Project Management Assets and Project Management Performance Outcomes

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Project management assets

and project management
performance outcomes


Exploratory factor analysis

Gita Mathur
Department of Organization and Management, San Jose State University,
San Jose, California, USA

Kam Jugdev
Athabasca University, Athabasca, Canada, and

Tak Shing Fung

Department of Information Technologies, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Canada
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine characteristics of project management assets
and project management performance outcomes as a step towards exploring the link between assets
being valuable, rare, inimitable, and having organizational support and the achievement of
competitive advantage.
Design/methodology/approach This paper analyzes data from responses to an online
survey by 198 North American Project Management Institutew members. Exploratory factor
analysis is used to identify characteristics of project management assets and project management
performance outcomes.
Findings In total, six factors that comprised the characteristics of project management assets, three
factors that comprised organizational support for project management assets, and two factors that
comprised the project management performance outcomes were extracted.
Research limitations/implications Limitations of this study include sample size, response rate,
and self-report bias, calling for a larger sample in ongoing research. This study is a step towards
making the link between project management assets and performance outcomes.
Practical implications This study draws managerial attention to project management assets as
sources of competitive advantage, applying the resource based view of the firm that assets are
sources of competitive advantage if they add economic value, are rare, are difficult to imitate, and have
organizational support.
Originality/value Few papers have applied the resource based view of the firm to examine project
management capabilities as a source of competitive advantage. This paper contributes to the literature
on the resource based view of the firm and contributes to an improved understanding of project
management as a source of competitive advantage.

Management Research Review

Vol. 36 No. 2, 2013
pp. 112-135
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/01409171311292234

Keywords Competitive advantage, Project management, Resource management, Assets,

Performance outcomes, Project management assets, Project management resources, Resource based view,
Strategic assets, Strategic resources
Paper type Research paper

Using the resource based view (RBV) of the firm, we take the perspective that firms are
a collection of resources, that the project management process is a subset of resources
of a firm, and that some of these project management resources are strategic and,
therefore, a source of competitive advantage for the firm. Resources are considered
strategic if they have the following competitive characteristics, they provide economic
value (valuable), they are unique (rare), they are difficult to copy (inimitable), and they
have organizational support. The presence of these competitive characteristics, referred
to as VRIO (Barney, 1991, 1998, 2002), lead to competitive advantage. A resource
contributes to competitive parity by being valuable and having organizational support.
If a resource is both valuable and rare, and has organizational support, it contributes
to temporary competitive advantage. A resource needs to be valuable, rare, inimitable,
and have organizational support to provide a sustained competitive advantage.
The project management process has been getting an increasing amount of attention
as a means to improve a firms competitive position. The academic literature has, however,
focused primarily on operational aspects of project management, and the role of this
process as a strategic capability, while it has been recognized, is still understudied.
The objective of our research is to make a contribution to the growing body of empirical
work that provides an improved understanding of project management as a source of
competitive advantage for scholars and practitioners interested in project management.
Prior research has attempted to highlight the competitive advantage that can be gained
from project management assets, empirically linking project management assets to the
achievement of the characteristics, valuable, rare, inimitable, and organizationally
supported (Jugdev and Mathur, 2006; Jugdev et al., 2007; Mathur et al., 2007). This past
work has not empirically addressed the link between the characteristics of the project
management assets and project or firm performance. We extend this past work, using
a new survey instrument that also draws on the VRIO framework to examine the factors
that comprise these competitive characteristics of project management assets, and in
addition, examines factors that comprise project management performance outcomes,
in an attempt to explore the link between assets being valuable, rare, inimitable, and
having organizational support and the achievement of competitive advantage. In this
paper we present our findings from an exploratory factor analysis of the data collected
from responses to an online survey by 198 North American Project Management
Institutew members using our survey instrument. We report on the extracted factors that
are characteristics of project management assets and project management performance
outcomes. This is a step towards exploring the link between project management and
the achievement of competitive advantage. The development of a path model based on
the data and extracted factors reported in this paper will be addressed in future research.
The sections that follow include the literature review, the study methodology,
a discussion of findings, conclusions, limitations, and the next steps in this research
Literature review
The RBV examines competitive advantage in terms of a companys many resources or
assets (e.g. financial, human, organizational, physical, social, technological). The firms
resources can be tangible (concrete; physical; codified or based on explicit knowledge)
or intangible (tacit; unspoken but understood). Only a subset of these resources,




classified as strategic assets, contributes to its competitive advantage (Amit and

