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Bahir Dar University

Institute of Technology
School of Computing and Electrical Engineering

Electrical and Computing Engineering(Power and Control Stream)

Design Of Off-grid Pv System For Bata

Veterinary Clinic



Berhan Teshale [268/01]

Mr. Teketay .M

Rediet Tsegaye[1067/01]

February 2014

Declaration of Authorship
We, Berhan Teshale and Rediet Tsegaye, declare that this thesis titled, Title Of Your
Thesis and the work presented in it are our own. We confirm that:

This work was done wholly or mainly while in candidature for a bachelor degree
at this University.

Where any part of this thesis has previously been submitted for a degree or any
other qualification at this University or any other institution, this has been clearly
stated. Where we have consulted the published work of others, this is always
clearly attributed.

Where we have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given. With
the exception of such quotations, this thesis is entirely our own work. We have
acknowledged all main sources of help.

Mr. Teketay.M

Berhan Teshale

P. Manager:

Rediet Tsrgsye
Date: 17/02/2014

Date: 17/02/2014

It is approved that this thesis has been written in compliance with the formatting rules
laid down by the school of the university.
Examining Committe Members
1. Chairman



2. Examiner 1
3. Examiner 2


Energy is one of the most important requirements for this world to function properly.
Its availability and regular supply are of paramount interest. As we are all aware,
energy and fuel prices are rising day by day and the negative effects of global warming
are more and more visible. The electrification of rural areas using solar energy is very
economical compare to other Forms of rural electricity supply such as diesel generators
or grid extension. The rural Electrification involves the power supply to remote houses
or villages, electrification of the health care facilities, power supply for water supply
treatment and irrigation etc. This paper focuses on solar home PV system in rural

We would like to express our sincere and firm gratitude and pay a lot of thanks to
our honorable thesis advisor Mr., Teketay M Department of Computing and Electrical
Engineering for his constant supervision to carry out the thesis and that make us to
create a good knowledge and confidence. He extended his helping hand by providing
us encouragement, inspiration, facilities and valuable feedback throughout the course of
this thesis..


Declaration of Authorship





List of Tables




1 Introduction
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.1 Photo voltaic system . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.2 Rural Electrification in Ethiopia. . . . . . .
1.1.3 Rural Electrification in Ethiopia using Solar
1.2 Problem of statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3.1 General objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3.2 Specific objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.4 Expected outcome And Significant of the project .
1.5 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.5.1 Load demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.5.2 Size the PV modules . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.5.3 Battery sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.5.4 Inverter sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.5.5 Solar charge controller design . . . . . . . .





2 Review of

Off-grid pv system . . . . . . . . .
Off-grid pv system in Ethiopia . .
Grid-connected system . . . . . . .
Grid-connected system in Ethiopia






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. . .






















3 System description and over all operation


4 Design and analysis





Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Photo voltaic array sizing . . . . . . . .
Panel inclination . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Battery sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inverter Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Charge controller . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selection criteria of cable . . . . . . . .
Balance-of-System (BOS) Requirements
and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HOMER Optimization Results . . . . .

















5 Conclusion and Recommendation

5.0.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.0.3 Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
6 Bibliography


List of Tables

Load wattages . . . . . . . . .
Ratted wattages . . . . . . . .
Adjestement factors . . . . . .
energy per day . . . . . . . . .
electrical characteristics . . . .
Inclination and zenieth angle of
Inverter spesification . . . . . .
Net present cost . . . . . . . .
Anualized cost . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
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north western
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .


. . . . . .
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. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .













photo voltaic


solar home system


kilo watt


sun shine hour


direct current


alternating current


Mega watt


Peak power


Non Governmental Organization


Light Emitting Diode


Solar Home System


Kilowatt Hour


Standard Test Condition


Maximum Power Point Traking


Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistor


Ampere Hour


Derating Factor


Open circuit voltage


design current


Nominal current


Correction factor


Diversity factor


Cable Current Capacity


Reference Voltage


Short circuit current




Adjustable current


Normal Operating Temperature


Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation


Ethiopian Building Construction Standard


Millennium Development Goal



Chapter 1



Sunlight is the most abundant energy source available to man. It provides us with heat
to keep us warm, light by which to see, and energy for plants to grow [1]. Dr. David
Goodstein, a professor of physics at the California Institute of Technology said, The
total amount of sunlight that falls on the planet is 20,000 times the amount of fossil fuel
power we are using now. Theres plenty of energy from sunlight.
In [1] Solar energy is one of the most attractive sources of sustainable energy. It is an
important clean, cheap and abundant available renewable energy. Alternative energy
source like solar energy were undermined until fuel price started to rise significantly in
the last few year. In addition, high initial cost of PV generator was a limiting factor for
those users to utilize such renewable and clean energy source. Even through this solar
technology May have a higher starting cost than that of conventional fossil fuel, the low
maintenance and operation cost and the ability to operate without fuel make the solar
powered systems cheaper to keep. One of the most resourceful and suitable renewable
energies that is used in the rural non electrify area is solar power. Solar power or solar
energy is technology of gaining operational energy from the light of sun. In [1] various
type of solar system currently available are categorized as follows as follows, Photo biologic system, Chemical system, Photovoltaic system, and Thermal system.
Photo biologic system
Photosynthesis is the oldest and most widespread method of using the solar system .
in this process, nitrogen and nutrients, needed for the continuation of plants life, are

Chapter 1. Introduction

absorbed. the biologic energy stored in the plant is retrieved by burning the wood or
preparing fuel such as alcohol and the output of this process is between 0.25 to 0.5
percent and such fuel are rarely used due to their low output [1]. Chemical system
In [1] named the other type of solar energy systems as chemical solar system that are
categorized three two groups:
1. Photo chemical system in which the solar radiation is used in chemical process.
2. Heliothermic system in which the sun is used as thermal resource. Both groups are
used in synthesis which needs thermal and radiant.
Thermal system
In [1] express that thermal system is now considered as the most economical solar system. This type of system can be categorized as follows:
1 Cooling and heating systems
2 Water heating systems
3 Drying and cooking systems
4 Desalinating systems
5 Pumping systems
6 Electricity generating systems
7 Green area making systems


Photo voltaic system

One of the most common methods currently available for turning sunlight into useful
energy is by the use of photo voltaic, or solar, cells. Photovoltaic comes from the Greek
word photo meaning light and volt referring to electricity (Photo watt). Solar cells
convert light to direct current (DC) electricity by means of the photoelectric effect[3].
The electricity produced by solar cells may directly power DC machines, be converted
by an invert er to AC power for use by AC machines or devices, or be used to charge
batteries. Solar cells have no moving parts and require minimal maintenance beyond
periodic cleaning of the light-absorbing surface. The phenomenon of the conversion of
light energy to electrical energy was first discovered by the French physicist Alexander
Edmond Becquerel in 1839 (Lenardic). In 1905, Albert Einstein made comprehensive
theoretical studies about photo voltaic technology. He won the Nobel Prize in physics
in 1921 for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the

Chapter 1. Introduction

law of the photoelectric effect. Up through the mid-twentieth century, photo voltaic
technology was limited primarily to scientific research. Bell Laboratories developed the
first practical silicon-based solar module in 1954 (Chodos). This silicon solar cell, developed by Chapin, Fuller, and Pearson, had an energy conversion efficiency of 6 percent
(Chapin). In 1963, Sharp Corporation successfully began to mass-produce the first solar cells (Sharp). Early solar cell use was constrained primarily to remote applications
where no other source of reliable and practical electricity was available. These early applications included buildings far from the electrical grid, call boxes on distant highways,
and space stations and satellites in earth-orbit. The markets interest in early solar cell
technology was dampened by its low electrical conversion efficiency. Over the last 50
years, solar cell efficiency has increased while the production costs have decreased [3].


