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March 2015, Issue 1, volume 17

In this issue:
Shared Service
Management in practice
The step towards shared
How satisfied are our

Shared Service Management

everything under one roof


Working together
In TOPdesk Magazine we let our customers share their success
stories. Their message often conveys a recurring theme:
collaboration. Working together helps you achieve the best
We from the TOPdesk Magazine editorial board also believe that
you achieve more as a group than alone. TOPdesk is becoming
more international, so its important that we look beyond
borders for developments in the service management field.
Since a couple of months, the English and Dutch editors have
therefore started working together more actively. After all, our
processes are similar. The result so far is that we collaborate on
a single magazine that is published in English and Dutch. We
hope you can read more about this collaboration in the future.
It wont come as a surprise that this edition of the magazine
focuses on Shared Service Management: a term coined by
TOPdesk years ago to signal the significant collaboration
between different supporting departments. We believe that
collaboration is the key to success, and hope this magazine
inspires you to consider further collaboration within your
Enjoy reading!
Nicola van de Velde & Milou Snaterse


Lisa van den Heuvel
Heliomare front office team manager

Read more on page 6




Making the most of Shared Service Management








The transformation of the IT department





Customer satisfaction survey 2014





How Shared Service Management can make
your organization Lean


Collaborating in one TOPdesk environment


Several of this editions articles
explore the theme of Shared
Service Management.



Stay up-to-date
To stay up-to-date on the latest
TOPdesk news and service management

TOPdesk opens branch in the USA

developments, follow us via these


As of 1 January 2015, TOPdesk officially has a branch in the USA. Former managing
director of TOPdesk Belgium bvba, Nancy Van Elsacker, and local entrepreneur Pedro

TOPdesk Newsletter

Soto are tackling the challenge of bringing TOPdesk to the American market.

@TOPdesk @TOPdesk _UK

TOPdesk USA will support all current customers in the United States of America, as well

as work on expanding our customer base. If your organization has an American branch


and is looking for a good service management tool, your American colleagues can
contact TOPdesk USA Inc via +1 407-347-2194 or

New office for TOPdesk Brazil

TOPdesk Brazil grew from one employee to eight in two years time, and has relocated

Myriam Paepen From today:

to a larger office to accommodate this rapid growth. Our current office has about

a new version of #TOPdesk

twenty times more surface area than our old one, giving us room to expand even

@cipaldv. More extensive,


efficient and user-friendly

for users & operators!

The new address is: Rua Professor Joo Mendes Frana 175, So Paulo. You are very
welcome to visit us at our new location or to call us at +55 11 3755 8080.

Dave_Simons @TOPdesk
@ronversteeg thanks to your
great article, weve also started
using digital signatures. Easy to
implement and very efficient.

New managing directors for TOPdesk

Nederland and Belgium
As of 2015, TOPdesk has new managing directors for both TOPdesk Nederland BV and

StAITServices Thankyou

Belgium bvba. Sander Jerphanion, former head of Consultancy, is taking over from

@TOPdesk_UK @TOPdesk for the

Wolter Smit and Frank Droogsma as the new managing director of the Dutch office.

lovely flowers! Congratulating

Jurgen Koster is taking over from Nancy Van Elsacker and Jeroen Versloot as the

us on our 4 star accreditation

managing director of TOPdesk Belgium bvba. Koster is the former head of a sales team


in the Dutch office.

We wish both managing directors the best of luck in their new position.

TOPdesk_UK Celebrating with

(homemade) cakes as TOPdesk
goes live @britishlibrary!





Tooling Event
Brussels Expo, Brussels


for free via the TOPdesk Extranet. Before you perform the update, please read the newest



version of the release notes. A number of things have changed that might affect your
If you have any questions or comments, you can contact TOPdesk Support via
+44 (0)20 7803 4210 or send an email to



Service Desk World



TOPdesk version 5.5 service pack 1 is now available. This version primarily consists of bug
fixes. Do you currently use TOPdesk 5? If so, you can download TOPdesk 5.5 service pack 1

Service Desken anno 2015

Hotel Scandic Sydhavnen, Copenhagen


TOPdesk 5.5 service pack 1 available

TOPdesk 4 End of Life


On 1 March 2015, TOPdesk 4 entered the end-of-life status. This means that we will no

Moderne Kommune
Maimarkthalle Mannheim, Mannheim

longer release any updates or service packs for this version.

Since the launch of TOPdesk 5 in 2012, the majority of our customers have switched to this



version. TOPdesk 5 is more in line with current market needs and new systems. Once a new

Best Management Practice Kongress

Bad Neuenahr

product generations. For the moment, available resources will remain accessible to TOPdesk


product generation becomes available, we gradually reduce the level of support for earlier
4 customers, and our Support department will continue to support the product. However,


SDI Software Showcase
Woburn House, London


declining use of this product generation will cause the available expertise to decrease over
time. As a result, solution times may rise.
More information?
Do you want to know more about end of life, or what TOPdesk 5 can do for your


organization? Call us on +44 (0)20 7803 4200.

SDI Conference
Hilton Metropol, Birmingham


TOPdesk becomes G-Cloud supplier


Olympia, London



TOPdesk recently partnered with Bramble Hub, a prime contractor, to become a G-Cloud
6 supplier. G-Cloud is a UK Government Procurement Service which helps organizations


exercise due diligence and reduce risk in the procurement of ITSM solutions.

Facilities Show
Excel, London



TOPdesk was submitted for approval against a strict set of evaluation criteria and assurance



HDI Conference & Expo

Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas


checks. As we continue to extend our business within the public sector, being accepted
onto the G-Cloud Framework is another step forward for TOPdesk. Rik Prins, Managing
Director of TOPdesk UK, says: We are very pleased that our solution is now available via
G-Cloud, allowing UK organizations to easily and safely choose our tool.



Ronald Haije and Lisa van den Heuvel, Heliomare


Service management is taken very seriously

at Heliomare. More and more colleagues
already reach out to the Facilities IT Portal
and can contact the Self Service Desk for
almost everything. How did the Facilities
and IT departments find each other, and
how do customers find them?

Heliomare, a health organization with 1600 employees working in 35

locations in the Netherlands, has it all figured out. TOPdesk Magazine
visited the largest location at the beach of Wijk aan Zee. In 2012, the
locations supporting services went through a large transformation.
They were merged into a Services department, which comprises
Facilities, HR and IT. The tasks of Facilities and IT were merged even
further into one Facilities IT Portal (FIP) and its services were moved
to the digital Self Service Desk. However, Facilities and IT are not the
only ones represented in the Self Service Desk: the success stories
spread fast, and more and more departments are joining in. We spoke
with two of the people involved: Lisa van den Heuvel, front office
team manager, and Ronald Haije, purchaser and project leader of the
integration process.

