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Nez de Balboa, 56
28001 Madrid
2013 Maya Blake
2014 Harlequin Ibrica, SA
Secrets Revealed, No. 2302 - April 2014
Original title: Marriage Made of Secrets
Originally published by Mills & Boon, Ltd., London.
All rights reserved including reproduction, in whole or in part. This edition has been
published with permission from Harlequin Books SA
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and situations are the product of
author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to persons, living or
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ISBN: 978-84-687-4304-2
Editor: Luis Pugni
Ebook conversion: MT Color & Design
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Chapter 1
- Signora?
The voice, hesitant but insistent Ava woke from a deep sleep. Disoriented, he departed from the
against a lock of red hair, but the nightmare was wrapping the limits of its
Sorry to bother you, but Signor Di Goia's on the phone again -the hostess, dressed in a suit
emerald green silk, she held the same black phone that had taken him three times
last eight hours since I took off to Bali.
A cluster of emotions swept irritation Ava and the remains of the anguish caused by the
nightmare. The sense of loss that assaulted every time he thought of Cesare was confused with
excitement that these thoughts awakened him.
For a moment he forgot the eerie desolation left behind. The presence of

man across the line occupied his mind entirely. A man who despite being thousands
of miles still had the power of her breathless. The man was losing Ava
'Please tell him I'll talk to him when we land I needed to conserve his strength for
face what lay ahead.
The stewardess looked aghast.
But ... has insisted no doubt, was the first time I was with a woman capable of
contradict Cesare di Goia. Especially when that woman was traveling aboard his private jet,
surrounded by luxury and ostentation representing the wealth and influence of the powerful man
- Signora? nervous hostess insisted.
Guilt made Ava grab hold the phone.
Cesare said while holding his breath.
Now deign to answer my calls ... said a deep voice.
Why should do when you've been avoiding mine for two weeks? You said
you come back to Bali last week-the ease with which he had jilted him tighten
tackles the handset. It was the same attitude he had shown in their marriage during the
last year.
I had a setback in Abu Dhabi ... An unavoidable matter added in a strained voice.
"Inescapable". How many times had he heard that?
Sure ... Is that all?
An exhalation laden anger heard the other side.
No, that's not all. Explain.
You mean why am traveling on your plane?
-Yup. This was not part of the plan.
I know, but my plans have changed ... inevitably he added with feigned naturalness.
In what sense?
If you had bothered to answer the phone the last two weeks, I would have said.
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We've talked in the past two weeks ...
No, Cesare. You called me a few times to tell me your aplazabas She broke her back
choked, remembering the endless calls he had made to the Secretary of
Precoated to ensure that from clearing the agenda, you buy the most stylish outfits and
Cook the luxurious residence of Bali will prepare your favorite dishes. He had taken care of
every detail in a vain effort to save their marriage. Be that as it may, I'm
saving the trouble of making a long trip or invent another excuse. Goodbye, Cesare.
Ava ...
He hung up and left the phone on the table, not bothering to respond when the apparatus
rang again. The horrified expression stewardess made her smile, despite having the pulse
Easy, is not as fierce as it looks.
The woman coughed awkwardly and quickly retreated.
With trembling hands, Ava a glass of water is served and took a small sip. Yes. Cesare was
used to anyone questioning his authority, but she had never blindly subjected to

orders from anyone. And was this wild and passionate which had so intrigued character, and
Enraged, Cesare. Or so it was until their relationship stalled in at least indifference and
Cesare began to withdraw gradually from it, extending their stays in Rome instead of being with
her residence on Lake Como. Before the devastation caused by an earthquake in the
South Pacific would end Ava hopes to save his family.
The brave decision he had made the previous day in Bali began to cause nervousness and
anxiety. Last month was hell, but had to be strong. He would need all his courage
and courage to face the truth.
Her stomach was remembering the speed and intensity with which it had all started with
Cesare. From the beginning things were wild, and Ava had been overwhelmed by a
passion impossible to contain or comprehend.
But in this whirlwind of frantic and wild sex dating had felt that Cesare was all that
I had always wanted, and that he could take home and family he had ever had.
"This madness has to stop!" Was the confession of Cesare heated when he took her to a closet
during a charity dinner.
Ironically, the next day, Ava discovered she was pregnant with Annabelle.
That's when Cesare started to walk away.
He shook his head and raised the blind for the morning sun to warm her cheek. But
nothing could relieve the pain glacial freezing inside.
No, I could not let precoated affect her much. Annabelle did not deserve to have a father bitter
and resentful. Not a mother who lived mired in misfortune. The family that Ava had believed
find Cesare had been nothing more than a mirage. And the passionate and full of life man
who had married someone had become so cold and indifferent as his father.
And in their desperation to cling to the illusion he had ever had, he had been about
losing her daughter.
Annabelle had already suffered enough and Ava would not consent to her daughter suffered
more rejection.
'What the hell do you think you're playing?
The profound and irresistibly sexy voice Cesare di Goia exerted on it such a powerful effect
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as their impressive six feet muscles. Impeccably dressed in a white polo and
black jeans that enhanced her slender hips and strong thighs, stood so tall and
proud as any of the hundreds of statues scattered around his hometown.
Her black hair wet from the shower, longer than the last time I had seen Ava. Y,
as always spoke his mind not caring who could hear.
Why do not you cry some more and so you just scare my daughter? 'I suggested she
while trying to reassure a Annabelle that stirred in her sleep.
Cesare's eyes, the color of burnished gold, rested on Annabelle and a grimace crossed his stern
She's asleep.
Not for long if you keep growling like that. It's been pretty bad, Cesare. I will not
allowed to continue suffering.
You Do not talk to me like a stranger, Ava. I know very well what happened There was
softened the tone of his voice, but his eyes burned with fury.

Excuse me for having to remind you, but you seem to have forgotten. Annabelle is in
very fragile situation, so do please calm down. And as to your question, believed to have
made it very clear what I'm playing.
You mean that very long text message you sent me to take off from Bali: "We reached
2 pm "? Or to that which had also changed your plans? she asked accusingly,
no move by move away from the door.
Are you going to turn away and pretend to keep the conversation on the door? What are you
doing here?
Just you come to the villa.
'What you are doing here does not matter. You were supposed to wait in Bali to give him the
Annabelle high, and then I would go after you.
The doctor gave Annabelle discharged three days ago.
The surprise was reflected in the face of Cesare, who looked over his shoulder toward Ava
'And Rita?
I was having nightmares by the earthquake. When he left the hospital I took a ticket
to London. The blame does not leave live in peace ... believe we failed to Annabelle because he
lost sight
when tremors began-a pang went through her as she remembered the inconsolable
anguish of the babysitter. I thought it would be easier this way.
Cesare nodded.
I'll make sure you get the proper treatment and compensation due. But
you did not have to do this trip yet ...
No, Cesare. Rita was not the only one who needed to go home. You had to have returned to
two weeks ago, but were in Singapore and then in New York.
-This Is not a good time to ...
Long ago-that we have a good time, Cesare-a wave of sadness swept over her, but
managed to stand firm.
The strands clung to her neck and afternoon sun burned her bare shoulders. If not
protected from the relentless Italian sun, the next day would be as red as a lobster.
You should thank you you have saved the inconvenience. Are you going to allow us to stay in
home or a problem for you?
He took a deep breath and looked down at Annabelle.
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No, no problem.
It's a relief. ... I would not want to cause problems.
Annabelle grew heavier at times, and fatigue of a twelve-hour journey with a girl
almost four years raged in their exhausted limbs. But he made one last effort and managed
not show the slightest weakness Cesare, whose imposing figure blocked his path to the villa.
Ava, we should have talked about this ...
Thank goodness I'm not paranoid, because you would think you were trying to avoid me rather
custom-he did not bother to deny it and Ava felt a pang of ice traspasndole the heart.
I think you're right and this is not the best. I'll take Annabelle to my studio. Notify

when you leave and then we will come.

He had barely taken a step when a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back. It impacted
against a wall fiber and muscle, and was immediately enveloped by the scent of Cesare. A
mixture of
sandalwood and intoxicating virility that shook with the force of a tornado.
-Do Not. Annabelle stays with me -the tension emanating from her body. If you think I'm
gonna lose
sight after what happened, you are very wrong-she tried to pull away, but he held.
A scorching heat spread through his veins. The feeling, hauntingly familiar but the
entirely unexpected, staggered her. Cesare squeezed hard and put a hand on the back of
Annabelle to hold them both.
Ava looked up and her heart skipped a beat when he saw the flash of emotion that crossed
Cesare eyes briefly. An intense tingling down her spine and had to swallow
the lump that had formed in his throat.
-I Give you ten minutes to tell yours these plans, and then ...
-Do Not. The first is Annabelle bed. And then we have a civilized conversation.
He chuckled.
-Civilizada? His breath caressed her ear, causing another wave of tremors throughout the
body. Do you remember how we met face?
Ava was suddenly transported to their first meeting. Cesare had nearly run over by car
on a zebra crossing because she had been entranced with a historical building that was
photographing. The fact that they were about to die, combined with stunning appeal
the man who was driving, did you download fist as hard on the hood of
Red Maserati.
Cesare's fury out of the car to survey the damage was quickly replaced by a
much more dangerous emotion.
Barely gave our names and as we were pulling clothes. God ... a few
hours we met you were losing your virginity on the hood of my car.
Flames remember the calcined head to toe.
'What's that? snapped.
-Only I'm remembering that among us can be nothing civilized.
Speak for yourself. You might want to act like a caveman, but I do not have to
She tried to lower myself to your level away again, and this time he let her.
-Disimula All you want, face. We both know it's true. When we get carried away, the
becomes uncontrollable passion.
Without taking her eyes, like a raptor watching her juicy prey, opened at all the
door and stood aside with arms crossed.
For a moment, Ava was unable to move, stunned by the powerful muscles that
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guessed under the pole and hairs poking out his collar unbuttoned. Making a huge
effort, managed to look away and crossed the threshold of the palazzo most lavish of Lake
Como, which
had been his home for the past four years.
The exterior terracotta your yard full of fountains and terraced gardens contrasted
strongly with the interior. Stucco walls and vaulted ceilings were perfectly

preserved and provided with a modern ventilation system that cooled the room, which
allowed to have open for the four wings of the villa is filled with natural light blinds.
A quick look Ava enough to leave you breathless. Since the pieces arranged in the hall to
Renaissance paintings and family portraits hanging on the walls, the palazzo remembered the
time the Villa di Goia was a famous museum. The Venetian marble and parquet floors
shone with the brilliance and opulence that only billionaires could afford.
Not have changed since the last time you were here, Ava. I suggest you do not waste
time admiring the architecture and begin to explain. You get eight minutes -the tension
was felt under his apparent serenity.
Ava took a deep breath and faced him.
And I suggest you stop watching the clock and help me with Annabelle ... unless you want it
It is made mourn.
The look of horror on Cesare was barely visible, but Ava will not be overlooked. Not
have breathed so much tension, he would have laughed.
Cesare approached her and removed carefully Annabelle, who became heavier and heavier by
-has Said good-looking, pressing against his chest.
The doctor is very pleased with his recovery Ava remarked, bending the arm to relieve
Emotions reflecting continued Cesare's face as she watched her daughter. Ava
needed a crystal ball to guess that he was remembering the last time he'd had in
arms, when she was found after the earthquake ...
Cesare turned to the imposing staircase leading to the upper floors. Rose
quickly followed by Ava, and surprised her by turning east wing.
Have you changed your room site?
Yes, I changed some things. He wanted me to be near me when back His tone was
surly and angry, as if he wanted to question his actions.
Ava felt another painful twinge in his chest. "Near me" he had said. Not "us".
The room was painted green and pink Annabelle's favorite colors. Had a great
canopy bed and all toys and soft toys that a child could want. Cesare Annabelle slept in
the large canopy bed and carefully took his shoes and socks, Ava away with a gesture
when she came to help. He covered the child with a blanket and put a stuffed horse
under his arm.
A Ava's heart sank. How many times had wanted to do this when Cesare
Annabelle was small? How many times had imagined leaning down to kiss his daughter on the
front and say goodnight in a loving whisper?
Cesare turned and stared at him.
Now we can already speak he said, and walked to the door with a firm and decisive step.
The tension grew with every step. Ava heels echoing in the marble floor. He rubbed
sweaty palms on her skirt and tried to quell the anxiety grew inside.
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Entered the room, whose glass walls offering a breathtaking view of the gardens and the
private dock on Lake. The image was so spectacular that Ava missed his
Cesare was standing at the window, his eyes following a speedboat that sailed the

glistening turquoise waters. But Ava knew his mind was locked in that room.
'You should have expected him to go to Bali for you,' he said without turning around.
'You know I was never given me good follow orders. And you seemed to have no great hurry
bring home.
You had everything you needed.
Yes, staff was hired highly qualified. He had only to lift a finger
that satisfied my desires.
But did not want to surrounded by a bunch of strangers. It was not good for Annabelle and
... here we are.
-Deberas Have told me!
-what Is the matter? Does it bother you wanted to go home or I dared question your
Cesare took a deep breath.
They've changed a lot ...
-and I realize, but I think that the solution was to stay half a world away.
Why did you decided to return earlier than planned?
Because it is not just you, Cesare. Life goes on and I have to ensure that Annabelle
back to normal as soon as possible. Also, when I told you my plans had changed
was serious. I have been hired to cover the wedding of Marinello.
Cesare frowned.
You're a photographer prestige. When did you dedicate to cover weddings of celebrities?
Annabelle needs goodwill and friendly atmosphere. I can not take her to the edge of the world.
-The Wedding Marinello become a media circus. I will not allow Annabelle display
I've never let my work affecting in any way, and I will not do it now.
Isn't before you come tell me what Marinello?
Consider it a side effect of resentment that you keep for abandoning me.
'You did not suffer any neglect. Annabelle needed medical attention and could not travel
have recovered.
Yes, but would not stay there forever ... While beginning to suspect that maybe that was what
you had thought.
Of course not. I agree that Annabelle has to be home, but no ... she paused and Ava
He shivered in the back.
But did not your wife? -he did not answer and she gave a shaky espiracin-. You do not have
speak, Cesare -esboz a shy smile. Right now, my only priority is Annabelle.
While she is well, gives me show yourself indifferent like me, or you return to Rome.
A dangerous glint in his eyes burned Cesare, who clenched his fists and breathed deeply.
I'm going to stay here all summer.
A Ava turned over the heart, but the soul fell to the feet when he saw the expression of
Cesare disgust.
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In that case, it will be a very uncomfortable situation for both ...
-I Do not want you here. Not now.
His cruel words like knives nailed.

-why Not?
I'm in the middle of ... She ran a hand through his hair. We both know that what we do not
worked for some time, but now I can not afford any distractions.
Ava took a breath, dropped her purse on the table and remembered why he was there.
-La Situation your marriage is a distraction?
Especially, the situation of our marriage. If you had stayed in Bali ...
But I did not. Like control everything, but me can not. This is your home as much as
mine, so I can not lend. So you have to endure my presence, like your daughter.
-Soportarla? I am your father.
I know what I say, and do not tempt me to describe your role as a father or husband. I do not
think you liked the
Cesare turned pale and swallowed.
If you want to maintain a civilized conversation, advise you that you measure your words, Ava.
What happens come we can not affect our daughter.
Ava tried to contain the pain that was eating the entrails and sat as far away from him as he
In that case, we must organize. You can be with her in the morning, while I
meet with my clients, and I'll stay with her in the evenings. That way I will not interfere in what
think I'm interrupting. For you will be like he was not.
He laughed.
'Just like a bull in a china shop.
-Only'm like when I have to be, especially when facing a cold Italian as
ice and ravishingly attractive handing out orders like candy at a party. O
when he had grown up with a father who ignored and a happy brothers emularlo-. A
sometimes the only way to be taken seriously.
Is that why you came back so suddenly? So that take you seriously? he asked in a tone
eerily quiet Ava made him goosebumps.
I'm back because my daughter needs to be home.
Our daughter corrected him with a dangerous glint in his eyes. It is as much mine as yours,
She stood up.
'Really? Just you saw in the last year. You preferred to stay in Rome and find yourself a
excuse after another for not coming home. What is this sudden desire to play the father?
A strange expression crossed briefly traits Cesare, too fast for Ava
I could analyze it.
It's my daughter. My blood. It is logical that want to resume my responsibilities as a parent.
-Retomar? You can not avoid them whenever you desire! What happens if you get other
in Abu Dhabi or Doha or in Mongolia? Will you return to forget about it?
Do you think abandon Annabelle for my business?
Oh, do not look so indignant ... How many times have you abandoned me to cut and run to sign
a contract in a remote corner?
'That was different ...
You expect me to believe that things are going to change just because we are talking about your
daughter instead

your wife? Do not antepusiste businesses to take your daughter to Bali? Cesare never did
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without having calculated everything in detail. His unexpected decision to spend the summer at
the lake and claim
parental rights was the least suspicious.
'Things have changed, Ava.
-How? I would like you to tell me clearly how things have changed.
He looked away.
-The Earthquake made us open our eyes to all, I do not deny it. I agree that Annabelle
needs goodwill and safe and familiar environment. Our jobs are very demanding. If emerges
some unforeseen, she will be well attended. Lucia live here until he can hire another nanny.
Including Annabelle may address at all times.
-God ... First you say that the earthquake opened your eyes and a second later admit that the
you leave quietly with a babysitter to go mind your business?
I -Sacar every effort to be with her time, but I can not forget my work. Nor
even in summer.
Of course not ... I do not even know why I'm surprised. Cesare di Goia, unscrupulous capitalist
turns to gold everything he touches. It seems that nothing has changed ...
Annabelle be four years within a few weeks.
Ava frowned, puzzled by the change of subject.
Yes, I know. And I've made plans.
But if you're going to cover the wedding of Marinello have to be in Tuscany the next three
I see that you're well informed.
For some reason unknown to me, Agata Marinello is determined to keep me abreast of the
details of the wedding of his son.
You're the guest of honor, and your company finances reality show Reynaldo Marinello. Does
take a genius to guess her mother's interest in gaining your favor. Also, I think that all
guests receive relevant news about the wedding.
And why have locked your emails this morning he replied impatiently.
I have not yet accepted the invitation to the wedding. With everything that is going on ... He
stopped and shook
head. I will give the order to refuel the plane. Paolo will take you to the airport in an hour.
Annabelle will stay here with me. When finished, talk He went to the intercom,
but Ava, feigning a naturalness that he felt, sat down and crossed his legs.
-The Family Marinello changed the wedding venue three days ago. The official explanation is a
termite in the Tuscan villa, but I think his decision to hold on Lake Como has more
to do with your presence here ... He shrugged when he frowned. Tomorrow
Later I will meet with them to discuss the preparations. But I think you do not understand what
trying to say, Cesare. Annabelle and I are inseparable. Where I go, she goes.
Not throw more fuel on the fire, Ava he warned softly but menacing. It is not the time
to bring the situation to the limit.
Maybe you should forget about playing the father, return to Rome and leave us alone.