Schoemaker, 1993). The RBV and the perspective that strategic assets contribute to a
firms competitive advantage are widely accepted in the literature. Strategic assets
(e.g. intellectual property rights, reputation, brand, and culture) are resources that
involve explicit and tacit knowledge (Eisenhardt and Santos, 2000; Kaplan et al., 2001;
Kogut, 2000; Nonaka, 1994) that is embedded in a companys unique skills, knowledge,
resources, and ways of working (Foss, 1997; Rumelt et al., 1994). As a recent review
indicates, the RBV continues to hold merit (Kraaijenbrink et al., 2010).
The VRIO framework has emerged from this perspective as a useful way of
characterizing strategic assets (Barney, 1991, 2002). The RBV and Barneys VRIO
framework have been widely used in empirical studies on strategic assets such as: the
cognitive abilities of entrepreneurs (Alvarez and Busenitz, 2001), human resource skills
(Barney, 1998), managerial skills and abilities (Castanias and Helfat, 2001), electronic
commerce strategy capabilities (Montealegre, 2002), the effectiveness of the customer
service process in the insurance industry (Ray et al., 2004), governance decisions for
sourcing technological know-how (Schilling and Steensma, 2002), and technology
commercialization (Zahra and Nielsen, 2002). Newbert provides a broad assessment of
the empirical research on RBV (Newbert, 2007). Others have assessed empirical research
within specific fields, for example, the international business literature (Peng, 2001) and
the strategic human resources management field (Wright et al., 2001). Some researchers
have examined specific sectors, for example, the banking industry (Liu et al., 2010), the
home video game industry (Shankar and Bayus, 2003), and management support and
the performance of entrepreneurial start-ups in Germany (Stubner et al., 2007).
Our literature review indicates that the stream of research on operations management
using the RBV lens is evolving. Scholars have examined several operational processes
and reported that information sharing meets the VRIO criteria (Barratt and Oke, 2007);
scheduling estimating and management capabilities positively affect project
revenue (Ethiraj et al., 2005); functional areas integrated through organizational
knowledge contribute to valuable and rare product features (Paiva et al., 2008); and
improvement and innovation routines are distinct bundles that significantly relate
to operational performance (Peng et al., 2007).
The project management arena is also seeing an emerging interest in the application
of the RBV perspective. Project management is a set of processes that encompasses
the tools, techniques, and knowledge-based practices applied to projects, to achieve
organizational goals and deliver products or services (DeFillippi and Arthur, 1998;
Fernie et al., 2003; Project Management Institute, 2008). Project management involves
both tangible and intangible assets. Tangible resources involve codified or explicit
knowledge while intangible resources are based on tacit knowledge. Codified and tacit
knowledge have also been labeled as know-what and know-how (Nonaka, 1994).
To date, considerable project management literature has focused on the tangible
resources and codified knowledge through research on project management offices
(Aubry et al., 2007, 2008; Hobbs and Aubry, 2007) and studies on the use of tools and
techniques (Besner and Hobbs, 2006, 2008; Kloppenborg and Opfer, 2002; Ulri and Ulri,
2000). Several studies extend this stream of research to explore the tools and techniques
in relation to project success (Fortune et al., 2011; Patanakul et al., 2010; White and
Fortune, 2002). However, none of these aforementioned studies were anchored within
the RBV framework.

Following the RBV logic, it is the lesser-studied intangible project management

resources that are more likely to be rare and inimitable, and therefore more likely to be
sources of competitive advantage. Intangible project management resources include
tacit knowledge, the application and sharing of tacit knowledge, and processes and
relationships for facilitating this sharing. While explicit knowledge is more formal,
codified, and transmitted systematically (Polanyi, 1966), tacit knowledge is shared
informally through social exchanges (Granovetter, 1985) and some examples in project
management include brainstorming, mentoring, learning through shadowing, and
storytelling (Egbu, 2004; Leonard-Barton, 1992). Project teams often share knowledge
through informal exchange of ideas and practice in communities of practice, groups
where members regularly engage in sharing and learning based on their common
interests (Lesser, 2000).
A few studies have applied the RBV and the VRIO framework to explore how project
management contributes to a companys competitive advantage. In a qualitative
field study based on an American-UK feature film industry project, DeFillipi and Arthur
found that although projects involve mobile and rented personnel (human capital),
they could accumulate core competencies and create a competitive advantage through
possessing inimitable resources (DeFillippi and Arthur, 1998). The VRIO framework
has also been applied to a case study of a project in the German music industry to analyze
competitive advantage levers (Enders et al., 2009). In their research program, Jugdev,
Mathur, and Fung drew on the RBV literature and developed an instrument based on the
VRIO framework to survey project management practitioners to explore the relationship
between tangible and intangible project management assets and the achievement
of the competitive characteristics of the project management process ( Jugdev and
Mathur, 2006; Jugdev et al., 2007; Mathur et al., 2007). They found that while tangible
project management assets are valuable, it is the intangible project management assets
that result in the process being rare, contributing to competitive advantage.
With firms increasingly focusing on project management as a source of competitive
advantage to help leverage their resources (Cleland and Ireland, 2002; Pinto, 2001),
we believe that an improved understanding of project management as a source of
competitive advantage motivates further investigation.
Conceptual model
We propose a high-level conceptual model (Figure 1) based on the literature to link the
characteristics of project management assets, as independent variables, to project
management performance outcomes, the dependent variables. Project management
assets can have one or more of the following characteristics valuable (V), rare (R), and
inimitable (I). It is expected that these characteristics of the project management process
(V, R, and I) will affect project management performance outcomes, thereby contributing
to competitive advantage. If an asset is valuable and has organizational support it
contributes to competitive parity. If it is both valuable and rare, and has organizational
support, it contributes to temporary competitive advantage. Assets need to be valuable,
rare, inimitable, and have organizational support to provide a sustained competitive
advantage (Barney, 2007). Since organizational support is required for these assets to lead
to competitive advantage, in our model, we consider organizational support (O) as
a moderating variable for valuable, rare, and inimitable project management assets
to lead to competitive advantage from the project management process. We expect




