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This substance was considered by previous Working Groups, in February 1978, in June
1985 and in March 1987 (IARC, 1979, 1986, 1987a). Since that time, new data have become
available and these have been incorporated into the monograph and taken into consideration in
the present evaluation.

1. Exposure Data

1.1 Chemical and physical data

1.1.1 Nomenclature

Chem. Abstr. Serv. Reg. No.: 108-05-4

Deleted CAS Reg. Nos.: 61891-42-7; 82041-23-4
Chem. Abstr. Name: Acetic acid, ethenyl ester
IUPAC Systematic Name: Vinyl acetate

Synonyms: Acetoxyethene; acetoxyethylene; l-acetoxyethylene; ethenyl acetate; ethenyl


ethanoate; V A; V AC; V AM; vinyl A mono

1.1.2 Structural and molecular formulae and relative molecular mass

0 H1 /H

1 ..H


Relative molecular mass: 86.09

1.1.3 Chemical and physical properties of the pure substance

(a) Description: Colourless liquid with an ether-like odour (Union Carbide Corp., i 981;
Hoechst Celanese Corp., 1993)
(b) Boiling-point: 72.2 (lC (Lide, 1993)

(c) Melting-point: -93.2 (lC (Lide, 1993)

(d) Density: 0.9317 at 20 (lC/4 (lC (Lide, 1993)

(e) Spectroscopy data: Infrared (prism (982); grating (81 12l), ultraviolet (1-29), nuclear

magnetic resonance (proton (10245); C-13 (1841)) and mass spectral data (136) have
been reported (Sadtler Research Laboratories, 1980; Weast & Astle, 1985).
(f Solubility: Slightly soluble in water (20 g/L at 20 (lC); soluble in acetone, benzene,

diethyl ether, ethanol, chloroform and most organic solveits (Budavari, 1989; Lewis,
1993; Lide, 1993)




(g) Volatility: Vapour pressure, lOO mm Hg (13.3 kPaj at 23.3 uC (Lide, 1993); relative
vapour density (air = 1),3.0 (Hoechst Celanese Corp., 1993)
(h) Stability: Polymerizes in light to a colourless, transparent mass (Budavari, 1989)

(i) Reactivity: Vapour may react vigorously in contact with silica gel or alumina
(Bretherick, 1985); can react with oxidizing materials (United States National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health, 1994a)
(j) Octanol:water partition coeffcient (P): log P, 0.73 (Hansch et aL., 1995)
(k) Conversion

factor: mg/m3 = 3.52 x ppml

1.1.4 Technical products and impurities

Various commercial grades of vinyl acetate are available, which differ in the arnount and
type of added inhibitor. Typically, 3-5 mg/L hydroquinone (see IARC, 1987b) are added if the
an two months; for longer storage periods, 14-17 mg/L or
even 20-30 mg/L hydroquinone are added. Typical specifications for vinyl acetate are: minimal
chemical is to be stored for less th

purity, 99.9%; acidity (as acetic acid), 0.005% max.; acetaldehyde (see IARC, 1987c), O.OLO%
max. by weight; and water, 0.04% max. by weight (Union Carbide Corp., 1981; Hoechst

Celanese Corp., 1993; Union Carbide Corp., 1994). Trade names for vinyl acetate include Vyac,
Zeset T and RP 251.
1.1.5 Analysis

Selected methods for the analysis of vinyl acetate II vanous matrices are presented II
Table 1.
1.2 Production and use
1.2.1 Production

The oldest process for producing vinyl acetate is the addition of acetiL acid to acetylene,
which was first accomplished by Klatte in 1912 in a Iiquid-phase process with a mercuric salt as
a catalyst. The liquid-phase process was converted to a vapour-phase process, with a zinc salt as
a catalyst, in Germany in the 1920s (Roscher et al., 1983).
Production of vinyl acetate by the addition of acetic acid to ethylene (see IARC, 1994a)
came into widespread use in the 1970s. Because ethylene is an inexpensive feed stock, essentially aIl manufacture since 1980 has been based on that cornpound (Daniels, 1983).
Both liquid-phase and vapour-phase processes are used. Liquid-phase processes, which

were developed in Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom, involve palladium and copper salts
as catalysts and production of vinyl acetate and acetaldehyde. The products are separated, and
the acetaldehyde can be converted to acetic acid, which is fed back into the process. The vapourphase process was developed independently by companies in Germany and the United States of
America, and currently about 75% of world production is made by this technique (Roscher et aL.,
i Calculated from: mg/m' = (relative molecular mass/24.45) x ppm, assuming normal temperature (25C) and
pressure (101 kPa)



1983). The vapour-phase process differs from the liquid-phase in that very little acetaldehyde is
formed. ln Japan, most of the vinyl acetate produced by the vapour-phase process is used in the
production of polyvinyl alcohol (see IARC, 1987d) via alcoholysis of polyvinyl acetate (see
IARC, 1987e). The liberated acetic acid is then recycled for synthesis of the mono
mer (Daniels,

