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7 days of

weight loss
Eat without angst
Feel great in your female body


A Note From Jena

What You Can Expect
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven

Welcome Woman

oure embarking on a journey that will unite you with a feminine force that will transform
your body and your lifepleasure. Pleasure is the missing puzzle piece that every
woman struggling with food and her weight needs to get her hands on. When she
does, and finally finds her pleasure, something magical happens to her. She starts to glow like never
before. She radiates confidence. She becomes wildly attractive. And best of all, she feels absolutely
fabulous in her skinfully relaxed, yet ready to take on any challenge, including weight loss.
If you want to feel in love with your body and at peace with food, and you instinctively know that
calorie counting, food points, portion control and punishing exercise is not the way, then youll
be glad to know that this 7-day guide has none of those. Instead, I want to introduce you to a
pleasurable way of losing weight.

Heres why I strongly believe pleasure needs to be your

central focus for successful weight loss.
For over a decade, I struggled with a very painful relationship with food and my body. I ate
compulsively and binged, or deprived myself of food altogether. My unhealthy eating patterns and
food choices interfered with my digestion and my metabolism.
The result was twenty pounds of weight gain, constipation, poor skin, lethargy, mood swings, and
a sense of sluggishness throughout my entire system. Worse, my body image and self-esteem spiraled

7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

Then a defining moment happened. I discovered that pleasure is the key to losing weight.
I realized that the secret to losing weight is not about enjoying less, its about enjoying more. I
found out that the path to losing weight does not boil down to simply eating less and exercising
more as weve all been lead to believe. Slimming down permanently happens as a natural sideeffect of embracing a whole new way of relating to your female body and to pleasure. Even if youve
struggled with food and your weight all your life, youll be amazed at how being kind and loving
to your body, as if she were a cherished creature under your care, and making choices based on a
pleasure-positive attitude, can be the spark that ignites lasting transformation.
I am excited to serve you a pleasurable new way to live and relate to food and your body with
this 7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss program. Youll be amazed at how just a few simple
principles, practices and recipes will boost your metabolism, while tantalizing your taste buds
and heightening your enjoyment of life.
Woman, I assure you, youve suffered enough. Now its time to grant yourself permission to give
the alternative - the pleasurable approach - a go. This is my warmest invitation for you to join me on
this ride.
Thank you for being part of the Pleasurable Weight Loss community.
With love and support,

7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

What you can expect

Enjoying the pleasure of food as well as all the sources of enjoyment that life has to offer are the keys to losing weight
pleasurably. Above all, food is not your enemy! The real obstacle to you looking and feeling your best is the triggering of
your bodys fight or flight stress response that signals your body to protect itself by storing weight.
Just as science shows us that stress can cause weight gain, fortunately, the reverse is also true:
relaxation, pleasure, and sensuality create the metabolic conditions that stimulate weight
When you create a life that is truly pleasurable, your relationship with food becomes more natural
and intuitive, and when you learn to eat with pleasure, your brain and body work together to tell us
when to eat and when to stop, without the need for restriction or control.

As you journey through the next seven days, please remember,

pleasure is a trustworthy, intelligent guiding force.
Over each of the next 7 days, youll get a:
Pleasurable Point of View
Pleasurable Eating Practice
Recipe for Pleasurable Cooking
As you journey through the next seven days, please remember, pleasure is a trustworthy, intelligent
guiding force.
It is a vital daily nutrient. Instead of controlling, restricting, and pushing yourself, these days are
your opportunity to awaken your senses to pleasure and reinvent your relationship with food,
as you enjoy this feminine approach to weight loss.

7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

a little more of what you can expect

Pleasurable Points of View
What you believe to be true about your body and pleasure
translates into the experience you will have in the world. For
example, in order to feel really great in your skin, you need to first
deeply believe that you deserve to feel good. In each day of this
7 day program Im going to teach you what I call a Pleasurable
Point of View. These are beliefs and frames for understanding
reality that will let go of feeling guilt or ashamed about
experiencing pleasure, and instead will help you establish how to
have an appropriate, mature relationship with pleasure, that helps
you with a peaceful relationship with food, sustainable weight loss
and much more.