He leaned against the wall and put his fingers in his pockets, but Ava was not fooled by his
apparent calm. The look with which he traveled up and down put hair on end and raced
even beats.
Alarms jumped on his head. Cesare was never more frightening than when it was calm
and serene. For something had built a financial empire. Could not succeed in business
if a calculator and ruthless mind is not had.
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No, you're right. On second thought, maybe this is what we need.
A Ava will be unleashed a wave of unrest in the stomach.
'What do you mean exactly?
-A Submit our marriage to the scrutiny it deserves. A stop pretending that it is something
a farce. Maybe then we can discuss more important issues like custody of my
A Ava escaped a bitter laugh.
'And you think I would let you get close to Annabelle? He stood up and approached him to
stick a
finger in his chest. Do you really think a judge would grant custody to a parent who has
abandoned his daughter for most of his life?
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Chapter 2
Cesare winced at the searing words of Ava.
He had failed his daughter when she needed him most. He had not been able to protect
Annabelle ... remorse and anguish invaded remembering what had allowed
happen. When choosing your path had committed an unpardonable error.
But along the torment and guilt made its way quite another emotion ... A wild excitement
awakening the desire he thought he had repressed long ago.
He used all his willpower to stifle it, but it was useless and inevitably saw
swept away by the whirlwind of uncontrolled feelings. The simple touch of Ava made him feel
alive than she had in a long, long time. More than I deserve to feel
after what he had done.
-The Abandoned since birth He kept reproaching her. And the day you were earthquake
attending a conference where you were supposed to be with her. The left with Rita and ...
I went to look for as I found out what happened -the cut him. Just like you. We removed until
every inch of that market with our own hands-until they were both bleeding
inside and outside.
You know how it feels to know that neither were with her when there was the
It was the same question that tortured him day and night.
Yes, I know very well. I have not stopped thinking about it since. I realize how close
we were to lose it, but thank God she was found 'was another person who had
taken his daughter flooded market. It was another person who had taken to the hospital and that
He hit his photo on the bulletin desaparecidos-. We do not find us, but they found. And

she was alive miraculously, her daughter had survived the devastation that cost tens of
of lives.
Yes, I was so -corrobor Ava. And so you thought you could get away from it again?
A cold serenity froze the pain that was eating the entrails.
'I was there, Ava.
Her expression hardened and ribs hugged.
You mean the same as you here now? In the same room as me but wanting to be
Cesare's mouth tightened. Ava never know how hard it was for him to contain anxiety
believe that he had lost Annabelle. What looked like a cold and unfeeling being, but he had no
been forced to be. He had to protect themselves from the emotions and suppress the desire for
I could not have. It had taken years to accept that I was not cut out to be a husband or father. In
Business might not have rival, but in personal relationships he had always failed
And now that you decide to be a father, do you think you can just snap your fingers and you're
'I like it or not, -the so horrible events of recent weeks had made him understand
Annabelle was and would be the only daughter would never have. And to have her there with
him, although it was before
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than anticipated, was not willing to lose.
How can you be so arrogant?
Is not it one of the things that excite you about me? 'I asked him, and noted with satisfaction
the flush briefly covered the cheeks of Ava.
Go on dreaming. Your level of sexual attraction is lower than the temperatures of the North Pole.
His wife had the innate tendency to speak first and think later. And it was precisely this
uncontrollable passion and vehemence first thing he liked it.
Ava walked to the window and was surprised Cesare noting the sway of her hips under the
filmy skirt colors.
It had to be repressed or would lose control of the situation ...
Their first encounter was an amazing experience. Ava was like a potion
revitalizing. Lit lit his days and nights as a brief, brilliant comet. And he
had allowed guard down. Again, he had a crush on a woman.
She turned on the window with his arms crossed, and Cesare suppressed a smile. No its Ava
changed. The tigress showed its claws as it looked cornered.
But it was not his. He never should have been intimate with her, never should have yielded to the
temptation to be her first lover, never should have put a ring on your finger ...
He looked down at her bare fingers.
Where's your wedding ring? -the urgent need for unknowingly erased any other
The surprise was reflected in the green eyes of Ava.
I -Guardado in any case, I guess. What does it matter?

Cesare felt a crazy urge to grab her by the arms and shake her until told by
which had removed the ring. But he put his fists in his pockets and forced himself to remain
'Just wanted to make sure you had not donated to the town of Bali to both you
I'm glad you have such a good opinion of me, Cesare. But I need to pawn your jewelry
to contribute to a good cause. That is enough for me with my work.
Pressed both arms pushing up the breasts, making them appear larger and
tempting. The nipples were guessed under white shirt, and freckles dotting her cleavage him
Cesare quicken the pulse.
You have a lover?
Nothing tongue to speak wished he had bitten. He ran his hand through his hair as the face
Ava is contorted in a grimace of bewilderment. But it was not such a strange question. In
Just last year they had seen and he did not know which companies frequented.
Careful what you say, Cesare he warned.
The way he avoided answering what became jealous, which made no sense. It was he who had
estranged, and she should feel free to be with whomever he wanted.
-why? Are you forced to make a pact of silence in this district?
It was not a commune. They were professionals who sacrificed their time to help others,
as the earthquake victims.
'With the hope of finding themselves in the process?
Not everyone we find ourselves doing business billionaires, Cesare.
Why did you leave your daughter?
Cesare's hand went to the nape, suddenly stiff.
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'I thought it best to stay away. Consider a mistake on my part, if it makes you
feel better.
-Una Mistake? Ava repeated. And that includes our marriage?
Cesare ignored her and went to the liquor cabinet, but suppressed the desire to pour himself a
Answer me, Cesare. Is there another woman?
Would it be easier for you if I told you there another woman?
Ava's face contracted briefly in a grimace of pain.
-La There?
In a way, Cesare would have liked everything to be as simple as an infidelity. An
infidelity mean that there was nothing and longed so could not have.
Forget wedding Marinello and return to your commune in Bali or accept any order in
abroad. Let Annabelle summer stay with me. We'll talk when you get back.
Nor speak. Annabelle needs me. In addition, after everything that's happened, I can not go by
there no more.
Cesare agreed with him in silence. The earthquake had changed things between Ava and he like
had altered his relationship with his daughter. As much as I hated to admit it, seeing Ava in
combative not seen in a long time, knew there was nothing to do.
When we got married not you acquired Italian nationality, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs is

friend of mine. Only I have to make a call to throw you out of the country, do not you see?
'Yes,' she said, without flinching as minimum-. But if I leave led me to Annabelle
with me.
Cesare noticed his lips involuntarily. His appearance was so soft and succulent as he
remembered. Like the rest of it.
Having it as it was so close going crazy.
But I needed to be near her daughter and begin to repair the damage he had caused.
-OK. The two spend the summer here.
She gasped, before squinting.
'That seems too easy.
-Don't Be fooled, Ava. It will not be easy for either of them. I know what you want and I can
I can not give it. What I can guarantee is that you Annabelle will not be affected by
our ... situation. Do you understand?
She took a deep breath and nodded. Pleased to have regained control, Cesare addressed
toward the door. It could be dominated by the dangerous attraction that Ava had always
provoked. He could not allow the situation is out of hand, as had happened
Roberto and Valentina ...
Does that mean we have a truce and there will be no backstabbing?
That depends on you, face . Your innate tendency to proceed crazy and thoughtless manner may
take into perdition.
'Are you calling stupid?
'I am inviting you to prove me wrong. Stay away from me over the next six
weeks and so will not have to plead the war.
Ava stared at the closed door with a frown, mired in a mental turmoil.
He went to the window and watched the sparkling waters of the pool. Something did not fit
Page 17
to the situation that presented itself Cesare.
Nothing wedding had discovered that Cesare was business first. He had lost
count of the times that Cesare had left to go to sign any contract.
And suddenly he had decided to take the summer off to spend there ...
He went to the terrace, sun-drenched afternoon, and inhaled the fragrance of lemon and rose
to try to clear it, but his mind was still a mess.
Holidays in Bali had been his last attempt to reconnect with Cesare, but had
failed miserably. From day one, Cesare was locked in the studio at night and
was working until morning. After a week, desperate to find a way
exhaust, Ava left the village armed with his camera and started taking pictures of the native
That was when the earthquake struck.
The stomach clenched as he remembered the three days spent looking for Annabelle and Rita
the wreckage of the market where the two had been walking in the time of disaster.
He shivered and blinked hard to hold back tears. Ironically, it had been more
near Cesare during those anxious moments than she had in a long time.
Cesare was right about one thing ... It was silly.

The staff was waste your luggage and had kept her clothes in the master suite. It cost about
assimilate moments that Cesare had moved to another room across the bedroom
Annabelle, instead of occupying the suite they had shared in the past. He ignored the lump was
formed in the stomach and undressed. The golden muslin curtains surrounding the
bed had been removed with a string of white velvet.
He grabbed his brown silk kimono and went into the bathroom, he passed the marble bathtub
ground and stepped into the shower. After a while underwater, donned a white tank top and
long skirt with printed flowers and went to Annabelle. He found peacefully asleep, of
So put on a white slippers, grabbed the laptop and went downstairs with the intention of going to
lounge occupying the western part of the town. I had always found it very cozy that
room, with its views of the lush gardens. But in the hallway stopped, to be invaded by the
flood of memories.
The first time I stepped on the Villa di Goia was on his honeymoon. It had been two weeks
in which only left the room to swim in the pool or to teach him Cesare
to water-ski on the lake.
A Cesare would have liked to take her to an exotic place, but for a girl from a poor family that
I had never left England, Lake Como was already a pretty exotic destination at the end of a
hot summer. And when Ava crossed the threshold into the arms of Cesare and he was so
enthralled with the
luxury residence as his own, he was not the slightest desire to go anywhere else.
A fool in love, that was.
He shook his head angrily to shake the thoughts. Through the window, I saw the
Flash Pool and smiled to think how happy would Annabelle when he saw her.
If that's a triumphant smile, I advise you to go with care said a deep voice behind her.
Cesare was leaning against a dresser Luis
which had belonged to his family for
four generations. Above him hung a portrait of another Di Goia, who died long ago but
as imposing as the Di Goia live watched in silence.
Poor Cesare ... I understand that my presence will cause a deep malaise, but I will not hide
Page 18
just to please nor will I stop smiling for no offense.
'I have no problem with you smile, face . What I do not want you to think you've won.
Not occur to me to think that, but remember that the same rule applies to you. I can not save
distances if you insist on not you save me.
He straightened and moved toward her.
Do I have to remind you who were here before?
'I was here before. And just so you know, smiled because I thought Annabelle is safe and sound
at home and surrounded by ... She stopped when he realized that he owed to Cesare no
It does not matter. I'll leave you alone in your domains.
'You were thinking only of our daughter. Were remembering what our She said it in a tone as
quiet and safe Ava shivered in the back.

You're wrong.
Do not lie. In recent months we have just seen, but you're still an open book.
'Then do not understand the language in which it is written. Because you could not be more
with your assumptions.
Cesare his jaw and stopped smiling. Part of Ava wanted to make a gesture of victory,
but another part felt like mourn. Because if it was as transparent as Cesare said, his desire
to receive the consolation and love of the family who had never must be
embarrassingly obvious. And yet he had rejected.
And one more thing ... My memories do not incumbent at all. They are not for you to analyze
Have fun with them.
In that case, learn to hide them better.
Why, perhaps make you feel uncomfortable? Do you prefer to strip me of all human emotion,
as you do?
You think I do not have emotions, face ? he asked her quietly.
Not in regard to me. As far as I'm concerned, you're so sensitive as a wooden board.
Cesare narrowed his eyes, took his hands from his pockets, he took the laptop to leave aside
and grabbed her by the arms.
What are you doing? she yelled as he held a hand over his neck.
He did not respond. Or at least he did with words. The fire in his eyes and pressure
his fingers and said it all. With breathtaking ease, he pulled her toward him. Ava heard the
screech of
soles against the floor as he dragged into his body. When had enough
fence, grabbed the buttocks.
A current of electricity, heat intense and dangerous, he awoke the senses with a force
compelling that made him gasp. The rational part of your brain nagged to turn away and run
the inexorable doom, but his body reacted with free will and sought full contact
with Cesare muscles and mouth coming down relentlessly toward his.
Her lips parted to welcome the relentless Cesare language. In a corner of his
mind awareness reproached little resistance was offered, but the pleasure that burned
in his veins swept with any questions or shame.
-Do Not ...
'Of course I answered him, and pressed harder against his torso.
She gave a groan and put his hands on his chest to feel his powerful musculature
through the pole. The rose up around his neck and Cesare moaned that lit a
Page 19
wild fire among them. Their tongues entwined in a frenzied dance that fueled further
flame. A Ava was painfully hardened nipples and began to pound furiously
crotch. Without thinking about what he was doing, grabbed the hand that Cesare had in his neck
and placed
on a chest.
He accepted the offering with a groan and began to stroke her nipple with his thumb, causing
violent tremors throughout the body.

If you had believed that the distance and indifference mitigate the attraction Cesare, there could
been more wrong. The chasm between the two did nothing but intensify the desire, and
gladly give anything just to feel his power and virility, kneeling before him and get the
erection jeans to shove it in your mouth.
He winced when he touched the bulge crotch. Introduced even more tongue in her mouth
and he pinched her nipples hard until Ava thought he would die of pleasure.
He tried to undo her belt, but the harder I tried the harder it was. He tried
both hands and managed to unbuckle, but, at that time, Cesare slid a hand between her
legs, found the clitoris through her panties and belt Ava forgot to grab their
arms and not fall. He lost track of reality and was not even aware of what was
doing. Deep down I knew that those flames would be his undoing, but, for the moment, was alien
everything but the storm that was raging inside.
He felt Cesare lifted her up and felt the cold wall at the back. Increased Cesare
pressure of the fingers and mouth captured a nipple. He licked and bit mercilessly, before
returning to
kiss her mouth and prevent screams and orgasmic gasps.
Was slowly regaining consciousness. He heard background noise and the smell of precoated
mixed with
the smell of excitement in the air. His body shuddered again when Cesare retired
fingers and introduced him leg between her thighs as to prevent collapse.
He heard more noises and stood, disheveled and broken, half hidden behind a bow at the receiver
the villa. Any member of the domestic staff could see them. But Ava did not care.
Just remember the incomparable pleasure that only Cesare could give. His senses had returned to
life and his body was ready for him to penetrate.
He looked into her eyes, burning, hungry, and then looked down at his lips. Seeing them swollen
He punished for their kisses trembled with desire.
'I said touching, grabbing the back.
The last thing he expected was that he stop.
-Do Not.
Page 20
Chapter 3
A pang of ice pierced the drowsiness that had engulfed the orgasm.
'You want me ... I know you stammered, slightly dazed because Cesare dared to deny their
feelings. The tests were unmistakable, even through clothing.
He turned away from her, but not too much, as if to be around when she collapsed. The
which was very likely, considering how her legs were shaking.
'I have not done so took another step back. Suddenly, Ava felt nauseated by the smell of what
had just done ... because it was the smell of his weakness.
-Only Wanted to humiliate me.
Just wanted to show you one thing, face . Passion is an emotion that can be enjoyed in the
appropriate circumstances. But I never let it control my life.
She looked down, embarrassed by the ease with which he had fallen into the trap.

You mean I allow my monitor? I wanted to run away, but could not give
satisfaction that Cesare.
'I just what to prove.
Why, what have you had so much trouble for me? I hope you're proud.
He reached out and stroked her swollen lip with a finger.
Yes, I am. I am glad that I still have power over you.
That time did not bite. They both knew that he had won the round.
Yes, it's true that you can dominate with your manly gifts and I just had an orgasm
amazing you. I am a woman hot blood, after all. But you proved me
be so cold that you can control your life to the point that nothing bother you unless you want.
So excuse me if I do not think why you're here.
He released her as if suddenly had a contagious disease. For a moment it seemed
unarmed, but Ava just felt a terrible emptiness.
-Intentas Rile me the man who was not looked Cesare who had kissed
madly moments before. Was again the Cesare that it had full control over their
passions and feelings.
I'm telling the truth. I deal with it.
'I scared him reckless and thoughtless that can become He reached down and picked up the
porttil-. Yes
want to maintain the truce, we have to set some ground rules. Ven.
Without waiting for a reply, he started toward the study, and had already lost sight when Ava
he gathered the strength to follow.
She found him sitting behind his huge desk, fingers glued to the mouth. If it had been
any man, she would have suspected that was protected behind the table to avoid it.
If you will analyze what happened ...
'I happened -the analysis needs no cut him. But I want to talk about Annabelle and
impact this may have on it.
Why should affect it?
How Rita progress was made? he asked in turn, without responderle-. They were very close Page 21
it passed with such intense look like a laser beam.
Very bad, as is logical, but ...
-Also Has said it is more sensitive than before.
'And you think it's my fault?
I'm not blaming anyone, Ava. Just try to find the best for her.
-HA Come home, and I'll be with her every day. All you need is to surround a
family that cares and wants.
And how are you waiting care of her if you get to work? He noticed the laptop Ava, who had
left on the table. You left your job when we got married. Why this sudden desire to
I retake it?
Because I've found that I do not like the role of wife abandoned. I need something more.
'What do you mean?
'You're the genius. Adivinalo.
You are my wife, Ava. And therefore my responsibility.
'Now salts me with stupid technicalities? -he ignored his icy gaze. You can not

have both, Cesare. We began to distance ourselves from birth Annabelle. In the last year
We have just seen ... Say I'm your wife only when you suits you or when you want to wash
Your consciousness is itself a selfish and hypocritical person. Your work has always been your
do not you dare to question mine. You can still maintain your daughter, but I
perfectly able to support myself.
-A Nice speech. But I see you've hesitated to use my tickets. You also can
have both, face . While we live under the same roof you will be my responsibility and the two
do what's best for Annabelle. That means that we will eat together and
present a united front at all times.
-Para Show Mom and Dad do not hate.
His father and mother do not hate. I think I made clear just now.
Ava shivered inside remembering orgasm.
-The Sexual desire just fading away when not fed a true feeling, and
Annabelle is beginning to realize that her friends have daycare parents who
live together. Last month, before we went to Bali, I wondered why you did not live with
us. And those are the easy questions, so be prepared for difficult, because they are around
the corner.
-Many Couples live apart. We will explain when the time comes.
Well I'm impatient because that time comes, because I want some answers.
For example, why did you come to take the alliance? Last month wore no.
He looked at the gold ring and a strange expression crossed his features briefly, so fast that
Ava he almost unnoticed. But before I could ask him anything, the phone rang
Cesare table and prepared to respond.
I've asked to serve us dinner early, at half past six. We will have to decide
more convenient for all routine.
Ava felt like rip his hand phone, throw it out the window and require him
answer. But he had already turned his chair to the window and did not pay any attention,
as if he had ceased to exist.
He grabbed the laptop and left the study before giving in to the temptation to smash it against the
head of
Page 22
He entered the room and sat in his favorite chair, overlooking the lake. He turned on the laptop
and put
iPod headphones to listen to music while preparing the photographic reportage. The
Reynaldo compromise between Marinello and Tina Sanchez had caused a furore in the media.
I had stayed away, but the earthquake of Bali's nagged to make use of the photos to get
money to help the victims. You could not afford to neglect such a lucrative commission as
those famous wedding.
An hour later, the headphones are removed when a maid brought a tray of pastries and
lemonade. After she came Cesare with Annabelle in arms, who in turn embraced a red horse
Dad woke me she explained the little girl. I had a nightmare.

Ava was overcome by guilt to meet the gaze of Cesare.

'He told me that sometimes has. I did not say anything ... He spoke in a quiet tone, but the tone of
reproach was unmistakable.
The doctor said it was normal, after what happened.
'I asked if there was anything else I needed to know. Do not you tell me seemed appropriate to
He began to have them last week, after sending Rita home. It is reassuring when you know
I'm close.
I had to know, Ava.
'That's why I wanted to bring it. She always found right here.
I want you to tell me everything, however insignificant it may seem to you. OK?
The desire to protect his words emanating Ava deeply moved.
Can we swim in the pool, Mom? Annabelle asked. You promised me-indeed, Ava
it promised so well that he had behaved on the plane.
-Yes, so do not drink a lot of lemonade, right?
He left the room, feeling the sharp look of Cesare fixed on his back, and sped up
while trying to silence the voice asking if she knew what she was getting into.
He returned five minutes later, dressed in an orange suit, white shorts and
loose white shirt. I did not see either the living room or the pool, and was about to return
inside when he heard the voice of his daughter. He followed the trail bordered flowers that
surrounded the villa and
stopped short. Cesare and Annabelle were bent over a rosebush, watching a trio of
butterflies flitting from flower to flower.
It was the face of his daughter amazed what almost made her heart stop, but the pain
reflecting Cesare's eyes as he looked at Annabelle. She looked so distressed that Ava had to
against the wall does not wobble.
Concrete warmed by the sun, however, burned her hand and made her depart with a cry of
pain. Cesare looked up and his expression of sadness vanished instantly.
-are You okay?
There must be careful with fire walls.
He grabbed her hand examinrsela.
There's ice on the table. I'll give a little.
Ava looked at Annabelle.
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He's enthralled with butterflies. Let It was more of an order than a suggestion.
'It's nothing, really.
He smiled and led him to the edge of the pool.
What if it is not nothing to put wince?
All right, it hurts horrors. Happy?
Why do women always say it's nothing?
-I Do not know. You tell me, who probably know more women than me.
He did not bother to deny it and just smiled, with both conceit that felt like Ava
slap him with all his might.

Normally it is a way to attract attention.

