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din Romnia

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igloobest l locuin]e colective din romnia

01-04 Coperta_Loc_Colective

Din ce \n ce mai mul]i oameni redescoper` farmecul locuirii

urbane, pe \n`l]ime, iar ceea ce \i atrage sunt tocmai
proiectele mai flexibile, mai individualizate [i orientate c`tre
client. Noul album din seria igloo best v` prezint` 19 astfel
de proiecte, selectate ]innd totodat` cont de grija pentru
coeren]a ansamblului [i inserarea \n context [i pentru
inova]ie \n raport cu cerin]ele contemporane de locuire.
Fie c` stabilesc repere puternice, de calitate, \n zone
(sub)urbane controversate, fie c` recupereaz` [i reinterpreteaz` cu inspira]ie un anumit tip de ]esut urban sau pur [i
simplu ofer` alte repere de confort \n compara]ie cu blocul
comunist mo[tenirea la care ne raport`m cu to]ii,
con[tient sau nu, aceste noi proiecte ilustreaz` faptul c`
locuirea colectiv` poate \nsemna confort [i individualitate, ba
chiar, cteodat`, convie]uire cu natura.
More and more people are starting to rediscover the
charm of vertical urban living, being attracted by projects that are more flexible, individual and client-oriented.
The latest album in the igloo best series presents 19
such projects, whose selection has taken into account
the care for the coherence of the whole and its insertion
into the given context, as well as the degree of innovation in relation to contemporary living requirements.
Whether they establish powerful, quality landmarks in
controversial (sub)urban areas, or they recover and
inspiredly reinterpret a certain type of urban tissue, or
they simply offer an alternative of comfort in relation to
the communist block the inheritance we all relate
to, whether we realize it or not these new projects
illustrate the fact that collective housing can mean
comfort and individuality, and sometimes even communion with nature.


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Board editorial / Editorial Board: Bruno Andre[oiu, Adrian Cioc`zanu

Coordonator proiect editorial / Project coordinator: Viorica Buic`
Texte / Texts: Viorica Buic`, Luiza Hanc, Laura Li]canu, Anca Rotar
Traducere / English version: Anca Rotar
Fotografii / Photos: Cosmin Dragomir, {erban Bonciocat, Andrei M`rgulescu, Radu Mala[incu,
Graphic Studio, Mnadelucru
Fotografie copert` / Cover photo: Andrei M`rgulescu
Concept grafic / Graphic design concept: Corina Gabriela Duma
Paginare / Graphic design: C`t`lin Artenie
Procesare imagine, DTP / Image Editing, DTP: Cristian David, C`t`lin Artenie
Corectur` / Text editing: Andreea Amzoiu
Tip`rit la/ Printed by Masterprint SuperOffset
Bucure[ti, igloomedia, 2011

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a Romniei

Locuin]e colective din Romnia / coord. proiect ed.: Viorica
Buic`; trad.: Anca Rotar; grafica: C`t`lin Artenie.
Bucure[ti : Igloo, 2011
ISBN 978-606-8026-13-8I.
Buic`, Viorica (coord.)
II. Rotar, Anca (trad.)
III. Artenie, C`t`lin (il.)

Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Ele sunt protejate de legile n vigoare privitoare la dreptul de
autor. Orice reproducere total` sau n detaliu, prin orice fel de mijloace de copiere sau transmisie, este interzis` f`r` acordul editurii Igloo Media.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without written permission of Igloo Media.

Bucure[ti, igloomedia, 2011

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din Romnia
Collective Housing from Romania

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l Sumar l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 8_9

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l Viorica Buic` l Noi locuin]e colective l Prefa]`


l ADN BA l Imobil de apartamente MCN


l Imoplan l Imobil de apartamente pe strada Mircea Eliade


l Ioana Du]escu l Imobil de locuin]e pe strada Icoanei


l ADN BA l Imobil de apartamente PTR


l Sorin Puran l Ansamblu de locuin]e Rovere


l Ionescu Architecture & Design l Ansamblu reziden]ial Stejarii


l Ion Popu[oi l Imobil reziden]ial \n Bra[ov


l DE3 Grup l Ansamblu reziden]ial Madrigalului


l Silvia Costescu l Imobil de locuin]e pe strada C`derea Bastiliei


l Tecon l Imobil de locuin]e Tipografiei


l Westfourth Architecture l Imobil de apartamente pe strada G. C`linescu


l PZP Arhitectura l Imobil de locuin]e Badiu


l SYAA l Imobil de locuin]e pe strada Sirenelor


l Westfourth Architecture l Imobil de apartamente pe Aleea Alexandru


l Graphic Studio l Ansamblu de locuin]e Carol Park


l Mnadelucru l Imobil de apartamente Dmbului


l Artline l Imobil de apartamente pe [oseaua Nordului


l Atelier Mihai Du]escu l Imobil de apartamente \n Voluntari


l SYAA l Club Bosco


l Parteneri l


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Noi locuin]e colective

New collective housing
|n condi]iile unei urbaniz`ri intensive, generalizate, locuirea
colectiv` unul dintre programele fundamentale ale arhitecturii contemporane prime[te un rol aparte \ntr-o strategie
integrat` de dezvoltare sustenabil`. Chiar dac` la noi \n ]ar`
nu putem \nc` vorbi de programe urbane majore [i coerente,
interesul pentru stabilirea unor noi standarde \n ceea ce
prive[te locuirea colectiv`, ba chiar pentru redefinirea ei a
devenit din ce \n ce mai vizibil \n ultimii ani, att din partea
dezvoltatorilor, ct [i a arhitec]ilor.
Dup` ce \n anii 70-80 programul locuin]elor colective a fost
discreditat de dezvolt`ri masive, strict func]ionale, menite a
oferi rapid [i ieftin o cas` pentru num`rul mare de oameni
care s-au mutat la ora[, dup` 1990 a urmat o cre[tere, adesea
necontrolat`, a suburbiilor, cu case \n[iruite, grupate \n comunit`]i \nchise, opace. Oamenii \ns` au \nceput s` redescopere
treptat farmecul locuirii urbane, pe \n`l]ime, iar ceea ce i-a
atras au fost tocmai proiectele mai flexibile, mai individualizate
[i orientate c`tre client, oferindu-i acestuia prilejul de a-[i
defini identitatea [i prin spa]iul \n care tr`ie[te. Fie c` stabilesc
repere puternice, de calitate, \n zone (sub)urbane controversate, fie c` recupereaz` [i reinterpreteaz` cu inspira]ie un
anumit tip de ]esut urban sau pur [i simplu ofer` alte repere
de confort \n compara]ie cu blocul comunist mo[tenirea la
care ne raport`m cu to]ii, con[tient sau nu, aceste proiecte de
locuire colectiv` au curajul de a propune perspective diferite,
de a oferi alternative la standardizare. Noul album din seria
igloo best v` prezint` 19 astfel de proiecte: selec]ia ]ine totodat` cont de grija pentru coeren]a ansamblului [i inserarea \n
context, pentru inova]ie \n raport cu cerin]ele contemporane
de locuire [i ilustreaz` faptul c` locuirea colectiv` poate
\nsemna confort [i individualitate, ba chiar, cteodat`, convie]uire cu natura.
Dimensiunile diferite ale proiectelor [i procentele diverse de
personalizare a locuirii dau o not` de eterogenitate albumului,
\ns` \ntregul st` sub semnul, unificator, al unei gndiri arhitecturale de calitate, de pe urma c`reia c[tig` att ora[ul, ct
[i beneficiarul final. O parte dintre proiecte au fost de altfel
premiate la competi]ii locale [i na]ionale de specialitate [i ne
bucur` faptul c` numeroase cl`diri sunt semnate de arhitec]i
tineri, dornici de a schimba \n mod semnificativ percep]ia general` asupra locuirii colective. Este un prim pas c`tre
(re)\n]elegerea fundamentelor locuirii urbane, care va privilegia, poate, \n viitor apari]ia unor spa]ii comune mai ample, mai
bine conturate. Mai mult, pe parcursul realiz`rii acestui album,
am sesizat apari]ia unor noi proiecte de calitate, att \n
Bucure[ti, ct [i \n alte ora[e mari ale ]`rii, pe care sper`m s`
le putem aduna ct mai curnd \ntr-o nou` publica]ie.

