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Statistics Homework Help

Statistics Assignment Help

Mark Austin

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About Statistics:
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conveniently. Most of the services of online tutors in
statistics nowadays are no longer free. But the prices we
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benefits of their helpful guides and solutions while having a
tutorial lesson in Statistics for their assignments. All our
statistics experts are capable of handling different kinds of
statistics assignments that are present in the course
curriculum of university and colleges in the present time.

Statistics Assignment Sample Illustrations and Solutions:

Illustration 1.
Shift the trend origin from 2001 to 2004 in the straight line trend equation, Yc = 25 + 2x,
given that the time unit = 1 year.
Here, the trend origin is to be shifted forward by 3 years i.e. from 2001 to 2004. Thus k =3.
By the formula of trend shifting se l have,
Yc = a + b (X + K)
Substituting the respective values in the above we get, Yc = 25 + 2 (X + 3)
= 25 + 2X + 6
= 31 + 2X
Thus, the shifted equation is given by
Yc = 31 + 2X
Where, origin of X = 2004, and
X unit = 1 year.
Note. From the above shifted equation, it must be note4d that the value of a only6 has been
changed from 25 to 31, whereas the value of b remains the same 2.

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Illustration 2
The trend equation for a time series is fitted as Yc = 60 + 1.5X shift the trend origin from
2004 ti 1998, given that the time unit is 1 year.
Here, the trend origin is to be shifte4d back by 5 years i.e. from 2004 to 1999.
Thus k = -5
By the formula of trend shifting we have, Yc = a + b (X K)
= 60 + 1.5 (X 5)
= 60 + 1.5X 7.5
= Yc = 52.5 + 1.5X, where the origin of X = 1999.

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Illustration 3.
Shift the trend origin from 2002 to 2004 in the following trend equation:
Yc = 20.3 + 0.4X + 0.5X2
Given that the time out unit = 1 Year.
Here, the trend origin is to be shifted forward by 2 years i.e. from 2002 to 2004. Hence k =
2. By the formula of trend shifting we have,
Yc = a + b (X + K) + c (X + K)2
(it is a parabolic equation of second degree)
Substituting the respective values in the above, we get Yc = 20.3 + 0.4 (X + 2) + 0.5 (X +
= 20.3 + 0.4 X + 0.8 + 0.5 (X2 + 4X + 4)
= 20.3 + 0.4X + 0.8 + 0.5X2 + 2X + 2

Yc = 23.1 + 2.4 X + 0.5X2

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In the above equation, it must be seen that the values of both the a and b have been
changed, whereas the value of c has remained unchanged. This is because; it was the case
of shifting a parabolic equation of second degree.

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