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The Law Of Attraction That Works

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The Law Of Attraction That Works

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Terms and Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................................................. 5
If the Law of Attraction is so damn powerful, then why isnt it WORKING for everyone?
CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 6
1) Your subconscious mind is working against you
Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 7
2) You are focusing on what you dont want rather than what you want
Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................................................. 9
3) You have many self limiting beliefs
Chapter 5 ............................................................................................................................................... 10
4) You have a bad conscience or conflicting values about getting it
Chapter 6 ................................................................................................................................................ 12
5) You are not allowing the process to flow through
Chapter 7 ................................................................................................................................................ 13
6) You hold a victim and blame mindset
Chapter 8 ................................................................................................................................................ 15
7) Your thoughts have no emotion

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If youve watched The Secret or you have read countless books on law of
attraction, Im sure by now you will understand its awesome power.
But if I were to be a little bit frank, Im going to let the cat out of the bag

Critical Mistakes That Makes The Law of Attraction Not Work

For You

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If the Law of Attraction is so damn powerful, then why isnt it
WORKING for everyone?
The reason why every single human being who have watched The Secret
or read books on the topic isnt rolling in a pile of money or traveling to a
different country every week is because theres something they are not
doing right.
The Law of Attraction is not something to be taken lightly because it is
working all the time. When it is not working for you, it means that it is
working against you and you dont want that to happen.
Unfortunately, it happens because people are uninformed. They do all the
wrong things. And because of that, they always wind up attracting all the
wrong things.
These 7 critical mistakes will show you why the Law of Attraction is not
working for you and how to rectify it.

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1) Your subconscious mind is working against you
The law of attraction doesnt work if your conscious mind is focusing on one
thing but your subconscious mind is focusing on another.
Heres why.

At any given time, only 4% of your conscious mind is functioning and the
rest of the 96% is your subconscious mind (or unconscious mind).

The mind can only be aware at 4% ratio because anything more than that
will overload the mind.

However, if most of your subconscious thinking is attracting the wrong

thing, it will not work to your advantage when it comes to the law of

You are pitting 4% against 96% and that is why you cannot win no matter
how well intended your thoughts are.

If you want to overcome issues with the law of attraction, you will need to
work on your subconscious programming using the right tools like
brainwave entrainment, meditation, removing limiting beliefs and unlearning
bad programming and habits.

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2) You are focusing on what you dont want rather than what
you want
Let me give you an example of why people cant seem to be manifesting
what they want versus what they dont want as this is a huge problem with
people using the Law of Attraction that doesnt work.
Lets take an example of someone who wants to be in a relationship.

If their primary intent of being in a relationship is to avoid being lonely, what

are they focusing on?

They are focusing on being lonely!

If you are running away from a tiger, you are still focusing on the tiger. Try
not to think of a pink elephant in the room... see? You cant get that pink
elephant out of your mind already.

What you focus on expands. So by focusing on not being lonely, all you are
doing is manifesting more loneliness in your life.
Instead of focusing on what you dont want, you might as well focus on
what you want.

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Instead of focusing on loneliness, focus on a happy relationship and things

will change.

Instead of focusing on paying your debts and bills, focus on wealth and

Get the idea?

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3) You have many self limiting beliefs
Limiting beliefs are one of the
biggest law of attraction killers in the
Its like pumping the accelerator
while the handbrake is still on.
Lets say that you are trying to
attract a 5 figure income but in your
mind you think it is all bullshit. You dont even believe that you can even
pay your bills at the end of the month.
The reason why self limiting beliefs are so strong is because you give too
much power away to it. It is like a black dog and a white dog fighting. Over
time which dog do you think will win the fight? The black one or the white
one? The one that you feed of course.
We always have limiting beliefs that implanted since we are very little. It
comes from our parents, the television and our peers. Its not your fault,
you cant help being implanted with limiting beliefs.
But it is your responsibility to invest in tools that will help you to clear those
limiting beliefs.

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4) You have a bad conscience or conflicting values about
getting it

Another law of attraction

killer that is closely related
to self limiting beliefs.
What if I told you that your
family values, your society
or even your religious
beliefs might hinder your
ability to make the Law of
Attraction work for you?
Heres a very good
Lets say that you are brought up in a religious organization that
fundamentally believes that riches are evil and it is harder for a rich man to
enter the kingdom of god.
Imagine how you would feel about riches? Obviously not very good, right?
How can you manifest riches if it is conflict against your core beliefs?
Especially if those beliefs arent even your own beliefs in the first place
(implanted by someone else).

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Whether those beliefs are true or not, it is up to you to decide. (After all, I
dont believe that a rich man cannot enter the kingdom of heaven but a
person who places all their attention on greed... thats what it was trying to
You have to determine what beliefs serve you.
If you have a belief that you shouldnt earn more money than your parents,
then how would you feel? Not very driven to earn lots of money right?
Get rid of that belief.
If you are a woman and you want a good relationship with a good man, it
doesnt help to think all men are liars, right?
Get rid of that belief.
Be honest with yourself... what do you REALLY want?

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5) You are not allowing the process to flow through

Did you know that you must not doubt the

Law of Attraction?
If you believe in it with all your heart, then
you must allow the process to flow
Dont get in the way of the Law of Attraction. It takes time for good things to
manifest. If you try and get in the way of it, most likely you will mess things
Once you set an intention, you have to allow it to happen. Dont dictate to
the Law of Attraction how you want it delivered.
Lets say you want to go on a trip to Las Vegas. What would happen if you
decide that you only want to go there using a certain airline? Why wont you
allow yourself the flexibility to choose many different paths to get there?
The solution is to focus on the answer but not the way to get there. Let the
Law of Attraction take care of that for you.
Set your intention, trust and get out of the way.

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6) You hold a victim and blame mindset
Dont blame the Law of Attraction or your circumstances if something isnt
working in your life.
Maybe you have desired to manifest a new project but it went to a
The natural inclination is to act like a victim and go woe is me. Yes, it is
unfair. Yes you do not deserve it. But wallowing in self pity only gets you
deeper and deeper into your money problems.
Think about it.... what good will it do by focusing on how bad the situation
It will get worse if you keep on focusing on your problems.
What good will playing the victim serve you? The only gratification you will
get is by being right. Like a persisting itch, you cant resist scratching it as
if it will make it any better.
Playing the victim also throws your personal power of creativity and
responsibility away. You have only 24 hours a day and all the energy that
you have left is spent on feeling sorry for yourself. Stop the victim game
and start taking responsibility right now!

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The moment you accept responsibility for everything, a big shift happens
and you are able to get the Law of Attraction to respond to your
responsibility because you are proactive.

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7) Your thoughts have no emotion
Lastly, the reason why the Law of
Attraction hasnt been working for
you is because you do not inject any
emotion into your intentions.
Lets say that you want to buy a car.
Does your dream car has any
emotion in it? Do you really want
that? What happens if you dont get
it? Will you feel sad if you dont get
it? Will you care what your friends
Wheres the emotion?
If there are no emotions, then theres
no way you can manifest anything. Its just neutral. Content without
Start again by focusing on what you really want in life.

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