Due to an intensive and generalized urbanization process, collective housing one of the main programs of contemporary
architecture has received a cardinal role in an integrated
sustainable development strategy. Even though in Romania
there cannot yet be any talk of coherent urban programs on a
large scale, the interest for establishing new standards related
to collective housing, and even for redefining it, has become
increasingly more manifest during the last few years, both on
the side of real estate developers and that of architects.
After the 70s and 80s, when collective housing was discredited by massive, strictly functional developments, meant to
quickly provide cheap homes for the large number of people
migrating to the city, the 90s brought about an incontrollable
growth of the suburbs, defined by row houses grouped to
form enclosed, opaque communities. Nevertheless, the people have gradually started to rediscover the charm of vertical
urban living, after being attracted by projects that are more
flexible, individual and client-oriented, thus offering the client
the possibility of defining himself through the space he inhabits. Whether they establish powerful, quality landmarks in controversial (sub)urban areas, or they recover and inspiredly
reinterpret a certain type of urban tissue, or they simply offer
an alternative of comfort in relation to the communist block
the inheritance we all relate to, whether we realize it or not
these new collective housing projects have the courage of
opening up new perspectives and offering alternatives to standardization. The latest album in the igloo best series presents
19 such projects, whose selection has taken into account the
care for the coherence of the whole and its insertion into the
given context, as well as the degree of innovation in relation to
contemporary living requirements, thus illustrating the fact that
collective housing can mean comfort and individuality, and
sometimes even communion with nature.
The different scales of the projects and the different degrees of
personalization of the living conditions bring a note of
heterogeneity into the album, and yet the whole sits under the
unifying sign of quality architectural approach, which benefits
the city and the inhabitant alike. Moreover, several projects featured here were granted awards at local and national architecture competitions, and it makes us glad that many among them
were designed by young architects, willing to make a notable
change in the way people perceive collective housing. This is a
first step to the (new) understanding of urban living, which will
perhaps, in the future, facilitate the development of other, more
generous and better outlined, common spaces. Furthermore,
while putting together this album, we have noticed the emergence of several quality projects, in Bucharest as well as in
other large Romanian cities, which we hope to bring together
as soon as possible within the pages of a follow-up publication.

l Viorica Buic` l prefa]` l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 11_11

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l ADN BA l Imobil de apartamente MCN l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 12_21



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Imobil de apartamente MCN

MCN Housing Building

Construit \n cartierul Bucure[tii Noi, ce p`streaz` [i ast`zi un

aer patriarhal, acest imobil de locuin]e (re)interpreteaz` pe
vertical` [i \ntr-un singur volum via]a la curte, stabilind un
dialog contemporan, inspirat, cu specificul zonei.
Cele [apte apartamente ale construc]iei de joas` \n`l]ime
sunt diferite: arhitectura se adapteaz` pe de o parte
vecin`t`]ilor calcane, str`zi, curtea din spate, iar pe de alt`
parte obiectivului de a oferi fiec`rui locatar un contact direct
cu exteriorul. |n consecin]`, toate locuin]ele de]in spa]ii care
comunic` pe mai multe niveluri [i prezint` vitraje mari c`tre
str`zile [i cur]ile adiacente. Fie c` au cur]i proprii (cum se
\ntmpl` cu apartamentele de la parter), fie c` au logii (la cele
dou` etaje) sau terase (la ultimul nivel, cu o retragere impus`
de regulamentul urbanistic), interioarele se deschid c`tre
gr`din` [i \mprejurimi prin spa]ii largi [i luminoase. Cu
excep]ia unuia singur, apartamentele se desf`[oar` pe dou`
niveluri, \n aceea[i dorin]` de a permite transparen]e totale \n
zonele de zi, dintr-o parte \n cealalt` a interioarelor [i, \n plus,
de a aduce \n apartamente ct mai mult din confortul locuirii
la cas`. Tot pentru valorificarea optim` a spa]iilor de locuit,
circula]iile comune au fost reduse la minimum, permi]nd o
a[ezare diferit` \n sec]iune pentru fiecare apartament, \n
func]ie de pozi]ia sa \n cl`dire, iar garajele au fost amplasate
la parter, pe latura lung` a cl`dirii.
Unul dintre meritele principale ale acestui proiect este tocmai
capacitatea de a gndi un volum-peisaj, care leag` \n mod
inteligent spa]iile interioare de cele exterioare, pe cele
construite de cele neconstruite [i se integreaz` armonios \n
contextul dat.


