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Opportunities with Enactus NTU

MARCH 2015

What is Enactus?
A community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of
entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better more sustainable world.

About Enactus
Oyster Shell Project video
Hope Springs Project video
Banners of Progress Project video

Enactus Criterion
Which Enactus team most effectively used
entrepreneurial action to empower people to improve
their livelihoods in an economically, socially and
environmentally sustainable way?

Enactus NTU Projects

We currently are running 4 projects:

Outreach Programme

Outreach Programme
Building bio-sand filters to give refugees in South Sudan access to clean water and improve

In partnership with

Get involved with

Outreach Programme
Project coordinator - Work
together with the project
leaders to create a modified
working model of the bio sand
filters. Engineering degree is

Opportunity seeker Look for

business opportunities in the
community and plan out
different and suitable business
plans for the
beneficiaries. Plans out
different ideas we can use to
sensitize our beneficiaries
when implementing the
project. Strong interest in
entrepreneurship and social
enterprise is desirable.

Click to apply
Fundraisers Work together
with the fundraising team to
develop fundraising ideas, plan
and run events to raise money
for the projects.

Reducing coffee waste by creating
organic coffee exfoliator and using it
to help women who experienced
trauma to build their confidence.

In partnership with

Get involved with

Project Leader (x2) to be
responsible for the overall
management of the project,
setting the goals and targets,
organising regular meetings
and implementing strategic
business planning, to have
strong communication with all
stakeholders, to ensure the
smooth running of the project
and ensure each member feels
valued and has regular tasks to

Marketing officer to be
responsible for supporting and
managing the marketing team
within CORE. This will involve
good communication and
delegation of tasks. This role
will expect a person with
strong team working skills and
with a knowledge of marketing.

Click to apply
Marketing assistant - to utilise
marketing knowledge within
the CORE marketing team. A
desirable candidate would have
strong communication skills,
marketing knowledge and
initiative. Most importantly,
the candidate will have an
enthusiastic attitude and a
passion for the development of
the project, the product and
helping our beneficiaries.

Get involved with

Media officer (x2) to be
Corporate Relations Assistant
responsible for maintaining
to liaise and maintain
CORE on social media and
relationships with external
setting up and maintaining an bodies (from suppliers, to
external site for the product. A business advisors to customers).
desirable candidate will have Therefore a desirable candidate
good initiative and
will need strong communication
communication skills, interest skills and professionalism. Most
in social media and web
importantly, they will be
presence and ultimately have a passionate about our product
passion for the CORE project and the project itself.
and brand, with a creative

Click to apply
Product Researcher- The
product researcher will
research ingredients for the
product and how they react
with each other. They will look
at positive and negative
impacts of ingredients on the
skin and have a passion to
create the best product
possible whilst believing in the
products impact. Knowledge in
biology or chemistry is

Empowering veterans to reach their full potential by helping them build
confidence, integrate into society and gain new skills.
Click to watch our beneficiarys testimonial

In partnership with

Get involved with

Assistant Project
Leader to support
the Project Leader in
the projects
development, assist
with the project
admin, act as deputy
in the Project Leaders
absence, liaise with
external organisations
to organise team
training opportunities,
meet regularly with
Venture team to
discuss the projects

Marketing Assistant
to develop and
implement the
Venture marketing
strategy, support
Venture Mentors,
work to raise the
profile of Venture to
various stakeholders,
help to expand the
project by marketing
the scheme to
potential new
veterans and mentors,
meet regularly with
Venture team.

Click to apply

Mentor to act as
Veteran Employability
business mentor to a Manager - Manage the
veteran setting up a implementation of an
business, meet
employability scheme
regularly with Venture for veterans, run IT
team to discuss the workshops for veterans
projects progress,
at Forces in the
work with university Community, manage
and business advisors the setting up of a
to offer veterans best Venture employability
possible support,
YouTube channel, meet
provide a point of
regularly with Venture
contact to veterans in team to discuss the
between meetings. projects progress.

Veteran Employability
Co-ordinator to help
to implement an
employability scheme
for veterans, run IT
workshops for
veterans at Forces in
the Community, assist
with the setting up of
a Venture
employability YouTube
channel, meet
regularly with Venture

Helping autistic teenagers gain soft skills and improve their employability
In partnership with

Get involved with

Project Leader
to be responsible for
the overall
management and
development of the
project, setting the
goals and targets,
organising regular
meetings and
programme into the
schools, to have strong
communication with all
stakeholders, to ensure
the smooth running of
the project.

