Swimming Carnival Note 2010

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Merrylands East Public School

Myee Street, Merrylands NSW 2160

Ph: 9637 2638
Fax: 9897 1482

School Swimming Carnival 2010 (Years 3-6)

Dear Parent/Caregiver

All classes Years 3-6 will be going to Guildford Heated Pool on Thursday, 4th February for our
school swimming carnival. Students will either compete in races or participate in a range of tabloid
sport activities for their houses.

Date: 4th February 2010

Venue: Guildford Heated Pool, Cnr Tamplin & Guildford Rds, Guildford
Travel: By bus to and from the pool OR private vehicle with parents.
(If travelling by private vehicle, parents must drop off by 9:30am and collect their child at
2:00pm. No child is allowed to travel with another parent without seeing the principal).
Cost: $8.50 per child (bus and entry) or $3.00 entry (travel by private vehicle).
What to bring: All children must bring a hat, sunscreen and a towel in a bag clearly marked
with their name. Children will also need to bring recess, lunch and plenty of
water. The canteen at the pool will not be available, therefore, children will not
require money.
What to wear: Suitable clothing such as shorts and T-shirt in their house colours, with
swimming costume underneath to save time changing at the pool.
Supervision: All years 3-6 teachers will supervise the students. Seven teachers who
currently posses Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training will be
present. Students will be given a coloured wrist band on the day to indicate
their swimming ability.
Red Band – Able to swim 50m or more competently.
Green Band – Able to swim 25m or more competently.
No Band – Not to swim in any races on the day or be involved in any water activities. Will
participate in tabloid sport games only.
Activities: Students will participate in organised swimming races in their age group. There
will also be water safety activities in the wading pool and water-free tabloid
sports games on the grass. No child will be permitted in the water without
teacher supervision throughout the day.

The classes will depart from school at 9.05am and return to school by 2.45pm. Travel will be by bus.
Children must be at school before 9:00am or they will miss the bus.

All children are expected to attend the carnival. However, supervision at school will be provided for
those children not attending.

John Goh
Merrylands East Public School
Myee Street, Merrylands NSW 2160
Ph: 9637 2638
Fax: 9897 1482

School Swimming Carnival 2010 (Years 3-6)

Permission Note
I give permission for my child (child’s name) ______________________________ of class _______
to attend Guildford Heated Swimming Pool on Thursday 4th February, 2010 and travel by either bus
or private travel.

 My child will travel by bus – cost $8.50 (bus and entry)

 My child will travel by private vehicle – cost $3.00 (Entry only)


Water or swimming activities – response

In relation to the proposed water or swimming activities, I advise that my child is :

Please tick one box  :

 Strong swimmer (red tag) – My child can swim 50m or more competently.

 Average swimmer (green tag) - My child can swim 25m or more competently.

 Poor Swimmer/Non Swimmer (no tag) - My child is not to be involved in ANY water activities.


Additional Information
Please tick one box  :

 I give permission for my child to participate in the water or swimming activities.

 I do not give permission for my child to participate in water or swimming activities.


Parent / Caregiver Signature: ___________________________ Date : _______________________

Contact Details – Home Phone: _______________________ Mobile Number : ________________

Please return this note to the office by Tuesday 2nd February, 2010.

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