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Conference Guide

Connected East Africa Summit 2015

Theme: Strength is in Our Networks

Table of Contents


Connected East Africa Summit 2015


Connected East Africa Summit 2015 Sub-themes


Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of ICT


Principal Secretary, Ministry of ICT

10. Board Chair, The ICT Authority

11. CEO, The ICT Authority
12. Meet The ICT Authority Directors
15. Microsoft Supporting Government and Business
18. Social Events at a Glance
20. Programme Details

40. ICT Innovation Awards

50. Konza ICT Innovation Awards 2015
52. Konza Innovation Awards - 2015 Panel of Judges
54. Government Speakers
65. Kenya ICT Caucus Members
68. Private Sector Panellists
88. Moderators
93. Connected East Africa Summit 2015 Organising Committee

Connected East Africa Summit Sponsors 2015



Title Sponsor

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Connected East Africa Summit 2015

Held for the last 7 years Connected East Africa Summit, which has grown from
Connected Government (2009) to later Connected Kenya, the event offers a
platform in which top ICT executives in the public and private sectors can network
and collaborate on the use of ICT as a catalyst to service delivery to citizens.
The Summit is the brainchild of the ICT Authority in consultation with ICT industry
players and key government decision makers. Its aim is to establish a platform for
collaboration, capacity building and knowledge sharing between government
and the ICT sector with a view of linking and hastening implementation of

development of the East African region.

Sponsors and Partners

Local and multinational organisations with an interest in the East Africa ICT sector
have co-sponsored the event. This year, the Summit has Microsoft Corporation
as the Title Sponsor. The Ministry of ICT, ICT Authority and Konza Technopolis
Development Authority are the public sector sponsors. Private sector sponsors
include Huawei, SEACOM, Dimension Data, Liquid Telecom, HP, IBM, MTN Business,

government IT projects to world-class standards.

Safaricom and Oracle.

The event was first held in Kenya in 2009 and has been expanded to East Africa


in 2015. For the first time, the Summit has participation from the five East African
States namely; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda as well as our
neighbour, South Sudan. This is a clear confirmation that the forum plays a role
not only to the Kenya ICT development agenda, but to the East African region
as a whole.

Connected East Africa Summit 2015 will include presentations on case studies and
panel discussions, at plenary and in break-out sessions, on pertinent matters that
affect ICT in East Africa and considerations in regional integration in ICT. As with
the previous years the programme will have Fireside Chats for delegates to share
opinions, insights and suggestions that contribute to economic development in

Connected East Africa Summit 2015: The strength is in our networks

an informal setting.

In this 7th edition, the Summit takes cognizant of the regions achievements

The early arrivals will enjoy a round of golf at the Golf Challenge to relax and

and appreciates the growing needs of an enlarged community. The regional

conference will address issues of building integrated ICT infrastructure and policies
in the region in order to increase investments in IT services and bring eventual
growth to the sector and economy in East Africa.
The specific objectives of the Connected East Africa Summit 2015 are:

network prior to the main event. The Summit will also feature the Vision 2030 ICT
Innovation Awards Ceremony that celebrates innovation in ICT seeking to build
Kenya as a vibrant middle income economy by the year 2030. Other highlights
of the event will include the Innovation Lounge showcasing Kenyas most exciting
tech start-ups and Exhibitions on products and services from our partners. The
event will end with the Gala Dinner sponsored by the Summits Title Sponsor,

To address gaps in ICT integration and shared infrastructure

among the East African Member states

Microsoft Corporation, to network and unwind after the three days of insightful

To speed-up harmonization of ICT regulation across the region

Delegate Profile

To build support on ongoing ICT integrated infrastructure

projects across the East African region.

The Connected East Africa Summit 2015 brings together government decision

To provide a platform for meaningful networking that will

result in fruitful relationships that contribute to the economic

corporate and non-profit sectors, academia and policy experts from the East


makers, ICT executives from public and private sector, ICT industry players from
African region.

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Connected East Africa Summit 2015 Sub-themes

The Connected East Africa Summit 2015 will address issues of building an integrated

to small organizations across the region, we are all taping into the same small

ICT infrastructure and policies to enable the flow of goods, services and content

pool of skilled individuals.

within the region securely. The building blocks of these discussions have been
identified as shared infrastructure, skills development, harnessing Innovation and
Information Security. The programme topics are thus designed to provide insights
into the regional integration through harmonisation of ICT in East Africa.
The sub themes are:

The ICT sector urgently needs a creative, collaborative, multi-tiered approach

to workforce development to ensure that public sector, entrepreneurs and
corporate organisations have access to talent and skill to enable them to become
established and grow. Delegates will hear case studies and deliberate on possible
approaches to ensure East Africa has a diverse and skilled ICT workforce.

Shared ICT Infrastructure

ICT and Service Delivery to the Citizen

ICT Innovation, Talent Pool and Workforce Development

ICTs have transformed public service delivery in East Africa. However, ICT

ICT and Service Delivery to the Citizen

infrastructure and applications alone do not improve public service. To have

ICT and Economic Growth

ICT Policy and framework
Sub-themes explained:

Shared ICT Infrastructure

Governments in East Africa are committed to improving regional connectivity
by promoting access and use of terrestrial cross border fibre optic networks and
developing and expanding the Northern Corridor. The ICT Ministerial Committee
will present a progress report on national backbone development and integration
and highlight achievements gained through the SMART Africa initiatives. The
track will also showcase and explore PPP strategies for closing infrastructure bottle
necks and introducing efficiency that can improve access to Internet and drive
down cost of data for the millions of citizens in East Africa.

ICT Innovation, Talent Pool and Workforce Development

Government agencies, multinational companies, SMEs and start-ups in East Africa

maximum impact, the role of ICT in improving service delivery must be considered
together with the role of administrative rules and procedures, regulatory barriers,
market integration and PPPs.
This track will reveal some of the success factors that have contributed to an
improved public service delivery in East Africa. Delegates will explore how ICTs
can ensure that citizens experience improved services on a national down to
county level

ICT and Economic Growth

Studies show that uptake of ICT contributes to GDP and economic growth
especially in developing countries. To ensure a vibrant ICT eco system that
promotes growth, East African countries must strengthen business conditions,
promote ease of doing business and increase investment in the sector.
The aim for the Connected East Africa Summit is to showcase best-practice and
explore new strategies that will ensure ICT investment enables growth for all East
African countries.

all need an enhanced ICT skill mix to ensure success and sustainability. From big

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Connected EA Summit 2015 Sub-Themes

ICT Policy and framework
ICT Ministers, private sector leaders and civil society advocates are seeking regulatory reform for the information and communications sector. Harmonized and progressive
legal and regulatory frameworks can contribute to reducing cost of doing business and improving access in East Africa.
The Summit will focus on the need for East African governments to promote integrated ICT infrastructure and seek critical infrastructure protection for the shared regional
Delegates will also hear about initiative like the One Network Area for East Africa and the role such frameworks can play in driving down cost and enhancing competitiveness
of the region.

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

We Expect Practical Solutions at the Summit

ver the last several years, the East African regions

The Regional Inter-Ministerial Committee has been working

integration achievements have been manifested by

on integration and harmonization of key infrastructure

the enlarged community with a population of more than

development projects and initiatives. These include the East

150 million and hence a large economic bloc. With these

Africa Broadband ICT Infrastructure Network (EAC-BIN), One

advancements, the ICT sector in the region must explore

Area Network and EAC Medicine Registration Harmornisation

how the region can leverage on ICT for full realization of

project. On policies, member states are working on EAC legal

the benefits of a larger economic bloc. To this end, the East

framework for Cyber laws and an ICT policy and harmonisation

African ICT Ministers who form the Regional Inter-Ministerial


Committee, have been working towards breaking away

from the silo-approach as we need to work together as
the member states in sharing infrastructure and developing
harmonized ICT policies and frameworks.
Kenya is fully commitment towards the integration, with the

Dr. Fred Matiangi, Cabinet

Secretary,Ministry of ICT

process being spearheaded by the President, H.E Uhuru

The idea of pooling together the regional efforts in ICT
is not only prudent but also practical in achieving the
development goals of the East African region. Integration
will provide affordable access to ICTs, especially broadband,
and seamless connectivity to the East African Community
member states with proactive collaboration at a regional
level. This will ensure that services are delivered faster,
businesses thrive and the living standards of our people are
uplifted and transformed throughout the region. For Kenya,
the integration and harmonisation process provides many
of the key strategies essential for achieving Kenyas national
development targets in the years ahead, towards achieving
Kenyas blueprint vision to build a vibrant middle income
economy by the year 2030.

Though we have began the journey, we still have a long

way to go. Apart from working together as the East African
governments, due to our central role in advancing and
improving ICT usage, we recognize that we cannot do much
without other stakeholders in ICT.

Consequently, we are

actively working to create winning PPPs at a regional level

to ensure the realisation of sustainable economic growth for
the region.
This is why the theme for the premier Connected East Africa
Summit, The Strength is in our networks, is very apt and
welcome. It offers a platform in which top ICT executives
from government, academia and private sector from the
5 member states can share and exchange ideas on how
to use ICT as a catalyst to service delivery to citizens in the
region. We expect that from the case studies, experiences
and discussions that show the power of networking across the
region in both the public and the private sectors, the case for
integration for the development of our East African people
will be made. From the proceedings we expect to leave
with practical solutions to hasten the ICT integration and
shared infrastructure among the East African Member states.
I welcome you to the conference.

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We Are Ready to Work with Regional Partners

The Government is firmly on track towards achieving and

The government has also been keen to support Kenyan

ensuring the high quality of life for allcitizens of Kenya

businesses to expand and grow. For example 33 Kenyan IT &

by working on a range of projects to ensure that ICT

ITEs companies are benefiting from a 3-year funding project

development is achieved.

extended by the Government of Netherlands aimed at

The Ministry has been instrumental in creation and design

of a series of programmes and projects that will ensure

As the national government, we are also working with county

that the Kenyan ICT sector is business-ready for the nations

governments to ensure that they become techno savvy and

economic development.

improve on their service delivery.

A number of projects have been specifically developed

All these programmes and initiatives are driven in accordance

through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as we recognize

with the Kenya ICT Master Plan which was unveiled during

the essential nature of working with our partners in the

last years Summit. This demonstrates the significance of the

private sector and academia. One of the main focus areas

deliberations had at this conference.

in PPPs has been on skills development in order to bridge the

Joseph Tiampati, Principal

Secretary, Ministry of ICT

enhancing their export competitiveness.

gap between the needs of the industry and the available

talent in the market. Among the most recent programmes
include the Presidential Digital Talent Programme (PDTP)
that was started last year to provide a training ground to
fresh university graduates in readying them to be the industry

As we come together as the region for an East African ICT

event, we expect to have more traction as countries on how
to work with regional partners to guide our initiatives going
I look forward to deliberating with you.

leaders and experts in the future. This PPP comprises of local

companies, multinational and public sector players.

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Regional Approach will Aide in Our Mandate

As the Board of the ICT Authority, we have been consistently

Local businesses will also benefit through initiatives such as

working with the Ministry of Information, Communications and

Enterprise Kenya, an initiative to catalyse innovations and

Technology to ensure that we develop Kenya as a globally

provide entrepreneurs with needed support in their innovation

competitive and prosperous nation through ICT. Crucial to this


has been the conclusion of setting up the Authority structures

Kenya IT, Build Kenya IT, To Build Kenya in order to catapult

and processes, following the consolidation of the Kenya ICT

Kenyan business to the global arena. There have also been

Board, Directorate of E-Government and the Government

efforts made towards service delivery, with more government

Information and Technology Services.

services being digitized for ease of delivery.

With this done, the Authority is completely focused on making

We believe we can do much better through a regional

certain that Kenyas vision of a knowledge-based economy is

approach to achieving our mandate.

Enterprise Kenya will drive the agenda of Buy

realized. Subsequently, there have been design and creation

of programmes essential to ICT innovation, adoption and
adaptation, which are crucial for economic growth.

Hon Edwin Yinda, Chair,

ICT Authority

Some of the areas that we have significantly worked on

are in upgrading ICT capacity through a series of PPP skill
development projects with such companies as Huawei

Accordingly, we are committed to cultivate and build strong

links with governments, private sector and academia across
the region. We see Connected East Africa Summit as pertinent
in helping us to achieve these goals.

Technologies Seeds for the Future an engineering students

We welcome you to Kenya and look forward to fruitful

internship programme; and Intels She Will Connect project

deliberations and collaborations.

targeted at girls to embrace technology studies and careers.


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

A Smart Africa Calls for Collaboration

During last years Summit, two significant actions took place.

of the Kenya National ICT Masterplan. Through a regional

Firstly, Connected Kenya was requested to spearhead the

approach to sharing and exchanging information, and ICT

hosting of the inaugural East Africa ICT conference which

investment and adoption; the gains of the Plan are expected

has culminated in the premier Connected East Africa Summit

to grow exponentially. Regional integration addresses such

this year.

This seeks to begin the discussion on how the

areas of interest as strengthening opportunities for innovation,

integrated region can fully realize the benefits of ICT. This is

economies of scale and shared infrastructure in order to deal

aimed at ensuring the citizens of the region benefit through

with challenge areas such as information security and talent

ICT integration and harmonization of ICT regulation in the

development. In addition, the implementation of the activities

member states.

spelled out in the Plan is tracked and streamlined based on a

Secondly, the National ICT Master Plan 2017 was unveiled.

Victor Kyalo, CEO, ICT


series of deliberations which climax at this conference.

The Plan enhances the smart Africa agenda by helping to

For all the member states, a gathering of top ICT executives

develop a dynamic and robust ICT sector that will enhance

from government, academia and private sector from across

socio economic growth for the Kenyan people by driving

the region is an opportunity to harness collaboration for socio

ICT adoption and usage. It seeks to create an enabling

economic development. The ICT Authority is delighted to be

environment, provide e-government services that are simple

a partner in this great event.

to use and convenient for Kenyans.


