Tips To Completing A Project Modification Request

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Tips for Completing A Project Modification Request (PMR)

Completing a Project Modification Request can be confusing, especially if you are a new
Project Director. OVS has compiled helpful tips to guide victim service programs through the
process. First we will determine if a PMR is needed, next we will take you to the Quick Start
Guide for completing a PMR, and finally we will provide you with some important reminders.
Most importantly, always remember that a PMR must be submitted and approved before
making any major changes to a project.

To determine if a PMR is needed, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Were there any changes between budget categories?
Changes that exceed 10% of Total Project Cost will require a PMR. The Total Project
Cost is the combined total of the amount of the PCCD award, project income and
applicant's matching funds.
2. What if I need to purchase items not originally listed in my budget?
The purchase of additional items not included in the approved project budget will
require a PMR.
3. Were there any changes in Personnel?
If you add or remove a position listed under Personnel, this will require a PMR. A PMR
is also required if there is a change in Project Director or major salary reductions and/or
increases. You may be asked to also submit Job Descriptions for the affected positions.
4. Did the projects objective or scope change?
A change which affects the projects objectives or scope (Example: a change in the
target population) will require a PMR. If there are any minor changes to the project,
they can simply be reported in the next Program Report to be completed fro the project
in Egrants.
5. Do I need to change my project END DATE?
A change in dates of the projects duration will require a PMR. You may discover that
you cannot complete the objectives of the project within the time frame of the grant.
In that case, you may submit a PMR for a No Cost Extension. There will be NO
extensions allowed for local projects funded by RASA, VOJO, or VOCA.

Ive determined I need to submit a PMR. How do I do that?

PCCD has a great step-by-step guide entitled Creating a Project Modification Request
Quick Start Guide. Click here to access the guide. Please note that Quick Start Guides are
routinely updated. Before using a guide you previously printed, check on PCCDs website for
any updates.

Once I enter the PMR into Egrants, am I finished?

Almost. PCCD cannot process your PMR until we receive your original signed PMR. Further
instructions pertaining to the Signature Page can be found in the Quick Start Guide.

How early does PCCD need a PMR?

The sooner the better! Once you have determined that a PMR is required, please submit the
information to PCCD as quickly as possible. If your request for a PMR is denied, you need to
have ample time to reevaluate your project and determine your next course of action.

How late can I submit a PMR?

The PMR request is required to be submitted into Egrants AND the Signature Page received at
least 30 days prior to the end of your grant.

In the last 30 days of the project period, exceptional requests for modification may be
considered, but only if a detailed justification for the late request accompanies the request and
PCCD finds the justification merits its consideration. No modification requests will be
considered or approved if they are received by PCCD after the end of your grant.

My PMR was approved. Now what?

Youre all ready to go! Once the modification is approved, it becomes the current document.
You can still view the original application/continuation in Egrants, but the modification contains
the current information, once approved.

Who do I contact if I need help?

PCCD has a variety of funding streams. Below is a list of the funding streams administered by
the Victims Services Program. The Program Contact and Fiscal Contact for each funding
stream is provided.
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
Jennie Seigler is the Program Contact for all VOCA funded agencies. You can reach Ms. Seigler
at (717) 265-8745 or
Jim Stank is the Fiscal Contact for all VOCA funded agencies. You can reach Mr. Stank at
(717) 265-8510 or
Victims of Juvenile Offenders (VOJO)
Vicki Wagner is the Program Contact for all VOJO funded agencies. You can reach Ms. Wagner
at (717) 265-8746 or
Jim Stank is the Fiscal Contact for all VOJO funded agencies. You can reach Mr. Stank at (717)
265-8510 or
Rights & Services Act (RASA)
Daisy Pagan is the Program Contact for all RASA funded agencies. You can reach Ms. Pagan at
(717) 265-8516 or
Marcia Jackson is the Fiscal Contact for all RASA funded agencies. You can reach Ms. Jackson
at (717) 8492 or
STOP Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
Debbra Rollo is the Program Contact for all STOP funded agencies. You can reach Ms. Rollo at
(717) 265-8733 or
Greg Harhigh is the Fiscal Contact for all STOP funded agencies. You can reach Mr. Harhigh at
(717) 265-8506 or
Byrne Justice Assistance Grants (JAG)
Ray Moneta is the Program Contact for all victim service related JAG funded projects. You can
reach Mr. Moneta at (717) 265-8728 or
Beth Romero is the Fiscal Contact for all victim service related JAG funded projects. You can
reach Ms. Romero at (717) 265-8468 or

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