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Affidavit of false arrest By ANTHONY BRUCE with no Order, warrant and


On August 14th, 2009 at around 10:24am four U.S. Marshals arrived at my parent’s home
showed, actually the states owns the house that is why we pay property TAX. So I’m just
stuck here until the case is over. They proceeded to arrest me and took me into custody.
There was no valid Warrant. The U.S. Marshals only had a piece of paper signed by the
Clerk of Court by the name of Michael Roemer and the U.S. Marshals claimed an alleged
Warrant was issued by a Judge named Richard Acara, but there was no such Warrant. So
it was a bogus Warrant.

I was taken into custody and I was sent immediately to the courthouse at 68 Court Street
Buffalo New York. I was held waiting to see magistrate Scott. I was finally taken in to
see magistrate Scott at 12:00pm in the afternoon.

I told him on the Record,

“I do not consent to be recognized by the name.”

And magistrate Scott proceeded to read the violation into the Record. I do have a copy of
that violation. The violation basically said that I was a commercial and financial threat to
the U.S. Attorney’s office and that I had allegedly violated conditions because I sent a
letter to the IRS.

At approximately 12:15pm in the afternoon, I talked out of a small van where they sent
me to Allegheny County Jail which is two and a half hours away from Buffalo close to
the Pennsylvania state border line. So it was a very long drive. I got there around
2:30pm in the afternoon. At which time I proceeded to call my mom and dad and my
sister Amanda and I told her that I would try and call back sometime in the evening any
time after 6:30pm on Friday night of August 14th, 2009. I had explained to Amanda that
they arrested me because I allegedly violated the conditions because I sent the letter to
the IRS, which they claimed was a violation of conditions even though I had permission
from the Clerk of Courts and a from the Clerk for Magistrate Schroeder, permission was
granted about a month prior.

I finally get to my cell at around 6:00pm in the evening and they placed me in “Lock-
Up”. From the day beginning with Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday I was
locked down twenty-three and a half hours per day.

On August 15th, 2009 they served us breakfast at 7:00am in the morning. After having an
awful, awful, awful sleep on a hard metal bed I had eggs, a piece of milk, a piece of apple
and that was it. I was able to read some literature they had outside of the gates and I went
back into the cell and then we had lunch at approximately 11:00am which was pasta,
bread and milk. And at the time I was in my cell where they fed me through a hole in the
cell door.

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At approximately 1:30pm in the afternoon Saturday I finally toke my first shower and I
borrowed a little Bible from a bookshelf that we were allowed to take back to the cell
after the shower, because I was in lock-down the whole time. Dinner was awful in fact it
was so awful I don’t remember what we had.

On August 16th, 2009 we had breakfast again at 7:00am and we had cereal and one egg.
At lunch time at around 11:30am we had a peanut-butte jelly sandwich and milk and I
took a shower at 2:00pm in the afternoon, because you are only allowed to take showers
after 10:30am and there is a list that you have to sign up for. I called my mom to let her
know I was ok. I talked with my mom for about 10 minutes and told her I was ok and
that I would try to call them tomorrow which would have been Monday. Mom said, “Ok,
try and hang in there” and told her, “I’m trying my best.” They would allow me one
phone call a day for 10 minutes. I proceeded to read the Bible which I had borrowed
yesterday, and I basically read the Psalms.

On August 17th, 2009 on Monday I was taken to court at around 7:15am in the morning.
I was taken in front of judge Schroeder at 10:30am and the hearing went from 10:30am to
11:20am. It was about a one-hour hearing. The hearing appeared to go very well. Judge
Schroeder said he needed more time to review things. I told him I had sent a letter to the
IRS and judge Schroeder said, “I understand you did call my Clerk’s office for
permission?” The hearing went very well and judge Schroeder said, “I want you to come
back on Thursday to talk about a Bail-Hearing.”

So after the hearing they took me back to Allegheny County and I got back around
2:30pm in the afternoon. So now I’m there Monday night.

On Tuesday August 18th, 2009 morning breakfast was apple juice, milk and grits. For
lunch, actually it wasn’t a bad lunch, I had a chicken sandwich with some kind of French-
fries they made there. For dinner at around 5:00pm we had cucumbers, beef and beans
and some kind of generic juice drink. And then later on that evening they finally
classified me and placed me into the general population that Tuesday night.

So finally after being locked-down in isolation from the general population from Friday
through Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday almost five days for twenty and a half
hours each day under lock-down and isolation. This was cruel and unusual punishment.

So at around 9:30pm Tuesday night they sent me into the general population in a little
Pod with no windows to gaze out of. I had my own cell and we locked-in every night
around 11:00pm at night.

August 19th, 2009 which was a Wednesday I got the usual dishes, breakfast in the
morning at 7:00am and then at 11:00am we had lunch and then dinner at 5:00pm, the
usual food. The food was fairly consistent.

They proceed with the court Bail-Hearing on Thursday August 20th, 2009 at 2:00pm and
that is when my Public Defender Brian Comerford from the Public Defender’s office in

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Buffalo came into the act. Brian went ahead and did the hearing. Basically the judge did
all the talking most of the time. Brian proceeded to tell the judge that I had permission
from Jean Marie McCarthy, the Clerk of July 24th, 2009, and she said she would send an
email to the judge to see if it was ok to mail this document to the IRS? On July 27th,
2009 I had spoken with secretary for judge Schroeder and she had said it was fine to go
ahead and mail the letter to the IRS. The judge was very upset at the Tony or Anthony
Bruce office for having proceeded to lock me up on such a ridiculous non violation. And
the judge even went so far as to allege that the U.S. Attorney’s actions were malicious
prosecution bordering on personal vendetta.

At the conclusion portion of the hearing the judge stated, “After Mr. Buczek’s statements
on Monday and from what I have heard today I am going to release Mr. Buczek back to
his original conditions.

The U.S. Marshals brought me some clothes, which consisted of a white pair of sneakers,
a pair of jeans and a white shirt. I called the family office and I had my Brother Caleb’s
girlfriend, Ashley, pick me up. When she arrived at the courthouse at 3:30pm in the
afternoon and the nightmare was over.

And that’s what happened to me in a land that is supposed to be for the free and a home
for the brave.
………… but the nightmare continues…….

It was brutal rough seven days. They have been trying to break me emotionally and
The address I was imprisoned at from August 14th, 2009 through August 21st, 2009 was
Allegheny County
4884 State Road 19
Belmont, New York Federal zone zip code 14813
Why this unlawful and coercive cruel and unusual punishment and mistreatment for
violations of conditions that prohibited me from contacting any government agencies
including the IRS? It all amounted to deprivation of my private rights to exhaust any of
my private administrative remedies. I don’t even know how I am still alive right now?
It’s been torture and a lot of stress. I’ve been under a tremendous amount of stress and
duress since this all happened to me.

What ever happened to the Fourth Amendment Rights that are supposed to be protected
by our public servants?

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no
Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation ,
and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to
be seized.”

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AFFIANT herein, me, on my own unlimited commercial liability, certify and verify that
the above affidavit is true, correct, and complete, not misleading, the truth, the whole
truth, and nothing but the truth, So Help Me God.

I am: me, authorized representative

county of Erie :
: ss.
state of New York :
On, January ____, 2010 before me, _____________________________, Notary Public,
personally appeared the authorized representative for SHANE CHRISTOPHER BUCZEK, who
proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence that he executed the same in his authorized
representative capacity, and that he affixed his signature thereby.

WITNESS my hand and official seal. ______________________________


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