The process of ICT integration and shared infrastructure among

the member states speaks directly to the goals and outcomes

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


My Take: ICT Authority Directors on the East Africa ICT Integration

One of the pillars of the Kenya ICT Masterplan is developing ICT businesses. Additionally, a keymandate at the ICT Authority is to
promote ICT Innovation and enterprise. Both of these are momentously influenced by the East Africa ICT integration. As member
states and the peers of the Authority come together to collaborate and operate as one, the profile of the region is enhanced as a
compelling opportunity for investors in ICT, regionally and in the international arena. Such investments are crucial if the region is to
go further in the development, growth and adoption of ICT.
Regional integration provides an opportunity to utilise the much larger talent pool available in the region in areas that Kenya may
have skill inadequacies. In addition, with the expanded access, innovators will have a larger market to tap into for jobs and wealth.
In the same line, there will be chances to access business capital from a broader range of venture capitalists and other funding
organisations. This will be designed through various avenues including engineering bilateral agreements with development partners
that are beneficial to the regions growth in ICT, through our collective economic diplomacy that gives us more clout and bargaining

Eunice Kariuki-Director
Partnerships, Innovation
and Capacity

Most importantly, the integration will provide a wider space for the talented pool of Kenyan ICT innovations and enterprises to
engage in provision of important services and solutions to the East African people. This, the Kenyan innovators can do in conjunction
with innovators from the other member countries through co-innovation and shared intellectual property rights in order to promote
access and adoption of designed ICT solutions to the grassroots. With this, we will have a crop of regional ICT innovators who are
tirelessly and creatively working to transform the much bigger East African community. In this way, Kenya and its neighbours will be
well on the way to realising the Silicon Savannah opportunity of being the home of innovations for solving Africas problems and later,
global problems.

Through the regional ICT integration, the Department of Programmes and Standards perceives an opportunity to have aligned
standards in all the member states that will make the implementation of essential ICT projects that are necessary to the people, easier
in the region. For example, this will mean that solutions designed in Kenya will have to meet a certain level of criterion accepted
regionally, that will then allow the solution to be implemented in any and all of the member states.
Already ICT regulators across the region are working together to develop favourable regulatory guidelines for the region that disregard
borders in order to expand the market and its accessibility.

Kipronoh Ronoh Paul Director Programmes

and Standards at the
ICT Authority

The incorporation of a shared vision in standardizing the programme guidelines in all the countries will ensure that the people of East
Africa enjoy the infinite benefits from the expanded market, talent pool and investment opportunities.
As the implementing agency for the Government of Kenyas ICT functions, the Authority is committed to make the integration
process effective and valuable to the people of Kenya and all our neighbours.


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Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


My Take: ICT Authority Directors on the East Africa ICT Integration

Shared Services oversees the provision of the integrated infrastructure backbone required to enable cost effective delivery of ICT
products and services to Kenyans, businesses and other stakeholders.
This is in line with the ICT Masterplan foundation on integrated ICT infrastructure and the ICT Authority strategic objective to facilitate
efficient and effective delivery of government service.
The immediate gain in regional integration in ICT is the value to be derived from shared infrastructure. The realisation of improved
connectivity by promoting access and use of terrestrial cross border fibre optic networks and developing and expanding the Northern
Corridor will be a vital gain for Kenya and the rest of the region. The regions people will immediately recognise this value through
more accessibility of the market, products and services, and investments available in East Africa.
Ultimately, the governments of the East African states desire to be sure that there is reliable, affordable and secure connectivity for

Robert Mugo, Director,

Shared Services

information access to all the citizenry. This will be made by the increase in coverage of broadband services in each nation, and
accordingly, in the whole region. Working together as a region ensures that Kenya and its neighbours will succeed in efficiency
that can improve access to Internet and drive down cost of data for the millions of citizens in East Africa. This not only opens the
opportunity for enterprise but also promotes Kenya and the region as a knowledge society.

Regional integration is a welcome development as we continue to design and implement important programmes in support of an
effective service structure for ICT.
A core function of the ICT Authority is to set and enforce ICT standards and guidelines for the human resource, infrastructure, processes
and system and technology for the public office and public service. Regional integration brings to the fore the idea of peer learning
in this area, in order to gain knowledge from our neighbours on frameworks that have not worked. We see the regional ICT integration
as an opportunity to benchmark across the region and leverage on what has succeeded in other countries for the success of the
organisational systems in the ICT sector.
Indeed, setting up and executing models on such important support services as Finance; Human Resources and Procurement requires
tried and tested models and peer review mechanisms wherever possible. As the ICT Authority, we feel that there will be much to
learn and share with our peers in the other member states in building strong and sustainable government enterprise architecture in

Felix Ongaga, Director,

Corporate Services


ICT and other ICT standards for infrastructure services, systems and human capacity.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Microsoft Supporting Government and Business

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq MSFT) is the

Throughout the years, Microsoft has introduced

worldwide leader in software, services, devices and

several ICT solutions and projects in over 14

solutions that help people and businesses realize

countries aimed at developing the ICT sector as

their full potential.

well as creating employment platforms for millions

We are the productivity and Platform Company for

the mobile-first and cloud-first world. We will reinvent
productivity to empower every person and every
organization on the planet to do more and achieve

for the last 20 years. Microsoft East Africa was

established in 1992 and later extended its operations
to the southern African region (with the exception of
South Africa). With its head office located in Nairobi,
Kenya, Microsoft East and Southern Africa is currently
one of the fastest- growing Microsoft sales locations
in the world with a footprint in over 12 countries.

Microsoft Corporation in Kenya.

include, Office 365, Cloud offerings, Microsoft Azure,

Windows 8 OS, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
and Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
solutions for businesses and organizations among

Microsoft Corporation has been working in Africa

Kunle Awosika, Country Manager,

of people in the continent. Some of these solutions

The company boasts a vast network of more than

60 certified business partners in the region who assist
with development, delivery and support of locallyrelevant technology solutions for governments,
corporate companies and educational institutions.
We are proud of the fact that through our
partners, and Microsofts efforts in Africa, we
focus on investments to increase skills and create

The business has grown tremendously in these

opportunities, partner with local businesses to

markets and in February 2013, Microsoft streamlined

increase trade and grow software economies, and


work with governments to develop ICT infrastructure







(Managed by Kunle Awosika) and Angola (covering

Mozambique as well Managed by Csar Pinheiro)
becoming independent units and Rest of East and
Southern Africa (Managed by Eric Odipo) covering
Botswana, Ethiopia, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania,
Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe as another unit.
The three units - Kenya, Angola, and Rest of East and

through affordability and access.

In February 2013, Microsoft unveiled the 4Afrika
Initiative, a multi-year investment, the Corporation
has launched on the continent to demonstrate its
commitment to Africa in celebration of the 20 years
of doing business here.

Southern Africa help Microsoft optimize resources

The initiative is about enabling a self-sustaining,

across the region and strengthen its business.

powerful, knowledge-based economy for Africa

and is designed to help Microsoft create and nurture

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Microsoft Supporting Government and Business

the ecosystem that will grow small and medium businesses and help developers
succeed by improving both their access to global markets and their competitive

TRA charged Microsoft partner, Techno Brain, with developing an integrated

module on the new Motor Vehicle Registration System that would allow customers

Microsoft is also keen on improving the lives of many young people who have been

to make online payments at any time. However, the system needed to be built using

using its platform to develop their skills in ICT and earn a living from solutions through

Microsoft technologies because existing back office systems had been developed

YouthSpark. Microsoft YouthSpark is a companywide initiative designed to create

on a Microsoft stack and as a result integration would be straightforward. The

opportunities for hundreds of millions of youth around the world.

Microsoft interface was also well known and widely used, which TRA estimated,

Through partnerships with governments, nonprofits and businesses, Microsoft aim to

empower youth to imagine and realize their full potential by connecting them with
greater education, employment, and entrepreneurship opportunities. We want to
empower youth to change their world.
Millions of people stand to benefit from the partnerships Microsoft makes in the
region a number that is growing daily with each new partnership it enters into.
Government Tax Authority Automates Vehicle Tax Revenue Collection With 24x7
Case: Tanzania Revenue Authority Business Needs
The Tanzania Revenue Authority collects taxes on behalf of the government. Its
remit is wide ranging and it collects revenues across many areas of economic and
public life within Tanzania. One such area is motor vehicle registration taxes. The
organization wanted to improve how it collected taxes in this area by introducing a
system that would allow tax payers to make their payments directly online.
Its existing system was partially online and automated at the back office. However,
there were elements of the service, mainly front office functions that relied on
manual processing of payments. This sometimes led to mistakes such as some
customers being overcharged. It was also difficult for some customers to make
payments because the motor vehicle registration tax office had limited opening
times. In turn, this led to a fall in revenues and customers being faced with penalties
for missed payment deadlines.



would spur adoption of the service. Techno Brain along with its technology partner
Integra Microsystems developed and implemented a new platform using Microsoft
Visual Studio and Microsoft SQL Server. The platform was called the Central Motor
Vehicle Registration System (CMVRS) and provided:

Seamless integration with other TRA back-office systems

Mobile payment option via web services that integrate with
mobile provider platforms
Integration with TRAs existing online payment gateway
Ability to access system by managers to generate reports and
gain insight into revenue generation

Easy for customers to pay from their mobile phone or via agents
obviating the need to visit banks for payment
System runs 24/7 so taxpayers can make payments within
stipulated deadlines reducing the need to pay penalties for
missed payment deadlines
Integration with other back office systems makes for accurate
and insightful reporting to TRA managers
Middlemen eliminated as customers can now check from their
mobile handsets if payment is made and whether they have a
valid license

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Proper calculation of fees as all payments are calculated by the

system, compared to earlier process where some outstanding
balances/assessments were done manually

critical rail assets by using data from thousands of devices and sensors. The system

Increased revenue collection for motor vehicle fees with up to 50

new users using the system each day

Systems Services. That means faster maintenance, better service and lower

Increased transparency due to reduction in unnecessary

interaction between taxpayers and revenue authority
Microsoft Helping Cities Innovate Through Collaboration and Cloud Technology

By Joe Macri, Vice President, EMEA Public Sector

No two cities are alike. Though they might share the same geography or even the
same population numbers, cities will always be uniquely different from one another.
Yet the governments who govern these cities all share a common underlying

streamlines manual monitoring processes, securing and integrating disconnected

systems, and spotting equipment issues in real-time using Microsoft Azure Intelligent
costs across the system enhancing the experience of everyone using Londons
Underground services.
In the United Arab Emirates, Microsoft is working with various government
organizations to deliver cloud solutions that enable these entities to deliver
enhanced citizen-centric services. For example, we developed DubaiNext, an
application developed that puts people first, harnessing their ideas, energy, and
expertise to create a more sustainable place to live, with access to citizen-centric
services, public safety, high-quality healthcare and education. The application is
an illustration of how government leaders can leverage cloud-based information
solutions to connect with citizens and offer services in real-time to report incidents
and accidents, provide live traffic and emergency notifications to the public as well

concern: accelerating innovation to deliver better services to citizens and residents.

as general emergency information. DubaiNext also consists of a Citizen Sentiment

At Microsoft, we believe the cloud is an enabler of innovation in cities and in

sentiment and citizen happiness.

governments. For example, mobility is a fast-growing trend in government today,

and mobility solutions are usually made possible because of cloud technologies.
The same can be said for social media, big data analytics, or self-service business
intelligence. These trends are often viewed as doing the most to accelerate
government innovation, and this innovation can best be realized when governments
embrace cloud technologies as part of their infrastructure. Microsoft is committed
to delivering a cloud technology platform designed with productivity in mind,

Index which provides government officials with an opportunity to measure general

Another example is related to mGov, a Dubai government initiative to provide all

government services to the public on mobile devices and phones. Microsoft has
partnered with Dubai Smart Government to launch applications such as mPay,
which makes it possible for the public to conveniently make online inquiries and
payments for government bills and services such as DEWA bills, RTA Salik and Nol
card, Dubai Police fines, Etisalat bills and other payments through their mobile

providing powerful tools that help governments innovate and achieve more.


At a time when governments around the world are looking at ways to use cloud

Microsoft engages with cities around the world through Microsoft CityNextan

technology to better connect with their citizens, offer services that are more
accessible, and improve a citys sustainability, Microsoft is collaborating with
governments to support these efforts and contribute to building smart, sustainable

initiative to empower more sustainable, prosperous, and economically competitive

citieswith a simplified approach that puts people first. For more information,
please visit

cities through our Microsoft CityNext initiatives. For example, Microsoft along with
our partners, worked to modernize the systems that monitor London Undergrounds
Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Social Events at a Glance

Monday 30th March 2015

Golf Challenge, Communications Authority of Kenya, Golf Course
Women Networking and Award Ceremony, Oracle Kenya, Jumuika
Building ICT Capacity in the County, Ministry of ICT, Jumuika
Cocktail, ICT Authority, Bustani Pool
Dinner, ICT Authority, Bustani
Fireside Chat, Microsoft (Invite Only)



............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Social Events at a Glance

Tuesday, 31st March 2015
Lunch, HP, Diani Restaurant
Donate a book activity, Kwale High School (selected participants)
Cocktails: SEACOM, Peponi Lounge
Liquid Telecom, Bahari Terrace
Dinner, Ukunda Terrace
Fireside Chat: IBM


Wednesday, 1st April

Lunch, Huawei Technologies, Baobab Pool
Gala Dinner, Microsoft, At the beach

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Programme Details
Official Opening and Welcome

8am - 8:15am
Tue 31st March 2015

Victor Kyalo, CEO, ICT Authority

Enabling SMEs in East Africa

8:30am - 8:45am
Tue 31st March 2015

Kunle Awosika, Country Manager, Microsoft Corporation Kenya


Welcome Address

9am - 9:15am
Tue 31st March 2015

Hon Edwin Ochineng Yinda, Chairman, Board of the ICT Authority

Welcome Keynote

9:30am - 9:45am
Tue 31st March 2015

Dr Fred Okengo Matiangi, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of ICT


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Programme Details
ICT as an Enabler for Public Service Delivery
10:30am - 11:30am
Tue 31st March 2015

- Cabinet Secretaries from Kenya

Format: Panel
Moderator: Louis Wajeiya, Intellisoftplus

he government of Kenya has been undertaking various initiatives towards an effective and efficient public service delivery. For example, attempts have been
made to create an enabling environment for e-Government service delivery that includes improving ICT infrastructure across the country, institutionalizing legal and

regulatory Acts and policies, and automation of some services.

