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Candidate: Vn Thi Hong
Students number: 1257510596
Class: 53B1
Topic: Interpreting in integration era
Today, integration has become a broad trend in the world, strongly manipulated the
international relationships and lives of every nation. Integration is an expansion to the
relationships among people in all aspects of life. The birth and development of the
economic market is also the top leverage to promote integration. Thanks to integration,
interpreting plays a significant role as a bridge to get access to the world. In addition,
interpreters have a number of opportunities to work and develop their job skills.
Vietnam has been attending integration, so its renovation career has been conducted in
the international period including a lot of profound changes. Integration helps to widen
market to promote commerce, other international economic relationships, economic
structure transfer, and investment environment improvement. Vietnam is currently the
official member of ASEAN, APEC, ASEM, and WTO as well as of financial
organizations: WB, ADB, IMF That Vietnam entered WTO in 2007 opened equal
commercial relationship with more than 200 nations and territories throughout the
global continents. Over 100 nations has been investing in projects in Vietnam and
Vietnams business has invested in projects in more than 70 nations. That Vietnam has
been gradually participating in extensive activities of international economic
integration and having important voice with high responsibility in regional and global
forums contributes to the market expansion, attracts directly foreign investment in
Vietnam, facilitates the economic model toward Vietnams exportation, widen the
market of importation, serves the strategy for industrialization and modernization, and
affirms the position of a successful nation in innovation period.
Integration helps to upgrade the human resources skill and national science
technology through cooperation of education, training and scientific research with
other countries and absorb new technology via directly foreign investment and
technological transfer from developed countries. It becomes essential that the job of
interpreting meet the abundant needs because interpreters are the bridges making
nations, organizations in different languages understand each other, have sympathy
and get more closed. Interpreting is rendering information and ideas from one

language into another language by means of speaking. Interpreters are concerned with
the spoken word. They convey orally whether to an individual or a group the meaning
of the spoken word, from one language to another. When in integration, there are
many co-operations among countries. Foreigners enter Vietnam to invest and establish
projects, to make business, and to play a role as an expert on guiding and spreading
modern knowledge and skills. Interpreters helps those not understanding foreign
languages know what they are guided so that they will learn more new things.
Interpreters are able to assist leaders in negotiations, meetings, or workshops having
the presence of foreign delegations. Interpreters will help these sessions be in good
terms. They are the bridges of language, ideology and are those who make the
spreading of information connected.
As interpreters do interpreting, they should have good background knowledge in
correlation to extensive subjects knowledge they are dealing with. In daily life, when a
person discuss a specialization, he has have the apprehension about that domain.
Interpreters are responsible to widen high level knowledge of various sectors because
they will face specialization terms in workshops During the process of interpreting,
interpreters must be good at public speaking skill with fluency showing clearly what
they are expressing. Listening skill is the most important skill to interpreters. Native
speakers have abundant voices, so interpreters must have high concentration to catch
up and use note-taking skill to minute the information. Interpreters are confident to do
well because of having full preparation for to interpret topics, health. Whenever
interpreters should be polite, sensitive, fair, honest, calm, and supportive.
Interpreters have opportunities to work for big organizations: EU, ASEAN In these
organizations, groups of interpreters are available. They are in charge of interpreting
workshops, conferences English is currently popular language in the world, so
leaders need to listen the conference in their own countrys language. Multinational
companies delivers throughout the world. Interpreters in here should be good at local
language to develop business in each country. In Vietnam, interpreters have chances to
work for foreign projects. Tourism in Vietnam is currently being invested to develop.
The main visitors of tourism are foreigners from various countries and different
languages. Therefore, interpreters being good at culture knowledge, custom of
Vietnam as well as the other countries. Interpreters are able to work for Television,
diplomacy, departments, publishers If interpreters are good, they can go around the
world and have chance to meet celebrities, especially presidents, prime ministers
Interpreters may face the challenges in the job of interpreting. They have to update the
latest information and carefully discover what they are going to interpret because

language day by day develops. They are usually under pressure to deal with new
words, consecutive interpreting. Interpreters must be loyal to the source language.
Under no circumstance, should the interpreters change the content of the message
from the speaker. They have to observe the face gesture, attitude of the speaker to
select the best congenial language and transfer true message.
Integration facilitate the chance to develop and apply for a job at home and abroad.
ASEAN Community is going to be in operation at the end of year 2015 with the aim
of establishing stable, prosperous Asian economic zone and building community of
social culture. The opportunity of applying for a job is much broad because people
freely travel in the ASEAN region and open co-operations in various domains.
Interpreting continues to be a bridge to make people get closed.
In conclusion, integration helps to add values and progresses of culture, civilization of
the world, enrich national culture and promote social development. Integration
facilitates every nation to find a suitable position in the world, strengthen international
prestige and position as well as capacity of maintaining security, peace and stability to
develop. Interpreting is the oldest and the youngest job. Interpreters plays role as
bridge of language to connect the world because they helps their countries to develop
when global countries exchange and spread a number of new discoveries, inventions
and scientific knowledge Interpreters must be responsible for their jobs. They must
keep learning hard with constancy to upgrade the jobs level. In order to become an
excellent interpreter, the arrangement for job must be logical and the accumulation of
knowledge needs maintain forever. In addition, the personalities of being swift and
confident helps interpreters love the job and win success.

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