Pleasurable Eating Practices

The Pleasurable Eating Practices are backbone practices that
support a pleasurable weight loss journey. By making a point to
eat with attention to pleasure, you heighten your calorie-burning
efficiency every time you eat. In a diet culture obsessed with what
to eat and how much of it, a surprisingly overlooked weight loss
secret is to focus on how you eat. With these practices, that youll
discover one per day over the next 7 days, youll be supported to
lose weight without ever depriving yourself of pleasure with food
ever again.

Recipes for Pleasurable Cooking

Its important to remember that Pleasurable Weight Loss is not a
food plan. Theres no calorie counting or points. This approach is
not designed to restrict you or deprive you of anything. Its about
enjoying natural, healthy, delicious food that awakens the senses.
Its about savoring every bite, so much so that you no longer have
a desire or need to overeat because you are so satisfied by your
experience. Resisting cravings is no fun. But getting curious about
how to respond to your cravings with yummy, sensuous, easy-tomake recipes can be very entertaining and a good time for you
and your friends and/or family.

7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

day one
A Pleasurable Point of View

ost of us grow up with the

notion that pleasure is a luxury
and an occasional reward for
hard work. But the truth is, we need to tap
into pleasure, relaxation and sensuality on
a daily basis or our body senses something
important is missing. When we deprive
ourselves of reliable access to simple and
diverse sources of delight, we are vulnerable
to making up for what we are missing with
The point of view Id like you to adopt is
that pleasure is a necessary daily nutrient.
Cheating yourself of pleasure simply isnt
an option, yet by bringing your conscious
attention to fulfilling this need, you can
respond to your innate attraction to feel good
in healthy and sustainable ways that support
your pleasurable weight loss.

7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

Pleasurable Eating Practice

Relax Before You Eat
Just as fire needs oxygen to burn, your body requires a steady
source of oxygen which you provide through deep breathing
to maximize its calorie-burning efficiency. In just one or two
minutes, deep breathing can significantly increase your oxygen
intake and ignite your metabolism.
Whenever you prepare to eat, first take several deep, conscious
breaths to relax your body and mind and to prime your digestive
fire with oxygen. As you continue to pay attention to breathing
deeply and stay present with the experience of eating, you will
become more relaxed, and the result is that you will be satisfied
sooner and find that you eat less.

What do you need:

1 piece gluten-free or ancient-grains bread

Butter or non-dairy butter spread
1 egg
salt and pepper to taste
pinch of paprika
pinch of cinnamon
1/4 cup alfalfa sprouts
1 tsp. sunflower seeds
1 tsp. olive oil
1 lemon wedge
1 tsp. maple syrup

How to prepare it?

Using the rim of a small drinking glass, press a hole in the center of the bread.
Heat a small pat of butter or non-dairy spread in a medium pan until melted. Place bread in
pan and crack egg into hole. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, paprika, and cinnamon, and cook on
medium heat for about 4 minutes. Flip egg and bread and cook another 4 minutes, sprinkling
with additional salt, pepper, paprika, and cinnamon.
To serve, place bread and egg on a plate and top with sprouts, sunflower seeds, or maple syrup.
If you prefer a savory dish, drizzle with olive oil and juice from a lemon wedge, and sprinkle
with salt.

7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

day two
A Pleasurable Point of View

e live in a disposable culture where things are no longer made to last. When things
break they are no longer repaired and are simply replaced. Its no wonder that when we
are conditioned to think of our bodies as possessions that we become frustrated when
we struggle with weight and food. We know we cant replace our bodies, but we wish we could!
The truth is that your body is not an object, but a living, breathing, feeling, decision-making
animal. Your body is a female creature. A she, not an it. She is not at all disposable and she is
absolutely irreplaceable. She is alive. And though it seems like she is stubborn and cant, or wont,
change to part with her patterns with food or her protective extra weight, her very nature is change
itself and she is capable of the greatest transformation.
The point of view Id like you to adopt is that your body is not broken or flawedshe is a wise
being who simply has been misrepresented and misunderstood. Embrace the perspective that like
any other wild animal or plant, your female body, or as I like to say, your female animal, is plugged
in to the intelligence of the Mother Earth. She knows much more than your mind has been willing
to give her credit for.
Going forward, give your body the utmost respect. No matter how you unhappy you may feel
with your weight or your relationship with food, pay respect to the wisdom that is so profoundly
ingrained in your female body that it cant be lost. The more respect you have for your body, the
more she will reveal to you her secrets to create a sustainable and pleasurable solution.