Table 1. Methods for the analysis of vinyl acetate



Assa y





1.0 Jlg/sample

Adsorb on Ambersorb XE-347; desorb

with dichloromethane:methanol (95:5)


0.04 mg/m

Purge (nitrogen); trap (Tenax-GC/OV - 1/-



pIe preparation

Adsorb on Carboxen-564; desorb with

dichloromethane:methanol (95:5)


Elier ( 1 994)



silica gel); desorb as vapour (heat

purging with nitrogen) directly onto gas
chromatographic column


US Occupational Safety

and Health Administration

(1990 )


US Environmental
Protection Agency (1986)

GC/FID, gas chromatography/fame ionization detection; MS, mass spectrometry; PQL, practical quantification
IImit: 50 Jlg/L in groundwatec 50 Jlg/kg in soil and sediment samples with low levels of vinyl acetate; 2.5 mgfL in
water-miscible liquid waste samples; 6.25 mg/kg in soil and sediment samples with high levels of vinyl acetate;
25 mg/L in non-water-miscible waste samples
U This method is used to determine volatile organic compounds in a variety of solid wastes, regardless of water

content, including groundwater, aqueous sludges, caustic liquors, acid liquors, waste solvents, oily wastes,
mousses, tars, fibrous wastes, polymeric emulsions, filter cakes, spent carbons, spent catalysts, soils and

A third technique for producing vinyl acetate involves the reaction of acetaldehyde with
acetic anhydride to yield ethylidene diacetate, which is pyrolytically cleaved to vinyl acetate and
acetic acid (Leonard, 1970; Daniels, 1983).

Other methods for producing vinyl acetate include the reaction of vinyl chloride (see IARC,
1987f) with sodium acetate in solution in the presence of palladium chloride (Daniels, 1983),
conversion of methyl acetate with carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the presence of catalysts to
ethylidene diacetate and subsequent cleavage to vinyl acetate and acetic acid (Roscher et aL.,

1983). Synthetic gas has been used as a feed for vinyl acetate (Mannsville Chemical Products
Corp., 1982).

The total world capacity for production of vinyl acetate was about 1000 thousand tonnes in
1965. World production rose to 3000 thousand tonnes in i 982 (Roscher et aL., 1983) but had
decreased to 2500 thousand tonnes by 1988. ln that year, 530 thousand tonnes were produced in
the Member States of the European Union, the main producers being France, Germany, Italy,
Spain and the United Kingdom, and 460 thousand tonnes in Japan (Environmental Chemicals



Data and Information Network, 1993). ln 1992, 1240 thousand tonnes were produced in the
United States (Anon., 1993a).

Commercial production of vinyl acetate in the United States was first reported in 1928
(United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1992). Between 1960 and
1980, United States production rose from 114 to 850 thousand tonnes (Daniels, 1983). ln 1992,
1200 thousand tonnes were produced, so that vinyl acetate ranked 40th among the 50 chemicals
produced in the largest volumes (Anon., 1993b). Production of vinyl acetate in Japan in 1993

was about 530 thousand tonnes, about 44% of which was used to produce polyvinyl alcohol
(Anon., 1993c).

Vinyl acetate is produced by six companies in Japan, five each in China and the United
States, two companies each in Germany and the Russian Federation, and one company each in

Brazil, Canada, France, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Spain, Thailand, the United Kingdom and
Venezuela (Chemical Information Services, Inc., 1994).
1.2.2 Use

The only commercial use for vinyl acetate is in the preparation of polymers and copolymers

(Daniels, 1983). ln 1987,55% of the vinyl acetate used in the United States was to produce
polyvinyl acetate emulsions and resins for paints and adhesives; 20% was used in the production
of polyvinyl alcohol, 5% for polyvinyl butyral, 10% for ethylene-vinyl acetate resins, 4% for
polyvinyl chloride copolymers (see IARC, 1987g) and 5% for miscellaneous uses (United States
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1992).

Polyvinyl aeetate is used as an intermediate in conversion to polyvinyl alcohol and acetals.

The principal use of polyvinyl acetate is in adhesives for paper, wood, glass, rnetals and
porcelain. It is also used in latex water paints, as a coating for paper, for textile and leather
finishing, as a base for inks and lacquers, in heat-sealing films and in shatterproof photographic

bulbs (Sax & Lewis, 1987; Rosato, 1993). Polyvinyl acetate has been used as an ernulsifying
agent in cosmetics, pesticide formulations and pharmaceuticals and as a food additive (Anon.,

Polyvinyl aleohol is the synthetic, water-soluble plastic produced in the largest volume in

the world. It is used in sizing for textile warp and yarn, in laminating adhesives, photosensitive
films and cements and as a binder for cosmetics, ceramics, leather, nonwoven fabrics and paper.
it is also used as an emulsifying agent, thickener and stabilizer (Sax & Lewis, 1987; Rosato,

Polyvinyl aeetals result from the condensation of polyvinyl alcohol with an aldehyde.
Commonly used aldehydes are formaldehyde (see IARC, 1995), acetaldehyde and butyraldehyde. Polyvinyl formai, polyvinyl acetal and polyvinyl butyral are mainly used in adhesives,
paints, laquers and films. Polyvinyl butyral is used in sheet form as an interlayer in safety glasses
and shatter-resistant acrylic protection in aircraft (Sax & Lewis, 1987).