Rural Electrification in Ethiopia.

In Rural areas women and children spent their time in searching of fire wood and the
urban poor also spend a large amount of their income to satisfy their energy demand
[3]. Ethiopia has a very low amount of electricity generation from hydro and diesel
generator but this generated amount also will not fully operated due to constraints on
fuel and maintenance costs of diesel generator [4]. As most of the people live in rural
areas, the development of these areas is a key for the whole country development. The
government is taking actions to promote the electrification. For example, in 1996 investment proclamation the private investors are allowed to import all types of equipment
related to electricity production, transmission and distribution free of tax and custom
duties [4]. There are two main reasons for the low level of electrification. These are
economic resource constraints and low level of technological advancements. In the rural
area, the relatively high cost of transmission and distribution due to the mountainous
and scattered rural settlements makes it costly and the people are unable to pay for the
electricity and installation [5] [6] . Rural energy problem in Ethiopia will be the cause of
slow growth and poverty unless actions are taken to overcome this problem. [6]. Education, health, and rural road building programs are considered the main areas for building
the necessary infrastructure for poverty mitigation. The development of modern energy
in Ethiopia has got a considerable finance but the rural energy sector does not get a
fair share of this allocation. One of the main problems for the national energy policy

Chapter 1. Introduction

of Ethiopia is there is no organized responsible body for rural electrification except grid
electricity and petroleum products. Without institutional and managerial structures
and controls, it is impractical to realize that the stated solutions for the problems of
rural electrification like mini and micro-hydropower and PV systems [6].


Rural Electrification in Ethiopia using Solar PV.

Ethiopia has 15 percent electricity grid coverage with a production of less than 100MW
of power [7] and its electricity production is mainly from hydro power supplemented
with diesel. There is a large demand of electricity in rural areas of Ethiopia that could
be supplied by small scale PV systems. Even though the power requirement for the
rural population is mainly for grinding cereals and water pumping it plays an important
role in lighting of homes and schools, vaccination refrigeration and public communication centers and for other small electricity consumer appliances. In order to see the
performance of solar PV under Ethiopian climatic condition two small scale PV stand
alone systems were installed at Addis Ababa University and it shows PV can be used as
energy sources [5]. An estimate shows that PV power system demand of 2 Wp can be
used for light, 10 Wp for light and music for 4 hours per day, 50 Wp and 100 Wp can
be used for little cinema or a health station with refrigerators [8].
Ethiopia has a large population with a rapidly growing economy and very low level of
electrification [9]. Photovoltaic systems are cost-effective and reliable means to increase
access not only to electricity but also to information and communication through mobile
devices. PV is already an important source of power for the mobile network in Ethiopia
it will also be important for of energizing social institutions such as schools, clinics and
water supply [9]. The large domestic market, increasing disposable incomes, and growing
technical workforce should enable Ethiopia to develop a sustainable PV manufacturing
and distribution industry. Its sizable domestic market should also enable it to position
itself as the regional solar energy hub. It is estimated that a local manufacturing and
service industry for PV systems can create 50,000 full time skilled jobs by 2020. This,
however, requires conceptual transformation for the sector the existing sector set up
is inadequate to achieve this vision. Policy and regulatory issues must be resolved and
sector development support must be adequately provided. Since new industries are constantly faced with new challenges the key is to have a strong institution to address them

Chapter 1. Introduction

effectively as they appear [2].

Such an institution could be the rural electrification support unit within the Ministry
of Water and Energy. This unit must be truly capable and empowered; flexible in its
operations; and be able to work with industry actors [10]. It should first work to improve
the policy and regulatory environment, and then attract resources to provide adequate
sector development support. Today, PV systems have an important use in areas remote from an electricity grid where they Provide power for water pumping, lighting,
vaccine refrigeration, electrified livestock fencing, telecommunications and many other
applications. However, with the global demand to reduce carbon -dioxide emissions, PV
technology is also gaining popularity as a mainstream form of electricity generation[11].
Photovoltaic modules provide an independent, reliable electrical power source at the
point of use, making it particularly suited to remote locations. However, solar PV is
increasingly being used by homes and offices to provide electricity to replace or supplement grid power, often in the form of solar PV roof tiles. The daylight needed is free,
but the cost of equipment can take many years before receiving any payback. However,
in remote areas where grid connection is expensive, PV can be the most cost effective
power source[12].
Nearly all of the about 80 percentof Ethiopians living in rural areas have no access to
electricity. Excellent solar conditions enable attractive small off-grid PV systems for rural population. Their todays energy budget allows short payback periods of only about
2 to 4 years [12]. As a consequence of high oil prices, even larger PV systems are very
competitive to diesel generators and village power supply, respectively. Highly economic
solar systems, available to rural population, generate additional purchasing power and
open new financial capabilities for sustainable rural development [13].
Installations of photovoltaic (PV) systems have shown high growth rates around the
world [14]. Nevertheless, most PV markets need considerable governmental support to
reach parity with prevailing electricity supply. On the other side, highly economic but
still small PV markets exist like in Ethiopia, for instance. A sustainable market development of such markets often dominated by small off-grid PV solutions has to consider
several key success factors for rural electrification. Similar success patterns have been
observed around the world: adequate system design, training of installers and end-users,
financing, service and institutional cooperation [15-17].

