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Yulius, Dini Purbani, Aida Heriati, Muhammad Ramdhan, and Hadiwiijaya Lesmana Salim
Researcher, Center for Marine & Coastal Resources Research & Development,
Agency for Marine & Fisheries Research & Development,
Ministry of Marine & Fisheries of The Rep. Indonesia,
Balitbang Building 4rd Floor, Pasir Putih Street I East Ancol, 14430 Jakarta Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 647 11 583 ext. 4311, Fax.: +62 21 647 11 654
E-mail:, dan
Wakatobi has a huge capacity in natural resources including beautiful and pristine
coastal ecosystem with 25 coral reefs species in diverse forms. This regency is a considered
as the best biosphere in the world and frequently used as diving and snorkeling sites for
national and international divers. Objectives of this study are to determine the role of marine
tourism in Wakatobi economic condition, and to formulate the appropriate and strategic
policy for marine tourism development plan. Methods used in this research are Location
Quatient (LQ) analysis to determine the ability of a sub-region within the sector/specific
activity, and prospective participatory analysis for development planning. The results of LQ
analysis for marine tourism sector based on GDP data in 2004 to 2007, shows the range of
LQ value between 0.808 and 0.881 which indicated the poor potency and low contribution of
marine tourism sector in Wakatobi economy. Based on prospective participatory analysis with
total of 18 variables for marine tourism development, indicated that Wakatobi regency have
four main variables are behaviour society of protecting the environment, community
character, human resources and motivation. These variables has an important role in the
preparation and implementation of development marine tourism in Wakatobi regency.
Keywords: prospective participatory, Location Quatient (LQ), marine tourism, Wakatobi

Research Location
This research has been conducted on May 15 th until 20th 2013, in Wakatobi Regency, South East
Sulawesi (fig.1)

Fig.1. Map of research location

Participatory Prospective
Participatory Prospective Analysis is a important tool to make decisions for
sustainable development. This tool is designed to seek and anticipate the changes with
experts, include stakeholders to provide quick result and propose interaction between
participants to gain policy choices at local or sectoral level such as local or community
Participatory Prospective Analysis conducted by experts and participants meeting on
Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The meeting attendants consist of 25 persons include
decision makers from national and local governments such as Marine and Fisheries Office at
Wakatobi Regency, Marine Technology Engineering Office, Local Planning and Development
Agency, Culture and Tourism Office and The National Conservancy (TNC) and WWF of
Wakatobi as representative of Non Governmental Organization. Description of Participatory
Prospective Analysis stages described on Table.1.
Table.1. Stage of Participatory Prospective Analysis
Nu. Stage



System/ Definition determination





Key variables definition

Structurally community discussion

Inter-variables impact analysis

inter-variables impact and

dependency Analysis

Structure and working community

Community discussion which is
supported by graph and table of
analysis result

Define of future variables condition

Morphological and
discussion analysis

Scenario building



Arrangement of strategically
Structurally discussion
implication and anticipative action
Source : Bourgeois and Jesus (2004) in Daman (2012)
Strategically Implication and Anticipative Action
Marine tourism can be seen as an action that focused on environment sustainability
(conservancy) so that reach local development comprehensively. Development approach
which is based on conservancy will be synergize with economic development implementation
in the scope of MP3EI policy.
The results of Participatory Prospective Analysis gained four prime variables i.e
community behavior to protect the environment, community character, human resources and
motivation. These variables role on regulation arrangement of Small Islands Development
Policy based on Conservancy at Wakatobi Regency. The implementation of these variables in
order to support marine tourism describe as follow :
a. Community behavior to protect the environment
Planning of marine tourism development and its management must consider
environment based on usage zone of Wakatobi Marine National Park (Forest Minister decree
no. 393/Kpts-VI/1996 date of 30 July 1996 and no. 7651/Kpts-II/2002, date of 19 August
2002). As an example, marine tourism development must not be operated in core zone, so that
endemic natural resources can be protected sustainability. Another example is catching tools
usage which sustain to environment.
b. Community character

In order to implement marine tourism development planning and its management, it is

hopefully that community has open-attitude to visitor who came with different culture and
character, however local community character must not be corrupted. Community still
maintenance their tradition (working together and as family)
c. Human resources
Marine tourism development and its management need human resources support to
implement sustainability. Capacity and capability of educated and trained human resources
especially focusing on marine tourism is needed for tourism industry at Wakatobi Regency. As
an example, it is needed to build Special High School that focusing on tourism.
d. Motivation
Wakatobi Regency as earth biosphere which be acknowledged by international
institution (UNESCO) has strong motivation to protect its natural resources and operating
marine tourism as source local income.

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