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Warning! May contain coarse language, swearing, and underage drinking!

If you are
under 13 or any of these things offend you, do not proceed with reading this chapter.
A/N : So the Halloween Ball is finally here! Ill just leave you to read this chapter and
comment on the events ^.^ as always, review, favourite and follow! I hope you like this
moment :3
+ I hope I am not making James too unlikable; this is not my intention,
really now! If I am, please point it out >.<
Listened to :
Ed Sheeran - X album especially Afire Love and Bloodstream
Panic! At The Disco : Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! album Far Too Young To
Die, Casual Affair, and so on


Friday, 31st of October - 12 hours until the 1975 Halloween Ball

Fifth Year Boys Dormitory

They were given leisure time until the Halloween Ball to get all their affairs in order
before a night of fun and dancing. The girls were nowhere in sight, probably preparing for the
party. Some of them even booked an appoitment at Clarissas Curls, where the best hairdresser
in all of Hogsmeade did her magic. The lads didnt bother; they would probably just comb their
hair and use some hairspray, if necessary. The hustle and bustle of the castle was expected, but
Remus didnt imagine it would be this bad.
Even James, Sirius and Peter were nervous. Sirius tried to iron his clothes with a spell,
but failed miserably. He was actually aggitated, asking his mates if his dress robes were cool
enough. Sirius dress robes were more on the traditional side; they were velvet, navy blue
Victorian robes, with leaves embroidered close to his collar. The sleeves had simple, ivorycoloured lace sticking out, and his shirt was ivory as well. He wasnt entirely sure if he should
wear his hair tied up or not. James were standard black robes, but he decided to wear a red
bowtie to make his appearence distinctive. Peters robes looked exactly like James, and he felt
quite proud of that.
Remus hadnt opened the package his Father sent him the other day. He forgot to pack
or buy any dress robes, so he presumed they would be sent to him. He grabbed it from his bed
and unravelled it. The classiest robes Remus could ever wish for were in his hands. They were
very simple, dark green robes with a cream coloured shirt. The robes had an unique collar and
felt smooth as he was running them through his fingers. There was also a dark brown tie with
burgundy fleur-de-lis on it. Under them was a letter from his Father.

Dear Remus,
Congratulations once more for being chosen as the male Gryffindor Prefect! We are so proud of
you, son, and let you know that your determination has made you the young man you are today.
May your night be as lovely as the robes you will proudly wear (we hope). Take a break from all
that studying and have fun! - Dad
P.S. Mom asked me to tell you to make good choices, but I think you ought to make a few bad
ones as well.

Remus smiled as he folded his letter, placing it on his nightstand. He laid his clothes on
the bed and opened his trunk to look for his dress shoes and black socks.
Nice robes you got there, Moony, James added, They suit you,
R-Really? I hope they wont look ridiculous on me. I dont know if I clean up well, he
James smirked, Nonsense, youll be a lady killer. Although no one here is quite as
majestic as our dear Padfoot, but you might get second place,
Sirius stuck his tongue out, Black family heirloom. They wouldnt like me to ruin the
family name. I hope I dont look like a pompous fool,
Peter stared confused at Sirius robes, Theyre really nice, Sirius,
Remus searched for something in his trunk, I think Mom gave me an flatiron, Sirius. For
your robes, I mean,
Sirius looked confused, Flat-what?
Flatiron. You use it to iron your clothes, Remus grabbed it and passed it to Sirius, You
plug it in and run it over your clothes, Remus showed him the socket every dorm room had, in
case anyone needed it, My Mom uses Muggle appliances, you know. Since shes a Muggle,
Whatever you say, Moony. Please, if youre so kind, do it for me. I would be eternally
grateful. I really dont understand the principle of this flatiron,
Remus sighed as he grabbed the iron and the navy robes, What would you do without
Sirius mouth turned into a big, goofy smile, Thank you, Mooooony, Remus plugged the
flatiron in, put the robes on his bed and waited for the iron to get hot.
So James, well wait for Marlene and her friend down in the Common Room at a quarter
to eight, Sirius said as he ran his fingers through his long, wavy hair, making sexy faces in the
mirror, If shes anything like Marlene described her to be, you should be getting some action
James shrugged, Shed better be. I wouldnt have agreed to go out with her if I wasnt
single two days before the bloody Ball. Whats her name anyways?
Kendra. Shes the delicious chocolate bird with huge knockers, Sirius grinned, Youll
definetly like her. Oh, Wormtail, did you manage to trick someone into going with you?
Peters puppy dog eyes looked at Sirius, Ow, come on, Sirius, dont be like that. I-Im
going with Sarah Knocks, shes a third year. She asked me if Remus was going with someone,