The panel will explore how this improved ICT infrastructure can support service delivery across government.


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Programme Details
East Africa ICT Ministers Panel

- Hon. Dr. Fred Matiangi, Cabinet Seretary Ministry of ICT Kenya

11:30am - 12:30pm
Tue 31st March 2015

- Hon. Jean Philbert Nsengimana, Minister, Youth and ICT, Rwanda

- Hon. Eng. John Nasasira, Minister for ICT, Uganda
- Hon. Prof Makame Mbarawa, Minister - Communication, Science & Technology,
- Hon. Rebecca Joshua Okwaci, Minister, Telecommunications & Postal Services,
South Sudan


Format: Panel
Moderator: Victor Kyalo,CEO, ICT Authority

t Connected Kenya Summit 2014, the Regional Inter-Ministerial Committee formed during the Transform Africa Forum held in Kigali, Rwanda in 2013 looked into
breaking regional barriers in harmonisation of ICT across the East African countries. Among the considerations of the committee were the key components in

integrating ICT infrastructure; harmonisation of policy frameworks; assimilation of ICT roadmaps particularly with respect to aligning ICT interventions; and capacity and
innovation across the region.
This committee will report its progress at the Summit and demonstrate the interventions, thus far, in building an integrated ICT infrastructure and policies in the region.The
bloc has embarked on a number of collaborative projects including the East Africa Broadband ICT Infrastructure Network (EAC-BIN), One Area Network and the EAC
Medicine Registration Harmonisation project.

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Programme Details
Talent Pool and Workforce Development
2pm - 3:30pm
Tue 31st March 2015

- Majumdar Abhijit, NASSCOM

- Ivan Lumala, Microsoft
- Duncan Oduor, MobiKash
- Mabel Imbuga, JKUAT
- Alice Atieno Otwala, Public Service Commission
- Didier Nkurikiyimfura, Ministry of Youth and ICT, Rwanda


Format: Breakout Session at Dr Meister Hall

Moderator: Vincent Njoroge, Element Blue
Case Study: Developing ICT candidates with the right skill. Whose burden is it?

he growth in maturity and sophistication in the size and number of the ICT set ups in both local and international organizations has necessitated the development of
ICT professional and skill levels in the last several decades.

As the ICT sector in the East Africa region continues its exponential growth, there is need to have greater and closer collaboration between education institutions,
businesses and government to determine the exact mix of skills needed in the market.
The session will focus on the case study on Employability Skills Development, a unique program from Zensar supported by NASSCOM Foundation and National Skill
Development Corporation (India)
To meet the rising talent deficit of the Indian IT industry as a whole and improve employability of fresh graduates, Zensar Technologies in 2014 launched the Employability
Skills Development (ESD) program. The case study presentation will highlight learnings and challenges faced in the program and how it can solve the perineal problem
of finding and retaining ICT candidates with right skills through an industry academia partnership.


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Programme Details
Information Security

2pm - 3:30pm
Tue 31st March 2015

- Muniu Thoithi, PwC

- Evans Kahuthu, ICT Authority
- Sergio Sicbaldi, Microsoft
- James Gicheru, Dimension Data
- Major Deng Kuol Deng, Directorate of Nationality, Passports & Immigration, South Sudan
- Robert Wakaba, I&M Bank
- Irene Njoroge, Africahackon


Format: Breakout Session at Jumuika

Moderator: Andrew Alston, Liquid Telecom
Case Study: Economic crime: a threat to business processes

nformation security is an evolving threat with nation states and corporates as criminal organizations and hackers from all over the world seek to exploit any ICT
vulnerabilities in the world wide web.

The session will open with a report from PwC which highlights findings from the Global State of Information Security Survey, showing that the number of information security
incidents continues to mount resulting in financial losses. The study notes the need for organisations to have updated critical information security processes, technologies,
and employee training needs.
Panellist will share experiences and insight on how security can be enhance in the region.

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Programme Details
Data and County Development
4pm - 5:30pm
Tue 31st March 2015

- Joseph Kuria, Commission on Revenue Allocation

- Kerushan Govender, Microsoft
- Cory Wiegert, IBM
- Gladys Marima, Kajiado County
- Jane Mugo, Civil Registry, Ministry of Immigration
- Al Kags, Open Institute


Format: Breakout Session at Dr Meister Hall

Moderator: Declan Ottaro, Ushahidi
Case Study: Local Government Planning and the Role of Data

s governments automate more of their process and services they are able to collect valuable and informative data that can contribute to national planning and
civic engagement. In this highly digitized world, generation of information from formal and social platforms is an everyday occurrence. Governments at all levels

with the use of proper search and analytics tools can use this information in planning so as to improve service delivery to the citizenry. This ensures that programmes are
planned with the citizen in mind and the public feels incorporated in governments decisions and initiatives. At all levels government should drive development and
consumption of data analytics.
Delegates will learn from the case study by the Commission on Revenue Authority (CRA) of Kenya demonstrating the ways in which to deal with disconnect between IT
platforms collecting public data and the actual use of the information at the grassroots level.
This session will look at how government at the grassroots can improve its data collection, analysis, storage in order to have programme designs that are well informed by
the public. It will also examine the infrastructure needed in data storage and management so that the data is also accessible to other stakeholders.


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North America

Building the
African Internet








Asia Pacific


Byron Clatterbuck,



Eight years ago a group of private investors established SEACOM

with a clear purpose and vision: they wanted to make connectivity
to the global Internet more accessible to people throughout Africa.
When they launched the SEACOM undersea cable in 2009, its
impact on data communications across eastern and southern
Africa was immediate.
Overnight African network operators and service providers had
access to plentiful and affordable international bandwidth for the first
time. This in turn helped to set off a telecoms revolution across the
continent. Since SEACOM went live in 2009, wholesale international
bandwidth prices have tumbled from $3,000 per Mbps to less that $100
per Mbps per month. At the same time, there has been a huge increase
in availability of broadband-enabled services for end-users in a region
where Internet access for an ordinary private citizen was prohibitively
expensive just a few years ago.
Since SEACOM went live, we have seen dramatic growth in demand
for international capacity, and volumes have accelerated over the
past three years as operators roll out a range of compelling and
affordable data services. Furthermore, the arrival of SEACOM and other
international cables has also spurred investment in other components
of the telecom infrastructure, including the last mile, metro and

national terrestrial fibre networks. All of this new infrastructure

investment is also helping to improve the end-user Internet experience
which in turn has larger positive economic benefits. says Byron
Clatterbuck, Chief Executive Officer at SEACOM.



Transmission and IP










SEACOM is rapidly evolving from a subsea cable operator into Africas

foremost data network service provider offering a range of private data
and IP solutions to its service provider and operator customers.
More recently, SEACOM has made a number of key investments in
expanding and enhancing its infrastructure with the goal of building
a faster and more reliable Internet service experience for African
communication users.
SEACOM made substantial investments in west coast capacity on the
WACS cable, built diverse terrestrial transmission links across South
Africa to connect east and west coast routes to launch its African Ring
solution, and invested in a meshed IP-service platform with the goal
of becoming a truly pan-African data network service provider.
SEACOM launched services in Kampala, Uganda enabling the Ugandan
telecoms industry access to SEACOMs international data transmission
links and a growing IP network that provides global connectivity to
North American, European, Asian and African content.

The map is illustrative only and is subject to change.

SEACOM have completed the upgrade of its global IP & MPLS network
to the worlds most technologically advanced platform using Juniper
and Cisco technology. The network equipment upgrade is all part
of SEACOMs continuing commitment to provide its customers with
the latest services and capabilities as part of a resilient, high quality
network platform. Coupled with investments in diverse backbone
network elements, this enables SEACOMs customers to offer faster
and more reliable Internet services to African and global businesses
and consumers.
SEACOM will continue to take advantage of the trends reshaping
the telecom landscape and apply these to Africa, says Clatterbuck.
From SEACOMs perspective, the future will be more about building
a continent-wide data ecosystem than focusing on international

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Programme Details
How we made IT in East Africa
4pm - 5:30pm
Tue 31st March 2015

- Anne Makhulo, Dalberg

- Hendrina Doroba, FAWE
- Rebecca Kariuki, Laikipia Pasha Centre, Nanyuki
- Hon. Rebecca Joshua Okwaci, South Sudan
- Esther Muchiri, eMentoring Africa


Format: Breakout Session at Jumuika

Moderator: Angela Nganga, Microsoft
Case Study: Women and the Web

lthough women have been under represented in the information technology sector, globally and in the region, the trend is changing with women slowly climbing
the tech ladder. The combination of increased reliance on technology in every industry and increased need for IT skill and development has challengedand began

to reverse this trend.

This session will seek to celebrate women technology executives for their accomplishments as leaders in business, visionaries of technology and women who make a
difference in their communities. These women inspire other talented women to consider a future in technology by providing the network and experience of successful
women from the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds. The Summit also provides a platform for women in technology to meet and create powerful strategic alliances
and programs to provide connections, resources and opportunities.
The session case study will be taken from a report on Women and the Web, commission by Intel that explored the Internet gender gap in middle and low income


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Programme Details
Breakthrough in Service Delivery in East Africa
8:00am - 9:30am
Wed 1st April 2015

- Ministries and government agencies in East Africa share their
success stories and challenges
Moderator: Louis Otieno, Microsoft


Africa Open 4 Business

9:30am - 10am
Wed 1st April 2015

- Amr Kamel, Enterprise and Partner Group Director, Microsoft in
Sub-Sharan Africa & the Indian Ocean Islands Subsidiary


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Programme Details
Konza ICT Innovation Awards
10:30am - 11:15am
Wed 1st April 2015

Award Address
Eng. John Tanui, CEO, Konza Technopolis Development Authority
MC: Stacey Nzalambi, Miss Tourism, Kwale County


Format: Award Ceremony at Dr Meister Hall

onnected East Africa ICT Innovation Awards recognise and celebrate innovations in ICT seeking to build the region as a vibrant middle income economy. This
year, the awards are sponsored by KonzaTechnopolis Development Authority (KOTDA), a Kenya Vision 2030 flagship project to build a technology city and a major

economic driver for the nation.


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Programme Details
Presidential Digital Talent Programme/Enterprise Kenya/ICT Caucus
11:15am - 12Noon
Wed 1st April 2015

- Fiona Asonga, Kenya ICT Caucus

- Michael Macharia, Enterprise Kenya
- Muchemi Wambugu, PwC, Presidential Digital Talent Programme


Format: Presentation
Moderator: Prof. Timothy Waema, Chair, Kenya ICT Caucus

he Presidential Digital Talent Programme (PDTP) was initiated in 2014 by the Ministry of ICT and is being implemented by ICT Authority through a private and public
partnership arrangement.

During the Summit, the delegates will be presented with the progress made so far based on the pilot that targets 200 interns for a period of 12 months. The programme
is set to take a span of five years, with a mid-term review in the 3rd year.
Enterprise Kenya is a national accelerator that will catalyse innovations and provide entrepreneurs with needed support in their innovation journey. The initiative was
an outcome of the inaugural Kenya ICT Innovation Forum held on 2nd and 3rd February, 2015 in Nairobi. The event was presided over by H.E President of Kenya, Hon
Uhuru Kenyatta.The enterprise Kenya vision, fronted by the ICT Authority in conjunction with Ministry of ICT and private sector players will drive the agenda of Buy Kenya
IT, Build Kenya IT, To Build Kenya.
ICT Caucus Report: One of the outcomes of the Summit in 2014 was the formation of the Connected Kenya Caucus drawn from the private and public sector to
constructively and regularly connect on a common purpose to identify interventions on ICT delivery. The Caucus will report on the achievements made in ICT in Kenya,
so far, through collaborative efforts of the government and private sector.

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Programme Details
Ease of Doing Business Report
12Noon - 12:30pm
Wed 1st April 2015

- Dr. Charity Wayua, IBM Research Africa
- Ministry of Industrialisation and Enterprise Development


Format: Presentation

BM Research Africa in partnership with the Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development in Kenya and Strathmore Business School (SBS) launched the Business
Environment Delivery Unit in 2014. The goal of the program is to improve Kenyas global A selection of individuals were trained on the ease of doing business concepts

and business process optimization, including process discovery and documentation of process across various sectors, and design of new processes and client engagement
models. The Fellows then deployed the new processes per sector to demonstrate viability of the design.
The outcome of the Unit is to improve Kenyas Global Ranking in the ease of doing business and the clients experience for doing business in Kenya, in order to set the
country as a preferred business destination.


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Programme Details
Cloud Strategy and Uptake
2pm - 3:30pm
Wed 1st April 2015

- Tonny Omwansa, University of Nairobi

- Simon Bradford, Microsoft
- Dan Kwach, Liquid Telecom
- Daniel Yang, Huawei Technologies
- Phares Kariuki, Angani
- Dr. Davis Musinguzi, The Medical Concierge Group (TMCG)
- John Mutama, Dimension Data


Format: Breakout Session at Dr Meister Hall

Moderator: Robert Mugo, ICT Authority
Case study: Kenya National Cloud Strategy Policy

he breakout session will open with a case study presentation of an early draft of the Kenya National Could Strategy Policy.In an effort to improve service delivery,
governments in East Africa are moving from interactive website to offering transactional services online. A comprehensive cloud strategy will be an important part of

ensuring a safe, seamless and efficient service delivery.

This session will address the infrastructural challenges, the availability of reliable and affordable bandwidth, and a capacity to monitor the quality of services for developing
confidence in cloud computing.


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Programme Details
Cashless Economy
2pm - 3:30pm
Wed 1st April 2015

- Jonathan Mueke, Nairobi County

- Bernard Chomba, Salsy Innovate
- Dr. Enock Kinara, Postal Corporation of Kenya
- Jerome Ochieng, Integrated Financial Management and Information System


Format: Breakout Session at Jumuika

Moderator: Martin Obuya, iHub

igitized payments provide the chance for improvements in transparency, security, corruption and potential cost savings for both government and intermediaries.
Uptake of ICT provides an opportunity for government to implement digitized payments which offer a secure, affordable and efficient method of handling and

managing payments.
East African states have had a series of early adoption digitized payments for government services. The case study commission by Kentrade will provide insights on
cashless economy beyond the processes and management of mobile money.