Ethylene-vinyl aeetate eopolymers improve the adhesion properties of hot-melt and

pressure-sensitive adhesives. They are also used in medical tubing, milk packaging and beerdispensing equipment (Sax & Lewis, 1987; Rosato, 1993). Plastic containers with barrier layers



of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers are replacing many glass and rnetal containers for
packaging food (Rosato, 1993).

Polyvinyl chloride-acetate copolymers, compounded with plasticizers, are used for cable
and wire coverings, in chemical plants and in protective garments (Rosato, 1993).
1.3 Occurrence
1.3.1 Naturaloccurrence

Vinyl acetate is not known to occur in nature.

1.3 2 Occupational exposures

The National Occupational Exposure Survey conducted between 1981 and 1983 indicated
that 129 024 employees in the United States are potentially exposed to vinyl acetate. Vinyl
acetate was found to be used in 27 industries with a total of 6264 facilities. The estimate is based
on a survey of companies and did not involve actual measurernents of exposure (United States
994b ). Data on occupational exposure to
vinyl acetate are given in Table 2.
National Institute for Occupational Safcty and Health, 1

/.3.3 Air

Concentrations of 0.07-0.57 ppm (0.25-2 mg/m3) were reported in arnbient air in an area
where several vinyl acetate manufacturers or process facilities were located (United States
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1992). An ambient air concentration of
0.5 f.g/m3 was detected near a chemical waste disposal site (Pellizzari, 1982). Vinyl acetate was
monitored, but not detected, in the United States in 1990-91, in ambient air close to a furniture
factory, in a paint incineration plant and in indoor air in an office and a machine shop (limit of
detection, 2 ppb (7 Ilg/m') (Kelly et al., 1993). At least 8.8 million pounds (4000 tonnes) of vinyl
acetate were released to the environment from manufacturing and processing facilities in the
United States in 1987 (United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1992).
1.3.4 Water

Vinyl acetate was detected at 50 mg/L in wastewater effuents frorn a polyvinyl acetate
plant (Stepanyan et aL., 1970).
/.3.5 Other

Vinyl acetate was among the volatile ch.emicals released from food packaging during
heating in a microwave oven, at concentrations of 0.01-0.88 f.g/in2 (0.002-0.14 f.g/cm2)

(McNeal & Hollifield, 1993). A high rate of emission of vinyl acetate was found from new
carpets that had a secondary backing of polyvinyl chloride (Hodgson et aL., 1993). Vinyl acetate
has been detected in cigarette smoke at concentrations of 400 ng/cigarette (Guerin, 1980) and 0.5
f.g/puff (Battista, 1976). Emissions of vinyl acetate from the combustion of pulverized coal were
estimated to vary from 2.081 x 10-R to 4.274 x 10-7 Ib/l 06 Btu (0.009-0.18 mg/kJ) under different
test conditions (Miller et aL., 1994).



Table 2. Occupational exposure to vinyl acetate


No. of

USA (1969)


Job, task or industry

No. of

Air concentration (mg/m-')



Vinyl acetate production

P (TW A)



US National Institute for

Occupational Safety and

Vinyl acetate production and

Polymer adhesive manufacture
Latex paint manufacture

40 (P)

0.7-106 (range


Deese & Joyner (i 969)

Health (1978)

USA (1982)
USA (1980)


of means)

5 (P)
8 (P)

8 (A)


Vinyl copolymer production

Vinyl acetate production
Polyvinyl acetate production

Vinyl acetate production

USA (1979)

Finland (1980-92)




Various industries

Polyvinyl acetate painters

(airless spray equipment)


Boxer & Reed (i 983)

(0( 6.7)-126
(0( 4.2)-36.6

Belanger & Coy ( i 98 1 )


Jedrychowski et al. (1979)




1.2- i .4



Kimble et aL. (i 982)


Finnish Institute of

(A and P)

0( 35

Occupational Health




Kollr et al. (1988)




( 1 994 )

0( (35.2 .g/mi)

International Technology

0( (774 .g/m-')

Corporation (1992)

P, personal sample; A, area sample; NR, not reported; TW A, time-weighted average




All samples





1.4 Regulations and guidelines

Occupational exposure limits and guidelines for vinyl acetate in several countries are given
in Table 3. Polyvinyl acetate, ethylene-vinyl acetate-vinyl alcohol copolymers, ethylene-vinyl
acetate copolymers, vinyl acetate-vinyl chloride copolymers and vinyl acetate-crotonic acid
copolymers have been approved for use by the United States Food and Drug Adrninistration
(1984) as components of surfaces in contact with food and beverages.

