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GCSA Forum Minutes

03 February 2014
I. Call to Order and Invocation, Henry Hagen
II. Roll Call, Hannah Wardell
Kristen Gandek, tardy
Abel Cherian, tardy
Ezra Tandela, tardy
III. Approval of Minutes, Hannah Wardell
IV. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees
i. Club Development Update, Gianna Scavo
ii. Academic Affairs Committee, Kristen Gandek
iii. Communications Committee, John Buckley
Website being released at Convocation on Friday. If you want to help with the
app, talk to John.
iv. Financial Affairs Committee, Ryan Daly
Still working on midyear evals
v. Cabinet Update, Henry Hagen
Talked about Convocation Schedule
V. New Business
i. Constitutional Changes
Jamie, Motion to move into roll call voting with rights
Rosie, Seconded
Abel Cherian:
Yes, appreciate the distinction made between GCSA and Student Government,
the new position being made because it is important as student to have a liaison
to the administration, reducing the number of reps will increase efficiency
Pharvyana Marcelin:
No, although I believe in the distinctions made and the addition of new VP of
Student Life because we are lacking in awareness of student culture and this
would be a great way to pay attention to things that normally go under our radar, I
disagree with the decrease in the number of reps. There is a need for increased
accountability, but this may not necessarily be the best way to go about it. I
believe that the more people we have representing the student body the better,
as it would provide more perspective.
Jamie Shore:
Yes, it is important that we look forward as a student government and these
changes encapsulate a more efficient and forward moving student government.
Nathan Burgett:
Yes, will help make a better distinction is important and the addition of VP of
Student life is great for students. There is more accountability and efficiency in
decreasing reps.
Ezra Tandela:
Kevin Neil:
Yes, There are necessary distinctions being made, this a step in the right
direction for all of the positive things we want to increase.

GCSA Forum Minutes

03 February 2014
Nathanael Lee:
Yes, VP of SL is fulfilling an important role that GCSA should be doing. Reducing
reps is a great step forward for accountability. Changes increase clarity and
make good distinctions.
Emily Parrott:
Yes, VP of SL will hopefully address important and unaddressed issues without a
point person currently. Reducing the reps will help create a closer working group.
Other changes are provide future clarity in identity.
Michael Santulli:
Yes, VP of SL is valuable because it parallels administration and consolidate
responsibilities that have been fragmented. Good to clarify that GCSA is wider
than student government. Reducing the reps will increase efficiency.
Connor Wilson:
Yes, Changes are logical and necessary and there is no reason to vote against
Kuo Lu:
Yes, Clarity and new roles are important, although reducing the number of reps
may reduce the number of people represented it will make meetings and
communicating easier
Rosie Drinkhouse:
Yes, Legitimacy and efficiency
Evan Keegan:
Yes, Sustainable future going forward, language is better clarified, provides
better representation and better oversight
Approved 12-13, Ezra is absent.
ii. SJI Budget Extension, Ryan Daly
iv. ACD Budget Extension, Ryan Daly
Ed Link, finishing Sexuality and Hermeneutics series and hoping to bring in Dr.
James Brownson to have a conversation with Dr. Phillips. He will be willing to
come for only $500, $262.83 for hotel, $384.20 for airfare, and $20 for food, and
$25 for posters.
We have 17% of club contingency left, $2,689.05.
Good amount of money, but being spent on an important thing for campus.
Pharvyanna- Motiton to approve ACDs budget Request
Seconded Emily
Approved Unanimously
Motion to vote Chris Carlson as the Student Government Advisor
Seconded Kevin
Approved Unanimously
VII. Representative Initiatives

GCSA Forum Minutes

03 February 2014
Michael (with Rosie): Been talking with Rachel Ashley about working to get student the
opportunity to get meals off campus
Rosie: Theyve added a lot of outlets in the library but run out of funding. May pitch a
funding proposal for more outlets in Lane.
VIII. Presidents Notes, Henry Hagen
i. Retreat Plans
What would you like to get out of the retreat?(February 20th-22nd)
Would like lots of silly fun time to get to know each other and goof off.
Brainstorming about needs of the campus
Evaluation and goal setting for everyone
IX. Announcements
i.GCSA Convocation
Paul Brink is speaking about civic engagement.
Be dressed in business casual and sitting in the front.
Thank you for everyone who helped with the Scottie Faire!!
We have a list of student lane workers who worked during the blizzard when the regular
staff couldnt come in. Dining services is throwing a party for them on Friday and we
want to write them all thank you notes from GCSA
X. Adjourn

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