ADN BA, arhitec]i/architects: Andrei {erbescu,

Adrian Untaru, Sebastian {erban, Bogdan Br`d`]eanu

Valentin Radu (RDS Dinamic Studio)


Located in the Bucure[tii Noi neighbourhood, which still

maintains a rather patriarchal feel, this housing building
vertically (re)interprets country life within a single
volume, establishing a contemporary and inspired dialogue with the particularities of the area.
The seven apartments located inside the low-rise building are all different from one another. Their architecture
adapts to the vicinities blind walls, streets, the back
yard -, while trying to keep up with the purpose of
offering each inhabitant the chance of direct contact
with the surroundings. Therefore, all of the housing units
contain spaces that communicate on several levels with
the outside environment, as well as large glazed areas
facing the adjoining streets and courtyards. Whether they
have their own courtyards (as is the case of the apartments on the ground floor), loggias (the two floors) or
terraces (the topmost level, which retreats due to urban
regulations), the interiors open up towards the garden
and the surroundings through generous, well-lit spaces.
With one exception, the apartments take up two levels,
following in with the same intent of creating fully transparent daytime areas, and also seeking to create an
environment similar to that of individual housing.
In order to take full advantage of the living spaces, the
common circulation nodes have been reduced to a
minimum, allowing a different positioning for each apartment, based on its location inside the building. The
garages were placed on the ground floor, on the buildings long side.
One of the main virtues of this project is the architects
very capacity of designing a building as if it were a landscape, intelligently connecting the inside and the outside,
the built and the unbuilt, and thus harmoniously
integrating the volume within its context.



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l Imoplan l Imobil de apartamente pe strada Mircea Eliade l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 22_27



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Imobil de apartamente pe strada Mircea Eliade

Housing Building on Mircea Eliade Street

Situat` \ntr-o zon` reziden]ial` din nordul Bucure[tiului,

cl`direa beneficiaz` de un context arhitectural valoros,
datnd din perioada interbelic`, de care arhitec]ii au ]inut
cont \n elaborarea proiectului, f`r` a renun]a \ns` la un
discurs contemporan.
Lucr`rile de construc]ie au fost completate \n dou` etape:
\nti au ap`rut cele dou` volume cu apartamente, conectate
prin intermediul unei cur]i private \mprejmuite de un zid de
piatr` \n form` de L, ce marcheaz` zonele de acces \n
cl`dire, iar apoi a fost extins garajul din subteran, solu]ie
aleas` pentru a nu mutila fa]ada prin introducerea unei
rampe de acces auto. Structura de baz` a cl`dirii a fost
realizat` din beton armat, \n timp ce pere]ii interiori de compartimentare sunt din gips-carton, iar cadrele ferestrelor, din
rame de aluminiu, colorate cu grafit.
Cele dou` volume au o structur` extrem de simpl` dou`
cutii de form` cubic`, ce \mpart un soclu de piatr`. Orientarea
lor unul spre vest, iar cel`lalt spre sud a fost motivat` att
de configura]ia lotului, ct [i de dorin]a de a prezerva vegeta]ia \nalt` din zon`, care devine, astfel, o parte a proiectului,
contribuind la integrarea sa \n context. Prin placarea cu
c`r`mid` a mai multe suprafe]e mari din planul fa]adelor,
noua cl`dire apare ca o adi]ie natural`, dezvoltat` \n mod
organic \n cadrul existentului. Primele patru etaje ale cl`dirii
sunt ocupate de cte un singur apartament tip, ce beneficiaz`
de dou` terase generoase spre sud [i spre vest, \n timp ce
ultimele dou` sunt rezervate pentru un duplex spectaculos,
cu teras` panoramic`.


Imoplan, arhitec]i/architects: Adrian Bold, Maria Bucur



Located in a residential area in the North of Bucharest,

the building enjoys a valuable architectural context,
dating back to the interwar period, which the architects
have respected, while, at the same time, maintaining a
contemporary discourse.
The construction works were completed in two stages.
First to be built were the two volumes containing the
apartments. These are connected through a private courtyard, surrounded by an L-shaped stone wall marking the
areas of access inside the building. The second stage consisted in expanding the underground garage, a solution
that was chosen in order not to mutilate the faade by
introducing an auto access ramp. The buildings structure was done in reinforced concrete, while the interior
separating walls are in dry plaster and the window
frames, in grapphite coloured aluminum.
The two volumes are defined by a clear and simple structure two cubic boxes, sharing the same stone base.
Their orientation one towards the West and the other
towards the South was dictated by the sites configuration, as well as by the desire to protect the tall vegetation in the area, which thus became a part of the project,
helping integrate the volumes into their context. Due to
the use of bricks on several large surfaces along the
faades, the new building appears as a natural addition,
an organic growth in the heart of the existing tissue. The
first four floors are each taken up by one typically laid out
apartment, enjoying two generous terraces to the South
and to the West. The topmost levels are occupied by a
spectacular duplex, with a panoramic terrace.



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l Ioana Du]escu l Imobil de locuin]e pe strada Icoanei l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 28_35



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Imobil de locuin]e pe strada Icoanei

Housing Building on Icoanei Street

Lotul de 552 metri p`tra]i pe care este amplasat actualul imobil era ocupat de o cl`dire P+1 de factur` neo-romneasc` a
c`rei valoare cultural` se concentra n partea vizibil` din
spa]iul public. n zona cur]ii ns` construc]ia pre-existent`
s-a dovedit una de factur` modest`. Tema de proiectare a
solicitat o valorificare ct mai atent` a parcelei, n parametrii
destul de stric]i impu[i de Direc]ia Monumentelor Istorice [i
de studiul istoric ntocmit n prealabil.
Astfel s-a ajuns la solu]ia prezerv`rii fa]adelor [i la configurarea volumetric` a noului proiect n retrageri succesive, att
de la strad`, ct [i pe n`l]ime, pentru a p`stra intact cadrul
vizual cu care zona era deja obi[nuit`. Noul imobil de locuin]e
joac` n mod deliberat rol de fundal pentru aceste fa]ade
istoric [i cultural valoroase, prelund raportul plin-gol, dimensiunile [i pozi]iile ferestrelor anterioare lui n partea de
Construc]ia ]ine seama de context [i din alt punct de vedere:
c`r`mida aparent` aplicat` ca accent pe noul volum este o
referin]` vizual` explicit` la alt reper construit al zonei
Biserica Anglican`. Totu[i, proiectul nu este o pasti[`, iar
apartamentele r`spund nevoilor contemporane de locuire:
zonele de living cu deschidere c`tre Gr`dina Icoanei sunt iluminate abundent prin mari suprafe]e vitrate, prin contrast cu
fa]adele dinspre strad`. Avnd o suprafa]` desf`[urat` total`
de 2 512 metri p`tra]i (incluznd subsolul [i terasele), aceast`
cl`dire de locuin]e realizat` din cadre [i pere]i structurali din
beton armat reprezint` un gest de modestie
arhitectural`, \ns` unul perfect contemporan.