Chapter 1. Introduction


Problem of statement

Our current industrial society works only with conventional energy sources like coal, oil,
natural gases or uranium [11]. Meanwhile, we will have two big problems with them:
They produce several kinds of pollution s. If we do not care, Atmospheric pollution,
climate change or nuclear waste can endanger our living condition on the earth.
After several years the limited energy source will become exhausted, which will not
guarantee our energy supply in the future.
On the opposite side, the renewable energy sources use natural flows. These renewable
energy sources only use a small part of the flow that is why they cannot damage natural
surroundings. One of these natural resources is solar power and there are several ways
to use it. One of them is to produce electricity [16]. Solar energy can be used instead of
fossil fuel or diesel. The decision as to what type of source of energy is utilized in each
case must be made on the basis of economic, environmental and safety consideration
[13]. Because of the desirable environment and safety aspect is widely believed that
solar should be utilized of other alternative energy forms, because it can be provided
sustainability without harming the environment. Most of our country rural areas do not
have electric access by the basis of economic aspects, geographical topology and other
problems like dispersedly populated area [10]. This problem in fact, the energy crisis is
believed to the most series problem in our rural area. Ethiopia, beside to persisting food
in security, it suffering from energy underutilized result of studies and recent data on
the energy requirement of the country indicates that the energy consumption increase in
proportional to the gross national products. One of the possible remedy for overcoming
energy crisis is by increasing the use of renewable energy source such as solar energy [15].
Our project purposely focuses on to eradicate this type of problem by using solar energy.


General objective

The objective of our project is to design Off-grid photovltaic system for veterinary clinic
in remote area of the our country.

Chapter 1. Introduction


Specific objective

To sizing PV system

To sizing battery

To specify invert er controlling

To design battery charger controlling


Expected outcome And Significant of the project

Solar PV based rural electrification is becoming a common phenomenon in Ethiopia,

where people are settled in a scattered pattern which created problems for grid electrification. Both government and non-governmental organization are involved in the
process. Solar Energy Foundation (Stiftung Solar energies), a charitable nongovernmental organization established in 2006 by Dr. Harald Schtzichel, with main aims of poverty
alleviation in developing countries by promoting the use of renewable energy, especially
solar energy. This organization is working in rural electrification mainly in Ethiopia by
using model projects [8]. The rural people of our country are highly dispersed, so in
order to electrify and fulfill their electrical power demand, modular and flexible power
source system preferable. Therefore solar PV system is significantly important. In addition it is important with respect to

Environmental impact

Chapter 1. Introduction

Reducing cost etc.

Designing and implementing solar PV from easily available solar energy for rural
area could alleviate the problem of electrical power scarcity.



The project began with a literature review of solar photovoltaic systems. This was followed by a simple prefeasibility study to obtain an idea of the amount of energy that will
be generated by the system, estimate the total space (area) required for the installation
of the system and access the economics of the whole project. A draft procedure for the
design of grid- off systems for rural clinic was prepared which will be updated from time
to time until a standard procedure is developed which can be used to replicate the design
of large-scale grid-off solar PV systems in other institutions. The draft procedure comprises the following steps; Numerous optimal sizing methodologies for grid-off systems
have been developed including analytical solutions and numerical method approaches.
Which claims that can bring the price of grid-off systems to economic viability at todays
fuel prices.


Load demand

The first step in designing a solar PV system is to find out the total power and energy
consumption of all loads that need to be supplied by the solar PV system as follows:
Calculate total Watt-hours per day for each appliance used: Add the Watt-hours needed
for all appliances together to get the total Watt-hours per day which must be delivered
to the appliances.

Calculate total Watt-hours per day needed from the PV modules: To get the optimum
output wattages from PV generator by consideration of inverter and wire efficiency. This
quantity is used as a power adjustment factor when current is changed from dc to ac.
The efficiency of the inverter selected for this application is assumed to be 0.9 and wire
efficiency o.5.
Calculate total Energy demand per day: The amount of energy each appliance requires
per day is determined by multiplying each appliances adjusted wattage by the number

Chapter 1. Introduction

of hours used per day.

The Sum of the energy per day determines the total energy demand required by the
appliances per day.

Calculate Total amp-hour demand per day: The battery storage subsystem is sized independently of the photovoltaic array. In order to size the battery bank the total electrical
load is converted from watt-hours to amp-hours. Amp-hours are determined by dividing
the total energy demand per day by the battery bus voltage.
Calculate maximum ac power requirement: The sum of the rated wattages for all appliances gives maximum ac power.


Size the PV modules

The size of the photovoltaic array is determined by considering the available solar insulation, the tilt and orientation of the array and the characteristics of the photovoltaic
modules being considered.
Assessment of the solar radiation data for the location from various institutions such as
the Ethiopia metrology which helps to estimate the amount of electricity generated.
Obtain a suitable place that can be used for the solar module
]Calculate required array output per day: The watt-hours required by the load are adjusted (upwards) because batteries are less than 100 percent efficient. Dividing the total
energy demand per day by the battery round trip efficiency determines the required
array output per day.
Selected PV module max power voltage at STC x 0.85. Maximum power voltage is obtained from the manufacturers specifications for the selected photovoltaic module, and
this quantity is multiplied by 0.85 to establish a design operating voltage for each module (not the array) to the left of the maximum power voltage and to ensure acceptable
module output current.
Calculate Energy output per module per day: The amount of energy produced by the
array per day during the worst month is determined by multiplying the selected photovoltaic power output at STC by the peak sun hours at design tilt (5hour).
Number of modules required to meet energy requirements: the required output per day

Chapter 1. Introduction


by the module energy output at operating temperature determines the number of modules required to meet energy requirements.
Number of modules required per string: the battery bus voltage by the module design
operating voltage, and then rounding this figure to the next higher integer determines
the number of modules required per string.
Number of string in parallel: the number of modules required meeting energy requirements by the number of modules required per string and then rounding this figure to
the next higher integer determines the number of string in parallel.

Nominal rated array output: Multiplying the number of modules to be purchased by the
nominal rated module output determines the nominal rated array output. This number
will be used to determine the cost of the photovoltaic array.


Battery sizing

The battery type recommended for using in solar PV system is deep cycle battery. Deep
cycle battery is specifically designed for to be discharged to low energy level and rapid
recharged or cycle charged and discharged day after day for years. The battery should
be large enough to store sufficient energy to operate the appliances at night and cloudy
days. To find out the size of battery by considering the following factors:
The location where batteries are stored should be designed to minimize fluctuations in
battery temperature. For this application the design temperature is assumed to be 25
degrees C.
The battery storage system is designed to provide the necessary electrical energy for a
period equivalent to 3 days without any sunshine.
The allowable depth- of-discharge is for concerning of life time of battery.
]The required battery capacity is determined by first multiplying the total amp-hours
per day by the days of storage required and then dividing this number by the allowable
depth of discharge.
Once the required number of amp-hours has been determined, batteries or battery cells
can be selected using manufacturers information.

Chapter 1. Introduction


]The number of batteries in parallel or battery cells needed to provide the required battery capacity by the amp-hour capacity of the selected battery.
The number of batteries in series is needed to provide the necessary dc system voltage
is determined by dividing the battery bus voltage by the selected battery or battery cell
voltage (taken from manufacturers information) Battery voltage.
The total rated capacity of selected batteries is determined by multiplying the number
of batteries in parallel by the amp-hour capacity of the selected battery.
Based on the selected batteries, the kWh or energy capacity is determined by first multiplying the total amp-hour capacity times the battery bus voltage and then dividing
this number by 1000.