and I didnt know what to tell her, so I asked her if she wanted to go with me instead. And she
Sirius laughed and patted Remus on the back while he was ironing the dress robes, Old
Moony heres got himself a groupie! About that Who are you taking, Moony?
Remus dropped the iron on his hand and let a pained hiss out, N-N-Nobody!
James got up his bed and jumped on Remus bed, Go on, mate, tell us. We wont laugh
or anything,
Remus covered his hand, Really, Im not taking anyone, seriously, I mean, who would I
take? Definetly not a girl, or a boy for that matter, or a human being. Or a halfbreed, or I
mean, I-I-
Sirius thew him a suspicious look, Are you hiding something from us, Moony?
Remus shook his head nervously, rushing to the sink to run cold water over his burn. His
hands were trembling as he turned the faucet on, washing the pain and the sweat away from his
hand. He muttered something to himself, washing his face with cold water, and after he turned
the faucet off, he paced shakingly around the room.
James sighed, looking almost annoyed, Stop it, mate, just spit it out. We wont mind,
Yeah, Remus, tell us, Petter begged.
We wont laugh or anything. Were definetly not going to make fun of you if you dont
have a date. Its okay even if youre taking a Slytherin. Please tell me youre not taking a
Slytherin, Sirius sneered.
Remus looked at James comforting eyes. Would he hate him? They were going to find
out sooner or later anyway, its not like he could hide from them the entire evening. Or could he?
Nevermind, he had to tell them. He was surprised he kept it secret from them for three entire
weeks. They havent been talking about the Ball a lot ever since James got rejected by Lily, so
he hadnt had the chance to tell them. Not that he had been looking forward to do it.
Remus sighed as he sat down on his bed, Okay. Three weeks ago, I was down at
Hagrids with Lily, learning how to pet a Hippogriff. And we were talking about, you know stuff.
I was telling her how insecure I am, and how I hate my scars-
And she set you up with one of her friends! Peter exclaimed happily.
Sirius frowned, But Lilys friends with Marlene and Kendra, isnt she? What other friend
does she have to set you up with?
James shushed them, Stop interrupting him! Go on,
Remus avoided James look, And well she tried to make me feel better, saying how I
shouldnt let anything get in the way of my happiness, not even scars and one thing led to the
James went pale and glared at Remus coldly. He had undeniably figured it out, and
already knew what Remus was going to say next, Say it, he grunted.
She asked me if I wanted us to go to the Ball together. As friends, just as friends,
James, he tried to defend himself in some way, but he knew it was futile.
James got up from Remus bed and stormed out of the room without saying a word. The
other boys stared at him while he left the dorm, slamming the door closed. Sirius threw Remus a
comforting look, trying to make him feel better, but nothing could make Remus guilt-free at the

