! Everybody knows everybody else...
Mac0200-21_L1,I can give you the number of my boss in New York. He will confirm
who I am. He works in the same place as the President, as a matter of fact!
Mac0200-22_L1,My government knows nothing about my interest in this case. Just t
hink of me as a private detective.
Mac0200-23_L1,Forgive me... I thought I would be taken more seriously if I passe
d myself off as a secret agent. I am a journalist, I have to write an article on
the Orphe case.
Mac0200-25_L1,Despite the misunderstandings, I am convinced we can reach a profi
table compromise.
Mac0200-26_L1,I have friends in high places in the government. I will tell them
about you... About your efficiency.
Mac0200-27_L1,You are not in charge here, are you? There must be someone handlin
g investigations! Can I see him?
Mac0200-28_L1,All right, OK. I do have a bureau chief... in New York, not in Par
is. His name is J.J. Wells. He can only be contacted by cable. Will that do?
Mac0200-29_L1,Yes, but... A week is much too long. I can not wait a week!
Mac0200-30_L1,I do happen to have a little something for you. An amazing bottle
of red wine. You cannot say no to that, officer! do not you feel a little thirst
Mac0200-31_L1,I have some fabulous new information on the Orphe case! A portrait
of the killer! Here, look!

Mac0201-00_L1,Am I right in thinking Inspector Lebrun is in charge of the invest

igation on the Whyte case? Would it be possible to meet with him? That way we ca
n compare our information.
Mac0201-01_L1,I've got some information on the Orphe murders. Exceptional informa
Mac0201-02_L1,If Inspector Lebrun is not available right away, maybe I could see
him later?
Mac0201-03_L1,All right. Could you at least give him my name, MacPherson, Gus Ma
cPherson. And tell him I need to see him as soon as possible.
Mac0201-04_L1,If you have no objection, I would rather talk about this with Insp
ector Lebrun alone.
Mac0201-05_L1,I think I have the number one suspect: Tho Malet. I believe he did
Mac0201-06_L1,Why are you so pig-headed? I have come here to see Inspector Lebru
n. It is not up to a desk clerk to decide what will speed up the investigation a
nd what won't... officer!
Mac0201-07_L1,Ok, I will stop insisting. I will do without police help. Just tel
l Inspector Lebrun that I came by.
Mac0201-08_L1,I give up... Could you at least give him my name? MacPherson, Gus
MacPherson. And tell him I need to see him as soon as possible.
Mac0201-10_L1,What if Inspector Lebrun had neglected certain details during his
investigation? Information that Malet did not reveal to him, for instance.
Mac0201-11_L1,All right, OK, maybe I do not have anything solid on Malet, but I
still have to speak to Inspector Lebrun.
Mac0201-12_L1,I would like to speak to your boss before I tell you what I know.
He is your ranking officer, it is a simple matter of courtesy.
Mac0201-14_L1,When I read the file, I noticed the name of a certain doctor: Fran
k Kaufner? What can you tell me about him?
Mac0201-15_L1,You do not seem to be overly fond of Doctor Kaufner. Is there any
particular reason for that?
Mac0201-16_L1,I can understand your uneasiness. I do not like these psychiatrist
s or any other so-called specialists in human nature. I have had run-ins with th

em in the past... They think they have the answer to everything.

Mac0201-17_L1,I have read the police report, but... I am sure you can tell me a
little more. What are your impressions on the Whyte case?
Mac0201-18_L1,Of course, if Inspector Lebrun is surrounded by guardian angels li
ke you, he cannot be making much headway with his investigations!
Mac0201-19_L1,So you have finally decided to let me see Inspector Lebrun?
Mac0205-00_L1,There might have been a slight misunderstanding. I am not a journa
list. I am a private detective. Gus MacPherson.
Mac0205-01_L1,Secret agent is going a bit far. In fact I am a detective, a very
discreet detective! You might think they are both the same thing but I prefer to
get things straight between us.
Mac0205-02_L1,I do not have time to waste either, Inspector! I have got some new
s on the Whyte case.
Mac0205-03_L1,I... I have a portrait of a suspect. A suspect who may very well b
e the guilty party.
Mac0205-04_L1,In fact, it is your mysterious visitor. He was seen by witnesses..
. I drew this portrait from their descriptions.
Mac0205-05_L1,What difference does it make where this portrait came from! I just
want to know if this man has a record, if he is a known criminal!
Mac0205-06_L1,What if I am mistaken... What if this man is not the suspect. Give
me more details about the case and I will tell you what I know.
Mac0205-07_L1,Taking statements is part of my work as a detective. Loosening ton
gues, looking in the right places, talking to the right people.
Mac0205-08_L1,A little money, let's say, wisely invested...
Mac0205-09_L1,You know as well as I do, Inspector, that just by being there the
police can scare off even the most talkative of witnesses!
Mac0205-10_L1,Count yourself lucky that I am here to shed some light on this inv
estigation for you.

Mac0205-11_L1,I am trying to help you, Inspector.
Mac0205-12_L1,Inspector, I am sure your time is valuable. Why not just tell me w
ho the man is in this portrait?
Mac0205-13_L1,You are being very evasive, Inspector... Do I take that to mean th
at you recognise this face?
Mac0205-14_L1,The slammer? No thanks, not on your life! I drew this portrait bas
ed on the descriptions of witnesses. He is the mysterious visitor.
Mac0205-15_L1,You have no right, I have not broken any laws.
Mac0205-16_L1,Before I showed up, your suspect had no face, Inspector Lebrun.
Mac0205-17_L1,I drew this portrait based on the descriptions of witnesses. He is
the mysterious visitor.
Mac0205-18_L1,Inspector, you have absolutely all you need to collar the culprit!
Mac0205-19_L1,The portrait. You say you know who it looks like. That means he is
a known criminal. He has a record. Who is it?
Mac0205-20_L1,The Whyte case. Why do not you give more information? The public c
ould help you. And you could use this portrait to officially issue a description
of a wanted person.
Mac0205-21_L1,He has killed again? Who's dead?
Mac0205-22_L1,Maybe it's just a coincidence... Malet could have been killed for
some other reason. From what I hear, he was no choirboy!
Mac0205-23_L1,I... I talked to him last night. It was he who... Malet! Malet fle
d as I was showing him the portrait of the suspect!
Mac0205-24_L1,You have got very little on Hellouin, Inspector. Unless you have f
urther evidence, your culprit will soon be a free man, cleared of all suspicion!
Mac0205-25_L1,Your charge of murder against Hellouin just does not hold water, I
nspector Lebrun. Another man is dead, Hulot. Albert Hulot was killed in the same
circumstances as the Whytes and Malet.

Mac0205-26_L1,We have been barking up the wrong tree from the start, Inspector.
The Whytes never were the Whytes.
Mac0205-27_L1,Ruby and Regis are not the real names of the Orphe victims. I... I
have in my possession a ring that clearly indicates the woman's name was Fay.
Mac0205-28_L1,The Whytes do not exist! I have their passports here. They are Ame
rican citizens, they did not arrive in Paris a few days ago, they got here over
a month ago! You want to know what name they used? Johnson, Inspector!
Mac0205-29_L1,A letter... A letter signed Sophia Blake confirms that they were h
ired to commit a robbery. The letter is addressed to Fay and Jerome Johnson, Ins
Mac0205-30_L1,I do not know... In reality, Inspector, this entire business is ex
tremely complicated.
Mac0205-31_L1,They robbed Grgoire de Allepin. The plan was orchestrated by the sa
me woman who hired me, Sophia Blake. This is a major con-trick, Inspector!
Mac0205-32_L1,This is the Whytes' modus operandi: they move to Paris under an as
sumed name, Eaton. They steal an object, the Head of Baphomet. They then seek re
fuge at the Orphe under a new identity, the Whytes, and they make their delivery.
Mac0205-33_L1,It is strange but it's true! Doubtless de Allepin preferred to sor
t this business out in the greatest secrecy. Just ask Hellouin, he is the one wh
o investigated it.
Mac0205-34_L1,I am not sure. I doubt you can put a monetary value on it...
Mac0205-35_L1,Unless this letter is a fake, it proves that Jacques Hellouin was
really hired by Grgoire de Allepin.
Mac0205-36_L1,If you have any doubts about de Allepin's involvement, I have some
thing that will convince you, Inspector. A glass vial, taken from his home, iden
tical to the one found broken in the Whytes' room.
Mac0205-37_L1,Stop protecting de Allepin! He is the only man in Paris who can ob
tain these vials! The only one capable of putting this gas inside them! The purp
le gas he uses to put his victims to sleep!
Mac0205-38_L1,Here you are.
Mac0205-39_L1,Inspector Lebrun, what I have shown you is irrefutable proof of He
llouin's innocence. I found the knife used to cut off the victims' heads.