that the presence of the characteristics valuable (V), rare (R), and inimitable (I) will predict
project management performance outcomes in the presence of organizational support (O).
Our research draws on and builds upon previous empirical research that reports on
factors that constitute project management strategic assets and links them to the
achievement of the VRIO characteristics of the project management process
( Jugdev and Mathur, 2006; Jugdev et al., 2007; Mathur et al., 2007). The conceptual
model we propose in this paper (Figure 1) goes beyond these prior models to propose
relationships between the VRIO characteristics of project management assets and
project management performance outcomes and, it deviates from the prior models in
proposing that organizational support (O) is a moderating variable between the
independent variables valuable (V), rare (R), and inimitable (I) and the dependent
variables, project management performance outcomes. We consider both project-level
and firm-level performance as dependent variables that constitute project management
performance outcomes.
This paper reports on the findings from a factor analysis of data collected using a
survey tool to explore the factors that constitute the independent, moderating, and
dependent variables in this conceptual model. The relationships between the variables
are beyond the scope of this paper. The development of a path model to link the
variables in the conceptual model will be addressed in future research to test hypotheses
that the valuable, rare, and inimitable characteristics of project management assets will
predict project management performance outcomes in the presence of organization
support for project management practices.
We developed a survey questionnaire to gather data on project management processes
focusing on the constructs in our conceptual model. We anchored our instrument on
Barneys (2007) VRIO framework wherein he posed specific questions that guided
item creation. The strategic management literature guided item generation to capture
the concepts of valuable, rare, inimitable, organizational support, and sustainable
competitive advantage (Barney, 1998; Chakraborty, 1997; Mata et al., 1995). The project
management success literature supported item generation on project performance based
on time, cost, and scope including quality (Belassi and Tukel, 1996; Pinto and Slevin,
1988a, b; Shenhar et al., 2002; Wateridge, 1998). The extant literature on project
management practices (Barczak et al., 2007; Besner and Hobbs, 2002, 2004; Jugdev and
Characteristics of
Project Management Assets

Competitive Advantage from

Project Management Process

Project Management
Performance Outcomes


Figure 1.
Conceptual model linking
characteristics of project
management assets to
project management
performance outcomes


Thomas, 2002; White and Fortune, 2002) guided the identification of the most widely
used tools and techniques along with the development of survey questions on project
management resources. We used multiple items for each construct in our instrument.
Our instrument was an extension and elaboration of a prior instrument used in project
management research based on the VRIO framework (Jugdev and Mathur, 2006;
Jugdev et al., 2007; Mathur et al., 2007).
To further develop the items, we used a focus group process with seven experienced
project managers. Their feedback enabled us to include examples in our question
wording as well as ensure that our items were more clearly worded. The final revised
and expanded instrument was pretested with five colleagues representing industry
and academia to address any concerns related to item wording and clarity. Thereafter,
minor refinements were undertaken to develop the instrument.
We followed survey design practices using the guidelines recommended by experts
(Couper et al., 2001; Dillman et al., 1993; Fowler, 1992; Groves et al., 2009).
The final survey consisted of 17 structured questions and an 18th open-ended
question soliciting feedback on additional comments on the survey topic. The survey
was based on a seven-point ordinal Likert Scale, appropriate for perception-oriented
questions, with the anchors being strongly agree and strongly disagree. We
minimized retrospective bias by asking participants to respond in the context of
projects they had worked on within the past year. Since our survey was intended to
gather data to analyze the project management process, and since project durations
vary considerable across project contexts, we chose the past year rather than the last
project as the context for the survey.
The survey questions were designed to focus on the constructs of interest in our
theoretical model as outlined below:
Question 1 addressed valuable project management resources with 12 items.
Question 2 addressed rare project management resources with 12 items.
Question 3 addressed inimitable project management resources with 12 items.
Question 4 addressed the overall maturity of the project management process
with one item.
Question 5 addressed the organizational alignment of project management
practices with the companys mission, services, and products and the construct
organizational support with three items.
Question 6 addressed project communication and the construct organizational
support with three items.
Question 7 addressed organizational integration and the construct organizational
support with five items.
Question 8 addressed impact of project management resources on project-level
performance with five items.
Question 9 addressed impact of project management resources on firm-level
performance with six items.
Questions 10-17 addressed demographics.
Question 18 was open-ended.




The survey questionnaire is provided as an Appendix. This instrument was designed to

collect data for analysis that extends beyond the scope of this paper. The exploratory
factor analysis that we report on in this paper is a step towards our development of a
path model beyond the scope of this paper. For the purposes of this paper, we do not
report on Question 4 or 18.
We purchased a randomly generated mailing list for 4,000 members from the Project
Management Institutew. The list represented a subset of the institutes members from
North America 3,200 members from the USA and 800 members from Canada. We
mailed letters to solicit interest in participation in the survey. Out of the 4,000 letters
mailed, 315 letters (7.9 percent) were returned as undeliverable. A total of 240 individuals
indicated by e-mail to us that they were interested in completing the survey. We
acknowledge that our survey involved non-response bias because we were only able to
follow up with those who indicated interest in completing the survey. We e-mailed these
interested participants the survey link to complete the survey online and followed up
with two e-mail reminders, each approximately a week apart. This approach enabled us
to secure 212 responses, which is a response rate of 5.75 percent, a fair rate for internet
based surveys since different survey approaches involve different variables and
response rates (Groves et al., 2009; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2006). The data were collected
in 2008. After data cleaning, we found we had a sample size of 198 respondents, which is
considered fair for exploratory factor analyzes (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2006). We
hosted our survey at Zoomerangw as online surveys are faster and more cost-effective
than mail-out surveys and can help reduce non-response errors (Couper, 2000). While
data was reported by individual participants, the unit of analysis was the project
management process.
The 198 study participants represented a group of experienced project management
professionals. A large majority of the participants (80 percent) had their project
management professional designation. Nearly 60 percent of the participants worked as
project managers and nearly 30 percent worked in senior level capacities. Over half
(55 percent) had advanced degrees. About four-fifths of the participants were from four
economic sectors information technology, financials, government, health care, and
industrial. Close to three-quarters of the study participants came from companies with
annual sales revenues greater than $50 million. About half of the respondents worked at
companies with over 5,000 employees. Roughly half the participants represented
companies that were 0-50 years old and the rest were from companies that were older and
more established. The gender ratio was 74.7 percent male to 25.3 percent female. We could
not account for multiple respondents from the same company; however, given that we
secured a random list of 4,000 members from approximately half a million members from
the Project Management Institutew, we do not expect company-bias to be significant.
We used IBMSPSSw v. 19 to conduct descriptive statistics and factor analysis to extract
factors representing project management resource characteristics (independent variables),
organizational support (moderating variable), and project management performance
outcomes (dependent variable). We used the principal components extraction method with
Varimax (variance maximizing) rotation. This extraction method is widely used,
understood, and conforms to the factor analytic model in which common variance is
analyzed with the unique and error variances removed (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2006). We
used 0.40 as a cut-off to identify items with the highest loadings for inclusion with a factor
(Conway and Huffcutt, 2003). Eigenvalues over one were used to extract reliable factors.