Hell come around, mate, youll see. Hes just shocked. Blimey, Moony What the
bloody fuck? Sirius frowned.
I didnt want to say yes at first! I knew how that would make James feel, but then we
went to Hogsmeade, and she fought with him, and down in the Common Room at 3 AM-
Peter widened his eyes, You were sitting with her in the Common Room alone at 3 AM?
What were you doing there?
N-Nothing! We were just talking
So let me get this straight, Sirius said, She asked you before rejecting James? You
were the one she had asked? She was actually telling the truth?
Remus shrugged, I didnt want any of this to happen!
Sirius shouted, But it did, bloody hell! It did happen, okay, and you did nothing! Does
she know how much James likes her? Does she know youre just talking to her because James
asked you to do it? She has no right to fall for y-
Remus got up angrily from his bed and yelled, Firstly, I am not talking to her only
because of James! Secondly, she wouldnt have rejected him in the first place if he hadnt been
acting like a twat around her for ages! And lastly, she is not falling for me!
But youre falling for her, arent you? Sirius snapped at him.
Remus tried to control his anger. He is not taking over right now. Not him, not now.
Keep him in, Remus,
Remus breathed to calm himself down, and tried to explain You dont know the first
thing about her. She is so lonely, Sirius, have you noticed shes not talking to Snape anymore?
Ive been there for her lately, and she wanted to have a friend with her tonight. I am her friend,
Youre our friend, Moony. Sitting with her down in the Common Room alone at 3 in the
morning, for fucks sake... Shes James, you know that, Sirius shrugged.
Fuck, Sirius, shes not a piece of meat! he snapped, Shes a human being with
feelings and she doesnt need you two treating her like an object or a prize. Im not going to
apologize for going with her to the Ball. You cant force her to go with James,
Sirius took a cigarette from his pack and opened the window, standing on the window
pane, You cant, but you had a choice. You couldve said no. That was the moral thing to do
Remus covered his eyes with his hands and didnt know how to fight this anymore. Sirius
lit his cigarette and gestured to Remus if he wanted one. Remus didnt think twice and grabbed
a cigarette from Sirius pack, lit it, and inhaled the smoke. Weird feeling, it was. Sirius looked at
his friend, holding a cigarette between his fingers and smoking it not because he liked the taste
or wanted to be cool, but because he felt lost, sad and desperate.
Moony Im sorry for snapping at you like that. You You dont deserve this, Sirius
blew smoke out the window, I know youre feeling guilty it wasnt fair for me to give you shit,
Remus choked, Its okay,
Please, dont just dont kiss her in front of James, Remus frowned, I wont kiss her
at all. I dont I dont want us to be like that,
You dont. But what about her?
Remus stared at Sirius as he was finishing his first cigarette ever.

15 minutes until the 1975 Halloween Ball

Gryffindor Common Room
The four boys were waiting for their dates, the others having already left the Common
Room. They werent talking between them, not saying even a teeny-tiny word. James was
nervously checking his watch, and Sirius was tapping his foot on the floor. Peter bit his nails
nervouly, wondering if Sarah would stand him up. The only one who wanted to run away and
spend all of his night inside his Dorm Room was Remus. His throat was closing up, his heart
was running on 100 miles per hour, and his pupils were heavily dialated. He hated social
situations, especially the ones which demanded talking to girls, dancing with girls, and not to
add making a friend jealous. He had never once in his school years made James angry. He had
always been around for him when he was actually bothered by something, and James confided
in him even more than he did in Sirius. He was his true best friend, and now he was taking his
dream girl to the Ball.
Sirius cleared his throat, trying to defuse the tension, So Moony, whats our stash?
Remus looked confused at first, but then answered, We have enough for all the 5th, 6th,
and 7th year blokes, and still have some left if girls are feeling like it. And we also have some
And McGonagall?
Prank : Peeves in Action shall commence whenever we need it to. Briefly, Peter will
provoke Peeves if he sees McGonagall in the hallways, thus avoiding us being caught by her. If
that fails, we always have Plan B, C and Prank : Blame It on The Slytherins, Remus could not
help feeling proud of all the schemes he had prepared for that night, and confused at the same
time since it conflicted with his Prefect duties.
Sirius patted him on the back, Youre the best!
James did not wish to speak with either of them. He sat quietly on the couch, waiting for
Kendra to come down and then rush to the ball room, dance for a few hours, and then get
plastered on Firewhisky.
Hear that, Prongs? Its going to be an epic night, chap! Sirius grabbed James
James shrugged, Good thing Moony was here to plan everything, he said sarcastically,
moving away from Sirius and approaching his date.
The three girls were desceding, and the boys could feel their hearts race. Marlene was
wearing a turquoise dress, short enough to be sexy but long enough to leave room for
imagination. She wore her hair straight blonde hair in a long ponytail.
Kendra gave James her hand and he kissed it like a gentleman would have done. James
scanned her up and down. She was wearing her mahagony, wavy hair in an elegant bun,
complimenting her scarlet, provocative dress, You look beautiful tonight, Kendra, said James,
but not looking at his date, not even thinking about his date. The last girl to arrive was Lily. Her
fiery hair was as beautiful as ever, covering her glowing, porcelain skin. Her emerald eyes,
framed by long lashes, seemed to brighten the world, at least Remus thought so. She chose to
wear a gorgeous emerald A-line dress with a sweetheart neckline.

