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The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand

La historia de Ferdinand.

By Munro Leaf

Illustrated by Robert Lawson

The Story of Ferdinand

Once upon a time in Spain

Haba una vez en Espaa

The Story of Ferdinand

There was a little bull and his name was Ferdinand

Un torito de nombre Ferdinand.

The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand

but not Ferdinand.

pero no Ferdinand.

All the other little bulls he lived with would run and jump
and butt their heads together,

Los dems novillos que vivan con l

corran, brincaban y se daban topetazos,

The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand

He liked to sit just quietly and smell the flowers.

He had a favorite spot out in the pasture under the cork

Le gustaba sentarse tranquilamente y oler

las flores.


Tena un lugar preferido en la pradera,

debajo de un alcornoque.

The Story of Ferdinand

It was his favorite tree and he would sit in its shade all
day and smell the flowers.

Era su rbol favorito y el torito se pasaba

el da a la sombra oliendo las flores.

The Story of Ferdinand

Sometimes his mother, who was a cow, would worry

about him. She was afraid he would be lonesome all by

The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand

A veces su madre, que era una vaca, se

preocupaba por l. Tema que Ferdinand
se sintiera solo.

Pero Ferdinand negaba con la cabeza y

responda: Prefiero quedarme aqu,
donde puedo sentarme tranquilamente y
oler las flores.

Why dont you run and play with the other bulls and
skip and butt Your head? she would say.
But Ferdinand would shake his head.
I like it better here where I can sit quietly and smell the

Por qu no corres y juegas a saltar y

darte topetazos con los otros toritos?, le

His mother saw that he was not lonesome, and because

she was an understanding mother, even though she was
a cow, she let him just sit there and be happy.

The Story of Ferdinand

Su madre se dio cuenta de que l no se

senta solo y, como era una madre
comprensiva, aunque era una vaca, dej
que se quedara all sentado y fuera feliz.

The Story of Ferdinand

As the years went by Ferdinand grew and grew until he

was very big and strong.

Con el paso de los aos, Ferdinand creci

y creci hasta convertirse en un toro
grande y fuerte.

The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand

All the other bulls who had grown up with him in the
same pasture would fight each other all day. They
would butt each other and stick each other with their
horns. What they wanted most of all was to be picked to
fight at the bull fights in Madrid.

Todos los dems toros que haban crecido

con l en la misma pradera se pasaban el
da peleando entre ellos. Se embestan
unos a otros y se daban cornadas. Lo que
ms deseaban era ser escogidos para
pelear en las corridas de toros de Madrid.

But not Ferdinand - he still liked to sit just quietly under

the cork tree and smell the flowers.

Pero Ferdinand no quera eso. Le segua

gustando sentarse tranquilamente bajo su
alcornoque y oler las flores.

The Story of Ferdinand

One day five men came in very funny hats to pick the
biggest, fastest, roughest bull to fight in the bull fights
in Madrid.

Un da llegaron cinco hombres con

sombreros muy graciosos para escoger al
toro ms grande, ms veloz y ms bravo
para las corridas de toros de Madrid.

The Story of Ferdinand

All the other bulls ran around snorting and butting,

leaping and jumping so the men would think that they
were very, very strong and fierce and pick them.

Los dems toros corrieron de aqu para

all bufando y embistiendo, saltando y
brincando, para que los hombres creyeran

The Story of Ferdinand

que eran muy fuertes y bravos y los


Ferdinand knew that they wouldnt pick him and he

didnt care.
So he went out to his favorite cork tree to sit down.

The Story of Ferdinand

Ferdinand saba que no lo iban a escoger

y en realidad no le importaba. As que fue
a sentarse bajo la sombra de su
alcornoque preferido.

The Story of Ferdinand

He didnt look where he was sitting and instead of

sitting on the nice cool grass in the shade he sat on a
bumble bee.

Pero no se fij y en vez de sentarse sobre

la agradable hierba fresca, se sent sobre
un abejorro.

The Story of Ferdinand

Well, if were a bumble bee and a bull sat on you what

would you do?
You would sting him. And that is just what this bee did to Ferdinand.