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Programme Details
Transport and Communications Infrastructure
- Eng John Tanui, KOTDA

4pm - 5pm
Wed 1st April 2015

- Henry Owera, Ministry of Telecommunications and Postal Services, South Sudan

- Byron Clatterbuck, SEACOM
- Francis Meja, National Transport and Safety Authority
- Tom Omariba, MTN Business
- Peter Othino, Safaricom


Format: Breakout Session at Dr Meister Hall

Moderator: Tonia Mutiso-Kariuki, Microsoft 4Afrika

o effectively promote connectivity and drive down the cost of data in East Africa, there is a need to cover the region with terrestrial cross border fibre optic networks as well
as the development and expansion of the Northern Corridor. In this session, the participants will hear about the progress made in providing efficientinfrastructurethrough

shared services for transport and communication platforms.


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Programme Details
Devices and the Internet: Designing and engineering for Local Needs
4pm - 5pm
Wed 1st April 2015

- Mwirigi Kiula, JKUAT

- Joshua Okello, Winsenga
- Solomon Benge, Fundi Bots
- Livingstone Indetie, HP
- Juliana Rotich, Ushahidi


Format: Breakout Session at Jumuika

Moderator: Dr. Kamau Gachigi, Gearbox

n order to achieve true economic growth in East Africa the region must expand and diversify its manufacturing industry. For the ICT industry, manufacturing presents an
exciting opportunity. Already, across the region engineers and entrepreneurs are fabricating, making and assembling devices uniquely designed to respond to local

needs and demands.

This session will showcase global and local devices and the benefits they offer users. The session will showcase:
- Winsenga, mobile smartphone-based electronic foetal heart rate monitor designed in Uganda
- Brck, a rugged, self powered, cloud enabled wifi hotspot router with built in fail-overs designed in Kenya
- TAIFA, (Technology Inspiring Africa) laptop assembled in Kenya
- Fundi Bots, training the next generation of engineers through robotics classes for young children in Uganda
- Tablet from HP that demonstrates the power of connected devises and the mobility they offer

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Programme Details
Passing the Baton: Legacy and Succession Planning
5pm - 5:30pm
Wed 1st April 2015

- Mr. Joseph Tiampati ole Musuni, Principal Secretary, Ministry of
ICT, Kenya


Format: Panel


n the closing session the participants will listen to a panel of leaders who have moved from their positions of leadership. These individuals will share on how they planned
to effectively hand over so as to leave lasting legacies in the organizations they led.

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By 2017
ICT to contribute 8% of the National GDP
ICT to create 180,000 direct jobs
Nurture 55 globally competitive ICT companies
Build a US$500m tech-based VC to invest in tech startups
Drive exports out of Information Technology Enabled Services to US$1B

Enterprise Kenya: Where the Silicon Savannah begins

Enterprise Kenya is a national accelerator that will facilitate Kenyan enterprises to start, grow, innovate and win export sales on global markets. The Enterprise
Kenya vision will drive the agenda on Buy Kenya IT, Build Kenya IT, To Build Kenya. To achieve this, Kenya is looking at growing its intellectual property rights
through the development of a new brand: Made in Kenya, Assembled in Kenya, Sold Around the World.

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ICT Innovation Awards


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ICT Innovation Awards

Since inauguration in 2011 at the third edition of the Connected Kenya Summit, the
Vision 2030 ICT Innovation Awards have become a respected mark of credibility
and a source of brand recognition for winning organizations and initiatives in ICT.
The Awards seek to recognise and celebrate Kenyans, who have developed
ICT solutions that drive economic growth and social development, in line with
Kenyas blueprint vision to build a vibrant middle income economy by the year
2030. The awards cover two of the three key pillars of Vision 2030Economic and

Demonstrating Impact; 2014 ICT Innovation Awards Winners

For the organisations that won the 2014 ICT Innovation Awards, sponsored by IBM
and UNDP, the Awards have brought recognition to their products and businesses
as a whole and opened opportunities to partner with both the public and private
sector to grow their products further.

Social pillars.
In the last 4 years the awards have had hundreds of applications and recognised
over 40 new ICT products and solutions created by companies and organisations
officially registered in Kenya. A team of independent judges representing the ICT
private sector, academia, public sector and civil society is convened to review
each complete entry against the set criteria. The judging panel considers market
impact, functionality and unique utilisation of ICT as the key criteria for winning
The Awards have been sponsored by such companies as Vision 2030 Secretariat,
Accenture Development Partnerships, Safaricom, Google East Africa, IBM and

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Eneza Education, Award: Overall Winner, Education and Training (2014)

Eneza Education aims to create a network of parents, students and teachers

to provide a tailored educational experience specific for each child. Every
child is different and learns in a different way and pace. Eneza provides the
opportunity for the child to engage his or her teachers directly, in a customized
way and learn better.
The organisation has grown to over 391,000 students on its platform across
2,000 schools in Kenya including, refugee camps. There are also new features
intended to get parents and teachers more involved in the project.
The recognition from the Innovation Awards has increased the standing of the
organisation, demonstrating its vision of democratising education in Kenya,
and eventually all of Africa, to a range of stakeholders. Eneza Education
has had a lot of exposure to a range of connections with a range of actors
including corporate organisations and the public. The team is working to
concretise on the connections made into solid partnerships with government
and key players in the tech industry. With such partnerships Eneza Education
can leverage on its platform to increase the accessibility of quality educational
content to reach and impact the lives of more students, especially those in
the most isolated communities, in the country and in Africa.

Part of the Eneza Education Team


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Ma3Route, Award: Housing and Urbanization (2014)

Ma3Route is a platform that aggregates crowd-sourced transport data

and provides users with information on traffic, public service vehicles (PSVs)
directions and driving reports. This enables citizens in Nairobi to make more
informed decisions and take efficient routes when transiting around the
City. Additionally, road safety is promoted through the constant reports
of careless and dangerous driving. Through Ma3Route, the public utility
authorities are made aware of the road condition, which consequently
informs their decisions on the best infrastructural designs.
After winning the Innovations Awards in 2014, Ma3Route has had increased
visibility and credibility in recognition of its achievement. The organisation
has gained traction in the market with an increase in members of the public
downloading the app. In addition, the credibility has increased the numbers
of potential customers that trust the product and its benefits. The team is
more committed to bring greater sanity to the roads, inform city planning
and transport regulation throughout the country and other emerging
economies, through the provision of precise and real-time transport data
and trend analysis.

The Team at Ma3Route.


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Shamba Shape Up, Award: Agriculture (2014)

Shamba Shape Up provides content on new methods of farming that will

increase yields and drive sustainability, in short programmes aired in the
media and available online. Each episode spotlights a particular challenge
area for farmers presented in an actual farm setting on which that problem
exists. This makes it easy to understand and practical for other farmers to
adopt the method or system.
The show is filmed in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and broadcast on
television in the same countries on a weekly basis. In Kenya, the show is
also broadcast on Citizen Radio every day.
Shamba Shape Up also has a mobile information service, iShamba, which
is SMS push, SMS question and answer and a call centre that will also be
available as an App.
The Innovation Award has helped with iShamba development as the
recognition as a leader in the ICT sector encourages and builds trust in the
public on the online platform being used for information distribution. The
Award has lent credibility to the Shamba Shape Up programs and raised
awareness on the content and importance of the information shared with
the public.
Accordingly, there has been an increase in clients and partners based on
the respect derived from the ability to deliver such important information;

A Planning Session for the Shamba Shape Up show.

and the understanding that the model and platforms can be used for
development of content in other areas.

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Haki - The Mobile Game Series, Award: Gender, Youth and Vulnerable Groups (2014)

The Haki Mobile Games Series intends to promote the agenda of Kenya
First to the youth. This will be done by ensuring that the themes of awareness,
cohesion, peace and tolerance are visible to the youth through the power
of the mobile phone to educate, empower and inspire.
Currently in the application phase, marketing and distribution, the Haki
Series team has been deepening the utility of the game by engaging with
communities in Nairobi, Thika and Naivasha.
The Series acts as a conversation starter, feedback tool and message
platform for civic education and the input gathered from the ground to will
feed into a future version of the Series.
The recognition from the Innovation Awards has assisted in convincing the
audience about the utility of a mobile game to impact on social reality,
as mobile gaming for social enterprise is relatively a new concept in the
country. The Award also confirms that the product is known and acclaimed
as a winner. This has made it easier to source and acquire like-minded
partners working in the area of civic education and empowerment as it
gives legitimacy to the organisation and the games series. Some of these
include Games4Change on women economic empowerment and ICT Skills
using mobile platforms by Intel Africa, among others.

Haki Game Series Team.


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Automating the Quantification and Forecasting of Essential Drugs in Public Facilities in Kenya, Award: Health Care Delivery (2014)
Automating the Quantification and Forecasting of Essential Drugs in Public
Facilities in Kenya developed by ZiDi - a national e-Health platform, is a solution
being executed at the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA). It is aimed
at enhancing the efficiency of healthcare delivery in Kenyas public health
system by automating the supply chain of free and/or publicly subsidized
essential drugs to health clinics throughout the country.
KEMSA has linked up with E-Supply Chain Management system which supports
the delivery of medical commodities to Antiretroviral (ARV) sites in Kenya,
resulting to the expansion of the automation. This aids in such procurement
processes as forecasting and quantifying of essential drugs in the health
facilities in Kenya.
Since winning at the Innovations Awards last year, most development partners
and stakeholders have developed a lot of confidence and interest in KEMSAs
products and services. It has also put
KEMSA on the world map as State Corporation that effectively delivers service
to the citizenry and it motivates the KEMSA team to raise the bar in their areas
of responsibility. The Award has since helped KEMSA gain acceptance and
confidence from the counties as it is a validation that the solution works and
meets the required standards. As a result it has become easy to approach the
counties about the solution. Facilities in Kilifi, Makueni and Nakuru have since
been trained on how to place orders using the web self-service portal of the
Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) which are currently all up and
running efficiently. It is expected that more facilities will roll out the programme
for an increased number of customers and guaranteed customer satisfaction
as KEMSA is the only organization offering such a solution.

The KEMSA Team working on the Automation Platform.

The Award also demonstrates the commitment of the current administration to

transform service delivery to better serve the citizens of Kenya through access
to affordable, good quality health care in public facilities. It is also a legitimate
affirmation of the public endorsement of private initiatives.


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Chamasoft -Savings and Investment Group Financial Management Software, Award: Financial Services (2014)

Investment groups, better known as Chamas, have become popular in Kenya

and are a big contributor to local investments. However, many of these groups
fail due to poor record keeping and financial accounting. Chamasoft aims to
bridge this gap through provision of record keeping services made available to
financial institutions.
Prior to the winning at the Innovation Awards in 2014, Chamasoft had 400
investment groups. Since then, this number has doubled to 835 investment
groups and 3 SACCOs. The team created the second version of the application
at the end of 2014 and is now working on the third version which will include the
android version that will complement the web platform.
With the Award, the Chamasoft team was able to gain access to the major ICT
stakeholders within the country that led to the creation of crucial partnerships,
for example, with one of the Kenyan Youth Funds that refers a large amount of
groups to the platform. Winning also built the teams confidence to participate
and eventually win- in other innovation competitions including Pivot East
Africa 2014, Evernote Platform Awards and the IBM Smart Camp.
Apart from the significant recognition in the IT community, Chamasoft has
also gained a good reputation and trust from the investment groups and the
general public.

The Chamasoft Team at Digital Vision.

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Konza ICT Innovation Awards - 2015

he 2015 ICT Innovation Awards are sponsored by Konza Technopolis

manages the dot ke country-code top-level domains, will provide free hosting

Development Authority (KOTDA). Konza is envisioned as a sustainable, world-

for a year to the winning idea. Understanding the importance of publicity and

class technology hub and a major economic driver for the nation. It is at the

promotionfor any idea or product, Elimu Digital Media has pledged to provide

forefront of technology-led business revolution being built to transform Kenya

free advertising for two months on Elimu TV. Elimu TV is a commercial free-to-

and Africa. By sponsoring the innovation Awards, KoTDA

air digital TV station that broadcasts Secondary School Education National

seeks to create a

platform where innovation can thrive. One of the key objectives of Konza is to


create an innovative space where the techies and start-ups can innovate and

Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, JKUATs, Nairobi Industrial and

commercialize their products.

Technology Park.

Over 300 entries were received for the 2015 ICT Innovation Awards. The winners

Konza ICT Innovation Awards 2015 Panel of Judges

of this years Innovation Awards will be recognised and honoured with a special
tribute event during the Connected East Africa Summit on 1st April, 2015.

The overall winner will also receive a laptop assembled at the Jomo

This years panel of judges was drawn from the academia, public sector and
private sector to review each complete entry against the set criteria. The

Apart from the recognition as solutions that drive economic growth and social

judges reviewed complex applications for products already launched into

development towards the achievement of a middle income economy, this years

market. Companies under the growth stage and expansion stage. The set

winners of the Awards will also enjoy a range of products to support their work.

criteria looked at market impact, functionality and unique utilisation of ICT of


the presented product or service.functionality and unique utilisation of ICT of the

presented product or service.

Kenya Network Information Centre (KENIC), the organisation that operates and


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Konza Innovation Awards - 2015 Panel of Judges

aniel Obam is a Communications Radio Technology Expert and works at the National Communications Secretariat as ICT Policy Advisor
to the Government of Kenya. He is the Project Manager responsible for implementing the roadmap for migration to digital TV in Kenya.

He is an ITU Expert on spectrum management and also has policy and regulatory expertise on wireless broadband. He has over 30years
experience in management, technical operations and deployment of telecommunications,broadcasting and satellite systems.
He holds an MSc in Engineering Management from the University of Southern California and a BSc (Hons) in Electrical Engineering from the
University of Nairobi. He also holds a Certificate in Project Management and Appraisal from the Arthur D. Little Management Education
Institution in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Daniel Obam

Daniel is also the Chairman of the ITU Radiocommunication Advisory Group.

aina Muriithi is the CEO and Co-Founder of Elimu Digital Media. Elimu Digital Media Ltd (EDM) is a company that offers educational
solutions through technology and media. EDM runs Elimu TV, a commercial free to air digital TV station that broadcasts Secondary

School School curriculum and short courses on skill based program that include agriculture, business and technology among others. EDM
produces Audio-visual educational content that is aired on Elimu TV, Youtube and packaged in DVDs as well as SMS.
Maina has a background in Telecommunications and ICT.