She got closer to Remus and smiled, Good evening, Sir. Fancy a night of endless cliche
songs played by over-rated bands?
Remus laughed and searched his pockets, Why, of course I do, my lady, he pulled out
a small, red box and handed it over to Lily, Mother said its proper to do this, so
She grinned at him and opened the little box anxiously. She looked surprised to find a
chocolate-covered pumpkin muffin. She laughed, bringing happiness to her eyes, and took a big
bite out of the muffin, This is so unusual. Muggles usually give out corsages, little flower
bracelets, you know that?
Mom said I should buy you a corsage, or make you one, but it seemed too ordinary,
Lily continued to smile as she ate the entire muffin, You know what? I think this is way
better than a corsage. This is more personal. Has you written all over it,
Sirius gestured to Remus that it was time, after he had finished snogging Marlene.
Kendra was trying to talk with James, but she wasnt getting anything other than some shrugs
and sarcastic remarks. Peter was still waiting for his date, but she joined the group quickly.
Seeing as weve been reunited with our lovely ladies, its time for us to join the crowd,
mates! Sirius offered Marlene his arm and led her to the Ball Room, followed by James, sitting
a few meters apart from Kendra, to her dissapointment, Peter and Sarah, and lastly, Remus and
S-Shall we? Remus asked Lily nervously. Although they were going only as friends, it
still felt awkward and difficult for Remus. His Mothers advice seemed good in theory, but trying
to apply it was the hard part.
Lily nodded, Of course. Lead the way, Sir, she giggled.

The 1975 Halloween Ball

Hogwarts Great Hall

Their group of eight grabbed an empty table somewhere in the back, avoiding the noise
and commotion of the dance floor. Peter was nervously talking to Sarah, who kept smiling at
Remus, and Sirius whispered things to Marlene that made her blush deeply. Remus made small
talk with Lily, who felt awkward to be at the same table with Remus friends, particularly James.
Gonna grab some food, James added coldly as he picked up his plate and headed to
the buffet.
M-Me too! Remus grabbed his plate hurriedly, almost spilling the glasses they had on
the table, and ran to James, joining him. He wanted to try talking to him and explaining the
situation. James rolled his eyes and did not pay any attention to Remus, walking to the buffet.
The teachers and Heads made a really great job decorating the Hall. Jack-O-Lanterns,
hairy hanging spiders and webs were all over the room. Dumbledore enchanted the ceiling to
make it look as if there was a full red moon in the sky, and pumpkins were floating in the air. The
punchbowl had floating eyeballs inside, and they did not spare the expenses when it came to
sweets. Remus awed when he saw the infinite variety of candy and cakes on display. The entire

room smelled of pumpkin spice and candy apple. Behind the buffet, the teachers were eating
their meals, dressed in their formal robes, looking relaxed and more approachable than usual.
The Head of Gryffindor House, Minerva McGonagall, was wearing an orange dress robe with a
pointy red hat, and was chatting with Flitwick, their Charms teacher. Miss Spinnet, the Defense
Against the Dark Arts teacher, winked at Remus as she was raising her glass. Remus was her
favourite student, since he had an aptitude for her subject, and worked very hard to succeed.
James threw Remus a cold glare as he was grabbing some turkey, mashed potatoes
and punch, Look, Moony, another one of your groupies,
Remus felt his chest tighten, Cut it out, James,
Why should I? Its not as if you care what I think or want anyway,
Remus snapped, raising his voice, Stop talking shit! I only wish you well, you know that.
Ive never wanted to hurt you,
Then why are you going out with Lily?
Couples were dancing to the lively tunes of Accio Love on the dancefloor, waving their
hands in the air and whipping their hair. The music was almost too loud to hear anything else,
but the boys standing by the buffet could not hear it. Their dates were eagerly waiting at the
table, alone, while Sirius, Peter, Marlene and Sarah were dancing.
Remus gritted through his teeth, Im not going out with her. We just went to this event
together. Its a one time thing, mate. I cant exactly force her to go out with you, I hope youre
aware of this,
James snapped, And the logical conclusion was taking her to the ball, right?
Im not betraying you in any way. Like it or not, Lily and I are friends, and she isnt fond
of you at the moment, a thing which I am trying to fix. Some things you cant fix with magic,
James. This conversation is over, lets go and sit with the girls, they look a bit lonely,
James shoved more food on his plate and rushed to the table, leaving Remus at the
buffet. After he grabbed some food and, of course, dessert, he joined the others at the table.
Sirius, Marlene, Peter and Sarah has finished dancing and were eating as well. While the girls
were nibbling their food gently, the boys devoured the delicious meal. Sirius brought everyone
punch and spiked it with some of the Firewhisky he had in his flask. Lily was very suspicious of
her drink, but did not mind the taste of whisky in her pumpkin juice and poured it down.
Remus had very little resistance to alcohol, and he could already feel his head spinning
from the spiked pumpkin juice. The chemicals in his bloodstream rushed to his nervous system,
clouding his vision.
The band changed their ryhtm, playing a romantic piece next. Couples were rushing to
the dancefloor, getting close to each other. Sirius asked Marlene to dance, and she hapilly
acepted. Sirius tilted his head towards Kendra, signaling to James that it was time to ask her to
dance. Forcefully and without any excitement, James offered Kendra her arm and walked her to
the dance floor, placing his hands on her waist.
Remus was staring at the table, trying to stop the diziness. Lily was looking at him shyly,
Y-Yes? he managed to answer, focusing so that his speech wasnt impaired.
Would you like to dance?

