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ENCH 429- Assignment # 3

Assignment due date: April 2, 2015

Late homework penalty is 25%/day. Show all your work to receive full
mark for each problem.
Name and Student ID:

Problem 1. (25 points) The relationship between the inlet and outlet
concentration of the desired component in a reactor can be described by
. Consider a series of those reactors.
Gp = 8s+1
(a) (5 points) Create a Simulink model for 6 such units in series. Supply a
step input of 2 units into the first reactor. Plot and show the concentration leaving the last reactor.
(b) (20 points) Use the Simulink model output from the last tank and find
a FOPDT model. Apply two (out of four presented in lecture) empirical
model identification methods, statistical methods ( system identificaiton
toolbox and lsqcurvefit matlab function) to find process gain, K, process time constant, , and process time delay, . Discuss the discrepancies
in process parameters (if any) obtained by different methods. Explain
the existence of the delay term in the overall transfer function considering
that the individual models for each reactor do not have any delay.

Problem 2. (20 points) Find the highest controller gain Kc in Example

11.4 of your textbook that is stable using Simulink (plus or minus 5% error
in the estimate of Kc is acceptable). But change the process time constant
to 10. Plot the effect of controller gain on the closed-loop. How does the
response change if you add delay of 3 units in the process transfer function.
Comment on the effect of process delay on the closed loop response.
Problem 3. (35 points) In the process below it is desired to control
the temperature of the fluid within the tank by manipulating the flow rate
FA . The temperature of stream B, TB is expected to fluctuate. TA and FB ,
and the liquid volume in the tank are assumed constant.
FA (s) + 2s+1
TB (s)
An energy balance on the tank gives: T (s) = 2s+1

Figure 1: System diagram

where FA is in L/min, T and TB are in Kelvin, and the time constant is
in minutes. The true tank temperature is not what is recorded by the sensor.
In fact, the measured temperature, Tm = 0.1T , where Tm is a signal value
in milliamps, mA. This measured signal is sent to the controller, T C. The
controller has to send a signal to the valve to open or close it. It does this
by sending a signal, in mA, to the valve. This signal travels at least 1000 m
across the plant network to reach the valve, which is why an electrical signal
is preferred. At the valve is an I/P transducer, which converts the signal to
a pressure, in psig. If the I/P transducer receives a 4mA signal, it creates
a 3 psig output. If it receives a 20 mA signal, it provides a 20 psig output.
This pressure counteracts a spring in the valve to open or close it. The 4mA
and 20mA are the lowest and highest signals possible, corresponding to the
valve being fully shut and open, respectively. All other valve positions are
linearly between these points. Finally, the pressure output causes the valve
to slowly open or close (i.e. it is not instantly opened or closed). When the
pressure is suddenly increased by 2mA, we notice that the response in the
flow rate, FA , is a first order output, with a final value of 1 L/min higher,
taking about 0.5 minutes to completely reach this increased flow.
(a) (15 points) Use the above information and draw a block diagram of all
the systems described here, clearly showing the manipulated variable,
disturbance, and show blocks for the temperature sensor, I/P transducer
and valve. Show all units on the lines connecting the blocks.
(b) (20 points) Create a Simulink model and demonstrate the performance
of P and PI controller to the unit step change in the setpoint and disturbance to the process. The controller parameters are your choice.

Problem 4. (10 points) The purpose of the homework in this class is

to reinforce concepts emphasized in class, tutorials and reading materials.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints, students often view homework as
busywork necessary to get a grade. Getting the answer becomes all important
rather than learning the concept. Therefore, the purpose of this problem
will be to write a sentence or two stating the purpose of each of the above
problems assigned, and what concept was being reinforced. In other words,
state what these homework problems added to your education.

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