Mentors (x2)
to deliver the sessions
to the students. Role
will involve going to
the school and working
the young people who
suffer from autism. The
mentors must be
committed to go in to
the school every week
to deliver the sessions,
be able to build a
rapport and maintain
positive and friendly

Click to apply
Operations planner
to design, develop and
plan resources and
lesson plans.
Implementing plans
and organising
projects strategy and
aims. Also liaising with
schools and general
day to day operations
of the project.

Marketing assistant
to liaise with
businesses and
charities to market and
promote Nottism
project and trying to
get support from local
businesses for the
project which may
include work
experience or
trainings, skills

Produce is a new Enactus Project that aims to provide fundraising for charity Nottinghamshire
Hospice Trust through the provision of organised market days which bring together sustainable
food and community fundraising.
Nottinghamshire Hospice are a registered charity that provide care for adults with life-limiting
illnesses. They have a site in Nottingham at Mapperley.

Get involved with

Marketing co-ordinator Co-ordinate marketing for
all events, promote events
to staff and students at
NTU using all effective
communication channels,
identify opportunities in
the local community to
promote events, make use
of social media including
Facebook and Twitter,
raise the profile of
Nottinghamshire Hospice

Events manager
Co-ordinate management
of all market events, set
goals and aspirations for
all events, contact local
suppliers and
organisations to attend
events, organise
successful activities for
events, be first point of
contact for Notts Hospice
Trust in management of

Click to apply
Events assistant
Assist with organisation of
all market events, identify
local suppliers and
organisations to attend
events, organise
successful activities for
event days, work with
Notts Hospice Trust in the
delivery of events,
responsible for the
logistical organisation of

Finance administrator Set financial goals for each

event, identify sources of
funding for the Project,
ensure a regular income
for the project, work with
project members to
ensure events remain on
budget, work with Notts
Hospice Trust to identify
financial goals.

Woodfield Industries
Projects in early development stages
The Woodsfield Industries is designed to offer 6 month work placements to local citizens who
otherwise wouldnt be able to gain experience, this could be ex-offenders, adults of a working
age with disabilities or long term un employed.
The Woodfield Industries has many different functions from textiles, tool making, horticultural
activity to recycling and sorting.
In partnership with:

Woodfield Industries
Business Consultancy

Click to apply

The project will be centred around supporting the new Managing Director of the Woodsfields
Industry at Nottingham City Council project that has been losing money for a number of years.

Recycling department caused 140 000 loss and faces such challenges as inconsistent sources of
materials which may be low quality, quantity and process ability.
The activity is CDs and DVD recycling. Materials are separated into plastic case, paper and disk.
Plastic and paper is crushed and sold, however 20 tonnes of disks at the moment are stock piled
with no purpose.
A business consultancy project is needed with the aim to:
- increase the profitability of this function of the business
- find a new (creative) use for disks

Vertical Farming

Click to apply

The project will be centred around building a vertical farm in St Anns, with aims to support a
local youth centre project and offer children the opportunity to learn business and
entrepreneurial skills from a small sustainable business.
Vertical farming is the process of cultivating plant life within a vertically inclined context, this
reduces the quantity of land needed and can be built within urban city areas.

The costs of vertical farming are significantly lessened with no need for heavy machinery to be
There may be a possible connection to an entrepreneur who ran a similar business out of the
Hive a few years ago.

Nottingham Young
Creative Awards

Click to apply

The project will be centred around supporting the Nottingham Young Creative awards that
celebrate and recognise creative talent within our region. The awards have for years been
funded by local businesses and heavily subsidised by Nottingham City Council, due to recent cuts
to council budgets the awards have to be turned into a commercial project that can sustain
Nottingham City Council are setting up an advisory board and creating a business proposal for
the longer term future of the project. They would like our support on the advisory board and to
look over the business proposal to see what we think, they are happy for us to take a more
active role or act as an interested third party advisor.

Operational roles at
Enactus NTU

Operational executive roles Click to apply

VP Operations to manage
marketing, fundraising and HR
executives, working closely
with VP Projects and the
President to create, implement
and communicate team vision,
mission, team growth and
sustainability strategies,
evaluate the success of the
team, maintain awareness of
other Enactus teams and

Marketing Executive to
develop a marketing strategy,
including events and social
media strategy, produce a
marketing plan, manage
marketing team, source
advertising opportunities,
manage the production and
arrange distribution of
marketing materials, writing
proofreading copy of
marketing materials.
Marketing knowledge is

Human Resources Executive

to organise recruitment
(including arranging and
delivering information
sessions, conducting
interviews, assessing
application forms) to develop
Personal Development Plans
and members development
strategy, keep track of time
sheets and active team
members sheets, arrange
induction sessions and update
information pack.