Mac0205-40_L1,I do not think that is a good idea. I would rather hang on to it.
Mac0205-41_L1,This is the murder weapon, just as I found it at Grgoire de Allepin
's home.
Mac0205-42_L1,De Allepin... De Allepin is dead. He has been dead for over a week
Mac0205-43_L1,De Allepin looks to have died peacefully of old age. Nothing like
the other murders! I have a photo here, see for yourself!
Mac0205-44_L1,I saw his body with my own eyes. I can feel these deaths in my sou
l. Hellouin is not the culprit. Believe me!
Mac0205-45_L1,If de Allepin has been dead for over a week, he could not have hir
ed Hellouin to investigate! Do you not see, Inspector? Somebody else hired Hello
Mac0205-46_L1,But Hellouin has no reason to lie to us... I do not get it.
Mac0205-47_L1,I do not know... I do not know anything anymore.
Mac0205-48_L1,One gold, one brass. One at de Allepin's, the other at Kaufner's.
Two ancient coins. These prove that both men were involved in the murders.
Mac0205-49_L1,That is too much! Will you never face up to the facts? You know as
well as I do that coins like these were found on all the victims!
Mac0205-50_L1,A couple of anonymous sources are enough to keep me abreast.
Mac0205-51_L1,What can I say, I am just a nice guy! Your officer could not resis
t my charm! He just gave me a couple of pieces of information.
Mac0205-52_L1,No way. You said so yourself, this is evidence. I will wait until
real charges have been brought.
Mac0205-53_L1,With this, you can start investigating the true motives behind the
Mac0205-54_L1,You heard his story! Hellouin did not kill the Whytes! He did not
even know them!
Mac0205-55_L1,Why would he have killed Malet? He knew they would have been seen
together in broad daylight, at the Caf. Hellouin is not that stupid!

Mac0205-56_L1,What will you do with him? Promise me Hellouin's case will be deal
t with properly.
Mac0205-57_L1,I continue to doubt his guilt.
Mac0205-58_L1,But Inspector, Hellouin and Hulot never met! He had no motive for
killing him.
Mac0205-59_L1,I am not giving up, Inspector, quite the opposite! I will be back
when I have some news.
Mac0205-60_L1,You must admit that all this is very strange. Have you considered
questioning de Allepin?
Mac0205-61_L1,No, maybe I will need it.
Mac0205-62_L1,I hope these clues will enable us to prove that Hellouin is innoce
Mac0299-00_L1,Beauvais, I know you recognised the man in the sketch. Who is it?
Mac0300-00_L1,Yes, Doctor, your professional opinion on the murders.
Mac0300-01_L1,What do you do for the police?
Mac0300-02_L1,So you are a psychiatrist!
Mac0300-03_L1,Are these the first crimes of this nature committed in Paris?
Mac0300-04_L1,Yes, more or less, I am here on behalf of Inspector Lebrun.
Mac0300-05_L1,I am a private eye.
Mac0300-06_L1,A person who wishes to remain anonymous is paying me to investigat
Mac0300-07_L1,A friend of the family was worried, and I am trying to clarify the
Mac0300-08_L1,Appearances can sometimes be deceptive, Doctor Kaufner. That is wh
y I would like to clarify this situation by gathering as much information as pos

Mac0300-09_L1,What can you tell me about the scene of the crime? The police have
released very few details.
Mac0300-10_L1,You are a forensic surgeon too. Much sought after by the police, I
Mac0300-11_L1,I know your profession, Doctor Kaufner. I have dealt with psychoan
alysts before.
Mac0300-12_L1,No, I am not here for a consultation, Doctor.
Mac0300-13_L1,Is this the evidence found at the scene of the murder that will en
able you to draw your conclusions?
Mac0300-14_L1,And you think the motive for the murder was theft?
Mac0300-15_L1,Might the murderer regret his actions and turn himself in?
Mac0300-16_L1,What do you make of the coin found in the victims' mouths?
Mac0300-17_L1,You are implying that the murderer is a victim too, Doctor Kaufner
Mac0300-18_L1,What could be the motive of such a crime?
Mac0300-19_L1,It is awful...
Mac0300-20_L1,What do you make of the traces of purple powder found on the bedro
om floor?
Mac0300-21_L1,I am on the same trail as the police. Only I am surer of my hunch.
Mac0300-22_L1,If I had a suspect, I would not be here, Doctor Kaufner.
Mac0300-23_L1,Maybe I have this man... Does he fit your psychological profile?
Mac0400-00_L1,Brnice... You are my little green fairy. With everything we have bee
n through together, I know you will always be here for me. You are the only pers
on in Paris I can trust. So...
Mac0400-01_L1,Bb, those beautiful eyes of yours surely saw a beatiful stranger! Es
pecially an American. Do you remember a guy at the Alambic going by the name of
Paul Eaton?

Mac0400-02_L1,Brnice, do you remember the other night, before you came round to my
place? I had some... complications. That guy who got away from me... Well, I ca
ught up with him! But I need to know if you have seen him here before. Hellouin,
Jacques Hellouin.
Mac0400-03_L1,No, seriously, you really are the only person I can trust. I have
one or two questions that I need you to answer.
Mac0400-04_L1,Brnice, I think I had better warn you. This Paul Eaton is mixed up i
n some dirty business. I just hope the boss, Albert, did not trust Eaton too muc
Mac0400-05_L1,Brnice, it is vital you tell me everything you know about Paul Eaton
. And I warn you, everything he has told you is probably lies. I think that his
name is also a fake...
Mac0400-06_L1,Hulot, the boss... Is he there? Maybe he noticed some things that
you missed, Bb! You know, you might have been too busy staring at that tall, dark
American to notice anything peculiar about him...
Mac0400-07_L1,Have you seen anything of Paul Eaton since?
Mac0400-08_L1,Brnice, I am just asking you to be careful. This business is complic
ated and more dangerous than it seems. Anyway, I am off. See you soon.
Mac0402-00_L1,I get the feeling I have seen you before somewhere... Have you eve
r been to New York? No, Mac, you are so absent-minded sometimes! That jacket! Th
e Orphe! You are a doorman at the Orphe!
Mac0402-01_L1,You did not like your job anymore... Yet the Orphe is a prestigious
Mac0402-02_L1,I bet you know all the hotel's comings and goings. Its little secr
ets, its clientele...
Mac0402-03_L1,I may be a friend of Hulot but I am also a private detective... in
my spare time.
Mac0402-04_L1,It is better that the identity of my client remains a secret. She.
.. he... my client does not want a word of this to get out.
Mac0402-05_L1,I will ask the questions, Malet. You just nod or shake your head i
f you must.
Mac0402-06_L1,I am not here to cause you any trouble, Malet. I just want some in

formation about someone I think you might know.

Mac0402-07_L1,A few days ago, something happened at the Orphe... something truly
awful. As you probably know, an American couple was found dead there... Murdered
. I am reliably informed you were on duty that night. You even had a drink in th
e caf next door, the Nantis, with someone suspicious. Maybe even the murderer him
self... Does that mean anything to you?
Mac0402-08_L1,Maybe the hotel did not pay you enough. Or maybe you found other s
ources of income?
Mac0402-09_L1,Oh, I see... You have earned enough to be able to afford a nice re
tirement. Pay off all your debts to the waiter at the Nantis and make yourself s
Mac0402-10_L1,You must admit, it is most uncommon to come into an inheritance ri
ght in the middle of the Nantis caf on the night of a murder...
Mac0402-11_L1,If it makes you feel any better, I intend to... make it up to you.
Mac0402-12_L1,I have something to show you. Do you recognise this man?
Mac0402-13_L1,You... you deny having met any man with a moustache at the Nantis
caf on the night of the murder. Yet you were seen there.
Mac0402-14_L1,I had never heard of this job, "paid informer". Anyway... You are
no longer working at the Orphe. We all have to make a living!
Mac0402-15_L1,Here is 50 francs. And you are not getting a penny more!
Mac0402-16_L1,I would rather have the information first. I will pay you, do not
Mac0403-00_L1,Hi, Hulot. I have been too busy to come to the Alambric these last
few months. To tell you the truth, I am not exactly rich!
Mac0403-01_L1,I have traded in my brushes for Sherlock Holmes's magnifying glass
. It is a good case, Hulot! A real investigation, with dead bodies and everythi
Mac0403-02_L1,Hey, I am not trying to stir up any trouble, but do you know this
Malet guy very well?
Mac0403-03_L1,Hulot, I have a small problem. There is this lock I have mislaid t
he key to... Would you know of a way I could open it without damaging anything?

