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A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D.


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A Well Regulated Militia General Discussion UPN: United Patriot Network National
I.D. Watch

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Topic: National I.D. Watch

posted 01-30-2007 06:02 PM

Real ID = National ID Card = SLAVERY for ALL

Member # 7

Adolf Hitler would be so proud. Shortly after taking control of the German government he
used the Reichstag fire as an excuse to pass the Enabling Act which granted him
extraordinary powers to "defend the nation against terrorism". One of the first things he did
was to create the Gestapo (State Police), required all citizens to have government issued
"identity papers" and required all citizens to register their weapons. Later, of course, he began
tatooing his own soldiers and then the "undesireables" like the Jews, dissidents, POW's etc.
The rest is history
On Tuesday, May 10th, 2005, the US Senate voted on the implementation of a national ID
card system without ever debating the issue. The Real ID Act is nothing less than a Real
National ID Act. The only thing left to the individual states is which pretty picture they will
choose to put on the card: everything else will be controlled by Washington DC bureaucrats.
What does this mean for America?
1. Dead Cops.
The Real ID Act requires that you give your permanent home address: no PO boxes; no
exceptions. What about judges, police, and undercover cops? Oops!!! Hey Senators, let's
endanger our police and judges!!!
2. Stolen Identities.
Our new IDs will have to make their data available through a "common machine-readable
technology". That will make it easy for anybody in private industry to snap up the data on
these IDs. Bars swiping licenses to collect personal data on customers will be just the tip of
the iceberg as every convenience store learns to grab that data and sell it to Big Data for a
nickel. It won't matter whether the states and federal government protect the data - it will be
harvested by the private sector, which will keep it in a parallel database not subject even to
the limited privacy rules in effect for the government.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

3. Government Spying.
Real ID requires the states to link their databases together for the mutual sharing of data
from these IDs. This is, in effect, a single seamless national database, available to all the
states and to the federal government.
4. Papers, Please.
With Real ID, our nation will join the ranks of the old Soviet Union, Communist China, and
Vietnam by issuing its citizens a national ID card. The Machine Readable Zone may come in
the form of a 2-dimensional bar code - but the Department of Homeland Security, which will
be crafting the regulations implementing Real ID, has made clear that it would prefer to see a
remotely readable RFID chip. That would make private-sector access and systematic tracking
even more easy and likely.
This national ID card will make observation of citizens easy but won't do much about
terrorism. The fact is, identity-based security is not an effective way to stop terrorism. ID
documents do not reveal anything about evil intent - and even if they did, determined
terrorists will always be able to obtain fraudulent documents
5. Unsafe Roads.
Once upon a time, a driver's license was a license to drive a motor vehicle. Turning driver's
licenses into national identity cards will actually make our roads more dangerous: by barring
illegal immigrants from getting a driver's license, Real ID means more illegal immigrants will
now drive without any training or certification. Your insurance company is certain to be
What's wrong with the Senate?
The Real ID Act has never been debated on the US Senate floor. They've never talked about it
in any committee. Heck, most of them haven't even read it!
In order to make a single irresponsible Congressman, Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, with
totalitarian leanings happy, the Senate leadership let him write the bill and then slipped it into
a another bill, one that would keep our fighting men and women taken care of in Iraq and
Afghanistan. Supporting our troops means making sure they come home to a free nation, not
a surveillance state.
The federal law in question is the Real ID Act that was attached to a military spending and
tsunami relief bill in 2005. Because most politicians are cowards, the measure flew through
the U.S. Senate by a 100-0 vote and made its way through the House 368 votes to 58.
Unless states issue new, electronically readable ID cards that adhere to federal standards, the
law says, Americans will need a passport to do everyday things like travel on an airplane,
open a bank account, sign up for Social Security or enter a federal building.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is currently devising regulations for these
federalized ID cards. One possibility is that the "electronically readable" requirement will be
satisfied by embedding a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip. (They'll already be
appearing in U.S. passports starting in October.)
The National Governors Association, hardly a bunch of libertarians, has called the Real ID Act
"unworkable and counterproductive." The National Conference of State Legislatures wrote to
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff in October, asking him to defer to states'
No doubt much of the political outcry is over money and would evaporate if the Feds wrote
checks to cover the cost of upgrading state computer systems. (The governors' press release
baldly admits they're "asking Congress to fund the changes required" by the Real ID Act. One;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