Remus stared at her beautiful, slender fingers playing with her tiny gold ring. Her eyes
were flickering with excitement, and her mouth grew into a gentle smile. He nodded nervously,
getting up and walking her to the dancefloor.
When the two got into the middle of the room, everyone was looking at Lily. She was,
undoubtfully, the most beautiful girl in the room. And she was dancing with Remus Lupin, a shy,
book-worm, lanky boy which always followed James Potter and Sirius Black around.
Ive never danced with anyone. Consider yourself warned, Remus joked, feeling more
confident by the minute (a side-effect of firewhisky, most likely).
You could never embarass me, Remus Lupin, Lily grabbed his hand and placed it on
her waist. She held his other hand between her fingers, feeling his warmth. She swayed
gracefully to the music, and he followed her movements.
The world stopped for a second and Remus looked around the room. Kissing couples
were surrounding them, even Sirius and Marlene had started tasting each others lips. James
kissed Kendra and whispered something in her ear, then leaving the Ball Room and going
outside, probably. Remus was looking into Lilys eyes, holding her waist tightly. He looked at
their intertwining fingers, feeling her soft hands and trying to maintain his balance.
Youre not that bad, Lily giggled, If you hadnt told me youve never danced with a girl,
I wouldnt have guessed it,
Remus smiled, You know what they say, Im a quick learner,
Lily beamed at Remus as they continued to dance. Suddenly, as she saw James leave
with Kendra, her face changed its expression, looking vacantly at the two, What did James say
when you told him were going to the Ball together?
Remus stared at the floor, startled by her awkward question, Hes cross with me,
obviously. But nevertheless, I reckon hell come around sooner or later. He needs to understand
that well, I have other friends than them,
Lily nodded, still staring at the door, I think he still has some growing up to do,
Remus laughed, trying to lighten her up, Havent we all?
Lily smiled at him kindly, squeezing his hand, Youre the most mature guy I know,
Remus. You seem to have it all sorted out,
Remus gulped, Not even close, he thought, Yeah, about that I know that Im a
Prefect, and youre a Prefect, and that we sort of kinda have a duty, but
Lily frowned, Oh, not again, Lupin. Another prank?
Remus laughed nervously, More like an after-party. A bash, only for the terminal
years. In the Gryffindor Common Room,
And do you have authorization for such a party?
Remus looked away, raising his shoulders and ruffling his hair, Remus Lupin, you are a
Prefect. If McGonagall finds out, shell remove us of our duties!
If she finds out, Remus pointed out, Ive concocted some well-developped plans to
avoid her if she hears any disturbance,
Lily smirked at him, twirling back into his arms, You really are one of them, arent you?
he laughed and nodded. Lily sighed, Okay, okay, I wont say a word to McGonagall. Only if Im
Of course youre invited! Remus jumped, Its going to be fun, promise, weve good
music, some food, and some refreshments,