Ava irritation increased, along with its already quite high body temperature. Cesare
I had put a bathing suit that left its impressive sight musculature and body reaction
Ava was so unfortunate as inevitable.
You think I burned deliberately to get your attention? Do you really think I am
He smiled, wrapped some ice cubes with a napkin and placed in the palm.
No, cara mia . You're not like the others His gaze, fixed and penetrating seriously threatened
Ava sanity.
Why, thank you very much pleasure -a current pulse quickened.
- Prego -the soft and deep whisper of Cesare remained floating in the air.
Everything faded around. Water splash against the edge of the pool, the buzz
bees, the distant sound of boats on the lake ... Everything but the heat radiating
eyes and fingers Cesare. His gaze slowly swept the face, fell on her lips and Ava
needed to use all his willpower to not lick them.
Inevitably, she also looked up the lips that had kissed a few hours before ...
Heat swirled between her legs with an unstoppable force. He stifled a groan. Cesare
He swallowed, and the movement of his throat made him Ava heart skip a beat. His fingers
longed to caress his skin, but was he who surrounded them with yours. Ava turned to look at his
face and saw that his attention on her breasts. She shuddered, remembering how much desire
Cesare had liked her breasts, especially during pregnancy.
Their eyes met again and Ava knew he was remembering too.
I could no longer stand it. The eyelids were heavy and the blood boiling in his veins with
irrepressible desire.
He tried to pull away, but he held almost effortlessly.
Cesare ... was -not sure it was a protest or appeal.
Cesare's eyes darkened and let out a muffled groan. Also he wanted.
-Please Cesare ... nor was even sure I wanted to abandon the urgent desire that the
embargaba. What I wanted was answers.
-Las Butterflies are gone, Dad! downcast Annabelle's voice reached them, but Cesare already
had retirado-. I wanted to stay!
- My dispiace, piccolina , but the way things are. It could not be.
Ava knew that those words were not directed at Annabelle but her. Cesare was
watching her as he closed his fingers on the napkin and rested her hand on the table.
She closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing. Doubts raced through her head as
sat with ice relieving him hand but with a knot of confusion and distress in the
Page 24
chest. Beginning to realize that there was again allowed to happen; I had let
Cesare play with their feelings and their mindsets come apart.
I had not been half a day with him and had already allowed to make him lose his head into two
times. What the hell happened?
Cesare grabbed her wineglass and tried to drown his thoughts. But even think he had
become a difficult task. The smell of orgasm Ava tortured him mercilessly. He had been
point back to get lost in that incomparable pleasure, but as much it cost her, had to
stand firm and keep away from her.

Roberto had to do it. It was the retribution to be paid for what he had done to her
Besides, the last thing I needed was to add the complications of trauma and sex
devastation that life had put him ahead. Especially the kind of uncontrollable passion
he dominated every time he touched Ava.
That evening had exposed his plan to ensure that in the coming weeks did not have
to be more than strictly necessary. But the incident of the aisle and out had happened
with her in the pool they had done nothing but feed the attraction trying to quell by all
means. Was not entitled to rekindle the desire, much less to satisfy.
He heard footsteps approaching and saw Ava out onto the terrace with a baby monitor in one
hand and
an expression of fierce determination in his eyes.
He looked down at the wedding ring. He'd put when he went to lunch with her mother during the
scale did in Rome. His parents had already suffered enough the previous month and Cesare did
not want
cause more worries confessing the true state of their marriage.
What you said this afternoon ... she began, that it could not be ... What you meant
Cesare took his time to rotate the cup and slowly looked up from bare legs
Ava, her voluptuous hips and full breasts down to her eyes.
When we met, I was blinded by your beauty. You were incredibly sexy and exuberant, and
your passion and reckless nature drew me like a moth to fire. I do not think exaggerate the
say that you've had the best sex of my life -the confession drew a gasp of
Ava amazement. Unfortunately, that blindness led me to commit an unpardonable error.
'What error? she asked quietly.
-The Earthquake has left me two things very clear. The first is that there is nothing more
my daughter and I would give my life for her.
The gleam in the eyes of Ava told him that she felt the same. Cesare hesitated. I did not want
tell you this, but should.
-The Second is that ... however attracted me feel for you, and it was really amazing sex ...
I know now that I should never have married you.
Page 25
Chapter 4
I should never marry you. "
Ava plunged the blade into the ground, oblivious to heat and sweat dripped down his face. A
smile curved her lips as she remembered the horrified expression Lucia when she asked where
things were gardening.
But I had to do something or go mad repeating the phrase Cesare in his head. And
Marinello Agata continuous messages that reached the phone every two seconds either the
helped a lot.
During the last week, Cesare had scrupulously respected the established routine. By
Annabelle morning while Ava was met with Marinello, evenings are made
charge it and then dined all three together, before taking turns to bathe her and put her to bed.

Living under the same roof as Cesare was proving very easy, and the truce was being fulfilled.
You should feel happy about it, but ...
With care, face , or destrozars seeds before they can germinate.
With care, Cesare, or lose a foot if you make me mad silently cursed the ability to
Cesare to approach quietly despite its imposing size.
He was silent so long that Ava finally looking up. He was very serious and
staring, as if to say something that was not going to like.
This evening is someone to dinner and cold he said dryly.
You do not seem very happy.
I'd rather not have company, but what are you going to do ...
Well tell anyone not to come. What could be worse, cancel an invitation or give you a
unpleasant welcome guest?
It would be very rude of me to cancel it because I myself organized a while.
A Ava's heart sank at the thought that the visit was not what bothered Cesare, but
her presence.
Is it a business dinner?
-Do Not. Celine is a family friend. It is ... important to me.
-Celine? -the blood froze in my veins, despite the high temperatures.
Cesare had invited a woman to dinner. It's that simple. Why, then, did the fingers
knotted around the handle of the blade and a sharp pain run up his arm, preventing
release the tool?
It was logical that Cesare had friends, though she knew very little. His had begun
being, because he had been so jealously guarded both preferred relationship. She did not want
Cesare share with her disapproving family and at that time he was living in London.
He had met his parents at the wedding, but not to his younger brother, Roberto. Also you
presented to the troop of uncles, aunts and cousins who composed the typical large Italian
family. An
family she had longed to be part ...
I'm sorry ... He realized he had not heard her question. What do you say?
Page 26
'I asked if you come well at half past seven he repeated slowly.
Not -the answer came from his lips before he could stop it.
'I have wondered if the time suits me and I said no. Obviously I do not want
here. Use me as an excuse. Tell him not to come because at that time I can not.
That way there would have to know the wonderful Celine. Not have to suffer the painful
encounter with the woman that could someday replace and wear the famous ring that Di Goia
Cesare had offered so proud the day he proposed.
However much appreciate your selfless efforts, I am afraid it does not work well.
'And I can not be away? It is your guest.
Cesare stuck his hands in his pockets, furious.
'I'll dress for the occasion and be ready to welcome our guest at half past seven. Have I
clearly expressed?
Oooh, I love when you put it in a dominant plan He scoffed, but held his tongue

when he bent down to get to their level, bringing his six feet of pure manhood.
Last isn't learned what can happen to you if you challenge me week?
Ava knew he was playing with fire, but could not help it.
'What do you mean, to take us first to the limit and then back out? I do not know ... you tell me.
I'm still assimilating what they never should marry me. By the way, hurt a lot the
testicles when not reach ejaculation?
- Che diavolo ... ? muttered he said. I want you to be ready at half past seven. Capito ?
If it's an order ... He lifted the blade on a mock salute and watched Cesare moved away to large
stride and stiff shoulders.
He kept digging with renewed vigor. After a few hours the major known invited
Perhaps the gods were benevolent and have done to this fat, short and ugly Celine.
The gods granted one wish.
Celine di Montezuma was short ... but neither fat nor ugly. It was like a miniature Venus, with
air of fragility that inspired a desire for protection in men and made to feel at Ava, with
his meter and seventy-three-inch heels, like the Tower of Pisa to lean to
strengthen a small, delicate hand.
It was a charm, from its gleaming brushed expensive black hair to toes in
design their shoes. But what annoyed Ava was his affable nature and sincere smile that
dedicated to Ava while silk shawl took off to give to Cesare.
I've heard a lot about you.
'Really? I knew nothing of you until four hours ago Ava said, and ignored the look
Cesare warning.
The warm laughter echoed his guest in the lobby.
I hope you has not imposed without consulting my visit. Do not you think hateful when men
do that?
- "Hateful" seems to me a very soft word.
Celine laughed again and clasped his arm with Ava. And as much as Ava would hate her,
he understood the attraction of Cesare to a woman so adorable.
Page 27
An impression not stopped growing during the exquisite dinner that Lucia had prepared them
egg omelet salmon, lamb with green sauce and baked potatoes. Ava, however, hardly tested
I bite. It prevented the knot that oppressed his chest as Cesare's smile, the first smile
honest I had seen him since his arrival with responding to teasing from Celine.
He grabbed his glass of white wine and drained it before the eyes of Cesare ajar. For her
You could go to hell.
Celine turned to her, as if she had felt the tension in the air.
How is Annabelle?
A Ava thought he detected a hint of stiffness Cesare traits, but the head was
spin by alcohol and could not be sure.
Very well, thank you.
'Has adapted well to being back at home?
Here is sun, the pool, the lake and all the toys that a girl could want, thanks to a

father who suddenly has become overly attentive and accommodating. What more could you
want? He could not hide the sarcasm in his voice.
"Be careful," he warned Cesare's gaze.
"Fuck," he said Ava with it. I should not have invited if expected to be
sympathetic with his girlfriend.
I would have liked to know Celine said.
Ava was surprised to hear her, until he remembered that Cesare had not taken into account by
Celine. Would it have been his intention from the beginning? Can one get rid of it and spend the
summer with
Annabelle and Celine?
The reaction had Cesare arrival charged an unexpected direction.
Very calmly, he set the glass on the table to resist the urge to throw it to Cesare to
She's sleeping for an hour.
Oh, go-the disappointment of Celine Ava filled with satisfaction. Could not you see it?
You want to see it? Startled, he looked Cesare, who just shrugged while
turned the glass between his fingers.
"Over my dead body," Ava I wanted to scream, but made an effort to restrain himself. It was
obvious that
Celine formed, or be part of the life of Cesare in the very near future and that would eventually
meet his daughter.
Le "But not tonight," whispered a voice full of pain in his head.
-I Do not think it's a good idea ...
Cesare pushed away from the table and stood up.
Come on, Celine. I'll take her.
No, that's nothing!
Easy, no vex.
Celine motioned to accompany him. The discomfort of the other woman was so patent
Ava cringed, but he forced himself to smile despite the bile rising by him
-More You better, because if you wake up, be impossible to sleep it off.
Celine Cesare and left the room and his footsteps echoed through the hall as Ava
motionless in his chair, unable to quell the desperation that pervaded. A portion of it
had not yet accepted that Celine was so important to Cesare, and had harbored secret
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hope that was not just a family friend.
But a friend of the family would not insist on seeing Annabelle after he had said that
the girl slept. The woman destined to become stepmother to his daughter went to see her in those
Now, as she was sitting there doing nothing ...
No way. He jumped up and ran up the stairs, before remembering that he had left
shoes under the dining room table.
But when he heard the voices whispering was glad to go barefoot. He grabbed the railing
Wood and waited with bated breath.

How long will you continue ocultndoselo think? Celine asked vehemently.
Cesare replied in Italian. He spoke too fast for Ava could understand, but it was
Clearly that was not the desired response by Celine, who in turn gave an angry reply, also
in Italian. The footsteps of Cesare quickly headed for the landing, where Ava expected in
silence and with a heavy heart.
-Do Not. It is impossible -sentenci in an unforgiving tone.
It's painful, I know. But you have to tell. Deserves to know what is happening.
Cesare reached the stairs and stopped to see Ava. A second later also saw Celine and
eyes widened. Cesare opened his mouth, but no sound came from his lips. He clenched
fists and gave her a look of anger and frustration.
Ava tried to swallow, but his throat had closed. He gripped the railing tightly and prayed
to continue holding his legs.
Ava ... finally murmured Cesare.
I could not hear their explanations. The pain was too intense and decimated its poor
'Do not bother, Cesare. I can be a little slow, but I'm not an idiot.
Cesare turned pale and his face contorted into an expression of horror.
So ... you know?
His reaction did nothing but suspicion shape and despair of Ava. She looked at Ava, who
There was also pale and clung to the arm of Cesare.
I know you're sleeping with my husband, if that's what you want to tell me.
Cesare gasped.
-Oh My God ...
But while we are husband and wife, you'll stay away from him and our daughter. Is that clear?
Celine frantically shook his head.
No! Per favore , Ava ...
For you I Signora Di Goia. And now, get out of my house.
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Chapter 5
For God's sake, Ava, is that you are not worth half measures? Cesare snapped after closing the
door after leaving Celine. Her body emanated such anger that Ava swallowed nervously.
Hair over her shoulder in a show of false bravado began.
If you mean that I can not stand being laughed at me in my own home, the answer is no.
Do I have to remind you that we are separate and that this is my home?
'What's yours is mine by law, right?
- Porca misery . Do you first you offend our guest and now salts me with this?
'You should have told me you were sleeping with her. Maybe then he would have me
'I'm not sleeping with me Celine muttered through clenched teeth.
'I'm not stupid, Cesare. I've seen how you mirabais during dinner!
'I know for a long time. There is great trust between us and ...
Yes, it is called "sex".
Cesare moved menacingly toward her, but at the last second turned away and headed
window. He shoved his fists in his pockets and looked at the garden, dimly lit.

-Celine Is the daughter of an old friend of my father. I know her since birth. We have always
friends, but is much more linked to Roberto.
Ava stiffened at the name. Cesare never spoke to him of his younger brother. All you Ava
knew about him was that he lived in a castle in the Swiss Alps and only allowed to visit him
occasionally. Ava ignored the reason why Roberto di Goia was isolated from the world.
'So Celine is the intimate friend of Roberto and not your lover? she asked, feeling a pathetic
glimmer of hope.
I think our parents hoped that Celine and Robert marry someday. Celine
He waited a long time for him declared Roberto.
You mean before they went to live in Switzerland?
'Yes,' he said with a voice full of anguish.
-A Me guess ... Celine never received the proposal and now your parents want you to do it
to save the family honor or something.
You've seen too many gangster movies, Ava. No one was home alone as a matter of honor.
In addition, there was never a serious commitment, just a wish.
Ava fingers twitched, feeling horribly uncomfortable.
What then happened between Robert and Celine?
He remained a long time in silence and staring, until released a deep
'I should have told you ... I'm sorry. I did not think it was the right time to
I tell you.
-Para Tell me why?
Roberto ... He stopped and let out another sigh full of pain. Aava felt his chest fear and
bit his tongue torn between the need to demand a response and impulse
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comfort him.
What about Robert?
He returned to fresh air.
He died two weeks ago.
A Ava froze the blood.
-What? he exclaimed.
Cesare briefly glanced toward the window. When looked at her, his expression
Roberto has died. Celine did not have the opportunity to marry him. But that does not mean I
see as more than a friend, so do not get hysterical about something that has not happened. And
appreciate hereinafter abstuvieras you have those reactions before our guests.
This was the Cesare she knew; authoritative, decisive and dominant.
She passed her to leave, but Ava grabbed his arm.
Wait! You can not tell me that Roberto has died and then leave like that. Why not
I said that before?
Think of all that has happened recently ... the earthquake, the trauma of Annabelle, our
separation ... When you suggest I should have told you?

You could have found a way. Roberto was my brother ...

-A Brother who never met.
And who is to blame? You'll never talked about him, what happened or why you were
Let him now, Ava.
-why? You accuse me of erroneous conclusions, but how could I do that if I always
you in suspense? Tell me what happened between you.
Cesare kept a long silence that Ava thought she would not answer.
It was Valentina murmured.
Who is Valentina?
-The Older sister Celine. Seven years ago I met her at a party in New York. She was
I thinking of moving and he was good at numbers, so I offered him a job in the office
just opened in town.
Did you sleep with her? she asked without thinking.
Ava ...
It's okay, it was before we met. I have no right to ask you admitted, although
jealousy corroded inside.
The answer is no, I did not sleep with her. But Roberto thought she was positive. He introduced
in New York a month later and accused me of stealing his girl. Apparently they had been dating
in Rome before she left for New York, but I did not know.
'And what is not explained to Roberto?
I tried to explain in all possible ways, but he would not listen. We had a
terrible argument, in the middle of a meeting and before my board -volvi to the window.
Unfortunately, that was not the worst. In the midst of the fight, Valentina announced she was
'And that was so awful?
Roberto knelt and asked her to marry him, but she refused.
Oh, no ...
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-Also Blamed me for it, but I convinced him not to give up and to continue
trying. She told him she was not ready to get married, although he intended to stay with
the baby. Roberto begged him to return to Rome with him, and I think that ultimately convinced.
Roberto did not believe that the child was hers ... A Valentina liked to have fun, you know what I
He took her to have an amniocentesis and nearly lost the baby.
Ava gasped in horror.
'After that, Valentina did not want to stay with Roberto, returned to New York and asked me
return to work. He wore the son of my brother ... I could not refuse.
'And Roberto again blame you?
Never had been close. He was always sick child and spent much time in
the hospital, while I was at boarding school most of the year. Valentina was his unique
And thought his older brother, who had everything, had stolen the only woman in his life.

Yes, would not believe that I had nothing to do with the rejection of Valentina. Nothing
said he did change his mind. I tried talking to Valentina, but she refused to return to Rome sighed. I gave him all the support he could ... and maybe outside too.
-Nunca Returned with Roberto?
No, she never gave him a chance. He died by taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Apparently
was manic depressive and pregnancy had aggravated his condition. Roberto lost his head. Broke
all contact with me and with our parents and went to Switzerland.
Ava was paralyzed by fear, and for a long time neither moved nor spoke.
You wanted to know, 'he said finally. Now you know.
'You should have told me. Our daughter deserves to know who has lost his uncle.
Roberto died two weeks after the earthquake. It did not seem fair to give the news in a
moment so difficult.
And then? You could have sent an email, a message ... whatever.
Yes, I suppose I could have. But I did not. What if we remember what
and soulless bastard who I am and keep going?
Ava wanted to slap him, but opted for a conciliatory approach to detect the deep pain
hid their words.
'Have Annabelle say, at least? Deserves to know.
Cesare looked at her with eyes so sad that Ava had mercy on him.
Yes, I'll tell you when it's time.
Celine -Eso was what he wanted to tell me?
She thought you had to know what Robert, yes, 'he admitted in a low, deep voice.
But why insisted on seeing Annabelle? If I'm honest, I found it a bit strange.
-Celine, Like most women, ignores what is subtlety. He knows about the earthquake and has me
I been wondering since you and Annabelle you returned. It takes seriously the role of Aunt.
-While Just be that role ...
-and Is fine, Ava she warned him. The offended and you rushed to conclusions
wrong. You should be thankful that will not break our truce after what happened.
It's your fault. If you had told me before your visit, would not be having now this
Cesare pinched his nose.
'I agobias. You never stop pressuring me.
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What do you mean?
From the beginning put me all his hopes of having a family. Do not think I did not know
what was the point of that trip to Bali. Did it not occur that I was in no position to give you what
both craved?
A shiver ran back to Ava.
'What's that? If you're so bothered, why bother to go to Bali?
You never questions anything. You asked me and I could not refuse.
And came to see me, knowing that I was trying to save our marriage, but without any
intend to fix it.
I hoped you to understand that ours had no solution.
Why, how silly of me not to catch him.
'I was wrong to think that things would be easy and you would not have to remember how you

I failed.
-Only Try to understand ...
I -Entender why not fit in your model perfect husband and father? That's what you want,
'Why foremost? So selfish and needy you see me? -he did not answer. Do you really think
that of me?
Never have given me good family relationships, Ava. To my parents Roberto was his
priority and barely noticed me. As a result I learned to fend for myself no longer need the
no company.
Then why did you marry me?
Because you were pregnant with my daughter.
Ava was shocked. Cesare waited a moment, motionless, before coming to expression
repentant, raise your hand. But she pulled away before I could touch it.
-You Do not have to soften the blow she said. Prefer sincerity, however brutal.
'Have you ever thought that if I concealed the truth is for your own good?
I'm not a girl, Cesare. And I do not want my hide anything that has to do with my daughter. I
always tell the truth.
Cesare stiffened.
In that case, you have to know more.
A Ava turned over the heart.
-El What?
Roberto was sick and isolated for months, but we know the real reason for his
death. So I wanted to see Celine.
It's doctor.
Ava took a moment to sink in.
-E Insisted on seeing Annabelle to ...?
-Examinarla, As all of us.
Fear squeezed her breast.
What do you think that can happen? And please, do not try to sugarcoat the truth to protect me.
Honestly, I do not know. Roberto refused further medical treatment during the last
weeks of his life. It may even take off life-the pain almost drowned his words.
-Un Suicide? Ava cried. He slumped into a chair and took a few minutes to raise the
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head. Is there anything else I should know?
-Do Not. Have to wait a few days for the results, but tomorrow morning you
Celine call and apologize for your behavior.
What if I refuse?
Damn, Ava, why have to challenge me at all?
Because I'm not a doormat. And that you loved me, remember?
I'm not in the mood to remember anything.
Ava wanted to look away and escape, but could not move. I was transfixed, mesmerized by the
voice and the smell of Cesare.
I think it will be better for both talking about us.