taxpayer watchdog group puts the cost at $90 per Real ID card.)
That would be a shame. Privacy and autonomy are even better reasons to be skeptical of this
There are no rules governing what data that private companies (hotels, retailers, employers)
will be able to extract from the Real ID when it's swiped or placed next to an RFID reader.
Will information like a home address and Social Security number be disclosed? Will a federal
database be alerted whenever the card is swiped or read? And can an RFID'ed license be read
from 20 or 30 feet away?
"Having a national ID would promote a surveillance society that we should all dread," Jim
Harper, the director of information policy studies at the free-market Cato Institute, told the
state Senate committee last week.
The sad thing is that the U.S. Constitution was written to prohibit the federal government
from taking such drastic steps. The long-forgotten Tenth Amendment says that powers not
explicitly delegated to the Feds "are reserved to the states" or to the people.
It will cost billions, it will hassle every ordinary person (youll have to produce original birth
certificates and such to the DMV again and any paper thats out of order will mean endless
harassment), and the basic premise is wrong in two ways. One, the federal government cant
tell us citizens that were not permitted to travel, or go to court, without its permission; those
are RIGHTS, not privileges. Second, the federal government doesnt have the authority to
demand that the states revise their IDs; thats a state power. The reason the federal
government doesnt have either of these powers is to guard against totalitarian rule from
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a
mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save
he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name...and his
number is Six hundred & sixty-six. (Rev.13:15-18)
Rev.14:9: And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man
worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his
hand,10: The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out
without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire
and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no
rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the
mark of his name.

[ 01-30-2007, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: ConSigCor ]

Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |


posted 01-30-2007 06:07 PM;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch


National ID Card Scheme To Be Run By Big Data

Member # 7

WASHINGTON, DC (11 January 2007). The Department of Homeland Security plans to

outsource REAL ID implementation to third-party data aggregators, according to official DHS
The Department of Homeland Security has finished their proposed regulations for
implementing the Real ID Act and has sent them to the Office of Management and Budget
for approval. The publication of DHS's REAL ID regulations will follow shortly. The compliance
guidelines are almost one year overdue.
According to a still-secret several hundred-page dossier sent last week by DHS to the Office
of Management and Budget, DHS considered three ways to implement the REAL ID Act:
* Plan A: Order the individual states to find a way of communicating data to one another.
This idea was given short shrift by DHS, who dismissed it out of hand.
* Plan B: Have DHS build a centralized database for the states to query before issuing REAL
ID-compliant drivers licenses. This idea was also rejected.
* Plan C: Have a private data aggregator act as the central database. This is the plan
advocated by DHS. The plan calls for the outsourcing of all drivers license and ID card
checks to a private corporation, who would then charge the states for each check performed.
DHS head Michael Chertoff personally ordered this option to be chosen, according to a senior
administration source.
What does this all mean? Quite simply, this is the outsourcing of our Constitutional rights. It
means that all privacy protections on our drivers licence data will be removed once the DMV
sends your data to the private corporation.
If it's possible to create a scheme worse than a national ID card, this is it: a privatized
National ID card. The citizens of every state will not only be at the mercy of a company like
ChoicePoint or Acxiom to 'approve' their identity, but will have no privacy protections
whatsoever on that data. Your sensitive drivers license data can be bought and sold along
with everything else these companies sell, such as your credit information. The federal
government can then gain access to this information without having to comply with any laws,
such as the Privacy Act.
DHS is granting the right to control our identity to private industry. It will be Identity-Mart,
Inc.: Always Low Privacy, Always. Congress needs to take immediate action to stop this
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |



posted 01-30-2007 06:23 PM

FAQ: How Real ID will affect you

In 2008, a federally approved ID card may be required to travel, open a bank account, even
collect Social Security.
Member # 7