Maina Muriithi

alvin Kebati is the Ag. Deputy Director at the Nairobi Industrial and Technological Park (NITP).NITP is an initiative of JKUAT and the Ministry
of Industrialisation and Enterprise Development.

He is responsible for managing innovations and other projects at the Park. Previously he was the JKUAT Students Innovation and Industry
Liaison, responsible for students technology innovation activities. He arranged for programs bringing together JKUAT students and enterprises
or corporate organisations. He also managed the (JKUAT) Tech Expo, an annual event whose set up he spearheaded when he was a
student and member of JKUAT Linux Users Group (JLUG), a student club. The JKUAT Tech Expo seeks to tap into students creative innovation
and assist in the development of these innovations to impact lives in society.

Calvin Kebati


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Konza Innovation Awards - 2015 Panel of Judges

ng. Martin Obuya is an IBM-Trained Systems Engineer with over two decades experience in System Development, Corporate Planning &
Project Management.

He is a board member, advisor ambassador for several local, regional, international organizations including iHub, Obuntu International
Limited, Konfidants, Euro Africa ICT, Internet Society, TechSoup Global, BusinessCom Networks, African Technology Options Matrix, LiJoMe
Consulting, Creatives Society East Africa, Trio Consulting Services Africa, Pro Sports Services East Africa, Professional Hours Five and Tech
Executive Council.
He is also a member in several regional and international IT organizations comprising of International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Technical
Eng. Martin

Committees (ITU-T-SG12 and ITU-T-SG15); African Telecommunications Union (ATU), Technical Committee (AfriSwog) African Frequency
Spectrum Working Group: Forum of International Independent Networks Association (FIINA); and Southern African Telecommunications
Association (SATA).
Martin has also served as judge in various hackathons globally in the past 7 years.

ric Ndungu is the Marketing and Communications Manager at Kenya Network Information Centre(KENIC). KENIC is tasked with operating
and managing the .ke country-code top-level domains.

Before working at KENIC, Eric worked at the Coca Cola Company Ltd as the Area Accounts Manager and Business Developer.
He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Strategic Management from the University of
Eric Ndungu


illary Nyadwa is the Project Assistant at the Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KOTDA). He has been involved in the development
of Konza Techno City since its early stages in 2012. He is experienced in smart cities, research, BPO/ITES and development economics.

He is an enthusiast of innovation, emergent technologies and inclusivity.

Hillary Nyadwa

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Government Speakers


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Government Speakers

efore his appointment, Dr.Matiangi was the Centre for International Development, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy,
the State University of New York SUNY/CID Liaison in East Africa. He formerly served as Chief of Party for Kenyas Parliamentary

Strengthening Program.
Dr.Matiangi held research and program implementation positions in various civil society organizations in Kenya and conducted
research and training for the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, the parliaments of Ethiopia, Uganda, and the East African
Legislative Assembly. He has also been a columnist for the Daily Nation, Kenyas leading newspaper, and has consulted extensively
with USAID, the Canadian Development Agency (CIDA), the World Bank, and Transparency International.
He has taught at Egerton University and the University of Nairobi.
Dr.Matiangis holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Comparative Literature from the University of Nairobi, an M.A. in English from the

Dr Fred Okengo
Matiangi, Cabinet
Secretary, Ministry of ICT

University of Nairobi, and a B.A. in Education from Kenyatta University. He speaks Swahili, English, and has a working knowledge of

on. Rebecca Joshua Okwaci is the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services in the government of the Republic of South
Sudan.She is a professional journalist who worked for Sudan Radio Service, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC-Monitoring) and

the Voice of the Revolution (SPLA. Hon. Okwaci has worked extensively in womens advocacy and development. She is a founding
member of Sudanese Women Association in Nairobi, Sudanese Women Voice for Peace, and Sudanese Women Empowerment for
Peace, as well as Secretary-General of Women Action for Development (WAD); all are womens initiatives for advocacy, peace,
and development.
Hon. Okwaci is a recipient of an award from the American Peace Foundation in recognition of Sudanese womens contributions
to peace building. She was a 2006 Women Peacemakera group selected each year by the Institute of Peace and Justice at the
University of San Diego..
Hon. Okwaci is a Masters student of Communication Development at Daystar University in Kenya and a graduate of Alexandria

Hon. Rebecca Joshua Okwaci, Minister,

Telecommunications &
Postal Services, South


University in Egypt with a degree in English language, Literature, and Translation.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Government Speakers

ean Philbert Nsengimana is the Minister for Youth and ICT in the Government of Rwanda.
Before his appointment Nsengimana worked for Voxiva Inc. as a Country Director for 2 years. In that position he built and led

teams that delivered award winning mobile health solutions, TRACnet and mUbuzima, which won the Technology in Government
Award (TIGA) in 2007 for best e-Health solution in Africa. He also managed the implementation of eSoko, a mobile-based Market
information system serving more than 2,500,000 farmers in real time market information in
Rwanda. The solution won the Intego Award (2010) in Rwanda and the TIGA Award 2011 for best e-Agriculture solution in Africa.
Nsengimana also worked at Development Gateway Foundation as a Regional Coordinator for Africa between 2006 and 2008, where
he coordinated the Foundations Aid Management (AMP), e-Procurement, and Country Gateways programs in 15 African Countries.
Prior to that he worked as a Director at Rwanda Development Gateway between 2003 and 2007 and pioneered and managed the

Hon Jean Philbert

Nsengimana, Minister,
Youth and ICT, Rwanda

organisation that built the National Portal and deployed web presence for dozens of public institutions in Rwanda.
Nsengimana holds a Global Masters in Business Administration (Major: Information Technology Management) from S P Jain School of
Global Management Dubai-Singapore; and a Master of Information and Communication Technology (Major: Software Engineering)
from the National University of Rwanda.

on. Eng. John Nasasira is the Minister for Information, Communications and Technology in Uganda.
Prior to his appointment as the ICT Minister in 2013, Hon Nasasira served as the Minister for Works and Transportation. He has

served in several ministries in the Ugandan Cabinet since 1989 to date including Minister of State for Works; Minister of State for
Works, Transportation and Communications; Minister of State for Agriculture; Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries; and
Minister of Works, Housing and Communications later named the Ministry of Works and Transportation.
He has been the Member of Parliament for Kazo County, Kiruhura District for over 2 decades.
Hon. Nasasira holds a degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (Bsc.Civ.Eng), from the University of Nairobi.

Hon. Eng. John

Nasasira, Minister for
ICT, Uganda

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Government Speakers

rof Makame Mbarawa is the Minister for Communication, Science & Technology in the Republic of Tanzania. He is a nominated
Member of Parliament on the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Political Party.

Prof. Mbarawas political career began in 2007, when he was elected as a Member of the National Executive Council (NEC) for
the Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM). Prior to that, he worked at the Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria, South Africa in
the Department of Mechanical Engineering as a Professor. Before that he was an Associate Professor and a senior lecturer at the
Prof Mbarawa holds a PhD from the University of New SouthWales, Sydney, Australia. He also holds an MSc Marine Engineering
degree from Astrakhan State Technical, University in Astrakhan-Russia.

Prof Makame Mbarawa,

Minister Communication,
Science & Technology,

r. Joseph Tiampati ole Musuni is the Principal Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology in the
Government of Kenya.

Before his appointment, Mr.Tiampati worked as General Manager in charge of Social Security at the National Social Security Fund
Mr Tiampati had earlier served under various capacities with Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) including Head of Department in Credit
until 2010 when he left to join NSSF. He also served briefly as Chairman of the Kenya Bankers Association (KBA) Credit Sub-Committee
as well as a member of the KBA/CBK task force which introduced Credit Information Sharing in Kenya.
Mr.Tiampati has an Executive MBA from ESAMI/MSM and a Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree in Mathematics from the University of

Joseph Tiampati ole

Musuni, Principal
Secretary, Ministry of ICT


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Government Speakers

e is a businessman by profession and is the current Chairman and Executive Director at Supply Linkages Limited. He is also a
Director at Cent Savvy Investments Ltd, serves as a Trustee for Wema Centre and sits on the Board of St. Andrews School, Turi.

Since 1996 Hon. Yinda has served as a Board Director in a number of organizations including Kenya Pipeline Company and Venus
Tea Brokers Ltd. Before that he was the Managing Director for Span Freight Shipping Limited-one of the leading shipping agencies in
Kenya in 1989 to 1995. He worked for various shipping companies in senior management positions between 1976 10 1988.
He was a Member of the 10th Kenyan Parliament until 2013.
Hon. Yinda holds a Diploma in Port and Shipping Administration from the University of Wales, United Kingdom.

Hon Edwin Ochineng

Yinda, Chairman of the
Board of the ICT

e previously served as the Acting CEO of the Authority and earlier on as the Program Manager in charge of World Bank, Kenya
Transparency and Communications Infrastructure Project (KTCIP) at the former Kenya ICT Board.

He was a long term faculty member of the University of Nairobi where he was instrumental in the development of communication
network courses as well as in the setting up of communication labs in the Faculty. Victor was also involved in a number of communication
networks including working in the pioneering processes of Internet in Kenya (ARCC &Kenyaweb). He has participated in several
Government of Kenya ICT projects as an ICT infrastructure consultant in the telecommunication and education sectors.
His focus is on the deployment of communication technologies and services targeted at providing effective delivery mechanisms
and processes in learning and teaching. Apart from systems design and implementation, his key interests are in the selection,
measurements, and management of technology solutions, aiming at enabling an enterprise to optimize the return on its investment.

Victor Kyalo, Chief

Executive Officer of The
ICT Authority

He holds a BSc (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Nairobi and is a Philips International Institute Fellow.

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Government Speakers

rof. Waema is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Informatics in the University of Nairobi. He lectures and
conducts research in a variety of areas in Information Systems.

Prof. Waema has a wealth of experience in university management and is currently serving as a member of the Mombasa Polytechnic
University Council. He has a wide experience in consultancy in many areas of ICT and management, including strategic planning at
both corporate and ICT levels, telecommunications, information systems assessment, ICT systems development and implementation,
project management, change management, results-based management, and ICTs and national socio-economic development.
His research interests are in information systems strategy, social issues in information systems development and implementation, ICT
for national socio-economic development (ICT4D), software engineering and management of change. Prof. Waema is the Lead
Researcher in Kenya for the Research ICT Africa (RIA!) network and the Team Leader in an ICT research awards project for M.Sc. and
Ph.D. students from universities in Eastern and Southern Africa countries. He is also the Research Director of the Local Governance

Prof. Timothy Waema,

Chairperson, of the Kenya ICT Caucus

and ICTs Research Network for Africa (LOG-IN Africa), a pan-African network of researchers and research institutions from nine
African countries focusing on local e-governance. Further, he is the University of Nairobi Research Leader in a bridging the global
digital divide project in collaboration with 5 leading UK Universities and sponsored by the British Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council.

rior to being the Deputy Governor at the Nairobi County, Jonathan Mueke previously worked in technical and managerial
positions, including IT Systems developer, IT Systems administrator, Information technology manager and directorships at local

and foreign establishments, such as K-Mart Corporation (USA), Daimler Chrysler Corporation (USA), Spartan Developers Ltd (Kenya),
and many others.
He has a Masters in Global IT and Entrepreneurship and an undergraduate degree in Computer Science.

Jonathan Mueke,
Deputy Governor,
Nairobi County


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

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Government Speakers

unice Kariuki was appointed Director of Partnerships, Innovation and Capacity in January 2015 at ICT Authority. Until then she was
the Marketing Director at Kenya ICT Board for 7 years where she doubled up as Deputy CEO.

Prior to joining Kenya ICT Board, she worked for a variety of companies including Microsoft Corporation, Records & Archives
Management Systems (RAMS) Ltd, Eastman Kodak and Avro International Aerospace in the UK.
Eunice holds an MBA in Strategic Management from Maastricht School of Management affiliated to Eastern Southern African
Management Institute (ESAMI) and a BSc. (Hons) Degree in Business Studies from UK. She also holds a Higher National Diploma in
Business Information Technology (BITech) and a Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Diploma. She is a member of the CIM and also
a member of the Institute of Directors.

Eunice Kariuki, ICT


eng Kuol works at Nationality, Passports & Immigration (DNPI) in the Ministry of Interior in South Sudan.He has held several
positions in the DNPI, Ministry of Interior including System Analyst, Systems Administrator and Database Administrator prior to

being promoted to the current position. He has consulted for the Ministry of Interior on ICT related projects.
Prior to working with the Ministry he taught Computing at South Sudan Management Institute.

Deng Kuol, Ministry of

Interior, South Sudan


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Government Speakers

e is an Information Security Specialist with over 10 years experience in the IT industry. He works as an Independent Contractor
with the ICT Authority in the area of Information Security. In this capacity, he has spearheaded the development of the National

Cybersecurity Master Plan and Strategy and the establishment of the National Public Key Infrastructure.
From 2001 until June 2009, he worked as the Web and Application Development coordinator at the California State University, San
Bernardino where he was in charge of over 150 websites and database applications. Security and accessibility of these applications
was his core job function. In addition, Kahuthu was a member of the IT team that was tasked with Security Awareness and Training
at the California State University. This team was the author of the Web Security Policies for the California State University. Between
September 2006 and December 2008, he was a part time Lecturer at the California State University, San Bernardino College of
Business and Public Administration where he taught database security and e-commerce.
Kahuthu is a Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP) and a member of International Information Systems Security

Evans Kahuthu, Project

Manager, ICT Authority

Certification Consortium (ISC) 2, and the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).

ng John Tanui is the CEO of the Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA) or Konza Techno City.
Prior to heading the Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA), Eng Tanui served as the Deputy CEO at Huawei

Technologies Kenya Unit and was also the VP for Delivery and Service Divisions. With over 17 years in the ICT industry and international
business management, Eng Tanui has worked in several countries in Africa and also in China. He has experience and expertise in
engineering turnkey projects, innovations, setup and management of industry collaborations and partnerships.
Eng Tanui is currently pursuing a PhD in Global Business Management at the University of Nairobi. He holds a MBA in International
Business from the University of Nairobi and a Bachelors Degree of Technology in Electrical and Communication Engineering from
Moi University.
He is a member of the Institution of Engineers of Kenya (MIEK), a registered engineer and a member of the Academy of International

Eng John Tanui, Konza

Techno City, Kenya

Business. He sits in the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Council and the Advocacy, Journal and
Publicity Committee in IEK. He served previously as the University Council Vice Chairman in the Technical University of Kenya and also
served as an Advisory Council Member of the Presidential Digital Talent Program. (PDTP).
He was recognized as one of the 2012 Top 40 Under 40 by the Business Daily newspaper.