7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

Pleasurable Eating Practice

Smell the Food

Whenever you sit down to a meal, bring yourself to a relaxed
state and take a moment to deeply smell your food. You can do
this by either taking long, slow inhalations, or rapid sniffs, or a
combination of both. Allow the aroma of the meal to be a distinct
aspect of the overall pleasure of your eating experience.
Consciously smelling your food helps to activate efficient
digestion, which of course supports pleasurable weight loss.


How to prepare it?
For tabouli


1 c. quinoa
2 c. water
pinch of sea salt
1,5 c. grape tomatoes
1 bunch parsley, coarsely chopped
1/2 bunch mint, coarsely chopped
juice from 1/2 a lemon
2 tbsp. olive oil sea salt to taste

juice from 1 lemon
1/4 c. sesame tahini paste
1 garlic clove, minced
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. cumin
1 15-oz. can garbanzo beans,
thoroughly rinsed
water, as needed
pinch of paprika
Tahini Sauce

1/2 c. sesame tahini paste

1/4 c. water
juice from 1/4 lemon
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. olive oil
gluten-free flatbread


Place quinoa, water, and

pinch of salt in a small
pot, and bring to boil.
Cover, reduce heat to
medium low, and simmer
until fully cooked. Remove
from heat and let cool to
room temperature. Once
cooled, toss all ingredients
together in a large bowl
and salt to taste.

For hummus

In a food processor, combine lemon juice and tahini

until smooth. Add garlic, olive oil, sea salt, and cumin,
and blend for 1 minute. Add garbanzo beans in three
segments, adding water as needed to achieve desired
consistency. (If using a blender, more water will be
needed.) When smooth, pour into a bowl, sprinkle with a
pinch of paprika, drizzle olive oil, and serve.

For tahini

In a small bowl, stir together tahini and water until

mixture becomes light in color and smooth in texture.
Add lemon juice, sea salt, and olive oil, and stir to
combine. Done!
Serve all with gluten-free flatbread.

7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

day three
A Pleasurable Point of View

ne of the tragedies of what I refer to as the punishing strategies for weight loss is that
we become so stressed out about eating the right thing in the right amounts to lose
weight--or ashamed that we are not--that the act of eating becomes wrought with stress
and tension. Because stress is a trigger for weight gain, this type of approach never works and it is
essential to learn to relax at the table and enjoy food again.
The point of view Id like you to take on is that eating is intended to be a pleasurable, relaxing,
guilt-free experience. We are bombarded with media ads that distort our natural relationship with
eating, but at our core we are still animals that instinctively know how to experience life through the
senses, and how to feel naturally tuned in to what we need to eat.
When your body and mind relax while you eat, you are able to hear the inner voice of your body.
In order to let go of old patterns of rushing through meals, eating with guilt or multi-tasking so that
you can have more pleasure out of the experience, take your attention off what you are eating, and
for now focus on how it is you are eating.
To get more enjoyment out of your eating experience, let it be infused with sensuality. Be the
curator of the atmosphere of your eating environment. Sit at a table with your spine straight, versus
being hunched over on the couch. If you are by a window, savor the outside view as you munch.
Serve your food on plates that you like the look and feel of. Use cloth napkins. For bonus points,
keep your phone out of sight, light candles, or put on some soothing background music to create the


7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

Pleasurable Eating Practice

Seek Pleasure in Every Bite

Youll find that when you eat with pleasure, incredible things
happen. You smile, relax, and appreciate the beauty of who you
are. All your senses come alive, and you are more present to
the world. You signal your metabolism to ramp up your calorieburning efficiency because youre not in a stress state.
When you eat with sensuality, you heighten the pleasure of the
meal by slowing down and deliberately savoring the experience
through your senses. The aim is to extract as much pleasure from
the food and the eating experience as you can to heighten your


What do you need:

1 clove garlic, halved width-wise

2 slices gluten-free or ancient-grains bread, toasted
1 tomato, halved
1/2 avocado, sliced into small cubes
olive oil
sea salt and pepper to taste

How to prepare it?

With cut-side down, rub garlic clove onto the top of each piece of toast. Discard garlic. With
cut-side down, rub tomato onto toast, squeezing out seeds and juices so top of toast will soften.
Pull apart leftover tomato meat and skins with hands, place in a bowl with cubed avocados,
and drizzle with olive oil. Add sea salt and pepper to taste, and divide tomato-avocado mixture
between each piece of toast, pouring on top. Serve.


