Clinical Practice Guidelines For The Maintenance of Patient Physical Safety in The Intensive Care Unit

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Clinical practice guidelines for the maintenance of patient physical

safety in the intensive care unit: Use of restraining therapies—
American College of Critical Care Medicine Task Force 2001–2002
Gerald A. Maccioli, MD, FCCM; Todd Dorman, MD, FCCM; Brent R. Brown, MD;
John E. Mazuski, MD, PhD, FCCM; Barbara A. McLean, MN, CCRN, CCNS-NP, FCCM;
Joanne M. Kuszaj, MSN, RN, CCRN; Stanley H. Rosenbaum, MD, FCCM; Lorry R. Frankel, MD, FCCM;
John W. Devlin, PharmD, BCPS, FCCM; Joseph A. Govert, MD; Brian Smith, RCP, RRT;
William T. Peruzzi, MD, FCCM

Objective: To develop clinical practice guidelines for the use of weight of scientific information within the literature and expert
restraining therapies to maintain physical and psychological opinion. Draft documents were composed by a task force steering
safety of adult and pediatric patients in the intensive care unit. committee and debated by the task force members until consen-
Participants: A multidisciplinary, multispecialty task force of sus was reached by nominal group process. The task force draft
experts in critical care practice was convened from the member- then was reviewed, assessed, and edited by the Board of Regents
ship of the American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM), the of the ACCM. After steering committee approval, the draft docu-
Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), and the American As- ment was reviewed and approved by the SCCM Council.
sociation of Critical Care Nurses (AACN). Conclusions: The task force developed nine recommendations
Evidence: The task force members reviewed the published liter- with regard to the use of physical restraints and pharmacologic
ature (MEDLINE articles, textbooks, etc.) and provided expert opinion therapies to maintain patient safety in the intensive care unit. (Crit
from which consensus was derived. Relevant published articles were Care Med 2003; 31:2665–2676)
reviewed individually for validity using the Cochrane methodology KEY WORDS: agitation; analgesia; chemical; delirium; ethical;
( or evidence-based medicine; guidelines; intensive care unit psycho-
Consensus Process: The task force met as a group and by sis; monitoring; moral; nursing assessment; pain; pharmacologic
teleconference to identify the pertinent literature and derive con- therapy; physical; restraints
sensus recommendations. Consideration was given to both the



Institutions and practitioners should Restraining therapies should be used Patients must always be evaluated to
strive to create the least restrictive but only in clinically appropriate situations determine whether treatment of an exist-
safest environment for patients in regard and not as a routine component of ther- ing problem would obviate the need for
restraint use. Alternatives to restraining
to restraint use. This is in keeping with apy. When restraints are used, the risk of
therapies should be considered to mini-
the goals of maintaining the dignity and untoward treatment interference events
mize the need for and extent of their use.
comfort of our patients while providing must outweigh the physical, psychologi-
excellence in medical care. cal, and ethical risks of their use.
The choice of restraining therapy
From Critical Health Systems (GAM), Raleigh Prac- Hospital (BLS), Chicago, IL; and Section of Critical Care should be the least invasive option capa-
tice Center, Raleigh, NC; Departments of Anesthesiol- Medicine (WTP). ble of optimizing patient safety, comfort,
ogy/Critical Care Medicine, Medicine, Surgery, and These practice guidelines have been developed by and dignity.
Nursing (TD), Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD; a task force assembled by the American College of
Internal Medicine Program (BRB), University of Okla- Critical Care Medicine of the Society of Critical Care
homa College of Medicine; Washington University Medicine and have been reviewed by the Society’s RECOMMENDATION 5—LEVEL
School of Medicine (JEM), Atlanta Medical Center (BM), Council. These guidelines reflect the official opinion of OF EVIDENCE C
Atlanta, GA; Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit the Society of Critical Care Medicine and should not be
(JMK), Rex Healthcare, Raleigh, NC; Department of construed to reflect the views of the specialty boards The rationale for restraint use must be
Anesthesiology (SHR), Yale University School of Medi-
cine; Stanford University (LRF); Tufts-New England
or any other professional medical organization. documented in the medical record. Or-
Copyright © 2003 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ders for restraining therapy should be
Medical Center (JD), Boston, MA; Duke University Med-
ical Center (JAG), Durham, NC; Northwestern Memorial DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000095463.72353.AD limited in duration to a 24-hr period.

Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 11 2665

New orders should be written after 24 hrs ICU (4 – 6). Many critical care providers surrogate’s decisions. An additional prob-
if restraining therapies are to be contin- believe that opponents of restraint use lem is that the incompetent patient rarely
ued. The potential to discontinue or re- have not satisfactorily considered the has a continuously available surrogate to
duce restraining therapy should be con- unique needs of and therapies for the determine minute-to-minute issues.
sidered at least every 8 hrs. critically ill patient that mandate the cau- The ethical-legal system recognizes
tious use of restraints in appropriate clin- that when consent cannot be provided by
RECOMMENDATION 6 —LEVEL ical situations. the patient or a surrogate, the “reason-
OF EVIDENCE C In view of this ongoing controversy, able person” rule applies. A critically ill
the American College of Critical Care patient brought into the hospital may be
Patients should be monitored for the Medicine of the Society of Critical Care subjected to emergent procedures with-
development of complications from re- Medicine assembled a task force of ex- out formal informed consent based on
straining therapies at least every 4 hrs, perts to evaluate the use of restraints in the idea that a “reasonable person” would
more frequently if the patient is agitated the ICU and to develop practice guide- have consented to these procedures. The
or if otherwise clinically indicated. Each lines for the appropriate use of such re- “reasonable person” rule is itself ambig-
assessment for complications should be straints for both adult and pediatric pa- uous and may at times unintentionally
documented in the medical record. tients. It is anticipated that the violate the rights of individuals (e.g., Je-
implementation of these guidelines will hovah’s Witnesses, Christian Scientists)
RECOMMENDATION 7—LEVEL decrease the inappropriate use of re- to decline standard medical care. Never-
OF EVIDENCE C straints. These practice guidelines should theless, it is reasonable to assume that
serve as a benchmark for regulatory implied consent exists when a person
Patients and their significant others agencies in assessing the appropriate use seeks treatment and that clinicians might
should receive ongoing education as to of restraining interventions in the ICU. institute restraining therapies in appro-
the need for and nature of restraining priate situations when a patient or pa-
therapies. tient’s surrogate is unable to provide con-
RECOMMENDATION 8 —LEVEL Restraints are used in ICUs to main- The paradigm that most medical pro-
OF EVIDENCE C tain ongoing invasive therapies when pa- fessionals adhere to is that of beneficence
tients are unable to understand the need or doing good, nonmalfeasance or doing
Analgesics, sedatives, and neuroleptics
for such therapies. Clinicians should look no harm, and respect for the patient’s
used for the treatment of pain, anxiety, or
for alternatives to restraints when possi- autonomy. Consensus regarding major
psychiatric disturbance of the intensive
ble, knowing the ethical questions that medical decisions is reached between the
care unit patient should be used as agents
arise once they decide to apply restraints. medical team and the patient as the ill-
to mitigate the need for restraining ther-
The clinician’s use of restraints should ness evolves. Usually this produces little
apies and not overused as a method of
not be derived from a purely utilitarian disagreement between medical profes-
chemical restraint.
perspective. Such interventions require sionals and their patients or between the
ethical justification. There is potential for multiple medical professionals them-
RECOMMENDATION 9 —LEVEL conflict between the medical team’s per- selves. But the decision to implement re-
OF EVIDENCE C ception of the patient’s best interest, straints rarely is regarded as a major
Patients who receive neuromuscular what the team has been explicitly autho- medical decision. Furthermore, the pa-
blocking agents must have adequate se- rized to do by the patient or patient’s tients in question usually are unable to
dation, amnesia, and analgesia. The use legal guardian, and the patient’s legal and provide consent, and their surrogates of-
of neuromuscular blocking agents neces- socially accepted rights. ten are not immediately available. Thus,
sitates frequent neuromuscular blockade Over the past few decades, medical the “reasonable person” rule frequently is
assessment to minimize the serious se- care in the United States has passed from applied in making the decision to restrain
quelae associated with long-term paraly- an era when paternalistic physicians de- critically ill patients to prevent patients
sis. Neuromuscular blocking agents cided “what was best” into an era where from harming themselves.
should not be used as chemical restraints patient autonomy supersedes most other The result is a tension between the
when not otherwise indicated by the pa- issues. Mentally competent patients are medical team’s desire to further the best
tient’s condition. not forced to accept treatment even when interests of the patient and the patient’s
the decision results in a hastening of own rights as an autonomous being.
Restraints are widely used in the in- death. Patient autonomy is widely ac- An additional ethical concern is the
tensive care unit (ICU) to facilitate pa- cepted and rarely opposed by the medical need to protect the medical team and the
tient tolerance of invasive therapies and establishment. patient’s significant others from injuri-
to avoid potentially life-threatening con- Autonomy presupposes a competent ous acts that a delirious patient might
sequences associated with the abrupt dis- patient or an available surrogate to rep- unknowingly commit. Although the pa-
continuation of such interventions (1–2). resent the patient’s best interests. The tient has the right to autonomy and qual-
The use of restraints recently has come determination of competency is often dif- ity health care, the members of the med-
under increased scrutiny from institu- ficult. Language and cultural barriers, ical team also have the right to a safe
tions, external regulatory bodies, and the emotional distress, the presence of delir- working environment. Mitigating the
public (3). Some observers perceive that ium, and the need for sensorium cloud- reason for the patient’s agitation (e.g.,
there is pervasive and inappropriate use ing medications are among the many fac- pain control) should be attempted first.
of physical and chemical restraints in the tors that may impair a patient or a patient However, in some situations, restraining

2666 Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 11

therapies may be required to protect consensus was reached. The specific rec- Agitation can have deleterious conse-
caregivers and visitors alike. ommendations were assigned a “grade” quences, including interference with me-
Another concern is that the delirious (Table 2) based on the weight of scientific chanical ventilation, acute myocardial
but conscious patient will be aware of evidence on which the recommendation stress, and cerebral ischemia (12, 13).
restraints and find them uncomfortable. was based. Agitation makes diagnostic evaluations
The dilemma then arises of balancing dis- more difficult and may interfere with the
comfort vs. medical necessity. The pro- BACKGROUND performance of procedures. The self-
viders involved may determine that pa- removal or disruption of devices used for
tient autonomy must be overruled for the Although numerous publications re- diagnosis, treatment, or physiologic
sake of safety for the patient and others. garding the use of restraints were identi- monitoring of the patient may have disas-
This often presents a situation that is fied, many did not specifically address the trous sequelae (14 –17). Each such event
both ethically difficult as well as psycho- use of restraints in ICU patients. Most may require redundant intervention and
logically unpleasant for the medical studies made general statements regard- increase costs significantly (17). Patient
team. ing the use of restraints in all hospital- agitation frequently contributes to the
There are many situations where pa- ized patients or in patients treated out- stress of family and friends and may effect
tients can, and do, injure themselves if side the acute care setting. Although their satisfaction with healthcare delivery
not restrained. Most patients and their some issues regarding the use of re- (10, 18).
significant others expect the medical straints may be relevant to all clinical Patient-Initiated Treatment Interfer-
team to protect patients from their own settings, such as the role of restraints in ence. The best studied type of patient-
delirious behavior and would regard the preventing patient falls, many issues re- initiated treatment interference in the
failure to do so as negligence. lated to the use of restraints are unique to ICU is agitation-related tracheal self-
critical care practice. extubation. The reported incidence of
METHODS The severity of illness manifested by self-extubation varies widely, ranging
patients in the ICU and the need for in- from 2% to 17% of intubated patients
The task force members individually vasive devices and therapies account for (19). The impact of this complication on
and collectively undertook a systematic many of the unique issues related to the mortality and morbidity rate has not been
search of published literature pertaining use of restraint systems in the ICU. These well delineated. The literature contains
to the use of restraints in the ICU using invasive therapies are often uncomfort- multiple reports of fatal self-extubations;
MEDLINE, CINAHL, and the Cochrane able but may lead to patient morbidity or however, well-designed studies to estab-
Library. In addition, the reference lists death if interrupted in an uncontrolled lish the mortality rate of self-extubation
for each identified article were reviewed manner. Traditional ICU practice has as- are lacking. The determination of mor-
for additional published works. Key sumed that restraints enhance patient bidity related to patient self-extubation is
words used in these searches included safety in the setting of high-risk interven- even more poorly defined. The incidence
restraints, intensive care unit, self- tions and severe physiologic distur- of significant complications directly re-
extubation, physical, chemical, moral, bances. Unfortunately, the literature that lated to self-extubation and reintubation
ethical, sedation, pain, patient monitor- has evaluated the risk-to-benefit ratio of (e.g., aspiration pneumonia) has not been
ing, and nursing assessment. Searches restraining interventions is methodolog- specifically evaluated in a prospective
were restricted to English language pub- ically weak (i.e., poorly controlled, small fashion. Adding to the confusion on the
lications and primarily to citations pub- sample sizes). The need for well-designed, morbidity of self-extubation has been
lished since 1990. The publications be- adequately powered, multiple-center, some authors’ categorization of self-
lieved to be most pertinent to this review prospective evaluations is great, but with- extubation as a morbid event in and of
were identified by group consensus. To out federal sponsorship and funding, itself. However, between 63% and 89%
establish the relative scientific validity of such studies of restraining therapies are (20, 21) of patients who extubate them-
these references, each publication was unlikely to be performed. selves do not require reintubation, cast-
categorized according to the Cochrane Agitation in the ICU. A major factor ing doubt as to whether self-extubation
methodology described in Table 1. Two driving the use of restraints in the ICU is itself should be regarded as a morbid
members of the task force (GM, TD) in- the underlying confusion and agitation event. These data also suggest that many
dependently reviewed and graded the lit- experienced by many critically ill pa- patients should be considered for extuba-
erature with a third member (BB) acting tients. More than 70% of ICU patients tion earlier in the course of their illness.
as arbitrator where disagreement oc- may experience some degree of agitation Prospective trials have shown that proto-
curred. A summary of the literature se- during their ICU stay (7, 8). Mental status cols to facilitate weaning are valuable in
lected is included in the reference list. changes often make ICU patients unable decreasing the duration of mechanical
Based on this literature review and the to comprehend the purpose of the thera- ventilation. It is plausible that the need
expertise of the individual members, the pies that are a part of their care. The for restraining therapies could be signif-
task force met as a group and by telecon- causes of agitation in the ICU are numer- icantly reduced merely through the use
ference to develop consensus recommen- ous. Some medical conditions like sepsis of protocols designed to facilitate timely
dations. Consideration was given to the may directly cause patient confusion. extubation.
weight of scientific evidence in the liter- Other factors resulting in agitation in- Although some cohort analyses have
ature as well as to individual expert opin- clude discomfort associated with endotra- identified the failure to use restraints as
ion. Draft documents were composed by a cheal intubation, surgical and diagnostic an important contributor to self-extuba-
task force steering committee and de- procedures (9, 10), anxiety, and sleep de- tion (16, 20, 22, 23), the role of restrain-
bated by the task force members until privation (7, 11). ing therapy in preventing self-extubation

Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 11 2667

Table 1. Cochrane methodology: Levels of evidence and grades of recommendations, November 23, 1999

Grade of Level of Therapy/Prevention,

Recommendation Evidence Etiology/Harm Prognosis Diagnosis

A 1a SR (with homogeneitya) of RCTs SR (with homogeneity) of inception SR (with homogeneity) of level 1 diagnostic
cohort studies or a CPGb studies or a CPG validated on a test set.
validated on a test set.
1b Individual RCT (with narrow Individual inception cohort study Independent blind comparison of an appropriate
confidence intervalc) with ⱖ80% follow-up spectrum of consecutive patients, all of whom
have undergone both the diagnostic test and
the reference standard.
1c All or noned All or none case-seriese Absolute SpPins and SnNoutsf
B 2a SR (with homogeneity) of cohort SR (with homogeneity) of either SR (with homogeneity) of level ⱖ2 diagnostic
studies retrospective cohort studies or studies
untreated control groups in RCTs
2b Individual cohort study Retrospective cohort study or Any of:
(including low-quality RCT; follow-up of untreated control 1. Independent blind or objective comparison
e.g., ⬍80% follow-up) patients in an RCT or CPG not 2. Study performed in a set of nonconsecutive
validated in a test set. patients or confined to a narrow spectrum
of study individuals (or both), all of whom
have undergone both the diagnostic test
and the reference standard
3. A diagnostic CPG not validated in a test set
2c “Outcomes” research “Outcomes” research
3a SR (with homogeneity) of case-
control studies
3b Individual case-control study Independent blind comparison of an appropriate
spectrum, but the reference standard was not
applied to all study patients.
C 4 Case-series (and poor quality Case-series (and poor quality Any of:
cohort and case-control prognostic cohort studiesh) ● Reference standard was not objective,
studiesg) unblinded, or not independent
● Positive and negative tests were verified
using separate reference standards
● Study was performed in an inappropriate
spectrum** of patients
D 5 Expert opinion without explicit Expert opinion without explicit Expert opinion without explicit critical appraisal,
critical appraisal, or based on critical appraisal, or based on or based on physiology, bench research, or
physiology, bench research, or physiology, bench research, or “first principles”
“first principles” “first principles”

SR, systems research; CPG; RCT, randomized, controlled trial.

By homogeneity we mean a systematic review that is free of worrisome variations (heterogeneity) in the directions and degrees of results between
individual studies. Not all systematic reviews with statistically significant heterogeneity need be worrisome, and not all worrisome heterogeneity need be
statistically significant. As noted, studies displaying worrisome heterogeneity should be tagged with a “⫺” at the end of their designated level; bClinical
Prediction Guide; csee note 2 for advice on how to understand, rate, and use trials or other studies with wide confidence intervals; dmet when all patients
died before the prescription became available, but some now survive on it; or when some patients died before the prescription became available, but none
now die on it; emet when there are no reports of anyone with this condition ever avoiding (all) or suffering from (none) a particular outcome (such as death);
an Absolute SpPin is a diagnostic finding whose specificity is so high that a positive result rules in the diagnosis. An Absolute SnNout is a diagnostic finding
whose sensitivity is so high that a negative result rules out the diagnosis; gby poor quality cohort study we mean one that failed to clearly define comparison
groups or failed to measure exposures and outcomes in the same (preferably blinded), objective way in both exposed and nonexposed individuals or failed
to identify or appropriately control known confounders or failed to carry out a sufficiently long and complete follow-up of patients. By poor quality
case-control study, we mean one that failed to clearly define comparison groups or failed to measure exposures and outcomes in the same blinded, objective
way in both cases and controls or failed to identify or appropriately control known confounders; hby poor quality prognostic cohort study, we mean one
in which sampling was biased in favor of patients who already had the target outcome, or the measurement of outcomes was accomplished in ⬍80% of
study patients, or outcomes were determined in an unblinded, nonobjective way, or there was no correction for confounding factors.