Not pressures me, Ava. I am the limit.

This evening -what did not she reassured, moved by a sudden compassion. An invisible thread
He dragged her towards him and made him touch her cheek. I'm sorry about Roberto. Will you
tell me if something
I can do?
He mumbled something incoherent softly and slowly lifted a hand to stroke under the
She shivered. The fingertip radiated so hot flames fastened around the body.
She could hardly breathe both the lack of oxygen further accelerated heart. Hardly
He managed to suppress a groan when Cesare finger landed on the pulse of your throat.
He then circled her waist with one arm and lifted like a pirate claiming his booty. His
mouth replaced the finger and Ava could no longer contain the moans. A torrent of desire
spreading from her crotch and hardened her nipples as he licked and bit her avid and
ruthlessly neck.
The next day would mark skin Cesare ...
But at that time did not care. All I wanted was to prolong the pleasure he
provided the burning mouth of Cesare. Anxious, cocked his head to offer the neck in all its
He accepted the offer with a grunt of satisfaction and continued kissing, licking and
nibbling her earlobe.
She dug her nails into his shoulders, gripped and pulled himself around her waist to the
legs. The erection of Cesare was glued to her sex, wet and throbbing.
The shockingly intimate tense stance made them both, before they came together with a
impossible to resist magnetic force. He began kissing her jaw and she turned her head to
unite their mouths in a passionate and wild kiss. Just was aware that Cesare moved and
slowly rested on the couch. For her there was only Cesare, above it, around it ... in all
except parts inside. The frustration was unbearable. Squeezed her thighs and tried to bring
Cesare to the area of your body that need it most.
Always you provoke me the same thing he said 'I still kiss her. You always make you lose your
Say-what like a witch who has bewitched you.
Nothing more to say repented. Because, like the day of his arrival had happened, his words
had a withering effect on Cesare. He left her abruptly and looked down with
stony expression. When you lean back she grabbed his arm.
'Please tell me this was not another stupid demonstration of manhood.
Cesare's pupils dilated and Ava caught a glimpse of his agitation before her away
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to the other end of the room.
'It was not intentional.
'And then what was it exactly? By God, Cesare, are you so hesitant to anyone
think you're a virgin.
You do not know what you're asking, Ava.
I know very well, believe me. And I'm not sure what bothers me more, if having accepted this

situation you or the fact that, despite everything, I still wish.

Cesare smiled a smile so arrogant Ava wanted to slap him.
-The Chemistry between us defies all logic. It has always been so. But you're
pursuing an impossible dream face . A fantasy that will never come true.
Then why are you still here? she asked, encouraged to learn that Cesare still wanted and
that attraction could be stronger than his formidable willpower.
Because every time I find it hard to be away from you admitted it. He stared at her,
watching as their prey-predator. Now answer you. You know I can not give you the
family you want. What are you willing to settle?
He looked to his lips and Ava knew what that look meant. Yes, he could have
formed with a strictly sexual relationship. But never knew it would make her happy.
I'm not willing to settle for less than what I deserve.
Cesare hardened gesture was as if a steel door shut in his face.
Then we have nothing more to talk about.
Anxiety ran through the veins like an icy river. He ducked his head to hide the fact that
he produced those harsh words and warned that the neckline left to view the upper curve of her
breasts. Dress was arranged quickly and thanked her hair would have released enough
to hide the blush on his face.
He felt closer and for a moment thought he was going to play it to clear his cruel words, but
when he ventured to look I saw coming toward the door.
Hope gave way to anger and rose to his feet, pulling the dress down.
He did not turn nor answered.
Tell me why you're still wearing the wedding ring when you've already condemned our
marriagevoice trembled with rage and confusion. Is ... is because I no longer want?
He turned, his hand on the doorknob.
Ava, from the beginning I've wanted with a desperation that borders on insanity. But I never
that you want.
Ava lying in the dark, unable to sleep as the words of Cesare repeated
incessantly in his head. She had been so devastated that had collapsed on the couch,
unable to speak.
Cesare, however, had retired after remind him to call Celine tomorrow. And
she had remained silent, begging to Heaven to let him keep his mouth shut until
Cesare was gone. Only then did he let loose a long, pitiful moan from
the depths of his soul.
At that time, he had hated herself. He had always been weak when it was facing
Cesare. A few minutes to know and accept that invite a drink in a bar in London,
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I had knew in the back of his being the man had the power to make you do and feel things
no one else could get. Not even reached the bar. Cesare took her to his house in
Surrey and ended up making love on the hood of the car in the middle of the driveway. Was the
beginning of the six most erotic and exciting weeks of his life.
But not in love with him for sex. During those six weeks Cesare had treated as if
she was the most important of his life. And for someone who had always felt like an outsider

in your family, those attentions were like a godsend.

When he soon became pregnant, I saw it as the realization of the dream that had
harbored all his life. And when he proposed he thought that Cesare was also a
dream come true.
How wrong I had been.
Because when Cesare heard she was pregnant seemed to be living their worst nightmare.
But if we were careful ... How is it possible? had asked with a mixture of horror and
She had the same question, but with much more enthusiasm, and therefore did not know what
He got up and walked to the window. The moon reflected on the tiled courtyard ... the same
tiles on which she had been when Cesare asked her to marry him.
"I never said I love you."
Her eyes filled with tears. Cesare wanted to hate for his cruel words, but he had
reason. He had never told her he wanted. He had shown his passion and had filled all
carnal desires and supplies Ava, but at no time had uttered words of love.
She had simply taken for granted.
Furious with herself, put on a shirt over her nightgown, grabbed the baby monitor and left
of the room. He was wandering through the house until finished in the kitchen. A faint smile
curved her
lips. Nathan, the only one of his three brothers had noticed its existence, tease
if seeing her sacking the fridge at night and when she was young. He pulled out a bottle of Soave
served a drink. Off the kitchen there was a plate of stromboli . He grabbed one and, having
chewed, yielded to an impulse and picked up the wall phone to call his brother. He felt
a mixture of disappointment and relief when jumped voicemail.
What would you have said? That her husband had just admitted that he had never loved and that
it was considered responsible for the failure of their marriage for creating a family to
force? Grimaced as he left a brief message to his brother bland and hung up.
As he turned winced when he saw the shadow lurking at the door, and the heart beat him
runaway when Cesare entered the kitchen.
- My dispiace ... I heard voices looked phone with closed eyes, before looking at her. With
who spoke at this hour?
With Nathan, but I just left a message on the answering machine.
Have you talked to someone in your family lately?
You mean if any of my brothers has felt the desperate need to get to know
the sister who have rejected all his life? No, the answer is no.
'You know what you did last month?
Ava swallowed hard.
'Do not worry about me, Cesare. It has always been so.
I'm sorry ...
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I do not need your pity. I need something that you can not give me, so leave me alone or changes
the subject.

He looked at her in silence for a long moment, until he leaned against the doorframe and will
shamelessly through her gaze. She wanted to scream to stop her, but
Cesare was. No point ordenrselo.
The silence stretched, but neither did move to move or speak. Air
the kitchen was loaded while it was as if breathe the same oxygen bottle. Slowly,
excitement began to spread through the stomach and crotch Ava. To stand firm had
remember the humiliation suffered a couple of hours earlier. He stepped forward, but realized
that to walk out the door would have passed him.
He looked down at his hands and saw that his knuckles were bleeding.
Have you been to the gym? Cesare had a fully equipped gym at all
houses and kept in shape by practicing boxing.
He nodded.
I needed to hit something so pervasive 'I nailed a look that Ava feared he might see
through it.
'And you work? 'I left a breathless and nervous voice tried to hide with a sip of wine.
Not as much as expected. What about you?
Prefer to pursue other avenues of relief, like wine and carbohydrates He showed what he had
in his hand. Now I will tell whether I work or not.
Part of her hoped his response would discharge Cesare. But elsewhere, the irrational part,
reacted enthusiastically when he approached and slowly removed his finger protection. The
Sweat soaked his biceps and enhanced his powerful muscles to move.
Serve a little will ya me too? He grabbed a glass and dish was stromboli at the table,
where she poured the wine as he nibbled a piece of empanadilla-. Do you also can
I think no woman could sleep after her husband tells her he never wanted and
that he regrets marrying her.
He was immediately placed in tension.
Ava ...
No, nothing happens. Well, actually yes, but I will not have another fit of hysteria, if that's what
you worry.
You're the last woman he called "hysterical", but grazie .
The piece of patty that had stuck in his mouth tasted like sawdust with a touch of garlic.
He managed to swallow it with a sip of wine, but chose not to eat at the risk of
Not even give me thanks. I'm still processing what you've told me about Roberto and
we. Now is quiet does not mean that we have to resolve the situation and rasped
he forced himself to keep talking. I think it's time we stopped to bury our heads in the sand and
move on to the next phase ... permanent.
Cesare rose sharply, his hands on the table and looked the spitting fire
-The Di Goia no divorce.
Ava gaped at him.
Excuse me? Do not you should have thought before marriage unwillingly?
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-Llevabas Inside my daughter. I had no choice.

Why, yes you know retain the charm, eh? Unfortunately for you, we are not in the Middle Ages,
so unless you have signed without knowing that this clause Di Goia do not divorce me
afraid I will not have a choice.
You knew that we were married just for Annabelle.
-Te're Wrong! I thought you married me because I wanted to and because it wanted to form a
family with me.
He jerked back.
-Otra Time with family!
What's wrong? she cried, unable to remain calm.
I never said I wanted to have a family.
-it's True. Silly me for having misinterpreted the words of eternal love that susurrabas me
Italian when we were in bed.
A slight blush crossed briefly rigid Cesare cheekbones.
Never have I lied about my feelings, in or out of bed.
But made me believe that I mattered and what I wanted. You lied to
hide the truth.
He pushed away from the table and began to pace the kitchen, as if she could not bear the
Ava logical reasoning. She followed him with his eyes until Cesare stopped and grabbed the
edge of the counter.
Never have I lied, Ava. And yes cared about me -the stared into his eyes with an expression
almost pleading, desperate to believe it.
Well it was not enough. In the end it was just sex to you. It is a pity that I stay
pregnant, right? 'I took the words out through the lump in her throat closed.
And please do not tell me now that you regret having our daughter, though they're feeling.
Cesare grimaced in pain.
Nor for a moment I have repented of having Annabelle. But you have to admit that
Things got very difficult for us.
She let out the breath he was holding and quickly suppressed tears while
He'd had enough.
Well it is time to simplify things. Nothing prevents me from asking for a divorce, what you want
or not. Been
said that you should not have married me, and I was so obsessed with form a
family who could not see that you did not want the same. But you still want me, Cesare, so that
do us both a favor and do not deny it. Do not want to be married to me, and yet still carry
wedding ring. I honestly have no idea what's going on, but I will not go crazy
trying to make sense. So I do not care a Di Goia not divorce. I want
divorce, Cesare.
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Chapter 6
Cesare went downstairs with the same humor that had risen three hours earlier when he put the
excuse that it was going to bed.
He had not slept. Which was no surprise, anger and frustration being invaded.
What was expected to release him after Ava never should have married? What it is
put to mourn and beg him to be reconsidered its decision?

He smiled sarcastically. Ava was not. No, her red responded with tiger claws, not
tears. And yet there had been no sign of those claws night ... just one
quiet resignation.
Lucia was serving breakfast and turned to hear approaching. The stern face of the housekeeper
he relaxed into a smile as he told Annabelle antics yesterday.
Cesare had noticed the change in the domestic staff. Normally employees tried
avoid it, but since the return of her daughter all smiled and waved cheerfully at him.
While serving some coffee he thought that he too had positively affected
Annabelle return. But he could not forget that he had been about to lose once, and
I was not about to let happen again. She was the only daughter would have on his life.
Someday inherit the fortune of Di Goia, and that would have to be prepared. Among many
things had to start talking more Italian than English.
Looks like you're hatching a plan for world domination.
Ava was at the door to the balcony. She wore a short white dress, and the sight of his long
bare legs rekindled the desire to Cesare.
The sun glinted on her fiery hair and perfect skin, pale sun
Bali but without tanning, so radiant and healthy as if he had applied a lotion
He saw her walking barefoot toward him. In all the time I knew her she had only seen shoes
when they went out, and even then took them off at every opportunity. According to her were
torture, and he had never objected because he found irresistibly sexy bare feet.
-In Fact I'm up to something, face . Not as ambitious as to dominate the world, but equally
She tried to hide the concern and looked away to pour tea, but Cesare could not
contain the irrational impulse to provoke and make her pay for what she had done him suffer.
Do not you want to know what it is?
-The Truth is that no, though I suspect you're going to tell me anyway.
He smiled.
So is. Annabelle does not speak Italian.
'And who is to blame? My mother tongue is English, not Italian.
But you you can speak Italian very well. Or at least you spoke when we were together.
Maybe not know as much as I thought, if I have misunderstood what you told me in Italian.
Cesare deserved rebuke him, but did nothing to calm him.
I want to learn my language.
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Surprisingly, Ava nodded.
-for Me there is no problem. Lucia and you are teaching, and learns very fast. Sure it
will speak very quickly.
Its rapid capitulation puzzled him even more, which will not be passed Ava overlooked.
'From now on it is finished behave hysterically, Cesare. I deal with it.
-What I assume? -not sure why irritated him so much that statement.
Annabelle care of you mind this morning? I know we were going to spend the weekend with
it, but I have to check the illumination of the church and the goalkeeper can only go today.
'What church?

-The Cathedral of Amalfi.

'I'll drive.
No need.
Of course it's necessary. If we are together, we can be both with our daughter. Where is, by
In the kitchen, asking if he can throw them Lucia blueberries to your pancakes. But ...
Before I could protest further, Annabelle ran to the terrace and Cesare was
filled with pride heart when she greeted him in Italian.
- Buon giorno, piccolina said, trying to keep her voice from shaking.
Ava observed emotions reflecting Cesare's face as he stood Annabelle in
lap to kiss. An uncomfortable feeling assaulted. At first glance, the desire Cesare
Annabelle learn Italian seemed innocent, but Ava had a bad feeling.
My parents want to see Annabelle 'he said after taking a sip of coffee. I have to go
Rome for a few meetings, so it would be a good time to take it.
How are at Roberto?
As any parent would, I suppose, 'he said dryly. No need to know about us, the
least for now. I do not want to worry even more.
They know we've been one year away, Cesare.
But my mother thinks we have overcome our differences. The will to power
when the summer ends.
Against his will he nodded, not wanting to cause more worries about parents and
When did want to go to Rome? Annabelle -the grandparents worshiped her granddaughter, Ava
and never would
trouble being seen.
-On Monday morning. I have meetings in the afternoon.
How long will you be gone?
If you agree, Annabelle spend the night with my parents. I gather on Tuesday and return
on wednesday.
Two nights ... -echara terribly her daughter, but a few days alone would help to put
sort out their feelings. The constant presence of Cesare made her fight a grueling battle
It could also take the time to go to Amalfi to seek more scenarios for album
-Lucia Go with you?
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-Do Not.
-I Do not think it's a good idea ...
You think I'm incapable of caring for our daughter?
'That's not ... Annabelle can be hard, especially when you're tired. I just think
it would be desirable to have a little help.
'That's why it'll come with us.
Me? But ...
'Was that the covenant? We agreed that we would spend every day with our daughter.
Yes, but what about my job? On Monday morning I have a meeting with Reynaldo and Tina.

'What time've finished?

-A Eleven or so.
- Bene , we will go midday He turned to his daughter. If you want to swim with Dad after
breakfast, you better not eat too many pancakes, piccolina .
'Your will also wash them with water, mama?
Yeah, she also said Cesare in his place. You can swim safely as just
eaten looked disapprovingly his plate, almost intact, and challenged quietly refute it.
She made a discreet but extremely rude finger gesture, triggering itself a
smile and a look at his face and neck.
I'm going to move me said, and hurried away as long as a bold idea took shape in his
head. Since his arrival, Cesare had not ceased to sexually tease.
Well, she could do it ...
Once in his room, he chose the tiny bikini in her closet. He had bought it
for the trip to Bali, while still believed he could save the marriage.
He put and nearly lost my nerve. The fine strips of green lycra stuck to his
skin in a maddeningly provocative caress. Red with embarrassment, put on a green shirt
over and grabbed a bottle of sunscreen before he could change his mind. With each step
that overlooked the pool the purpose of his actions was repeated. He had never been a coward.
otherwise; I had learned at an early age to fight back. And Cesare had already
abused enough patience.
As he removed his shirt and saw the expression of Cesare, he bolted the heart. The sexual heat
his eyes became pure volcanic lava, and its effect was so strong that almost gave Ava
I stumbled to a halt at the edge of the pool.
Cesare glanced up and down, made sure her daughter take the sleeves and
He swam to Ava.
-does Can know what you try me? she demanded to leave the pool.
Excuse me? she asked, forcing herself to outline an innocent smile.
He stared at her and then proceeded to go around. Stopping after she gasped and Ava
He tried not to cringe. One would need a little tug to unleash the three strips that held the
'Do not play dumb. You're trying to take the limit to return me mad with desire-he had
mouth close to her ear and with the breath warmed her skin.
I had to make an enormous effort not to turn around.
Play'm just following you, Cesare. The question is ... what will you do?
He grabbed her arms and made her turn.
You want me to prove my desire reaches far? Right here and now, in front of our daughter?
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I ... Her voice failed while shame came over her. It was not that the result
I had expected when put on a bikini. I did not mean ...
You wanted me suffer, right? Well congratulations, because you've got. I'm burning for
you, Ava.
Without warning, he captured the earlobe with her teeth and she could barely stifle a
moan of pleasure. But before surrendering to assault Cesare, he had already released.
When he opened his eyes again have the shirt around her shoulders. In attempting to depart, he

He grabbed her by the waist.

-Contenta? Are you satisfied with your little experiment? -the pressed against him and Ava felt
hardness of his erection in the back. On that occasion he was unable to suppress the moan. But it
was a
groan of frustration and regret, knowing that however much they wanted to do it
suffer, he had only managed to prolong their suffering.
Yes she managed to answer.
Good, because that's all you're gonna get, Ava.
A Ava was heartbroken, and were about to cede legs.
-why? Do you suffer from premature ejaculation, perhaps? she asked mockingly, reluctant to
admit their
defeat even though his whole body wanted to cower in shame.
Cesare laughed hoarse.
Nor much less, beautiful She pressed closer to her. But you want a divorce, remember? So
that technically, my erections longer belong to you. Think about it the next time you decide
test me, treasure .
Ava took all his willpower to break free. Few steps away, before
stop filling his lungs. When she was sure he was not going to collapse, tried
button his shirt, but his fingers were shaking so hard he had to resign himself to hold a
He risked a glance and saw Cesare was sitting in a deck chair with a towel around
waist, noting the progress that made his daughter in the water.
Wordlessly, Ava turned and entered the house as fast as his legs allowed. It was started
the bikini jerks and looked at his shaking hands with a lump in the throat.
Their marriage was definitely dead.
It was time to accept it.
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Chapter 7
The city of Rome in July was swarming with tourists who were roasting in the sun and prudent
who chose to rest in the shade. On board the limousine that took them to the restaurant where
had arranged with parents of Cesare, Ava grateful for the air conditioning, which unfortunately
does not
I could protect her from the thoughts that raced through his head.
"That's all you're gonna get."
He tried to quell the words that echoed over and over in his head, but it was useless. He received
Message on Mobile and frowned when he saw who it sent.
Another time Agata Marinello. He regrets your long silence. Why do not you tell him not
you will attend the wedding so I can have some peace of mind? Do you think go far with this
Cesare looked tablet with which he had been working since I moved from
Helicopter car.
No, the games are over, face . I think we've finally reached an understanding.
Your attitude is not nothing like the man of the pool. He had picked up after the meeting of
Ava, dressed in a tailored suit, shiny shoes and sunglasses, so ravishingly

Sexy as ever. Ava was used to seeing him in casual clothes for two weeks, and
picture posing with work clothes put even more nervous.
'And could not take half a minute to send a message to Agata and tell him you're not going to
wedding of his beloved son? I say this because their messages are seriously affecting my sanity.
And, if you continue agobindome, I will not answer for my actions.
He looked at her a moment before nodding.
-The Let you know today.
-Thx. You can now keep ignoring me.
He found that Annabelle was still asleep in the chair and stared out the window as the
limousine surrounded the Fontana di Trevi to go to the Campo de 'Fiori.
Cesare turned off the tablet and Ava felt watched.
Ava ...
I'm sorry, okay?
Cesare's fingers tightly gripped the pen with which he had been working on, and
severe pain in the chest settled Ava remembering the feelings that had caused
those hands.
A honk diverted attention from Cesare toward the window. The sunlight was reflected in its
black hair, giving it a bluish glow. His profile was so attractive that Ava ran out
breath. Cesare was as close to perfect as a man could be, even with the nose
slightly twisted which had left him after a boxing match in his youth.
I'm sorry to repeat, she forced herself to. I know that sometimes I step out of line. The pool ... I
do not know
What was he thinking, really.
Cesare looked at Annabelle to ensure that slept and then looked at Ava.
'I do not know, and so am said with a sigh. Sex, or the promise of sex, has
become the only solution to what happens between us. I used it to teach you a lesson
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day you came and you returned the favor yesterday, which I deserved it. We have been
testing continuously, and it was logical that one of the two end up reaching the limit.
And of course it had to be me.
-Do Not. I have not been fair to you, Ava. The earthquake was a hard blow to all. And the death
Roberto ... She pressed the jaw.
Ava put a hand on hers and felt the heat flowing between them.
'When we know what happened to Roberto?
'Soon Cesare -the mobile rang, but he ignored it and pinched his nose. Almost we
arrived at the restaurant. After lunch I'll have to go to some meetings. Continue
speaking tonight, okay?
A Ava was closed throat, but he forced himself to nod.
Cesare deep breath and answered the phone. Ava stiffened when he heard a female voice. Do
managed to continue the conversation in Italian, but the low, intimate tone that developed the
was disturbed further.
-Celine Wants to talk to you, 'he said, settling into his seat.