A unique integration
Since the very beginning of the project there has been a thorough
approach. First only IT used TOPdesk. In 2009 our Facilities Service
Desk joined in. However, both departments worked separately, says
Van den Heuvel. Haije adds, At the end of 2013 we started a project
to put both departments in one front office. First we created one
database and brought everyone together in the same room. Van den
Heuvel: I did a Lean Six Sigma course and went through all the calls.
I noticed that the workflows of both departments were quite similar
in most cases, only the questions differed. In some cases, we also
observed that the workflows did not run smoothly: calls went from
IT to Facilities and back to IT. We researched how we could efficiently
obviate these questions and discovered that we could streamline a
lot of the IT help desk tasks in a single services department. These
are now the FIPs first line calls. If the FIP cannot complete a call, they
escalate it to the second line, which is the help desk. They now only
receive specialist questions.


When we merged the departments, we set up the Self Service Desk at

want to start working with keywords in calls to make sure that calls

the same time, says Haije. This includes a web shop. Everyone who

about broken fluorescent lamps go straight to maintenance. We can

can log in to our network can create calls, make reservations, book

use standard solutions to pass these calls on. Because if passing on

rooms and catering, arrange a company car, and place orders in the

is the FIPs only task, it is better that calls go straight to the right

web shop. Placing an order is easy. When a customer requests a new

operator. This minimizes the number of calls for the FIP. We are also

phone, the web shop automatically suggests three supported phones.

working on adding HR to the Self Service Desk for commencements

The customer clicks the desired phone and the Purchasing department

and exits. More and more departments are included in the Self Service

orders it. At the same time, FIP receives a notice that the customer

Desk; our reception desk is already using TOPdesk and is taking over

needs a SIM card with a phone data plan, and that this card needs

some of FIPs tasks.

to be prepared. The help desk is notified that the phone is on its way,
that it needs to be configured and that FIP has the SIM card. Finally, the

Becoming a generalist

customer can pick up his phone, cover and all, at the help desk.

Haije says, FIP employees trained each other well during the transition

Heliomare employees can request everything in the web shop;

to one service portal. IT employees answer Facilities questions and vice

from items that support you in your daily tasks (a PC or car), to things

versa. Employees had to get used to this in the beginning because the

that you need for work. Anything is possible, explains Haije. Office

departments have different mindsets. But you need to be patient in

supplies, furniture, coffee cups, or sugar sachets. A physiotherapist

order to get the best from both worlds. By doing each others work, you

can now indicate that a wheelchair needs to be adjusted during an

find out what challenges you face, which programs are used, what the

appointment with a patient. However, requesting sugar sachets is

facts are, and when you need to ask more questions. Van den Heuvel

different from requesting a wheelchair; our budget holder receives

says, Some people believed that they could not answer IT questions

an approval email at a certain price. After approval, the order is sent

until they started doing it. With good manuals and a back office as back-

to the Purchasing department. Customers can get things like office

up, they gained trust and were able to do more and more themselves.

supplies and bandages directly from the stock room. The process

Once you start working you might take three steps forwards and two

for more expensive requests is similar to a change, and reporting a

back, but in the end you do go forwards.

defective lamp or make a request is a call.

A closer look at processes

The departments methods started to grow towards one another.

Van den Heuvel notes, There have always been differences in
mentality between IT and Facilities. Facilities employees are very

There is no shortage of ambition at Heliomare. It was a large project,

hands-on, flexible and customer-oriented, but not always process-

but when we do it we want to do it right, says Van den Heuvel about

oriented. IT employees are more process-oriented, but this sometimes

the integration process. The Self Service Desk took some getting

at the expense of the customer: when the process is inadequate, the

used to for customers, seeing as they mostly used the phone or

customer sometimes has to wait quite a long time. Here you need to

email before. Haije continues, We have reduced it all to one portal

find the happy medium. If you take an approach that is both process-

with telephonic, digital, and physical contact. Customers call one

oriented and customer-oriented, you can keep the customer happy

phone number, email one address and go to one Self Service Desk.

and improve the process. Its great that a system can help us work

You can still call, but we try to limit it. When you call, everyone can

more efficiently. TOPdesk let us become one Services department

answer your question, regardless of whether it is about Facilities or

instead of staying separate islands. TOPdesk is so interwoven with

IT. Van den Heuvel adds, We got rid of the telephone option menu

our organization and our processes span multiple departments, so its

for Facilities or IT. You can now directly talk to an employee and that

essential that we communicate and collaborate well. All departments

works really well.

involved need to keep taking with each other and make concrete

Finally, they also took a closer look at their forms and moved

agreements: How do we handle this? What do we communicate to the

them to the Self Service Desk. The previous form flow was very

customer? You need to know what works for each department, not

inconvenient; people got an order form from the intranet, printed it,

make assumptions for each other. You can fall behind if you are too

filled it out, and scanned it to send it back. We therefore really wanted

late discovering that some things can be improved.

to automate and simplify the purchasing process. You can now easily
place orders, and the product group link shows who needs to approve

Properly promoting your Self Service Desk

the request for each product type. This is going really well and we

How do you sell such a large change? Van den Heuvel explains. You

dont need to guess where the forms come from anymore, according

need to lure people in. We made a strategic move by putting the pay

to Van den Heuvel.

check in the SSD. We needed to use something that triggers people

She continues, We are currently in phase two of the project. We

to take a look. With single sign-on they can access the Self Service

Lisa van den Heuvel
Front office team manager

Desk with one push of a button, which makes it more accessible than our
previous system. That a call is processed more quickly via the Self Service

Heliomares Shared Service

Management tips

Desk than by telephone is also something we hope to use as a trigger. A

digital call gives us an overview of all the information and we dont have

Collaborate well, communicate well.

to enter anything the customer already has. Haije says, Everything now

Take your time. Dont think, lets get that done quickly.

ends up in one place. This used to be very different. Nine times out of ten

Dont assume. A solution doesnt have to work for

we wrote the information on a piece of paper and logged it later on. Now
we have a much clearer overview of what comes in.
Van den Heuvel says, People understand the advantages of making

every department.

Departments must actively think along.

Dont just use an application for registration. It

and managing their own reservations: they can view all rooms and their
availability, and they can move meetings around. We make sure that

needs to support employees in their daily tasks.

people benefit from the SSD and that its not just a nuisance. You do need
to make your own calls, but you lose just as much time when you need to

slowly merge their tasks.

send an email or make a phone call. It takes getting used to, but we are
hearing more and more positive comments. Colleagues are now spreading

Appoint an application manager who can answer

everyones questions.

the word some word-of-mouth advertising. Haije says, The Self Service
Desk is becoming more general, and that is good promotion for us. Other

Quickly bring people together. Once this is done,

Put bait in the Self Service Desk, so people will start

visiting it.