Inverter sizing

An inverter is used in the system where AC power output is needed. The input rating of
the inverter should never be lower than the total watt of appliances. The inverter must
have the same nominal voltage as your battery.
For stand-alone systems, the inverter must be large enough to handle the total amount
of Watts you will be using at one time. The inverter size should be 25-30 percent bigger
than total Watts of appliances. In case of appliance type is motor or compressor then
inverter size should be minimum 3 times the capacity of those appliances and must be
added to the inverter capacity to handle surge current during starting.


Solar charge controller design

Initially, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) charge controller was planned for
use in this project. MPPT charge controllers are generally switched mode DC-DC converters which vary the switching duty cycle to regulate the RMS output voltage to match
the charging voltage of the battery, while maintaining the input voltage at the maximum power point. However, all MPPT controllers researched were priced in the range
of 200400. Therefore, a less expensive solution had to be found.
Instead of using MPPT controller, the controller in this project was designed using two
LM317 voltage regulators, a TLV2304IP dual comparator; two N-channels STD95NH02L

Chapter 1. Introduction


power MOSFET chips, a two blocking diode and 9V battery. The comparator detects
when the battery is fully charged by comparing the terminal voltage to a regulated 28.4
V reference. When the battery terminal voltage exceeds 28.4, the comparator sends
a low signal to the gate of a charging MOSFET between the battery and the solar
panel, opening the circuit to prevent overcharging. Similarly, the comparator detects
when the battery is at its lowest allowable state of charge by comparing its voltage to
a regulated 21.5 V reference. When the battery terminals are at this minimum voltage,
the comparator sends a low signal to the gate of a MOSFET connected between the
battery terminals and the inverter, opening the circuit and disconnecting the load. See
the figure below the control circuit connects to the other subsystems. Although at full
charge the terminal voltage is about 28 volts, the battery must charge to 28.4 V to overcome its charging resistance, caused by internal pressure within the charging battery cell.

Chapter 2

Review of literature
he first PV systems were installed in Ethiopia in the mid 1980s - these systems were
installed for rural home lighting and for school lighting [11]. The largest of these was a
10.5kWp system installed in 1985 in Central Ethiopia which served 300 rural households
through a micro grid in the village. This system was later upgraded to 30kWp in 1989
to provide power for the village water pump and grain mill. PV installations in the
early days were mainly project based government and NGO action and systems were
provided as grant to users. Project based installations are still important, particularly
for institutional systems (schools, health centers, and water pumps)[13]. However, both
government and NGOs now realize that only market based interventions will enable
wider dissemination and also sustainability; they now combine project (grant) based
actions with market mechanisms and focus on market and capacity development. It is
estimated that a total of some 5.3MWp of PV is now in use in Ethiopia. The main
area of application for PV is now off-grid telecom systems (particularly for mobile and
land mine network stations) which account for 87 percent of total installations. PV
systems are also used in social institutions including health stations, schools and for
water pumping. Some thirty thousand residential customers are also electrified with PV
in rural areas [13].Photovoltaic systems can be grouped into two main groups; namely
off-grid systems and grid-connected systems.


Chapter 2. Literature review



Off-grid pv system

Off-grid PV systems, as the name implies, are systems that are not connected to the
public electricity grid. These systems require an energy storage system for the energy
generated because the energy generated is not usually required at the same time as it
is generated. In other words, solar energy is available during the day, but the lights
in a stand-alone solar lighting system are used at night so the solar energy generated
during the day must be stored for use in the night. They are mostly used in areas
where it is not possible to install an electricity supply from the mains utility grid, or
where this is not cost-effective or desirable. They are therefore preferable for developing
countries where vast areas are still frequently not supplied by an electrical grid. Off-grid
systems are usually employed in the following applications; consumer applications such
as watches and scientific calculators, industrial applications such as telecommunications
and traffic signs and remote habitations such as solar home systems and water pumping
applications[12]. A typical off-grid system comprises the following main components:
Solar PV Modules: these convert sunlight directly to electricity.
Charge Controllers: manage the charging and discharging of the batteries in order to
maximize their lifetimes and minimize operational problems.
Battery or Battery Bank: Stores the energy generated by the PV modules.
Invert er: converts the DC current generated by the solar PV modules to AC current
for AC consumer load.


Off-grid pv system in Ethiopia

The outlook for the solar electricity sector in Ethiopia is for rapid increase in installation
for off-grid applications and later for grid connected applications. Off-grid applications
will be dominant in the short term but grid connected PV may become important in
the medium and long term. Short term plans that have direct relevance for the PV
sector include plans to disseminate more than 3 million PV home systems and plans
to increase mobile ownership to 40 million[11]. In 2005 off-grid PV solar home systems
(SHS) in Ethiopia consist of a 10 Wp PV module, charge and remote controller, 18 Ah
gel lead acid battery, two 50 lm/W LED lamps and one plug for a radio or tape recorder
was done. Commonly two kerosene lamps are used by one family plus optionally one

Chapter 2. Literature review


radio or tape recorder powered by dry cell batteries [13]. Off-grid telecom applications
now account for 87 percent of the total installed PV capacity in Ethiopia [10]. Strong
growth is foreseen in the coming ten years for this segment due to the drive for universal
access to mobile connectivity (the plan is for 90 percent mobile network coverage and for
40million mobile users by 2015 ). This will result in doubling of installed PV capacity
by 2015 then again doubling by 2020. This will be public sector driven demand and is
highly likely to be realized [16]. Off-grid residential applications will be an important
segment of the demand for PV in the medium to long term. The demand for this segment of the market will be mainly private sector driven and will depend on policies and
regulations in place. Existing government plans for 3 million solar lanterns and home
systems is expected to spur rapid growth increasing installed capacity by tenfold in the
next five years. Off-grid institutional applications will also be important in the short
term [15].


Grid-connected system

Grid-connected systems are systems connected to a large independent grid usually the
public electricity grid and feed power directly into the grid. These systems are usually employed in decentralized grid-connected PV applications and centralized gridconnected. Decentralized grid-connected PV applications include rooftop PV generators, where the PV systems are mounted on rooftops of buildings and incorporated into
the buildings integrated system. In the case of residential or building mounted grid
connected PV systems, the electricity demand of the building is served by the PV system and the excess is fed into the grid; their capacities are usually in the lower range of
kilowatts [15]. A typical grid-connected PV system comprises the following components:
Solar PV Modules: these convert sunlight directly to electricity.
Invert er: converts the DC current generated by the solar PV modules to AC current
for the utility grid.
Main disconnect/isolator Switch.
Utility Grid Central grid-connected PV applications have capacities ranging from the
higher kilowatts to the megawatt range. Solar PV is currently the fastest growing power
generation technology in the world with about 38,584MW capacity installed in the year
2010 [8]. In all, Europe alone contributes about 70 percent of the total installed capacity

Chapter 2. Literature review


of PV systems with North America, Japan, China and Australia following in that order
[2]. The solar PV industry has also seen tremendous improvement in cell efficiencies for
the various technologies available on commercial scale. This improvement in technology
and the continuous growth of the PV market has led to drastic reduction in the cost
of solar PV systems on the global market. The situation on the African continent is
however not encouraging, with Africa contributing less than 1 percent of the worlds
installed solar PV systems (installed capacity of 163 MW as at the end of 2010), in spite
of the huge solar energy potential available to the continent [4] . This is as a result
of the lack of policy instruments that help promote renewable energy technologies in
general and also the very high initial capital involved in developing solar PV systems.
Grid-connected solar PV systems are not that popular in Africa since most solar PV
applications are employed in off-grid rural electrification projects to rural communities
(for lighting, educational and health applications) that are far from the national grid [17].