has not been prospectively evaluated in selves using facial and lingual maneu- capability for decreasing the frequency
a randomized, controlled trial. Other vers while their arms were restrained of this event remains ill-defined.
authors have noted that physical re- (20, 24). The use of physical restraints Several cohort analyses have identified
straints may fail to prevent this compli- actually may increase patient agitation inadequate sedation and analgesia as im-
cation. Reports exist of securely re- and increase the incidence of self- portant risk factors for self-extubation
strained patients who successfully extubation (20). The literature reflects (15, 24, 25). A prospective trial of a pro-
managed to remove endotracheal tubes that physical restraints themselves are tocol to promote effective sedation per-
with their hands, and of other patients not uniformly successful in preventing formed by Brook et al. (26) showed a
who succeeded in extubating them- self-extubation, and that their overall decrease in the duration of mechanical

2668 Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 11

Table 2. Comparison of studies concerning restraining therapies and their ability to limit patient interference events for self-extubation in critical care

Clinical Study Research Question Nature of Comparison Setting Results

Anid et al. (30) Self-extubation: what Evaluate potential factors ICU/CCU Restless, sedated, but uncontrolled
is the problem? for self-extubation patients and patients intubated
⬍24 hrs are at greater risk for
Kapadia et al. (31) Airway accidents in Assess the rate of General adult ICU Airway accidents occurred at low
intubated ICU occurrence and nature levels, with the most frequent
patients of airway accidents being self-extubation of an
endotracheal tube
Happ (32) (surveyed use of Preventing treatment Describe the processes Medical and intermediate In addition to verbal strategies and
restraints and reasons in interference: the used by critical care medical ICU other noninvasive techniques,
different parts of hospital, nurse’s role in nurses to prevent nurses use assessment-driven
including critical care maintaining treatment interference physical and chemical restraining
units) technologic devices therapies to prevent treatment
Carrion et al. (16) Accidental removal of Characterize the rates of Medical/surgical ICU Limiting upper extremity access to
endotracheal tubes accidental removal of within 20 cm from the
endotracheal tubes and endotracheal tube significantly
assess efficiency of reduced patient-related removal
corrective measures of tubes.
aimed at reducing
accidental removal of
endotracheal tubes.
Chevron (25) Unplanned extubation: Nurse staffing levels and Medical/surgical ICU Agitated patients who received
Risk factors of level of patient insufficient sedation and were
development and agitation orally intubated presented the
predictive criteria highest risk for unplanned
for reintubation extubation
Baer (20) Is there an answer to Editorial comments on ICU Delays in the weaning process may
preventing unplanned extubation contribute to unplanned
unplanned extubation
Winslow (21) Do restraints really Review of multiple studies ICU Confine the use of restraints to
protect intubated involving unplanned intubated patients in the high-
patients? extubations risk category who are delirious or
agitated and are receiving high
levels of oxygen or mechanical
Tominaga et al. (22) Decreasing unplanned Method of endotracheal Surgical ICU Restricted use of hand restraints
(Interventions to decrease extubations in the tube fixation, use of was associated with a significant
unplanned extubations, surgical ICU chemical restraints, use increase in unplanned
suggested that restricting of hand restraints. extubations. Endotracheal tubes
use of restraints secured with waterproof tape
contributed to increased significantly reduced accidental
risk of unplanned extubation
extubation. Prospective,
observational data)
Sessler and Listello (33) Prevention of Literature review and ICU Identity of patients at risk of an
unplanned editorial comments adverse outcome if unplanned
extubation extubation occurs. Secure
endotracheal tube firmly,
maximize patient acceptance of
the endotracheal tube, control
agitation, use effective restraints
when necessary, perform timely
extubation, and optimize patient

ICU, intensive care unit; CCU, critical care unit.

ventilation in the group sedated by pro- be used judiciously, as the excessive use been shown to avoid this complication
tocol. Prospective, randomized trials con- of sedation in ventilated ICU patients may (28). Further discussion of sedation is
firming such a decrease in self-extubation increase duration of mechanical ventila- outside the scope of this practice guide-
by the use of sedation protocols have not tion (27). Protocols for the periodic in- line. For more information, the reader is
been performed. Sedation therapy must terruption of intravenous sedation have referred to the Clinical Practice Guide-

Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 11 2669

lines for Sustained Use of Sedatives and cluded pharmacologic agents to treat the modalities has resulted in a decreased use
Analgesics (29). patient’s agitation. An additional strategy of physical restraints, generally without
Patient discontinuation of other de- is the identification of problems causing an increase in morbidity from falls or
vices and therapies in the ICU has not patient discomfort and agitation that can other adverse events (36, 39 – 41). Given
been as well studied as self-extubation, be easily corrected. Urinary retention, the paucity of data documenting the
but it is likely that many of the same malposition of an endotracheal tube, and safety and efficacy of these alternatives
considerations apply (30, 31). Carrion et discomfort related to body position all compared with traditional restraint tech-
al. (16) studied patient removal of naso- can be remedied, decreasing agitation. niques, there is no assurance that alter-
gastric tubes, arterial catheters, and cen- Another strategy is the use of diversion- native strategies would be embraced by
tral venous catheters and concluded that ary activities that may reduce the level of critical care practitioners (2). However,
restraints substantially decreased the re- agitation. Music, providing scheduled ac- critical care providers should initiate tri-
moval of such devices. However, the com- tivities, allowing the family greater access als comparing these alternative strategies
plications of the restraining therapies to the patient, frequent reorienting, and to traditional restraint techniques to pro-
used were not clearly described, so that a personal attention to the patient by care- vide better evidence for the development
risk to benefit assessment for the use of givers have been suggested as methods to of future guidelines.
restraints was difficult to make for these lessen the use of restraints. Other inter- Psychological Aspects of Restraint
clinical scenarios. ventions have included altering the ICU Use. Caregiver attitudinal factors may
No studies have been designed to environment to decrease agitation- drive the use of restraints in the ICU as
study patients at high risk for morbidity producing stimuli and using alternative identified in a study by Happ (32) on the
or death in the event of abrupt loss of methods for securing endotracheal tubes. attitudes of ICU nurses toward the pre-
their airway or other therapies. It is in High noise levels in the ICU disrupt vention of patient treatment interference.
such high-risk patients that restraint use sleep and contribute to patient agitation. The need to prevent life-threatening
is most likely to prove beneficial. High Environmental modifications to reduce events was perceived as the justification
risk should include patients with difficult noise levels and alterations of ICU rou- for the use of restraints, but nurses ex-
airways, facial edema, cervical spine inju- tines to facilitate more normal sleep- pressed ambivalence as to the use of these
ries, and halos, as well as the hemody- wake cycles may reduce the need for re- devices. In this study, ICU nurses pre-
namically unstable, the hypoxemic, and straining therapies. The use of bed exit ferred the use of sedative and other phar-
those experiencing myocardial ischemia. alarms, relocating patients closer to cen- macologic therapies in lieu of physical
The fact that most studies have included tral monitoring areas, and increasing in- restraints for most of their patients (32).
patients at low risk for serious sequelae if patient observation (i.e., video cameras) Little information has been published re-
important therapies were suddenly dis- may permit early identification of in- garding the attitudes of ICU physicians
continued may have led authors to incor- creasing agitation, allowing intervention toward the use of restraining therapies. It
rectly conclude that restraint therapies before critical events occur. The use of might be expected that there would be
were of no benefit in preventing harm family members or friends as “sitters” differences between nurses and physi-
(Table 2). also may facilitate closer observation and cians in the perceived need for restraints,
A number of well-designed, prospec- provide a calming influence on the pa- but no studies exist evaluating such dif-
tive trials regarding the use of pharma- tient. ferences. Perhaps the most important
cologic therapies to treat ICU patients’ Finally, evolving techniques and de- perceptions to consider are those of re-
pain and anxiety have been performed. vices may decrease the patient’s ability to strained patients. Leith (38) noted the
These studies suggest that the use of an- interfere with treatment. Improved negative attitudes of hospitalized patients
algesic, sedative, and neuroleptic agents methods of securing endotracheal tubes toward being restrained, but the percep-
to treat pain, anxiety, and delirium is may lessen their chance of being inadver- tions of ICU patients who have been re-
associated with numerous benefits. These tently removed. The use of a stockinet strained have not been well documented.
trials usually have not assessed the im- over the site of an intravenous catheter or Minnick et al. (2) described the results of
pact of sedation therapy on the use of bulky dressings covering devices to re- interviews with 15 ICU patients about
restraints in the ICU. Rather, the use of duce access to gastrostomy tubes may their perceptions of restraints after they
sedation and analgesia therapy to de- decrease inadvertent dislodgment of were discharged from the ICU. Only 40%
crease the use of restraints has been in- these devices (32–36). of the patients remembered being physi-
ferred by the efficacy of these therapies in Some authors have suggested that cally restrained, and these patients did
reducing patient agitation, pain, anxiety, lower caregiver-to-patient ratios increase not report undue distress related to the
or psychiatric disturbance. the use of restraints and related therapies process. Much of the distress of these
Alternatives to the Use of Physical Re- including heavy sedation (19, 27, 37, 38). patients related to the discomfort of in-
straints. Although a number of alterna- Some self-extubation studies have ob- tubation and to their hallucinations. Al-
tives to physical restraints in the ICU served increased self-extubations in asso- though the applicability of this small
have been proposed, the efficacy and ciation with decreased nurse staffing ra- study to the general ICU population is
safety of these interventions have not tios (25). The value of alternatives to uncertain, these results provide some ev-
been prospectively evaluated. Unfortu- physical restraints in the ICU principally idence that physical restraints in the ICU
nately, most of these studies have been has been derived from testimonial data do not commonly produce patient psy-
conducted outside the ICU setting, and and has received little prospective assess- chological distress.
the applicability of these alternatives to ment. In other healthcare settings, par- Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
restraints for critically ill patients re- ticularly in nursing homes, caregiver ed- occurs in many ICU patients (42). PTSD
mains unproven. Alternatives have in- ucation in the use of alternative results from an exposure to a traumatic

