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Gestational Surrogacy Clinic India - an Assurance of

Best Fertility Treatments in India

At Gestational Surrogacy India know a gestational carrier is a woman who carries a pregnancy
for someone who cannot otherwise carry a pregnancy for herself. A gestational carrier is not a
surrogate, as a surrogate is someone who gives her egg and then carries the child. In the case
of a gestational carrier, the woman carrying the pregnancy is in no way genetically related to the
child she is carrying- she is just providing a fostering environment in the form of a uterus for the
child to produce for the gestational period of 40 week. The eggs and sperm are derived from the
Intended Parents, through the process of In Vitro Fertilization, fertilized in the lab, and then the
embryo (or embryos) is placed into the uterus of the gestational carrier.
On the other hand, the most intended parents have a preference on gestational surrogacy
because they feel more secure in recognizing the chances of the surrogate being able to keep
their baby is slim to none. They also undergo more in control of the surrogacy and pregnancy in
general as they are choosing the genetics of their baby.
Though an advantage to having an egg used by an ovum donor or the intended mother is that
for the surrogate mother, it separates the intricate emotional issues of being a gestational and
genetic donor/mother.

How is Gestational Surrogacy executed?

A. A suitable surrogate is selected and comprehensively screened for contagious diseases.
B. Consents are signed by all the parties as this is an important step in the surrogacy
C. The patient is stimulated for IVF with medications to grow various eggs.
D. The surrogate is put on medications that repress her own menstrual cycle and stimulate
development of a receptive uterine lining.
E. When the patients follicles are grown-up, an egg retrieval procedure is performed to
take away eggs from her ovaries.
F. The eggs are fertilized in the laboratory with her partners sperm.
G. The embryos grow in the laboratory for 3-5 days.
H. After that, an embryo transfer procedure is executed which puts the embryos in the
surrogate mothers uterus where they will expectantly implant.

The surrogate carries the baby.

J. The baby goes home from the hospital with the genetic parents.

Who is an Eligible Candidate to a Gestational Carrier?

K. Women who have had their uterus removed
L. Women whose uterus does not function generally
M. Women who have had the recurring unexplained pregnancy loss
N. Women who have had numerous poor pregnancy outcomes such as second trimester
losses and/or very early births
O. Women who have medical conditions for which a pregnancy would set their lives at
significant risk and some have had severe complications resulting from a pregnancy

Requirements to Gestational Surrogates

Age between 21-32 years old
BMI between 19-30
Must have given birth to and be raising at least one child
Must give OB/Gyn records and a permission letter
Simple pregnancies and deliveries as known by prenatal and delivery records
Non-smoker living
No history of illegal activity
No history of clinical mental illness
Surrogate and partner must concur to psychological testing
Must agree to a home visit with all persons currently residing in the home
Stable and responsible lifestyle

How is Gestational Carriers Recruited?

Gestational Surrogacy India is fully believed to recruit the best gestational
surrogates. The prospective gestational surrogates and intended parents meet up
with the intention to determine compatibility and if they make a decision to work
together, a legal contract will be drawn up at that time by an attorney. All parties
must seek legal counsel before a cycle can begin, in spite of the relationship.

Gestational Surrogacy India

Call +91 84475-92299 or Email us:

Advantages of gestational surrogacy India

The main benefit of surrogacy is that it provides childless couples a way to have children of their
own. It is favored over adoption since in most surrogacy arrangements; the kid will be
genetically related to one or both parents. Surrogates in most instances are not compensated
for carrying the child and delivering it beyond the reasonable expenditures incurred throughout
the pregnancy. Because it is not a lucrative endeavor, surrogates submit themselves to the
program for the fulfillment of creating a miracle for childless couples. Commercial surrogacy
does exist in a few areas, but it is against the law in most nations.

Legal Information on Gestational Surrogacy:

In general, gestational carrier is less hazardous than surrogacy as the couple intending to
produce a baby is generally both the genetic parents. Though gestational surrogacy is legal for
married intended couples in India, The country is emerging as a leader in gestational surrogacy.
Surrogates in India have no parental rights and cannot change their mind about giving up a child
to the intended parents.

Gestational Surrogacy India

Call +91 84475-92299 or Email us:

Who should be treated with Gestational


It is usually executed for a woman who has had her uterus taken away but still
has ovaries.

She could offer the egg to make a baby, but has no womb to bear it.

Using her eggs and in vitro fertilization technology, IVF, she could make use of
a surrogate mother to carry the pregnancy.
A surrogate is also sometimes used for cases where a young woman has a
medical condition that could result in serious health risks to the mother or the
It is also done sometimes in couples with recurring IVF implantation failure.
On the other hand, success is much more likely employing IVF with donor eggs
and the infertile womans uterus compared to using the infertile womans eggs
and a surrogate.
Egg quality problems fall common, but uterine problems are far less common.

Gestational Surrogacy India

Tel: +91 84475-92299
Email us:

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