Grid-connected system in Ethiopia

Present PV system prices are so low that they are becoming competitive with some
thermal systems. Grid parity will come later in developing countries because of generally lower generation and transmission costs for the grid [17]. However, cost of power
generation on the grid is rising while PV prices are dropping closing the cost gap. This
is opening up the market for grid connected PV and governments are now considering
them as feasible alternatives [13]. For example, the 265MW Aleltu West hydropower
plant planned to be commissioned in 2019 will cost USD 0.072/kWh (EAPP, 2011).
Transmission and distribution will add USD 0.04/kWh Increasing delivered cost to USD
0.12/kWh. In this case PV can reach grid parity if installed cost (Including PV modules,
inverter, other auxiliary equipment and service charges) declines to USD 3/W4 this is
very likely to happen in the coming five to ten years [10]. Local production of PV components may lower production costs; and expanding market for PV systems will lower
costs of distribution and installation. These two together will reduce installed cost for
PV and cut the length of time required for grid parity.
Solar PV system includes different components that should be selected according to
your system type, site location and applications. The major components for solar PV

Chapter 2. Literature review


Figure 2.1: Pv demand in Ethiopia

system are solar charge controller, inverter, battery bank, auxiliary energy sources and
loads (appliances).

Module converts sunlight into DC electricity.

Solar charge controller regulates the voltage and current coming from the PV
panels going to battery and prevents battery overcharging and prolongs the battery

Converts DC output of PV panels or wind turbine into a clean AC current for AC

appliances or fed back into grid line.

Battery stores energy for supplying to electrical appliances when there is a demand.

Load is electrical appliances that connected to solar PV system such as lights,

radio, TV, computer,refrigerator, etc.

The solar panels when exposed to sunlight generate DC electricity.

The DC power goes to a battery bank for storing, that are used for during rainy
season and when the sun goes down.

The DC power goes through a solar inverter which is a critical component in a

solar energy system. It performs the conversion of the variable DC output of the
Photovoltaic (PV) module(s) into a clean sinusoidal 50- or 60 Hz AC current that
is then applied directly to the load.

Chapter 3

System description and over all

Solar PV system includes different components that should be selected according to your
system type, site location and applications. The major components for solar PV system
are solar charge controller, inverter, battery bank, auxiliary energy sources and loads
Solar PV system includes different components that should be selected according to your
system type, site location and applications. The major components for solar PV system
are solar charge controller, inverter, battery bank, auxiliary energy sources and loads

Converts sunlight in to DC electricity.

Solar charge controller regulates the voltage and current coming from the PV
panels going to battery and prevents battery overcharging and over discharging
prolongs the battery life.

converts DC output of PV panels or wind turbine into a clean AC current for AC

appliances or fed back into grid line.


Chapter 3. System description and over all operation


Battery stores energy for supplying to electrical appliances when there is a demand.
Load is electrical appliances that connected to solar PV system such as lights,
radio, TV, computer, refrigerator, etc.

controller.PNG controller.PNG
Figure 3.1: Charge controller

The solar panels when exposed to sunlight generate DC electricity. The DC power goes
to a battery bank for storing, that are used for during rainy season and when the sun goes
down. In this project battery charge regulator are design by using two LM317 voltage
regulators, TLV2304IP dual comparator, two N-channels STD95NH02L power MOSFET
chips, a two blocking diode and 9V battery. The comparator detects when the battery is
fully charged by comparing the terminal voltage to a regulated 28.4 V reference. When
the battery terminal voltage exceeds 28.4, the comparator sends a low signal to the gate
of a charging MOSFET between the battery and the solar panel, opening the circuit to
prevent overcharging. Similarly, the comparator detects when the battery is at its lowest
allowable state of charge by comparing its voltage to a regulated 21.5 V reference. When
the battery terminals are at this minimum voltage, the comparator sends a low signal
to the gate of a MOSFET connected between the battery terminals and the inverter,
opening the circuit and disconnecting the load. See the figure below the control circuit
connects to the other subsystems. The DC power goes through a solar inverter which is
a critical component in a solar energy system. It performs the conversion of the variable
DC output of the Photovoltaic (PV) module(s) into a clean sinusoidal 50- or 60 Hz AC
current that is then applied directly to the load.

Chapter 4

Design and analysis


Table 4.1: Load wattages




hours per day













Inverter and wire efficiency (decimal). This quantity is used as a power adjustment factor when current is changed from dc to ac. The efficiency of the inverter
selected for this application is assumed to be 90 percent and the efficiency of the
wire selected for this application is assumed to be 95 percent.gnerally 85 pecent.

Battery bus voltage. This is nominal dc operating voltage of the system. The battery bus voltage for this application is 24 volts. Which corresponds to the required
dc input voltage for the inverter.

ac voltage. The output voltage of the inverter selected for this application is 220

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


The components (appliances) that the system will power are:

Microscope (20 watt each, combined rated wattage 40, used 4 hours/ day) Fan
(rated wattage 60, used 7 hours/day) Autoclave (rated wattage 2000, used 3
hours/day) Fluorescent (rated wattage 40, used 10 hours/day) Refrigerator (rated
wattage 90, used 12 hours/day)

The rated wattage is listed for each appliance in the above. Note that the rated
wattage for some appliances may vary from the actual power consumed due to the
load variation or cycling.
Table 4.2: Ratted wattages






rated wattage






Adjustment factor. The adjustment factor is related to the efficiency of the inverter and a wire reflects the actual power consumed from the battery bank to
operate ac loads from the inverter. For this application the adjustment factor is

Adjusted wattage. Dividing the rated wattage by the adjustment factor adjusts
the wattage to compensate for the inverter and wire inefficiency and gives the
actual wattage consumed from the battery bank.

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


Table 4.3: Adjestement factors


adjustement facter

adjusted watt ages
















Energy per day. The amount of energy each appliance requires per day is determined by multiplying each appliances adjusted wattage by the number of hours
used per day.

Table 4.4: energy per day


hours per day

energy per day


47 * 4



141 * 7



2353 * 3



188 * 10



106 * 12


Total energy demand per day. The Sum of the Quantities determines the total
energy demand required by the appliances per day. For this application the total
energy per day for the load is 11386 watt-hours.