7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

day four
A Pleasurable Point of View
Because the work of cooking for families so often lands on womens shoulders, whether they like it
or not, it is easy to fall into a relationship with cooking where it can feel like a punishing chore. Yet
it doesnt have to be that way. When approached with a pleasure-positive attitude, cooking can be yet
another opportunity to bring more pleasure into our lives.
The point of view Id like you to embrace is that you can use the cooking process itself as an
opportunity for you to relax and immerse in pleasure through the sensual exploration of color,
texture, taste and aroma. In an increasingly mechanical and electronic world, the act of cooking
invites us to slow down and be present with our senses. Touching fresh food with our bare hands
is the next best thing to being out in a garden, forest or park, in terms of connecting us with the
Mother Earth.
When you are in the kitchen, you can take risks and be experimental, and with practice, cooking
will become an opportunity for fun and a venue for creative expression. Let cooking be an act of
improvisation and inspiration. If you dont have all the ingredients you need, bring your creative
feminine powers into the kitchen. Experiment swapping some ingredients with replacements of the
same taste category. Imagine that you are an alchemist making magic out of everyday ingredients.


7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

Pleasurable Eating Practice

Master the Art of Chewing

There is something very relaxing about thoroughly chewing
your food, and it also helps you enjoy the whole spectrum of
tastes and aromas that make up the meal. Ive found that chewing
makes food taste better and increases the pleasure of every bite.
Chewing initiates the release of enzymes that allow your body
to assimilate more nutrients from the food you eat, prevents gas
and bloating, and makes digestion more efficient. When you are
in touch with the mechanics of eating, youll be able to better
identify the point at which a particular food no longer adds
pleasure because youll be present to your meal.


What do you need:

12 Red Bliss potatoes, cut into quarters

2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. caraway seeds
4 salmon fillets


1/2 c. plain yogurt

1/4 c. finely chopped fresh dill
1 tbsp. full-grain mustard

How to prepare it?

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Toss potatoes to coat with salt, pepper, oil, and caraway seeds. Place on a large baking sheet and
roast until cooked through and brown on outside, about 30 minutes.
Coat salmon fillets lightly with salt.
Heat a large pan at medium-high heat. Place fillets in pan and cook uncovered for 5 minutes. Flip fillets over to other side and cover. Cook for another 5 minutes. To check if salmon is
cooked, pull apart and check the middle: meat should be opaque and soft, while outside will be
brown and crispy. Remove from heat and serve with potatoes, dill sauce, and a green salad.


7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

day five
A Pleasurable Point of View
If youve been struggling with your weight for long enough, you may have come to interpret
your weight gain as a sign that your body has failed you. But this interpretation is all wrong, and
furthermore only makes matters worse because of the extra stress it creates.
The point of view Id like you to embrace is that your weight gain is your female bodys cry for
attention. It is her wordless way of saying, Help!. It is her passionate attempt to tell you that she
has needs. She wants your love, forgiveness and understanding. She wants your positive, supportive
attention, and wants to be liberated from criticism and shame.
Your body is always trying her best to serve you. Let her know that no matter what, you value her
essential role in your life. She is your one and only body. Always approach her from a compassionate
perspective and make it your mission to give her loving attention in all the ways she needs it.


7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

Pleasurable Eating Practice

Eating to the Point of Energy
The way this technique works is to pay close attention to your energy level before you eat and as
you eat. Youll find that before you eat, your energy is low. Thats your bodys way of indicating that
food is needed. Then, as you eat, your energy will increase.
If youre still not a vegetable fan, this delicious fruit smoothie will transform your relationship
with greens to make it a pleasurable experience you look forward to, so you can get your greens any
time of the day. You will feel more alert, less tired, and more energized. When youve had enough to
eat, your energy will start to go down.
The trick is to stop eating just at the point when you first feel your energy dip. When youve gone
even one bite past that point of energy, youll start to feel heavier and fatigued; thats the indication
that its time to stop.


What do you need:

1/2 banana
1 c. fruit (berries, tropical fruits, or even
veggies like pumpkin and squash work well)
1 tbsp. nut butter
1/2 c. chopped greens
1,5 c. water, coconut water, or almond milk
Add-ins (let the amount be guided by your
raw cacao powder
maca powder
coconut manna (coconut butter)
1/4 avocado
1/4 c. yogurt
chia seeds

How to prepare it?