Cronbachs a measures how well a set of items measures a single unidimensional latent
construct. A reliability coefficient of 0.70 or higher is acceptable in the social sciences
(Nunnally, 1978). We used this test to assess the internal consistency of the items within
each construct and all extracted factors had Cronbachs a greater than 0.7.
None of our item loadings were lower than 0.5 in the results of the first factor analysis
run. We dropped items that cross-loaded on two or more factors with a difference of less
than 0.1; two of the 12 items were dropped from each of the independent variables. After
conducting the factor analysis again, we dropped two items for interpretability reasons
and re-ran the factor analysis; both items had factor loadings between 0.5 and 0.6. All of
our remaining items had loading of greater than 0.6.
We extracted six factors for the independent variables (valuable, rare, and
inimitable characteristics of project management resources). We extracted three factors
for the moderating variable, organizational support. We extracted two factors for the
dependent variable, project management performance. The results of the factor
analysis are discussed in the section that follows.


Discussion of findings
The six factors that comprised the competitive characteristics of project management
assets valuable, rare, inimitable (the independent variables), three factors that
comprised organizational support for project management assets (the moderating
variable), and two factors that comprised the project management performance outcomes
(the dependent variable) that were extracted from the data analysis are numbered from
1 through 11 and are labeled to reflect the items that define them. The items in each of these
11 factors are presented in the discussion that follows and the variance explained by these
factors and Cronbachs a are provided for each factor. We have labeled these factors based
on the items that we consider most significant and discuss these delineations below.
Table I shows the rotated component matrix of independent variable factors
that define valuable characteristics of project management resources. Factors 1 and 2
Items constituting valuable project management
q1.6 Project job shadowing is a valuable resource
q1.5 Project management methodologies are valuable
q1.10 Project management offices are valuable resources
q1.7 Project management templates are valuable
q1.2 Databases are valuable resources
q1.1 Printed project management material is a valuable
q1.3 Computer hardware is a valuable resource
q1.4 Software is a valuable resource
Percentage of variance explained
Cronbachs a

Factor 1
Factor 2
Project management knowledge IT tools


Notes: Extraction method: principal component analysis; rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser
normalization; rotation converged in three iterations; italic entries in a column indicate items that load
on the particular factor

Table I.
Rotated component
matrix of independent
variable, valuable project
management resources


represent valuable project management resources and were extracted from data
collected from Question 1. The total variance explained by these was 65.3 percent.


Factor 1
Valuable project management resources (project management knowledge) consisted of
six items with factor loadings from 0.609 to 0.815 and a Cronbachs a of 0.863. The
variance explained was 42.6 percent. The items included project job shadowing, project
management methodologies, project management offices, project management
templates, databases, and printed project management material.
Factor 2
Valuable project management resources (IT tools) consisted of two items with factor
loadings from 0.847 to 0.855 and a Cronbachs a of 0.703. The variance explained was
22.7 percent. The items included computer hardware and software.
We distinguish between Factors 1 and 2, both of which consist of valuable project
management assets by labeling the first as comprised of assets that capture and
disseminate project management knowledge (project management knowledge) and
the second as comprised of assets which enable application and sharing of this knowledge
(IT tools). The items in the Factor 1 allow the sharing of project management knowledge by
making it explicit, structuring it for sharing, and by establishing processes that facilitate
the sharing of this knowledge. The items in the Factor 2 assist in this knowledge capture
and dissemination through technology. The two items that were dropped out of the pool
due to cross-loading also had loadings below 0.6. These were project management
communities of practice and mentoring (q1.9 and q1.12). Two other items were dropped
because of low interpretability and were the lowest two items to load on Factor 2 with
loadings below 0.6. These were project social capital and tacit project management
knowledge. We note that all four dropped items are intangible assets (q1.8 and q1.11).
Table II shows the rotated component matrix of independent variable factors that
define rare characteristics of project management resources. Factors 3 and 4 represent
rare project management resources and were extracted from data collected from
Question 2. The total variance explained by these was 66.5 percent.
Factor 3
Rare project management resources (knowledge sharing processes) consisted of six
items with factor loadings from 0.628 to 0.791 and a Cronbachs a of 0.849. The
variance explained was 35.0 percent. The items included project job shadowing, project
mentoring, project databases, project management communities of practice, project
management offices, and printed project management material.
Factor 4
Rare project management resources (knowledge sharing tools and techniques) consisted of
four items with factor loadings from 0.732 to 0.917 and a Cronbachs a of 0.895. The
variance explained was 31.5 percent. The items included project software, project computer
hardware, project management methodologies, and project management templates.
We distinguish between Factors 3 and 4, both of which consist of rare project
management assets by labeling the first as comprised of processes that document
and share project management knowledge that is unique to a company (knowledge