I've tried to apologize on your behalf, but she wants to make sure no grudges.
Ava grabbed the phone and plugged the micro hand.
How dare you apologize on my behalf? I'm not a girl who has to justify.
If you do not want to talk to her, cut the call. You choose.
If you knew how much I hate you sometimes ...
He just smiled and Ava coughed before removing the micro hand.
Hello, Celine.
- Ciao , Ava Celine's tone was friendly and free from reproach, which made it feel Ava
even worse.
Hey, sorry about the other night ...
Any woman who was married to Cesare defend its position fiercely. This is
very special.
-Also Is a cocky and stubborn desperate.
Celine laughed.
'That' I can not argue, but has a big heart. Do not forget, please.
Ava frowned at the vehemence of Celine. Embarrassed, she apologized again and after a few
minute speech, she dropped the phone.
Cesare laughed softly.
-The Vanity is a sin 'I snapped her with a hoarse voice pathetically sensations
the invaded.
I like to see how you receive a dose of humility he replied, still smiling.
Well, just so you know, Celine has invited me to his birthday tonight and I accepted gave the name in a night club. I will send a message with the details.
Cesare's smile faded. I hated nightclubs.
Ava smiled back and returned the phone.
Where is your arrogance now, dear ?
Cesare entered his apartment shortly before seven and was greeted by a stony silence. Do Not
Page 44
as that afternoon when the laughter of Ava and Annabelle echoed off the walls. He had to admit
I missed the laughter.
Nothing was going according to plan. The business that afternoon closing thought had
elongated enough hours, and all for their lack of concentration. They had not overlooked it the
exchanged glances members of the board.
He left his briefcase and surged to tie as he walked toward the liquor cabinet. He looked at the
drink and poured himself a brandy. That would be the first time I would be alone, completely
alone with Ava. And do not trust himself.
He watched the briefcase. Part of the solution to their problems was there. All he had to do
was to sign the divorce papers prepared for him lawyers and Ava would forever
of his life.
He stepped on something soft on the floor and bent down to pick up the teddy Annabelle. A
sharp pain
It pierced his chest.
He loved his daughter more than anything in the world, yet he could never enjoy that
love without support a strong sense of guilt. How would I do if Roberto had deprived the

joy of being a parent?

He left the bear in the table and turned at a sound. Ava was at the door, dressed in a gown
Satin and freshly washed hair shiny falling over one shoulder. Cesare had to restrain
Non her in his arms and unleash their insatiable passion.
I thought I heard someone come into the room She and Cesare could not help noticing the
sexy sway of her hips.
I had to turn to hide his erection. A year without sex it was affecting seriously. Only
monks took vows of chastity, and his body reminded him that he was not a monk.
I just got. What about my parents Annabelle?
The robe made a soft whisper as he approached. Cesare closed his eyes, preparing for mixing
fear and excitement that would cause the smell of Ava.
-very Well. I do not know which one was more excited. I've exhausted just listening to their
plans for tomorrow.
He has left his teddy if not stated any nonsense to fill the silence, give in to the impulse
'I know. I called Carmela and I offered to take him, but he said no. I think I have provided the
perfect excuse for Annabelle takes cart.
Cesare could not continue resisting and turned. Annabelle's smile left him breathless.
It was a truly remarkable woman. He ran a hand through his hair and took off his tie with the
'What time is it in Celine? it had to get out to overcome the obsession that caused him his
future ex-wife.
-A Eight is dinner and then go to the club.
Cesare made a grimace. The last thing he wanted was to socialize in a local
crowded and noisy. But anything would be better to stay in that apartment alone with
Give me twenty minutes to shower me and change clothes.
I was hoping you'd come back sooner ... He ventured to tell her. You said
had to talk.
I'm sorry, I'm late. I could not evi ... He left the sentence to mean when he saw that she stopped
smile. We need not stay long at the party Celine. Talk when
Page 45
back, okay?
I hope so, because the suspense is killing me.
Twenty minutes later, Cesare was seriously thinking about calling to cancel Celine
appointment. But I knew it would be throwing Celine on face the rest of his life.
Resigned, the cuffs of his black silk shirt buttoned, put on his coat and left the
Ava room right when he closed the bedroom door guests.
When I was invaded by a wave of indescribable emotions.
Ava wore an emerald green dress that reached her thighs and left back to
I discovered. Your skin, bright and peachy, inviting touch.
'Do not you forget something? he asked in a strained voice.
She turned on her heels and looked at him with wide eyes. The tingle of satisfaction knowing
was still finding attractive vanished into thinking that other men would see with those clothes
so provocative.

No, I think not, 'she said, touching her diamond earrings and pendant that led to
neck, before looking plateados- heels. I'm ready to go.
You're awesome, but I think you forgot a little fabric on the back.
She arched an eyebrow, despite the blush that covered her cheeks.
'Now matter how you go dressed, Cesare?
Of course I care. We're still not divorced, and do not want other men are made
ideas for you.
I know a gentleman and stick to compliments. I spent a fortune on the dress.
Ava, I've told you're awesome. But the caveman in me would like to see
... something more, something that would not arouse the most primitive instincts of men to see.
What is exactly wrong with my outfit? she asked defiantly.
Cesare's frustration was growing by the minute.
'Aside from letting you back into the air and you hardly covers the back?
But do look sexy? she persisted with a smile full of malice.
-Sensual? You're the spitting image of sin, temptation and fantasy. Do you think that
chivalrous enough? -the dress caressing her thighs and drew attention to its endless
legs. And also wore something on the big toe of his feet. What is that?
A ring. We have to be there in twenty-five minutes. Will you let me go well or we will
late because you can not stand that no man see me with this short dress?
He swallowed hard, tried to speak and finished shaking her head as she looked him up and down.
Oh, and by the way, you are also impressive. I could tell you abotonaras shirt up
neck so that no woman could see the chest, but since I'm a grown woman I have to
putting up. Are we going or what?
The expression of Ava, and the certainty that he felt the same, it did feel a little better.
-Celine Me pay ... murmured as he offered his arm.
Behave yourself, Cesare chided her, laughing. It will be a very, very long night, right?
Ava only half listening to the young man whose name I forgot, which was not difficult since
who could barely a dozen words in English. He looked around to Cesare, who had
believe that hated nightclubs and would be eager to end this evening. But no
it was so. It was on the dance floor, enjoying the attentions lavished him the stunning
Page 46
blonde who had beaten him since he entered the premises.
Dress looked and turned to doubt the opinion of the selling in Via Condotti, who had him
ensured that green dress was perfect for her.
Compared to dress dancing couple Cesare, his was extremely modest.
This woman could pass for model and its spectacular anatomy could make
men drool at his feet. It was the center of attention, despite being attached to Cesare.
Jealousy oppressed him Ava chest until he could not breathe.
Do not worry ... Giuliana is a man-eating, but can rely on Cesare.
He turned to meet with Celine, who watched her with an expression that bordered on
Not worried I said with a forced laugh.
I hope it's because you trust him -Celine eyes narrowed. Cesare never hurt you
I do not know ... -the rejection of Cesare had ravaged his confidence.

-nimo. The Di Goia not easily give their love Celine 'I said with a sad expression.
Ava touched his arm.
Cesare told me about you and Roberto ... and Valentina.
'I demanded to know what had among you.
I'm glad to tell you. Roberto loved my sister, but it was the love of my life. Part
resents me for not having had a chance with him before his death. But for you two
it is still not too late. Whatever happens, you have to try with all your might.
Minutes after Celine left, Ava did not move the site, considering what
he had said.
He could not deny that Cesare exercised an irresistible power over their emotions. Enough a
to brighten his day, and the flashes of anguish in his eyes for the loss of his brother
caused him deep sorrow.
But, whatever the feelings I had toward him, he could not forget that Cesare only
He had married her because she was pregnant, and had only tolerated in your life because it was
mother of his daughter.
The music ended and saw Cesare and Giuliana stunning heading for the bar. He grabbed
two champagne glasses and his eyes met those of Ava. The observed up and down, which made
will quicken the pulse, and she responded with a toast, irritated by their body reaction.
There was no future for them. Ava was sure love that Cesare had for Annabelle, and
therefore their capacity to love. But that love did not extend to her.
The reality was so depressing that the glass trembled in his hand. The left and found next to it
the guest with whom he had spoken before. He smiled and she recalled that Celine had
as a distant cousin. It was warm and friendly, with light brown hair and beautiful eyes
brown. Ava smiled back not to seem rude.
-Una Drink? he suggested it.
She shook her head. He had hardly eaten at dinner, and did not want to drink with
empty stomach.
Her admirer down his glass at a nearby table.
- Balliamo ? 'I pointed to the dance floor, and when she hesitated a hand over his heart in a
dramatic-. Per favore ...
Ava yielded to a sudden impulse and nodded. I had never been to hide
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to lick their wounds. Was there for Celine, and the least I could do was try to have fun.
Wait said, laughing, when his companion tried to take her to the dance floor.
He grimaced in disappointment, but smiled when he saw her take off your shoes. Music
hip-hop was the perfect antidote for melancholy.
Mario, she had already agreed to its name, led to the center of the track and proceeded to
dancers show their skills. The next songs flew by and sometime Ava
lost the hairpin, but did not care and continued dancing animatedly.
When the music slowed, stopped dancing, grateful to refresh and recover

Thank you, has been ... began to tell Mario, but then he circled her waist with his arms.
A second later strong hands grabbed her from behind and pulled so abruptly from
Mario embrace almost lost his balance. He knew who it was even before hearing it.
It's time to leave.
Without waiting for an answer, Cesare began to Ava behind and whispered a few heated words
Mario quietly. Under the floodlights, Ava saw the young man turned pale.
Then, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her from the dance floor.
-Cesare, Wait!
He ignored her and walked toward the exit.
Wait, dammit! I have to pick my shoes.
Have you danced barefoot?
Yes, and now I have to wear shoes.
-why? For re-take them off at every opportunity?
-No'll Leave them here! I have cost a fortune.
Cesare's eyes shone with a menacing glare.
Not you move from here.
The crowd parted to let him pass on their way to the bar. After a few seconds
he returned with silver shoes dangling from his fingers. He put Ava hands without saying
word, but she made no move to calzrselos.
-are You mad? My feet are killing me.
Cesare looked back at his feet, and somehow seemed even more angry. His eyes burned
with such anger that Ava stepped back.
-does Can know what were you playing? he asked through clenched teeth.
'I could ask you the same question.
He smiled, but without the slightest hint of humor.
How long will continue well? You have to stop testing me, Ava, per favore ,
because my resistance hanging by a thread and I fear what might be the consequences for
both if it breaks.
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Chapter 8
The force transmitting his words filled with dread Ava.
He swallowed and cleared his throat uncomfortably as she shook her head. I could not show how
The affected his attitude.
You seemed very busy with your friends, so I decided to have a little fun myself.
'And I could not think of a better to let another man got his hands on you so? -he had
fists clenched and his face hardened.
-Only Were dancing, nothing more.
Cesare laughed in disbelief that creaked painfully in the ears of Ava.
Nothing more? Do you think little?
What do you expect? What I stay in a corner, yearning get your attention?
Ava ...
You want to go? -not Because we could withstand more pressure. She walked past him and
pushed the heavy

oak doors to go outside.

The breeze from outside was a nice contrast to the suffocating atmosphere in the interior.
Ava the air filled lungs and stopped next to the column of the entry. I felt the presence of
Cesare after her, but thought it would be wiser not turn around.
'We can not keep doing this to him said.
-I Agree. We can not. You have separated from me and yet not stand another man
approaching me. I do not know what happens to us, but I'm going crazy and I can not continue
supporting it a whirlwind of uncontrolled emotions churned inside. She wanted to cry and mourn, but
furiously blinked back tears.
Divorce seemed the only way out. But the idea of permanently separated from man
who had dreamed he would spend the rest of his life caused him a painful lump in the breast.
With stiff fingers, hair was wound in the neck.
Cesare came and wrapped his warmth as he wove his fingers in her hair.
It's time we had that talk slope face .
A shudder ran through her as she felt his breath on her ear. He began to turn when a strong
whistle pierced the air, from a trio of men who had just left the club. Image
featuring Ava, with arms raised, barefoot and bare back and sensually
curved, arouse the interest of any man.
Enough! Cesare cried. He removed his jacket and made him lower his arms to toss her Ava
on the shoulders. I do not care if I offend your feminine sensibility. Put this now.
The limo had come while she was deep in thought, and Paolo expected
with the door open. Cesare made up and closed the door behind him. It was not until they were in
march spoke again.
Looks like you've become an exhibitionist ... he said in a cold tone of reproach.
She tried to pull away, but he held her by the arms.
They've changed a lot of things while you empeabas you on ignore, Cesare.
-and I see ... And I worry about the impact it may have on my daughter.
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Ava turned sharply toward him.
Stop there! Watch those insinuations that I am a bad mother. And stop refer to
Annabelle as if only it were your daughter. Until recently the only thing that gave him were your
Lost your rights as a parent when you decided to get away physically and emotionally for our
For you, it could have died!
Cesare threw his head back as if he had been struck. He'd been mortally
Arrepentida, Ava grabbed his hand. It was cold and stiff.
Cesare did not mean that ...
'I deserve it. But he had good reason to get away. Or at least I thought having them before
earthquake. What happened to Robert and Valentina ... thought not to be worthy of a son after
Roberto lost his.
Do you really think that Roberto envied you have a family?
'Not that I believed. It was well. He often told me that I did not deserve to have a family

-the pain hardened his voice. I deserved to be just like him.

Aava was breaking the soul to see it, but she had reason to suffer. He huddled with
jacket impregnated with the body heat of Cesare, and managed to extract the strength to plant
I'm sorry I'd say those things. But do you really thought you deserved to suffer alone Annabelle
because your brother was fighting his own demons?
My duty was to protect ...
-also Had a duty to your wife and daughter. I know you married me because I was
pregnant, but you should not leave me for her to raise our daughter myself.
Cesare kept a moment of silence.
Never been lonely said quietly. You had nannies, maids and bodyguards.
You -Guardaespaldas? she cried, beside himself. You know I've never had a real family.
I told you how I treated my father and my brothers. By God, Cesare did not know what was
doing when I had our daughter. Hoping you stay with me, but you left to close
Business at the first opportunity. I did not marry your servants and your bodyguards. I married
you! You should have been you, not them!
He squeezed painfully hand and nodded solemnly.
Yes, I should have been with you and have tried harder as a parent, but as husband
given the size. I am well aware that I failed with my daughter, Ava, and why I'm here now,
trying to amend my mistakes. She is most important in all this, and I'm not willing to
forget that.
The words of Cesare, as determined and promising in relation to his daughter but so exclusive in
when it came to it, both ached to hold Ava was unable to speak.
Although it was not necessary, since Cesare seemed willing to drop everything.
Ava, you have to remember that we barely knew when you got pregnant, without
But see me like everything you wanted in a family. You say you never knew what you were
doing, but I thought you obrabas me calmly and common sense. When after a
Eventually I found that I no longer needed, I left.
Ava sank into the seat. He thanked not stand, because he was sure his legs
they have sustained.
'I do not know ...
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Cesare could not prevent it slip a huff of frustration.
-Ya Enough! Do not say another word.
Remorse, jealousy, anger and all the emotions that were repressed forever
broke into his chest, leaving him exhausted and dazed.
I'm tired of these dialectical struggles, Ava.
I needed a distraction, and all he could to lose control was sitting next to him ...
Ava gasped as he grabbed her and pulled her against him. Her eyes widened as she felt
a particularly hard part of the body of Cesare. He noticed his lips and his vision blurred to
possess thinking and getting lost in the desire that threatened to consume him.
He kissed her mouth with a low moan. I knew I was taking a huge risk, but
that time did not care in the least.
She gave a sigh and he breathed with satisfaction. He had expected resisted, as
always did. But she gave herself unceremoniously.

He captured the tongue with his, eager for soaking up the flavor as his fingers explored what
longing to explore wearing for so long.
No woman knew how Ava. Innocent and captivating, daring and insecure ... I spent kissing him
as if to devour to cower in fear and timidity.
But as much as he wanted to rip her panties, spread her legs and sink into it
until they lose consciousness, he could not. A black doubt forced him to separate.
Not answered me when I asked if there had been someone else. I need to know.
'Why, so you can drive them away as you did with Mario tonight?
Jealousy again invade. He gave her a big kiss on the lips to try to erase the bitter
-A Mario has left it very clear what would happen if he returns to approach you ... he waited a
moment. Well?
She stared at him with her amazing green eyes.
I still remain a married woman. And I take very seriously my marriage vows His expression is
oscureci-. And you, you've been with someone else?
-even're Married. I would not dream disrespect that.
Ava squinted and lower lip trembled, swollen by the kiss.
How can you say those things and pretend not to have hope in us?
Ava ...
-for The love of God, Cesare, shut up and kiss me.
He did not need to be told twice.
A wild and maddening desire seized him. Also Ava was burning, and pressed
breasts against his chest as he frantically grabbed his neck and hair. They were devouring,
kissing and biting each other, until Cesare turned away and tried to catch his breath.
-what's The matter? she asked while touch her hair. Cesare would never have imagined that a
simple gesture could be so erotic.
We have arrived.
Aava cost him a few seconds to understand what he meant. With wide eyes, separated from him
put on his jacket over his shoulders. Coming out of the limo showed an obscene leg portion,
with their bare feet, made even more crazy Cesare.
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He picked Ava shoes and followed her into the building. He had chosen to lead a life
separated from his wife and daughter because they believed he had what it took to be a husband
and father. He spent
day doing what he did best do, engaged in negotiations that made him win every
more money but it turned insensitive to time and everything around him. But
something had changed in him, because for the first time in his life he was acutely aware of each
Instantly, every fiber of his being and, especially, women wore before him, barefoot and
spectacular butt wiggling under Cesare jacket.
Once inside the elevator he pressed against him, but did not kiss her. If he started, I could not
stop. To the
enter the apartment door shut with his foot and started to take her in his arms, but
was all he could grab his jacket, which he handed to Ava determined expression.
Come here he commanded him all the rigid body by desire.