Table 3. Occupational exposure lirnits for vinyl acetate



Concentraiion Interpretation


















Russian Federation










United Kingdom





TW A; justifiably
suspected of having
carcinogenic potential
TW A; animal carcinogen
TW A; ceiling

From ILO (1991); Arbetarskyddsstyrelsens (1993); Deutsche Forschungsgemenschaft (1993); Environmental Chemicals Data and Information

Network (1993); Tyminister (1993); United Kingdom Health and

Safety Executive (1993); Amercan Conference of Govemmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) (1994); Arbeidsinspectie (1994); Schweizerische
Unfallversicherungsanstalt (1994); United States Nalonal Institute for
Occupational Safetry and Health NIOSH) (1994a). TW A, time-weighted

average; STEL, short-term exposure limit


2. Studies of Cancer in Humans
2.1 eohort study

Waxweiler et al. (1981) undertook a cohort study of 4806 men employed at a plant for the
manufacture of synthetic chemicals in the United States between 1942 and 1973. Death certiId not be found for 16 (3%) of the deceased. ln comparison with national rates, the
ficates cou

cohort had an excess risk for cancer of the respiratory system (42 observed; standardized

mortality ratio, 1.5 (95% confidence interval, 1.1-2.0)). ln a review of medical records, 45 men
were found to have had lung cancer. Histological specimens were found for 27 of these men, and

eight showed undifferentiated large-cell lung cancer. The exposure of the patients with lung
cancer to 19 chemicals, including vinyl acetate, was examined. The group had an estimated
cumulative dose of exposure to vinyl acetate below the estimated weighted mean expected for
the members of the cohort with the same year of birth and age at commencement of work in the
plant. The subgroup with undifferentiated large-cell lung cancer had had slightly higher cumulative exposure to vinyl acetate.
2.2 Case-control study

Ott et aL. (1989) undertook a nested case-control study in a cohort of 29 139 men ernployed

in two large chemical manufacturing facilities and a research and development centre in the
United States, who had died in 1940-78 with non-Hodgkin's lymphorna, multiple rnyeloma,
lymphocytic leukaemia or nonlymphocytic leukaemia as the underlying or contributing cause of
death. Controls were frequency matched to the dead cases by date of hire and length of survival

in a 5: 1 ratio. Exposure to 21 chemicals was assessed on the basis of information about work
activity, work area and production over time. Potential exposure to vinyl acetate was reported for
seven of 52 rnen who had died with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (odds ratio, 1.2), three of 20 with
multiple myeloma (odds ratio, 1.6), two of 39 with non-lymphocytic leukaemia (odds ratio, 0.5)
and two of 18 with lymphocytic leukaemia (odds ratio, 1.8).

3. Studies of eancer in Experimental Animais'

3.1 Oral adrninistration

Rat: Three groups of 20 male and 20 female Fischer 344 rats, seven to eight weeks of age,
received 0, 1000 or 2500 mg/L vinyl acetate (purity unspecifiedJ in the drinking-water on five

days a week for 100 weeks and were observed for their lifetime (maximum, 130 weeks). The
vinyl acetate solutions were prepared weekly; however, owing to the instability of vinyl acetate
in water, the rats were estimated to have received only about half of the nominal dose. Survival
did not differ significantly between the treated and control groups: the numbers of survivors at
i The Working Group was aware of studies in progress in which mice and rats were administered vinyl acetate in the

drinking-water (lARe, i 994b).



130 weeks were 7120 male controls, 8/20 at the 10W dose and 6/20 at the high dose; and 5120

s, 11120 at the low dose and 1 1/20 at the high dose. AIl anirnals were necropsied,
and aIl major organs and les
ions were examined histologicaIly. Treated animais had increased
incidences of liver neoplastic nodules (none in male controls, four at the low dose and two at the

female control

high dose; no

ne in fernale controls or at the low dose and six at the high dose (p = 0.01, Fisher' s

exact test)); increased incidences of uterine adenocarcinomas (none in fernale control

s, one at the

low dose and five at the high dose (p = 0.024)); increased incidences of uterine polyps (none in
controls, three at the low dose and five at the high dose) (p = 0.024); and increased incidences of
thyroid C-cell adenomas (none in female controls, two at the low dose and five at the high dose
(p = 0.024)). No malignant neoplasm was found in the liver (Lijinsky & Reuber, 1983; Lijinsky,

1988). (The Working Group noted the small number of animals used and that the animaIs
received less than the nominal doses of the compound.)

Newborn Wistar rats given 200 or 400 mglkg bw vinyl acetate per day orally for three
weeks had not developed hepatic enzyme-altered foci by 14 weeks, whereas newborn rats
similarly treated with vinyl chloride or vinyl carbamate did (Laib & Boit, 1986).
3.2 Inhalation