2670 Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 11

event and evokes intense fear, horror, and Such therapies may be physical or phar- restraints, upper body-vests, two- to five-
a feeling of helplessness. The aftermath macologic. Physical restraints are me- point leather restraints, No-No arm
may affect patients’ ability to cope with chanical devices that restrict patients’ boards when tied to the bed or crib (in
daily life. In studies of ICU patients, PTSD movements. Many devices commonly pediatric patients), and body webs.
has been recognized as a frequent sequela used in the intensive care unit could in- Pharmacologic restraints are medica-
of a prolonged ICU stay. Symptoms of correctly be considered physical re- tions used to control agitation or in some
PTSD include anxiety attacks, hypervigi- straints. These include medical protec- cases induce coma and paralysis (e.g., for
lance, nightmares, insomnia, intrusive tive devices, which protect the patient extracorporeal treatment of severe respi-
thoughts, flashbacks, and depression that from further exacerbating the underlying ratory failure). Under this definition, a
may manifest during ICU care. Intensive illness or injury. An example is a splint number of commonly used pharmaceuti-
care professionals must recognize the applied to a fractured extremity. Such a cal agents could be included. Among
symptoms of PTSD and minimize patient device is standard medical therapy and them are analgesics, particularly opioid
stressors. The role that restraints play in does not constitute a restraining therapy analgesics, benzodiazepines and other
the development of PTSD-related disor- although it restricts the patient’s free sedative agents, major tranquilizers, dis-
ders is unknown, but there is an associ- movement. Although these devices are sociative agents, and neuromuscular
ation between the use of sedatives and not considered further in these guide- blocking agents. An extensive description
neuromuscular blocking agents and the lines, their use may necessitate monitor- of the use of analgesics, sedatives, and
development of this disorder (42). ing for the development of complications neuroleptic agents is available in the re-
Whether this reflects causation or simply similar to those that may develop with vised clinical practice guidelines for the
the identification of the most seriously ill physical restraints. sustained use of sedatives and analgesics
patients is unclear but points to the need Another form of restraint used in the in the critically ill adult (29). Practice
for careful consideration of the potential ICU is medical immobilization, defined guidelines for the appropriate use of neu-
sequelae of such therapies. as a temporary immobilization for the romuscular blocking agents in the ICU
performance of and recovery from a med- also have been developed by the ACCM
THE OBJECTIVES OF ical or surgical treatment (e.g., surgical (43), and these currently are undergoing
RESTRAINING THERAPIES positioning, intravenous arm boards, pro- revision.
tection of surgical treatment sites by What Are the Indications for the Use
The objective of restraining therapies bulky dressings in pediatric patients). of Restraining Therapies in the ICU? The
in the ICU is to provide optimal patient These restraints both facilitate perfor- primary goal for the use of restraining
safety while maintaining comfort and in- mance of the procedure and prevent com- therapies in the ICU is to ensure patient
dividual dignity as much as possible. The plications that might occur during recov- safety. The most common indication is to
subsequent discussion focused on this ery. The use of restraints in these decrease the risk of deliberate or inadver-
overall objective by addressing several circumstances is generally of limited du- tent removal of an essential medical de-
questions related to the use of these mo- ration. As with the use of medical protec- vice. This includes circulatory assist de-
dalities: tive devices, this form of immobilization vices, endotracheal tubes, tracheotomy
should not be considered a restraining tubes, intracranial catheters, nasogastric
What defines restraining therapy in the
therapy. Nevertheless, precautions must or orogastric tubes, enteral feeding tubes,
be made to prevent patient injury when central venous catheters, arterial cathe-
What are the indications for the use of medical immobilization is used. ters, chest tubes, surgical drains, intrave-
restraining therapies in the ICU? Occasionally, physical restraints are nous lines, and urinary catheters. Re-
How do we determine which patients applied to patients who have been legally straining therapies also may be necessary
need restraining therapies? detained. The use of restraints under to limit the patient’s movements if move-
What alternatives to restraining ther- these circumstances is considered foren- ment might lead to a new or exacerbate
apy should be considered? sic restraint. This use of forensic re- an existing injury. An example is a patient
straints is outside the purview of this with a spinal fracture who might suffer a
How should restraining therapies be document. However, the clinician must spinal cord injury by moving before sta-
initiated? monitor these patients for complications bilization of the spine has been estab-
How frequently should patients be re- related to the use of such restraints. Al- lished.
assessed with regard to their need for though law enforcement officials need to Restraining therapies also may facili-
restraining therapies? maintain careful surveillance of the in- tate the performance of bedside proce-
How frequently should monitoring for carcerated patient, medical care of the dures in patients who cannot cooperate.
complications be performed in patients patient must not be compromised by the For instance, such therapies might be
subjected to restraining therapies? use of forensic restraints. used during the insertion of an arterial
How should restraint use be docu- The restraining therapies relevant to catheter in a delirious patient, both to
mented in the medical record? these guidelines are the mechanical and allow placement of the device and to en-
pharmacologic mechanisms to limit or in sure that the patient is not injured during
What Defines Restraining Therapy in some cases totally prevent patient move- its placement.
the ICU? A restraining therapy is a treat- ment where patient interference with Another use of restraining therapies in
ment aimed at improving a medical con- treatment could have life-threatening the ICU is for patients with primary be-
dition (e.g., hypoxemia) or preventing consequences. Typical physical restrain- havioral or psychiatric disorders. Occa-
complications by restricting a patient’s ing devices used in the ICU include, but sionally such patients may be housed in
movement or access to his or her body. are not limited to, soft wrist and ankle an ICU because it is the only setting avail-

Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 11 2671

able where the patient can be closely of prolonged intubation and may elimi- activities during waking hours so the pa-
monitored. More often these patients are nate the source of the patient’s agitation. tient attains a more normal sleep-wake
admitted to the ICU because of an acute The patient also should be evaluated cycle. Increased vigilance of the patient
medical condition, such as a drug over- with regard to the consequences of treat- may allow for the elimination of physical
dose or suicide attempt. On improve- ment interference events and therefore restraints. Using family members and
ment, these patients may remain in the the risk of withholding restraining ther- other healthcare personnel (“sitters”)
ICU awaiting transfer to an appropriate apies. A patient whose only invasive de- may allow reduction of restraints. Nonre-
psychiatric facility. Because of their un- vice is an intravenous catheter is at far straining techniques that interfere with
derlying psychopathology, these patients less risk from treatment interference the patient’s ability to remove a device
have the potential to injure themselves or than the patient on extracorporeal mem- may reduce the need for full physical
others. Under such circumstances re- brane oxygenation. Because of the critical restraints. Methods to better secure en-
straining therapies may be indicated, but nature of the latter patient’s therapies, dotracheal tubes are included in this cat-
their use should be in accordance with the preemptive institution of restraining egory, as are bulky dressings that make it
local institutional ICU policy and con- therapies is more compelling than in less likely that the patient will notice and
temporary standards of psychiatric care. most situations. remove the device. The removal of de-
How Do We Determine Which Pa- What Alternatives to Restraining vices from the oropharynx and nasophar-
tients Need Restraining Therapies? Re- Therapies Should Be Considered? The ynx may lessen patient discomfort. Thus,
straining therapies should be used only most important alternative therapies are if a patient is likely to require long-term
when they have been deemed a clinical pharmacologic agents used to treat the ventilatory or nutritional support, tra-
necessity and when alternative measures patient’s agitation (Table 3). Sedatives cheostomy or gastrostomy may lessen pa-
have been unsuccessful or cannot be em- and analgesics are commonly used to tient discomfort.
ployed without jeopardizing patient treat pain and anxiety in the ICU patient. If alternatives fail, restraints then may
safety or care. Several factors should be Neuroleptic agents such as haloperidol be necessary. Determination of restraint
considered in determining the patient’s also should be considered since they re- type must include an evaluation of poten-
need for restraining therapies. Careful lieve agitation and distressing hallucina- tial for restraint-induced injury. The least
patient examination may reveal a cause tions. Neuromuscular blockers should restrictive restraint should be used for
not be considered as alternatives to re- the shortest duration necessary.
for agitation that is remediable without
straining therapies. These agents may be How Should Restraining Therapies Be
restraining therapy.
necessary in patients with severe respira- Initiated? The physician, nurse, and other
The possibility of hypoxemia, hyper-
tory dysfunction to optimize mechanical members of the critical care team should
capnia, electrolyte imbalances, and unto-
ventilation, use extracorporeal tech- concur on the patient’s need for restrain-
ward effects of medications should be
niques, and reduce patient oxygen con- ing therapy before its initiation and on
considered in any agitated patient. Mal-
sumption. However, when their primary the form of restraining therapy to use
function of mechanical devices, such as
purpose is to prevent movement of a pa- (Tables 3 and 5). The initial physician
endotracheal tubes, urinary catheters, in-
tient, they should be considered chemical order may be a verbal order based on the
travenous infusion pumps, or epidural restraints. Their use as restraining ther- assessment of the patient by a registered
catheters may create discomfort or stop apy should be as a last resort when all nurse that has been communicated to the
ongoing analgesia leading to agitation. other methods have proven unsuccessful physician. The verbal order should be fol-
Patients should be evaluated for un- or not feasible. Neuromuscular blockade lowed by a bedside assessment by the
treated pain, anxiety, or delirium and ap- must always be accompanied by adequate physician as soon as possible (Table 6).
propriate therapy instituted if needed. sedative and analgesic medications. When restraints are initiated for marked
Toxicity from medications or illicit sub- Nonpharmacologic methods are also agitation or violence, the physician
stances may manifest itself by altered available as alternatives to the use of re- should be notified of restraint use within
mental status. Acute withdrawal from straints (Table 4). These include diver- 1 hr of restraint application, and physi-
ethanol or other addictive substances sionary tactics to calm the agitated pa- cians should personally examine such pa-
should always be considered. tient or to redirect the patient’s attention tients within 4 hrs. Patients restrained to
The ventilator settings of agitated pa- away from a medical device producing prevent treatment interference alone
tients should be reassessed and con- distress. Altering the local environment should have their physician notified
firmed to be appropriate to ensure that to decrease sensory stimuli may be use- within 12 hrs and should be examined by
patient-ventilator dyssynchrony is not ful. This could include limiting noise the physician within 24 hrs of restraint
the cause of the patient’s distress. Pa- from alarms, avoiding unnecessary application.
tients undergoing “noninvasive” ventila- arousal of the patient, and scheduling When physical restraints are applied,
tion should be evaluated to optimize
mask fit and padding to ensure this is not
a source of agitation. In patients who are Table 3. Pharmacological alternatives to physical restraints
intubated, the literature clearly identifies ● Analgesics
ongoing intubation of the “weanable” pa- ● Sedatives
tient as a perturbation with a high like- ● Major tranquilizers (neuroleptic agents)
lihood of treatment interference. Patients ● Dissociative agents
● Other
should be frequently reassessed for their
Revised Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Sustained Use of Sedatives and Analgesics in the
suitability for extubation, as the timely Critically Ill Adult (29)
extubation of the patient avoids the risks