Prepare yourself properly. You are dependant on your

departments are also finding the SSD and want to share in our success.

employees level of knowledge. What can you source

The Rehabilitation Technology department has recently asked us if they

to the front desk, and what questions arise from the

can join the SSD to make their forms more visible. The largest criticasters

organization? Which strategic choices were made?

come to us, and there is no bigger compliment than that. Van den Heuvel

Ask yourself what image you want and what service

says, Other organizations also contact us: we were one of the first to work

level you want to offer the customer.

with a web shop and it has really taken off.

Make the Self Service Desk look good.


Planning & TimeSheet


TimeTell - The solution for planning and time registration

TimeTell is an extensive system for planning and registration of time,
hours, leave and absence. One of the characteristics is the ease of use; it
is important that people do not hesitate to work with the timesheet. It is a
complete and powerful solution, which can interface with other systems
like TOPdesk or other HR, ERP and financial systems.

To support the management, TimeTell offers a dashboard with a summary

of the most important information.

Furthermore, you can plan staff and projects. Staff planning can be used
to allocate people to a specific job and project. The TimeTell project
planning functionality helps you make Gantt charts in order to gain more
insight into the process structure and progress. Both planning and
realisation of spent hours can be registered in TimeTell, which makes it
easy to control and manage projects.
The solution is available both online and on-premise. This can be
combined with the TimeTell App, enabling you to work anywhere with
Every organisation large or small, profit or non-profit can work with
TimeTell. Users around the world are Bosch Security Systems, Bayer,
DB Schenker and the Rail Safety and Standard Board.
Like TOPdesk, the TimeTell software is developed in the Netherlands.
It is used by more than 500 clients worldwide, and is available in English,
German and Dutch.

If you would like to know more about our

solution, please visit our website:
+31 (0)70 311 48 11


Annemarie Wolfrat
... is a service management consultant and project manager for
TOPdesk. She is specialized in Shared Service Management and
advises organizations on how to improve their services.

Lessons learned en route to Shared Service Management
How frustrating is it to have five different questions and having to choose
from five different service desks? Yet this is the kind of service structure
many organizations use today. More and more organizations are taking
steps towards improved services. Benefit from their experiences and
choose your path towards improved customer satisfaction.

As a consultant, virtually every day I visit organizations that want

tool and using the same processes. This can be difficult, but it is always

to provide better customer support through having departments

fun and challenging, and the reward is considerable. Realizing more

collaborate more closely. I often hear that employees have trouble

intensive collaboration is the first step towards more professional

working together with colleagues from other departments because it

services. This is not only good for the customer: it benefits your

almost feels like theyre speaking different languages. This is exactly

employees as well. In this article I use several examples to show you

the kind of problem I can help customers with. I am specialized in

how our customers navigated the path to more intensive collaboration

projects where different departments start collaborating in the same

and the benefits they enjoyed.


Trends in service improvement

From the turn of the century onwards, we have seen organizations
wanting more and more to simplify the information stream towards
the customer. The reason for this is to make things less chaotic for
customers. The Shared Service Management trend will not be going
away, because it increases customer satisfaction but also significantly
reduces costs.
The Shared Service Management model (Figure 1) explains the
growth phases we have observed in the market, along with the
results of said phases. Most organizations start where the two
axes intersect: phase 0, nothing shared. In this phase, each of the
organizations departments has its own processes and procedures.
They hardly work together and there is a strict division of tasks. The
first step organizations take towards Shared Service Management
is a shared tool. Organizations that use a shared tool already work
in a single package but still have different ways for the customer to
approach them as well as their own processes and procedures. This
step does provide significant savings, because it reduces the number
of applications used. However, customer satisfaction really starts
improving in the next step: shared service desk. In this phase, a shared
service desk is set up, featuring all of your organizations supporting
departments. This creates a single point of contact for customers
to request all services. Once all departments start using the same
processes and procedures, the organization is in phase 3: shared

From phase 0 to phase 1

The ease of working in a single tool

process. It is in this phase that the maximum customer satisfaction

and cost efficiency is achieved.

A health care institution, where I provided intensive supervision for

a year, started in phase 0. Nothing was shared, but they had a strong
wish to collaborate more closely in TOPdesk. This organizations
supporting departments hardly knew each other, despite working
in the same building. Each department had their own solution for
registering customer questions. During the kick-off for the project,

Phase 3

Quality of service

Phase 2
service desk
Phase 1

which focused on bringing together the various departments in

TOPdesk, it became clear that both the management and they wanted
to work together in a single tool. Before the various departments
started collaborating in TOPdesk, the departments often had to spend
days waiting for each other. This was because everything was done
via email, which was not checked every day. Now the IT employees
spend all day in TOPdesk and the technical services employees check
for malfunctions every two hours. It has become easier to pass on
tasks, and the communication lines have shortened because everyone
involved is working in the same tool. Moreover, the money saved was
an important motive for management.
Now all calls are registered in TOPdesk, the amount of work

Phase 0

actually done is much clearer. In just a years time, the number of

registered calls increased by 50 per cent compared to when they
started working in a single tool. This showed and proved that there
were capacity problems, and the capacity schedule was adjusted as

Cost efficiency

Figure 1: TOPdesks SSM growth model

a result. In addition, the customer service improved through better


From phase 1 to phase 2

One service, one desk
In 2014, TOPdesk performed a customer satisfaction survey for a
government body to grant insight into customers experiences. The
survey was timed carefully: it took place during the run-up to the
launch of a shared service desk. This was the benchmark. Several
interesting conclusions could be drawn from the research. One of the
things measured was the customer effort score: the effort required
of a customer to get an answer or solution. Most of the respondents
indicated that some to a considerable amount of effort was required to
find a solution. Setting up a clear products and services catalogue and a
straightforward self-service desk made it possible to greatly improve the
customer satisfaction. It was clear for customers in this new situation
where they could take their problems and questions.
Offering the customer a single point of contact is an important next
step towards the shared service desk. Collaborating in one service
management tool like TOPdesk also lets your organizations supporting
departments share a portal. After all, nothing annoys a customer more
than not knowing where to go for a specific service.
In the Shared Service Management model we see that taking the first
step (shared tool) can already result in considerable savings. However,
follow-ups and automatic updates via email. Registered tasks and

in Figure 1 we see that the step towards higher customer satisfaction

the accompanying responses are now visible to all operators and

is limited in this phase. In phase 2 (shared service desk), where we see

process managers. Management can step in when necessary.