3.2.1 Mouse

Groups of 60 male and 60 female Swiss-derived CrI:Cd-l (1 CR)BR mice, about seven
weeks of age and weighing 22.4-35.5 and 16.0-28.5 g, respectively, were exposed by inhalation

to 0, 50, 200 or 600 ppm (0, 176, 704 or 21 12 mg/m') vinyl acetate (purity, ? 99%) for 6 h per

day on five days a week for about 104 weeks. The body weight gain of treated mice was
consistently depressed, but the survival rates of treated and control groups were similar. AlI
animals were subjected to complete necropsy, and aIl tissues from controls and animaIs
receiving the high dose and respiratory tissues from animals at ail doses were exarnined histo10gicaIly. One squamous-cell carcinoma of the lung was found in a male at the high dose, and a

single adenocarcinoma of the lung occurred in a male control. Non-neoplastic lesions related to
treatment were seen in the respiratory tract and included atrophy of the olfactory epithelium

accompanied by respiratory metaplasia and nonkeratinizing squamous metaplasia of the

respiratory epithelium in the nasal cavities; tracheal epithelial hyperplasia was also seen
(Bogdanffy et aL., 1994a).
3.2.2 Rat

Groups of 60 male and 60 female Sprague-Dawley-derived CrI:Cd(SD)BR rats, about seven

weeks of age and weighing 116-243 and 128- 189 g, respectively, were exposed by inhalation to

0, 50, 200 or 600 ppm (0, 176, 704 or 21 12 mg/m') vinyl acetate (purity, ? 99%) for 6 h per day
on five days a week for about 104 weeks. Body weight gain was consistently depressed in males
and females at the high dose, but survival rates were similar in treated and control groups. Four
of 59 females given the high dose had a squamous-cell carcinoma of the nasal cavity; no such

tumour was seen in the other treated female rats or in 60 female controls (p = 0.06). One of
59 males given the middle dose developed a nasal papillorna, two at the high dose developed
squamous-cell carcinomas of the nasal cavity and one at the high dose had a carcinorna in situ;



four males at the high dose had nasal papillomas. The total number of nasal tumours (benign and
malignant) in males at the high dose (7/59) was significantly greater th
an that in controls (0/59)
ions related to treatment were seen in the respi(p .. 0.01, Fisher' s exact test). Non-neoplastic les
ratory tract and especially in the nasal cavity; the most consistent was thinning of the olfactory
epithelium accompanied by basal-cell hyperplasia. No effects were seen in the nasal respiratory
epithelium (Bogdanffy et al., 1994a).
3.3 Exposure in utero

Rat: A total of 72 male and 144 female Sprague-Dawley-derived Crl:CD(SD)BR rats (age
unspecifiedl were divided into four groups and received vinyl acetate (purity, :; 99%) at 0, 200,
1000 or 5000 mg/L in the drinking-water daily. The solutions were prepared each day, and 5%
was added to each dose in order to compensate for an observed degradation of 6-14% over 24 h.
The average concentrations achieved over the entire study were 0, 208, 10 19 and 5166 mg/L.

Treatment commenced 10 weeks before mating; treatment of males was continued for an
additional four weeks and that of females throughout mating, gestation and lactation. Two males
of the Fil generation in each group were paired with one female from the same group for up to

15 days. After weaning, groups of 60 male and 60 female Fi pups were selected and were
administered 0, 200, 1000 or 5000 mg/L vinyl acetate in the drinking-water daily (average daily
consumption: 10, 47 or 202 mg/kg bw for males and 16, 76 or 302 mglkg bw for females) for
104 weeks. Water consumption was decreased among rats given 1000 or 5000 mg/L, and both
food consumption and body weight gain were decreased in the latter group. The percentages of
rats still alive at the end of the study were 42% of male controls, 57% of those at 200 mg/L, 50%
of those at 1000 mg/L and 64% of those at 5000 mg/L; and 55% of female controls, 49% at
200 mg/L, 40% at 1000 mg/L and 57% at 5000 mg/L. No increase in tumour incidence was
observed that was related to treatment (Bogdanffy et aL., 1994b).

3.4 Carcinogenicity of rnetabolies

A previous working group concluded that there is suffcent evidence for the carcinogenicity
of acetaldehyde to experirnental animals (IARC, 1 987b).

4. Other Data Relevant to an Evaluation of Carcinogenicity

and its Mechanisms

4.1 Absorption, distribution, rnetabolisrn and excretion
4.1.1 Humans

No data were available to the Working Group.



4./.2 Experimental systems

The elimination of vinyl acetate and formation of acetaldehyde were studied in vitro in a
closed system comprising heparinized human blood and separated plasma and erythrocytes. The
half-lives of vinyl acetate were 4.1 min in blood, 62 min in plasma and 5.5 min in erythrocytes.
The esterase activity was shown to be sensitive to eserine and thus of the cholinesterase type;

when carboxylesterase activity was inhibited, less effect was seen. Other reactions of vinyl
acetate in blood, such as conjugation with reduced glutathione in erythrocytes, appeared to be of
minor importance (Fedtke & Wiegand, 1990). ln human lymphocytes cultured in whole blood
and treated with 5.4 mmolf465 mgllL vinyl acetate, the disappearance of parent cornpound and
the formation of acetaldehyde were completed within 20 rnin (Norppa et aL., 1985).