Qu haras t si fueras un abejorro y un

toro se sentara sobre ti?
Lo picaras, verdad? Pues eso fue
exactamente lo que este le hizo.

The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand

Wow! Did it hurt!

Ferdinand jumped up with a snort.
He ran around puffing and snorting, butting and pawing
the ground as if he were crazy.

!Caramba! !Qu dolor!

Ferdinand brinc y dio un bramido. Corri
en crculos resollando, resoplando,
embistiendo y pateando la tierra como si
estuviera loco.

The five men saw him and they all shouted with joy.
Here was the largest and fiercest bull of all.
Just the one for the bull fights in Madrid.

Los cinco hombres lo vieron y gritaron de

Ese era el toro ms grande y ms bravo
de todos.

The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand

Era el mejor para las corridas de Madrid.

So they took him away for the bull fight day in a cart

As que se lo llevaron en una carreta para

el da de la corrida.

What a day it was!

Flags were flying, bands were playing...

!Qu gran da!

The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand

Las banderas ondeaban, la msica


and all the lovely ladies had flowers in their hair.

todas las bellas seoritas llevaban flores

en el cabello.

They had a parade into the bull ring.

Todos entraron desfilando a la arena de la

plaza de toros.

The Story of Ferdinand

First came the Banderilleros with long sharp pins with

ribbons on them to stick in the bull and make him mad.

Primero salieron los banderilleros, con

unos palos puntiagudos adornados con
cintas para pinchar al toro y enfurecerlo.

The Story of Ferdinand

Next came the Picadores who rode skinny horses and

they had long spears to stick in the bull and make him

Despus salieron los picadores,

montados en caballos muy flacos,
llevando largas lanzas para picar al toro y
enfurecerlo an ms.

The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand

Llevaba una capa roja y una espada y era

el que tena que darle al toro la estocada

Then came the Matador, the proudest of all -he thought

he was very handsome, and bowed to the ladies.
He had a red cape and a sword and was supposed to
stick the bull last of all.

Luego sali el matador, el ms arrogante

de todos. Se crea muy apuesto y salud a
todas las seoritas.

Then came the bull, and you know who that was dont

Por ltimo, sali el toro. Y a que no

adivinis quin era?

The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand


They called him Ferdinand the Fierce and all the

Banderilleros were afraid of him and the Picadores were
afraid of him and the Matadors were scared stiff.

Ferdinand ran to middle of the ring and everyone

shouted and clapped because they thought he was
going to fight fiercely and butt and snort and stick his
horns around.

Lo anunciaron como Ferdinand el Bravo.y

todos los banderilleros y picadores
estaban asustados y el matador se qued
paralizado de miedo.

Ferdinand corri al centro de la plaza y

todos gritaron y aplaudieron porque
pensaban que iba a pelear ferozmente,
resoplar y embestir a todo el mundo.

The Story of Ferdinand

But not Ferdinand.

When he got to middle of the ring he saw flowers in all
the lovely ladies hair and he just sat down quietly and

Pero Ferdinand no lo hizo.

Cuando lleg al centro de la plaza y vio
las flores en el pelo de todas las preciosas
seoritas, lo nico que hizo fue sentarse y
olerlas tranquilamente.

The Story of Ferdinand

He wouldnt fight and be fierce no matter what they did.

He just sat and smelled. And the banderilleros were mad
and the Picadors were madder and the Matador was so
mad he cried because he couldnt show off his cape and

Por ms que lo provocaron, no quiso

embestir ni dar cornadas.
Se qued sentado oliendo las flores. Los
banderilleros estaban furiosos y los
picadores estaban an ms furiosos. El
matador estaba tan enfadado que se puso

The Story of Ferdinand

The Story of Ferdinand

a llorar porque no poda lucirse con su

capa y espada.

And for all I know he is sitting there still,

under his favorite cork tree,
smell the flowers just quietly.
He is very happy.

Y segn cuentan,
So they had to take Ferdinand home.

As que no les qued ms remedio que

llevar a Ferdinand de regreso a casa.

all est todava,

debajo de su alcornoque preferido,
oliendo las flores tranquilamente.
l es muy feliz.

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