Items constituting rare project management

q2.6 Project job shadowing is a rare resource
q2.12 Project mentoring is a rare resource
q2.2 Project databases are rare resources
q2.9 Project management communities of
practices are rare resources
q2.10 Project management offices are rare
q2.1 Printed project management material is a
rare resource
q2.4 Project software is a rare resource
q2.3 Project computer hardware is a rare resource
q2.5 Project management methodologies are rare
q2.7 Project management templates are rare
Percentage of variance explained
Cronbachs a

Factor 3
Knowledge sharing

Factor 4
Knowledge sharing
tools and techniques








Notes: Extraction method: principal component analysis; rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser
normalization; rotation converged in three iterations; italic entries in a column indicate items that load
on the particular factor

sharing processes) and the second as comprised of assets which enable sharing of
such project management knowledge (knowledge sharing tools and techniques). The
items in Factor 3 also include knowledge sharing at the interpersonal level and
knowledge sharing through fluid and informal processes in addition to structured
ones. The items in Factor 4 are likely to be rare assets if customized for a companys
unique processes. The two items that were dropped out of the pool due to cross-loading
also had loadings below 0.6. These were project social capital and tacit project
management knowledge (q2.8 and q2.11). We note that these two items are intangible
assets which are embedded in the routines and relationships of a company.
Table III shows the rotated component matrix of independent variable factors that
define inimitable characteristics of a project management process. Factors 5 and 6
represent inimitable project management resources and were extracted from data
collected from Question 3. The total variance explained by these was 66.6 percent.
Factor 5
Inimitable project management resources (proprietary tangible assets) consisted of six
items with factor loadings from 0.678 to 0.846 and a Cronbachs a of 0.877. The variance
explained was 36.2 percent. The items included difficult to imitate project management
related software, computer hardware, databases, project management methodologies,
printed project management material, and project management templates.
Factor 6
Inimitable project management resources (embedded intangible assets) consisted
of four items with factor loadings from 0.768 to 0.846 and a Cronbachs a of 0.866.

Table II.
Rotated component
matrix of independent
variable, rare project
management resources



Table III.
Rotated component
matrix of independent
variable, inimitable
project management

Items constituting inimitable project management

q3.4 My companys software is a resource that is very
difficult for competitors to copy
q3.3 My companys computer hardware is a resource
that is very difficult for competitors to copy
q3.2 My companys databases are resources that are
very difficult for competitors to copy
q3.5 My companys project management
methodologies are resources that are very difficult for
competitors to copy
q3.1 My companys printed project management
material is a resource that is very difficult for
competitors to copy
q3.7 My companys project management templates are
resources that are very difficult for competitors to copy
q3.8 At my company, project social capital is a
resource that is very difficult for competitors to copy
q3.11 My companys tacit project management
knowledge is a resource that is very difficult for
competitors to copy
q3.9 At my company, project management
communities of practices are resources that are very
difficult for competitors to copy
q3.12 At my company, mentoring is a resource that is
very difficult for competitors to copy
Percentage of variance explained
Cronbachs a

Factor 5
Factor 6
Proprietary tangible Embedded intangible


Notes: Extraction method: principal component analysis; rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser
normalization; rotation converged in three iterations; italic entries in a column indicate items that load
on the particular factor

The variance explained was 30.4 percent. The items included difficult to imitate project
social capital, tacit project management knowledge, project management communities
of practice, and mentoring.
We distinguish between Factors 5 and 6, both of which consist of inimitable project
management resources by labeling the first as comprised of tangible assets which
embody codified knowledge that is company-specific or proprietary and therefore hard
to copy (proprietary tangible assets) and the second as comprised of intangible assets
which are embedded in a companys routines and relationships and are therefore hard
for competitors to imitate (embedded intangible assets). The two items that were
dropped out of the pool due to cross-loading also loading below 0.6. These were job
shadowing and project management offices (q3.6 and q3.10). We note that these two
practices are commonly use by competing firms.
The factor analysis yielded three factors that represent the moderating variable,
organizational support for project management assets. Factors 7-9 were extracted from
data collected from Questions 5-7, respectively. Single factors were extracted from the

data for each of these questions. The component matrices of these factors are shown in
Tables IV-VI.
Factor 7
Project management alignment consisted of three items with factor loadings from 0.896
to 0.928 and a Cronbachs a of 0.904. The variance explained was 84.0 percent. The
items included the importance of the quality of project management practices to the
companys mission, services, and products.


