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Registration No: 69/22682
Question No.:- 1 & 4


Question 1. How do you identify the training and development

needs of an organization?
With the fast-paced changing environment, organizational goals,
and objectives, training & Development needs analysis and implementation
is becoming an essential part of every organization.
To identify the T&D needs every organization may adopt various methods
some being generic or some being only organizational specific. A few are as
follows:1. Organizational Analysis: It reveals the gaps between what are the set
goals of the organization and how far they are being met. For example, an
organization is a CMM level 5 and to achieve it, it has some set standards.
Thus, through this analysis the company is able to study whether those
standards are being achieved or not. In addition, answering questions like
why and where are the gaps can help in identifying whether training a
2. Task Analysis: This analysis discovers gaps for a particular type of work
or job. For e.g. a worker in a shop floor is supposed to plug in 10 units of light
wire in a holder in 5 minutes. With the help of task analysis, we can check
whether this standard is being achieved or not. If not, than may be it not a
fault of the worker but rather the set standard is way too high than what can
be practical achieved.
3. Personal Analysis: It analyses what a normal individual can achieve for
a particular skill/job. Taking the above example forward, it may be also
possible that the set standard of 10 units in 5 minutes will be very high to
fulfill by normal capabilities of a human.
Thus, the above two helps in identifying:a) Whether it is skill or a job gap.
b) Where and who needs the changes and training.
c) What kind of training is required?
4. Performance Analysis: It checks the individual performance of the
employee as per the set expectation of the role and position. For e.g. is a

sales executive able to meet important time lines to generate better sales.
Does he require more time too often or is he in-time with his work. Such
parameters help in assessing the individual performance. Thus helping in
determining if any kind of training would help in enhancing the performance
or not.
Some other indicators to identify training gaps are as followed:5. Customer Satisfaction: If there are too many complaints being received
in the customer care department of the organization than anticipated them
this is clear indication that there is a need for training.
6. Operational Ratios: Analyzing whether the work force operational
resources are being utilized to maximum capacity or not.
7. Productivity Ratios: Gap between the desired and actual productivity.
8. Attrition Rate:
It is the analysis of no. of people leaving the
organization, which can tell about the company culture, employee
satisfaction, job role satisfaction and attitude of managers and supervisors.
In general, Training Need Identification can easily be done at any level, by
measuring the Standard (expected) Performance-Actual Performance.
Ques No. 4 How you design and conduct a specific training program?
Ans. No. 4 The methodology for designing
training program is as under:

and conducting a specific

1) Training need Identification/Training need analysis/Training need

This is the most crucial and initial step for conducting a
successful training program. While designing the training program and make it
successful it is crucial to understand some following points:

Why the training is needed?

For whom it is designed?
Keeping in mind the short term and long term gaps
Is the gap organization, task, performance or personal specific.

When the above questions are taken in consideration by the trainer/assessor

than only the purpose of the training can be clear and a better training
program can be designed.
2) Training Design:

a. Training design- What topics will be taken up for training. For example,
what will be the general content that will be delivered in the program.
b. No. of persons- either large organization group or small specific group)
c. What will be the sequence of the content being delivered.
d. Duration of the program i.e. how long the program will last i.e.
whether it will be for 2 days, 3 days or just a few hours or even on-going
once a week term.
3) Methodology: What will be the medium of the program deliver so that it
is adapted in the best possible way by its receivers and its effect is
maximum? Methodologies that can be used in a training program are as
a) On-the-job Training Even includes on-board or induction training.
b) Some of the simulation methods are:
i. Role Plays live situational enacting of problems and solutions.
Case Methods/Case Studies
In-basket exercises
Motivational and inspirational videos/audios
v. Live examples
Small written exercises
Ice Breakers
Pamphlet/brochures/content handouts for later reference.
Methodology also includes coverage of decisions like who will deliver the
program i.e. the faculty for the program delivery.
4) Administrative Arrangements: What are the resources needed for the
smoother conduct of the program. Stuff like chairs, projector, mikes, space
arrangement, venue finalization, timing etc.
5) Investment: What is the budgeting the program. A detailed break-up of
the expenses needs to be prepared in advance to manage the Training within
the specified budget, and if required, changes can be made well in advance.
6) Evaluate: A successful program is one whose effects/results can be
monitored with immediately or even a period. In case of a immediate
evaluation s small list can be conducted both before and after the training
and thus a comparison can be done between the two and a result can be
While later stage evaluation is done through changes in the
measurements of the productivity and performance of the employee. It is
usually in the cases of skills or technical or task related trainings.

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