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Chapter 2 Art of the Ancient Near East

1. The cities and city-states that developed along the rivers of southern Mesopotamia between about 3500 and 2340 BCE are known
collectively as Sumer.
2. A ziggurat dedicated to the moon god Nanna is located in present-day Iraq.
3. Construction of Persepolis, a new capital in the Persian homeland, was commenced by Darius.
4. The guardian figures at the Citadel of Sargon II are known as lamassus.
5. A code of laws is engraved into the Stele of Hammurabi.
6. Votive Statue of Gudea is made of diorite.
7. Sumerians wrote cuneiform symbols into clay tablets using a tool called a stylus.
8. The Hittites established their capital at Hattusha in present-day Turkey.
9. The Akkadians pioneered the use of hollow-cast copper.
10. The Amorite leader Hammurabi reunited Mesopotamia as Babylon.
11. Although infamous for having suppressed the Jews, the Neo-Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar II was also a great patron of
12. All of these throne room, ziggurat, Nabu temple were part of the Citadel and Palace Complex of Sargon II.
13. The city of Uruk marked the first independent Sumerian city-state.
14. The discovery of the Great Lyre with Bulls Head in a Royal Tomb of Ur was significant because it was decorated with inlaid
scenes that may document a very long oral tradition of story-telling.
15. Crenellations, or notched walls, were typically used in military architecture.
1. Persepolis, once capital of the Persian homeland, is located in the present-day country of Iran.
2. The Sumerian Nanna Ziggurat is dedicated to Sin, the moon god.
3. The Hall of 100 Columns was built by Xerxes.
4. Alabaster is a fine, white stone.
5. The Ishtar Gate was associated with an architectural feature of Babylon known as the Processional Way.
6. The Hittites may have been the first people to work in iron.
7. Mesopotamia means land between the rivers.
8. Under King Assurbanipal, Nineveh was the capital of Assyria.
9. The Epic of Gilgamesh, the worlds first literary epic, has its origins in Sumer.
10. Cuneiform means wedge shaped.
11. Evidence that supports the presence of Assurnasirpal's capital at Kalhu (in Iraq) includes evidence of a five-mile mudbrick wall.
12. Assurbanipal and His Queen in the Garden and Darius and Xerxes Receiving Tribute are examples of relief sculptures.
13. In the style of the Assyrians, the imperial complex at Persepolis was set on a raised platform.
14. The people of Akkad spoke a Semitic language, which is related to Arabic and Hebrew.
15. Ishtar Gate has crenellated towers.
Chapter 3 Art of Ancient Egypt
1. Akhenaten set up a new capital at Tell el-Amarna.
2. Hieroglyphic art on the Palette of Narmer is an example of the use of hieratic scale.
3. Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt were united around 3000 BCE.
4. In the Rosetta Stone, hieroglyphs are juxtaposed with Greek writing.
5. Hatshepsut was a woman who was represented in art as a male king.
6. Relief sculpture usually relies on the play of light and shadow alone for its effect.
7. In ancient Egypt, glassmaking could only be practiced by artists working for the king.
8. The Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt were built by Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu.
9. The necropolis was an important part of ancient Egyptian funerary architecture.
10. Karomama was a divine consort and virgin priestess of Amon.
11. The Egyptian symbol of the looped cross, or ankh, represented everlasting life.
12. The earliest glass objects made in Egypt were produced using a technique called core-formed glassmaking.
13. The rock-cut tombs of Beni Hasan were built during the Middle Kingdom.
14. The colossal statues of Ramses II were moved to higher ground in the 1960s to avoid flooding from the construction of the Aswan
High Dam.
15. Among ancient Egyptian pictorial symbols, a white crown symbolizes Upper Egypt.
1. Imhotep served as designer of Djosers tomb complex.
2. Akhenaten was associated with a religion honoring a single sun deity.
3. The ancient Egyptian god of the underworld, often depicted in Books of the Dead, was Osiris.
4. Saqqara is located in Lower Egypt.
5. An ancient Egyptian inscription says: Become a scribe so that your limbs remain smooth and your hands soft and you can wear
white and walk like a man of standing whom [even] courtiers will greet.
6. The Great Temple of Amun was located in Karnak.
7. Necropolis means city of the dead.
8. The eye of Horus was an Egyptian symbol known as the wedjat.
9. The key artifact in deciphering the Egyptian language was the Rosetta Stone.
10. Egyptians typically built their residences with mud bricks.
11. The Late Period in Egypt saw the country and its art in the hands of foreign groups including Nubians, Persians, Macedonians,
Greeks and Romans.
12. The boy-king Tutankhamuns untouched tomb was discovered in 1922.
13. The Great Sphinx combines the body of a crouching lion with a face that was intended to represent Khafre.
14. The Tomb of Ramose is from the New Kingdom.
15. Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun's tomb.