-Do Not.
How not?
She remained out of reach, defiantly.
Not lie down just because you've decided you want me again.
Cesare moved toward her, but she backed away and he was forced to stop.
-De Again? When I stopped wanting? Just to see you walk into a room and get excited me!
She blushed and sensual lips parted. But his vehement shake of the head
filled with irritation. Frustrated, he tried to grab her again, and again it was far from reach.
I'm not going to sleep with you, Cesare.
He shook like a matador jacket trying to deal with an angry bull. He ignored her and
concentrated on his
dam. One more step and was almost glued to it. He inhaled her sweet fragrance and admitted to
himself that the
desire for her was beyond her comprehension.
Tell me you do not want ...
You know I want you, but will not let me play. Have you forgotten what you said?
"That's all you're gonna get."
An uncomfortable heat wave ran up his neck. He who dominated the words as anyone was
unable to develop an appropriate response apart from the pure and raw truth.
-The Both know that bikini was a very dangerous temptation. I was angry with you
torture me like that and I said those words without thinking-the provocation of Ava had been the
that broke the camel after having been holding since the beginning.
'And now you've changed your mind, no more?
Cesare pulled away to take his tie.
Damn, Ava, you exhibiste such an ostentatious manner that was driving me crazy.
Why, because you're in luck, because I'm not continue exhibiting myself. Good night, Cesare.
Cesare was so stunned when reacted Ava was gone.
"Bravo, Cesare". He had finally achieved what he had been trying to do since the return of Ava
Her away.
But, far from satisfied, a bitter feeling came over him.
Cursed softly and began to pace the room. He saw his briefcase and pulled out the papers. The
cold and aseptic words what caused. I just needed a simple signature to break free of that
But this was their only option?
He recalled the words that Ava had come loose in the car. From the beginning he had known
just had to do with his family. For all purposes he and Annabelle were the only family
Page 52
had. He had married her and then had left because he was trapped in his own
Would it be man enough to start again?
He observed a moment the papers and decided tore in two. It had been so long
Roberto suffering that had not stopped to think about the needs of Ava.

He smiled. If Ava had asked for divorce two months earlier, even the day before the earthquake,
surely he would have granted. But not anymore.
Maybe he could not give her what she wanted, but at least it was a good negotiator.
There would be no divorce.
"What now?".
I had no idea. Now would think later ...
Page 53
Chapter 9
Ava was spinning nonstop for the guest room, unable to calm his frantic heartbeat or
runaway thoughts.
First Cesare had rejected and then wanted to fall rendered in his arms. He closed his eyes
hard and tried to quell the desire burning in his veins, but it was useless. The certainty that had
been about to return to making love with Cesare was going crazy. You should feel
grateful for being able to resist temptation.
Yes, of course ...
The truth was that her husband wanted so he could not think clearly. Heat
Cesare emanated body and the heady scent of your muscles wrapped with the promise of a
sumptuous feast after a lengthy famine.
What could be wrong with that?
He moved unconsciously to the door and dug his toes into the carpet. What
What was I thinking? Cesare was stunned when she walked away, but had not followed
nor had knocked on his door.
While she was probably tortured him with a drink or another way to close
multimillion dollar business.
He moved to the window. From the attic of Cesare, located in the Campo de 'Fiori, is appreciated
a spectacular view of Rome and the dome of St. Peter in the Vatican.
Would Cesare contemplating the same view? He pulled his hand out the window and saw the
heating the glass. The view outside faded when he saw his own image reflected.
His hair was tousled, resulting from the greedy hands of Cesare. His eyes were pools of
confusion and
pain, her lips were swollen and bruised and her chest swayed with heavy panting. All for
fault of the man whose presence control his emotions as if it were a puppet.
His breath fogged up the glass and distorted his image as he remembered ... Among the feverish
kiss and
following discussion, had not come to talk about the solution to your problems.
He watched the door and put his hand to the button that ensured the dress in the neck. He let the
garment fell at his feet and thought about taking a shower, but feared his determination falter if
lingered too long.
He grabbed the toilet brush and combed and insurance rhythmic movements, which served to
strengthen their will and clear the haunted look in his eyes. Had not put a bra
with the dress, but still wearing the thong. The idea of going to see Cesare naked warmed his
but quickly discarded and selected a short green silk nightgown and matching robe. She tied the
belt and left the room before losing courage.

The hallway was as quiet as a moment before, like the living room, kitchen and terrace. Are
He shuddered at the prospect of facing Cesare in her bedroom and waited by the door,
biting her lip and listening in case some noise could be heard inside. What if he was sleeping?
Or worse, what if I were to be cold and distant man whom she had come to hate with all its
soul? The fear of rejection dried his throat, but could not turn back. He breathed
deeply and turned the knob.
Page 54
Cesare was lying on the king-size bed headboard carved wood with a glass of cognac
in one hand and a tablet in the other.
He looked up at Ava and put the glass on the nightstand.
She looked at his bare chest and felt a flare lit into his lungs. He had seen
naked many times, but the extent of his powerful virility sobrecogerla never stopped.
'What do I owe the honor of your visit, face ?
She parched lips licked.
... I want to have that conversation ... now pending.
He turned away, hiding the expression while leaving the tablet.
'Is that why you came? To talk? It -together hands over his muscled abdomen. Despite its
quiet position, Ava reminded him of a predator ready to pounce on its prey.
He nodded, grabbed the end of the sheet and retired.
In that case, make yourself comfortable and ... talk.
She did not have to look to know he was naked. Cesare always slept naked.
Isn't ... you do not get any clothes?
-Do Not.
Cesare ...
I do not know what would. I told you what happens when you're near me. Either naked or dress,
effect is the same.
The desire grew dangerously in her stomach. He had to get out, but I could not move.
But ...
I do not want to have this conversation from afar, Ava. Come to bed. I promise you'll be much
more comfortable.
She shook her head and turned away. The value had left.
You know what? Maybe not a good idea. It's late and ... I can not talk to you like this. Both
need rest. Talk in the ma ...
With a rapidity that Ava would never have believed possible, Cesare was out of bed, crossed the
room and hit her from behind. Ava gasped as she felt his hot naked body.
Oh, no, face, got nothing ... I will not let you go strutting again.
-Yo Not swagger me!
-Ah, No? Do not like to provoke with your flashy gaits to completely take possession of my
I do not know what you're talking about ...
Sure you do. Otherwise, you would not be here. I'll give you what you want, honey. We'll have
conversation. But chances are that you end up hating.
She turned in the arms of Cesare.

'Why would I hate you? You told me you had not been with anyone else!
And it is true.
Then do not see what reason could I Hate About You, unless you confess being a serial
I confess have wanted to kill Mario tonight. Not only him but all men you
looked at the party.
I'm surprised you've noticed, seeing the love you were Breasts
He laughed and pressed his hard erection against Ava pelvis.
Page 55
Looks like we both have been jealous.
Pain shot through the desire to Ava.
-For Must be jealous feelings for the other person, Cesare.
He stopped smiling and looked with longing and lust.
Yes, it is. I have never denied feel something for you, Ava.
'Just sexually?
Do not underestimate the power of sex, face . It has sunk kingdoms and finishing with men more
So far you've gotten as you do not.
The member Cesare, thick, throbbing, landed on his belly as he took possession of
his mouth.
Ava lost the ability to reason. That kiss was not like anything that had occurred in the
car. It was a full-blown assault your senses, a demonstration of the power of Cesare and his firm
purpose. His tongue eagerly clasped his way in a dangerous dance that could only finish
one way.
Ava's body responded so instantly and burning so that the head spun.
He put his hands on his bare chest Cesare and dug her nails into his powerful muscles,
becoming aroused the groan that came from his throat. He lifted his head, breathing fast,
and he licked his lips.
Of course it has affected me, face . Did not always like each other? Just a touch to
He let us burn in flames -to prove it ran a finger down his neck.
-Yup ...
Cesare withdrew the shoulder gown, followed by the nightgown. Ava barely felt it slide
his shoulders and fall to the ground, as was enthralled by the heat burning in the eyes of Cesare.
With trembling fingers, he drew a line from the neck down, passing between the breasts up
reach the womb. Touching the edge of the thong murmured in Italian.
Tell me about it in English, please, 'she begged. Need to understand what you say.
He repeated the words, so explicit and spicy Ava blushed. Cesare changed
back to Italian, and every syllable uttered was like a kiss on the skin that made her tremble with
Cesare ...-he was unable to utter a coherent sentence. Summoning all his strength
will, got retirarse-. ... We need to talk.
He kissed the corner of his mouth.
We'll talk. But we must do this. And, whatever happens, I want you to know that I regret
I hurt you, Ava.

Tears came to his eyes and rolled down her cheeks. He departed with the fingers and
He picked her up to take her to bed.
The sheets engulfed Ava heat and smell of Cesare. And when he pulled away and she saw him
really, naked, splendid and excited, desire flared so that had to ensure
it was not an illusion.
Come closer.
He obeyed and she reached out to explore its rugged features, its sculpted lips and
rough stubble. When passing the fingers over his lips, he caught with his teeth and
sucked with delight.
The flames consumed Ava. Still holding fingers, Cesare lay down beside her and put his hand
under the breasts. Her nipples hard as rocks.
Page 56
Touch me, please ... she begged her, but he still kept his hand as he continued licking
A rush of liquid heat flowed from his crotch. Moaning desperately tried to bring the
Breastfeeding your hand. Cesare then let him finger and drove an intense and burning eyes.
-not Yet.
The sore nipples became so unbearable as heat throbbing between her legs.
Just when he thought he could not take it anymore, Cesare's hand touched the bottom of the
chest and began to draw maddeningly slow circles. Ava writhed in agony, fearing
desire to die if you did not touch the nipple.
He was about to beg that would end the torment when he kissed her on the mouth and
He pinched her nipple with his thumb and forefinger.
Ava's scream was drowned by the kiss. The orgasm shook with the force of a tornado,
snatching breath and blinding her with bursts of color behind her closed eyelids. Cesare no
took off his mouth in no time, and the intensity of the kiss was reduced as Ava
slowly back to reality. When he managed to open his eyes met the eyes of Cesare,
Burning and wonder.
You still equally receptive treasure. I thought I had imagined the whole two weeks ago in the
hallway, but I see no ... You have not lost any of your passion.
'And that you like? she asked hoarsely.
-What If I like that sex has always been savagely special between us? I am a
hot latin blood, right?
She grabbed his biceps hard as granite.
'Why did not you show me instead of making me suffer so much?
A strange expression crossed his face briefly. She wanted to ask what was wrong, but
forgot everything when he kissed her again.
Are you still taking the pill?
Cesare made up donning turned over. The touch of his bare chest against her breasts
Ava shot pulse again. Unable to resist, rubbed against him. And the deep groan of
Cesare further fueled his insatiable appetite.
Cesare erection throbbed insistently against the thigh of Ava. The friction was the
going crazy, as he grabbed the back and slid her fingers under the elastic.
Another moan filled the room. The frantic beat of his heart rang in his ears up

that all he could hear was the promise of pleasure and ecstasy.
He grabbed her hair for her away and glared.
Forgive me, face , but I have to.
Before she could ask what he meant, the noise of the fabric to tear heard.
-What Male ... joked with breathless voice.
'I have time to take them.
-And Do you have time?
-For This He lifted his head and licked the nipple, before you put it in your mouth.
She arched back with a loud cry of pleasure, pain and despair. Cesare vacuumed out his
nipple eagerly and licked her burning flesh, repeating the action before she could recover
Page 57
breath. The promise of another orgasm was imminent, but just as he was about to throw the
abyss, he retired and, with a flick, it was placed under and knelt between her thighs.
He then opened a drawer and pulled out a condom.
Seeing him tear the wrapper, he stood up and put his hands over hers.
Let me me.
Cesare looked at her in amazement.
Never Cabo.
I've had plenty of time to imagine so ... let me do it?
He nodded and handed him a condom. Encouraged by the excitement that burned in his eyes,
was placed
behind him and kissed him between the shoulder blades as he proceeded to place him protection.
Slowly, he unrolled the latex over the erect member. The velvety skin and vein throbbed
under his fingers.
He bit the flesh that had kissed moments before and fueled his desire to feel the tremors
Is a treasure, I fear you take a disappointment if you do not put an end to this torture-his voice
sounded strained and
locked by despair.
She was so desperate as he and completed the task quickly, but could not resist
stroke his erection again.
Enough, per favore ...
He turned and grabbed her to return it to its original position. She parted her thighs and stared
open and damp, which emanated such heady fragrance as a powerful aphrodisiac.
I'd forgotten how beautiful you are top view he murmured.
She put a hand on his chest.
I've never forgotten how beautiful you ... -for she would always be a god among humans,
powerful and fascinating idol that had captivated her since he first saw it, and was still
enamorndola despite everything that had happened between them.
He ran his fingers over the inner thighs, leaving a trail of fire
threatened to reduce it to ashes. Ava bit her lip and tried to resist. This time I wanted more,
wanted it to be Cesare power within it the only thing to take her to orgasm.
I was not prepared for finger slipped between her fleshy folds ...

-Cesare! he screamed, arching on the bed, and cried again when the thumb of Cesare
He found the clitoris. She dug her nails into his shoulders and shook his head frantically,
that resistance was useless. The brief relief he felt when he withdrew his fingers, feeling lost
the tip of his powerful erection.
Open your eyes, Ava.
She obeyed, circled her hips with his legs and he grabbed her hands and pinned them on the
'Now do not move.
He kept his eyes fixed on her eyes as she went. Upon receiving the first attack, hips
Ava shook involuntarily.
Not I can ... It's too ...
-if You can. Do you He sank deeper into her, delaying the opening and desbocndole way. The
heart was beating furiously, lungs burned for air and pressure from Cesare
threatened his sanity.
When he got to the bottom briefly froze, allowing you to savor the fullness
Page 58
of his possession. Time stood between them and the only sounds were their breathing.
Now he finally said.
The two began to move simultaneously with a force that rattled the bed. The
Cesare grunts unleashed the gasps of Ava, invaded by a pleasure that never had
I experienced. He squeezed tightly between his legs and answered his frantic thrusts with
pace forgotten long ago. The world around and the only thing filled her crumbled
were Cesare and her moans of pleasure.
In the instant before the explosion, Ava felt a special connection so strong and that he lit the
heart and left her breathless. Before I could analyze it, however, I was dragged to the
Ecstasy in a torrent of pleasure that swept up the last of his thoughts. Unable
will stand, closed his eyes and was lost in the indescribable sensations that embargoed the body
the soul tears accumulated behind his eyelids.
Above her, shaken by violent convulsions of Ava, Cesare took to the release
final. He stood still and rigid a fleeting moment, surrounded by an incomparable feeling, and
one last moan left the unstoppable tide of ecstasy and barely had time to adjust
its position before collapsing on Ava.
She surrounded him with his arms and gently stroked his sweaty skin as wound down the
tremors. He turned his head and kissed her on the chin, but said nothing. Words were not
It was not until Ava began to fall asleep, curled up against Cesare and surrounded by its
strong arms, he realized something.
Cesare had reversed seconds before orgasm.
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Chapter 10
Standing beside the bed, Cesare watched his sleeping wife invaded by guilt. A review
attentive condom had calmed down, but did not delude himself into thinking that always

it would.
The passion that burned between them had not weakened one bit in the time they had been
separated. Quite the contrary. Cesare had to restrain wild possess mode and
your body crazed asked, and I knew that sooner or later end up losing control. Aava
it was enough to be near him to undermine his willpower.
The desire to seize him again when she stretched out on the bed, revealing part of your body
naked. He tensed every muscle to not lie down beside her, but her feet would not obey him and
cling to the bedpost and hit her teeth. A part of him resented
the insatiable need that Ava had always awakened him. From the first moment I saw
busy London street that something had moved inside. At first he had
considered as a mere sexual attraction, but he was not so sure. The physical desire ended
by shutdown, but the idea that Ava out of his life forever caused him an agonizing knot
She muttered something in his sleep, and Cesare made a supreme effort to get away from the
-Cesare? Her voice, soft and sleepy, stopped on the way to the door.
He had joined and sheets hung down around the waist. Its appetizing curves gleamed
natural light. Her nipples, half hidden by her hair, stood out in breasts that Cesare
longed to return to knead and caress. He swallowed as he felt the instant reaction of your body.
a year that did not have sex and desire was more than urgent, but would succumb to temptation
dangerously tempting fate.
What are you doing up? 'she asked.
-Dejarte Sleep a little expensive .
She slowly leaned back against the pillows. Her red locks spread, revealing the
full beauty of her breasts. In a slow and seductive gesture intended to make him lose his head,
He glanced at the naked body of Cesare and stopped at his erection.
Well I woke up and said in a low, husky voice, licking his lips.
The flames propelled him back to her, but stopped at bedside.
-I Do not want to make -the damage had noticed very tense when making love, a sign that he had
not been
with anyone else. That certainty invaded with a wild and possessive euphoria. If all went
according to
planned, his wife would know better man than he.
'It was not so bad ...
You mean your pain or my performance? I have very delicate ego and need to know ...
She noticed his erection again and smiled mischievously.
'There's nothing delicate about you, dear .
A Cesare felt his heart. It was the first real smile I'd seen Ava in
long time, and it hurt to think he had lost without even realizing their loss. Thoughtlessly
at what he did, he pulled the blanket to lie beside her.
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'On the contrary. I turn as delicate as a child when you look at me like that.
'So what?

As if the center of your world.

Ava stopped smiling.
Were-what, Cesare. For a long time you were. But then decided to get away -the pain
misted his words touched Cesare, who bent to kiss her.
Now I'm here was all he could say. Had no right to offer other security.
Ava's expression said it was not the most appropriate comfort. But there was no other solution.
To the
least not yet. I could only show to what extent desired. He kissed her with a passion
feverish and reveled in the angry response Ava, who slid his thigh between her legs and
Member surrounded by hand. A Cesare he let out a groan from the depths of his being.
He felt that was the limit of his endurance and reached in for another condom.
'Not yet,' she said as she planted a trail of hot kisses on his chest. He pushed for
to lie down on your back and she was placed on his knees. Slightly scratched torso and smiled at
muttered curse.
-Te Fun? she asked him.
Much ... Her eyes sparkled with joy. He bent down and touched her nipple with his tongue.
Cesare laced her fingers in her fiery hair and left the pleasure that filled up
nook and cranny of your body. With every breath, with every inch Ava descended, approached
dangerously close to the edge of sanity. And when she sank her teeth under the navel, he thought
Her heart stopped.
Ava ... -not sure if it was a warning or a plea.
In response, the Member surrounded him with both hands and began to stroke it up and down.
God ... Follow-at that time was definitely a plea.
She obliged him and looked into his eyes as he continued masturbating with a boldness that he
he had witnessed. And when parted her lips and stuck it in his mouth, Cesare discovered what
really meant madness.
Just give was aware of condoms when she asked him. I was so blinded by
feelings that could not see anything, and received with delight when she straddled
him, ready to welcome you in its warm interior.
The wail of Ava was followed by his, and as before soon found their rhythm, unique and
wonderful, that led to the point of no return before he noticed. It was impossible retained
longer, and less when Ava crashed last pelvis against him and succumbed to a
tremendous orgasm.
God ... gasped as he fell on him, making him see stars with spasms while
Cesare waited ... and expected-. My God, Cesare, how much I've missed ...
'I answered you too hard. Ava spasms subsided and he grabbed her
hips to push hard and reclaim his own pleasure. It did not take long. After
latest onslaught and retired, surprising, and kissed her as she melted into him in a
climax clouded by a shadow of remorse.
It took several minutes until they returned to breathe normally. Ava muttered something
unintelligible to his chest and he stroked her hair, convinced that would do what was needed to
find a solution.

Page 61
Ava came into the sunny kitchen and saw the note stuck on the fridge. Upon awakening he had
found an empty bed, an empty apartment and a lot of doubts in the head.
The night before she was determined to find a definitive solution to their marriage, but rather
that he had fallen under the spell of her husband ... again. He grabbed the note and read the short
I went for breakfast. Have a gift on the coffee table. C.
Ava looked sophisticated and complicated coffee before daring to press the button that seemed to
most harmless. He crossed his fingers to not cause a disaster and went to the living room, where
she found a
large and exquisitely wrapped package on the table. He opened it and gasped at her
It was the camera you had dreamed for a long time but had never believed that
I could be yours because of its exorbitant price. He felt a tingling in the fingers to lift it. Era
heavy but comfortable and manageable, and already assembled and ready for use. A cheerful
He curled his lips on.
He went out to the balcony and took a lot of panoramic photos. The dome of St. Peter, the
Campo de '
Fiori, fountains and statues that lined the streets and for which Rome was famous ...
He leaned over the railing and focused the street. People enjoying breakfast on the sun
tables outside cafes. He walked with zoom and prepared to shoot, but stopped
when a familiar figure appeared on the target.
Lowered the camera and watched Cesare, wearing a tight T-shirt and jeans that
conferred a sweeping look. He wore a container with the logo of the trattoria favorite Ava a
newspaper under his arm and mobile glued to his ear. The breeze stirred the hair and more than
woman turned to ogle.
He seemed oblivious to the stares. In fact, seemed strangely absent. Ava looked up again
camera and zoomed in on the man with whom he shared his body last night.
He fired several times, trying to catch every angle as a good professional. But
with every picture he drew was his heart sink.
Cesare suddenly stopped. The paper fell to the ground and watched them put Ava white.
For several minutes he remained with the loss, fixed gaze until the backfiring of a Vespa
what he put in motion and quickly entered the portal, forgetting the newspaper.
With a heavy heart, Ava examined the pictures that had just taken. They did not look to a
man who seems happy and satisfied after having slept with his wife, but someone who seemed
living a nightmare.
The sun went behind a cloud momentarily plunging the terrace in shadow. Ava saw it as
a bad omen.
The night before had returned to risk his heart to sleep with Cesare. You never had
fully recovered from old wounds, and again was exposed to pain and suffering.
He clutched the camera when she heard Cesare key in the lock. He took a deep breath and went
to his

I find. He stopped seeing her.