2672 Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 11

Table 4. Alternatives to restraining therapies

Environmental Therapy Communication

Alter environmental stimuli Manage pain and hypoxemia, evaluate ventilator Maximize communication
Keep objects necessary for daily living close at Maximize activities of daily living Provide communication aids
Use support devices that are not so restrictive Eliminate bothersome treatments as soon as Provide reality links and reorientation cues
Decrease bed rail use if patient is climbing over Begin oral feedings as soon as possible Involve patient in care planning if possible
Use more frequent or constant supervision Remove catheters as soon as possible Use anxiety reduction techniques
Increase the caregiver supervision ratio Review medications for any possible contributors Involve family and others in care planning
to delirium or anxiety
Use one-to-one supervision Encourage physical exertion, exercise, mobility

Modified from Fletcher (36).

Table 5. Categories of physical restraining therapies How Frequently Should Monitoring

for Complications Be Performed in Pa-
Types of Restraints Restrictive 3 Least Restrictive tients Subjected to Restraining Thera-
pies? Restraining therapies themselves
Chest/body can pose a threat in the form of compli-
Limb plus vest * cations. Complications may occur not
Papoose board *
only in a physical sense but also from a
Posey vest *
Extremities psychological perspective. Not only does
4-point (felt) * the patient need to be monitored for
2-point soft wrist * complications from the restraints, but
2-point diagonal soft * the patient’s care needs also must be ad-
Elbow (restraints) *
Mittens * dressed (Table 6). A restrained patient
Environment can no longer provide for his or her basic
Seclusion * needs of turning, eating, drinking, and
High climber * toileting. The staff caring for the patient
Side rails *
Vail bed or Craig bed * must be skilled in providing for these
Geri chair * needs while at the same time monitoring
for complications from the restraining
therapies in use. The frequency of moni-
an RN or LV(P)N must do so or supervise Restraining Therapies? Reassessment of toring should be determined by the clin-
application by other qualified staff. The the need for the therapy to continue ical condition of the patient. In general, a
application of the device should be done should be based on the same principles calm patient receiving restraining thera-
in such a way that upholds the patient’s used in the determination to initiate re- pies must be monitored for complications
rights and dignity. The patient and sig- straining therapy. Since the goal is to at least every 4 hrs. Agitated patients
nificant others must be given appropriate only use such therapy when there is no need more frequent monitoring, and re-
information regarding the need for the suitable alternative, the critical care team evaluation every 15 mins is recom-
restraining therapy. Restraining thera- should assess readiness of the patient for mended until the patient becomes calm.
pies must be easy to remove in case of an restraint reduction or removal at least How Should Restraint Use Be Docu-
emergency. every 8 hrs (Table 6) The frequency of mented in the Medical Record? Docu-
To ensure that patient care staff un- reassessments should be based on the mentation in the medical record should
derstand the use of alternative therapies clinical circumstances of the patient and include the assessment of the need for
and safe application of the restraining the predetermined plan of care. restraints, what alternatives to restraints
devices, training programs must be com- The bedside nurse must constantly be were unsuccessfully used, and the find-
pleted with initial employment and an aware of the possibility that the patient ings of ongoing monitoring of the patient
annual competency review should be re- may have recovered from the clinical for complications (Table 6). How re-
quired of staff thereafter. conditions that necessitated the use of straining therapy fits into the plan of care
Each healthcare organization should restraints in the first place. The critical should be included in the progress notes.
develop internal monitoring or quality care team should reassess the patient at Education of the patient and significant
assurance programs to ensure that the least every 24 hrs to determine whether others about restraint use must be docu-
staff is compliant with the principles and the order for restraints should remain mented.
policies surrounding the appropriate use active. At each institution, a quality assur-
of restraining devices. During reassessment, the nurse ance system should review medical
How Frequently Should Patients Be should continue to attempt use of the records pertaining to the use of restraints
Reassessed With Regard to Their Need for alternatives to restraints listed in Table 4. to develop quality improvement strate-

Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 11 2673

Table 6. Recommendations for the initiation, monitoring, and documentation of physical restraints