Chapter 4 Art of the Ancient Aegean

1. Kamares ware is from Crete, the seat of Minoan culture.
2. In the megaron, libations were poured from a ceremonial rhyton.
3. The people of the Cyclades produced abstracted representations of human figures that would later influence modern art.
4. The Mask of Agamemnon was found in a shaft grave.
5. Tombs were given much greater prominence in Helladic cultures than in Minoan or Cycladic cultures.
6. The room at the heart of Mycenaean citadels was called the megaron.
7. The Knossos palace was referred to in later Greek legends as the Labyrinth, or House of the Double Axes.
8. In the early part of the Aegean Bronze Age, Greek-speaking peoples from the northwest brought with them new techniques
including metalworking, ceramics, and architectural design.
9. Woman or Goddess with Snakes is an example of a type of ceramics called faience.
10. All of the following Palaikastro, Phaistos, and Knossos, a fortified city, are on Crete.
11. The Bronze Age peoples of the Aegean were probably important trading partners with the Egyptians.
12. The most prominent components of early Minoan buildings were courtyards.
13. About 1450 BCE, the conquering Mycenaeans arrived in Crete, soon thereafter destroying Knossos.
14. An important fresco site, Akrotiri, is on the island of Thera.
15. Octopus Flask is an example of a work made in the Marine style.
1. The mainland Aegean Bronze Age is known as Helladic culture.
2. Heinrich Schliemann found 30 pounds of gold objects in the shaft grave of Mycenae.
3. Kraters were used for markers for graves as well for mixing water and wine.
4. Filigree is a kind of delicate decoration with fine wires.
5. In Homeric literature, Agamemnon was a king and military leader known for conquering the city of Troy.
6. The Old Palace period of the Minoan civilization lasted from about 1900-1700 BCE.
7. During the Aegean Bronze Age, metal ores were typically imported from Europe, Arabia, and Anatolia.
8. The name, Minos derives from the mythical beast called the minotaur, which is half-bull, half-human.
9. The Mask of Agamemnon was used for funerary purposes.
10. By about 1400 BCE, the center of cultural power in the Aegean had shifted to mainland Greece.
11. The Lion Gate is from the complex at Mycenae.
12. Members of the elite class in Mycenae were buried in beehive tombs.
13. Warrior Krater is an example of a late Helladic Bronze Age vessel in which decoration is highly stylized.
14. Repousse is used in the Vapheio Cup.
15. All of the following materials shell, gold, and wood are used in the Golden Lions Head Rhyton.
Chapter 5 Art of Ancient Greece
1. The ancient Greek marketplace was called the agora.
2. A free-standing female statue created by sculptures of the Archaic period was called a kore.
3. Laoccon and his Sons is an example of a Hellenistic artwork.
4. The small cubes of stone in mosaics are called tesserae.
5. The drum is one of stacked round sections making up a Greek column.
6. About 450 BCE, the Greek theorist Polykleitos wrote a treatise called The Canon, which was a set of rules for sculpting the ideal
human figure.
7. Apollo is the Greek god of the sun.
8. All of these except Temple of Olympian Zeus are on the Acropolis.
9. The lekythoi was used for pouring libations during religious rituals.
10. The Elgin Marbles were once part of the Parthenon.
11. The Temple of Aphaia at Aegina is in the Doric order.
12. All of these are types of vessels except torc.
13. The echinus is a feature of the capital.
14. All except the nose is a part of the krater.
15. The style of the Riace warrior statues reveals a striking balance between idealized anatomy and details observed from nature.
16. The High Classical period of ancient Greece was from c. 450-400 BCE.
1. The unfinished Parthenon was sacked by the Persians in the fifth century BCE.
2. Greek art from 900 to 700 BCE is typically classified as belonging to the Geometric Period.
3. The amphora is a large all-purpose storage jar.
4. Acropolis means part of the city on top of a hill.
5. Dying Gallic Trumpeter is in the Hellenistic style.
6. All of these The Weary Herakles, Hermes and the Infant Dionysos are from the Late Classical Period.
7. Persephone was the Greek goddess of fertility.
8. Spear Bearer is a work that employs contrapposto.
9. The Orientalizing style began in Corinth.
10. A female worshipper of Dionysus was called a maenad.
11. An example of an Ionic temple is Temple of Athena Nike.
12. The enclosed vestibule of temples was called the pronaos.
13. All of these Pheidias, Polykleitos, and Praxiteles were sculptors.
14. One key to the Parthenons sense of harmony and balance is an attention to proportions and deviations from absolute regularity.
15. Visitors to the Parthenon would have climbed the east steps to catch glimpse of Pheidias colossal gold&ivory statue of Athena.

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