that the various supporting departments are presented as one to the

When you want to grow from phase 0 (nothing shared) to

customer, the real step forwards in terms of customer satisfaction

phase 1 (shared tool), the main challenge is to get to know and

is made. Your service desk has representatives from all supporting

trust one another. If there is no trust, you cannot collaborate. It

departments. One of the instruments TOPdesk provides for this is the

is advisable that the project members often meet to discuss and

Self Service Desk with a clear products and services catalogue. This is

address the growing pains during this phase. Weekly meetings

where your customers turn for all their questions, problems and wishes.

make sure everyone gets to know one another and enables them

Big buttons lead them to specific forms where they answer concrete

to explain to their colleagues what the group is working on. During

questions about their wishes or problems. This gets rid of paper forms

the implementation, the project leaders act as key users for their

for good. At the back end, you use the shared service desk to make sure

department. Not only to answer questions about the tool, but to

that the malfunction or request ends up at the right department. This

relay feedback to the key user meetings in order to implement

saves your customer from the confusion of finding their way within the

further improvements. Once the project is complete, it is important

organization to find the solution they need. This professionalization

to keep up the monthly key user meeting so that you can continue

means the customer is helped more effectively and in a more customer-

going through the desired changes together.

friendly way, which in turn is an incentive for your customers to continue

using the Self Service Desk instead of picking up the phone.

Work on good representation and have

key users act as the bridge between
their department and the project group

Serve your customers with a single

products and services catalogue for
all your services


Unity in service provision

Regardless of the time and phase your organization starts in, no two organizations
take the same path to Shared Service Management. However, there is one way in
which practically all organizations are identical: the wish to reach maximum customer
satisfaction at the lowest possible cost.
Its impossible to predict the obstacles you will face on your way to Shared Service
Management. It is important to set realistic goals for your departments and
colleagues. Nothing is more demotivating than not achieving a goal, while few things
are as motivating as celebrating success. Taking many small steps results in a big
improvement in your customer services.

From phase 2 to phase 3

One tool, one face, one procedure
When you are in phase 2 (shared service desk), your

monitor the same KPIs across several departments.

customers no longer notice that their questions and

Reports can only be truly compared when both the

malfunctions are processed by different departments.

processes and procedures can easily be followed by

However, this is still the case. Wherever people

all parties. In such situations, the process owners and

collaborate, procedures and cultures develop that

managers and I take a critical look at the processes

can differ between departments, or even between

and work to create a widely supported process. Both

groups within departments. For instance, when the IT

the key user input and the reports support the process

department picks up a call they may often send updates

managers in the further professionalization of the

via email, while the HR department may only email

processes. Here its crucial not to spend too long at the

the final answer. This makes it difficult to manage your

drawing board, but to make a decision after thorough

customers expectations, despite this being a crucial

discussion and then try it out for a certain period

factor in how they experience your services.

six months, for example. After this period, the process

Starting to use the same processes and procedures

is quite the challenge. It requires concessions from

can be further adjusted if necessary, so that it better

suits the desired service level.

all departments involved. Sufficient support must

be created within the organization to realize phase
3 (shared process). Almost every organization I have
visited as a consultant wanted to improve their call or
maintenance processes, as well as make them more
uniform. To make services more predictable, and to

Dont be afraid to try

something; you can
always improve it later

Wolter Smit, CEO of TOPdesk


A while ago I was a guest at the IKEA Concept Center in Delft. The
Deputy Store Manager, a Frenchman, explained to me what goes
on in there. What a lot of people dont know is that the Delft store
is also IKEAs headquarters. It is the place where they experiment
with store formulas, where people from all over the world are
taught the IKEA mindset, and from where the store formula is
introduced to stores all over the world.
I was curious as to why they chose Delft as the location for the
IKEA Concept Center. Besides the most obvious reasons, such as
the nearby airport and the attractive conditions for establishing a
business, they specifically told me that the Netherlands is a very
good test market. If it currently works in the Netherlands, it will
also work in other countries in a couple of years, they said. This
gave me pause.
IKEA obviously noticed that the Dutchman is quite progressive.
He also likes to try new things and doesnt mind it if it doesnt
work out (you just stop doing it). Perhaps an even more
important observation: if it works in the Netherlands, other
countries start adopting it in a couple of years.
This tickled me and I randomly wondered: is this also the case
with service management? Can we also state that new things are

So its not strange that TOPdesk has been promoting a better

tested in a country like the Netherlands and then used in other

integration of the two departments for several years now. Not

countries later on?

just by overseeing this fusion process, but also by making the tool

I came to the conclusion that we do indeed see this

more able to really serve both target audiences.

phenomenon in our area of expertise. Let me give you an

I can see more collaboration between service departments in

example: Shared Service Management. Around five years ago it

other countries as well. I saw the best indication of this at a UK

became clear that Dutch IT and Facilities departments started to

convention last year, where different competitors also mentioned

work together more closely. More than that, they often merge

that they support Facilities. It is clearly in demand right now.

into a single service department. It is also striking that many

Now, it is quite easy to mention that you do Shared Service

Facilities students were hired in management positions the last

Management on your show stand. Luckily, we have been working

few years.

on it for at least five years and have made our tool fit for the task.



Bart Van Spitaels (l) and Bart Gouweloose, AVEVE


AVEVE group has more than fifty subsidiaries with a

very extensive application portfolio. Managing the
support of these subsidiaries is no mean feat. The IT
department has therefore undergone a transformation
over the last three years.


AVEVE was founded 114 years ago as a subsidiary of the Belgian

Farmers Bond. The organization focuses on three main activities: the
supply of agricultural products, the production of cattle feed, and
250 shops focused on gardens, animals and baking for consumers.
They currently have 1800 employees who work together towards the
annual turnover of over 1.3 billion euros. This makes AVEVE one of the
hundred largest companies in Belgium.
The organization comprises many subsidiaries that use specific
applications both in Belgium and beyond. This has resulted in AVEVEs


Erwin Verstraelen

IT department having to support a wide array of applications. To be

able to manage this, the IT department underwent a transformation.

during this phase, like business process architect and enterprise

TOPdesk Magazine joined Erwin Verstraelen (AVEVE Group CIO), Bart

architect, whose responsibility was to look at processes and IT support

Gouweloose (Service Delivery IT manager) and Bart Van Spitaels

from a holistic point of view.

(Problem and Incident manager) to discuss these changes.

The transformation of the IT department

The second phase mainly focuses on creating a new IT foundation.