Mac0403-04_L1,Come on, Hulot, do not be shy! Everyone knows that if somebody nee
ds something, you are the man to ask. You have contacts all over the place.
Mac0403-05_L1,Yet, Hulot, the whole of Paris says you are the only man who could
help me in such a case. See what I mean? Your reputation is well established...
and far reaching!
Mac0403-06_L1,Oh... you know, there's no mischief involved. It is just for a fri
end... who needs a helping hand.
Mac0403-07_L1,Do not worry. Just give me what I need and we will say no more abo
ut it. No-one will know a thing. No-one!
Mac0403-08_L1,Hulot, do not think I do not appreciate the help you have already
given me... Even if you never did buy a single painting off me.
Mac0403-09_L1,I am not the only one with a weird style. Take those surrealists,
for example. They are all fit for the psychiatrist's chair!
Mac0403-10_L1,I do not know why I reacted that way. This inquiry... The visions.
.. I should kiss my career as a painter goodbye. Well, Hulot? Are you going to h
elp me out with these tools or not?
Mac0403-11_L1,Well, Hulot, I see you are working as much as ever. Long days spen
t twiddling your thumbs. Running a bistro is the life of Reilly... right?
Mac0403-14_L1,You mean you have other incomes aside from the Alambic? Aren't the
se other sources of revenue a little risky?
Mac0403-15_L1,Spare us your convictions for once, Hulot. I need to know if this
Malet is really the guy I am looking for. He is a doorman in a chic hotel in the
8th district. The Orphe, right?
Mac0403-16_L1,If you did know him well, you would have noticed something differe
nt. He is mixed up in something... Some sort of... shady money.
Mac0403-17_L1,You're not of much help, Hulot. But I understand. You do not want
to reveal any secrets that may be too compromising.
Mac0403-18_L1,I will not bother you any longer, Hulot. But make sure I can still
reach you... I may need you sometime soon.
Mac0403-23_L1,So there's the job done, quick as you like. Take your paintings ba
ck Hulot, I have finished. Better check in case I have missed out any details.

Mac0404-00_L1,Well, Malet? Remember anything yet?

Mac0405-00_L1,Hulot, you remember the guy who ran off the other night when I wan
ted to talk to him? Had you ever seen him in the Alambic before? That man is dan
gerous, Hulot. He is the prime suspect in this nasty murder business.
Mac0405-01_L1,This time, Hulot, I think Malet really has done something shady. H
as he been back since that night?
Mac0405-02_L1,Unless I am very much mistaken, Hulot, you were the last person to
see Malet before he disappeared the other night. You do not just run off like t
hat for no reason. Believe me, Malet has got something serious on his conscience
. Maybe he's mixed up in this murder.
Mac0405-03_L1,What do you know about my investigation, Albert?
Mac0405-04_L1,I do not mean to go on but it was very strange of Malet to run off
like that. It really sets you thinking. In fact, I am thinking about talking to
the police about him... him and his circle of friends.
Mac0405-05_L1,But that does not explain why Malet ran off. There must be some re
ason. It cannot be me or he'd have run away as soon as I arrived...
Mac0405-06_L1,This murder has not hit the headlines. But you must know a bit mor
e about it than you're letting on, Hulot. American tourists killed in their hote
l room without so much as a clue. No papers, nothing. Have you got any leads?
Mac0405-07_L1,You are not going to believe this, Hulot, but I've got a problem w
ith a lock again. Would you have another set of lock-picking tools?
Mac0499-00_L1,Bb, I need a small favour. I have to infiltrate the Brotherhood and
I need a fake letter of introduction. Can you write me one using these documents
Mac0499-01_L1,Bb, I need a small favour. I have to infiltrate the Brotherhood and
I need a fake letter of introduction. Can you write me one using this letter?
Mac0499-02_L1,Bb, I need the letter of introduction. Is it finished?
Mac0500-00_L1,My God, Brnice! Why him? Why Hulot? When did this happen? And you, Bb.
.. are you OK?
Mac0500-01_L1,It is awful! Hulot was not supposed to die... He could not die. He
was the last person to see the Whytes alive. The police... did the police tell
you how it happened?

Mac0500-02_L1,Brnice! Hulot is dead. We have to be careful too. Was it the police

who told you? They have a suspect. They're already holding Hellouin.
Mac0500-03_L1,Brnice, we have to get to the bottom of this before anyone else dies
. Do you know who's heading the inquiry?
Mac0500-04_L1,Hulot dead! And the soul of the Alambic gone with him. We have all
lost a great friend, Brnice... Keep your chin up, Bb. do not let them get you down.
There is still the Alambic...
Mac0500-05_L1,Yes, it is true. A great patron to the artists and a sponsor to yo
u, to me, to the others. He took me under his wing as soon as I got to Paris. A
generous man, even if he never wanted to exhibit me.
Mac0500-06_L1,Hulot never did anything for nothing. If he did you a favour, you
knew you would have to pay him back one way or another. He was a man of many...
resources. Money, tip-offs, favours... he always knew where to get them.
Mac0500-07_L1,I feel as bad as you do, Brnice. Anyone who comes to the Alambic wil
l be grieving. The place will be a shrine to him. Everyone who comes in will be
reminded of Albert Hulot. So many stories!
Mac0500-08_L1,But Brnice, doing those little favours could have sometimes made cro
oks out of us. Everyone knew Albert was a fence.
Mac0500-09_L1,It is true, that fresco is rather special. Did he tell you what it
is meant to represent?
Mac0500-10_L1,Brnice, relationships like that only bring trouble. Either with fenc
es or with the police.
Mac0500-11_L1,Still, I do not think it is very honourable. Copying an original w
ork is like plundering its magic.
Mac0500-12_L1,You say you have copied works of art for Hulot? Has he commissione
d any work recently?
Mac0500-13_L1,My God... Brnice... The bust... The bust you sculpted for Hulot. Did
it look like what you see in the sketch?
Mac0500-14_L1,It is awful. I have to find this head before there are any more de
aths. Even your life is at risk. Brnice! The killer is after this head! Don't you
see, Bb? I have to find out how Hulot got his hands on this accursed object!
Mac0500-16_L1,I am not sure I have grasped the magnitude of this business but on
e thing is for sure. You are not safe, Brnice. Be careful. I will do everything in
my power to put a stop to these crimes! Everything!

Mac0500-17_L1,Brnice... there it is. You recognise your own handiwork. The Heads o
f Baphomet. Exact copies. Not even my expert eye can distinguish between the ori
ginal and the fake.
Mac0600-00_L1,I am a friend who has your son's best interests at heart, Madam.
Mac0600-01_L1,My name is MacPherson. I expected to find Jacques Hellouin here. D
o you know where he is?
Mac0600-02_L1,Where is Hellouin?
Mac0600-03_L1,Gus MacPherson, private detective. And who are you, Madam?
Mac0600-04_L1,I am looking for Hellouin. I need to talk to him.
Mac0600-05_L1,Madam, Hellouin is wanted by the police. For murder.
Mac0600-06_L1,Er... I have an appointment with Hellouin! The door was open, so I
came in...
Mac0600-07_L1,Any idea where he may be hiding?
Mac0600-08_L1,Sorry about the door... Now that I think of it, it was kind of tou
gh! If your son is not here, I am sure you know where he can be found.
Mac0600-09_L1,You're lying, Madam Hellouin. Tell me where I can find your son. I
mean him no harm. On the contrary.... I need to talk to him.
Mac0601-00_L1,I believe your son is innocent. But I need evidence so I can prove
Mac0801-00_L1,You are mistaken, I am not just any old visitor. I have come to ma
ke inquiries... Inquiries about the occult.
Mac0801-01_L1,The knowledge stored here would be impossible to find anywhere els
e. Even the Sorbonne is but a pale shadow of your great learning!
Mac0801-02_L1,Does your sealed-off library include books on magic, cabala, divin
ation, tarot, lost civilisations, Mu, Hyperborea, Atlantis, the Holy Grail and a
Mac0801-03_L1,How does one attain this Great Work? Must one first become a Supre
me Brother before contemplating all of its power? Like your SB GdA? Your alchemi

