Entrepreneur and Social Entrepreneurship: What Is An Entrepreneur?

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Entrepreneur and Social Entrepreneurship

What is an Entrepreneur?
Entrepreneur is somebody who organizes, manages and assumes the risk of a
Studies reveal that Entrepreneur is self-confidents, optimistic, and dynamic leaders.
They accomplish things through initiative and resourcefulness.
Hobbit and traits common for entrepreneurs that you must be:


good Administrator
good Leader
good Planner
good Negotiator
good Communicator
good decision maker
good Follower

An entrepreneur is also:


Customer oriented


Social Entrepreneurship
Social meaning itself relating to people and society in general.
Entrepreneurship the capacity and willingness to develop organize and
manage a business venture along with any of its risk in order to make a
And it is also often requires the involvement or support of business and
government in education, health, recruit , housing, as well as other social
The skills of teaching, sensing, hunting, and arresting are very much alive in
the entrepreneur.

Grass-root fundraising
Is raising money from and by the constituency. Grass-root fundraising wins real victory
on two levels. First, money can be successfully raised with the constituency, particularly
if specific and realistic fundraising goals are set. Second, real victory can also be won
because the money raised from grass-root fundraising can be used for whatever the group
Gives people a sense of their own power. Leaders and members are developed and
encouraged when they raise funds to support the organization.

A. Funding Sources

There are many ways to raise funds for your organization. These are through:
Proposal writing
Large-donor solicitation
Direct-mail appeals
Government and foundation grants
Grass-root fundraising
B. Government or foundation fundraising
1. Solicit seed money from government agencies or foundation fund to support a new project.
2. Funds are solicited from members as members should fees, dues, and contributions, and from
grass-root fundraising events.
3. Funds are solicited from foundations as additional source.

C. The fundamental of Grass-roots fundraising (Flanagan, 1992)

1. Set a goal. If your organizations goal is to raise money, you should figure out how to
work with your leaders to raise the target money.

2. Make a fundraising calendar. Control the timing on what your raise funds for. Make a
calendar of the fundraising campaign for times when your constituency has more money to spend
or donate.

3. Observe the following guidelines.

- Raise money than you spend.
- Do not try risky ventures requiring big investment.
- Raised money for your issue program


Have fun.
Build on past successful events
Stay in line with your image
Maintain high ethical standard
Build leaders
Budget money to raise money.
Devote organizational time to fundraising

D. Following the religious group

Religious groups do the best grass-root fundraising. Religious groups have so many
guidelines for their fundraising campaign. Learn how to do it from them.
Ask frequently
Ask volunteers
Instill the expectation of giving
Organize fundraising committees
5. Ask personally and publicly


It is about Entrepreneur and social entrepreneurship, In this

topic it teaches us on what is the relationship of Entrepreneur
throughout social Entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneur is the responsible to organize or manage a business.

While the social Entrepreneurship is the capacity to manage a business,
it may help you in the future. For example you want to build a small
business you must have the willingness to do it so that your money that
you used to build it will came back.

Because now a day, we are in modern type, there are some people
joining some organization which may motivate us to be more
productive. So in this way we encourage ourselves to be one of the best
entrepreneur someday so this is the first stepping stone.


If you learn how you can manage the money that you will get in
a fundraising, you can use it in many ways like to help a charity in
your community. You will help the childrens who was there. The
money that you will give to them, they can use it to buy some
foods, dresses and things that they needed.

As student, we are facing a great economic. So every one of us,

we need to be wise. When we say Grassroots fundraising it is gives
people a sense of their own power. Leaders and members are
developed and encouraged when they raise funds to support the
organization. So the best way or the best thing that were going to
do is to build a small organization which aiming to less the waste
materials like bottle, can , plastic bottles, newspapers and others.
This way we raise are fund in a simple way and also they can help
our community.

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