Twenty years of IT autonomy had led to a fragmented and complex
IT landscape with a bunch of legacy systems. We decided to create

AVEVE Groups daily activities have gradually become more IT-focused.

a new framework by externalizing our data centers and application

For example: in the sixties, hundreds of employees worked in the

landscape. We set up a private cloud at an external partner, meaning

Groups largest cattle food factory. Thanks to automation, this

we no longer have our own infrastructure. Only the applications

production process number has declined drastically to only a few

and underlying data were migrated. This was the fastest and most

employees in the control room. The same development is visible

effective approach to match the IT support with our daily activities.

in logistical operations and store management. Because ITs role is

It also let us the spread our IT costs, as well as giving our internal

becoming more and more important within the organization, AVEVE

employees the opportunity to explore new responsibilities and

initiated the IT departments transformation in 2011. Their goal is to

perform tasks with more added value.

unite and professionalize the IT landscape.

The individual subsidiaries used to have their own group of

The third and final phase was all about working in projects and
processes. We created new capacity plans, explains Verstraelen.

IT specialists, explains Verstraelen. In 2011 we started merging

We developed new roles such as a capacity manager and portfolio

them. Now we have one IT department comprising sixty employees

manager, helping us raise the level of professionalization even further.

responsible for all IT processes. We also decided to work more in

Lastly the call management and problem management processes were

projects, and created a number of coordinating and architectural roles.

expanded to guarantee the IT activitys stability.

The executive roles such as system manager and programmer are now
outsourced. The goal is to improve our process flow and to make sure
that everything we do has maximum impact on the organization. We
have also started to look more strategically at how the IT department
can support the organization, and invested a lot of time in this over
the years.

Evolving in three phases

The IT departments transformation took place in three phases. The
first step was to merge all the IT departments, explains Verstraelen.
This gave several employees a new position in a new organization
chart, meaning the first phase focused mainly on handing over tasks
and responsibilities. It was in everybodys best interest to get used to
the new situation before moving forward. New positions were created


The driving force of TOPdesk

A tool that grows with you

TOPdesk came into the picture during the first phase. Van Spitaels,

You could say that TOPdesk has grown with us in terms of

who was involved in the change process, explains. Before we

functionality, says Verstraelen. We started out very basic with Call

centralized the IT departments, we registered everything in Excel files,

Management. We continued to take steps towards professionalization:

on paper or not at all. This resulted in a lot of things being forgotten.

we started managing, planning, and anticipating. TOPdesk is currently

We began with a classic IT infrastructure, adds Gouweloose, which

used for more than just registering and processing calls. AVEVE also

worked according to the plan-build-run approach. We developed

implemented Problem Management, Change Management, Project

into an organization that works with competences. Our goal is to be

Management, the Form Designer and the Self Service Desk.

more task-oriented, an approach that gives us many advantages: the

Van Spitaels stresses the importance of TOPdesks reporting

employees are more involved, our task division is better and we can

capabilities in particular. Reporting about call processing is very

process calls more quickly. This new approach also lets us coordinate

important to us. Reports help us confirm our suspicions: How many

things better with the customer. TOPdesk plays an important role

calls are currently open? How many calls do we close? How many do

in this new approach: it has become the driving force in the IT

we escalate? Creating reports has enabled us to tackle problems in

departments daily tasks.

several areas very effectively, and were taking bigger steps.

TOPdesk gives AVEVE a clear overview of what is requested and how
the supply relates to the demand. People always ask a lot of us, but
we dont have the capacity. Reports help us justify to the organization
which calls we will and wont pick up, concludes Verstraelen.

Continued improvement
Now everybody works with TOPdesk and is used to the new situation,
the next step is to actively involve the entire organization. The Self
Service Desk plays in an important role in this. Van Spitaels explains:
In the near future, our end users can register, track and adjust all
service request, change requests and calls using custom forms. We
are also looking into improving the service desks productivity, says
Gouweloose. We want to be proactive instead of reactive, monitor
situations and watch them develop. This helps us anticipate and step
in if necessary. We now have one help desk that supports users more
efficiently and quickly. We also started the centralizing and revising
our local knowledge. Our goal is that all service desk employees can
answer questions and solve problems regarding as many different
systems as possible.
The three gentlemen have plenty of plans for the future. We
started at nothing and have taken a large step by implementing
TOPdesk, concludes Spitaels. In three years time we developed into a
professional service desk. And well continue to develop in line with our
mandate and the four foundations on which it is built: stability of the
IT support, simplicity in the IT landscape, transparency regarding our
services and IT innovation in the best interest of the AVEVE Group.


Pouyan Daddeh
is a TOPdesk consultant who specializes
in technical solutions.

TOPdesk offers various possibilities for linking to other systems.
A TOPdesk customer who has cleverly utilized this is Open Line:
a supplier for managing different organizations IT services.
Open Line can easily share information about calls with their
customers thanks to a two-way link.

In the current service industry, the

The end users role

another department, or even to a supplier.

collaboration between an organization and

When your employees are confronted with

If this party cannot view calls in TOPdesk,

its suppliers is becoming more important.

a malfunction or a request (like a suggested

the communication will take place outside

Several services are entirely or partially

functional change in an application), your


outsourced to suppliers, and applications are

own organizations service desk is the

running in the cloud. This gives customers

registration point. The employee opens the

even more reason to want to stay on top of

TOPdesk Self Service Desk and logs a new call.

how your suppliers support the purchased

His call is then picked up by the service desk.

services. For instance, you can inform your

In some cases, the service desk cannot

end users when their call is closed, or whether

resolve the problem themselves. For

theres a delay. It goes without saying that

instance because they do not have the

the communication with your supplier should

required knowledge, or the rights or tools

be as clear as possible. In an ideal world, you

to resolve the malfunction. In those cases

wouldnt have to worry about it at all.

the service desk has to assign the call to


Open Line

TOPdesk environment, where it is assigned to

significant advantage for the customer. Both

Open Line supports its customers with

the service desk.

parties have insight into the call: there are

TOPdesk. Several Open Line customers use

Open Line starts processing the call. As

direct lines of communication and they can

TOPdesk internally to register calls from

soon as Open Line submits text to the action

their end users. Some of these customers

field, it is directly sent to the customers

have even switched to TOPdesk as a service

TOPdesk environment and added to the

advantages. Communication about the calls

management tool to ensure maximum

current call. This ensures that important

status barely happens over the phone or by

compatibility with Open Line.

information is automatically shared with

email, explains Ghelen. Both parties have

the customers service desk. Once Open Line

a real-time overview of the calls status and

helped Open Line implement a link based

has completed the call, the call is closed in

actions. This used to be necessary, causing

on XML messages. This link automatically

their TOPdesk environment. The customer

delays and confusion in some cases.

synchronizes customer calls with Open

is sent a confirmation message that the

Lines TOPdesk environment. Danny Ghelen,

call is resolved, and the solution method is

Best practice link

consultant at Open Line, explains: This link

explained. Because Open Lines customers

TOPdesk also uses best practices for creating

helps us process calls more efficiently and

do not use the Self Service Desk, their service

links. As a result, little effort was required for

effectively. It raises the quality of our services.

desk communicates the solution to the caller.

the initial development of the bidirectional

When the problem is resolved, it is closed.

link for Open Line. A best practice template

In 2013, a technical TOPdesk consultant

The link in practice

switch easily, says Ghelen.

