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The Johnson Family

So then faith cometh by hearing,
And hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17

February & March, 2015

Our Sending Church:

LaMarsh Baptist Church
P.O. Box 40
Mapleton, IL 61547
Our Mailing Address:
Auolijos g. 24
Utena, 28245

Dear Church & Praying Friends:

A mans heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)
I would like to share three opportunities that have presented themselves since our last letter and ask you to pray for us as
we make our plans. Our desire is stated in the verse above we can make all the plans we want, but the most important
thing is that God would direct our steps. Please pray for Gods clear direction.
1. Weekly Meetings In Moltai: We have started to hold weekly Bible studies in the city of Moltai once again. If you
remember, we had to close that work down after some unfortunate events took place last year. Now that some time has
passed, there is a solid core group of people wanting to start things afresh. We thank God for this 2nd chance in this small
city with a population of just over 6,000 people. Please pray.
2. Evangelistic Meeting in Ignalina: This is a small city with a population of just over 6,500 people roughly 30 miles to
the southeast of where we live. We are currently trying to organize a city wide evangelization effort scheduled for the end
of May. There are many obstacles to overcome before this will be possible. Please pray.
If you would like to watch a driving tour through the city of Ignalina, please go to and search for the
following: Virtualus Ignalinos turas / Virtual Tour of Ignalina, Lithuania. The video is just over 10 minutes long.
3. U.S. Military Outreach: If you have been paying attention to world news then you are aware of the NATO military
buildup here in the Baltic Nations (which includes Lithuania). On one of the Lithuanian military bases there are 150 U.S.
military personnel with several Baptists among them. Those Baptist soldiers asked the commander of the base to try and
locate a Baptist preacher to come and preach to them. The Lithuanian Catholic chaplain on the base was given my name
and now I am waiting for more details. It would be an honor to go and preach to these brave men and women. Please pray.

Family Furlough - Summer 2015:

Changing E-Mail Address:

We want to thank the Immanuel Baptist Church & Pastor

Larry Borner of Menomonie, WI for their generous gift
of $2,100 to help our family purchase plane tickets.

Please make a note of our e-mail address change. I have

not changed our address in 20 years, but I refuse to pay for
e-mail service any longer. We will continue to use our old
address until May 1st, 2015 and then it will be deleted.

The total cost of our traveling expenses will be

approximately $6,000. We need to raise an additional
$3,900. Would you please pray and consider helping us
with these remaining expenses?

Our new e-mail address is:

If we are able to go the USA in June, and you would like for us to visit your church and give a report, please let me
know. We plan to spend time with our sending church in Illinois and also with family in Wisconsin and Texas. Our
familys time will be very limited as we will only be in the USA for roughly 2 months. I (Brian) may stay a few extra
weeks to travel more broadly and preach if there is a need.

The Johnson Family (Brian, Lisa, Caden, Kaylee, Chase, & Levi)

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