arhitec]i/architects: Ioana Du]escu,

Cristiana Tobo[aru, Bogdan Tobo[aru

ing. Mircea Cri[an, Vlad Petrescu


The 552 sqm lot where the new building is located was
previously taken up by a one floor Traditional Romanian
Revival style building, which appeared to be culturally
valuable on the side facing the public space. However, in
the area of the courtyard, this building had proven itself
to be rather lacking. The design brief asked for the architect to take full advantage of the lot, while carefully
respecting the strict regulations imposed by the
Directorate of Historical Monuments and the previously
compiled historical study.
Thus, the architect chose to keep the faades, while
designing a new volume that gradually retreats from the
street and decreases in height in order to maintain a
visual setting typical of the area. The new housing building deliberately sets itself into the background in order
to emphasize the historically and culturally valuable
faades. The extended volume borrows certain elements of these faades, such as the game of fulls and
hollows and the dimensions and positioning of the
The building takes into account the existing context from
more than one point of view. Thus, the exposed brickwork of the new volume visually alludes to another architectural landmark of the area the Anglican Church.
Despite all of this, the project is not a pastiche and the
apartments address all the requirements related to contemporary living. The daytime areas, which open towards
the Gr`dina Icoanei Park, are generously lit through large
glazed surfaces, in contrast with the opaque street
faades. Measuring a total 2,512 sqm (including the
basement and the terraces), this housing building, whose
framing and resistance walls are in steel concrete, presents itself as an exercise in architectural modesty, in a
purely contemporary fashion.



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l ADN BA l Imobil de apartamente PTR l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 36_45



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Imobil de apartamente PTR

PTR Housing Building

Pe o str`du]` lini[tit` din spatele blocurilor bulevardului

Titulescu, aceast` cl`dire cu aer mediteraneean vine s` completeze frontul construit eterogen, alc`tuit din locuin]e
\nguste, de dou` pn` la patru niveluri. De[i a avut ca punct
de pornire un teren cu o geometrie [i orientare cardinal` dificile, proiectul a r`spuns \n mod inspirat provoc`rilor, oferind
la final ora[ului una dintre cele mai frumoase cl`diri de
locuin]e realizate \n ultimii ani, din care transpare bucuria din
gestul edific`rii.
Circula]ia vertical`, amplasat` \n centrul de greutate al sitului, articuleaz` dou` zone destinate apartamentelor. C`utnd
un dialog discret cu vecin`tatea, cl`direa interpreteaz`
\ntr-un registru personal anumite caracteristici ale acesteia
propor]ii, tipologia acceselor, elemente de mediere cu
exteriorul, modalit`]i de reliefare a profunzimii terenurilor.
Apartamentele orientate c`tre spate, concepute pe dou`
niveluri (dar modificate ulterior \n perioada execu]iei), \nchid
vizual perspectiva din strad` \ns` men]in transparen]a caracteristic` ]esutului [i las` s` se ghiceasc` mica gr`din` pe
care o ascund. Con[tien]i de importan]a elementelor naturale,
simple, pentru a oferi intimitate [i confort veritabil locuirii,
arhitec]ii au acordat o aten]ie deosebit` ilumin`rii interioarelor: pe lng` vitrajele mari, exist` un sistem flexibil de
umbrire care poate fi ajustat \n func]ie de momentul zilei, dar
[i \n func]ie de st`rile de spirit ale locatarilor.


ADN BA, arhitec]i/architects: Adrian Untaru, Andrei

{erbescu, Bogdan Br`d`]eanu, Valentina }igr`,
Sebastian {erban. Aurel Manea, Gabi Marinescu

ICIPE 1A, Aurel Comanac


Located on a quiet street behind the large housing

blocks on Titulescu Avenue, this Mediterranean style
building completes the heterogeneous built tissue, made
up of narrow, two to four level houses. Despite the fact
that the starting point was a rather difficult site, both
geometrically and geographically, the project rose up to
the challenges, offering the city one of the most beautiful housing buildings of the last few years, and a testimony to the joy of constructing.
The vertical circulation node, placed in the sites centre
of gravity, connects two different areas, both fully occupied by apartments. Seeking to establish a discreet dialogue with the vicinities, the building re-interprets several of their characteristics: proportions, the typology of
the access ways, certain elements connecting the building to the outside space, as well as certain ways of
emphasizing the sites depth. The apartments oriented
towards the back, designed on two levels (but eventually modified during the working stage), provide visual closure to the view from the street, yet maintain the transparence typical of the areas tissue and hint at the presence of the small garden they conceal. Fully aware of the
importance of simple, natural elements and seeking to
provide the inhabitants with privacy and comfort, the
architects have shown a great care for the lighting of the
interiors. Thus, besides the large glazed areas, they have
provided the building with a flexible shading system that
may be adjusted according to the time of day, but also to
suit the inhabitants mood and state of mind.



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l Sorin Puran l Ansamblu de locuin]e Rovere l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 46_55



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Ansamblu de locuin]e Rovere

Rovere Housing Complex

Amplasat \n zona de nord a Bucure[tiului, complexul de

locuin]e Rovere este format din dou` volume identice, cu un
regim de \n`l]ime P+3, separate de un spa]iu de socializare
care este dominat de o generoas` piscin` \n aer liber. |nc` de
la distan]`, acestea se remarc` prin aspectul ludic [i totu[i
elegant al fa]adelor, constnd \ntr-un joc controlat de
\ncadraturi rectangulare, finisate \n alb [i tonuri de cafeniu [i
bej. Acest joc \[i atinge punctul culminant pe laturile adiacente zonei de socializare, unde cele dou` cl`diri creeaz`
iluzia a dou` piese de puzzle care au fost separate. Dincolo
de comunicarea ce se produce la nivel vizual, corpurile sunt
de asemenea conectate la nivel subteran, printr-un spa]iu
general unde au fost amenajate parc`rile [i zonele tehnice.
|n cazul fiec`rei cl`diri, principala cale de acces este marcat`
de un portic inten]ionat incomplet, ce trimite \n mod ironic
(f`r` mali]iozitate) la imaginea idilic` a locuin]elor dintr-un
sat alpin. Aspectul inovator [i \ndr`zne] al exteriorului se traduce la interior printr-o serie de spa]ii generoase, cu un
design unic [i un grad de confort ridicat. Fiecare volum
cuprinde 35 de apartamente de dou` pn` la patru camere,
fiecare cu propria identitate, ultimul nivel fiind rezervat unui
apartament special, de tip penthouse.
Intimitatea locatarilor a fost una dintre preocup`rile principale ale arhitec]ilor, de aceea pentru finisaje au fost alese
materiale cu bune propriet`]i de izolare fonic` [i termic`.
Niciun detaliu nu a fost l`sat la voia \ntmpl`rii, de la tonurile
calde ale parchetului din lemn natural pn` la b`ile sofisticate, amenajate \ntr-un autentic stil italian.