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Government Speakers

oseph Kuria is the Director of ICT Services at the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA). In his current position, he has been
instrumental in the formulation and implementation of ICT policies in both national and county levels of government. He acts as a

key link between the national government and county government in the ICT sphere.
Joseph is a leading technology strategist with experience spanning systems and network architecture, business re-engineering, data
center technologies, application development, global vendor management, budgeting and project portfolio management. He
has extensive international experience crafting, delivering and operating shared IT services and infrastructure in diverse industries
and cultures. In his over 15 years working experience, he has worked with both public and private institutions including the Ministry of
Finance, Telkom Kenya, Aga Khan University Hospital and Kenya Airways.
Joseph is currently pursuing a PHD in MIS with a thesis on county government automation. He holds a Masters Degree in Business
Administration and a BSc Computer Science degree. He also holds professional certifications in MCP, MCSE, OCP, MCDBA, CISA,

Joseph Kuria,
Commission on
Revenue Allocation
(CRA), Kenya

MCT, Project Management Professional and is a member of ISACA.

r. Enock Kinara is the Post Master General at the Postal Corporation of Kenya.
Dr. Kinara has over 15 years of senior management experience in business and public service and has consulted for, among

others, the African Development Bank.

Dr. Kinara holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Business Administration from Washington International University; Master of Business
Administration (MBA) Major in Marketing from Almeda University; Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of POONA; and a
Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial relations from the Central Institute of Management.
He has authored two books and published several Research Papers.

Dr. Enock Kinara, Postal

Corporation of Kenya


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Kenya ICT Caucus Members

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Kenya ICT Caucus Members

The Caucuses were formed following a request by the Cabinet Secretary, Dr.
Fred Matiangi for support in overseeing the implementation of the projects
outlined in the National ICT Master Plan launched in April 2014. The objective of
the caucus groups is to ensure the interests of Kenyas ICT sector stakeholders
are represented throughout the ICT Master Plan implementation process and if
necessary, in the review and updating.
The mandate of the Caucuses will be to play a thought leadership role throughout
the design, updating and implementation of the National ICT Master Plan. The
caucus members will also assess the effectiveness of ICT Master Plan through
tracking, monitoring, and evaluation, as well as provide guidance ongoing, or
planned activities/projects to ensure alignment with the priorities of the plan and
industry trends. The members are volunteer representatives of consumers and
professional bodies; and industry associations who in one way or another are key
stakeholder in government ICT Services.

Achievements To-Date
To date several meetings have been held where:
membership has been firmed up,
the terms of reference drawn,
monitoring and evaluation matrix developed, and
progress report for all the flagship projects given

Overall Chairperson:
Prof Timothy M. Waema

International Trade Centre/Netherlands Trust Fund III Team:

Charles Roberge
Pablo Romero

Secretariat Team:
Mary Kerema, ICT Authority
Lucy Mbuvi, ICT Authority
Paul Ronoh, ICT Authority
Eunice Kariuki, ICT Authority

Caucus on ICT as a Driver of Industry

Tasked with explore the automation of processes in the product and service
delivery value chains across various economic sectors to enhance their growth,
productivity and global competitiveness with special emphasis on SMEs
Ibrahim Juma, KENTRADE
Charles Lange, Andest Consulting
Lucy Kirui, Greenedge Digital
Fiona Asonga, TESPOK
Eunice Kariuki, ICT Authority
Peres Were, Digital Divide Data
Munjal Shah, Techno Brain

Caucus Co-ordinators:
Esther Wagaki Muchiri, eMentoring Africa
Dr. Margaret Nyambura Ndungu, INIIT Kenya


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Kenya ICT Caucus Members

Caucus on Integrated ICT Infrastructure

Caucus on Integrated Info-Infrastructure & E-Government

Responsible for developing strategies to support provision of reliable, secure and

Responsible for facilitating the provision of efficient and effective Government

affordable connectivity across the country to all citizens

services to all Kenyans through consolidated portals in an affordable and secure

Laura Mburu, Orange Kenya


Nora Wenji Cao, Huawei Technologies

Andrew Waititu, SAP

Michael Otieno, SEACOM

Francis Ndegwa, SEACOM

Paul Ronoh, ICT Authority

Mary Kerema, ICT Authority

Barry Macharia, TESPOK

Margaret Nyambura Ndungu, INIIT Kenya

Paul Asura, Leopard Communications Group

Jeff Wandere, Seven Seas Technology Group

Anthony Mwangi, IBM

Caucus on ICT Human Capital and Workforce

Tasked with looking into the development of quality ICT human resources as a
pre-requisite to the development of a viable ICT sector
Aajay Alva, Techno Brain
Mary Kiguru, Kenya Methodist University
Jeremiah Okello, Kenyan Information Technology Enabled Service
John Walubengo, Multimedia University
Michael Rabar, Homeboyz
Esther Muchiri, eMentoring Africa
Felix Ongaga, ICT Authority

Emmanuel Birech, Microsoft Corporation

Caucus on Developing ICT Businesses

Tasked to formulate ways to create and promote local ICT businesses that
produce products innovative and services that will contribute to jobs and
economic development
Mike Macharia, Seven Seas Technology Group
Veronica Ogeto, Safaricom Ltd
Sam Gichuru, NaiLab
Vincent Njoroge, Element Blue
Eunice Kariuki, ICT Authority

Mbugua Njihia, Symbiotic Media

Abdullahi Ahmed, Digital Divide Data
Agnes Wausi, University of Nairobi

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Private Sector Panellists


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Private Sector Panellists

unle Awosika is responsible for steering the business to the next phase of expansion through commercial and government
engagements while building and growing a high performing.

His career at Microsoft Corporation spans over 14 years having held several senior and key sales and business development roles in the
company, including running the telecommunications sector across West East Central Africa (WECA). Prior to his appointment in Kenya
in 2013, Kunle worked as Director, Enterprise & Public Sector Business for (Anglophone) Africa, contributing to the business expansion
within the growth region of West Africa. Part of his key achievements in Nigeria includes working with government divisions responsible
for the implementation of the Government Wide Messaging & Collaboration Platform (GWMC) to foster a uniform messaging &
communication platform across government entities. He was also responsible for driving business in the enterprise market.
Before joining Microsoft, Kunle worked with a local IT company Solix Technologies. Prior to that, he worked within the sales and
marketing division for the downstream arm of Exxon-Mobil.

Kunle Awosika, Country

Manager, Microsoft
Corporation in Kenya

He sits as part of the ICT Committee for the Ondo City Vision 2015 in Nigeria and on the board of AMCHAM ICT committee in Kenya.
Kunle holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of Keele, U.K. and a B. Sc. in Business Administration from the
University of Lagos (Nigeria).

ouis Otieno is the Legal and Corporate Affairs Director for the Microsoft 4Afrika Initiative. He is also the secretary of the 4Afrika
Advisory Council.

In 2007, Louis was the General Manager, East & Southern Africa, responsible for sales, marketing, services and business development
across 15 countries. In that role, he also served as part of the leadership team for WECA and the Indian Ocean Islands. Prior to that, he
was the Director of Enterprise Sales in West East and Central Africa (WECA) and the Director for Business Operations & Marketing in WCA
(West & Central Africa) before that. He had started his career at Microsoft Corporation in 1997 as Country Manager for Kenya, helping
drive one of the highest growth rates for Microsoft subsidiaries worldwide. Among his most notable accomplishments in his overall
career is the lead role he played in the localization of Microsoft Office & Windows into Kiswahili a first for an African language which
paved way for the extension of the localization program into seven other African languages.
Before joining Microsoft, Louis was a developer and rose to become Vice President, Information Systems at EEC Financial Services Inc,
a firm based in New York & New Jersey, USA.

Louis Otieno, Microsoft

4Afrika Initiative, Kenya

Louis serves on the Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Board and the Enablis East Africa Board. He is a member of the East Africa Business Summit
and served as chair of the American Business Association in Kenya in 2005. He is also a member of a select group of CEOs in the IGD
Frontier 100 program, an advisor to the Presidential Investors Round table in Uganda and Tanzania, as well as in the Presidential ICT
round table in Mozambique.

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Private Sector Panellists

r. Sergio Sicbaldi is the Public Safety and National Security Lead at Microsoft Corporation Middle East and Africa. In his position,
he advises organizations on how to successfully benefit on the latest Microsoft and Partner solutions for PS&NS.

He has 20 years experience in IT and more than 15 years experience in Public Sector, having worked for IBM and Microsoft in several
consulting, technical, management and sales executive roles. Prior to his current role, Sergio was in charge of Private Cloud and Public
Cloud (Office365/Azure) and National Cloud for Microsoft - Middle East and Africa after serving as the ICT Cloud Strategy Advisor for
the Tier1 Public Sector customers in the UK including 10 Downing Street, Parliament, Treasury Department and Cabinet Office. Before
that, he was the UK Application Platform Specialist.
Sergio studied at University of Cagliari (Italy), where he became Doctor of Electrical Engineering.
He also has a Diploma inn Electronics with specialization in Telecommunication.

Dr. Sergio Sicbaldi,

Microsoft Corporation,
Middle East and Africa

He is an author having published the book, Design of an Omopolar Alternator.

imon Bradford is the Cloud Technologies Director at Microsoft Public Sector - Middle East & Africa. Bringing his experiences from the
UK to the region the focus is on evangelizing the Cloud, its benefits, approaches to adoption and how to overcome some of the

challenges associated with this technology shift.

He brings a passion for technology and innovation as well as broad industry experience from his 15 years of working in Enterprise IT.
Simon joined Microsoft in 2008, where he was responsible for specialist sales into Government for Microsofts offerings in Communication
& Collaboration and went on to run and manage the Justice Sector business in the UK. With the focus firmly on modernizing the
Sector and driving digital efficiencies through adoption, change management and a design led approach to solutions, the outcomes
invariably turned to Cloud technologies for the benefits they could quickly realize.
During this time Simon drove key UK Government projects such as the eJudiciary project and the modernization of the UK Supreme

Simon Bradford, Microsoft Corporation - Middle

East & Africa


Prior to joining Microsoft Corporation, Simon worked at IBM UK for 8 years with a number of roles before taking on responsibility for IBMs
Software business into Higher Education and leading a new business sales team in this space.
Simon graduated from Bristol University West of England.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Private Sector Panellists

van Lumala is the Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft 4Afrika - Microsoft East Africa.
In his role, Ivan provides technical oversight to the initiative, and works with local innovators to design, implement, and deploy

locally relevant African ICT solutions. He is tasked with executing a strategy to catalyze a vibrant and profitable community of African
Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) across the continent.
Ivan is a founding member of the Microsoft 4Afrika Initiative. He has been with Microsoft for 24 years, spending more than half of
that time as a Software Design Engineer at the company headquarters, and the rest in various product management, and business
development roles.
Ivan holds a Masters degree in Software Engineering and a Bachelors degree in Computer Science.

Ivan Lumala, Microsoft

4Afrika - Microsoft East

r. Davis Musinguzi is the Managing Director at The Medical Concierge Group a Health IT Company based in Kampala and Nairobi
that provides technology solutions to healthcare organizations. He is a Medical Doctor, Health IT Architect and entrepreneur from

Dr. Musinguzi has extensive experience in m-Health and e-Health initiatives across the region involving National Health Ministries, Subnational Health Management Teams, Health Professionals, Regulatory agencies, International Development organizations, Academic
Institutions and the private sector.
He is part of the inaugural cohort of MBAs in Healthcare Management at Strathmore Business School. He also holds an MSc in ICT
Management, Policy and Architectural Design and a Bachelors Degree in Medicine and Surgery.

Dr. Davis Musinguzi,

The Medical Concierge
Group, Uganda

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Private Sector Panellists

obert Wakaba is the E-commerce and Acquiring Manager at I&M Bank in Kenya where he is responsible for actively driving the
growth of E-commerce by identifying and developing opportunities and strategic partnerships with interrelated clients the bank.

He is also charged with effectively managing Merchant relationships to maximize utilization of Ecommerce.
Robert has vast experience in the e-commerce field gained in the banking, airline and retail industries. Before joining I&M Bank he
worked as the E-business Manager at Kenya Airways to manage, implement and analyse all the online projects of the leading African
carrier. Prior to that, he worked for e-sokoni, an online e-procurement portal, as the Business Development Manager
He holds a Masters Degree in e-commerce from Murdoch University, Australia.

Robert Wakaba, I&M

Bank, Kenya

ames Gicheru is the Practice Lead - Next Generation Data Centres at Dimension Data.
He has a ten year implementation and pre-sales experience in the fields of storage virtualization, disaster recovery and cloud.

James Gicheru,
Dimension Data - East


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Private Sector Panellists

an Kwach is the General Manager of East Africa Data Centre. In his current position he is responsible for managing the largest
and first Tier III Data Centre in Kenya. His role is to ensure no disruption of critical enterprise systems by supporting, managing and

maintaining physical data centre infrastructure. This includes data centre growth and capacity planning, disaster recovery analysis and
planning, infrastructure component maintenance and life-cycle replacement. He has been successful in managing the Data Centre
as Phase 1 capacity was sold out within the first 5 months of its operation.
Prior to this, Dan worked in various capacities within the Liquid Telecom Group starting off as a Network Operations Control Engineer
before taking lead of the Operations and Maintenance Department. It was through interaction with various Telecom vendors that he
earned a new role as the 2nd Line Support Manager.
Dan later took over as the project management of KDNs Data Centre, a task he managed well before he was challenged to become
the East Africa Data Centre Manager.