The rnajor metabolites of vinyl acetate in vivo are acetaldehyde (through an unstable vinyl
alcohol) and acetic acid, which are formed by esterases, mostly in blood (Simon et aL., 1985a;
Laib & Bolt, 1986). Disappearance of atmospheric vinyl acetate due to uptake and metabolism
by male Wistar rats was measured in closed exposure chambers (Sirnon et aL., 1985a). The
kinetics indicated that sorne aspects of the process must be saturable, since individual curves
were composed of an apparent zero-order section at a higher concentration and a first-order

section at a lower concentration. First-order kinetics applied up to about 200 ppm (704 mg/ml
Under these conditions, the total clearance (dose/area under the curve) from the gas phase was
30 000 ml/h per kg bw. This value is almost identical to the maximal ventilation rate in rats,

32000 ml/h per kg bw (Guyton, 1947). The calculated rates of elimination due to rnetabolism
indicated that vinyl acetate is metabolized in linear correlation with the atrnospheric

concentration up to 650 ppm (2288 mg/ml above which a saturation phenomenon occurs. ln the
closed exposure system, the concentration of acetaldehyde increased transiently as the vinyl
acetate concentration declined. The kinetics of vinyl acetate appeared to be unaffected by prior
treatment of the rats with diethyldithiocarbamate, indicating that monooxygenases may not be

important in its metabolism; however, rat hepatic microsomes and plasma are particularly
efficient in hydrolysing vinyl acetate to acetic acid. ln a similar systern, Fedtke and Wiegand
(1990) found a half-life for vinyl acetate of -: 1 min in rat blood and 1.2 min in rat plasma. The
plasma hydrolytic activity was sensitive to phosphoric acid bis-4-nitrophenyl ester, a typical
carboxylesterase inhibitor. it has been suggested (Norppa et aL., 1985) that some effects of vinyl
acetate are due to acetaldehyde. No epoxide metabolite has been demonstrated (Simon et aL.,

The results of studies on DNA-protein cross-linking al'ter exposure of rats to vinyl acetate
and acetaldehyde have been presented in a series of reports (Kuykendall & Bogdanffy, 1992;
Kuykendall et aL., 1993a,b (abstract!. The results, which include those for nasal tissues (which

have high carboxylesterase levels), indicate that acetaldehyde is responsible for the cross-links;
the other metabolite, acetic acid, was considered to be responsible for the cytotoxic response.
The kinetics of the hydrolysis of vinyl acetate in respiratory and olfactory nasal rnucosa in
rats and mice of each sex are similar (Bogdanffy & Taylor, 1993). The finding that rnetabolisrn
occurs faster in olfactory then in respiratory mucosa may partially explain the distribution of
nasal les

ions induced by vinyl acetate, but the

its carcinogenic effects.

se results do not explain the species difference in



Vinyl acetate is conjugated with glutathione in vitro in the presence of a rat liver superland & Chasseaud, 1967), providing an explanation for the decreased levels of
reduced glutathione seen after exposure to vinyl acetate in vivo (Boyland & Chasseaud, 1970;
natant (Boy

Holub & Tarkowski, 1982).

4.2 Toxic effects

4.2.1 Humans

Irritation of the eye and nose occurs at a threshold of 10-22 ppm (35-77 mg/m') (Deese &
Joyner, 1969). Throat irritation occurred at 200 ppm (704 mg/m') and eye irritation at 72 ppm
(253 mg/m') (United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1978).
Dermal contact may cause skin irritation and blister formation.
4.2.2 Experimental systems

Groups of four male and four female rats were exposed by inhalation to various concentrations of vinyl acetate for 6 h per day for 15 days. Rats exposed to 2000 ppm (7040 rng/m')
experienced eye and nose irritation and respiratory difficulty and had reduced body weight gain.
At autopsy, large numbers of macrophages were seen in the lung. Rats exposed to 630 or
250 ppm (2220 or 880 mg/m') had reduced weight gain. The lowest dose, 100 ppm (350 rng/m')

induced no signs of toxicity (Gage, 1970).

Mice exposed to vinyl acetate at 1500 ppm (5280 mg/m') for 6 h per day on five days per
week for 28 days had hyperplasia and metaplasia of the upper and lower respiratory tract (Clary,

As reported in an abstract, groups of 10 male and 10 female rats and rnice were exposed by
inhalation to 50, 200 or 1000 ppm (176, 704 or 3520 mg/m') for 6 h per day on five days per
week for three months. Rats at 1000 ppm showed respiratory distress and reduced body weight.

Mice showed respiratory distress at 200 and 1000 ppm, reduced body weight at 1000 pprn and
rhinitis, nasal mucosal metaplasia, tracheal metaplasia and bronchitis/bronchiolitis, rnainly at
1000 ppm. AnimaIs of both species had increased lung weights (presumably at ail doses) (Owen,

Rats exposed to 10, 100 or 500 mg/m' vinyl acetate for 5 h per day on five days per week
for 10 months showed dose-related reductions in body weight and reticulopenia. Squamous
metaplasia of the bronchi was seen at ail doses, and fatty degeneration of the hepatic
parenchyma, proliferation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and changes in biliary canaliculi
were noted at the two higher doses (Czajkowska et al., 1986).