arhitec]i/architects: Sorin Puran, Ileana Ristea,

Alexandra Badea, Oana Udrea, Cosmin Brum`

Located in the Northern area of Bucharest, the Rovere

housing complex is made up of two identical three-floor
volumes, separated by a socializing space occupied by a
generous open air swimming pool. Even from a distance,
the buildings stand out through the playful, yet elegant
aspect of the faades, consisting in a controlled game of
rectangular frames, finished in off-white and shades of
brown and beige. This game culminates on the sides
facing the socializing area, where the two buildings
create the illusion of two puzzle pieces that have been
taken apart. Apart from this visual level connection, the
volumes also communicate through a shared basement,
where the parking spaces and the technical areas are
For each building, the main access way is marked by an
intentionally incomplete portico, alluding ironically (but
not maliciously) to the idyllic image of rural Alpine houses. The exteriors innovative and daring look translates on
the inside through a series of generous spaces with a
unique design and high comfort levels. Thus, each
volume hosts 35 apartments, each with its own identity,
containing two to four rooms, the topmost level being
fully occupied by a luxury penthouse apartment.
The inhabitants privacy was one of the architects main
concerns and this is the reason why the materials
chosen for finishing have excellent insulation and soundproofing properties. As for the interior design, every
single detail has been carefully thought of, from the
warm tones of the natural wood parquet to the sophisticated, Italian style bathrooms.



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l Ion Popu[oi l Imobil reziden]ial \n Bra[ov l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 64_73



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Imobil reziden]ial \n Bra[ov

Housing Building in Bra[ov

Amplasat la limita centrului istoric al Bra[ovului, \ntr-o arie cu

caracter discontinuu \n ciuda statutului de zon` protejat`,
acest imobil ad`poste[te opt apartamente, distribuite cte
dou` pe nivel. }innd cont [i de nevoia de a exploata la maximum terenul existent, arhitec]ii au valorificat aspectele
pozitive ale sitului, \n special peisajul [i perspectiva; a rezultat astfel un bloc compact, trapezoidal \n plan, ce \mprumut`
amprenta sitului. Argumentul compozi]ional principal \l constituie jocul simetric-asimetric al golurilor ultimilor patru
etaje, cuprinse \ntr-un cadru accentuat de consola la strad`.
Volumul arhitectural destul de sobru este a[ezat pe un soclu
de piatr`, ce pune \n rela]ie construc]ia cu terenul \n pant`,
iar singurul decupaj \n silueta compact` este realizat la col]ul
din dreapta de la nivelul parterului, pentru a accentua zona
de acces \n cl`dire [i pentru a sublinia dialogul interior-exterior. Forma curat` [i simpl` a construc]iei este \mbog`]it` prin
contrastul [i \ntrep`trunderea materialelor, texturilor [i culorilor. Mai mult, o serie de detalii au fost concepute special
pentru a pune \n valoare priveli[tea deosebit`: ferestrele nu
au parapet, iar balustrada este din sticl`, oferind o deschidere
[i mai mare c`tre peisaj.
La ultimele niveluri ale imobilului este amplasat un loft cu o
structur` gndit` pe vertical`: pe lng` golurile generoase,
care ofer` o perspectiv` ampl` asupra centrului vechi, spa]iile
interioare beneficiaz` de mult` lumin` zenital`, care
p`trunde, gra]ie pardoselii de sticl`, pn` la nivelul inferior.


arhitec]i/architects: Ion Popu[oi, Bogdan Preda



Located at the outer limits of Bra[ovs historical centre,

in a rather discontinuous context despite the areas
protected status this building contains a total of eight
apartments, two on each level. Keeping in mind the need
to make the most of the available lot, the architects have
worked on its positive aspects, the landscape and views
especially. The result was a compact building, defined by
a trapeze shape, which covers the footprint of the site.
The main compositional motif lies in the play on symmetry and asymmetry made up by the hollows on the top
four levels, contained in a frame accentuated by the
street-facing cantilever.
The volume itself is defined by a stern aesthetic and is
placed on a stone base, establishing a dialogue between
the building and the sloping field. The only discontinuity
in the otherwise compact silhouette is to be found on the
right hand corner of the ground floor level, serving to
emphasize the access area, as well as the dialogue
between inside and outside. The clear and simple shape
of the building is enriched by the contrast and overlapping of materials, textures and colours. Furthermore, several details have been thought out in order to emphasize the unique view: the windows have no parapets and
the railing is in glass, offering a greater opening towards
the landscape.
The buildings topmost levels host a loft whose structure
has been laid out vertically. Besides the generous hollow
areas, offering an ample perspective on the citys historical centre, the interiors benefit from natural light, which,
thanks to the glass floor, reaches down to the lower



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l Silvia Costescu l Imobil de locuin]e pe strada C`derea Bastiliei l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 82_89



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Imobil de locuin]e pe strada C`derea Bastiliei

Housing Building on C`derea Bastiliei Street

Proiectul a pornit de la un teren dificil 8,4 m x 52 m, cu dou`

inflexiuni pe latura lung` [i calcan pe cea sudic`, provocarea
fiind dublat` de o serie de restric]ii urbanistice care au impus
un partiu cu l`]imea de 6,50 m. Pentru a atenua lungimea
cl`dirii rezultate, fa]ada de nord a fost dinamizat` cu ajutorul
unor ferestre dispuse aparent aleatoriu; \n spatele acestei
false dezordini exist` \ns` modul`ri atente [i o corelare sincer`, logic` ntre gol [i func]iunea din spatele lui. Pentru
finisare au fost preferate materialele calde: lemnul [i
zugr`veala \n nuan]e deschise, asociate sticlei vopsite n
maro \nchis, transparent` sau mat`.
Repartizarea apartamentelor pe planul alungit fiind esen]ial`,
accesul n imobil se face prin zona de mijloc; parc`rile au fost
rezolvate la nivelul solului, \n timp ce la subsol se afl` spa]iile
tehnice [i boxe de depozitare pentru locatari. Pavimentul este
tratat \ntr-o compozi]ie de piatr` cubic`, granit, lemn [i
pavele. n suprafa]a de 1 200 mp, repartizat` pe 6 niveluri, au
fost concepute apartamente cu partiuri diferite: dou` duplexuri orientate spre strad`, dou` spre zona de curte din
spatele terenului [i cte un apartament pe nivel la etajele 5 [i
6, u[or retrase. Pentru a ob]ine un anumit confort acustic,
unele duplexuri au fost r`sturnate, rezultnd suprapunerea
zonelor de noapte. Toate spa]iile sanitare [i buc`t`riile
beneficiaz` de ventila]ie [i lumin` natural`, iar zona de zi [i
majoritatea dormitoarelor au deschidere spre teras`, profitnd de dubla orientare a fiec`rui apartament.