Dan Kwach, East Africa

Data Centre

The mix of experience in product management and Technical skill to run Data Centres has earned him the ability to spearhead Liquid
Telecoms Data Centre strategy on a commercial front with guarantees to meet customer expectations and shareholders goals.
Dan has an undergraduate degree in IT with various professional certifications in the field of ICT.

l Kags is the Group CEO of The Goode Group and Team Lead for Goode Africa Ltd.
He is an experienced brand strategist, who has worked in both the social sector (Government and Non-Profits) and the private

sector. He has over 10 years of working in Kenya and globally as a leader in marketing and considers himself a serial social entrepreneur.
He has extensive experience working with organisations and governments to develop the policy, frameworks and programmes that
will develop African societies using ICT. He has specifically worked in infrastructure, content (including working with applications
developers), and Public Development Data Publishing & Visualisation.Al is among the founders of such social initiatives as The Brand
Kenya initiative (2003), Kenya 28 Feb (2009) and the Open Institute. He is also a TEDx Fellow.

Al Kags, Goode Africa


Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Private Sector Panellists

mr Kamel is the Enterprise and Partner Group Director for Microsoft in Sub-Sharan Africa & the Indian Ocean Islands Subsidiary,
covering 49 countries across West, East, and Central Africa.

In this capacity, Amr is responsible for defining the strategy and execution plan for Microsoft in the Enterprise Sector across the Sub
Saharan Africa region. Amr leads a diverse team of resources that develop meaningful, long-Term relationships with customers and
Prior to this appointment, Amr was Public Sector Director in Sub-Saharan Africa responsible for driving sustained business performance
in the Public Sector business within West, East & Central Africa. Amr has been part of Microsoft for over 11 years and started out as an
Account Manager before rising to various senior management and leadership positions throughout his career
Amr holds Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Ain Shams University.

Amr Kamel, Microsoft Sub-Saharan Africa

ngela Nganga is the Legal& Corporate Affairs Manager at Microsoft Corporation where she spearheads the government relations
and policy work of the multinational in Eastern Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands.

She is a seasoned communications professional with over 15 years experience in developing and managing Corporate affairs for
various local, pan African and multinational organizations. Her strong competencies in government relations, internal communications,
advocacy and lobbying, strategic communications and transformational change have seen her become an integral member of the
C-suite in the organizations she has served.
Her key corporate experience spans from AAR Health Services where she was part of the management team that transformed the local
health management organization to an East Africa operation; and Telkom Kenya where she was part of the dream team involved in
the transformation of the company to Orange.
Angela also serves as a Director in the Brand Kenya Board as well as in a board within the Machakos County Government. She is also

Angela Nganga,
Microsoft East & Southern
Africa and the Indian


the Secretary of the Public Relations Society of Kenya and a Council member of the Marketing Society of Kenya.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

MTN Business
Connects East Africa and beyond
Free your IT staff from complex deployment, upgrades and management, and reduce capital equipment investments and security licensing costs ........
MTN Global Cloud Services is really just a way to simplify your business works. Its virtual network that allows you to access your software and data
from anywhere anytime.

MTN Global MPLS VPN provides a single globally managed network solution which offers seamless communication experience for your
multi-national corporation. Through MTNs expansive network and service models, the MTN Global MPLS VPN service has enormous in-country
capabilities, particularly within countries where MTN either operates or has partners.

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Private Sector Panellists

erushan Govender is the Business Development Executive at Microsoft Public Sector where he is responsible for growing the
emerging healthcare, education and government businesses across the 80 countries of the Middle East and Africa.

Kerushan has spent more than 15 years in the field of IT, as a developer, trainer, consultant, product manager and executive, at
both small business and multinational levels. Having also worked as an investment banker on asset valuations and merger/acquisition
transactions, he has a unique perspective on IT as a driver of real business value.
Kerushan thrives on demonstrating vital trends in IT and exploring the corresponding impact on different industries and businesses. While
currently based in Dubai, he has lived and worked in Africa and brings a practical appreciation of the nuances of emerging market
Kerushan has a Post Graduate degree in Statistics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Statistics. He also holds several

Kerushan Govender,
Microsoft Middle East &

business qualifications from various reputed institutions.

He is the recipient of several local and international awards for innovative work in working with cities and towns to bring basic water
and sanitation services to communities in Southern Africa.

ric Odipo is the Country Manager for Microsoft in East and Southern Africa (ESA) covering 8 Countries; Botswana, Ethiopia, Namibia,
Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Prior to his appointment to this role in 2013, Eric was the Channel Director responsible for the maintenance and growth of a sustainable
and scalable ecosystem of partners as well as management of the mid-market customer segment.
Before joining Microsoft, Eric was the Managing Director for Consumer Goods Company Sara Lee in Central and East Africa and has
also worked for General Motors in senior leadership positions.
Eric holds a Degree in Engineering from Moi University.

Eric Odipo, Microsoft

East & Southern Africa


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Private Sector Panellists

bhijit Majumdar is the Lead for the Employability Skills Development (ESD) Program undertaken by Zensar in close collaboration with
academic institutions and NASSCOM (Indias IT and ITes Industry body). He has been instrumental in implementing the program by

defining the skills assessment guidelines, faculty development and designing the curriculum for the ESD Program which is completely
aligned to the defined Qualification Pack for IT Job roles prepared by NASSCOM IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council. This initiative has scaled to
4 states in India covering many Tier II and Tier III cities in a span of just a year, imparting training to over 1000+ students who have found
employment in Zensar and Indian IT industry. Zensar plans to extend the program to 200 colleges and 2000 students by 2017.
Out of his total 25 years in IT industry, he has spent more than 15 years working for the Governments across the world including USA, UK,
EU, MEA, and India focusing on how technology can help government entities to deliver services and business value to citizens and
Abhijit is a certified document imaging architect (CDIA) and has successfully delivered several large scale digitization and records

Abhijit Majumdar, Zensar

Foundation ESD Program

management projects. He has been one of the pioneers in Sales Enablement practice and is the first and only professional from Indian
IT services industry to earn the APMP Practitioner certificate.

uncan Oduor is the Co founder and CEO at MobiKash Afrika Limited overseeing the rollout of MobiKash projects across Africa.
Duncan is an entrepreneur with business interests in IT and Software Development, Media, Venture Capital, Education and

Events. He has worked in the banking industry for over 11 years in various senior management positions. He has also worked with the
Government of Kenya as well as various auditing and consulting firms. He has an extensive wealth of experience and knowledge in
commercial banking, Microfinance institutions, payments systems, risk management, audit, strategic management and accounting.

Duncan Oduor,
MobiKash, Kenya

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Private Sector Panellists

r. Tonny K. Omwansa lectures at the School of Computing and Informatics at the University of Nairobi. He also heads C4D lab
at the School. Besides consultancy in technology issues, he has conducted extensive research in mobile transactions in Africa

and published various reports including use of airtime transfers, mobile banking, virtual currencies as well as regulation of mobile
transactions. His research interests are in the design, adoption and impact of low-cost technologies in developing countries.
His various research assignments have been commissioned by organizations like the GSMA, Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, The
Rockefeller Foundation and Economic Commission of Africa.
Dr. Omwansa holds a PhD in Information Systems in which he researched on the adoption of mobile financial services at the base of
the pyramid in Kenya.
He is a recipient of the prestigious Bellagio Fellowship from the Rockefeller Foundation. He is the co-author of Money, Real Quick:

Dr. Tonny K. Omwansa,

University of Nairobi,

Kenyas disruptive mobile money innovation, published in 2012.

ory Wiegert is the Director of Product Management for Software Group Africa.
He is responsible for definition of our software solutions for the African markets, and ensuring the growth of the IBM software

business. He is focused on market assessment, solution definition, business partner ecosystem development and go-to market strategy.
Cory has over 20 years of experience in delivering enterprise software solutions. Prior to joining IBM, Cory was Vice President of Product
Management at Sterling Commerce, which was acquired by IBM in 2010, where he led the end to end product strategy and lifecycle
of their market leading Selling and Fulfillment Software Suite. Previously, he was at Siebel Systems where he was responsible for the
implementation and design of their Sales Force Automation, Call Center, integration technology and Analytic solutions. Prior to Siebel,
Cory was with Gupta where he held roles in technical support, application design, and led consultative implementations for Guptas
top customers.

Cory D. Wiegert, IBM


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Private Sector Panellists

ndrew Meme works as a Product Manager in IBM Software Group covering Africa. He brings over15 years experience in the Cloud,
Data Centre Management, IT Infrastructure, IT Optimization and Transformation and Project Management.

In his current role, his main focus areas include Enterprise Content Management, Enterprise Marketing Management and Business
Analytics. He is responsible for the market segment strategy, driving market acceptance and client satisfaction, while providing
leadership to design, sales and marketing for routes to market planning.
Andrews previous role at IBM was East Africa Sales Leader in Integrated Technology Services group.
He was responsible for building and maintaining business relationships with key clients, generating significant signings and driving
revenue growth. Prior to that, he held the role of Telco Sales Leader in Central East and West Africa. Before joining IBM, Andrew
held various senior positions with Telecom and Technology Consulting organizations both in Kenya and the US including Safaricom,
Accenture, T-Mobile, and Cisco Systems.

Andrew Meme, IBM

Andrew holds an MBA from Amberton University, an MSc in Information Systems from University of Texas and BSc Mathematics from
University of Nairobi.

rene Njoroge is a member of AfricaHackon - the first hacking conference in Africa, whose aim is to sensitize the society on the need
for information security. She also consults for various firms, offering her time and expertise on information security and IT matters

Irenes vast experience includes playing a key role in the roll out of the ISO 27001:2005 Certification in one of the companies she has
worked for, as well as ensuring Confidentiality, Integrity and Assurance in various fronts. She has also participated in numerous workshops
and conferences like the IT Governance Seminar in Mombasa
Irene has a Master of Science Degree in Information Technology Management and has certifications in CISM and CISA.

Irene Njoroge,

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Private Sector Panellists

ichael Macharia is the Founder and CEO of Seven Seas Technologies (SST) Group. He has overseen the expansion of the SST
Group to several countries in Africa, under a philosophy of transforming lives and changing communities, which has catalysed

STTs work in the areas of health, citizen services, social services, security and job creation. From humble beginnings, SST Group has
grown from a tech start-up to a major respected corporate player in the African technology arena with major customers including the
regions largest telecoms companies, banks and Government institutions.
He is the Chairman of the Kenya Information Technology & Outsourcing Society (KITOS) and is also a member of the Young Presidents
Organisation, Kenya Chapter (YPO). Through SST, Michael sponsors Knowledge for Life (K4Life) Initiative to mentor students on the right
career paths. He also served as the Founding Curator for the Kenya Chapter of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Global Shapers
Community, and was one of 19 Young Global Leaders (WEF-YGLs) from Sub-Saharan Africa in WEFs Class of 2014.
He is an Executive Management Alumnus of Strathmore University and Spains IESE Business School. He is also a qualified Chartered

Michael Macharia,
Seven Seas
Technologies (SST)

Michael has been featured in some of the worlds top media publications, including TIME Magazine and The Economist, for his passion,
commitment and deep-seated belief in the role of technology in changing lives and transforming communities. He was also recognised
in the Top 40 Under 40 Kenyans list by the Business Daily newspaper, in recognition of his role in transforming the country in business.

iona Asonga is the CEO of the Kenya Internet Exchange Point and the Telecommunications Service Providers Association of Kenya
(TESPOK). Her role involves ensuring Internet uptake locally and value addition in the use of the Internet to the local community Through

TESPOK she is involved in activities of the East Africa Communications Organization that are centred on communications regulations of
the East Africa Community Member states. She is one of three African representatives on the Number Resource Organization Number
Council and the ICANN Address Supporting Organization- Address Council. She joined TESPOK as an Administrator and worked at Seven
Seas Technologies as an Account and Marketing Manager.

Fiona Asonga, CEO

Kenya Internet
Exchange Point and


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Private Sector Panellists

oshua Okello is the co-founder of two start-ups, Cipher256 Co. Ltd and Diet Assistant.
Cipher256 Co. Ltd focuses on delivering disruptive, high-quality, affordable and contextually relevant community-centric tech

solutions such as the multi-award-winning smart-phone based ultrasound-like solution, WinSenga. Diet Assistant aims to use technology
to improve nutrition, especially in low-resource settings.
In addition to previous work at Orange Uganda (now Africell), he has worked as a volunteer in various different capacities with Microsoft
Developer Platform Evangelism & Microsoft Innovation Centre (Microsoft Student Partner) and Microsoft 4Afrika (Microsoft Student
Champ & Microsoft 4Afrika AppStar). He continues to volunteer with Microsoft Citizenship/Microsoft YouthSpark as a YouthSpark
Advocate and with the Lantern Meet of Poets as the technology consultant and resident techie.
He has a Bachelors Degree in Information Systems from Makerere University.

Joshua Okello, Founder,

Cipher256 Co. Ltd

He mentors the youth in technology including an all-girl team, mDex, which is building one of the worlds first smartphone-based sicklecell diagnosis tools. He also runs free boot-camps at universities focusing on mobile app development and how to turn tech ideas into
In 2014, he was awarded the Future Africa Prize in Technology at the Future Africa Awards; as well as the Made in Uganda Award at
the Celebrating Womanhood Festival.

hares Kariuki is the Founder and CEO, at Angani Ltd.

Before that Phares was the Digital Projects & Community Coordinator at African Media Initiative, Africas largest union of media

owners, operators, and executives. In this position he coordinated the rollout of a network of 20 HacksHackers chapters across Africa,
and also helped to run the continents largest annual tech innovation fund, the $1m African News Innovation Challenge (ANIC).
Prior to that, he worked as the VMware Lead Solution Architect and VMware Product Manager (EA) at Westcon Africa where he
oversaw the establishment of a training centre in the Nairobi office, with VATC (VMware Authorized Training Centre) status. The Nairobi
centre was the first VATC in sub-Saharan Africa, outside of South Africa. He also worked as a Consultant at the World Bank where he
was the lead facilitator for the Nairobi leg of a global Water Hackathon. He also served as the Assistant Business Development Manager
at the dataposIT Ltd.