The link also offers Open Line many

was used as the starting point for this link.

How does the link work exactly? A message

Helped more quickly

is generated from the customers TOPdesk

The link used by Open Line is bidirectional,

environment, featuring the required details

meaning changes to the action field by

(such as the request and the original call

one party are directly synchronized with

in a single day, because Open Line offers the

number). This message is sent to Open Lines

the other party. This eventually leads to a

initial link as best practice to its customers.

The desired adjustments to the template only

take three days of technical consultancy.
Setting up a new environment can be done

If desired, it is possible to expand this link

to a more complex link that supports more
specific process flows. It is also possible to
link to other systems than TOPdesk.
Before a technical TOPdesk consultant
creates a link between two TOPdesk
environments, the customers wishes
are mapped out. TOPdesks best practice
template is then used as basis for the link.
Depending on the customers wishes, a
number of consultancy days are required
to implement the link and set up the
environments. Open Line is a good example
of a successful realization of a link with a
solid return on investment.



Customer satisfaction survey 2014
At the end of 2014, over 2000 customers from
different countries shared their opinion on the
development of our tool and our organization.
We also asked customers whether they would
recommend us.

Net Promoter Score

TOPdesk performs two types of customer

One of the most important customer satisfaction figures is

satisfaction measurements: during and after

the Net Promoter Score. To determine this score, each

an individual implementation, and the annual

customer is asked how likely they are to recommend TOPdesk

customer satisfaction survey held among all our

to customers and acquaintances.

customers. Intermediate surveys help us find out

whether the implementation was up to par; the


customer satisfaction survey helps us find out

whether were headed in the right direction as an





Do you want to perform your own customer


7% detractors



satisfaction survey using TOPdesk? Please contact

us to discuss the possibilities.

10 score

Measuring this score at several moments gives our organization

a good idea of whether the improvements affect our customers
satisfaction. In 2014, those improvements resulted in a Net
Promoter Score of 31, doubling our score from 2012. Next year
were aiming for even better results!

38% promoters - 7% detractors = 31

Thank you!
TOPdesk would like to thank you again for sharing
your opinion. The winner of the raed prize has
been informed via our Twitter account.


Ease of the cloud, or everything in your own hands

The most important themes of this years


customer satisfaction survey included TOPdesks

More than two-thirds of our customers rate TOPdesk an 8 or higher

communication about our tool, the development of

our tool and Software as a Service (SaaS). The most


interesting results came from the question why our

customers did or did not use a SaaS environment.


Customers with an on-premises licence

mentioned that the main reason for their choice


is having the required capacity, infrastructure and

knowledge, as well as feeling in control. TOPdesk

SaaS customers mainly indicate that outsourcing


technical management to our security officers


is very easy. For 1 in 5 customers this is even a


conscious decision.

Almost three-quarters of our customers rate our services an 8 or higher

Whats more, SaaS customers like getting to work


with TOPdesk immediately, without having to

worry about updates, daily backups or the right


certification. An interesting detail about the


entire customer satisfaction survey: SaaS users


are generally more satisfied about TOPdesk than

on-premises customers.


TOPdesk SaaS


On-premises licence



Required infrastructure
available / not available
Ease of management
Technical management knowledge
available / not available
Technical management capacity
available / not available




Dont know / no opinion



Martijn Meeder
... is service management consultant at TOPdesk.

During the process of making the procedures of various supporting
departments uniform, one department often takes the lead. In
this article I will explore whether it is better to search for a shared
procedure derived from the overarching agreement between the
departments: supplying services to the same customers.

From one tool to one


more discussion than sharing a tool. And

Which services do we supply?

which departments procedures should take

How do we make sure that these services

Many of our customers work in one TOPdesk

precedent? Is it the largest department with

with several departments. Some of these

high process maturity, or the one with the

customers went as far as setting up a

least process maturity? I believe that forcing

shared service desk. They had to overcome

one existing procedure on the departments is

many obstacles during this process, such as

not the best way to proceed.

sharing certain functionalities. Drop-down

are reliable for our customers?

How do we deal with the need for change
and new services?
What of our strategy and policy do we
need to record?
In order to successfully supply services, it is

list content and mandatory fields can lead to

Agreements as a starting point

discussions, for example. It can be especially

An approach for reaching a uniform

difficult to compromise when one of the

procedure that I think does work is to let

Available services

departments has been working in TOPdesk

go of all the different procedures, and take

A condition for supplying services is that it

for a long time.

the agreements between departments

is known which services the organization

as a starting point. The most important

can actually supply. A Products and Services

is following the same procedures: shared

agreement between collaborating

Catalogue (PSC) can help. A PSC describes, in

processes. This can also be a difficult step.

departments is that they supply services

user-friendly terms, which services can be

While visiting several customers, I have seen

to the same customers. If we really start

supplied in which situations and under which

the procedures of one department take

to work from this agreement and not from

conditions. The first thing to do is to define

precedent. Suddenly having to follow another

internal processes, then we need to ask

and describe the services already supplied.

departments procedures may even lead to

ourselves these questions:

This contrary to what I usually see our

The next step towards one department

important to answers all these questions.


customers do, namely start with supporting

new or adjusted services are either rejected,

the registration is best done as a periodical

processes like call and asset management.

or approved and assigned to someone.

project based on policy.

All adjustments to the PSC are thus the

Supporting available services

responsibility of a single process manager.

With this new approach, all customer and

The future
The bottom line of this new outlook is

employee questions relating to services

Larger role for policy

putting your available services first and

described in the PSC are no longer divided

Certain matters that are often described as a

organizing your management based on this.

and processed in different procedures. There

process are never actually treated as a process

This contrary to what I see in practice: taking

is one process, and therefore one process

in practice. It is often more convenient to

existing internal management processes

manager responsible for keeping everything

include them in your policy instead. Take

as a starting point. After this first attempt

up and running. All these calls have one

configuration management: when an operator

we can take a closer look at the questions

thing in common: a certain action needs to

is processing a call and performs an action

posed earlier in this article: What do these

be taken to help the customer. The process

that leads to an adjustment in an objects

management processes look like exactly, and

manager is responsible for prioritizing,

registration (like replacing a broken monitor),

what should your policy cover?

scheduling and executing these actions.

this registration can easily be done within

an administrative step of the call process.