Lily laughed, Im too scared at this point to ask what kind of refreshments you will be
serving this evening, Mr. Lupin,

1 AM, 1st of November, 1975

Halloween After-Party, Gryffindor Common Room
The Ball ended at about half past twelve, when Prof. McGonagall and Miss Spinnet
asked the students to proceed to their dormitories, for it was late in the night and they needed
rest after dancing so much. Some of the students were obviously dissapointed, but others knew
the night wasnt going to end so abruptly. All of the Gryffindors were wearing big grins of their
faces while they were returning to the Gryffindor Tower. Lily and Remus had danced all night,
laughing at Remus dancing when more upbeat songs played, making fun of Peter, who
somehow managed to spill punch all over Sarahs dress, and talking with Sirius and Marlene
down at their table. James and Kendra returned after an entire hour, Kendra looking exhausted
and James looking as gloomy as he previously did. When Sirius asked him what had he been
doing, he just replied stuff.
When the gang reached the Common Room, Sirius got up on the end table and shouted,
Attention, attention, fellow Gryffindors! In exactly thirty minutes, the Great Gryffindor Halloween
Bash shall commence! I invite all the 5th, 6th, and 7th years to go to their rooms and change
into something less formal, and all of the underclassmen to go to bed, a 4th year boy shouted it
wasnt fair, but Sirius did not pay attention to him, We welcome all of the lads, and especially all
of the ladies, he winked in their direction, getting a few giggles and sighs from the lovestruck
girls, to a night of dancing, drinking, and losing inhibitions, he winked at Marlene, who was
throwing death glares at all the girls staring at Sirius.
Sirius saw Marlene glaring, and cleared his throat, Ahem, be-before anyhing else, we
have to mention the people which made this event possible. The smuglers, the men who risked
everything trying to procure the refreshments : James Prongs Potter and Peter Wormtail
James and Peter waved, and a round of aplause ran through the room, The man with
the brilliant mind which developped all of the plans, the preparations, and the measures that
would prevent a certain Minnie from finding out of our meeting the one and only Remus
Moony Lupin!
Remus waved nervously, as people were cheering for him, and Lily sighed, thinking
about how silly this whole thing was.
And of course, the one with the idea, the man which started a revolution! He is tall,
smart, handsome, daring, enticing, hot, and ladies, has the biggest wand in school, Remus
sighed, Sirius Padfoot Black!
The crowd went bonkers when Sirius called out his own name, and everyone was
shouting Sirius! Sirius!. They were very popular, not only with the Gryffindors, but in the entire
school as a matter of fact. But Sirius was certainly the most admired one of the lot. He was

