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Week 1

I have been entrusted to teach English in Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Besut,

SKKB. Last semester I was in SK Lembah Jaya, which is a school for indigenous
people, therefore in the classroom to teach normal students, the real feelings of a
variety of hard to say. Actually, I had less experience on teaching students in this
field, but I believe that each experience will be learned and practiced from time to
During the first week in SKLJ , I had the opportunity to recognize the red and
behaviour of students , especially in the prospective class I teach for a period of 2
months . Indeed, three months is a very short period to make sudden changes in
pupil performance. This in turn is the best for me to learn and master the consistent
teaching of sustainable systems. All this is to create a learning environment that is
appropriate and effective, which will ultimately have a direct impact on students. In
other cases, the problems stem from the ability of students to classes and been
thought to be seen. Among the potential problems posed by students, including
noise and take a stroll in the classroom while disrupting other friends of teaching.
There are times due to delinquency; they seem to disregard the teachers who are
teaching in front of the class. The nature of such delinquency shall not be allowed as
affecting teaching and learning process. The nature of their delinquency will become
more apparent when doing activities in class as an example when doing group
activities. According K.Wong Harry (1998) many behaviours problems caused by
their own teachers.Most behaviours in the classroom Problems are caused by the
teachers failure to teach Students how to follow procedure. As a teacher, I want to
create an environment of teaching and learning in my classes. I wish the students
the best possible focus every class run and get as much of a given input.
Before recommending steps that can be taken to overcome the above
problem, I have done an analysis to find the causes that cause the problem to occur.
Every time I watched the teachers who are teaching in the classroom, some students
like to make noise and do not focus on teaching. Some of the initial assumptions

First, Possible students who make noise are not understanding what is
delivered in the classroom. Second, normally students commonly cause problems in
class consisted of vulnerable groups and are not interested in education. Third, Does
teaching strategy boring and do not meet the teaching and learning in line with the
pedagogical knowledge?
After analysing and reflecting on the initial assumptions, I find students who
can also usually be making noise in class. This happens often, too quickly after they
complete an assignment given by the teacher in an activity against their friends from
the poor students. Once the task is completed, they will make noise and take a stroll
in the classroom. Moreover, if viewed from another perspective the use of English in
teaching maths students also difficult to understand the things taught. It has also
raised their tendency to make noise.
The solution to the problems students are, with my own take some steps to
overcome the problems posed by students as stated above. This includes the way
remember the name of every pupil. This will help teachers to interact with each
student particularly problematic. In this way, students will be more afraid to cause
problems. In addition , the restructuring of the students in the class can also be done
by placing students who have problems in front of the teacher to facilitate the
monitoring is done . In this way students will pay more attention to each lesson.
In conclusion, the problems of students and schools are not a big issue is the
main problem for me to implement my practicum until the end. The pupils are the
generation that will overshadow the well-being of the nation in the future. Thus, every
problem there is a solution that happens; it is up to the teachers themselves to
overcome it.

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