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Delhi Public School Ghaziabad Vasundhara



TIME: 3 Hrs.


M.M.: 90

General Instructions:
(i) Multiple choice questions carry 1 mark each.
(ii) Choose the correct answer from each MCQ.
Answer to questions carrying 2 marks should not exceed 20-30 words each.
(iv) Answer to questions carrying 3 marks should not exceed 60-70 words each.
QI. Choose the correct option and write it in your answer book:
(i) The value of the prime meridian is:

(c) 00
(d) 600

(ii) The Antarctic circle is located in:

(a) The Southern hemisphere
(b) The Northern hemisphere

(c) The Western hemisphere

(d) The Eastern hemisphere



A rough drawing of any area based on the memory drawn without a scale is called:
(a) direction
(c) scale
(b) sketch
(d) plan

(iv)When many maps are put together, we get:

(a) Novel
(b) Journal

(c) atlas
(d) book

(v) Direct rays of the sun fall on the equator on:

(a) March 21
(b) June 20

(c) March 20
(d) December 22

(vi) Christmas is celebrated in summer season in:

(a) Australia
(b) Asia

(c) South America

(d) Africa

(vii) The essential components of the map are:

(a) distance
(b) symbols

(c) direction
(d) all of these

(viii) In the middle of the nineteenth century, British Historian divided the history of India into:
(a) two periods
(c) five periods
(b) four periods
(d) three periods


(ix) The land adjacent to a city or a port that supply it with goods and services:
(a) Hinterland
(c) Garrison towns
(b) Internal frontiers
(d) External frontiers
(x) During the reign of which ruler, the Mongol attacks on the Delhi Sultanate increased:
(a) Muhammad Tughluq
(c) Genghis Khan
(b) Chauhans
(d) Alauddin Khalji
(xi) A place where documents and manuscripts are stored is:
(a) temple
(c) archive
(b) monastery
(d) caves
(xii)The age to vote in India is:
(a) 20 years and above
(b) 22 years and above

(c) 19 years and above

(d) 18 years and above

(xiii) The country that followed the policy of Apartheid is:

(a) South America
(c) South Africa
(b) South East Asia
(d) South India
(xiv) All governments are elected for:
(a) Fixed period
(b) Unlimited period

(c) variable period

(d) all of these

(xv) The Winter Solstice falls on:

a) 22nd December
b) 23rd December

c) 24th December
d) 25th December

(xvi) The religion practised in Ladakh is:

a) Buddhism
b) Islam

c) Both a and b
d) None of these

(xvii) Mesolithic means

(a) Middle stone
(b) Old stone

(c) New stone

(d) None of these

(xviii) The direct rays of the sun fall on the equator on:
a) 21st March & 23rd September
c) 23rd March & 24th September
b) 22nd March & 21st June
d) 25th March & 29th September
(xix) Indias National Anthem was composed by:
a) Mahatma Gandhi
b) Rabindranath Tagore
(xx) South Africa got its independence in:
a) 1998
c) 1994
b) 1992
d) 2000


c) Subhash Chandra Bose

d) Jawaharlal Nehru

Q2. Answer the following question in short:
Write two uses of fire in the earliest period.
Explain the term domestication.
Write any four occupations of the tribes in the earliest period.
Write the name of two earliest cities found in the sub-continent.
Name two places where the cave paintings can be found.
Q3. Answer the following question briefly:
Why did people choose natural caves to live in?
Write a short note on the Great Bath constructed in Mohanjodaro.
What were the uses of stone tools?



Q4. Answer the following question in detail:

Describe the different kinds of work done by the people of tribal community
QII. Define the following.
(a) globe
(b) frigid zone
(c) rotation
(d) circle of Illumination
(e) cardinal points


QIII. Short answer type:

(a) Distinguish between small scale map and large scale map.
(b) Explain the term revolution.
(c) When does equinox occur?


QIV. Short answer type:

(a) Draw a neat diagram and explain the important latitudes and heat zones.
(b) Draw a neat diagram and explain the parallels of latitudes.


QV. On an outline map of the world label the following:

(a) Equator
(b) Indian Standard Meridian
(c) Tropic of Cancer
(d) Prime Meridian



Civics (20)
Q10. Answer the following in short:
(a) Who fought the apartheid system in South Africa?
(b) Name the mass media which discuss government issues and responsibilities.
(c) Explain the term unity in diversity.
(d) Describe the key idea of democratic govt..
Q11. Answer the following briefly:
(a) What is the purpose of water in Krishnasagar dam in Karnataka?
(b) The term unity in diversity is an appropriate term to describe India .give reasons..
(c) What led the dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu?
(d) Write any 3 actions taken by the govt to ensure that all people are treated equally.



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