smart without studying, had an extremely attractive body, and was the funniest of them all. Plus,
everyone loves a rebel.
I shall be in my chambers, accompanied by my trusted men. In thirty minutes, we will
wait for you here, Gryffindor Common Room, and the partying shall begin!
As the Gryffindors were rushing to their dorm rooms, Lily grabbed Remus hand and
gave it a soft squeeze, Meet you in thirty minutes, kay?
He nodded and felt his fingers tingling. Remus joined his friends and got up to their
room. Sirius searched frantically for his ripped jeans and casual grey t-shirt, Come on, lads, we
need to go down and set everything up. Prongs, get the drinks out! Wormtail, go down there and
put everything we have on the end table. Moony, go to the kitchens and get thirty glasses,
Remus pulled some plastic cups from his trunk, Got it covered, Sirius. It wouldve been
suspicious to nick thirty glasses,
Sirius winked at Remus, I swear to Merlin, Moony, that brain of yours is really
something! Sirius threw his t-shirt on himself and pulled his jeans up quickly, running to the
door, Im going to set up the music, and move the armchairs. Hurry up, will you?
James snorted, Jesus, someones got quite the enthusiasm, he pulled his red jumper
over his shoulders, Im going downstairs. Come on, Peter,
Peter pulled his jeans up quickly, running towards James, Yes, James! he followed the
messy-haired boy eagerly, leaving Remus alone in their room. He was still looking for his jeans,
which were somehow misplaced. He finally found them under Sirius bed, who tried to borrow
them, but couldnt fit them. Figures, puffed Remus. He pulled his black jeans on and grabbed a
simple, long sleeved tee. He grabbed the remaining Butterbeer in their room and headed to the
Common Room.
The room was almost set up. Sirius, James and Peter had moved the couch so that they
would have room to dance. Sirius borrowed a casette player and turned on the music. The
seven bottles of firewhisky were sitting on the table, waiting to be consumed by eager, rebellious
teenagers. Remus put the rest of the Butterbeer on the table, and before he could even place it,
the room had started to fill up with people.
Oi, Remus, grab me a Firewhisky, an upperclassmen shouted at Remus, and he
rushed to prepare the drink. He poured himself some alcohol as well, and moved away from the
table to avoid being a bartender for the entire night. His friends were already doing shots,
getting lost in the night. Marlene was by Sirius side, drinking with him. Remus could tell she was
the kind of girl for Sirius; she had everything Sirius looked for in a girl : fun, brains, the ability to
make him laugh, and not to add the body.
Shots not your thing, Mr. Lupin? Lily joined his side swiftly, changed into her dark-wash
jeans and pink sweater, looking very Muggle-ish, Id fancy a Butterbeer, if you may,
He grabbed a beer from under the table, Miss Evans, for you, she opened her bottle
and smiled at him, Ill take this as my bribe for not ratting you out, she took a big sip out of the
beverage, Uck, this is not your typical Butterbeer, now is it?
Remus raised his shoulders, as he was starting to feel tipsy again, Peter stole his
parents batch. Its double distilated,
Lily smirked at Remus as she continued to drink her beer, Ive never got drunk. Really,
Remus looked at Lily confused, Who says youre getting drunk tonight?

She laughed and finished her beer surprisingly fast. She got up from the couch they had
been sitting on, grabbed Remus hand, and moved to the center of the room, taking him to
dance. A lively, rock tune played in the backround. The teenagers banged their head and moved
quickly. Lily was jumping around, and Remus held her hand while trying to remain vertical and
to support Lily as well, whose balance wasnt in top shape. She became absorbed in the music,
moving her arms freely around her body; Remus was entranced by her movements. He grabbed
a shot glass from the near-by table and drank it rapidly. The alcohol ran throughout his entire
body, entering each vein and artery and taking control over his brain.
She was already dizzy, moving her weight from one leg to another. When she felt as if
the room was spinning, she transfered all her weight onto Remus shoulders, grabbing him into
an embrace.
His face was burning and his hand were shaking. The closeness between the two was
increasing by the moment. She held her head on his shoulder and felt like home. He felt her
presence on his body and forgot about everything : about James, about being a werewolf, about
his life.
Oi, Moony old friend, having fun there, mate?
Sirius was on the couch with Marlene, snogging. Things were escalating quickly
between the two, but not fast enough to require a bedroom. Peter kept dancing with Sarah, who
seemed to ignore each and every one of his words.
The one who spoke was James. He was holding Kendra by the waist, dancing with her.
She was grinding on him, moving sensualy on the rythm. The two of them were extremely close
to Remus and Lily.
Can we switch parteners for a sec, Moony?
Before objecting, a very drunk James left Kendra twerking in thin air and grabbed Lily by
the wrist, pushing Remus away. Remus lost his balance and almost fell down; Kendra gave him
her hand and began dancing with him. This is so bloody awkward, thought Remus as Kendra
was glaring at James. Remus tried to stay within earshot of the two, wanting to hear what Lily
had to say, or if she needed any help.
I cant believe you, Evans. Drinking? James said as he twirled her around, the two of
them dancing awkwardly and having no stability whatsoever.
You should not judge a book by its cover, Prongs, Lily stuck her tongue out, What, you
came to annoy me even more?
James chuckled loudly, T-T-T-Tell me now, Evaaaans. Why were you Moonys date
tonight? Do you fancy him? You do, dont you? James entered a hysterical laughter, Evans
has a little crush-
Lily tried to escape James hold, fidgeting and fighting his hands, Bloody hell, he was
right! You are cross with him! Grow up, Potter! Grow the fuck up! It is not your business who I
like! And for the record, Remus is my friend. I trust him,
James smirked as she escaped him, Youll see, Evans. Moony is still a bloke. Hes only
hanging around to get you out of your knickers-
A loud slap made everyone stop partying. A proper 7th year girl turned the music down,
and the boys near the end table stopped pouring whisky down their throats. Remus turned
around to look at the pair.