Factor 8
Project management communication consisted of three items with factor loadings from
0.881 to 0.925 and a Cronbachs a of 0.893. The variance explained was 82.6 percent. The
items included ability to communicate upward in the project hierarchy, upward in the
company hierarchy, and openly on the project.
Items constituting project management alignment
q5.1 Quality of project management practices is important to the companys mission
q5.2 Quality of project management practices is important to the companys services
q5.3 Quality of project management practices is important to the companys products
Percentage of variance explained
Cronbachs a

Factor 7

Notes: Extraction method: principal component analysis; italic entries in a column indicate items that
load on the particular factor

Items constituting project management communication

q6.1 At my company, I can communicate upwards in the project hierarchy
q6.2 At my company, I can communicate upwards in the company hierarchy
q6.3 At my company, I can communicate openly on the project
Percentage of variance explained
Cronbachs a

Factor 8

Notes: Extraction method: principal component analysis; italic entries in a column indicate items that
load on the particular factor

Items constituting project management integration

q7.5 At my company, the environment promotes sharing knowledge/information
q7.4 At my company, the environment encourages learning
q7.2 At my company, people trust each other
q7.3 At my company, people work well together
q7.1 At my company, upper management supports me, even in critical project phases
Percentage of variance explained
Cronbachs a

Table IV.
Component matrix of
moderating variable,
project management

Table V.
Component matrix of
moderating variable,
project management

Factor 9

Notes: Extraction method: principal component analysis; italic entries in a column indicate items that
load on the particular factor

Table VI.
Component matrix of
moderating variable,
project management



Factor 9
Project Management Integration consisted of five items with factor loadings from
0.774 to 0.884 and a Cronbachs a of 0.900. The variance explained was 71.9 percent.
The items included a company environment that promotes sharing of knowledge/
information, a company environment that encourages learning, people trusting each
other, people working well together, and upper management support, even in critical
project phases.
The factor analysis yielded two factors that represent the dependent variable, project
management performance outcomes. Factors 10 and 11 were extracted from the data
collected from Questions 8 and 9, respectively. Single factors were extracted from the
data for each of these questions. The component matrices of these factors are shown in
Tables VII and VIII.
Factor 10
Project-level performance consisted of five items with factor loadings from 0.846
to 0.913 and a Cronbachs a of 0.932. The variance explained was 78.9 percent. The
items included achievement of project scope requirements, project schedules,
customer expectations, quality of deliverables, and project costs through project
management processes.
Items constituting project-level performance

Table VII.
Component matrix of
dependent variable,
project-level performance

q8.3 Project management processes allow us to meet project scope

q8.4 Project management processes allow us to meet project schedules
q8.2 Project management processes allow us to meet customer expectations
q8.1 Project management processes allow us to meet deliverables quality
q8.5 Project management processes allow us to meet project costs
Percentage of variance explained
Cronbachs a


Notes: Extraction method: principal component analysis; italic entries in a column indicate items that
load on the particular factor

Items constituting firm-level performance

Table VIII.
Component matrix of
dependent variable,
firm-level performance

Factor 10

q9.4 Project management resources and capability allow us to achieve sales targets
q9.6 Project management resources and capability allow us to achieve customer loyalty
q9.1 Project management resources and capability allow us to achieve profitability levels
q9.2 Project management resources and capability allow us to achieve market share
q9.5 Project management resources and capability allow us to achieve continuous
q9.3 Project management resources and capability allow us to achieve customer
Percentage of variance explained
Cronbachs a

Factor 11

Notes: Extraction method: principal component analysis; italic entries in a column indicate items that
load on the particular factor

Factor 11
Firm-level performance consisted of six items with factor loadings from 0.806 to 0.856 and
a Cronbachs a of 0.912. The variance explained was 69.8 percent. The items included
achievement of sales targets, customer loyalty, profitability levels, market share,
continuous innovation, and customer satisfaction through project management resources
and capability.
All of the factors consisted of three or more items except the second factor for Q1, which
had two items. We retained this two item factor because the items relate to computer
hardware and software, both of which strongly pertain to IT management.
Work on path analysis and building of models that show the
relationship between the extracted factors is in progress and will be reported in
upcoming papers.
Summary and conclusions
In this paper we propose a conceptual model (Figure 1) based on the literature to link
the characteristics of project management assets, as independent variables, to project
management performance outcomes, as dependent variables. Drawing on the RBV of the
firm, we expect that the valuable, rare, and inimitable characteristics of project
management assets will predict project management performance outcomes in the
presence of organizational support for these assets, as a moderating variable, thereby
contributing to competitive advantage. In our study, we conducted an online survey
with 198 North American Project Management Institutew members and used
exploratory factor analysis to identify the factors that comprise the valuable, rare,
and inimitable characteristics of project management assets, organizational support for
these assets, and project management performance outcomes.
The two factors extracted as characterizing valuable project management resources
were comprised of assets that capture and disseminate project management knowledge
and IT tools which enable application and sharing of this knowledge. The two factors
extracted as characterizing rare project management resources were comprised of
knowledge sharing processes that document and share project management knowledge
that is unique to the company and knowledge sharing tools and techniques that enable
the sharing of such knowledge. The two factors extracted as characterizing inimitable
project management assets were comprised of proprietary tangible assets and
intangible assets which are embedded in the routine and relationships of a company,
these being assets which are hard for a competitor to copy. These findings highlight the
valuable, rare, and inimitable assets of the project management process that can be
a source of competitive advantage.
The three factors extracted for characterizing organizational support included
project management alignment, project management communication, and project
management integration, all of which contribute to embedding project management
practices into the fabric of a companys culture.
Two factors were extracted for project management performance outcomes. The
factor comprising project-level performance pertains to the traditional measures of
project success, such as time, cost, quality, scope, and customer expectations. The factor
comprising firm-level performance pertains to the traditional measures of firm
competitive advantage, such as sales targets, customer loyalty and satisfaction,
profitability, market share, and innovation.




