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Regulations 2008
Fourth Semester
Electronics and Communication Engineering
EC 2258 Linear Integrated Circuit Lab
Date: 16, 17&19/04/2014
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 100
1. (i) Design an inverting and non-inverting amplifier for a gain of 5 using operational amplifier IC 741. (70)
(ii) Simulate a free running multivibrator for a frequency of 1 KHz with IC 741 using Pspice. (30)
2. (i) Design a differential amplifier for a gain of 100 using op-amp IC 741. (60)
(ii) Simulate a one-shot multivibrator with IC 741 using Pspice. (40)
3. Design an integrator and a differentiator circuit using op-amp IC 741. Assume the input waveform to be sine
waveform and square waveform. (100)
4. (i) Design an active low pass filter for a cut-off frequency of 1000 Hz using op-amp IC 741. (70)
(ii) Simulate an active low pass filter for a cut-off frequency of 1000 Hz with IC 741 using Pspice. (30)
5. (i) Design an active high pass filter for a cut-off frequency of 1000 Hz using op-amp IC 741. (70)
(ii) Simulate an active high pass filter for a cut-off frequency of 1000 Hz with IC 741 using Pspice. (30)
6. (i) Design and construct an Astable multivibrator to generate a square waveform using op-amp IC 741. (70)
(ii) Simulate an Astable multivibrator to generate a square waveform using Pspice. (30)
7. (i) Design and construct a monostable multivibrator to generate a pulse waveform using op-amp IC 741.
(ii) Simulate a monostable multivibrator to generate a pulse waveform using Pspice. (30)
8. (i) Design a Schmitt trigger for UTP = +0.5 V, LTP = -0.5 V to generate a square waveform using IC 741.
(ii) Simulate a one-shot multivibrator with IC 555 using Pspice. (30)
9. (i) Design and construct the RC phase shift oscillator of frequency 500 Hz and plot the waveform using IC
741. (70)
(ii) Simulate the RC phase shift oscillator of frequency 500 Hz using Pspice. (30)
10. (i) Design and construct the wein bridge oscillator of frequency 10 KHz and plot the waveform using IC
741. (70)
(ii) Simulate the wein bride oscillator of frequency 10 Khz using Pspice. (30)
11. (i) Design and construct an Astable multivibrator to generate the square waveform using IC 555. (70)
(ii) Simulate a free running multivibrator to generate square waveform using Pspice.(30)
12. (i) Design and construct an monostable multivibrator to generate the rectangular pulse waveform using IC
555. (70)
(ii) Simulate a free running multivibrator to generate square waveform with IC 555 using Pspice. (30)
13. Construct a dc power supply using LM 317 and determine its load regulation and line regulation. (100)
14. Construct a dc power supply using LM 723 and determine its load regulation and line regulation. (100)
15. Determine the lock range and the capture range of PLL using IC 565. Also determine PLL as a frequency
multiplier. (100)
16. Construct an instrumentation amplifier using IC 741 for a gain of 250. (100)
17. (i) Design an inverting and non-inverting amplifier for a gain of 6 using operational amplifier IC 741. (70)
(ii) Simulate a free running multivibrator for a frequency of 1 KHz with IC 741 using Pspice. (30)
18. (i) Design a filter which allows low frequency components and attenuates high frequency components for a
cut-off frequency of 1000 Hz using op-amp IC 741. (70)
(ii) Simulate an active low pass filter for a cut-off frequency of 1000 Hz with IC 741 using Pspice. (30)
19. (i) Design and construct a low frequency oscillator which has a ladder type feedback RC network which
generates a frequency of 500 Hz and plot the waveform using IC 741. (70)
(ii) Simulate the RC phase shift oscillator of frequency 500 Hz using Pspice. (30)
20. (i) Design and construct a free running multivibrator to generate the square waveform using IC 555. (70)
(ii) Simulate a free running multivibrator to generate square waveform using Pspice. (30)



Regulations 2008
Fourth Semester
Electronics and Communication Engineering
EC 2258 Linear Integrated Circuit Lab
Date: 16, 17&19/04/2014
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 100
1. i) Design & construct loop gain of amplifier using IC 741 in the Inverting modes. (50)
ii) Write a Simulation of Instrumentation amplifier using PSpice netlists. (50)
2. i) Design & construct loop gain of amplifier using IC 741 in the Non-inverting modes. (50)
ii) Write a Simulation of Active low pass filter using PSpice netlists. (50)
3. i) Design & construct the circuit that amplifies the difference between two signals (50)
ii) Write a simulation of Active high pass filter using PSpice netlists. (50)
4. i) Design & construct the circuit that produce the output voltage which is integration of input Voltage (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for band pass filter using PSpice netlists. (50)
5. i) Design & construct the circuit that that produces the differentiation of the input voltage at its Output (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for free running symmetrical multivibrator using PSpice netlists(50)
6. i) Design & construct an Instrumentation amplifier using IC-741 for the gain of 250 (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for the circuit that has one stable and one quasi stable state (50)
7. i) Design & construct the Active Low Pass with the cut off frequency 1000 Hz. (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for Phase shift Oscillator using PSpice netlists (50)
8. i) Design & construct the Active high Pass filter (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for wein bridge Oscillator using PSpice netlists (50)
9. i) Design & construct the Band pass filter with central frequency 1KHz , Q =3 & gain =10 (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for Schmitt trigger using PSpice netlists (50)
10. i) Design & construct Astable multivibrator using Operational Amplifier IC (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for active low pass filter using PSpice netlists (50)
11. i) Design & construct Monostable multivibrator using Operational Amplifier IC (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for band pass filter using PSpice netlists (50)
12. i) Design & construct Wein Bridge Oscillator 0f 10 KHz frequency & plot sinusoidal waveform (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for Schmitt trigger using PSpice netlists (50)
13. i) Design & construct Schmitt trigger using Operational Amplifier IC (50)
ii) Write a Simulation of Active low pass filter using PSpice netlists. (50)
14. i) Design & construct RC Phase shift Oscillator of frequency of 500 Hz & plot sinusoidalWaveform (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for band pass filter using PSpice netlists. (50)
15. i) Design & construct Astable multivibrator using IC 555 timer & generate 1 KHz square Waveform (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for band pass filter using PSpice netlists (50)
16. i) Design & construct Monostable multivibrator using IC 555 timer & generate 1 KHz square Waveform
ii) Write a simulation program for RC phase shift Oscillator using PSpice netlists (50)
17. i) Design & construct NE 565 PLL & to use it as frequency multiplier (50)
ii) Write a simulation program of low pass filter using PSpice netlists (50)
18. i) Construct 723- Voltage regulator IC & obtain Load regulation & line regulation (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for Astable multivibrator using PSpice netlists (50)
19. i) Design & Construct An adjustable voltage regulator using LM 317 (50)
ii) Write a simulation program for RC phase shift Oscillator using PSpice netlists (50)
20. i) Design & construct the circuit that convert a slow changing waveform into a fast changing waveform
ii) Write a simulation program for Monostable multivibrator (50)


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