Total amp-hour demand per day. The battery storage subsystem is sized independently of the photovoltaic array. In order to size the battery bank the total
electrical load is converted from watt-hours to amp-hours. Amp-hours are determined by dividing the total energy demand per day by the battery bus voltage.
11386 watt-hours/24 volts = 474.42 amp-hours

Chapter 4. Design and analysis



Maximum ac power requirement. The sum of the rated wattages for all appliances
is equal to 2410 watts. Note that this is the maximum continuous power required
and does not include surge requirements. This value is the maximum continuous
ac power output required of the inverter if all loads were to operate simultaneously.
The Peak, or surge requirement must also be considered when selecting an inverter.

Maximum dc power requirement. The sum of the adjusted wattages, or dc power,

for all appliances is equal to 2835 watts. This value is the maximum dc input
power required by the inverter and is necessary to determine wire sizes fusing and
disconnect requirement. If load management techniques are employed to eliminate
the possibility of loads operating simultaneously, the inverter maximum output
requirements may be reduced accordingly.
Inverter efficiency ......... 85 percent
Battery bus voltage.......... 24 volts
Inverter ac voltage ......... 220 volt

Total energy demand per day.......11386 watt-hours

Total amp-hour demand per ........... 474.42 amp-hours

Maximum ac power requirement ....... 2410 watts

Maximum dc power requirement ....... 2835 watts


Photo voltaic array sizing

The size of the photovoltaic array is determined by considering the available solar insulation, the tilt and orientation of the array and the characteristics of the photovoltaic

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


modules being considered. The array is sized to meet the average daily load requirements for the month or season of the year with the lowest ratio daily insulation to the
daily load.
The available insulation striking a photovoltaic array varies throughout the year and is
a function of the tilt angle and azimuth orientation of the array. If the load is constant,
the designer must consider the time of the year with the minimum amount of sunlight.
Knowing the insulation available (at tilt) and the power output required, the array can
be sized using module specifications supplied by manufacturers. Using module power
output and daily insulation (in peak sun hours), the energy (watt-hours or amp-hours)
delivered by a photovoltaic module for an average day can be determined. Then, knowing the requirements of the load and the output of a single module, the array can be
The array is sized to meet the average daily demand for electricity during the worst
insulation month of the year, which is August in North western Ethiopia. The array
will face south and because the sun is low in the sky during August will be tilted at an
angle of 11.78 degrees from the horizontal in order to maximize the insulation received
during August.
DESIGN TILT: 11.78 degrees for maximum insulation during the year.

Total energy demand per day: 11386 watt-hours

Battery round trip efficiency. A factor between 0.70 and 0.85 is used to estimate
battery round trip efficiency. For this application 0.85 is used because the battery
selected is relatively efficient and because a significant percentage of the energy is
used during daylight hours.

Required array output per day: The watt-hours required by the load are adjusted
(upwards) because batteries are less than 100 percent efficient. Dividing the total
energy demand per day by the battery round trip efficiency determines the required array output per day.
= ( 11386 watt-hours) / (0.85)

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


= 13395.294 watt-hours.

Selected PV module max power voltage at STC x 0.85: Maximum power voltage
is obtained from the manufacturers specifications for the selected photovoltaic
module, and this quantity is multiplied by 0.85 to establish a design operating
voltage for each module (not the array) to the left of the maximum power voltage.

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


Table 4.6: electrical characteristics

Model No



100 w

Power Tolerance


Max Volt.



Max Current



Open circuit Voltage



Short circuit Current



Max System Volt


Cell Size

125 x 125

Bypass Diodes -Junction Box

12 Amp

Max. Series Fuse Rating

12A mp

Temp coe of Isc


of Cells per Module


Cell Type

Mono-crystalline Silicon

Temp of Voc


Percent / C

Temp of Power


Percent / C


48 2

Operating Temp





Percent / C

AM 1.5,1000 W/ m 2, 25 C

mechanical characteristics

1200 * 540*30





Junction Box

TUV certified, IP65

Cable Diameter

TUV certified 4mm sqr


compatible to Type 4 (MC4)


30mm thickness, Aluminum

RDM-100M modules are used in this application. The maximum power voltage at STC
for the RDM-100M Solar is 18.80 volts
= (18.80 volts * 0.85) = 15.98 volt. Selected PV module guaranteed power output at
STC: This number is also obtained from the manufacturers specifications for the selected
module. The above table shows the nominal power output at 1000 watts/meter square

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


and 25 degrees C is 100 watts. The guaranteed power output is 90 percent of this value,
or 90 watts.
Peak sun hours at optimum tilt: This is obtained from solar radiation data for the design
location and array tilt for an average day during the worst month of the year. Peak sun
hours at Latitude + 11.56 degrees for north western Ethiopia in august equal 5.85h.

Energy output per module per day: The amount of energy produced by the array
per day during the worst month is determined by multiplying the selected photovoltaic power output at STC by the peak sun hours at design tilt.
= (90 watts) * (5.85 hours) = 526.5 Watt-hour.

Module energy output at operating temperature: A de-rating factor of 0.90 (for

moderate climates and non-critical applications) is used in this application to determine the module energy output at operating temperature. Multiplying the
de-rating factor (DF) by the energy output module establishes an average energy
output from one module.
= (526.5Watt-hour) * (0.90) = 473.85 Watt-hour.

Number of modules required to meet energy requirements: Dividing the required

output per day by the module energy output at operating temperature determines
the number of modules required to meet energy requirements.
= (13395.294 watt-hours) / (473.85 Watt-hour) = 28.02 module (28 module)

Number of modules required per string: Dividing the battery bus voltage by the
module design operating voltage, and then rounding this figure to the next higher
integer determines the number of modules required per string.
= (24Volt) / (15.98 volt) = 1.5 (rounded to 2 modules).

Number of string in parallel: Dividing the number of modules required to meet

energy requirements by the number of modules required per string and then rounding this figure to the next higher integer determines the number of string in parallel.

= (28 module) / (2 modules) = 14 modules.

Chapter 4. Design and analysis



Number of modules to be purchased: Multiplying the number of modules required

per string by the number of strings in parallel determines the number of modules
to be purchased.
= (2 modules) * (14 modules) = 28 modules.

Nominal rated PV module output: The rated module output in watts as stated by
the manufacturer. Photovoltaic modules are usually priced in terms of the rated
module output (dollar/watt). The RDM-100M rated module power is 100 watts.

Nominal rated array output: Multiplying the number of modules to be purchased

by the nominal rated module output determines the nominal rated array output.
This number will be used to determine the cost of the photovoltaic array.
= (28) * (100 watts) = 2800Watts.