While we acknowledge the limited scope of the study and limitations of sample size,
response rate, and self-report bias, we believe that we have a valid and reliable instrument
with which to develop a path model to test relationships between the extracted factors and
examine hypotheses that the valuable, rare, and inimitable characteristics of project
management assets will predict project management performance outcomes in the
presence of organization support for these assets.
Few empirical studies have applied the RBV of the firm to examine project
management capabilities as a source of competitive advantage. Our research is an
attempt to contribute to the understanding of the characteristics of project management
assets that lead to a firms competitive advantage. This understanding has significant
value for scholars interested in project management. It is differentiated from prior
research that has explored the link between assets and the achievement of the VRIO
characteristics from the process by extending the conceptual model to link VRIO
characteristic to project and firm performance. It deviates from prior models in proposing
that organizational support is a moderating variable that is required for assets that are
valuable, rare, and inimitable to contribute to project management project outcomes.
This paper contributes to practice by drawing managerial attention to project
management assets as sources of competitive advantage. It highlights that
project management assets are not merely a set of tools and techniques to achieve a
project objectives, but also include intangible elements that are embedded in the
routines and relationships of an organization, such as tacit knowledge, mechanisms to
make such knowledge explicit so that it can be shared, as well as processes and
relationships for facilitating this sharing (e.g. job shadowing, mentoring, project
management communities of practice, social capital). We believe that further research
linking project management assets to project management performance outcomes will
help guide managers towards more strategic investments in project management
resources that are not only sources of operational efficiency, but also sources of
sustainable competitive advantage.
This study was supported by San Jose State University, Athabasca University, and a
grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada. The authors would
like to acknowledge the study participants for completing the survey. An earlier
version of this paper was presented at Portland International Center for Management
of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) on August 2011, and published in the
Conference Proceedings.
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About the authors
Dr Gita Mathur is an Associate Professor in the Department of Organization and Management in
the College of Business at San Jose State University. Her research interests are in the
management of technological innovation and product and service development processes. She
has held engineering and management positions in the semiconductor industry and has served
as a management consultant to several technology-based companies. She holds a PhD in
Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA and a DBA in Technology
and Operations Management from Harvard Business School, USA. Gita Mathur is the
corresponding author and can be contacted at:
Dr Kam Jugdev is an Associate Professor of Project Management and Strategy in the Faculty of
Business at Athabasca University in Alberta. Her specific areas of interest and research include
project management as a source of competitive advantage, project lessons learned, project
management maturity models, communities of practice, project success/failure, and project
management education. She actively contributes to the advancement of academic and professional
communities of management practice.
Dr Tak Shing Fung is a Senior Statistical Consultant in Information Technologies, Sessional
Instructor in Mathematics and Statistics, and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Faculty of
Nursing, University of Calgary. His specific areas of interest and research are Brownian motion
and statistical analysis. He has over 25 years of statistical consulting experience in different
disciplines including medicine, nursing, kinesiology, education, social sciences, environmental
design, social work, biology, chemistry, management, and engineering. He has co-authored more
than 50 peer reviewed articles in different disciplines.

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Please answer the questions in the context of projects you have worked on within the past year.
Question 1
VALUABLE resources improve a firm's financial position and are sources of strength. Please rate how strongly you agree or
disagree with each of the following statements.
q1.1 Printed project management material is a
valuable resource (source of strength) at my
company (e.g., manuals, books).
q1.2 Databases are valuable resources (sources
of strength) at my company (e.g., project
databases, knowledge management databases,
risk management simulations, such as Monte
Carlo analyses).

q1.3 Computer hardware is a

valuable resource (source of
strength) at my company.
q1.4 Software is a valuable resource (source of
strength) at my company (e.g., Primavera,
Microsoft Office.
q1.5 Project management methodologies are
valuable resources (sources of strength) at my
q1.6 Project job shadowing is a valuable
resource (source of strength) at my company.
q1.7 Project management templates are
valuable resources (sources of strength) at my
company (e.g., checklists or forms for project
business cases, charters, lessons learned, issues
logs, status reports, change requests).
q1.8 Project social capital-thenetwork of
strong or weak relationships a person has with
others within or outside the company, is a
valuable resource (source of strength) at my
q1.9 Project management communities of
practices (whereby people regularly share and
learn based on common interests) are valuable
resources (sources of strength) at my company.
q1.10 Project management offices are valuable
resources (sources of strength) at my company.
q1.11 Tacit project management knowledge is
a valuable resource (source of strength) at my
company (e.g., personal and experiential
knowledge shared by showing others how
things are done).
q1.12 Mentoring is a valuable resource (source
of strength) at my company.





Question 2
RARE resources are unique and few companies have them. Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the
following statements.
q2.1 Printed project management material is a
rare resource that my company has (e.g.,
manuals, books).