Operational executive roles Click to apply

Corporate Relations
Executive- To develop and
manage relationships with
our support network, coordinate events
organisation with regards
to our support network
(including 3 BAB
meetings), to pursue the
expansion of Enactus NTU
network both in and out
of the University, circulate
updates and meeting
minutes to Business

Internal Relations
Executive to organise
monthly team awards and
end of year awards
celebration ceremony, to
organise and facilitate
monthly team meetings,
communicate fortnightly
project updates, organise
socials, conduct progress
review and collect
feedback from members,
take committee meeting
minutes. Good
communication and
people skills are desirable.

Finance Executive - to
Fundraising Executive to
develop, plan and run
develop a fundraising plan
commercial project,
and manage fundraising
produce quarterly financial team, organise
reports, do accounts on responsibilities and
regular basis, consult
workload in the team, look
projects on any financial for new fundraising
matters. Finance
background is essential.

Operational assistant roles Click to apply

Human Resources
assistant to support HR
Executive in PDP
communicate with
members and project
leaders to update active
team sheets and time
sheets, be responsible for
HR emails, organise and
deliver information and
induction sessions, to
support team members in
skills development and
organise relevant trainings.
Good planning and
communication skills are

Legal Consultant to
research and consult the
team on Intellectual
Property, Insurance
matters, produce contracts
and agreements, consult
the team on any other
legal matters. Reporting to
Legal Executive.
Background in Law is

Competition co-ordinator
to be responsible for
competition presentation
organisation. To research
presentation techniques,
collect and collate
materials for presentation,
annual report and project
fair, to recruit presentation
team, organise and lead
presentation team
meetings, carry out any
admin competition related
tasks (including applying
for awards, submitting
reports etc). Good
planning skill is essential.

Fundraising assistant
working alongside
marketing team to bring
ideas and plan, organise
and run evens to raise
money to support projects
financially. Reporting to
Fundraising Executive.
Good teamwork skills are

Click to apply

Marketing roles
Graphic Designer (x2)
to design and
produce marketing
materials for stalls,
events, projects and
working closely with
media assistant
maintain Enactus NTU
website. Design,
graphics, web
e is essential.

to be involved with all
teams and
photograph events,
project activities and
working closely with
media assistant help
produce promotional
videos and content
for social media.
Personal camera and
good skills/interest in
photography are

Marketing Assistant
to assist in promoting
fundraising events,
raise awareness of
Enactus within the
university and general
public, conduct
research into local,
national and
international teams,
organise and support
Enactus week and
other awareness
stalls. Marketing

Social Media
Assistant (x3)
to handle the social
media accounts on a
daily basis, produce
engaging content for
all social media
platforms used,
create Enactus Week
material, produce
campaigns for social
media and Enactus

Media Assistant
to work closely with
the social media team
to produce content
for Instagram and
YouTube channel, film
events and produce
videos for the team ,
including projects,
testimonials and
competition in
March/April, keep the
website up to date.

Provisional team 2015-16 structure

We are looking to expand the team to 70+ people to fill in the roles within projects and

We are always looking for new projects and opportunities so please get in touch with us if you
have any ideas by email
To apply please complete application form
Any HR related queries please contact us by email

President - Liza Leikina


Finance Executive

Legal Executive

Internal Relations

VP Projects
Ethan Webb

Anthony Chung

Outreach Programme
Legal Consultant

Legal Consultant

Project Leader
Lydia Abula Deng
Pearl Kakwanzi

Project Leader







HR assistant

VP Operations



Project Leader

Assistant Project


Human Resources


Graphic Designer


Graphic Designer

Marketing officer

Employability CoOrdinator

Raghav Mittal







HR assistant

HR assistant

HR assistant

Eva Woodward





Social Media

Social Media

Relations Assistant

Relations Assistant

Market Research

Raph Vasilas
Media Assistant
Media officer

Media officer


Fundraising & Events

Candy Cane Sale
Furniture Sale & Auction
Enactus Week

Training Events
Grantham Training Weekend
CRE training event
Future Leaders training
Team Leader training
Advanced Competition training
Unilever project den
Alumni project den
Linked In training and many more!
Employability Workshop
What makes a CV stand out master class
How to prepare for an interview
Examples and Practice Interview Questions
Tips for applying for jobs on-line

National competitions are a showcase of how Enactus students are transforming lives and
enabling progress through entrepreneurial action.
From March to July of this year, Enactus teams will compete across 36 countries where the
quality and impact of their projects will be evaluated by business leaders serving as judges.
These dynamic and inspiring events encourage creativity and reward results, ultimately leading
to stronger programs and more lives improved.
From each national competition one team will be selected to represent their country at
Enactus World Cup 2015 in South Africa.

Social Media
Twitter :



Enactus Nottingham Trent



in partnership with

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