arhitec]i/architects: Silvia Costescu,

Ruxandra Pais, Adrian Moleavin

The project was built on a challenging, 8.4 m x 52 m site,

featuring two inflexions on its long side and bordered by
a blind wall on its Southern site. The challenge was doubled by several urban restrictions that imposed the width
of 6.5 m for the design. In order to counterbalance the
length of the resulting building, the Northern faade features several randomly displayed windows, as a dynamic
element. However, this apparent disorder was the result
of careful modulation and a sincere, logical correlation
between every hollow area and the function behind it.
The architects chose warm materials for the finishes:
wood and light-coloured paint, combined with glass,
both transparent and opaque and painted dark brown.
Due to the distribution of the apartments along the elongated plan, the access inside the building is done
through the central area. The parking spaces are located
at ground level, while the basement is occupied by technical spaces and storage boxes to be used by the inhabitants. The outside paving was done in square stone,
granite, wood and stone slabs. The six levels, measuring
a total of 1 200 sqm, contain apartments in various layouts: two duplexes facing the street, with two additional
ones facing the back yard, as well as one apartment on
each of the slightly retreating top levels. In order to
ensure the inhabitants acoustic comfort, some of the
duplexes were turned upside-down, resulting in the
superposition of the night time areas. The bathrooms
and kitchens are all naturally aired and lit, while the daytime and most of the night time areas open towards the
terrace, thus taking advantage of each apartments
double orientation.



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l Tecon l Imobil de locuin]e Tipografiei l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 90_97



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Imobil de locuin]e Tipografiei

Tipografiei Housing Building

Acest imobil de locuin]e cu dou` calcane laterale apare ast`zi

ca un obiect singular, excep]ional prin natura lucrurilor. n
scurt timp, el va fi integrat \ns` ntr-un front continuu de
cl`diri n[iruite, iar proiectul ]ine cont de aceast` ocupare
ulterioar`, ce va deveni regul` a zonei. Cele dou` laturi opace
ale construc]iei au fost gndite de la bun nceput ca zonetampon fa]` de imobilele viitoare adiacente limitelor de
proprietate aferente.
Partiul aparent restrns ca dimensiuni este organizat pentru
a r`spunde unui stil de via]` contemporan (beneficiari independen]i sau cupluri tinere): zona de zi este maximizat`, n
detrimentul spa]iilor de serviciu, care ocup` un strict necesar.
nc`perile principale sunt spa]ioase, vitrate generos pe toat`
n`l]imea camerei [i se deschid spre teras`. Fiecare din cele
[ase niveluri locuibile este ocupat cu cte un apartament cu
dou` camere [i dou` terase orientate n sens opus. Ca regul`,
o teras` apar]ine buc`t`riei [i alta livingului, dar pe vertical`
acest layout unic este alternat astfel nct se ob]ine un joc
plin-gol al fa]adei, ce variaz` de la un nivel la altul.
Cum, din lips` de spa]iu, o curte interioar` comun` ar fi fost
imposibil de realizat parterul fiind ocupat cu amprenta
cl`dirii [i locuri de parcare spa]iul exterior de socializare
este mutat n ntregime pe terasa de deasupra ultimului nivel,
amenajat` cu pergol` astfel nct s` poat` primi petreceri de
var`, dar [i s` faciliteze perspectiva asupra mprejurimilor.


Tecon, arhitec]i/architects: Bogdan Babici, Eliodor Streza



With two lateral blind walls, this housing building

currently appears as a stand alone object, and thus, an
exceptional one. Shortly, it will be integrated within a
continuous front of row buildings. The architecture project has therefore taken into account this upcoming
development, which will become the rule of the area.
The buildings two opaque sides were designed right
from the start as buffer areas in relation to the soon to
be built structures adjacent to the property limits.
Although not very generous in size, the layout was
designed to correspond to a contemporary lifestyle (the
beneficiaries being either singles or young couples). The
architects made the most of the daytime areas, to the
detriment of the technical spaces, which were reduced
to the strictly necessary. The main rooms are spacious,
generously glazed on their full height and opening
towards a terrace. Each of the six inhabitable levels is
occupied by a two room apartment, with two terraces
oriented in the opposite direction. As a rule, one of the
terraces is adjacent to the kitchen and the other to the
living room. However, on the vertical, this unique layout
varies in order to create a play of full and hollow on the
faade, which changes from one level to the other.
The lack of space made the design of an interior courtyard quite impossible, the ground level being fully taken
up by the buildings imprint and the parking spaces. Thus,
the architects moved the external socializing space
entirely on the terrace above the topmost level. Provided
with a pergola, this space may host summer parties but,
most of all, it helps open the perspective on the



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l PZP ARHITECTURA l Imobil de locuin]e Badiu l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 106_115



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Imobil de locuin]e Badiu

Badiu Housing Building

Situat \ntr-o zon` eterogen` din punct de vedere al stilurilor

arhitecturale, acest imobil de locuin]e a fost conceput n jurul
ideii de minimal. Designul industrial confer` cl`dirii un
aspect ct se poate de contemporan un loft artificial ce nu
recupereaz` o structur` veche, fiind proiectat de la nceput
Cele cinci apartamente din cl`dire se dezvolt` n limitele
parcelei nguste (8 m x 25 m), fiecare pe cte un nivel. Pentru
a c[tiga spa]iu util locuibil, palierele de etaj au fost eliminate,
solu]ia aleas` de arhitec]i pentru circula]ia pe vertical` fiind
una mai pu]in ntlnit` la noi: scar` exterioar` de evacuare [i
lift hidraulic cu deschidere direct` n fiecare apartament.
Partiul este simplu, interioarele libere amintind de spa]iile
specifice halelor. Mai mult, finisajele se reduc la parchet/deck
(pentru terase), gresie, faian]` [i r`[in` epoxidic` (b`i), ntr-o
gam` cromatic` compus` din nuan]e de maro, n contrast cu
albul predominant. Tmpl`ria are n`l]imea maxim` admis`,
nlesnind comunicarea vizual` cu vecin`t`]ile.
La exterior, materialele [i culoarea au un impact vizual puternic: scara metalic` este vopsit` \n albastru (culoare primar`
folosit` \n rafin`rii), clincherul n complementara lui orange;
ultimul etaj este placat cu tabl` ondulat` alb`, iar pl`cile sunt
exprimate pe fa]ad` cu ajutorul unor profile de tabl` ndoit`
gri. Texturile sunt completate de tabla tras` ce protejeaz`
scara, de balustradele din ]eav` p`trat` grunduit` [i de gardul de mprejmuire a propriet`]ii care, de[i pare zidit, ascunde
un beton aparent bine cofrat.