Groups of 60 male and 60 female rats and mice were exposed to vinyl acetate by inhalation
for 104 weeks at doses of 0,50, 200 or 600 ppm (0, 176, 704 or 21 i 2 mg/rn') (Bogdanffy et al.,

1994b). Ten animals per group were aIlowed to recover for 15 (males) or 16 (females) weeks
after termination of exposure at 70 weeks. Weight gain was depressed in aIl groups receiving
600 ppm and in mice at 200 ppm. Animals that were aIlowed to recover showed improvement in
weight gain, except for female rats at 600 ppm. No haematological changes were consistently
related to treatment; a decrease in blood glucose in females at 600 ppm was the only change in



clinical chemistry observed. Increased lung weights were observed in both species, especially at
600 ppm, and aIl treated rats Inot clear whether males and fernales or only females) had increases
at the time of terminal sacrifice; the changes in lung weights were associated with bronchial
exfoliation, macrophage accumulation, fibrous plaques and buds and bronchiallbronchiolar
epithelial disorganization. Histopathological changes were observed in the nasal cavity; the main

non-neoplastic effects in the olfactory epithelium of both species were epithelial atrophy,
il hyperplasia and epithelial nest-like infolds. No non-neoplastic changes
were seen in the respiratory epithelium of rats, but squamous rnetaplasia was seen in rnice.

regeneration, basal-ce

ln rats and mice that received vinyl acetate in the drinking-water at concentrations of 200,

1000 or 5000 ppm (mg/L), no obvious toxic effects were noted (Clary, 1988).
Groups of 60 male and 60 female rats were exposed to vinyl acetate in drinking-water at

concentrations of 0, 200, 1000 or 5000 ppm (mglL) (v/v) for 104 weeks, after exposure of their
F() parents to vinyl acetate for 10 weeks before mating. Decreased body weights and decreased
food and water consumption were recorded in animals at 5000 ppm; water consurnption was

reduced in rats at 1000 ppm. No other compound-related effects on chernical, haematological or

pathological end-points were observed (Bogdanffy et al., 1994a).

4.3 Reproductive and prenatal effects

4.3.1 Humans

No data were available to the Working Group.

4.3.2 Experimental systems

Male and female rats were given 0, 200, 1000 or 5000 ppm (mglL) vinyl acetate in the
drinking-water over two generations. The Fi generation of male and female controls and those at
5000 ppm were then cross-mated. Signs of general toxicity were observed in the F() and Fi
generations at 5000 ppm, and several reproductive paramaters were altered (decreased fertility
and mating performance); however, the responses were inconsistent across generations. The noobserved adverse effect level was considered to be 1000 ppm (Mebus et aL., 1995).

Developmental toxicity was studied in rats exposed in the drinking-water to up to 5000 pprn
(mglL) or by inhalation to up to 1000 ppm 13520 mg/m') for 6 h per day on days 6-15 of
gestation. Administration in the drinking-water induced no rnaternal or developmental toxicity.
After exposure by inhalation, evidence was found of maternal toxicity and retarded ernbryonic
growth, and a significant increase in the incidence of minor skeIetal alterations (mainly delayed
ossification) was seen in fetuses of dams exposed to 1000 ppm, but not at lower doses (Hurtt
et aL., 1995).



4.4 Genetic and related effects

4.4./ H umans
People exposed occupationally to vinyl acetate were reported to have an increased

frequency of chromosomal aberrations in cultured lymphocytes (Shirinian & Arutyunyan, 1980).

(The Working Group noted the inadequate reporting of the study.)
4.4.2 Experimental systems (See also Table 4 and Appendices 1 and 2)

Vinyl acetate did not induce mutations in Salmonella typhimurium or SOS repair functions

in Escherichia coli. It induced DNA-protein cross-links in Escherichia coli HB 101 in the

presence of rat liver microsomes.

lt induced DNA cross-links in isolated human lymphocytes and in isolated rat nasal
epithelial cells. It induced sister chromatid exchange in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells in
the presence or absence of exogenous metabolic activation and enhanced the viral transformation
of Syrian hamster embryo cells. It also induced sister chromatid exchange, chrornosomal

aberrations and micronuclei in human whole blood and in isolated lymphocyte cultures in vitro.

ln mice treated in vivo with vinyl acetate, the frequencies of sister chromatid exchange, of
micronuclei in bone-marrow cells and of sperm with abnormal morphology were increased, but
there was no increase in the frequency of micronucleated meiotic cells. The increased frequency
of sister chromatid exchange was not affected by hepatectomy of the rnice before treatment
(Takeshita et aL., 1986).

Vinyl acetate did not produce DNA adducts in the livers of male and female rats exposed
either orally or by inhalation (Simon et aL., 1985b).
4.4.3 Cenotoxicity of metabolites

Acetaldehyde, the primary metabolite of vinyl acetate, is genotoxic in a wide range of

assays in vitro and in vivo (IARC, 1987b).

5. Summary and Evaluation

5.1 Exposure data

Vinyl acetate is used in the production of a wide range of polymers, including polyvinyl
acetate, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl acetals, ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers and polyvinyl
chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers, which are widely used in the production of adhesives, paints
and food packaging.