Mac0801-04_L1,Alchemy! The magic whose practise led to the downfall of the Knigh
ts Templar!
Mac0801-05_L1,You do acknowledge that the Knights Templar truly existed! I am qu
ite prepared to discount the rumours of magic and alchemy, but what of the last
of their mysterious treasure... the Head of Baphomet?
Mac0801-06_L1,But isn't your organisation, the Brotherhood of the Supreme Order
of the Rosy Cross, based upon the Knights Templar?
Mac0801-07_L1,I shall not let myself be intimidated by your thinly veiled threat
s. A good many people in Paris are prepared to kill for this object, whether rea
l or legendary! We do not want any more innocent people losing their lives. I wi
ll do my utmost to ensure that they do not.
Mac0801-08_L1,The facts I have been given about your group contradict what you h
ave just told me. Unless of course my information comes from an initiation circl
e higher up than your own... It was given to me personally by your SB GdA.
Mac0801-09_L1,Do you know who is hiding behind this K, Dumoulin? The same man wh
o invited Gracie Eaton to join you! Setting a fox to mind the geese.
Mac0801-10_L1,You mean to say de Allepin is no longer your Supreme Brother? Had
his term of office ended? Or was he deposed?
Mac0801-11_L1,What does the future hold for a former SB once he has stood down?
What became of GdA?
Mac0801-12_L1,You suddenly seem to despise her! Is that the will of your new Sup
reme Brother? Is it the will of K?
Mac0801-13_L1,Could you be more explicit, Mr Dumoulin? If what you say regarding
your GdA means that he is no longer among us - that he is dead - then, my frien
d, you will have the courts to answer to.
Mac0801-14_L1,You seem to know a little too much, Dumoulin. Be careful with your
threats. I am not here to bother you, I already have a suspect for these crimes
. But from what you have told me, I could easily have you charged with being an
accessory. At the very worst, you might be sent to the nuthouse!
Mac1000-00_L1,Very chic restaurant, Chez Alexandre! But I am just passing by.
Mac1000-01_L1,A table has been booked under the name of Blake. Sophia Blake. I a
m here to meet up with the lady. My name is Gus MacPherson.

Mac1000-02_L1,Your establishment has been recommended to me for its outstanding
menu. Can a table be reserved? Near to a fountain, if possible.
Mac1000-03_L1,I hear you have the best wine list in all of Paris. I would like t
o buy a bottle of wine from you. Red wine.
Mac1003-00_L1,I do not think you have understood. All I want to do is paint. Eve
rything else is secondary.
Mac1003-02_L1,I no longer undertake investigations, Miss Blake. But... since I h
ave no orders for my paintings at the moment, perhaps I can help you. You mentio
ned money...
Mac1003-03_L1,You mentioned an interesting offer. Could you elaborate?
Mac1003-04_L1,I do not wish to appear self-interested, but can we settle my fee
Mac1003-06_L1,That is a very reasonable offer... I accept.
Mac1003-07_L1,Could you give me any more details about the case? So far it all s
eems rather cloudy.
Mac1003-08_L1,The murder was committed in Paris... Do you know exactly where in
Mac1003-09_L1,Are the police on the case? It may complicate matters if they are.
Do you know the name of the inspector who is leading the inquiry?
Mac1003-10_L1,Your sister and her husband were both American. What were they doi
ng in Paris?
Mac1003-11_L1,How did they die? Are you certain they were murdered? Maybe they w
ere victims of some terrible accident.
Mac1003-12_L1,I do not understand... We have never met before. I have never work
ed for you, neither here nor in New York. Yet here you are asking me to track do
wn your sister's murderer. Why me, Miss Blake?
Mac1003-13_L1,To be perfectly honest, I am reluctant to take on this case. Prima
rily because a murder means a murderer... This Inspector Lebrun is better place
d to arrest a killer.
Mac1003-14_L1,I think I have all the necessary information to begin. You want me
to start right away. Is there anything you have forgotten?

Mac1003-15_L1,Travelling with a lot of money is a risky business. It would be a
pity if their murder was put down to theft. Are these family heirlooms valuable?
Mac1003-16_L1,I hope to get results fairly quickly. I will be in touch with you
as soon as my investigations yield any new information. Goodbye, Miss Blake.
Mac1004-00_L1,Actually, several new occurrences have come to light. Occurrences
that require an explanation from you, Miss Blake.
Mac1004-01_L1,What I have learnt totally contradicts what you said about the Why
tes. Who were they really?
Mac1004-02_L1,There is one small detail in all this that you failed to mention.
The Head of Baphomet. Does that mean anything to you, Miss Blake?
Mac1004-03_L1,I do not like to be taken for a fool, Miss Blake.
Mac1004-04_L1,I am sorry, Miss Blake, but I cannot continue working under these
Mac1004-05_L1,Ruby and Regis Whyte never existed! Not as you described them anyw
ay. Who were they really?
Mac1004-06_L1,Who in your opinion killed the Whytes?
Mac1004-07_L1,In the course of my investigations, I was told about a much covete
d object, the Head of Baphomet. Does that mean anything to you?
Mac1004-08_L1,Then you recognise the existence of this man Grgoire de Allepin. Wh
o is he really?
Mac1004-09_L1,What were they doing in Paris? I want the truth, Miss Blake!
Mac1004-10_L1,Why so many identities?
Mac1004-11_L1,Go and tell the police what you have told me. Inspector Lebrun wil
l be glad to help you. He will understand, I am sure.
Mac1004-12_L1,Do you think the killer will strike again?
Mac1004-13_L1,What exactly is the importance of this object, this Head of Baphom
et? And why is de Allepin so anxious to get hold of it?

Mac1004-14_L1,That is a tragic story, Miss Blake. Why didn't you tell me the tru
th from the outset?
Mac1004-15_L1,Supposing I refuse to continue the investigation?
Mac1004-16_L1,I agreed to work for you. I will see the job through.
Mac1004-17_L1,Well, if you put it like that, I agree to carry on, Miss Blake.
Mac1004-18_L1,Sorry, Miss Blake, my mind is made up. I cannot carry on.
Mac1004-19_L1,You have been manipulating me all along, Blake. I will make you pa
y for this one day. I will make you pay, I swear I will!
Mac1100-00_L1,You have lost your mind, Kaufner. You have been exposed! You are t
he killer. You are a monster!
Mac1100-01_L1,De Allepin... You turned to crime! Whereas you had the opportunity
to live in peace forever.
Mac1100-02_L1,Haven't you understood that nothing in all this can wipe out your
suffering! Your grief... Your Adeline!
Mac1100-03_L1,But this object has no power, Kaufner! Not this object, not any ob
ject. There's never been any such magic. Trying to prove the contrary has made y
ou lose your mind!
Mac1100-04_L1,Innocent people have died in the name of this power. This power ha
s turned you into a monster!
Mac1100-05_L1,Who, de Allepin, will judge you for these crimes you have committe
d? God or the Devil?
Mac1100-06_L1,The Baphomet has wrecked your life. Just as I in turn will wreck t
he Baphomet.
Mac1100-07_L1,I have no desire to succeed you, Doctor Kaufner. What do you have
to offer? This Head? This Baphomet? I do not want it , it is yours. Take your tr
easure back.
Mac1100-08_L1,No more spilt blood. Take back your treasure. Let me live in peace
Mac1100-09_L1,I wonder who is losing at the moment? You are holding Blake. I am

holding your treasure. Which of us will find it easier to bear the loss of their
hostage? Look, your Head of Baphomet is about to get smashed!
Mac1100-10_L1,Her memory... Everything that is left of her memory is in my hands
. This vulgar idol, this link with your past, your sole treasure, de Allepin. Th
is is how you will perish! By its destruction!
Mac1100-11_L1,How can you believe in the purity of a love whilst revering an ido
l such as Baphomet? You disgust me, de Allepin. You are unworthy of your Adeline
, you are unworthy of any woman. Take back your precious treasure. Cherish it!
Mac1100-12_L1,The hour of judgement is nigh, de Allepin. With the destruction of
your idol, hell awaits you!
Mac1100-13_L1,This story shall end at the very moment you lay your hands on your
treasure. I have never represented justice. I have merely tried to do my job, b
oth for her and for you, albeit against my will! Take back the Head of Baphomet,
since you are the one who wants it! Justice will be done. One day you will pay
for it.
Mal0106-00,What do you want with the Whytes?
Mal0106-01,Right then, have you made up your mind? I have other things to do!
Mal0106-04,We will see. How much will you pay?
Mal0106-05,Ah, someone who gets things quickly! We are going to get along just f
ine. Now what do you want to know?
Mal0106-06,I know how much info is worth, even to a private dick that is flat br
oke. Not that it will take a lot to make me happy. You do not become rich by bei
ng a hotel doorman.
Mal0106-08,So, your client is some old jaleous husband... I should have known. Y
es, she is cheating on him with some young american stud.
Mal0106-09,Yes. A tall guy and a beautiful dame... both of them Americans. They
are definitely a couple. Slept in the same bed, bathed in the same tub.
Mal0106-10,They have only been in the hotel for three days. Since they never lea
ve their room, it does not take much to figure out what they are up to in there!
No, they have never set foot here before.
Mal0106-13,Solitary types. If you ask me, they are not tourists. They hardly eve
r came out of their hole. They put everything on the hotel bill. Meals, clothes,
alcohol... The room has been booked for a good month. The man went out a couple
of times at night.
Mal0106-14,You can tell right away. The Whytes are not very classy people. No ma
nners. They think they can get away with murder!
Mal0106-18,Room 507. But you are out of luck, they are not there! Must have kiss
ed and made up. The dame has dyed her hair, red.
Mal0106-19,Look, I've got other things to do you know. It's not like your money
is going to a life of leisure! You ought to hire a private eye.
Mal0402-01,There's only one American in Paris who is flat broke and I had to lan
d on him! So, did you win the jackpot?
Mal0402-02,Here, the Yank is back...
Mal0402-05,If you are interested in the suit, I will give you a good deal. As fa
r as I am concerned, it is ancient history.
Mal0402-07,You are very nosy. Do you want my old job or something?
Mal0402-10,You are looking for an informer who can fill you in on what is going
on at the Orphe, right?
Mal0402-11,Oh goodie. A private eye all to myself. And who might you be working