Phares Kariuki,
Co-Founder, Angani


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Private Sector Panellists

rof. Mabel Imbuga is the Vice Chancellor of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT).
She is a Professor of Biochemistry, with over 33 years of teaching and scholarly experience. She has extensive knowledge and

demonstrative experience in the higher education system, having grown from a Research Assistant to a Deputy Vice Chancellor in
charge of Academic affairs prior to her appointment as Vice Chancellor.
Prof. Imbuga is a key resource in strategic management and leadership, with an MBA in strategic management from Eastern and
Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI).
She has over 10 funded projects and 27 publications. She has also attracted over 10 international funding for various projects cutting
across various disciplines.
Prof. Imbuga is a member of several professional associations across the world including the President of the Africa Women in Science

Prof. Mabel Imbuga,

Vice Chancellor, JKUAT

and Engineering; immediate former Director of International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists; Member, Global Consortium
of Higher
Education and Research for Agriculture(GCHERA) and member, International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists (ICWES).

oniface Mwirigi Kiula, is the Deputy Director at Nairobi Industrial and Technological Park-JKUAT.
He has research interests in such areas as ICT policy research as it relates to e-governance, e-learning and cyber security. He is

also interested in assessment studies such as social networking, Internet adoption and recommender systems (data mining & pattern
recognition), Public Policy, and Public Administration.
He has a M.Sc. in ICT Policy & Regulation, and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture
and Technology (JKUAT)

Mwirigi Kiula, JKUAT

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Private Sector Panellists

om Omariba is the Managing Director at MTN Business Kenya.

Prior to his promotion to the position of MD, Tom served in the company in various positions since 2001. He has over 13 years

experience in the ICT Sector.

He is currently serving as the Governor of the ICT Sector Board of Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA); a body which engages the
Government to put in place a conducive business environment both in Kenya and regionally. He also serves as the Chairman of the
Board of the Telecommunications Service Providers of Kenya (TESPOK); and is also a Non-Executive Director at Metropolitan Life Kenya
Tom holds an MBA from the University of Nairobi and is a Graduate of Moi University. He is a Certified Public Accountant and also a
Certified Public Secretary.

Tom Omariba, MTN

Business Kenya

In 2014, he was awarded the Future Africa Prize in Technology at the Future Africa Awards; as well as the Made in Uganda Award at
the Celebrating Womanhood Festival.

ernard Chomba is the C.E.O at Salsy Innovate.

Salsy Innovate provides innovative payment solutions. Its first product Y Card is an all-in-one VISA Powered student identity card

that functions as a student ID card, payment card, ATM Card, Library Card, Loyalty Card in selected retail outlets and as a gate pass
among others. Students do not need to carry cash as they can use the cards to make payments in the school canteen, VISA branded
retail outlets all over the world and pay fares. Parents can top up and also monitor card usage over the phone. This ensures financial
inclusion for the school students and promotes a secure cashless payment system.

Bernard Chomba, Salsy



............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Private Sector Panellists

olomon Benge is the Founder and Lead Trainer of Fundi Bots, a Ugandan non-profit that uses robotics training within and outside high
schools to promote better and more practical STEM education and provides better career opportunities for youth in the technology

Prior to Fundi Bots, Solomon was founder and CEO of Node Six, a Ugandan web solutions firm that is currently in its eighth year of
operations and supports more than 500 clients. He started his first business at 20 and currently has two businesses in his portfolio, both
of which are key players in the Ugandan technology and design industry. Solomons interests lie at the intersection of design and
technology with a bias towards human-machine interaction.
Through Fundi Bots, Solomon has received recognition by Google through a Google RISE grant in 2012, the BBC, Voice of America and
Wired Magazine UK. He was also selected as a 2014 Echoing
Green Fellow and a 2014 Ashoka Fellow.

Solomon King Benge,

Fundi Bots

r. Charity Wayua works as a Research Scientist at IBM Research Africa in Nairobi.

Her work is mainly focused on developing commercially viable innovations that impact peoples lives in the Public Sector and in

Education. She is passionate about using science and technology to solve everyday problems.
Charity has a PhD in Chemistry from Purdue University and a Bsc in Chemistry, Business and Gender and Diversity Studies from Xavier

Dr. Charity Wayua, IBM

Research Africa

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Private Sector Panellists

endrina Doroba is the Executive Director for a pan-African non-governmental organisation- the Forum for African Women
Educationalists (FAWE).

She has meritoriously coordinated regional programmes across the 33 sub-Saharan African countries including promoting STEM for
girls. She has excellent networking skills for nurturing partnerships; she has supported and strengthened links between FAWE National
chapters and the various Ministries of Education and other strategic partners.
Prior to joining FAWE as a Programme Officer, Hendrina worked with Irish Embassy (Zambia) as Education Manager, and Oxfam GB
Zambia as National Coordinator, Commonwealth Education Fund Project. She also taught Secondary School Mathematics and
Geography, developed and coordinated in service training programmes for mathematics teachers in Zambia for over 20 years.
Hendrina has an excellent understanding of gender and education issues, and the challenges that exists particularly in sub-Saharan

Hendrina Doroba, FAWE

Africa. Her international exposure has given her an opportunity to deepen her understanding of the political, economic social and
cultural environment in which the social sector reform process operates at various levels globally.

uangsong Xia, is the Principal Architect at Huawei Technologies. He has been with Huawei for the last four years and is the lead
for technical innovation for Huawei FusionAccess.

He is an IT Industry veteran who has worked on cloud especially virtual desktop technologies for the last ten years.

Guangsong Xia, Huawei



............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Private Sector Panellists

uchemi Wambugu is a Partner with PwC and leads the Technology Advisory Practice in Kenya.He is an accomplished IT professional
with over 18 years of experience in successfully delivering large ICT transformation projects in the public and private sector.

Muchemi is currently the PwC Team Leader on the Government of Kenya ICT Transformation Programme which has the following
projects: setup of a Programme Management Office for the ICT Authority; development of ICT standards for Government of Kenya
and design of a suitable software licensing framework; Technical Assistance in the IFMIS Re-engineering programme at The National
Treasury; Project Management for the implementation of TIMS at the Ministry of Transport; Design of a Shared Services centre and PPP
feasibility study for the KNH ICT Master Plan; and Development of the Nairobi County ICT Transformation Roadmap. Prior to joining PwC,
Muchemi worked for Deloitte as Advisory Technology Director and for IBM Global Technology Services in the US.Muchemi holds a
Masters degree in Project Management from the University of California-Berkeley and an Honours degree in Management Information
Systems from the University of Manitoba, Canada.

Muchemi Wambugu,

Strength in
is in




............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit


e has 18 years experience in ICT in a variety of roles which have included Chief Technical Officer at Wananchi Group, Chief
Information Officer at Safaricom, CEO at Flashcom, Technical Director at UUNET and Head of Technical Operations at Africa

He has also held senior positions in industry bodies including the Telecommunications Service Providers of Kenya, the Telecommunications
Network Operators Association and Africa CDMA Forum.
Robert holds an MBA in Strategic Management and a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Nairobi. He is also an alumnus
of the Pan African Advanced Management Program jointly run by IESE Business School, Strathmore Business School and Lagos Business

Robert Mugo, Director

Shared Services, ICT

onia Mutiso-Kariuki is the Marketing Director for Microsoft 4Afrika.

A trained attorney, Tonia has over 15 years of experience in the Law, IT, Human Resources and Marketing. Before joining Microsoft

4Afrika as the Marketing Director, Tonia served for 5 years as the HR Lead for Microsoft East & Southern Africa giving her in depth
experience in Human Resources Management including expertise in Talent Management, People and Organizational Development
and building Leader and Management Capabilities. Her marketing experiences include Product and Channel Marketing as well as
Marketing Leadership within Microsoft East & Southern Africa. She also served for 5 years as the Finance Manager for Microsoft East
Africa. Before that, Tonia oversaw the start-up of Microsoft Kenya being, officially, the first employee for Microsoft in Kenya.
Tonia also serves as a member of the Independent Audit Committee of the Future Awards Africa.

Tonia Otieno,
4Afrika Initiative,

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



ouis Otieno is the Legal and Corporate Affairs Director for the Microsoft 4Afrika Initiative. He is also the secretary of the 4Afrika
Advisory Council.

In 2007, Louis was the General Manager, East & Southern Africa, responsible for sales, marketing, services and business development
across 15 countries. In that role, he also served as part of the leadership team for WECA and the Indian Ocean Islands. Prior to that, he
was the Director of Enterprise Sales in West East and Central Africa (WECA) and the Director for Business Operations & Marketing in WCA
(West & Central Africa) before that. He had started his career at Microsoft Corporation in 1997 as Country Manager for Kenya, helping
drive one of the highest growth rates for Microsoft subsidiaries worldwide. Among his most notable accomplishments in his overall
career is the lead role he played in the localization of Microsoft Office & Windows into Kiswahili a first for an African language which
paved way for the extension of the localization program into seven other African languages.
Before joining Microsoft, Louis was a developer and rose to become Vice President, Information Systems at EEC Financial Services Inc,
a firm based in New York & New Jersey, USA.

Louis Otieno, Microsoft

4Afrika Initiative, Kenya

Louis serves on the Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Board and the Enablis East Africa Board. He is a member of the East Africa Business Summit
and served as chair of the American Business Association in Kenya in 2005. He is also a member of a select group of CEOs in the IGD
Frontier 100 program, an advisor to the Presidential Investors Round table in Uganda and Tanzania, as well as in the Presidential ICT
round table in Mozambique.

ng. Martin Obuya is an IBM-Trained Systems Engineer with over two decades experience in System Development, Corporate
Planning & Project Management.

He is a board member, advisor ambassador for several local, regional, international organizations including iHub, Obuntu International
Limited, Konfidants, Euro Africa ICT, Internet Society, TechSoup Global, BusinessCom Networks, African Technology Options Matrix,
LiJoMe Consulting, Creatives Society East Africa, Trio Consulting Services Africa, Pro Sports Services East Africa, Professional Hours Five
and Tech Executive Council.
He is also a member in several regional and international IT organizations comprising of International Telecommunications Union
(ITU), Technical Committees (ITU-T-SG12 and ITU-T-SG15); African Telecommunications Union (ATU), Technical Committee (AfriSwog)
African Frequency Spectrum Working Group: Forum of International Independent Networks Association (FIINA); and Southern African
Telecommunications Association (SATA).

Eng. Martin
4Afrika Initiative, Kenya


Martin has also served as judge in various hackathons globally in the past 7 years.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit


ndrew Alston is the Head of IP Strategy for the Liquid Telecom Group. He is responsible for IP Strategies across the 12 countries in
Africa where Liquid Telecom is present.

Andrew Alston has worked in the industry full time for 20 years, since the age of 16. Prior to joining Liquid Telecom, Andrew was the Chief
Technology Officer for the South African National Research and Education Network. In that position he, together with the TENET team,
spearheaded the design and deployment of Africas fastest network, which included the deployment of Africas first 10G localised
peering, the landing and commissioning of the first aggregated 10G circuit to Europe, and the first fully IPv6 enabled backbone. Before
that he was the founder of Africas first IT security company, and was involved in the Internet security industry for many years before
switching direction and moving into the networking field.
Andrew has also been involved in the policy side of the African internet for many years.
He serves on the AfriNIC Board.

Andrew Alston, Liquid

Telecom Group

r. Kamau Gachigi is the Executive Director of the Gearbox. Until recently, he headed the University of Nairobi Science & Technology
Park, at which over 15 technology businesses are currently incubated. He has been a lecturer in the Department of Mechanical

and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Nairobi since 1999, where he teaches Materials Science.
Dr. Gachigi also established and headed the Fab Lab at UoN, which is part of the international Fab Lab Network started at MIT, putting
him at the forefront of empowering youths to build hardware companies. He is involved in a number of start-ups such as Genziko Inc., a
highly innovative engineering firm researching, designing, and manufacturing devices for power generation from roadways.
Dr. Gachigi holds a PhD in Solid State Science from Penn State University in the US.
He has published 10 scientific papers, 17 papers on technology and innovation, including a book chapter published by the University of
Texas. He spent 2.5 years in Japan as a researcher at TDK. His areas of research include producing activated carbon from waste and
value addition of ores. He holds a U.S. patent in electronic materials for a biomedical device.

Dr. Kamau
4Afrika Initiative,
Kenya Kenya

Dr. Gachigi has been honoured at the Transform Kenya Awards for his contribution to building the countrys innovation capacity in

Strength is in Our Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



ouis Wajeiya is the Founder and CEO of Intellisoftplus.

He founded Intellisoftplus while still in university undertaking his undergraduate degree. He has in less than 4 years grown the company

from a start-up to a business with strong and formidable partnerships across the globe with notable brands such as Google Inc. He is
passionate and driven to expand the companys footprint across Africa making a significant contribution towards Africas renaissance.
He has an audacious 15 year vision of using technology in catalysing the transformation of lives, work and play across the continent.
Other than working at Intellisoftplus, he also serves as a member of the Presidential Digital Talent Programs Advisory council an initiative
from the office of the president of the republic of Kenya.
Louis has a degree in Computer Science.

Louis Wajeiya,


............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Connected EA Summit

Connected East Africa Summit 2015 Organising Committee

Organising Committee
Hellen Kirui

Janet Ngumi

Edmond Wandera

Kaburo Kobia

Joyce Chemutai

Stephen Mwaura

Magdalene Mjomba

Iris Khani

Oscar Omondi

Zilpher Owiti

Winfred Nganga

Ngunu Tyson Ben

Fridah Miriti

Serelina Sheshe

Francis Nderitu

Rose Ramogo

Phyllis Nyambura

Haji Tomno

Lucy Mbuvi

Geoffrey Mwikamba

Joel Mburu

Elizabeth Muthoni

Charles Lomonyang

Norman Mwangi

Mackline Otiu

Eva Nyambura

Kwame Shiroya

Event Manager

Social Media

Set-up and Technical Support

Transmodal Agency

Eyeballs Marketing


Documentary and Livestreaming

Content Development

Conference Bags


Eloquent Communications

Event Masters

Special thanks to our suppliers

Strength in
is in


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