Figure A1.
Survey questionnaire



q2.2 Project databases are rare resources that

my company has (e.g., project databases,
knowledge management databases, risk
management simulations, such as Monte Carlo
q2.3 Project computer hardware is a rare
resource that my company has.
q2.4 Project software is a rare resource that my
company has (e.g., Primavera, Microsoft
q2.5 Project management methodologies are
rare resources that my company has.
q2.6 Project job shadowing is a rare resource
that my company has.
q2.7 Project management templates are rare
resources that my company has (e.g., checklists
or forms for project business cases, charters,
lessons learned, issues logs, status reports,
change requests).
q2.8 Project social capital-the network of
strong or weak relationships a person has with
others within or outside the company, is a rare
resource that my company has.
q2.9 Project management communities of
practices (whereby people regularly share and
learn based on common interests) are rare
resources that my company has.
q2.10 Project management offices are rare
resources that my company has.
q2.11 Tacit project management knowledge is
a rare resource that my company has e.g.,
personal and experiential knowledge shared by
showing others how things are done).
q2.12 Project mentoring is a rare resource that
my company has.

Question 3
INIMITABLE resources are very difficult for competitors to copy. Inimitable resources have no equals. Please rate how strongly
you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
q3.1 My company's printed project
management material is a resource that is very
difficult for competitors to copy (e.g., manuals,
q3.2 My company's databases are resources
that are very difficult for competitors to copy
(e.g., project databases, knowledge
management databases, risk management
simulations, such as Monte Carlo analyses).
q3.3 My company's computer hardware is a
resource that is very difficult for competitors to
q3.4 My company's software is a resource that
is very difficult for competitors to copy (e.g.,
Primavera, Microsoft Office.
q3.5 My company's project management
methodologies are resources that are very
difficult for competitors to copy.
q3.6 At my company, project job shadowing is
a resource that is very difficult for competitors
to copy.

Figure A1.





q3.7 My company's project management

templates are resources that are very difficult
for competitors to copy (e.g., checklists or
forms for project business cases, charters,
lessons learned, issues logs, status reports,
change requests).
q3.8 At my company, project social capitalthe network of strong or weak relationships a
person has with others within or outside the
company-is a resource that is very difficult for
competitors to copy.
q3.9 At my company, project management
communities of practices (whereby people
regularly share and learn based on common
interests) are resources that are very difficult
for competitors to copy.
q3.10 My company's project management
offices are resources that are very difficult for
competitors to copy.
q3.11 My company's tacit project management
knowledge is a resource that is very difficult
for competitors to copy (e.g., personal and
experiential knowledge shared by showing
others how things are done).
q3.12 At my company, mentoring is a resource
that is very difficult for competitors to copy.


Question 4
Which single level best describes your company's overall level of project management maturity; that is, how evolved and
sophisticated are the practices? Each level builds on the previous level(s).
Initial Level: Our project management practices are mainly ad hoc and chaotic; we rely on the project management
competences of some individuals.
Repeatable Level: Our project management practices include a project management system and plans, are based on
previous experience.
Defined Level: Project management practices are commonly used at the company; we have an organization-wide
understanding of project management activities, roles and responsibilities.
Managed Level: Our project management practices are stable and we measure processes against organizational goals;
variations are identified and addressed.
Optimising Level: Our project management practices are organization wide and the entire organization is focused on
continuous improvement.
Question 5
The quality of my company's project management practices is important to:
q5.1 The company's mission (the business
it is in).
q5.2 The company's services.
q5.3 The company's products.











Question 6
At my company, I can:
q6.1 Communicate upwards in the project
q6.2 Communicate upwards in the
company hierarchy.
q6.3 Communicate openly on the project.





Figure A1.


Question 7
At my company:


q7.1 Upper management supports me, even

in critical project phases.
q7.2 People trust each other.
q7.3 People work well together.
q7.4 The environment encourages learning.
q7.5 The environment promotes sharing











Question 8
My company's project management processes generally allow us to:

q8.1 Meet deliverables quality.

q8.2 Meet customer expectations.
q8.3 Meet project scope requirements.
q8.4 Meet project schedules.
q8.5 Meet project costs.







Question 9
My company's project management resources and capability allow us to achieve:
Below that of
q9.1 Profitability levels.
q9.2 Market share.
q9.3 Customer satisfaction.
q9.4 Sales targets.
q9.5 Continuous innovation.
q9.6 Customer loyalty.


At about the same

level as immediate

At a higher level
than immediate
(for 1-3 years)

At a much higher
level than immediate
(for over 3 years)

Question 10
My company's approximate annual sales revenue is (in Millions of dollars):
$0-$1 Million
$1-$10 Million
$10-$50 Million
Over $50 Million
Question 11
My company best fits into the following economic sector:
Energy (i.e., oil and gas)
Materials (i.e., chemicals, construction, mining)
Industrial (i.e., aerospace, defense, construction/engineering, machinery, transportation)
Consumer Discretionary (i.e., automobiles, consumer durables & apparel, hotels, restaurants, leisure, media, retail)
Consumer Staples (i.e., food and drugs, personal products)
Health Care
Information Technology
Telecommunications Services
Government (including not-for-profit organizations)
Other, please specify

Figure A1.


Question 12
The number of full-time employees at my company ranges from
1 to 50
51 to 250
251 to 1,000
1,001 to 5,000
5,001 to 20,000
Over 20,000


Question 13
My current role in project management is
Senior-level project executive
Project manager
Project team member
Other, please specify
Question 14
My company is
Less than 10 years old
11-25 years old
26-50 years old
51-75 years old
Over 76 years old
Question 15
I hold a project management designation (i.e., Project Management Professional).
Question 16
My highest level of education is
High school
College diploma/certificate
Undergraduate degree (e.g., BA, BSc)
Master's degree (e.g., MA, MBA, MSc, MEng)
Doctoral degree
Question 17
I am
Question 18
Please use this box to provide additional comments on this survey topic.

Figure A1.

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