Mal0402-14,Do not make me laugh... a clown like you working as a private eye? Pr
obably just another dirty cop... It will cost you more for your trouble.
Mal0402-15,And I will answer if I feel like it. It is not like we have a contrac
t or that you are my boss or something. Sorry, I am done yapping with you.
Mal0402-16,Really? This is a nice surprise. A private eye who needs me! What do
you want to know?
Mal0402-19,Find someone else. Frankly, I have nothing to say.
Mal0402-20,I'm the sole heir of some old fart or other. I'm taking the first tra
in back to Brittany.
Mal0402-22,Now wait. Who are you? Do you work for the cops or what? I have done
nothing wrong!
Mal0402-25,I do not see what I could tell you!
Mal0402-27,You are American. I do not know of any penniless Americans in Paris.
Come on, let's see the dough!
Mal0402-28,Did I hear right? You are calling me a liar? Well, the liar bids you
farewell! Good day to you, sir.
Mal0402-31,Keep your money, I am leaving Paris anyway. I have come into an inher
Mal0402-32,Admit it, you feel a little lighter now that I've relieved you of a b
it of money.
Mal0402-35,It's that or nothing. Since you're so stubborn, let's make it nothing
Mal0402-36,Santa Go Wild, followed by Frankie Longlegs and Lulu la Gazelle in th
ird place.
Mal0404-00,You again! I get the feeling you have got the hots for me...
Mal0404-01,What a leech! I've got nothing more to say to you, Mr MacPherson!
mAntiAlias,Anti aliasing (Yes/No)
mBackToGame,Back to the game
mBackToMenuConf,Come on. Think it over. You don't really want to go back to the
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mBackToPrinc,Back to the main menu
mBitDepth,Bit depth (16 bit/32 bit):
mBrightness01,To calibrate your screen, please:
mBrightness02,1) Adjust the brightness until the centre of your screen is comple
tely black.
mBrightness03,2) Gradually increase the brightness until the words "Post Mortem"
mCharTalkTo,Suspects and contacts
mGammaCorrect,Gamma Correction
mLoadGame,Load Game
mLoadGame2,Game Loading
mMusic,Music Volume
mNewGame,New Game
mNewSave,New save game
mOverwriteConfirm,Are you sure you want to overwrite your savegame?
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mRestart,You must restart the game in order to validate the changes.
mSaveGame,Save Game
mSaveGame2,Saving Game
mScreenAdjust,Screen Adjustment

mSounds,SFX Volume
mSubtitle,Subtitles (Yes/No)
Nes0498-01,I am busy. Go away.
Nic0107-00,What can I get you, sir?
Nic0107-01,That will be five francs, sir!
Nic0107-02,You are welcome, sir.
Nic0107-03,Right, okay.
Nic0108-000,What can I get you, sir?
Nic0108-001,I told the cops everything I knew already. If you have any more ques
tions, you should ask them. Goodbye.
Nic0108-004,May I help you? What is their name?
Nic0108-006,I am truly sorry, sir... It is an awful story... A tragic end...
Nic0108-008,You really are a private eye, just like in the movies! You have even
got the hat. And you are American, too! Private dick...
Nic0108-010,Oh, the Whytes... I am sorry to have to tell you this but the Whytes
are dead. They were found murdered in their room. An awful story...
Nic0108-013,If you already knew, what else do you want?
Nic0108-015,You should have said! A detective! Then you are investigating the de
ath of the Whytes?
Nic0108-017,Yes. Most unfortunate... Truly awful... Can I offer you a drink?
Nic0108-018,I do not know anything, sir... You should try the police, maybe you
would have more luck with them.
Nic0108-020,Ask away, if you must. But I assure you, I have seen nothing out of
the ordinary.
Nic0108-022,Sir... I am sure you realise that a waiter is witness to all manners
of things in the course of an evening. Fortunately, not all of them are linked
to murder!
Nic0108-025,Yes, it really was a most unusual evening...
Nic0108-027,That is certainly true, he was here on the night of the murder!
Nic0108-028,You must be joking, my friend. Strange customers are all in a day's
work for a waiter. That evening was no exception. Like the man who spent the eve
ning alone at a table over there, beside the window. He left empty-handed. Been
stood up, I imagine...
Nic0108-031,A series of strange coincidences. The telephone that was no longer w
orking, the lift breaking down in the Orphe - that still has not been repaired, i
ncidentally - and to top it all, a violent storm breaking out just as the door c
losed behind the last customer. First thing the next day, I find out a double mu
rder took place, right here, almost right over my head!
Nic0108-033,Now let me think. I saw him chatting for a while with Malet.
Nic0108-034,Now let's see if I can remember. He arrived at around 8pm, took a se
at by the window, and dashed off just before the storm broke... at around 11pm.
Nic0108-037,Inspector Lebrun? Yes... I saw him. He did not seem to know where t
o begin the investigation.
Nic0108-038,Tho Malet. Works at the Orphe. He is a lout.
Nic0108-040,Malet hangs out at the Alambic, a bistro in the 14th district. That
is where he gambles away his wages.
Nic0108-043,He likes to bet and when you do, you have to pay your gambling debts
! It is a vicious circle... Malet is a bona-fide con man.
Nic0108-044,I have never seen the Whytes. Under any circumstances. There is no w
ay I would have noticed them with that man.
Nic0108-047,Er... No. No, it is the man who gave the money to Malet. I remember,

it was cash!
Nic0108-048,He is a young guy with no experience! He could not even be bothered
to write down the description I gave him of the man who was hanging around by th
e window. Yet he is probably a suspect!
Nic0108-050,You could draw him? That is really neat! I will give you a descripti
on right now. He was tall, very tall. Heavy, black moustache. Square faced. And
dreadful eyes. Threatening even. A tough guy.
Nic0108-053,You will probably find him behind his desk at the police station in
the 8th district.
Nic0108-054,You are welcome!
Nic0108-055,I would know for sure. A pair of Americans outside the tourist seaso
n are pretty conspicuous! But if you want to be sure, check at the Orphe's recept
ion desk. Maybe they would know.
Nic0108-057,Sorry but this is your investigation, not mine. I can only tell you
the facts, nothing more.
Nic0108-059,Some things you just can not explain...
Nic0108-061,Yes... That may be so... Instinct. What can you do?
Nic0108-063,You will have to check with reception at the Orphe. I have no idea.
Nic0108-066,I know exactly what you're alluding to. I had precisely the same fee
ling when the man left his observation post by the window. Like a shiver down th
e spine. Do not ask me why.
Nic0108-068,I do not know. You cannot see outside from in here. You'd better che
ck at the Orphe. Petit, the receptionist, will probably know. He was on duty that
Nic0108-070,They certainly were killed. It was the lady in the room next door wh
o alerted the reception.
Nic0108-071,She is a regular at the hotel. People say she's a little eccentric.
Ask at the reception desk of the Orphe. They will be able to tell you her name.
Nic0108-074,I told them what I knew. I definitely saw someone by the window all
evening. That is my testimony, they can do what they like with it!
Nic0108-076,Really? Of course I agree. An adventure... Finally!
Nic0108-078,Sir, please! I am an honest man!
Nic0108-080,I understand. That'll be five francs, so...
Nic0108-082,In that case, ok, I agree to help you.
Nic0108-084,The staff at the Hotel Orphe and myself do not really hang out togeth
er. Malet comes every now and again but other than him... No, I do not know them
Nic0108-086,You know I would like to help you but... I think you had better deal
directly with the police. A man named Lebrun is leading the inquiry
Nic0108-088,I do not know any more than that. I know that Petit, the Hotel Orphe
receptionist, was chewing the fat with Inspector Lebrun! He seemed to know quite
a lot about the Whyte case.
Nic0108-089,Golly, I wish I was a detective! So you are investigating the Hotel
Orphe murder?
Nic0108-091,A detective on the Orphe case... That means it is more serious than t
he police are letting on.
Nic0109-000,No... it is definitely not him. Looks nothing like him..
Nic0110-000,Hellouin... that is a funny name. And a private eye to boot. Now I a
m surprised! Quite a turnaround, is it not? That is definitely why he came in he
re, no mistake. As for what happened to him afterwards, I have no way of knowing
Nic0110-002,Yes, I can confirm that he did try to make a call. But I've no idea
who to. Especially since he did not manage to get through.
Nic0110-004,Oh, this was well after Malet's departure. Actually, it was just bef
ore he himself left. See, he tried to make a call, then he left immediately afte
rwards. Without a word of thanks.
Nic0110-007,Yes, yes... I remember now. He and Malet had a quick chat. And it wa
s definitely Malet who met up with him. The man arrived a few moments before Mal
et did.
Nic0110-008,Malet is dead! That is awful! It is starting to be an epidemic. I ca

