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GCSA Forum Minutes

24 February 2015
I. Call to Order and Invocation, Henry Hagen
II. Roll Call, Hannah Wardell
Abel Cherian, tardy
Connor Wilson, absent
Chris Carlson, absent
III. Approval of Minutes, Hannah Wardell
IV. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees
i. Club Development Update, Gianna Scavo
Run GCSA Tonight
ii. Academic Affairs Committee, Kristen Gandek
Is anyone interested with helping with coffee with the Cabinet?
iii. Communications Committee, John Buckley
Starting budget season, presenting the timeline at Run GCSA tonight
iv. Financial Affairs Committee, Ryan Daly
v. Elections and Appointments Committee, Hannah Wardell
v. Cabinet Update, Henry Hagen
i. Budget Updates
We did not receive our whole budget, so we have $15,000 now that we can use
to bolster other areas.
V. Council and Committee Updates
i. Undergraduate Research Council
Met with SDA, working on more advertizing for Spark. Two grant applications
coming down the pipeline
ii. Advocate for a Sustainable Future
Planning Earth Week--speaker Preston Yancey-- Sustainability is; taking
applications for next years leadership team,
iii. Chapel Committee
The three student voices on the chapel committee, Paul Crookston, Reece
Brown, and Tara Matthews. Currently talking about the successes and failures in
advertizing for deep faith week. Bring your concerns, solutions, and suggestions
to Tom!
V. Representative Initiatives
i. Report from Representative Conversation, Abel Cherian
Michael-- Working with Rachel Ashley to propose off campus meal cards
Nate- Freshman class worship night tonight
Emily-- Meeting about cooking classes-- there will be 3 offered for about $6 a
Pharvyanna- Thoughts on the store front closet office? Take your key and go
look at it so we can decide what to do.
Abel, from the Representatives- Talked about scottie cart, improving late night
experience, non straight students association,
VI. New Business
i. Presentation of President, Vice Presidents, and Secretary Bylaw Changes
ii. Food For Thought Budget, Jamie Shore

GCSA Forum Minutes

24 February 2015
Rosie Motion to approve the budget
Nathanael seconded
iii. Senior Class Event Budget, Abel Cherian
iv. SJI Budget Extension
Justice Conference put on by World Relief,
Registration $990.00
Flights $1,855.63
Flight from PDX $306.18
Hostel - Hostelling International Chicago $1,559.00
Total $4,710.81
Subsidized by URC -$2,500.00
Subsidized Attendee Fee -$500.00
GCSA Budget Extension $1,710.81
This was purchased already, without our funding, but without the budget extension
students will have to pay a lot.
Nathanael- Motion to approve
Seconded by Abel
Approved by 8 with the extension of Ezra, Pharvy, Evan, and Jamie
v. Physical Plant Appreciation
VII. Presidents Notes, Henry Hagen
Chesters renovation happening over spring break.
VIII. Announcements
RunGCSA tonight, app is being introduced to club leaders
IX. Adjourn
X. Internal Announcements

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