Adjusting the services

Why should this registration fall under

Questions that dont refer to the services in

another process, and therefore a different

the PSC are processed in a second procedure.

process manager? Another important aspect

This procedure ensures that all requests for

of configuration management is checking


Robbert Petterson & Irene Kruijff

... are TOPdesk consultants. They help customers with
improvement processes and implementations. Their
specializations are change management and Lean Six Sigma.

Shared Service Management is an important development in the
collaboration between an organizations supporting services. The Lean
management philosophy is also becoming more popular. Both offer many
advantages for the organization and the end user. But did you know that
Shared Service Management also makes your organization more Lean?

Shared Service Management and Lean

There is a long way to go in becoming a Lean organization, and it can be
difficult to know where to begin.
The Lean management philosophy has its origins in the production

Put the customer value first

The first principle of Lean says that the customer should

always come first. What does he want to pay for? Lean says: only do
that which is of value to your customer. This sounds logical, but how

sector. It has been growing in popularity since the turn of the

often do we do things to please our boss instead of our customer?

century because it contributes to improved quality, efficiency and an

Think of reports, authorization or checks.

organizations learning capabilities. There are five basic Lean principles:

The customer also comes first when introducing Shared Service

Value, Value Stream, Flow, Pull, and Perfection. Combined, they lead

Management. This is clearest when the supporting departments

to improved company results, with more being produced against the

become a single shared service desk. This offers the customers a

same costs.

considerable benefit, because they no longer have to think about

A similar result is achieved when Shared Service Management (SSM) is

whether they have to send their request to HR, Facilities or IT. They

introduced. This is achieved by strengthening the collaboration between

can go to a single portal instead. After all, it makes no difference to

different supporting departments. With Shared Service Management,

the customer who processes his request, so long as the services can

you work towards making your service management more Lean. This is

be requested more easily and are readily available.

why we advise companies who want to work in accordance with Lean

to get started by introducing Shared Service Management.


TOPdesk Publications
Service management developments | autumn 2014

Want to know more?

Read Jordi Recasens article Expertise is Better Shared online:

Service Management Simplified

Optimize the value stream

The value stream refers to the chain of activities from request

to delivery. Which steps add value for the customer? The steps without
value must be eliminated or minimized.
In Shared Service Management, the value stream is improved when
the supra-departmental processes are coordinated to form a single
shared process. Think for instance of a common process, such as an

Pull: supply on time

The Pull principle concerns services only being supplied when

the customer asks for them, and that they are then supplied on time.
This is a tricky principle, and can only be adhered to when the value
stream is mapped and there is flow in the process. Only then can the
process be controlled and predicted.
In Shared Service Management, the Pull principle is apparent when

employee changing positions within the organization. If the HR, IT

a shared process is under control. Lets take the commencement

and Facilities departments still work independently of one another,

process as an example. When someone is hired but wont start work

the manager has to issue three different authorizations before this

for another three months, its a waste to immediately order products

process can commence. When you apply Shared Service Management,

such as a laptop, access pass and mobile phone if they are just going

you bring the different processes together. This enables you to fully

to collect dust for months. In this time, the price of the products may

map the value stream of this process.

drop, or a newer product may become the new standard. When the

The value stream can then easily be optimized by removing

commencement process is fully under control across all departments,

duplicate steps. The manager only has to issue a single authorization

you can determine when these items must be ordered so that the new

for the position change, after which all departments know they can

employee has everything they need to get to work on their first day.

get to work. This eliminates two superfluous authorization steps

without losing any value.

Add flow to your activities

Once the value stream is mapped, it is time to simplify

and standardize the process as much as possible. This prevents

Strive for perfection

The fifth Lean principle states that you should always continue

striving for perfection. Lean says that you can never reach perfection, but
striving for it is important. Continue improving by taking small steps.
With Shared Service Management, you strive for completely

obstructions in the process, such as waiting times. When all activities

integrated services and supporting departments. We think that in

are picked up and processed at the right time, flow is created.

the future, you will not speak about IT, Facilities and HR, but that

In Shared Service Management, the flow principle becomes

there will be a single services department. In order to achieve this,

apparent when an organization has gained experience in communally

the departments must join forces with regard to tools, processes and

processing a supra-departmental process. In the previously mentioned

the service desk, with each department maintaining its own areas of

process of an employee changing positions within an organization, HR,


Facilities and IT must swing into action. These departments activities

This complete departmental integration cannot be achieved in

are mutually dependent to a certain extent. The first step is often that

the short term, but the important thing is the steps you take in

HR applies a change in the staff administration, because the other

that direction. The Shared Service Management implementation

departments need this information to perform their tasks. The IT

comprises various phases. The Shared Service Management growth

department has to know which authorizations they must assign, and

model, described by Annemarie Wolfrat on page 11, shows the phases

the Facilities department wants to know whether they must supply a

organizations go through. By following this growth model, you keep

mobile phone, and which company car. When these departments work

taking steps towards better collaboration. And therefore towards

in the same tool, everyone can see the progress. In addition, the tool

improved services.

makes sure that the task is not visible until it can be picked up. This
prevents unnecessary obstructions.


Patrick Mackaaij
is an information distribution coordinator. He is specialized
in technical issues and optimizing processes.

The processes for IT, Facilities and HR are broadly similar and
do overlap, such as with commencement and exit procedures.
So why not bring these processes together in a single tool?
When supporting departments each have their own tools and

towards Shared Service Management. Sharing software leads to an

processes, it is not always clear to end users where they should

initial coordination of processes, but also immediate savings in terms

turn. For instance, in practice we see that the management of

of licence and maintenance costs. It also helps departments who have

mobile phones can be sourced to each of these departments, or a

not yet implemented a tool other than maybe Outlook or Excel to get

combination thereof. The collaboration between IT, Facilities and HR,

used to using a professional service management tool.

also called Shared Service Management (SSM), cuts costs and improves
the quality of service for end users. In this article you can read how

Phase 1: shared tool

TOPdesk Enterprise supports each phase of the Shared Service

In this phase, the departments work as similarly as possible. Not

Management growth model.

only do they use the same software, but also the same TOPdesk

Shared Service Management growth model

environment. Agreements must be made about the terminology used

and how the tool is set up. Departments that use their own tool want

TOPdesks Shared Service Management growth model outlines four

to maintain their inventoried assets and high-quality calls (migration),

phases in the change process from the compartmentalized IT, Facilities

and screen off process information.

and HR departments to Shared Service Management. TOPdesk

consultants use this model to guide organizations incrementally

Phase 2: shared service desk

through implementations every day.