Emergent Behavioral Indication Nonemergent Medical Indication

Justification: Patient exhibits violent behavior. Justification: Limit mobility to provide safe care
Restraint Initiation Restraint Initiation
1. Physician notification within 1 hr of application for verbal order 1. Physician notified within 12 hrs for verbal order
2. Must be seen by physician or LIP within 4 hrs of application 2. Patient must be seen by physician or LIP within 24 hrs of
3. Orders cover a 24-hr period restraint application
4. Daily entries justifying restraint must be entered into medical 3. Orders cover a 24-hr period
record 4. Daily entries justifying restraint must be entered into the
Reorder medical record
Must be redocumented every 24 hrs Reorder
Bedside Monitoring Must be redocumented every 24 hrs
When patient is agitated: every 15 mins Bedside Monitoring
1. Chest skin color, capillary refill, pulse of restrained extremities When patient is agitated: every 15 mins
2. Check for extremity movement and sensation 1. Check skin color, capillary refill, pulse of restrained extremities
3. Proper body alignment When patient is calm: at least every 4 hrs
4. Document in record 1. Check skin color, capillary refill, pulse on each restrained
When patient is agitated: every 2 hrs extremity
1. Evaluation of pharmacotherapeutics used to control pain, anxiety, 2. Check for extremity movement and sensation
agitation, and delirium 3. Proper body alignment, reposition
2. Offer toileting or assess elimination needs at least every 2 hrs 4. Document in record
3. Offer food and fluids for those who can take oral nutrition at When patient is calm: every 2 hrs
least every 2 hrs 1. Check LOC, vital signs, ventilator indicators (if applicable)
4. If patient is unable to have oral nutrition, assess adequate 2. Monitor the patency and/or mechanical function of drainage
hydration and nutrition tubes, position of endotracheal tubes
5. Extremity release/ROM 3. Evaluate pharmacotherapeutics used to control pain, anxiety,
Assess readiness for restraint reduction or removal at least every 8 hrs agitation, and delirium
4. Effect of adjunctive therapies (e.g., music therapy, dim lights,
family present)
5. Extremity release/ROM
Assess readiness for restraint reduction or removal at least every 8 hrs

LIP, licensed independent practitioner; ROM, range of motion; LOC, level of comfort.

gies. Review of the following components 2. Trials of release of restraining ther- With pediatric patients, the critical
of monitoring and documentation should apies. care team should be particularly attentive
be a part of the quality review and im- to maintaining proper body alignment
provement program: If a death occurs while a patient is in and correct device positioning when
physical restraints, the death should un- physical restraints are used. The re-
1. The record should contain adequate dergo institutional review. strained child should be monitored every
documentation in the nursing and Leather restraints occasionally are 30 mins for evidence of respiratory dis-
physician progress notes of the need used in the ICU for patients who are se- tress. The nursing staff should evaluate
to initiate restraints. verely agitated or suffer from behavioral the child’s level of consciousness and as-
2. If restraints were applied by nursing disorders. When these restraints are used, sess restrained extremities for pressure-
personnel under the institution’s more frequent monitoring is required. related injury or impaired circulation at
pro re nata urgent restraint use pol- Based on the patient’s level of agitation least every 2 hrs. Physical restraints
icy, the record should reflect a writ- and clinical condition, assessments of the should be removed for extremity range of
ten or verbal order for the restraints patient’s condition and safety should be motion, patient repositioning, the offer-
used from a physician including the performed every 15–30 mins. As with ing of food/fluids, and patient hygiene
date and time of the order. other restraints, the patient’s condition every 4 hrs or more frequently if clini-
3. Documentation should be made of should be reevaluated several times a day cally indicated.
ongoing assessments and monitor- and less dangerous and restrictive re-
ing for complications during each straints substituted when the patient’s CONCLUSIONS
restraint use episode. condition permits such a change.
Assessment of Pediatric Patients. Pe- Despite the numerous questions that
In addition, the following policies are diatric patients in restraint by seclusion exist about the risks, benefits, and prac-
recommended for patients restrained by or mechanical devices should be observed tical use of restraining therapies in criti-
physical restraints: at intervals of ⱕ15 mins. Written orders cally ill people, there is currently little
for physical restraints or seclusion for prospective information in the literature
1. The provision of ongoing psychologi- behavioral health patients should be lim- that can be used for development of evi-
cal and spiritual support for both the ited to 2 hrs for children ages 9 –17 and 1 dence-based guidelines to promote the
patient and significant others. hr for patients ⬍9 yrs. scientific application of these modalities.

2674 Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 11

Recommendation 3—Level of Evi- trials assessing the risks and benefits of

dence C. Patients must always be evalu- restraining therapies in the ICU setting.
he task force de- ated to determine whether treatment of Although many issues are open for eval-
an existing problem would obviate the uation, the task force has identified three
veloped nine rec-
need for restraint use. Alternatives to re- areas that seem most needful of investi-
ommendations straining therapies should be considered gation to develop more evidence-based
to minimize the need for and extent of guidelines for the use of restraining ther-
with regard to the use of their use. apies in critically ill patients:
Recommendation 4 —Level of Evi-
physical restraints and phar- dence C. The choice of restraining ther- 1. We recommend randomized, con-
apy should be the least invasive option trolled trials to assess the efficacy of
macologic therapies to various restraining therapies in re-
capable of optimizing patient safety, com-
maintain patient safety in fort, and dignity. ducing the incidence of inadvertent
Recommendation 5—Level of Evi- device removal.
the intensive care unit. dence C. The rationale for restraint use 2. We recommend randomized, con-
must be documented in the medical trolled trials to assess the optimal
record. Orders for restraining therapy methods for safely weaning or dis-
should be limited in duration to a 24-hr continuing restraining therapies (a
The overwhelming majority of the studies period. New orders should be written af- “release trial”).
reviewed were uncontrolled case series or ter 24 hrs if restraining therapies are to 3. We recommend a randomized, con-
case reports and were graded as Cochrane be continued. The potential to discon- trolled trial to assess the hypothesis
level 4 and 5. Thus, these guidelines re- tinue or reduce restraining therapy that ICU staffing patterns affect the
flect the consensus of the task force fol- should be considered at least every 8 hrs. need for and implementation of re-
lowing their review of the existing liter- Recommendation 6 —Level of Evi- straining therapies.
ature regarding the prevailing standard of dence C. Patients should be monitored
medical care for restraint use in the ICU for the development of complications
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