Panel inclination

Selection of a sufficiently sized panel is crucial, to ensure that it generates enough energy
to replace that used by the load or lost to inefficiency. To aid in these calculations, peak
sunlight hours are determined, and are defined as the number of hours of peak isolation
(such as, at solar noon) that would produce the same amount of energy as the variable
isolation dispersed throughout an entire day. According to weather data taken from [23]
in north-western Ethiopia august period has low peak sunshine hours, averaging about 5
peak sunlight hours per day. This means that a solar panel can collect an equal amount
of energy in 5 hours of peak sunlight as it could throughout the day with varying sunlight.

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


Figure 4.1: Solar insulation

To help the panel maximize its output, the inclination can be adjusted monthly to match
the Suns zenith angle. To find the zenith angle, the latitude and the daily declination
angle must be known. Zenith angle is calculated according to the following equation,
Zenith Angle = Declination Angle - Latitude
Where negative angles correspond to southern latitudes and south tilting panels. The
latitude for North-western Ethiopia is 11.56 degrees N. The equation for determining
the declination angle is as:
Declination Angle = 23.45 * sin [(360/365)*(284+n)]
Where the variable n is the day of the year, beginning with n=1 on January first.
Below (Table) is the table of inclination angles calculated by month for North-western

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


Table 4.7: Inclination and zenieth angle of north western Ethiopia




Declination angle

Zenith angle







































289 -9.9












A zenith angle of -11.78 degrees means that the panel should be tilted 11.78 degrees
due South. This data matches the data shown in Figure, below, which shows the Suns
elevation and hour angle by date and time. The tangential axis measures the Suns hour
angle throughout the day, measured from North, and the radial axis measures the elevation angle above the horizon. Note that the orange line represents the Suns location on
December 21, 2013, when this graph was obtained. The zenith angle is defined as the
Suns elevation angle above the horizon When its hour angle is 180 degrees, due South.
The zenith angle in Figure is approximately 35.5.

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


path.PNG path.PNG
Figure 4.2: Suns hour angle


Battery sizing

The location where batteries are stored should be designed to minimize fluctuations in
battery temperature. For this application the design temperature is assumed to be 25
degrees centigrade.

Days of storage desired/required (autonomy). The loss of electricity for the residence in this application, although undesirable, would not be catastrophic. Consequently, the battery storage system is designed to provide the necessary electrical
energy for a period equivalent to 3 days without any sunshine.

Allowable depth-of-discharge limit (decimal). The maximum fraction of capacity

that can be withdrawn from the battery which specified by the designer. Note that
the battery selected must be capable of this limit or greater depth of discharge.

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


For this application the allowable depth- of-discharge is 0.8.

Required battery capacity. The required battery capacity is determined by first

multiplying the total amp-hours per day by the days of storage required and then
dividing this number by the allowable depth of discharge limit and battery efficiency.
474.42 X (3 / [0.8]) = 1779.075 amp-hours.

Amp-hour capacity of selected battery. Once the required number of amp-hours

has been determined above, batteries or battery cells can be selected using manufacturers information. Exide 3E120-17 industrial grade batteries were selected
for this application because of their long cycle life and rugged construction [24].
Exide 3E120-17s Shows that capacity for a 3 day rate is 1077 amp-hours. Since
battery capacity may vary with the rate of discharge, the amp-hour capacity that
corresponds to the required days of storage should be used.

Number of batteries in parallel. The number of batteries or battery cells needed

to provide the required battery capacity by the amp-hour capacity of the selected
1779.075 amp-hours / 1077 amp-hours = 2 (round up from 1.65).

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


Figure 4.3: Battery selection

Number of batteries in series. The number of batteries needed to provide the necessary dc system voltage is determined by dividing the battery bus voltage by the
selected battery or battery cell voltage (taken from manufacturers information).

24 volts / 6 volts = 4.

Total Number of batteries. Multiplying the number of batteries in parallel by the

number of batteries or battery cells in series, determines the total number of batteries needed.
4 x 2 = 8.

Total battery amp-hour capacity. The total rated capacity of selected batteries
is determined by multiplying the number of batteries in parallel by the amp-hour
capacity of the selected battery.
2 x 1077 amp-hours = 2154 amp-hours.

Total battery kilowatt-hour capacity. Based on the selected batteries, the kWh
or energy capacity is determined by first multiplying the total amp-hour capacity

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


times the battery bus voltage, and then dividing this number by 1000.

[2154 amp-hours x 24 volts] / 1000 = 51.67 kilowatt-hour.


Inverter Selection

The AIMS 3000 W Modified pure Sine Wave Inverter was selected for its output voltage
220 V, 50 Hz AC and for its low retail price of dollar. I80t has a nominal maximum
output power of 3000 W, so it can easily supply the 24 DC volt. Additionally, it has
shutoff features to protect from low or high DC input voltages and high AC currents. See
the Table below, for the nominal minimum and maximum DC voltages and maximum
AC current, as provided by the manufacturer.

Table 4.8: Inverter spesification


Rated capacity

3000 w


AIMS 4000-221 model

Nominal voltage

220 volt

Optimum efficiency

90 percent

Transfer time

Ac to DC: 10 ms (typical)

Rated current

40 Ampere 50Hz


50 Hz

Load Current Draw

less than 1A(24V)

Low Battery Alarm

21.5 23V

Auto Low Battery Shutdown

20.5 22V

Cooling Fan




Charge controller

One problem encountered when designing this control circuit was that that the regulated outputs needed from the LM317 linear regulators were either above the battery
voltage or less than 1.5 volts below it. Therefore, to ensure that the input voltage to the

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


regulators was high enough above the desired output, a 9 V battery was connected in
series with the 24 V batteries to supply a nominal input voltage of 33 V to the LM317
chips. This ensured that the regulated reference voltages would remain constant and
accurate while allowing for any necessary internal voltage drops within the regulators.
The 24 V regulators uses an R1 value of 240 Ohms and an R2 value of 3813.5 Ohms,
which gives a nominal regulated output voltage of 21.5 V, according to the equation:
Vreg = 1.25*(1+R2/R1) + Iadj*R2
Obtained from the LM317 datasheet, where Iadj = 100uA.
The 28.4 V regulators use an R1 value of 240 Ohms and an R2 value of 5113 Ohms,
which gives a nominal regulated output voltage of 28.4. N-channel STD95NH02L MOSFET transistors are used as switches in this project to connect the battery to the panel
and to the inverter. These MOSFETs are rated for up to 80 Amps, and a 22 V nominal
gate-source voltage is used to turn them on. This gate-source voltage is supplied by the
TLV2304 comparator. The actual output voltage of this comparator is its supply voltage
(taken from the battery), plus or minus 0 .3 V, according to the datasheet, meaning that
the gate-source voltage should be within 0.3 V of the battery voltage.

controller.PNG controller.PNG
Figure 4.4: Charge controller


Selection criteria of cable

We know that solar system is a limited capacity system. Appropriate cable should be
used to reduce the loss of voltage and to make the system work with optimum efficiency.