n kiss the money the little scoundrel owed me goodbye. Never mind. May he rest i
n peace.
Nic0110-011,I did not hear anything. They spoke in low voices, as if they were p
lanning something. As for anything changing hands, I maintain that your man Hell
ouin did not get a thing. He is the one who gave money to Malet!
Nic0110-013,Malet has always been in debt. On the night of the murder he slipped
off, without coming to see me. If he had any money on him, he hung on to it.
Nic0130-00,Yes... maybe... Yes, that's him.
Nic0199-00,Aren't you on a case?
Ope0006-00,Hello, what number can I dial for you?
Ope0006-01,(Telephone ringing) ring ring
Ope0006-02,You're welcome, sir. Glad to be of service.
Ope0006-03,There is no answer, sir. Call back later.
Ope0006-04,Right away, sir.
Ope0006-05,Hello, what number can I dial for you?
Ope0006-06,If you want to talk to someone, you will need their number. Glad to b
e of service, sir. Goodbye.
Ope0006-07,(Telephone ringing) ring ring
Ope0006-08,There is no answer, sir. Call back later.
Ope0006-09,Right away, sir.
Pet0100-000,Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Hotel Orphe. My name is Isidore Pet
it. What can I do for you?
Pet0100-001,Sorry, sir, I am afraid I cannot help you.
Pet0100-002,The insurance company! Perfect! The Whytes left, shall we say, a rat
her substantial bill that really needs to be settled. You are here about the bil
Pet0100-003,Sir, you work for a vulgar little rag! Your newspaper is a hodgepodg
e of lies and innuendos!
Pet0100-004,Those newspapers could not care less about the damage they cause. Su
ch words tarnish the reputation of our establishment. Who will want to rent that
room now?
Pet0100-005,I dislike this public undermining of the safety measures implemented
by the Hotel Orphe for the protection of its guests.
Pet0100-006,Sir, what happened in that room is now a matter for the police.
Pet0100-007,Measures have been taken! What occurred tonight will not happen agai
Pet0100-008,That is enough. You wanted a demonstration of the effectiveness of o
ur security. Well, I am personally responsible for security and my first act wil
l be to throw you out. Leave, sir!
Pet0100-009,We exercise extreme vigilance regarding the proficiency of our staff
, as well as the standing of our clients.
Pet0100-011,It is no laughing matter, Mr MacPherson. That room happens to be one
of the most prestigious in the hotel. Besides, we already have Mrs Loiseau as a
n attraction on that floor.
Pet0100-012,Mr MacPherson, a bit of restraint, please. Two innocent people met t
heir death in that room. One must not joke about such matters. Besides, we alrea
dy had Mrs Loiseau as an attraction on that floor, and that is definitely enough
Pet0100-013,You see, the Whytes did not have what you might call proper manners.
They were rude and frankly quite unseemly on occasions. More than once they mad
e quite a spectacle of themselves, showing off their stormy temperament to anyon
e and everyone.
Pet0100-016,Out of the question. The police have yet to tie up the case.
Pet0100-017,If you want any more information, contact the police directly. I am
afraid that I can do no more for you.
Pet0100-018,You know Madam Loiseau sees things that nobody else can see.
Pet0100-020,That is right. Except that the Whytes did not behave as tourists. Th
ey arrived on the 8th and - if you will pardon the expression - left feet first
on the 12th. In the intervening period, only Mr Whyte ventured out. And "venture
d out" is something of an overstatement. Mrs Whyte did not leave the room for th

e whole stay.
Pet0100-023,The Whytes received no visitors during their stay here. They were ad
amant that they should not be disturbed. Which is why I refused to give their nu
mber to a man who asked to see them the night before their murder.
Pet0100-024,An extra security guard is out of the question! The Hotel Orphe is no
t a prison. I shall be more vigilant from now on. And more importantly, better a
Pet0100-026,You are speaking to him. I am the manager. But I have no wish to ans
wer your questions, sir.
Pet0100-027,You think you can buy a receptionist, like oranges at a market? No,
sir. I am not for sale!
Pet0100-028,I do not understand your insinuations, sir. The Hotel Orphe is in no
way responsible for the events that occurred in that room.
Pet0100-029,Sir, we have nothing to be ashamed of. What happened in that room la
st night is not about to happen again!
Pet0100-031,Never before have we been victims of such an occurrence, sir. Never!
From now on, we shall be much more careful about which guests are admitted to t
he Hotel Orphe.
Pet0100-032,Sometimes, sir, I hear without listening. Particularly where people'
s private lives are concerned.
Pet0100-035,Oh, that changes everything. What happened in Room 507 was totally u
Pet0100-036,The thing is, the police have not yet finished their investigations.
Room 507 would be impossible. But the room next door, room 505, is identical.
It even has a nicer view. A long-term stay calls for maximum comfort, does it no
Pet0100-037,Follow me, sir. I will lead the way.
Pet0100-039,Our clientele is much too respectful to complain. There was of cours
e Madam Loiseau, but with Madam Loiseau...
Pet0100-041,They did not mix much. In fact they were rather stay-at-home types,
considering they were tourists. They only went out together once in four days, t
he night before they were murdered.
Pet0100-042,Er... you cannot wait. Not here. Who would you be waiting for anyway
Pet0100-044,There were no witnesses to the deaths. Besides which the police have
forbidden us to discuss what happened. You should contact them directly.
Pet0100-046,One moment, sir! I can guess who you are. Some wretched pen-pusher..
. Looking for some sordid scandal. Thought you had deceived me, didn't you?
Pet0100-047,A journalist... That is all we need! Look, we had enough upheaval he
re these last few days. What exactly do you want to know?
Pet0100-049,All right, all right... In that case, you can wait for as long as yo
u wish.
Pet0100-051,I told the police everything I know! It is all in my statement.
Pet0100-053,Some cunning devil that was asking too many questions! Rather like y
ou, actually...
Pet0100-055,You are looking for a description with which you are going to produc
e a sketch, is that it? Well, I cannot wait to see this! The man was French. Par
isian, in fact. No spectacles, no... Small, dark, rather wide eyes, beneath larg
e, thick eyebrows... Wide mouth, thin lips. A boxer's nose. Solid build... a str
apping lad. Typical working-class type..
Pet0100-056,It is one of our finest rooms, sir. What happened will make letting
it out again very hard indeed. People can be so superstitious, you know.
Pet0100-057,Do not talk to me about it. I can scarcely imagine all the work that
will have to be done to restore the room to its former splendour. It is terribl
Pet0100-059,Granted, the police's line of questioning is hard to fathom. But sti
ll, they do represent the law!
Pet0100-060,This bill is rather high. You are responsible for settling it. The t
otal sum is exactly 2500 francs.
Pet0100-061,That evening, somebody did not do their job properly. But what can I

