Week 3 Operations Mangement

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Male and Female Speech Acts

Through family interaction
B. (Un)Conscious Masculinity/Femininity
Anima and animus
Counteracting stereotypes
Male and Female Speech Acts
1. Major Factors Differentiating M&F Speech Acts
[Speech act: Speaking heavier, purpose]
Cross-cultural communication
o Men talking to women
o Implying that men and women may not understand each
other fully
o The way you say something, the reason why you say
o They are expected to communicate with certain
difficulties or they have to adjust themselves to properly
understand the opposite gender.
Visions of Thinking
o Different when interpreting messages
o Macular & peripheral visions
o Macular Vision (Mens way of thinking)
Focused examination of matters
Communication goal: Problem solving
o Peripheral Vision
Contextualizing; broader perspective
Keep all PERIPHERAL issues in view
Emphasizes INTIMACY
Less focused but usually has an extended
No matter what the problem is, its fine because
well talk about it. Even if the problem isnt fixed,
its fine because now I know more about you.
2. Why Family Spoken Interaction
a. A blend of human features, e.g. sex, age, context
b. Natural communication
c. Control/Power & Connection Maneuvers
Maintained by different family members
Gender inequality and complementarity
Ongoing negotiations of gender identities

Control/Power Maneuver: When speaking, you want to control

and show your power through speaking.
Connection Maneuver: You want to maintain and enhance.
Asian parent-child: Strong yet hierarchical family bond. Somewhere
between hierarchy and closeness.
Western parent-child: Egalitarian and close family bond. Somewhere
between equality and closeness.
3. Two Perspectives
a. Children Heterosexual Parents
To Father: <High formality> [Control]
o Usually older
o Breadwinner
o Figure to look up to
To Mother: <Polite but casual> [Connection]
o Usually younger
o Caregiver
o Figure to offer help
b. Heterosexual Parents Children
Functions of Speaking
Knowledge of Others
Verbal Domination vs. Verbal Victory
Functions of Speaking
Mothers: Connection Maneuvers
Encourage childrens daily verbal reports
Speaking-Familial closeness
: Family support
: Mental burden to other family members

Women speak for

Support, consolation CONNECTION
Sharing experience, emotions
Judgment/Criticisms= Harming connection
Fathers: Control Maneuvers
Listen to childrens verbal reports
Speaking does not equal familial closeness
Family problematizers
o Judge: Standard of success/failure
o Powerful and knowledgeable
Men speak for
Solving problems, conclusion
Exhibition of POWER
Reciprocation = harming POWER

Knowledge of Others: OVERVIEW


Thorough grasp of every family matter

Family members: INTERdependent
: Caring (or OVER-caring?)
: Privacy-invading
Women speak for
EXACT details of OTHERS (gossipy?)
Anticipated/preset answers
o Hope to be reciprocated
Extreme intimacy= Total Open-up
Conversation= Interrogation
Feelings shrouded in secrecy= familial respect
Family members: Independent
: Privacy-guarding
: Negligent about family
Men speak for
Mutual respect through verbal distance
Optimal closeness
Core information
Conversation= Autonomous sharing

Domination vs. Victory

Experts of domestic issues: POWER
Familiarity of all family members: CONNECTION
Knowledgeable constellation: POWER
Respecting others secret: CONNECTION
Women speak for
Domestic knowledge display
Mental emancipation
Verbalization= Communication
Dominating conversation
Men speak for
Exertion of power
Real communication (not verbalization)
Winning conversation
1. Androgyny
Conscious and apparent possession of both masculine and
feminine PHYSICAL characteristics
E.g. fashion, sexual orientation/lifestyle, biological
Known blend of gender in one physical body
2. Anima and animus
Proposed by Carl Jung

Psychological/mental androgyny
i.e. UNCONSCIOUS possession of MENTAL features of the
opposite sex
Within every man there is the reflection of a woman. (and vice
versa) by Storm

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