James held his hand over his red face. Lily was holding her hand out, tears in her eyes.
She had struck him badly, annoyed and offended at the same time by her comments. He sat
there, staring at her, not saying a word. When tears finally ran down her cheeks, James parted
his lips, Lily.
She ran furiously across the room, opening the door and slamming it closed again.
Remus had heard the entire conversation. He walked calmly to James side and looked in his
guilty, deep brown eyes. As he was approaching his friend, James held his hand to touch
Remus, and murmured, Moony, I am so sorry, I didnt mean to-
James fell on the ground and expelled a deep grunt when he reached the floor. Remus
clenched his fist, grinding his teeth ferociously. He had punched James viciously. He was not
Remus anymore. He was brutal, relentless, detached. He was it, You fucking twat, Potter! You
drank your sorry arse away and you didnt even manage to control that fucking mouth for an
entire fucking evening! Look what you fucking did now!
Remus shouted his lungs out, as James got up quickly and tried to approach Remus,
Stay away from me, you abysmal berk! Your bloody jealousy has done it now, hasnt it? Youre
so obsessed with Lily its clouding your fucking judgement!
Sirius touched Remus shoulder, still holding Marlene, Mate, calm down-
Stay out of this, Sirius! Remus snapped and pushed Sirius away, I knew this entire
thing was a bad idea! Getting plastered on whisky, he looked at James with disgust, throwing a
cold blooded glare his way, and saying callously, She will never fall in love with you, you hear
me? Never!
He stormed out of the room, running to her side. He searched for her everywhere : the
empty classrooms, the Great Hall, even the Grounds. She was nowhere to be found. He even
tried looking in the Prefects bathroom, but it was completely empty.
He started calling her name out, but knew she would not respond. She was embarassed,
and Remus could understand her if she did not want to see him. He had brought her in this
difficult position after all.
He had reached the stairs of the Astronomy Tower when he saw a small green sparkle
on the ground. It was a tiny silver bracelet with an emerald in the center of the silver heart. It
was Lilys.
He was climbing the stairs when he heard sobs. Remus approached her with care, trying
not to disturb or startle her. It had completely dissapeared. It was replaced by kind, caring,
patient Remus.
She was on the ground, crying her heart out. Her eyes were red and her nose was
blotchy. Her sleeves were wet from all the tears and she was shriveling up. When he stood
close to her, she raised her eyes and saw him, Re-Remus, she let out.
Remus sat next to her, hugging her shoulders, Hey, you,
She sobbed, crying on his shoulder. She looked up and saw his kind eyes, comforting
her with his warmth, Im so sorry, so sorry you had to see that. I shouldntve, I thought I was
smarter alcohol, seriously, how trivial am I?
He chuckled, It was not your fault. James, he he shouldnt be drinking, hes definetly
not mature enough to handle alcohol-
Lily put her finger over his lips, Lets not talk about him now, ok?

Remus nodded and stopped talking. The two of them were staring at the starts,
entranced in the magical landscape. An incomplete, pale disk towered the sky, throwing light in
every direction. The light felt almost icy on Remus thin, milky skin, braided with scars. It was a
matter of seconds before Lily burst into tears once more.
Remus kept comforting her, each and every time. It was almost dawn, and Lily had not
stopped crying, Why did it hurt you so bad, Lily, its not like you dont know James-
It wasnt his fault, Remus, not entirely, she wipped her tears and looked at him, Ive
lost everyone, Remus, everyone. My sister hates me. My childhood friend has stopped talking to
me, keeps avoiding me, and he is involved in all kinds of unearthly doings. I have no left.
Except for you,
Remus looked into her eyes, swimming into the ocean of feelings she held, I wont
leave your side, Lily. Ill always be there for you,
Lily squeezed his hand, Thats why when he said those...those words, it felt as if I
was losing you. I feared he was right,
Remus shook his head nervously, thinking about James suggestions, He was drunk,
Lily! I would I would never do that to you, he tried to convince himself.
She placed her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, Promise me, Remus.
Promise well be there for each other,
Remus nodded, Mhm, he ran his fingers over her delicate hand, Always,

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