do? I cannot be everywhere at once. I shall be doubly careful from now on.
Pet0100-064,Like every good citizen! Except that my memory is not what it was.
I fear my description will be of no help in tracking this person..
Pet0100-066,We had an employee who was rather less reliable but he left us. Rest
assured, he was a little hoodlum.
Pet0100-068,The list is long, sir. Luxury clothing, sumptuous meals, a room book
ed one month in advance with clear instructions that it should remain available
at all times. Strange couple, those Whytes! Did you know that they barely set fo
ot outside during their stay? In fact I do not remember Madam ever going out, as
ide from that last evening. They must have enjoyed our comforts.
Pet0100-069,Well now, we have a problem because the Whytes left no security. Not
hing in the safe, no money, nothing. Which is why the police deduced that it mus
t have been theft. Even their suitcase has disappeared!
Pet0100-072,250 francs barely compensates for the trouble the Whytes caused us.
Hmmm... All right, in this case, that will be acceptable.
Pet0100-074,The police have not yet finished their investigations in Room 507. C
ome back in a few days...
Pet0101-00,Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Hotel Orphe. How may I help you?
Pet0101-01,You again! I was under the impression I had shown you the door!
Pet0101-02,We do not give out such information, sir. Not without the prior agree
ment of our client.
Pet0101-03,Sir, you shall obtain nothing from me with money!
Pet0101-04,Sorry, sir, I will not answer any questions regarding the Orph's guest
Pet0101-05,Why, I never! I... I... I strongly advise you to leave this establish
ment before I call the authorities!
Pet0101-06,Why, I never! Sir, if you think you can bribe me... You better leave
before I call the authorities!
Pet0101-07,It is better that way, sir.
Pet0101-09,That is enough! I refuse to talk to you any further!
Pet0101-11,That will not work with me, sir. You are not in the slums here! Keep
your money. Book yourself some lessons in proper manners, if it's not too late.
Pet0101-13,I have no interest in prying into the Whytes' lives. Hotel Orphe guest
s have a right to privacy, sir.
Pet0102-01,It amounts to the same thing. Theo Malet left his job the night the W
hytes were murdered. I do not want to hear any more about him.
Pet0102-03,Malet was a thug and a very poor employee. He spent more time in the
Nantis caf than he did working. It is no great loss!
Pet0102-05,I agree with the police, that man is very suspicious. Maybe seeing hi
s picture will jolt my memory and allow me to identify him...
Pet0102-06,Good. Well, if it is all right with you, I have a lot of work to do.
Goodbye, sir.
Pet0102-08,Madam Loiseau may be a little eccentric but she is our best client. S
he has been living in the Hotel Orphe for many years now.
Pet0102-09,He left before Madam Loiseau called me to sort out one or two problem
s, so that was before the murders had come to light. Malet slipped away quietly.
Do you really think it makes a difference? As far as I am concerned, Malet is a
Pet0102-12,Nonsense and superstition! Any evil presence here is definitely human
. People can be gruesome.
Pet0102-13,Ah, it is you again...
Pet0103-00,I do not know how the Whytes got back to the hotel. All I can tell yo
u is that they ran up considerable expenses again that evening! A restaurant bil
l, for example. And not just any old restaurant! Chez Alexandre, no less! So if
a car did drop them off, I hope it was not a rental. I am not paying out a penny
more for those corpses!
Pet0103-02,Who knows? I was here at the desk. Malet was taking care of the door.
Actually, he saw to all the doors. He was a doorman. One good reason why all th
e locks throughout the establishment ought to be changed. Malet is no longer wit
h us and nobody knows what he has done with the master key.

Pet0115-01,That crafty devil with the moustache! Then he is the culprit!

Pet0115-03,With those killer's eyes, there can be no mistake!
Pet0115-04,You again! Sir, I have nothing more to say to you.
Pet0199-00,I shall give it to her as quickly as possible.
RenderCaption,PostMortem - Initialization error
RenderError,The 3D rendering engine could not be initialized
RenderNo3D,No available 3D accelerator:\neither your 3D card does not have the r
equired functions for the game,\nor there has been an error and you should reboo
t your computer.
SonEnfant,***(Children playing)
Sound_Error,Error initializing sound card.
Sound_NotAvail,Your sound card is not available or it is nonexistent.\nMake sure
your sound card is not in use by another application before running PostMortem.
Sound_Winsock,Impossible to open sound file format.\nIn Windows 95, this game re
quires the installation of the 'Windows Socket Version 2' update.\nIt is provide
d on the CD. Refer to the 'Readme' document for installation instructions.
Tel0006-00,Poste et tlgraphe, go ahead, please...!
Tel0006-01,As you wish, Sir. Goodbye.
Tel0006-02,I've made a note of it. It will leave this morning. Done.
Tel0006-03,I've made a note of it. Finished, sir? Goodbye.
Tel0006-04,Pinkerton Agency... New York. In America. I've made a note of it. You
r request will leave today. Goodbye.
Ton1000-00,Good evening, sir. Welcome to Chez Alexandre. Can I do anything for y
ou, sir?
Ton1000-01,Our establishment caters to the finest palates in Paris. If you happe
n to change your mind, we would be only too pleased to welcome you, sir. My name
is Tonio.
Ton1000-02,This way please, sir. Miss Blake is waiting for you.
Ton1000-03,How unfortunate! We have no more tables available this evening! Perha
ps you would like to come back tomorrow, although we don't open till 7 o'clock t
omorrow, sir. Early next week would be the best. I'm so sorry, sir. But you know
our medieval specialities are very much in demand at the moment. Today's recomm
ended dish is wild boar in barley beer, served in the Lutce style.
Ton1000-04,Of course, sir! The price is very reasonable for an excellent vintage
Ton1000-05,Good evening, sir. Welcome to Chez Alexandre. Do you have a reservati
Ton1000-06,I do not see any reservation under that name. Maybe they have reserve
d a table in another establishment.
Ton1000-07,Mr de Allepin is one of our most respectable clients. Unfortunately h
e has not honoured us with a visit for almost a week now. And he left no recomme
ndation with regard to yourself. I am sorry, sir, I can not help you.
Ton1000-08,If you are going to take that tone with me, let me tell you right now
that I do not give a damn who it is. Our register clearly indicates he is not a
guest here, never has been and probably never will be!
Ton1000-09,Mmm... Now that you mention it, I think she came here. And she was wi
th some guy or other. They even had a rather colourful exchange, in English. And
it was not all sweet nothings, I can tell you! But it is not the name you gave
me. It was Whyte, not Eaton.
Ton1000-10,You should have said so! Of course I remember them. They had quite a
scene during the meal! Arguing non-stop. In the end, a man turned up and they al
l left in a car! But you're mistaken about the name. It was Whyte, not Eaton. Of
that I am sure.
Ton1000-11,Oh, but wait! Two Americans were here earlier... A rather lively coup
le. But their name was Whyte, not Eaton. Sorry.
Ton1000-12,Sir, it is not MY job to spy on people! It would seem to be yours tho
ugh. All that matters to me is that they enjoyed their meal and paid their bill.
Actually, they put it on their account at the Hotel Orphe. A French gentlemen jo
ined them and they chatted for a while before leaving together. I do not know wh

ere they went. I hope this is of some help to you because you seem to be complet
ely lost.
Ton1000-13,Are you sure these are the Americans you're looking for? You know Par
is is crawling with Americans. If it is of any help to you, I remember this part
icular couple put their bill onto an account at the Hotel Orphe in the 8th distri
ct; an establishment undoubtedly all too respectable for them. I seem to remembe
r that the lady had already been here with Mr de Allepin. Sometimes appearances
can be misleading, you know. Like the gentleman who joined them. Well dressed, b
eautiful car.... Very, very high-class! But he could have been a hoodlum too for
all I know. Ah! It's hard to know who you can trust!
tt_Allumette,A box of matches
tt_AmpouleGaz,A vial containing purple gas
tt_AmpouleVide,An empty glass vial
tt_AnneauAlpha,A metal ring decorated with letters of the alphabet
tt_Argent,Some francs
tt_BallonRouge,A red ball
tt_BilletBateau,Tickets for a New York to Le Havre trip
tt_BoiteBiscuits,A tin of biscuits
tt_Bougie,A candle...
tt_BouteilleVin,A bottle of wine
tt_Calepin,MacPherson's notebook
tt_CalepinHell,Hellouin's notebook
tt_CameraBrownie,A camera
tt_CarteKaufner,A psychiatrist's calling card
tt_CarteParis,A map of Paris
tt_CarteVisite,Sophia Blake's calling card
tt_Chandelle,A candle
tt_CleBileJaune,A triangular yellow stone
tt_CleBileNoire,A triangular black stone
tt_CleCoffreFort,A key to a safe
tt_CleEaton,A small key to a strongbox
tt_CleFlegme,A triangular green stone
tt_CleOrphe,A room key for the Orphe
tt_CleSang,A triangular red stone
tt_Colis,A small parcel wrapped in brown paper
tt_Couteau,A knife with a long blade
tt_Crayon,A pen
tt_Cuilleres,Some measuring spoons
tt_CylindreKaufner,A wax cylinder
tt_DossierDeAllepin,G. de Allepin's medical file
tt_DossierFay,G. (Adeline) Eaton's medical file
tt_DossierHulot,A. Hulot's police file
tt_EclatVerre,Very fine slivers of glass
tt_FakeLetterBad,A fake letter of introduction to the Companions...
tt_FakeLetterGood,A fake letter of introduction to the Companions...
tt_Flashlight,A flashlight
tt_Fusain,Charcoal for drawing
tt_Jonc,A ring bearing the inscription "To Fay with love"
tt_JournalKaufner,Dr Kaufner's journal
tt_JournalLeClairon,Newspaper Le Paris
tt_LettreBlake,A letter from Sophia Blake
tt_LettreDeAllepin,A letter from G. de Allepin
tt_LettreRancon,The ransom letter
tt_LivreTempliers,A book on the Knights Templar
tt_Maillet,A small hammer
tt_NotesCompagnons,Notes on BSORC, written by Gracie Eaton
tt_NotesWhytes,Hellouin's notes on the Eaton case
tt_OutilCrochetage,Some lock-picking tools
tt_Papers,Documents about de Allepin's financial situation...