PZP ARHITECTURA, arhitec]i/architects: Liviu Z`gan,

M`d`lina Martin, Veronica Tudor, Dan B`l`neanu,
{erban Patrulius


Located within an architecturally heterogeneous area,

this housing building was designed following the principles of minimalism. The industrial aesthetic lends a contemporary look to the structure, which thus makes up an
artificial loft that was designed to appear as if recovering
an old structure.
The five apartments contained within the building each
occupy one level, within the full limits of the narrow 8 m
x 25 m site. In order to expand the inhabitable space, the
floor landings have been eliminated, the architects
opting for a vertical circulation solution that is rather
uncommon for Romania: an external evacuation staircase and a hydraulic elevator which opens directly inside
every apartment. The interior space design is quite simple, the spacious rooms being reminiscent of industrial
halls. Furthermore, the finishes are minimal: parquet (for
the terraces), sandstone, earthenware and epoxidic resin
(for the bathrooms), all in shades of brown, contrasting
with the predominantly white interiors. The carpentry elements rise to the maximum allowed height, in order to
facilitate the visual connection with the surroundings.
The materials and colours chosen for finishing the exteriors offer a strong visual impact: the metallic staircase is
painted blue (this being a primary colour, as well as the
one predominantly used in refineries), and the clincher in
its complementary colour orange. The topmost floor is
coated in white corrugated iron, the plaques being
emphasized by contours in folded gray plate sheets. The
texture palette is completed by the steel plate blind
covering the staircase, the rough coated square pipes
that make up the banisters and the fence surrounding
the lot. The latter, while appearing to be in masonry, is
actually made up of exposed concrete.



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l SYAA l Imobil de locuin]e pe strada Sirenelor l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 116_121



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Imobil de locuin]e pe strada Sirenelor

Housing Building on Sirenelor Street

Ap`rut ca interven]ie nou` ntr-un fond constituit anterior,

imobilul de pe strada Sirenelor nu neglijeaz` niciuna dintre
caracteristicile contextului. Volumul preia n`l]imea predominant` P+8, dar se retrage cu trei niveluri, adresndu-se prin
aceasta construc]iilor de gabarit mai mic ce alc`tuiesc
]esutul urban al zonei.
Cota cur]ii de acces este supran`l]at` cu cteva trepte fa]`
de nivelul trotuarului, intr`rile fiind astfel marcate vizibil.
Exist` dou` nuclee de circula]ie vertical` ce deservesc
apartamentele, iar aleea ce le leag` la exterior este bordat`
de un spa]iu plantat, al`turi de care alveolele amenajate
func]ioneaz` ca o zon` de discu]ii n aer liber. Cel de-al doilea
loc de popas, de asemenea un spa]iu plantat, are un caracter
mai intim, fiind amplasat n spatele cl`dirii, spre limita nordic`
a incintei.
Identitatea fiec`ruia dintre cele 34 de apartamente este
diferit`, iar acest lucru este exprimat foarte clar la exterior,
printr-un joc interesant de goluri sculptate n planul fa]adei.
Proiectul se distan]eaz` astfel conceptual de ideea cutiilor de
locuit identice pe din`untru [i dezolante pe dinafar`, propunnd un scenariu n care tocmai varietatea este s`rb`torit`.
Urmnd o schem` de partiu diferit` pentru fiecare nivel n
parte, volumul construit al imobilului ofer` ora[ului o imagine
pe gustul acestuia, un colaj de plinuri [i goluri, de loggii sau
balcoane, de spa]ii interioare intime [i zone extrovertite,
legate ns` ntr-o compozi]ie coerent` [i, de fapt, controlat`.


SYAA, arhitec]i/architects: Adrian Soare, Eliza Yokina,

Rodica Dina, Elena Dragu, Sebastian Lupea

G&ED STRUCTURAL, Eugen Doroban]u,

Gabriela Doroban]u

Designed in order to bring a touch of the new within an

existing front, the building on Sirenelor Street takes all of
the features of its context into account. At its highest
point, the volume takes on the predominant eight floor
height of its surroundings, and then descends three levels, in order to relate to the smaller buildings existing
within the areas urban tissue.
The access courtyard is elevated in relation to the sidewalk level, thus visibly marking the points of entrance.
The apartments are accessible through two vertical circulation knots, whereas the corridors connecting them
are flanked by a strip of green. In this space, a series of
cells function as an open air socializing area. The building
also features a second socializing area, green in its turn,
which is more private, being placed behind the
volume, towards the northern limit of the premise.
Each of the 34 apartments boasts an individual identity, a
feature clearly stated on the outside, through a charming
game of hollow areas dug inside the faade. The project
thus distances itself at a conceptual level from the
typical inhabitable boxes, with identical interiors and
desolate exteriors, setting forth a scenario that celebrates variety.
Boasting a different layout scheme on each level, the
building offers the city a view to be enjoyed, a collage of
full and hollow, of loggias and terraces, of cozy interiors
and open areas, all of them connected within a coherent,
and quite controlled, composition.



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l Mnadelucru l Imobil de apartamente Dmbului l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 138_143



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Imobil de apartamente Dmbului

Dmbului Housing Building

Amplasat pe un sit de 556 metri p`tra]i, acest imobil de

locuin]e P+6 s-a a[ezat tangent fa]` de terenul vecin, cu
retrageri spre strad`, limita lateral` [i spatele lotului, arhitectul dorind s` nu altereze contextul \n care acesta este inserat.
Expresia volumetric` a cl`dirii traduce logica desf`[ur`rii
spa]iilor interioare. ntr-o schem` cu dou` apartamente pe
nivel (cu precizarea c` ultimul etaj este ocupat de un singur
apartament de mari dimensiuni), dormitoarele stau pe laturile
scurte ale imobilului, deschiznd spre exterior cte un balcon
cu adncime de 2,50 m, tratat ca o caset` din plexiglass.
Amplasarea acestor elemente punctuale pe planul fa]adei nu
este aceea[i de sus pn` jos, iar golurile vitrate sunt decalate
de la ritmul caracteristic, ob]inndu-se astfel o imagine
diferit` a fa]adelor scurte fa]` de cea de-a treia eleva]ie accesibil`. Latura lung` ce ad`poste[te toate zonele de zi (living,
buc`t`rie, loc de luat masa, studio) urmeaz` ndeaproape
modelul interbelic, perfect rectangular, al ferestrelor bandou
marcate de glafuri vizibile.
Cu excep]ia ultimului, cum aminteam, pe fiecare etaj se
g`sesc un apartament cu trei, respectiv patru camere. n
aceste condi]ii, gruparea zonelor de zi, de noapte [i de serviciu s-a f`cut dup` o schem` logic`. B`ile spre exemplu au
fost grupate spre partea central` a imobilului, o parte dintre
ele beneficiind de ventila]ie natural` prin curtea practicat` pe
calcan, aceea[i care lumineaz` [i casa sc`rii.