Human exposure to vinyl acetate occurs mainly by inhalation or dermal contact during
production of the itonomer or during production ofpolymers and water-based paints.
















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Table 4 (contd)
Test system





Without With
exogenous exogenous
metabolic metabolic
activation activation

DIH, DNA cross-link formation, alkaline elution, human lymphocytes



Lambert et al. (1985)

in vitro

SHL, Sister chromatid exchange, human lymphocytes in vitro

SHL, Sister chromatid exchange, human lymphocytes in vitro
SHL, Sister chromatid exchange, human lymphocytes in vitro
MIH, Micronucleus induction, human lymphocytes in vitro




CHL, Chromosomal aberrations, human lymphocytes in vitro

CHL, Chromosomal aberrations, human lymphocytes in vitro


N orppa et al. (l 985)


Jantunen et al. (1986)

SV A, Sister chromatid exchange, mouse cells in vivo


MVM, Micronucleus induction, mouse bone marrow in vivo

MVM, Meiotic micronucleus induction, mice in vivo

BVD, DNA binding (covalent), rat hepatocytes in vivo (14C label)
BVD, DNA binding (cov:ilent), rat hepatocytes in vivo ('4C label)

SPM, Sperm morphology, Fi mice in vivo

Norppa et al. (1985)

He & Lambert (1985)

Sipi et al. (1992)
Mki-Paakkanen & Norppa

370 ip x 1

Takeshita et al. (1986)


Mki-Paakkanen & Norppa



Lhdetie (1988)

45 po x 1

Simon et al. (l 985b)


Simon et al. (1

500 ip x 5

Lhdetie (1988)


a +, considered to be positive; -, considered to be negative

bLED, lowest effective dose; HID, highest effective dose. ln-vitro tests, ig/ml; in-vivo tests, mg/kg bw; ip, intraperitoneally; inh, inhalation

cExposure to vapour phase also negative

dNegative for single-strand breaks at 1700 llg/ml

, Assuming 100% absorption based on mean body weight and vinyl acetate concentration from reported range
***, Not included on the profile









5.2 Hurnan carcinogenicity data

The available data were too limited to form the basis for an evaluation of the carcinogenicity of vinyl acetate to humans.
5.3 Anirnal carcinogenicity data

Vinyl acetate was tested in one experiment in mice and in one experiment in rats by
inhalation. No treatment-related increase in tumour incidence was observed in mice; in rats, an
increased incidence of nasal cavity tumours was found in animals of each sex. No increase in
tumour incidence was found in rats administered vinyl acetate in the drinking-water in utero and
then for life.

5.4 Other relevant data

Vinyl acetate is rapidly metabolized by esterases in hurnan blood and animal tissues to
acetaldehyde and acetic acid.

Vinyl acetate irritates the eye and respiratory system. Respiratory distress is seen after
subchronic exposure by inhalation. Other effects included nasal irritation, nasal mucosal metaplasia, tracheal metaplasia and bronchitis or bronchiolitis. After chronic exposure by inhalation,
changes were observed in the lung. Non-neoplastic effects, atrophic and regenerative changes,
were seen in the nasal cavity. After chronic exposure via the drinking-water, the only effects
observed were decrements in body weight at high doses.
There are no data on the effects of vinyl acetate on human reproduction. A two-generation

study in rats showed evidence of parental toxicity and decreased fertility at the highest dose
tested. Oral administration of vinyl acetate to rats during pregnancy did not result in maternai or
developmental toxicity, whereas exposure by inhalation induced maternal toxicity, retarded
embryonic growth and minor skeletal alterations at the highest dose tested.

Viny! acetate induced sperm abnormalities and sister chromatid exchange in rodents
exposed in vivo; micronuclei were induced in bone marrow but not in meiotic cells. No DNA
binding was seen in rat hepatocytes. ln human lymphocytes in vitro, vinyl acetate produced
chromosomal aberrations, micronuclei, sister chromatid ex

change and DNA cross-links. it

enhanced viral transformation and sister chromatid exchange in mammalian cells in vitro, and it

induced DNA-protein cross-links in rat nasal epithelial cells in vitro. Vinyl acetate did not
induce mutation in bacteria but induced DNA-protein cross-links in plasrnid DNA. The primary
rnetabolite of vinyl acetate, acetaldehyde, is genotoxic in a wide range of assays.
5.5 Evaluation'

There is inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of vinyl acetate.

There is limited evidence in experimental animais for the carcinogenicity of vinyl acetate.
i For definition of the italicized terms, see Preamble, pp. 22-26.



Overall evaluation
Vinyl acetate is possibly carcinogenic to humons (Croup 28).

ln making the overall evaluation, the Working Group took into account the following

(i) Vinyl acetate is rapidly transformed into acetaldehyde in human blood and animal
(ii) There is suifcient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of

acetaldehyde (IARC, 1987b). Both vinyl acetate and acetaldehyde induce nasal cancer in rats
after administration by inhalation.

(iii) Vinyl acetate and acetaldehyde are genotoxic in human cells in vitro and in
anirnals in vivo.

6. References
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