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


The cables used for wiring the d. c. section of a standalone PV system need to be
selected to ensure that they can withstand the following :

Voltage and

Current conditions at which they may be expected to operate.

Effects of both current and solar gain.

Load installation

For microscope: P = (2*20) = 40watt

Where p is demand power and 2 is number of microscope. 20 the value of microscope
Current design (Ib) =40/220V
= 0.1818A

Choose the nominal current (In) for rating of protection from the table of EBCS
In = 6, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40.........
In Ib
For microscope In = 6A.

The cables current carrying capacity for microscope is:

Iz = In/CF
Where CF is correction factor 0.94 @ a temperature of 35c
= 6/0.94 = 6.38A
The cable size and rate from EBCS table current carrying capacity depending on
Iz is 1mm2, 11A, cables are required

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


For refrigerator

the design current is


Ib = p/v
Ib = 90/220
= 0.409A

Figure 4.5: Feeder diagram


Balance-of-System (BOS) Requirements

Fuses fuse holders, switches, and other components should be selected to satisfy both voltage and current requirements.

All battery series branches should contain fuses.

Fused disconnects are strongly recommended to isolate the battery bank from
the rest of the system.

Surge protectors are strongly recommended to prevent surge voltage. Surge

protectors help to protect your system from power surges that may occur if
the PV system or nearby power lines are struck by lightning. A power surge
is an increase in voltage significantly above the design voltage.

Chapter 4. Design and analysis



Automatic and manual safety disconnects protect the wiring and components
from power surges and other equipment malfunctions. They also ensure the
system can be safely shutdown and system components can be removed for
maintenance and repair.

Array DC Disconnect The array DC disconnect, also called the PV disconnect, is used to safely interrupt the flow of electricity from the PV array for
maintenance or troubleshooting.

DC Disconnect Along with the inverter AC disconnect, the inverter DC disconnect is used to safely disconnect the inverter from the rest of the system.

Battery DC Disconnect In a battery-based system, the battery DC disconnects is used to safely disconnect the battery bank from the rest of the system.

Equipment Grounding Equipment grounding provides protection from shock

caused by a ground fault. A ground fault occurs when a current-carrying
conductor comes into contact with the frame or chassis of an appliance or
electrical box. All system components and any exposed metal, including
equipment boxes, receptacles, appliance frames and PV mounting equipment
should be grounded.

Blocking diode- to prevent the reverse current.


Result and discussion

HOMER Optimization Results

HOMER requires input information in order to analyze the system and to give
the feasible solutions. The main input to the software is the load. After carefully
determining the hourly community electric load from the primary load.

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


Figure 4.6: primary load

Table 4.9: Net present cost




























Table 4.10: Anualized cost


























Chapter 4. Design and analysis


Figure 4.7: Cash flow diagram

Figure 4.8: Monthly statistic

Having fed the necessary input data given in the earlier section to the software
the software is run. The resulting list of optimal combinations of realizable setups
obtained is given in both overall and categorized forms. The above Table shows
extracted part of the long list from the complete overall table. The extraction is
based on the contribution made by renewable resources in the realizable set-ups.

Rural villages in Ethiopia lack modern energy supply and this creates a challenge
for sustainable development. The energy source of rural community which accounts more than 83 percent of the countrys population depends on unsustainable
biomass supply. The use of biomass in traditional way has caused chronic health
problems such as reparatory and eye diseases. For example the World Bank in
2008 reported 1.6 to 2 million deaths each year is caused due to poor indoor air
quality from fuel wood.

Chapter 4. Design and analysis


Modern energy supply using PV in rural areas helps to meet millennium development goals (MDG) by transforming the quality and accessibility of schools, health
center, communication centers and clean water supply and hence improve the socioeconomic status of the livelihood. Apart from socio economic development, PV
based rural electrification, which is renewable energy source, can mitigate climate
change by curbing CO2 emission. This helps us to understand the multidimensional advantages of rural electrification using PV in rural community. However,
technology transfer always requires a detail study on the sustainability based on
cost feasibility and level of technology for the specific literacy level. What makes
this study special is that it uses an existing PV electrified rural village called BATA
to study the impact of PV based rural electrification on socio-economic development, climate change and its sustainability on the study area. Different methods
of attack have been used to study PV based rural electrification by different authors [Stutenbaumer et al 1999; Fara et al 1998; Kaufman et al 2000; A. Chaurey
et al 2010; Nieuwenhout et al 2004; K. Muhopadhyay et al 1993]. Problems of
existing energy systems are identified and new improved model is proposed for
the village. However, there are several limitations of PV for rural electrification
which threat the sustainability of PV based rural electrification projects. The high
investment required is the main problem which limits its affordability by most of
rural households of Ethiopia. The high technical skill required for installation and
maintenance is also a problem for the PV project for rural electrification.

Chapter 5

Conclusion and


Regarding the solar energy it is definitively conclusive that there is abundant resource. The feasibility study, which is based on the findings of the potential showed
a list of possible feasible set-ups according to their Net Present Cost (NPC). The
level of the renewable resource penetration can be said is closely tied with the net
present cost. The choice as to which feasible system to pick from the list is linked
to the choice of whether to consider the renewable resource or the net present
cost. This decision is left to the policy makers of the country. However, as in the
quotation given in the Introduction part Engineers shoed persistently press the
policy makers to consider the utilization of the renewable resource.
Solar power plants are currently the mere process which can be used in all the
poor developing countries. So we think that if researchers continue to work hard
to improve all the processes, in several years, solar energy will be the first renewable energy source. Ethiopian is an example that off-grid PV is a highly attractive
source of electricity for rural population in developing countries. Very short payback periods for small PV systems offer high financial savings which can be spent
for other needs like education. A fast and successful dissemination strategy has to
include local availability of PV systems, training of solar experts, local solar businesses, exchange of information about end users needs and manufacturers, which
might be achieved by local solar production, adapted appliances, financing schemes

Chapter 1. Conclusion and Recommendation


and model projects. Beneficial economics of PV in Ethiopia could generate additional purchasing power and PV service jobs in rural regions. Access to electricity
has the potential for sustainable rural development and a new enlightenment in
rural areas. For our future, it is now essential to diversify our energy sources. If
we do not react now and stop or decrease our dependency on fossil fuels the future
is in danger. When oil and coal resources will be exhausted, there will probably
have tensions between the countries, maybe war or economic crisis will increase.



Curb the financing problem of PV projects availability of loan facility can be

a solution. The involvement of microcredit institutions in the village such as
Amhara credit and saving institution can solve the problem of loan availability.

Further study on the carbon saving and sequestration by PV electrification

can be a source of income by carbon trading and will make such kind of
projects more sustainable.

Technical capacities for installation and maintenance in village can be solved

by training more villagers in the solar center.

Awareness about the technology was also seen a problem in the village and
different awareness creation method such as billboards, leaflets and special
trainings can increase the awareness.

Chapter 6

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