True collaboration starts in the second phase: the end user can turn
to a single service desk for all services, while at the back end each

Phase 0: nothing shared

department works in its own way. The previous phases need to screen

In phase 0, each department uses its own tool. This could be

off information slowly decreases and the department focuses on what

TOPdesk or something else. Some organizations choose to have each

is important to the end user.

department work in its own TOPdesk environment as the first step

Phase 3: shared processes

functionalities. However, you should make sure to discuss the

In the final phase the departments procedures are fully coordinated.

following topics:

In TOPdesk, only sensitive HR information is screened off so not all

Supporting files such as Person and Branch cards

operators can access it.

News items and the Knowledge Base

Functional settings such as mandatory fields and adjusted names

The path to Shared Service Management

Drop-down lists1 such as call type, impact, duration and status

Wanting to prepare your organization for Shared Service Management

Audit trails for fields such as time spent and operator

will of course have an impact on the organization. Be advised that you

Optional Object cards and fields

may face changes in information management, system settings, roles

Special events in the context menu

and filters.

The TOPdesk Administrator account with access to all data

TOPdesk can screen off Process cards category list. This lets each department work
with its own clear list.

Shared master data

From the first phase onwards, the departments use the same basic

Importing emails

data. This means that the departments have to agree upon which

TOPdesk can import calls and changes from several email sources. This

information is transferred. Examples include importing callers

lets every department (or operator) have their own configuration to

personal details from an external source such as Active Directory.

efficiently process emails.

For data migration it is important to take care when transferring the


Sending emails
When sending emails, the Event Management module can add

System settings

information from linked cards. For example: TOPdesk can insert

If you are going to collaborate in one tool, you have to think about

a sender address and a signature from (optional) fields on the

how you are going to set up your TOPdesk application. How will you

Operator Group card. It is easiest if the default emails for the various

use the functionalities? How will you make sure that calls end up with

departments are very similar in terms of content. If the departments

the right department?

want to continue using emails with very different content, you can link

In practice, you will quickly reach agreements on how to use the

these to different events based on category or operator group.






Self Service Desk

Download this issue and more at

End users can use the TOPdesk Self Service Desk to track the status of all their calls. You can

decide how to ensure that new calls registered via the SSD are sent to the correct operator or
operator group:

The TOPdesk Magazine covers subjects that

The end user chooses an operator group in their call

are topical in the world of professional

The end user first clicks a button with the name of the department, for instance

service desks in IT, facilities and other

The end user categorizes the call and TOPdesk uses this to determine the operator group

service providing organizations. TOPdesk

A first line operator manually determines the correct operator (group)

Magazine is intended for managers, service

Screening off data

desk employees, facilities organizations and

electronic city councils anyone who is

Users do not necessarily need to be able to see all cards. Screening off certain information also

involved with supporting clients on a daily

makes your TOPdesk interface more compact and therefore clearer. An example: Software cards

basis. This concerns both the processes and

are interesting to the IT department, but probably not to Facilities and HR. And inventory and

the technology behind these services.

fleet management probably arent interesting to IT. TOPdesks screening options are especially
important in the second phase of the SSM growth model. In following phases of collaboration,

TOPdesk Magazine is a TOPdesk publication

the departments gradually reduce the strict filters.

Tel: +44 (0) 207 803 4200


Roles let you determine per module which cards are relevant to the operators involved. In

Editors-in-chief: Milou Snaterse and Nicola

addition, you can use authorizations to determine which features are available to an operator,

van de Velde

such as the authorization to link a call to an object or room.

Editors: Nienke Deuss, Stefanie Klaassen,

Milou Snaterse, Luke van Velthoven


Translators: Laura van Rosenberg, Leah Clarke

Filters in TOPdesk hide certain cards in the index. This lets departments share a module without

and Nicola van de Velde

seeing each others cards. Filtered cards cannot be accessed by operators and are therefore not

Contributors: Pouyan Daddeh, Fiona IJkema,

displayed in search results, selections and reports. You can set up category and operator filters

Irene Kruijff, Patrick Mackaaij, Martijn Meeder,

in TOPdesk. The category filter works based on the selected category and/or subcategory. The

Robbert Petterson, Wolter Smit, Annemarie

operator filter works based on the operator, manager or contact field. TOPdesk can show the


operator their own cards, their groups cards or cards for all operators in a group.

Layout: Louise van der Laak

You can also set up which operators can see cards without an operator or category.
Furthermore, each filter also lets the most recent changer of the card see the card. This lets

Photography: AVEVE, Menno van der Bijl, Aad

Hoogendoorn, Jonas Mertens

the last operator make a quick change or correction if the card was incorrectly routed or

Copy editor: Leah Clarke

Collaborating in a single TOPdesk environment?

A print run of 10,000

A lot is involved with collaborating in one tool. Our consultants have extensive experience

Quarterly magazine

helping organizations in each phase of the Shared Service Management growth model: from

Languages: Dutch, English

aligning processes to setting up TOPdesk and migrating data. Do you want to get started with
Shared Service Management? Contact us via +44 (0)207 803 4200.

Copyright 2015 TOPdesk. Although this

publication has been produced with the
utmost care and attention, the writers
cannot be held responsible in any way for any
damages that may occur due to errors and /
or deficiencies in this publication.

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W W W. O N T W E R P B U R E AU D D C . N L


tips +tricks
Better services overview in the Self Service
Desk with the Service Catalogue

Hiding shortcuts in the Self Service Desk

The Service Catalogue gives an overview of all supplied

search field and the shortcuts in the Self Service Desk. This

services and products for Self Service Desk users. You can

makes sure that there is enough space for page content like

easily add additional information for each service, such as

the Reservations planner.

From TOPdesk version 5.5 onwards it is possible to hide the

terms of delivery or potential costs. You can also link services

to forms with which the user can directly order the service, or

In order to hide shortcuts in the Self Service Desk click the

ask a question about it.

button Hide menu located straight above the search field.

How do you publish a service in the Service Catalogue?

1. Go to the Service card.
2. Click the Publish tab.
3. Tick Publish in Service Catalogue.
> The service is now available in the Service Catalogue.
On the Publish tab you can also:
Link Form Designer forms.
Indicate the target groups that may see the service.
Define the terms of delivery.
How can you indicate the service costs?
1. Go to the Service card.
2. Click the General tab.
3. Tick Available for Reservations Management.
4. Go to the Reservations Management tab and add the costs
in the Processing block.
Please note: the Contract Management and SLM module is
required to use the Service Catalogue. We also recommend
using the Form Designer and the Reservations Management

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