Place all base ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Once you have your base,
choose add-ins and add small spoonfuls to taste. Blend again until fully combined. Add more
liquid if you desire a thinner smoothie.


7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

day six
A Pleasurable Point of View
Its a common belief that in order to for exercise to help you lose weight it simply needs to be
functional. If it burns calories and builds muscle, that should do the trick. However, in reality, if
you find the form of exercise you are putting yourself through to be boring or painful, the very
actions that are meant to help you lose weight can cause you to gain it due to the stress they
The point of view Id like you to embrace is that exercise cannot be punishing if it is to be
effective for lasting weight loss. It must be something you look forward to so that you are
motivated to continue it. And it must be stimulating and enjoyable for you to stay fully engaged
with the process. Thats why Im completely against what I call punishing exercise, and Im all
for pleasurable movement.
Each of us, no matter how heavy or out of shape we feel, can find some way of moving our
body that feels energizing and inspiring. Do your research to find the movement modalities
that attract you and give your female body permission to take the lead to discover the ways of
moving that bring her delight.


7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

Pleasurable Eating Practice

Breathe While You Eat

As you eat, breathe consciously through your nose and enjoy
your food at a relaxed pace. I cant emphasize enough the power
of consciously breathing while you are chewing to completely
change your relationship to food. Every few minutes put down
your fork, and take a mini-breath and relaxation break.
Stop chewing, and continue breathing deeply, savoring the smell
of the food and allowing yourself to relax into the experience.


What do you need:

1 pink grapefruit
1 navel orange
1 c. pineapple
2 kiwis
cucumber juice from
2 tbsp. coconut milk
1 sprig fresh cilantro, chopped
2 or 3 mint leaves, chopped
1 c. edible flowers (nasturtium, pansies, etc.)

How to prepare it?

Peel all of the fruit, chop each into 1-inch chunks, and toss together in a bowl. Add lime juice
and coconut milk and toss. Toss in fresh herbs last. Can be served immediately but is best if
refrigerated for at least a half-hour to let the flavors set. Before serving, top with flowers.


7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

day seven
A Pleasurable Point of View
We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with the phrase not enough. We fear
that we dont have enough money or time or beauty, and we internalize that our bodies will never be
good enough as if it were true. But its not. The whole notion of your body not being good enough is
a made up concept that I want you to disregard.
Instead Id like you to embrace the point of view that your female body is, always has been, and
always will be enough, simply by being. Remember, she is the force that keeps you alive! Without
her youd be dead. No matter her flaws or imperfections, she is plenty worthy of your admiration
and devotion. Yes, you can always develop your body in new and different ways, but if nothing ever
changed, know that you are enough, and she is enough.
When you are willing to let your body be enough,
a beautiful thing happens. Just as not feeling
enough is incredibly stressful, when you can
settle into knowing that you are enough, you
can relax. And when you do, that is when
your metabolism is primed for easy weight
loss. Loving your female body first, wholly
and unconditionally, and free from critical
judgments of the mind is the key to peace
with yourself, with food and to experience
lasting, pleasurable weight loss.


7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

Pleasurable Eating Practice

Eat Slowly and Sensually

Slow eating invites sensuality and presence. When you eat
slowly, it allows you to derive more sensory pleasure from the
experience, and because you receive more enjoyment from eating,
you are satisfied sooner and ready to put down the fork, without it
being a discipline to stop.
When you eat slower, you metabolize faster. Because eating
slowly helps you eat less without feeling in the slightest way
deprived, it is one of the secrets of pleasurable weight loss.

What do you need:

1/3 cup pitted dates

1/2 cup almond milk
pinch of cinnamon
pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)
1 oz. unsweetened baking chocolate
20 kumquats (leave peel on)

How to prepare it?

Line a large plate with wax paper and set aside. Blend dates and almond milk in a blender
until smooth.
Pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil, adding cinnamon and cayenne. Reduce to a simmer
and continue to cook while stirring over a low flame for 5 to 10 minutes until thickened.
Remove from the heat and stir in the chocolate until completely melted. Dip kumquats to
partially cover. Set dipped pieces on wax paper and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to set.