Mnadelucru, arhitec]i/architects: Dorin {tefan Adam,

Maria M`d`lina Iftimi, Corina Pitic

Advance Design

Placed on a 556 sqm site, this six-floor housing building

is tangent to the neighbouring lot and features several
retreats from the street level, the lateral limits and the
back of the site, as the architect sought not to interfere
with the existing context.
The buildings outside expression follows the logic of the
internal organization. Within a layout featuring two flats
on each level (the topmost floor being occupied by a single large apartment), the bedrooms are placed on the
buildings short sides, opening up to their surroundings
through a balcony measuring 2.5 m in depth and
designed as a plexiglass encasement. The distribution of
these punctual elements on the faade is not the same
on the full height of the building, as the glazed hollow
areas dont follow a standard rhythm. This allowed for the
creation of a visual separation of the smaller faades
from the third accessible elevation. The long side, containing the daytime areas (living room, kitchen, dining
room, studio) closely follows the interwar style, perfectly
rectangular, line of strip windows marked by exposed
As mentioned before, except for the top floor, each level
houses two apartments, one containing three rooms and
the other, four rooms. Thus, the grouping of the daytime,
night time and technical areas was done based on a
logical scheme. For instance, the bathrooms were
grouped towards the buildings central area, part of them
benefiting from natural ventilation through the courtyard
adjoining the blind wall, the same courtyard that serves
to light up the stairwell.



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l SYAA l Club Bosco l locuin]e colective din romnia l igloo best l 160_167



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Club Bosco
Bosco Club

Acest imobil de apartamente de vacan]` realizat \n Neptun

contrazice cu elegan]` principiile investitorilor imobiliari [i ale
\nv`]`mntului de arhitectur` func]ionalist, dnd na[tere, prin
mijloace simple, unui spa]iu interior-exterior fluid [i agreabil,
creat exclusiv pentru confortul locatarilor. Arhitectura este
una curat`, dar totu[i puternic` [i valorizeaz` vegeta]ia existent` pe teren: corpurile separate [i legate prin cursive
urm`resc atent pozi]ia arborilor \nal]i [i astfel unghiul drept \i
las` loc celui obtuz, mai pu]in agresiv. Atmosfera
neconven]ional`, relaxant`, este accentuat` prin crearea unei
cur]i centrale deschise [i prin amplasarea unei piscine la
etajul \nti, orientat` dezinhibat c`tre intersec]ie.
Zona dintre cele trei corpuri de cl`dire este plantat` cu
arbu[ti [i tufe [i par]ial pavat` cu pietri[, asemenea aleilor din
parcurile de alt`dat`, sunetul pl`cut al pietrelor la fiecare pas
invitnd la o traversare lent` [i marcnd la nivel subliminal
intrarea \ntr-un spa]iu al destinderii. Jocul alb de plinuri [i
goluri care nu scoate \n eviden]` niciun volum dominant [i
nicio fa]ad` principal`, punctat pe alocuri de suprafe]e
dinamice de un verde crud, este un alt factor de echilibru
pentru ansamblu; l`snd la o parte arogan]a proprie cl`dirilor
urbane ce \ncearc` prin orice mijloace s` se fac` remarcate,
arhitectura apartamentelor de vacan]` invit` la intimitate [i
relaxare, f`r` a izola cl`direa de mediul ei, dar [i f`r` a o
expune excesiv.


SYAA, arhitec]i/architects: Eliza Yokina, Adrian Soare,

{tefan Simion, Tudor Antemir

inginer Mircea Elefterescu


This holiday housing building, located in Neptun, elegantly contradicts the principles of real estate investors
and functionalist architecture teachings, by using simple
means to create a fluid, pleasant inside and outside
space, designed solely to provide its occupants with
comfort. The architectural discourse is clear and simple,
yet powerful, making the most of the vegetation growing
on the site. Thus, the volumes, each with its own identity, yet connected to the others through passageways,
closely follow the position of the tall trees, and thus the
right angle turns into a less aggressive oblique angle. The
nonconformist, relaxing mood is emphasized through the
introduction of an open central courtyard and through
the presence, on the first floor, of an uninhibited pool,
facing the street crossing.
The area between the three volumes is planted with
shrubs and bushes and partially paved with rubble, reminiscent of the alleyways in the parks of bygone ages.
The pleasant sound of stone under foot invites people to
take their time and subliminally marks the entrance to a
space of leisure. The game of full and hollow, done in
white, and marked, here and there, by dynamic fresh
green surfaces, doesnt bring out any dominating volume
or main faade, yet stands out as one of the factors from
which balance ensues. Casting aside the arrogance
typical of urban buildings that try to stand out through
any means, the architecture of the holiday apartments is
inviting, intimate and relaxing, without isolating the building from its environment or overly exposing it.



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din Romnia

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igloobest l locuin]e colective din romnia

01-04 Coperta_Loc_Colective

Din ce \n ce mai mul]i oameni redescoper` farmecul locuirii

urbane, pe \n`l]ime, iar ceea ce \i atrage sunt tocmai
proiectele mai flexibile, mai individualizate [i orientate c`tre
client. Noul album din seria igloo best v` prezint` 19 astfel
de proiecte, selectate ]innd totodat` cont de grija pentru
coeren]a ansamblului [i inserarea \n context [i pentru
inova]ie \n raport cu cerin]ele contemporane de locuire.
Fie c` stabilesc repere puternice, de calitate, \n zone
(sub)urbane controversate, fie c` recupereaz` [i reinterpreteaz` cu inspira]ie un anumit tip de ]esut urban sau pur [i
simplu ofer` alte repere de confort \n compara]ie cu blocul
comunist mo[tenirea la care ne raport`m cu to]ii,
con[tient sau nu, aceste noi proiecte ilustreaz` faptul c`
locuirea colectiv` poate \nsemna confort [i individualitate, ba
chiar, cteodat`, convie]uire cu natura.
More and more people are starting to rediscover the
charm of vertical urban living, being attracted by projects that are more flexible, individual and client-oriented.
The latest album in the igloo best series presents 19
such projects, whose selection has taken into account
the care for the coherence of the whole and its insertion
into the given context, as well as the degree of innovation in relation to contemporary living requirements.
Whether they establish powerful, quality landmarks in
controversial (sub)urban areas, or they recover and
inspiredly reinterpret a certain type of urban tissue, or
they simply offer an alternative of comfort in relation to
the communist block the inheritance we all relate
to, whether we realize it or not these new projects
illustrate the fact that collective housing can mean
comfort and individuality, and sometimes even communion with nature.


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