Thanks for this, 'she said, pointing at the camera.
- Prego briefly She laid eyes on her bare feet. Do not know what I wanted most, if
find you in bed ... or erected to, in that case, succumbing to the temptation to make return to the
love. Although there is not why I do it in the dry pitch and off-the bed of his words sank
Ava into despair.
Not think the first option will enthuse much.
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He gave a harsh laugh as he headed toward the kitchen.
I assure you I have loved, face . I gladly forget you all to any
Then you do not repent for last night?
Cesare abruptly left the container and mobile on the counter and turned to Ava, stopping
a breath away.
Last night I explored your body until the last freckle and recorded in my mind every inch of your
skin. It Should
have sated my appetite, but I still wish in a way that becomes painful. In these
now I'd like nothing more than sit on this hob, sink my mouth between your legs and
make you lose your head with my tongue. Do you think that I regret anything?
Ava did not know how he could feel cold and hot at the same time.
-Do Not.
He stepped back and walked to the coffee.
I'll fix another coffee. This is out cold.
What is it, Cesare? -it was clear that something was wrong and needed to know.
He saw put rigid shoulders while driving the coffeemaker. Only when the family
coffee bubbling in the kitchen rang he turned to her and shook his head, as if not to find the
right words.
Tell me-what dogged her firmly approaching.
He tried to speak but could not articulate words. Speaking mean his damnation.
But that morning, when he left Ava in bed and saw the missed call from Celine, he knew that he
It was over time.
He squeezed her hand and led her to the living room. Made her sit on the couch and started
walking back and
another room, lamenting what he was about to reveal. She watched him frown
pucker, expectant, without suspecting the bomb was about to fall.
-for The love of God, Cesare, whatever it is, tell me once. Please ... -the lips were shaking him.
You're scaring me.
Cesare snorted and sat beside her.
This morning I received a missed call from Celine. I called ten minutes ago.
Ava's eyes were filled with fear.
-and Have the results. Roberto died of Tay-Sachs syndrome.
Never heard of it.
'It's not a common disease. According Celine is very difficult to diagnose until they appear
serious complications. Hardly anyone knows who has it until it is too late.

-Is ...? Is this the Roberto suffered?

'Unfortunately, yes. It's a horrible disease.
She put a hand on his cheek, and he absorbed the touch everything he could, knowing very
soon lost forever, as she knew the whole truth.
I am very sorry, Cesare. For you and Roberto.
Spare me your pity, face . I do not deserve.
Ava's hand trembled slightly.
Why is that?
Because the problem begins and ends with Roberto ... is a genetic defect that is passed
parents to children.
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Ava's face contracted into a grimace of terror. He dropped his hand and was mortally
I could not breathe. Moments earlier hoped they could solve their
differences. The last thing he expected was such a revelation.
Are you saying that ... you and Annabelle you bear that gene? The words seared his throat.
'Yes,' he murmured with rueful expression. Would I have transmitted.
But ... is a perfectly healthy baby girl. Apart from the occasional cold and traumas
earthquake, has not been as sick a day. And you're not sick.
No ... I'm not.
Ava noticed something strange in his tone.
Cesare, am are you hiding something?
My parents carry the gene, so that there is a high probability that I will do the same
that Roberto.
Your parents know?
I'd like to think that we do not deliberately concealed or Robert or me. My mother
He was devastated when he died Roberto, so I do not think they knew. As I said, almost nobody
they have the disease until symptoms appear.
Ava was glad that they had not known, because thanks to their ignorance had given Cesare
and Annabelle. But then a thought struck that froze the blood.
How can affect Annabelle?
It's possible that the gene remains dormant all his life ... or mutate and produce
Ava's throat came a distressing and deep groan. A glacial horror swept the rest of
emotions and did rebel against what he was hearing. His daughter, his beloved daughter had
survived an earthquake, could develop a deadly disease ...
'Your you suspected something? Is that why I hid Roberto disease? How long was
His condition began to deteriorate a year ago, and worsened in the last six months.
Shocked, leaned back.
I -Lo knew and did not tell me?
Cesare reached out to touch her, but she pulled away.
I did not know to what extent his condition was serious. And only wanted to protect ...
Do not you dare say that trying to protect me! You had no right to hide something. What if

Annabelle got sick and I did not know what was wrong? -the fear gripped his heart. By
God, Cesare, what if ...? -it could not form the words. He grabbed her arms and she did not
forces to try to escape.
Do not think so.
-why Not? It's what you've been doing. At least now I understand why you put that face
when you look at Annabelle. Because you expect the worst, right?
I had to be sure. So I delayed my return to Bali. Roberto refused to see me, but for six
weeks he called me ... I was very serious and probably the worst expected. When I discovered
the scope
of his illness, I got in touch with Celine. She tried to convince him to see one
specialist, but Roberto refused. It was as if he had thrown in the towel ... hence the suspicion of
-Oh My God ...
Page 64
I'm sorry, face ...
She squirmed to get loose.
Not you should hide all this, Cesare.
He nodded regretful expression.
I know, but I wanted to save you the pain.
'You had no right to carry that weight yourself. We were thousands of miles away. What
if I had missed something?
Not me nothing happened. And you already had enough problems after the earthquake. I did not
give more
Not corresponded to you to decide.
Cesare twisted his face into a grimace of regret.
I am an expert in worse ... Roberto went to Switzerland to shut out the world through my fault,
and was suffering alone because I did not know how to reach him.
-Do Not. It was isolated from the world because he lost the love of his life and decided to
confront the suffering to an
so She tried to reason with him, but Cesare was not listening.
I keep thinking that if I had not seen Valentina in New York, he would not have provided a
employment and Roberto would have been happy with it ... the family would have wanted.
'You can not control everything, Cesare. Some things happen no more.
-The Earthquake ...
It happened just like that.
Damn it, Ava, our daughter should not be there. You saw that market in Bali ... How I will not
think that life was snatching me so I did to my brother?
-You Can choose to take the blame the rest of your life or convince you that you were not
responsible for what happened to Roberto. Although you were not together, tried to help him and
woman I loved your protection. And regarding Annabelle, life snatched us. The
Yes, and look at what I've sentenced for life. You have to accept that I'm no good for you. Never
I have been and ...

So what? Are you going to leave again?

-Do Not! I can not leave. Annabelle is the most important of my life. My flesh and my blood.
Ava could barely breathe for the lump that had formed in his chest.
And as Annabelle and I are inseparable have to put up with me too, right?
I did not say that ... -she got up and so did his. Where are you going?
'I can not stay here She ran a hand through his hair, unable to quell the terror that stirred you the
'You can not leave! -the He grabbed her arms. We must talk about what will happen now ...
I need some fresh air and think-he grabbed her tightly. Let go.
'Please, Ava. Stay.
-why? he asked weakly, not wanting vain hopes-house. Why do you want
I stay?
Because you're my wife. I swore to protect and thought he was doing the right thing by not
bringing in angustiarte
Ava could barely stand, such was suffering through her.
-Also Swore alia, Cesare. Or have you forgotten?
None of the other votes were as important as protecting your -a strange tone altered his voice,
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Ava heart raced as he tried to read his expression. But his face was a wall
No, I suppose that you could -not were not endure his cold stare longer. It gave the
back and he did not try to stop her.
White linen trousers and a blue tank top was down, her hair was collected and
camera hung around his neck. Upon returning to the room he found Cesare where he had left off,
with a cup of
coffee in hand and face expressionless. Seeing her set the cup and walked toward her, but Ava
'What time will bring your parents to Annabelle?
'After eating, but may be earlier if you want.
-After Eating is fine. I'll be back by then He headed for the door, but
stopped when he walked beside her. What are you doing?
Nor speak. Like I said I need some air.
Sure that there was enough air for both.
I mean alone.
'That's nothing. You are greatly affected by what I just told you, and though I am the last person
you want to have around, you're still my responsibility.
-How? Does your bodyguards are unable to do their job?
'Why delegate a task that I can do better?
'Now want to play at being attentive husband?
I married you. I am responsible for all this, and neither crazy going to leave you now for it
afrontes your own. We'll get through together. Call me selfish if you want, but I think, if I stay
you, you forgive me before. And who knows, if I can save you from the dangers lurking there

out, maybe earn some extra points ...

Ava grabbed the camera. Seeing the distress of Cesare eased some of the pressure of the chest.
Not going to be easy, Cesare. To be honest, do not even know how I feel right now.
Well say no more and let's just walk, okay? He ran to his side and opened the door.
With a sigh of resignation, Ava came out and waited while he called the elevator.
They were walking one hour in silence. They headed west, instead of walking areas
most emblematic and tourist Rome, as Ava wanted to photograph the authentic urban life.
But despite concentrate on the activity he liked after being mother was
extremely sensitive to the presence of Cesare beside her. He knew he was suffering and longing
offer comfort, but his own shock stopped him.
At one point, the sun still high in the sky, Cesare took her to a small shop and
bought a straw hat, sunscreen and a water bottle. Ava gasped when he
took a glob of cream on finger and applied it in the arms and face.
I do not want you to burn answer she said simply as she looked at him questioningly.
Ava decided not to tell him it was too late to catch cream, but was already burned.
But Cesare gestures showed how sorry he was for having concealed the disease and
Robert's death. Actually, except that concealment, all he had done was to
protect her and Annabelle. Yava had to admit that if I had told immediately
after the earthquake, most likely would not have known take the blow.
Cesare circled her shoulders with one arm and nodded one trattoria near the Tiber River.
-We Have skipped breakfast. And I think it's time to protect from the sun.
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Ava not think I could eat a single bite, but nodded reluctantly.
The owner greeted with a smile by recognizing Cesare and settled into a secluded corner and
cool. Cesare asked cornetti , fruit, coffee and Parma ham.
No ... she began quietly when they were alone. I have not forgotten you too you
suffered a lot with this. Sorry.
Does that mean you forgive me?
-Above all, I want to know everything about this syndrome. And I mean "everything", however
-I Do not want you to worry ...
No, Cesare. I want to know everything!
-Celine Sent me a report. I'll send it to your email.
-We Also have to tell Annabelle ...
-Do Not. He is too young to understand.
All right, but we will tell you as soon as she is old enough.
'Of course smiled mockingly to see the surprised expression of Ava. You see? Am
learning from my mistakes ... And that brings me to take another topic.
'What issue?
Isn't recently agreed that there was an "us"?
I think we should reconsider that stance, in light of recent events.
-Recent Events ... You mean sex? Do you think that changes anything?
-do You do not believe?

A pang transferred to Ava.

'You said it yourself, Cesare ... Sex has always been great between us, but it is not
the basis of a solid relationship, let alone marriage. I need more.
Cesare turned pale. He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything the waiter arrived
dishes and chatted animatedly. When he realized he did not pay attention again
leave them alone.
What if I can not give you any more? Cesare asked.
I'll do my best to Annabelle's okay. We can organize ourselves to always have
one of us with it. But what concerns us, and unless something changes apart from
sex, see no reason to keep us married. Have you?
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Chapter 11
We can go for Annabelle, please? 'I asked Ava when they returned to the limousine.
He pursed his lips, but he nodded and took the phone to make a call, probably to their
-The Led the zoo. We can pick it up there after our things go for the apartment.
Not ever want to ...
Easy, I will not force you to have this conversation. But at some point we have to
I speak it.
-El What to talk about? I will not resign myself to a system based solely on sex marriage.
Invited last night-what to think something different .... Are you sure no other reason?
A Ava cost him a few seconds to understand what I meant.
Do you think I refuse to grant our marriage a chance ... a marriage you
not want ... just for having discovered that slides a defective gene? You're amazing, Cesare.
He had the decency to blush.
'So for you remains a priority the need to have a family?
-Yup. I want a family and you can not ofrecrmela. You can only hope secrets, remoteness and
occasional wild sex session, and I want to feel needed and loved. But you do not even
trust in regard to sex. Last night, in bed ... you turned away before ... The first time I thought
I have imagined it, but then came back to. It does not take a genius to figure out that you
the possibility horrified me pregnant.
'Why are you surprised? Annabelle you got pregnant despite being taking
pill and use condoms.
'Do not you understand? Again you who decides, without asking me how I feel.
And if we talked last night as you wanted, if he had put all the cards on the
table ... would you have slept with me?
'That will never know, since you did not.
-for All the saints, really you are condemning our marriage just for not ejaculate
inside you?
How can you be so despicable? I am condemning our marriage because you never you
trusted me enough to tell me what really matters!
-Te've Told you everything!
'And that how I know? Not even told me that Robert had died. I had to get you the truth
by force. Your Machismo may be exciting for a while, but ultimately just tired.

Especially when I'm not a fragile and defenseless woman who is afraid of his own shadow.
Admit it,
Cesare. You keep trying to protect at all costs. And that hurts.
He felt a slight relief that they had arrived at the apartment, but when he received a message to
Mobile raged even more.
-Damn! For God's sake, tell Agata Marinello you're not going to go to the wedding of his son
before the mate!
He pulled his phone from his pocket and punched a brief message in silence.
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Just then the phone Ava received another message. The content left her speechless.
Are you going to go to the wedding?
He looked at her with a triumphant and determined expression.
So is. I'm afraid you're not rid of me that easily ... bella mia moglie .
An hour later they picked up Annabelle, Ava and while listening to the cheerful chatter of the
about the animals he had seen in the zoo, Cesare turned away to talk to their parents. Ava
He pitied them to see their faces.
-How Is your parents? he asked when they were in the car.
Not knew nothing, and will need time to assimilate. I've done everything to ensure the
Specialist talk to them, and I will do it in a few days.
They reached the lake in the evening. Annabelle took a quick dip in the pool with Cesare and
put her down for her nap of rigor, Ava was the wedding preparations. He selected three of its
best cameras and decided to add Cesare had given him.
Al grab could not help looking at the pictures he had taken from Cesare that morning, and chest
I was contracted to guess the deep distress and suffering that hid his face. A torrent of
Tears flowed into his eyes, impossible to contain.
Not now, Cesare. I need more time to overcome this.
You're crying ...
And I suppose you're going to order me to stop doing it, right?
I learned a lot that I can not order anything, makes face . But I wish you'd tell me why
cry and that together we can overcome He sat beside her and took the camera to see the photos.
You are suffering for me and for us. I would love to alleviate that suffering, but I
learned that this is your pain and you'll get over it for yourself.
Stop teasing me with the promise of man that I thought I married. I can
stand it.
He smiled sadly.
Overcome-what, face .
I do not know how.
'The day you got signed a truce, remember? Although we do not have in recent days
respected at all ...
'I propose that we return to the truce, at least until after the wedding of Marinello. Us
we go from here and spend a few days in Tuscany, right?

Ava welcomed the prospect of being able to take a break and not have to make a decision
Instant about her marriage, but she knew it was only a temporary measure.
- Bene . I told Lucia to serve us dinner early. He is preparing your favorite dish ...
fettucine ai funghi . And I hope this time eat something.
Aava her stomach growled. Cesare released her, laughing, and went to wake Annabelle. Ava
with an eye to lose sight of his broad shoulders and imposing figure, aware of what is
stood to lose if he decided to break up with him.
The confusion came over her, along with an undeniable and painful certainty had never stopped
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Cesare love. On the contrary; flare that caught the man who hid behind his tight and
icy facade, a man who had done his best to help his brother made him love him
He stood up and grabbed his oldest camera, a gift that made her mother shortly before his death.
Cesare camera worth thousands of euros, but that was priceless. Every time I wore it felt
closer to her mother, who had encouraged her to become a photographer against the opinion of
father. It was always his guide, his ally and protector, until cancer took her and Ava stayed
with a father and brothers who just were aware of its existence.
For a long time this chamber was his only companion ... until he met Cesare.
Would you be able to let him go? Or continue fighting after his dream, knowing that so
just get him away more?
Marinello wedding took place in another impressive palazzo on the shores of Lake Como,
following the
wedding ceremony at the Cathedral of Amalfi.
Cesare did not take his eyes off his wife. If it was not for the camera wearing around his
neck, could easily pass for the bride. His dazzling cream silk dress left
bare arms and back and clung to her perfect ass. It was a real hottie who
left gawking at all attendees and Cesare made him burn with desire.
It was also a talented professional. The photographs of the couple outlined in
a giant screen ballroom, and Cesare was proud that the guests rid
praise for photos in black and white and sepia. And regarding Agata Marinello, although
she had got riled up Ava on more than one occasion, his dealings with her was so exquisite that
Cesare had trouble believing it. He doubted that he had been so kind to the woman as
enervating and demanding.
Ava focused with the camera and took another picture of the happy couple. He briefly reviewed
the photo and the
look up their eyes met. He made a feeble attempt to smile, but his anguish was
They had agreed to talk after the wedding, but Cesare had the uneasy feeling that
time was running out. Even should make a toast, as required by Agata just outside the
church and greet several known before they can retire.
He looked at Ava. She was squatting photographing Annabelle and her new friend, who

posed for her. On that occasion really smiled, and Cesare had to smile too.
But a second later again be invaded by a strange and pressing need nothing
had to do with sex. If you did not do something sooner, he would lose his wife.
He got up and tapped on the glass of champagne with a silver spoon. It was still early
to release his speech, but what the hell, he had more important things to do. Once captured the
everyone's attention, racked his brain to find the right words and managed a
reasonably consistent for the bride and groom toast.
He fulfilled his duty, left the table of VIPs and went straight to his wife.
I think the first dance is mine -the grabbed her waist when the string quartet began to
-Cesare, I'm working!
And I am the guest of honor. If I choose to dance with wedding photographer, I have a right to.
He wrapped his arms and felt a deep satisfaction when she pressed against him.
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Intoxicated by their particular fragrance, touched her earlobe with his lips.
I'm dying for this to end once.
-even Have an hour at least. And then there is the feast ...
Cesare scowled and muttered a few words of disgust that made laugh Ava.
-and I have almost all the photos I need. Only I have left out a few of the Bride
when her evening gown sets. Agata has insisted he wants to be she who photographed the
boyfriends leaving for their honeymoon, so I have to stay until the end.
'I know we have to wait until after the wedding to speak, but ... I can not be with you
It's driving me crazy. I miss you terribly in my bed.
She parted her lips with a faint moan and swayed slightly as he felt the bodily reaction
Cesare, which he used as an excuse to bring it closer and see how they put red.
I thought ... we would leave everything on hold until we left Tuscany, including sex.
-A Small annex in our agreement that I think eliminated as they get out of here.
Ava expression caused him the same concern I had felt before.
'And the sex would be accompanied by some kind of compromise?
'What commitment do you mean?
Will ya really make love or ... you do what you did in Rome?
A tremor shook Cesare.
-De Really means so much to you?
Ava's face lit up as if they had lit thousands of candles, but held his gaze
What if you say yes? What if I told you when we were married ...?
-the -even We married he interrupted. He took her hand and kissed her left finger where
should be the ring.
'What I mean is ... what if I told you that is important to me because at that time,
when you lost control in my arms, was when I felt closer to you, and when I
snatched felt that I had lost completely? Would you change your mind if I told you?
Cesare froze when she pulled away had not the strength to stop it.
Supposed-what murmured, and hurried away, leaving the dance floor.
Cesare had no more chance to talk to her until Ava took the last photo and the time came
leaving. Annabelle kept talking in the car on his new friends, so Cesare

I was forced to wait until they got home and her daughter fell asleep.
Ava took her to the bed and he stood at the foot of the stairs. The lump in the stomach,
nagged to go after them and embrace them never to lose anymore, but stifled the impulse and
He went to his study. He had to carry out the decision she had made that morning. Was the
only way to ensure the safety of your family.
Ten minutes later the phone snorted impatiently.
'I've given all relevant data ... Yes, and I have taken many turns. Can you take care of
it right away or not?
The protests came across the line so angered even more. He got up and approached
the window with the phone to his ear.
No, I do not need to see me any shrink. I know what I want and I trust you to take
out ... No, my decision is final ... I do not want any more children.
The muffled groan sounded behind him was the scariest sound I had ever heard.
And before turning and seeing a deathly pale Ava at the door, he knew he had lost.
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Chapter 12
Ava was invaded by uncontrollable spasms. Unable to breathe, lack of oxygen made
that her head would spin wildly. He closed his eyes, trying to contain the relentless wave of
despair that threatened to drown her.
He could not move nor when he heard someone enter the room. For several minutes, Cesare
he remained silent behind her, breathing hard. He put his hands on her shoulders and
He held her tightly as she tried to escape.
Ava, listen.
No ... said in a small voice. He held her for a moment before releasing it, and she felt
away. I was too stunned to look up.
Seconds later returned and handed him a glass to his lips.
Drink this.
She sniffed the cognac and grabbed the glass.
-for Tempting as it is, get drunk will not solve our problem, Cesare.
No, but it can help He sat beside her. And you will calm enough to let me
What's to explain? It's all very clear and ... she paused when receiving a message on the phone,
did not dare to look for fear of collapse.
You've come to mourn ...
'Why are you surprised?
Because although we have always taken out of our boxes, only I've seen mourn in a
occasion. Your natural tendency is showing claws and want to gouge my eyes.
Maybe that age is softening issued another me-his phone ringing.
Come on, Ava. What happens?
Why should tell you if you do not do the same? -the phone rang a third time.
Who is calling?
I feel as if my life is falling apart murmured, more to herself than to him.
It was as if the avalanche of suffering that had been running would have gone through
encima-. Every time I take the reins, something beyond my control and I lose.