7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

Youve taken the first powerful step towards healing
your relationship with food and experiencing the
results of pleasurable weight loss.
Even if you only tried one day of this 7-day program, you may have already experienced a shift
in how you view food and your body. I hope youre relieved to know you can enjoy food without
feeling stress, guilt or shame, and still transform your body in the process.
Now that youve discovered this feminine approach, you never need to go back to the masculine
approach of food restriction, portion-control, calorie-counting or punishing exercise.
That is why I want to continue to support your entire journey to Pleasurable Weight Loss with an
invitation to order my book, Pleasurable Weight Loss: The Secrets to Feeling Great, Losing Weight,
And Loving Your Life Today.
As thanks, Im also giving away three fantastic bonus programs that are only available with the
book to further support you and inspire you.


7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

Heres a sneak peek of your journey in my

complete Pleasurable Weight Loss book:

How to lose weight without restricting, eliminating foods, calorie counting or sticking to food
rules that leave you feeling deprived or controlled.

How to let go of guilt about pleasure and why pleasure is a trustworthy and intelligent guiding
force in your life.

How to overcome cravings -- and in fact make cravings your allies -- just by accessing your
bodys wisdom through embracing your animal nature and feminine instincts

How to feel safe being sexy untangling the social and psychological issues of body image so
you can feel good while looking your best (before you even shed a pound)

How to achieve permanent weight loss without the mental and emotional struggle of forced
discipline or willpower, just by designing your ideal ecology for pleasurable weight loss.

Exclusive Book Bonus

The Secrets of Pleasurable Style Guide will show
you how to have more pleasure in your life immediately
by learning how to dress for your shape. Simply dressing
in a way that flatters your body can make you look ten
pounds lighter in an instant. Discover your personal style,
the wardrobe essentials every woman needs to feel great
in her body, and many other secrets of pleasurable style.
Guided Meditations will help you integrate the
teachings in this book with your daily life. They have
been developed to help you shift your relationships with
your female body, eating, and pleasure. This exclusive
audio content can be downloaded so that you can take the
meditations with you wherever you go.


7 Days of Pleasurable Weight Loss by Jena la Flamme

Success Stories
Birgitte Philippides
Through my work with Jena I have lost 37
pounds and kept it off. My cholesterol has
gone down from 208 to 128. I now eat to live,
not live to eat. Food is no longer a full-time
job for me.
I used to use food as a drug. It made me feel
good, and covered up pain, loss, insecurity,
stress, and a myriad of other issues. I was 212
pounds. It was costing me my entire life, to
the point where I could barely even function.

Sarah Jenks
I lost 40 pounds AND have completely transformed my romantic relationship. To have
the freedom around food has been tremendousI can AT LAST live my life.
Ive been on and off diets for most of my
life. I couldnt keep foods like cookies or ice
cream in the house, because they would set
off a binge for me. Id finish the lot! Weight
gain, of course, resulted and constant anxiety. Food is everywhere and when I couldnt
be comfortable around it, I was constantly
Being overweight was affecting my relationship with my fianc. Our sex life had
diminished. I was really sensitive to any
comments he made about my body. If the
comment was either negative or neutral, I
took it as an insult, and if it was a compliment I never believed him! This created a lot
of stress in our relationship!!

Jena la Flamme is a weight loss expert, author of

Pleasurable Weight Loss: The Secrets of Feeling Great, Losing
Weight and Loving Your Life Today, and the founder of
the Pleasurable Weight Loss movement. She helps
women to lose weight, be at peace with food, and
feel great in their skin.
During her ten-year struggle with food, weight,
and bad body image, Jena despised her body and
was highly suspicious of pleasure. This lasted until
she discovered that her issue wasnt that she was
having too much pleasure, it was that she wasnt
having enough! As she learned to trust the wisdom
of her female body and to trust pleasure, she came
to peace with food. Her figure and her body image
transformed. Since then, Jena has devoted her life to showing women around the world
how to be in tune with the innate wisdom of their bodies and how they too can be at
peace with food while feeling great every step of the way, without shame or guilt.
Jena takes a stand against all punishing methods of weight loss and is an advocate for
a kinder, more loving and compassionate, feminine approach to weight loss, overeating,
and body image. She works with women of all ages through her live Pleasure Camps,
online programs, website, social media outlets, and private coaching. Jenas unique
approach to weight loss has made her a much sought-after teacher. She has been featured
in Elle, Glamour, and Prevention magazine.

For more information, visit her website at

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