tt_Parchemin,An alchemical formula?

tt_Passeport,American passports in the names of Fay and Jerome Johnson
tt_Peinture,Two almost identical paintings
tt_Pendule,A pendulum made from an old coin
tt_PhotoDepouille,A photograph of Grgoire de Allepin's mortal remains
tt_PieceCuivre,18th-century copper coin
tt_PieceOr,18th-century gold coin
tt_PiecesXIIIe,A numismatic treatise, with several illustrations
tt_PortraitRobot,A picture of the Hotel Orphe suspect
tt_PortraitRobotB,A picture of the Hotel Orphe suspect
tt_RapportPolice,Police report on the Hotel Orphe murders
tt_SecretumAlchemia,Secretum Alchemia, a treatise on alchemy
tt_SketchBaphomet,A sketch of a strange sculpture
tt_SketchBtn,Sketch portrait
tt_SwapBtn,Look at the other painting
tt_Talisman,A magic talisman
tt_Telegramme,A telegram from J.Wells
tt_TeteBaphomet,The Head of Baphomet. Real or fake?
tt_TeteBaphomet2,The Head of Baphomet. Real or fake?
tt_ViewBtn,Look at drawings
wigGro0201,Not so fast, buddy! If you are after the Inspector, you have to see m
e first.
wigHel0100,There's nothing to see down there.
wigHel0400,Look, a note pad! The first page seems to have been ripped out in a h
wigHel0600,My mom's place. She has gone out again and locked the door behind her
wigHel0601,The letter from the banker de Allepin. The job? Find the brother and
sister he suspects of having stolen from him. Easy and well paid. I never turn d
own jobs like this.
wigHel0900,What nice flowers and flower pot! Madam should take good care of it.
Careful, though. One little shove and it could crash to the floor.
wigHel0901,Look, a boat ticket!
wigHel0902,A locked safe... They probably got the key with them!
wigHel0903,Books on the Middle Ages. They cover everything from old French to fe
male fashion! But why all these books?
wigHel0904,Notes written in English.... Too bad I can't read English. I can only
make out the names.
wigHel1300,No answer. No one is going to annoy him with a lock like that on his
wigKau0100,Did I realise how great an impact dealing with this man would have on
me? On my career, on my own destiny? His soul has passed from body to body down
through the centuries. The Cycle of the Phoenix. He is the phoenix, risen from
the ashes! He has confided in me the secret of his power, of his riches. The Hea
d of Baphomet! I'm very familiar with the myth. The Companions' library featured
more than one legend on the subject. Grgoire de Allepin claims to have been in p
ossession of the Head since the Middle Ages. He acquired it on behalf of the Kni
ghts Templar and kept it after their dissolution...
wigKau0101,They dare to call my manifesto a scientific fairy tale. They think th
ey're the leading experts in psychoanalysis! Vienna... I will prove my theory to
them. I will prove that Grgoire de Allepin is immortal! Slowly but surely, my ro
le in de Allepin's existence has grown in importance. Using hypnosis, I have man
aged to impose my will upon him, all the while espousing his ambitions. I shall
be his successor as head of the Companions. His power, his riches, the Baphomet.
.. it will all be mine. I shall be his heir...!The time has come! This evening d
e Allepin wishes to see me at his manor... Gracie Eaton, his "Adeline", will be
there. Tonight I shall become the greatest! Neither Vienna nor de Allepin can st

op me now! The old fool is convinced that I'm ready to receive his soul... Ready
to receive his riches, more like! And the influence that comes with them. Then
Vienna shall pay for its insolence!
wigLeb0202,Yes, come in!
wigMac0101,That is a rather large suitcase! Big enough to slip into. If only I k
new which floor to go to.
wigMac0102,What is the point of going up if I do not have the Whytes' room numbe
wigMac0103,I am sure the front desk clerk will not like to see me going upstairs
alone. I must find a ruse, or persuade him to come up with me.
wigMac0104,Of course the door is locked! And the front desk clerk is hardly like
ly to open it for me. I must find a way to get in.
wigMac0105,It is not the room I am interested in. Anyway, the door is locked.
wigMac0106,Well, well, the key is still in the lock on the other side. If I coul
d push it out, maybe I could use it on this side.
wigMac0107,Whew...Smells like ether only stronger. My head is spinning...
wigMac0108,Look... tiny slivers of glass bearing traces of a fine purple powder.
wigMac0109,Looks like black hair dye.
wigMac0110,It's an engagement ring. How romantic! The engraving inside says, "To
Fay with love." Who's Fay?
wigMac0111,If the key falls, I will have to watch where it drops, otherwise I wi
ll lose it...
wigMac0112,This door leads to the Whytes' room. But I cannot wriggle underneath.
I will have to find a way to open it.
wigMac0113,There! A scandal rag beneath the door...
wigMac0114,A newspaper beneath the door, all set to retrieve the key...
wigMac0115,Renovation work... Maybe I should offer to repaint the ceiling.
wigMac0116,Those visions again, like I used to get in New York! This business is
off to a dirty start.
wigMac0300,The egg, symbol of immortality according to Mrs Loiseau! Strange, I d
o not remember Hellouin mentioning it.
wigMac0301,A medical file on a patient with the initials G.E.. Gracie Eaton? If
she was a patient here, that means Hellouin is telling the truth.
wigMac0302,At the heart of the egg... the secret of the soul. A wax cylinder wit
h "The Cycle of the Phoenix by F. Kaufner" written on it.
wigMac0303,All we need now is a phonographe.
wigMac0400,I always found that fresco a little melancholic.
wigMac0500,Strange. the candlelight highlights details I had never noticed befor
wigMac0501,Hulot, what was the secret you had hidden right under our noses all t
he time?
wigMac0600,No one here...
wigMac0601,Locked, obviously! What else did I expect? Looks like there is nobody
in there. I need to find a way to take a look around...
wigMac0602,Double-locked. With a safe like this, it is hopeless without a key.
wigMac0603,Hellouin's notes. They contain all the information he found during hi
s investigation.
wigMac0604,A letter of appointment, signed Grgoire de Allepin.
wigMac0800,Knock out. This way he's in no position to harm me. Nothing in the po
ckets, nothing in the hands... Just a dreadful headache in the morning...
wigMac0801,These books are in Greek, Latin and other languages people no longer
speak... Myself included.
wigMac0900,There's no use, it is locked tight.
wigMac0901,Here it is, the right key! Pandora's secrets are all mine!
wigMac0903,But, what is it?... a sketch of a bust, American passports and a lett
er from.. Sophia Blake! This business is really starting to bother me...
wigMac1200,This way is blocked by an iron gate.
wigMac1201,If I go that way, I could end up face to face with a incoming train.
Not such a good idea... The other way looks unused. It will be safer.
wigMac1300,Strange front door... An improved version of all the other locks I ha

ve come across so far.

wigMac1301,Strange. Such a huge house with so many unused rooms!
wigMac1302,A real alchemy kit... All these flasks contain powders. What on earth
does he do with them all?
wigMac1303,Best be careful. The wrong powder in the wrong quantities could spell
wigMac1304,Looks like an oven. If I light it, something should come out of this
tube... I need a receptacle.
wigPet0100,Would you like anything, sir?
wrldTagAppart,The Eatons' apartment
wrldTagBistro,Alambic Bistro
wrldTagBureau,Hellouin's office
wrldTagCommiss,Police station
wrldTagCompagnons,Meeting Hall of the BSORC
wrldTagDeAllepin,De Allepin's house
wrldTagHotel,Orphe Hotel
wrldTagMetro,Murat/Porte Molitor metro station
wrldTagResto,Chez Alexandre restaurant
wrldTagSalpat,Dr Frank Kaufner's office
wrldTagStudio,My studio

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