'You're not missing anything. I'm still here.

No, it's not true. You like to think you're changing, but you're still the same ...
I'm here, Ava, and I will not go anywhere. Now tell me what's going on.
She shook her head and finally looked at the phone.
-The Messages are Nathan. I called five minutes ago to tell me that my father is
ill and asked for me.
Cesare looked at Ava head down and felt something was wrong. It took him a moment to realize
of what it was. His energetic woman sat before him, pale and bent, while reading the
mobile messages. His strength and passion seemed to have become extinct, and that was what I
dreaded to
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He put the glass and crouched before her.
What says Nathan? How serious about your father?
She pressed her lips a moment before speaking.
'The doctors say they are the lungs ... began with acute bronchitis, but has worsened
with pneumonia. The two packages that you smoke a day have not helped much ... do not know
if it will
Cesare stroked her arms. She did not attempt to remove him, which was worrying.
Give me all the details. I'll find the best doctors and ...
-Do Not. I will not do what you want, Cesare. Not this time.
Alarm bells rang in his head.
What do you mean? We are in this together. Just trying to help ...
She finally looked up, and saw Cesare cold resignation in his eyes stopped
-no Thanks. I asked Nathan to find me a flight. A taxi will come to pick me up inside
fifteen minutes.
Cesare leaned back, shaken by the impact, but quickly composed herself.
-Cancela The taxi. You are exhausted from the wedding. We go to bed early and tomorrow in my
plane ...
She pulled away and stood up.
You still do not listen, Cesare. I have come down to discuss what happened between us, but also
to tell you I'm sorry I loaded my desire to start a family. This is what more I
always desired, but it is not fair that you make yourself responsible for my desires. He hoped that
we could find a compromise to be together; Unfortunately, there is no hope for us.
Yes there is ...
Do you know why I've always wanted to have a family?
Because you lost your mother when you were very small.
Not just for that. My father had never paid much attention to me, but after the death of
my mother was as if I had ceased to exist for him. Do you know what it feels like to be invisible
when nothing you say or you do care less?
Ava, please listen to me ...
No, I have finished with the men who seek to control everything.

He had regained their fire, which was a relief. But the distance between them widened to each
'I was not trying to control you ...
-Claro Yes! You decided that Annabelle and I would be better off without you and why you
turned away from
us. You decided that I was not strong enough or mature enough to know that Roberto was
sick or had died. And now ... it -aspir deeply, unable to continue.
Desperate, Cesare tried to hug her. But she would not let him.
'You have not heard the whole story. Let me explain.
I'm exhausted, Cesare. My father is not easy to deal with when well, and I doubt there
changed their way of being, which means that my visit will not be exactly easy. I do not want
wasting the little strength left me arguing with you.
He ran his hand through his hair, invaded by the anxiety, fear and doubt. If he let Ava
left, might not see her again.
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At least let Annabelle in their care. That must mean something.
-Cancela The taxi. Get some rest before making the trip. Paolo take you to the airport tomorrow
have the jet at your disposal. Sorry, but I must insist. I will not allow travel in this state.
The soul fell to the feet when she just shrugged and looked away.
He awoke with a start on the couch and quickly rose. The room was in
penumbra. Someone surely Lucia, had drawn the curtains and was leaving lit a couple
lamps. He knew it was late without watching the clock.
I did not know what had awakened, but a feeling in my stomach did out
ran from the room.
How arrogant was to believe he could earn the forgiveness of Ava just to say that he had
tried to protect her.
He took the stairs three at a time. He knocked, but received no reply and went. The
room was empty. With a heavy heart he came down the stairs, calling Lucia
screams. He almost bumped into her at the kitchen door.
-where Is it? he roared.
-La Signora Di Goia? He went with the taxi an hour ago.
A shadow fell over him.
What did he say exactly?
Nothing. He went to Annabelle and then came down with a travel bag.
Cesare tried to calm down and think rationally, but an inner voice stopped him.
He returned to his study and dropped into the chair, his hands on his head. The temptation to call
It proved too strong and grabbed the phone, but replied voicemail. He returned to
try after a minute, with the same result. After half dozen attempts, left a
Two hours later he tried again. And when the recorded voice of Ava invited him to leave a
said all he could think.
A cold and rainy weather Ava received in England, despite being in early August. Era
very late, after midnight, when he stopped the rented car in front of a semi-detached house at
outskirts of Southampton. The light coming out of it was Nathan's bedroom inspired some

His brother's eyes lit up at the sight.
Ava ... -the've come wrapped in a strong and unexpected hug.
-Creas Would not come? 'she asked, surprised by the gesture.
I was not sure. You told me you'd think not answer my calls.
Are you awake? I have to talk to him-before losing the little value that had accompanied
Upstairs there came a prolonged dry cough, followed by an agonized breath.
'He's going very badly Nathan said. Especially at night.
The phone rang, and Ava was curious to know who was calling at this hour.
It's your husband. It takes two hours calling every ten minutes. Should I respond?
She nodded and waited for Nathan answered the phone and would happen.
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Hello, Cesare.
Ava, are you okay? He sounded worried, but his tone was so firm and serene as ever and relieved
a little Ava distress.
- Grazie a Dio -the mixture of relief and pain in his voice's heart sank to Ava. Me
glad you're okay, but if you ever disappear like this, I swear I will not do
responsible for my actions.
I had to do, Cesare.
But ... He paused and breathed deeply. I understand why you need to do this. A It happened to
the same with Roberto, although he did not want me. I tried to convince me that your rejection
does not
I cared, but ... yeah that mattered.
But you'll never gave up and left to fight for your family.
It's true, I did not. And I will never stop doing it. I will never stop fighting for us, Ava. Have you
already seen your father?
'Not yet. I just arrived.
Before you see it, I want you to know that no matter what I did, I'll be here. Annabelle and I
we will be your family from now on. You never feel unseen or neglected. And not have to
settle for less than you deserve.
Are you ...? You know what you're saying, Cesare? Because if it's just to protect me ...
-Protegerte Of pain and rejection is something I always do, and yes, I realize I made
much damage. But there is more treasure sighed impatiently. I do not wanna talk about this for
phone, Ava. I want to see. Are you going back?
'Do you want me back, Cesare?
A snort of disbelief rang across the line.
'Of course I want. You're my wife and the mother of my daughter. It'd be with you right now if
you wanted to do this by yourself. See? I'm learning.
Her heart bolted by the vehemence and longing that conveyed his words, and seed
Hope welled in her chest.
You'll have to do more to overcome this, Cesare.

-I Know. But ... do not lose faith in us ... per favore ...
I could hardly breathe for the lump oppressed his chest.
I ... I ...
Do not say anything yet. Have you heard my messages?
-not-Still had not had time to turn on the phone.
-it's Okay. I sent the plane to get you. Will be waiting when you're ready to return.
She hung with a smile, but the smile faded from his lips to feel the weight of what he had to
I'm going up he said to Nathan, waiting at the kitchen door.
Upon entering the room of his father found him lying on the pillows, his face
drenched in sweat despite the cold nights. His eyes were closed, but Ava knew he was
awake because oxygen holding a mask over the nose and mouth.
Hi, Dad.
He slowly opened his eyes, and for a moment burned in them a glimpse of the severe figure and
feared he had been.
Caroline ... she said with very weak to take off the mask voice. He tried to lift the other hand
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bed, but he failed. Ava went to him and grabbed his hand with a lump in the throat.
The ogre who had terrified girl was but a shadow confused with Ava
late wife.
Do not try to talk, Dad. Quiet.
Her eyes filled with tears, and pain that had accompanied her throughout her life began to
fade. What your father did not matter. Hope sprang back into its
He bent to kiss his father's wrinkled cheek.
I love you, Dad. I have come for you. Now sleep.
His father let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes.
Ava went to the kitchen, turned on the phone and saw twenty missed calls from Cesare.
I Everything okay? Nathan asked, entering with a cup of tea.
-Yup. Dad was asleep.
I mean your husband and you.
Startled, she looked up and saw the awkward expression of Nathan.
I know that none of us had you in mind when you were little, and I guess that's why not us
invited to your wedding.
Not thought you wished to come.
'I've missed you, and I think Cameron and Matthew looked away, embarrassed.
We found it easier to follow the example of Dad. I know it's no excuse, but ... sorry, Ava.
She put a hand over hers.
'It's all, Nathan -he looked skeptically. I'm serious. I made peace with my
past and dad. Someday try to resume contact with Cameron and Matthew. I would like
Annabelle knew his grandfather and uncles.
Nathan nodded and touched his shoulder on the way to the door.
I'm glad you came murmured. Good night.
Ava went to bed. After undress and get into bed of her childhood, she felt comforted

by familiar objects around her. He opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out the only picture I
preserved his mother when his father erased all trace of her after her death.
Caroline Hunter had the same red hair Ava, and, despite its delicate appearance, his eyes burning
with the same force that throbbed inside Ava.
He had failed to beat cancer, but while he was alive fiercely protected his daughter, Ava
knew he would do anything, anything, to protect her from any threat.
And it was not just that what Cesare had tried to make his way? Maybe she was not
I agree with forms, but could actually convict him of trying to protect? What would have made
her if their roles were reversed?
She gasped at dusk when I knew what to do. The next morning he started the
mobile, ignored the countless messages that arrived and called Celine, who reluctantly agreed to
give the number of a doctor renowned Harley Street. He was given an appointment for the next
day and spent
the rest of the day with his father, who seemed to be better and even recognized her daughter.
his continuous coughing, tried to explain why he had treated so badly. Her mother had
ill have nothing Ava, and he was blamed for losing his wife.
Ava left feeling much more animated as he had arrived.
Cesare might not love her, but he cared for her and wanted to return. It hurt to think that
probably never come to love her as much as she loved him, but felt what he felt for her ... it
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It took two hours to get to London and throughout the consultation said he was doing
Cesare cursed the congested traffic in Regent Street, but instead of repeatedly touching
Horn used a furious tirade of expletives while the heart was threatening to pop out of
Still could not believe what had Ava ...
He was on his way to the airport when Celine called panic. The blood froze in
veins to learn what his giddy woman was planning.
Ten minutes later he was entering as a flash in the clinic.
By advertising, the clerk opened his eyes wide.
'What room is my wife? he asked angrily, and ran in the direction the
frightened woman told him with a trembling finger. Never in his life had he felt such fear, and
and again prayed that it was not too late.
He found Ava sitting on the bed, with her lovely red hair tucked under a hideous hat
surgical. She was very pale, but looked more radiant smile that Cesare had never seen him
while pressing the button on his mobile.
I was so engrossed with the phone that he was unaware of the presence of Cesare, whose voice
resounded in the room.
- "Ava, I know I've hurt you in the worst way possible. But, although I am only a mere mortal,
I love you more than time allows me show you, and if you allow me, I promise I'll pass

the rest of my life trying to make up for my mistakes and giving the family you never had. And
I am also willing to let you go, if that's what you want. But please, let me know that
You're right, amore mio . I beg you. "
-I Can repeat it in person, if you prefer.
She lifted her head and stared at him for his incredible green eyes. Her smile came to
heart and left him breathless.
Cesare, what are you doing here?
God, I loved that woman ... I loved her with an intensity that shook the foundations of their
world every time I looked,
I'm the one who should ask that question, do not you think? How could you possibly do this?
She rolled her eyes, but still smiling.
I knew it was only a matter of time that everything revolved around you ... He held out his hand
and he swallowed
hard as she thanked Heaven.
He went to bed with trembling legs and grabbed the hand of Ava. He sighed with relief when
its heat and brought it to his mouth.
Tell me you have not done ...
-not Yet.
Never! She tried to hold back the emotions that shook him inside, but it was impossible. By
God's love, Ava, why do you want to?
'For the same reason I took you to find a way to be together. What were you going to
tell me last week, in Rome, before he called Celine?
I was going to tell you not accept divorce. He had no immediate solution, but was willing to
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do whatever it took to have you with me you and Annabelle.
And why were willing to give me what I wanted-he nodded. Well, I too am
willing to do whatever it takes. Equality before everything.
But it's not your problem, face . Other diseases, what happened to Robert and Valentina me
did suppress my true desires. You and Annabelle are the most precious thing I have and I point
State lose you to the two He had to stop for breath. I have accepted that I could not help
Roberto when he was suffering, and it is something you have to live.
-Be where it is, it sure is in peace, 'she said.
And someday it'll be too. But not at the expense of my family. And of course I will not allow
that you upload this weight on your shoulders.
Ava felt a pang of remorse.
-I Am not blameless. You were right to tell me you had endorsed my desire
raise a family. After my mother died, the only thing that kept me going was the dream of having
a perfect family. It was like one of those lonely women sitting in a cafe to see
passing couples and writing the names of their husbands and imaginary children on a napkin. But
then you came and instead of stopping to think about what you wanted, I concentrated entirely
make my dream come true. And do not get what I wanted, I began to despise-what he stared at
eyes, baring his heart and soul. Sorry.

Cesare held her tightly and kissed her until they were both breathless.
'I forgive if you grant me life so that you compensate you and Annabelle for all time
I lost with you.
-Una Life?
Yes, and is not negotiable -recorri the room with his eyes. Neither is this madness.
But you since you've sacrificed enough for this family ...
How, up leaving and leaving you alone you will occupy our daughter? What kind of sacrifice
is that?
I was so obsessed with finding the perfect family did not want to see you too
were fighting with your inner demons. I wanted you perfect for me ... But when I heard you say
phone did not want any more children ... were willing to deny the possibility of re
single parent to be with us. Is not it a huge sacrifice?
I thought before you speak. He was not prepared to lose. Despite what I said in that
message, I'm not nor ever will be. But I can not risk my son inherits other
Well then let me do this. For us. It is time that aligeres your burden.
-no Way. You will not get a tubal ligation, and do not want to hear about the
Cesare ...
'I've said no and no more to say!
-Do You Know? I think you can not yell at a patient.
Cesare did not know whether to kiss or shake her. He was content to take the horrible plastic cap
stroke her hair.
When Celine called to tell me what they were going to do, I called the doctor and modified
slightly the procedure. No, do not look well. This should be discussed as a couple
Normal. And then we'll do things my way.
You're going to get a vasectomy was a question-not because he saw the decision in his eyes.
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My dear wife, is something that I had decided long ago.
I'll think about if you repeat the message you left me on the phone.
Which of them?
-in Which you say what you feel about me.
-In All I say what I feel for you. Each and every one of them just the same way,
telling you how much I love you.
Ava gasped, and he could not resist kissing her.
'Please ... tell me again she begged to open his mouth.
His plea Cesare so moved that she almost burst into mourn.
I love you, Ava. And I will spend the rest of my demostrndotelo days.
I love you too ... So much that my heart will burst.
Cesare looked at her with absolute adoration, took her face in his hands and pushed gently
tears streaming down her cheeks.
Do not cry, amore ... I can not stand to see you mourn.
Well have to get used, because I think mourn very often.
But be only happy tears, right?

Perhaps. I can not promise anything ... Maybe I start screaming with happiness.
Whatever you do, I'll be by your side ... loving.
Ava's heart bolted so that doctors think she was suffering
infarct. Cesare kissed her and continued to do so until the nurse knocked on the door. The
indecent scene he encountered made her hesitate before daring to interrupt.
-The Doctor's waiting, Mr. Di Goia. If you please join me ...
Ava grabbed his arm when Cesare was preparing to leave.
'Sorry, change of plans. We left the two.
Cesare looked at her with a frown.
Ava ...
If I do not submit myself to the intervention, neither do you. Find another way. Together. What
I agree?
Cesare's eyes shone with love and determination.
Page 79
Are you okay? Cesare whispered in her ear as seen approaching the vehicle into the path of
-Do Not.
A deep male laughter stroked his earlobe.
Why can not you be like other women and say, "Yes, I'm fine, thanks"?
She smiled and turned to him.
'And what would that funny?
For starters, I causaras less dislikes' I grabbed his fingers and kissed her emerald ring
I had come to put the day went to get to London.
She put her hand over her heart and rejoiced with her muffled groan.
'I understand, when he was about to withdraw her hand, he covered it with his and looked over
his head toward the approaching vehicle.
You think they like us? she asked with a hint of anxiety in his voice.
Ava was amazed at the change that had unflappable strongman
with which it had renewed their vows six months earlier. Cesare had not lost any of his
security, but had become more open and natural when it comes to expressing their feelings, and
Ava made love him more than I would have never thought possible.
They had agreed that vasectomy was done, because Cesare so terrified of transmitting
Tay-Sachs disease to offspring possible, but only after Ava insisted on the
gene therapy and to deposit his seed in a sperm bank. It had also raised the
possibility of a reversible vasectomy.
So, whatever happened, there was hope to move forward.
Although, for the moment, had had his differences with the decision they had made
Cesare, children have six months. The probability that you fall in love at first sight is
very, very high, I assure you.
The vehicle stopped and Cesare stepped forward to greet the two women descended. The two
They melted when they saw her smile.

Even the nuns were immune to the charm of her husband, she thought as he lowered Ava
stairs to greet the two nuns who ran the orphanage Amalfi. After presentations
rigor, dared to take a look at the seats of the rear seat.
There his son and daughter sleeping peacefully under blankets were. They had been granted
adoption two weeks before, and bolted her heart with joy when Sister Rosa drew the
first chair.
'This is Maria. Naps are holy, so be very careful.
Sister Chiara smiled and handed the second seat to Cesare.
And this is Antonio.
A Cesare's eyes filled with tears, and Ava knew he was remembering Roberto.
It's the quieter of the two, but has a very strong personality he warned Sister
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Cesare stared silently at his son and gently stroked her cheek.
It will be a very handsome man, like his uncle.
-Do Not. Like his father Ava 'I muttered.
He smiled at her with such love that Ava turned over the heart.
The nuns left an hour later and Ava and Cesare exchanged a glance
Three children ... Have we gone mad? he asked.
Possibly she replied, laughing. What if we teach your room?
He nodded and each grabbed a chair, but when they were halfway down the hall a cry of joy
their backs turned toward Annabelle did, running toward them like a shot.
-Ya Have arrived!
Cesare introduced him to his brothers, and Annabelle looked at her mother with hopeful
Can I teach my room, Mom? I promise I will share all my toys with them.
Can I, I can, I can?
'I think a great idea, honey. Surely be delighted.
Annabelle screamed in joy. Above his head, Ava's gaze met that of
Cesare, whose smile took her breath.
He whispered 'I love you.
And I you, dear .
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If you enjoyed this book, you will adore this gripping story that will grab you from the
first to the last page.
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