President Bush signed a $82 billion military spending bill that will, in part, create
electronically readable, federally approved ID cards for Americans. The House of
Representatives overwhelmingly approved the package--which includes the Real ID Act.
What does that mean for me?
Starting in May 2008, if you live or work in the United States, you'll need a federally
approved ID card to travel on an airplane, open a bank account, collect Social Security
payments, or take advantage of nearly any government service. Practically speaking, your
driver's license will have to be reissued to meet federal standards.
What's new:;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

The House of Representatives has approved an $82 billion military spending bill with an
attachment that would mandate electronically readable ID cards for Americans.
Bottom line:
The Real ID Act establishes a national identity card. State drivers' licenses and other such
documents will have to meet federal ID standards established by the Department of
Homeland Security.
The Real ID Act hands the Department of Homeland Security the power to set these
standards and determine whether state drivers' licenses and other ID cards pass muster.
Only ID cards approved by Homeland Security can be accepted "for any official purpose" by
the feds.
How will I get one of these new ID cards?
You'll still get one through your state motor vehicle agency, and it will take the place of your
drivers' license. The identification process will be rigorous.
You'll need to bring a "photo identity document," document your birth date and address, and
show that your Social Security number is what you had claimed it to be. U.S. citizens will
have to prove that status, and foreigners will have to show a valid visa.
State DMVs will have to verify that these identity documents are legitimate, digitize them
and store them permanently. In addition, Social Security numbers must be verified with the
Social Security Administration.
What's going to be stored on this ID card?
At a minimum: name, birth date, sex, ID number, a digital photograph, address, and a
"common machine-readable technology" that Homeland Security will decide on. The card
must also sport "physical security features designed to prevent tampering, counterfeiting, or
duplication of the document for fraudulent purposes."
Homeland Security is permitted to add additional requirements--such as a fingerprint or
retinal scan--on top of those. We won't know for sure what these additional requirements will
Why did these ID requirements get attached to an "emergency" military spending bill?
Because it's difficult for politicians to vote against money that will go to the troops in Iraq
and tsunami relief. The funds cover ammunition, weapons, tracked combat vehicles, aircraft,
troop housing, death benefits, and so on.
The House approved a standalone version of the Real ID Act in February 05, but by a
relatively close margin of 261-161.
What's the justification for this legislation anyway?
Its supporters say that the Real ID Act is necessary to hinder terrorists, and to follow the ID
card recommendations that the 9/11 Commission made last year.
It will "hamper the ability of terrorist and criminal aliens to move freely throughout our
society by requiring that all states require proof of lawful presence in the U.S. for their
drivers' licenses to be accepted as identification for federal purposes such as boarding a
commercial airplane, entering a federal building, or a nuclear power plant," Rep. F. James
Sensenbrenner, a Wisconsin Republican, said.
You said the ID card will be electronically readable. What does that mean?
The Real ID Act says federally accepted ID cards must be "machine readable," and lets
Homeland Security determine the details. That could end up being a magnetic strip,
enhanced bar code, or radio frequency identification (RFID) chips.
Homeland Security has indicated it likes the concept of RFID chips. The State Department is;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

already going to be embedding RFID devices in passports, and Homeland Security wants to
issue RFID-outfitted IDs to foreign visitors who enter the country at the Mexican and
Canadian borders. The agency plans to start a yearlong test of the technology in July at
checkpoints in Arizona, New York and Washington state.
Will state DMVs share this information?
Yes. In exchange for federal cash, states must agree to link up their databases. Specifically,
the Real ID Act says it hopes to "provide electronic access by a state to information
contained in the motor vehicle databases of all other states."
Is this legislation a done deal?
Pretty much. The House of Representatives approved the package by a vote of 368-58. Only
three of the "nay" votes were Republicans; the rest were Democrats. The Senate approveed
it as well.
White House spokesman Scott McClellan has told reporters "the president supports" the
stand alone Real ID Act, and the Bush administration has come out with an official
endorsement. As far back as July 2002, the Bush administration has been talking about
"the states in crafting solutions to curtail the future abuse of drivers' licenses by terrorist
Who were the three Republicans who voted against it?
Reps. Howard Coble of North Carolina, John Duncan of Tennessee, and Ron Paul of Texas.
Paul has warned that the Real ID Act "establishes a national ID card" and "gives authority to
the Secretary of Homeland Security to unilaterally add requirements as he sees fit."
Is this a national ID card?
Yes. Barry Steinhardt, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's technology and liberty
program, says: "It's going to result in everyone, from the 7-Eleven store to the bank and
airlines, demanding to see the ID card. They're going to scan it in. They're going to have all
the data on it from the front of the card...It's going to be not just a national ID card but a
national database."
At the moment, state driver's licenses aren't easy for bars, banks, airlines and so on to
swipe through card readers because they're not uniform; some may have barcodes but no
magnetic stripes, for instance, and some may lack both. Steinhardt predicts the federalized
IDs will be a gold mine for government agencies and marketers. Also, he notes that the
Supreme Court ruled last year that police can demand to see ID from law-abiding U.S.
Will it be challenged in court?
Maybe. "We're exploring whether there are any litigation possibilities here," says the ACLU's
One possible legal argument would challenge any requirement for a photograph on the ID
card as a violation of religious freedom. A second would argue that the legislation imposes
costs on states without properly reimbursing them.
When does it take effect?
The Real ID Act takes effect "three years after the date of the enactment" of the legislation.
Its effective date is May 11, 2008.
[ 01-30-2007, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: ConSigCor ]
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |



posted 01-30-2007 07:00 PM;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

Patriot Act and the Real ID: Farewell To Liberty

Nancy Levant

Member # 7

It should be very clear to American citizens that we have no rights. We have rules, laws,
curtailments, spy technologies, enforcements, easements, buffer zones, ID cards, automobile
stickers, passes, swipe cards, and limitations.
Beginning in 2008, we will also have Real Identification Cards maybe. That will depend
upon our ability to produce birth certificates, Social Security cards with current names, photo
IDs, verifications of home addresses, a personal IDs, and proof of insurance. Once all this is
confirmed by the Department of Motor Vehicles using a crosschecking federal database, you
may be issued a drivers license.
If you have recently changed your name, moved, or the federal database has old or
inaccurate information, much like the infamous credit bureaus and their databases, you will
not be issued your Real ID. Be prepared, and well in advance, for another governmentally
imposed disaster of unprecedented proportions. Also be prepared for total loss of liberty and
The Real ID Act, passed on May 11th, was passed without Congressional debate. Surprise,
surprise. Instead, the Real ID was buried, hidden legislation-style, into an 82 billion dollar
military spending bill to support the continuing occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. Hidden
legislation has certainly become the MO of this administration, coupled with at least 181
Executive Orders, to date.
Surveillance and tracking of the American people is, of course, anti-American. It is illegally
invasive, scary, and makes citizens and their Constitutional rights (which do not exist) mere
objects of political whim. The real question is this what if you are denied a Real ID card?
What constitutes the denial of a Real ID, and what are your options should our new
government deny you the ability to drive to work and possess your federally mandated
papers? Were the Social Security cards, drivers licenses, proof of insurance, proof of
residency, birth certificates, and personal ID cards not enough? Of course, they were. The
Real ID has nothing to do with a standardized identification system. That system was already
in place. The Real ID was created as spy-ware and to serve the trade and territorial melding
of the Canadian/American/Mexican nations - nothing more, nothing less.
And then there is the Patriot Act the Act that is the insult and slap in the face to every
American citizen by virtue of its very name. It is the companion Act to the Real ID Act, and
the final nail in our civil liberties coffin. Good-bye, Constitutional America.
The Patriot Act, which should be called The Communists Act, gives our government the
power to search without warrants or court orders. It gives our government the right to use
administrative subpoenas, which allow for the seizure of personal information, including,
but not limited to, educational records, medical records, credit and banking records, Internet
records, library records, on and on. Farewell, 4th Amendment.
This seizure of information can be used upon individual people, groups of people, or any
associations, clubs, or organizations that disagree with the activities of the government. The
Patriot Act allows for a DNA Bank to collect physical information about anyone who is
suspected of being a terrorist. Unfortunately for us, the Act also permits American
citizens to be classified as foreign powers, which, thanks to the Real ID, allows for our
electronic tracking and surveillance.
The Patriot Act permits entry into homes and offices without warrants, probable cause,
notice, and without you having to be in your homes or offices. It authorized the freezing of
your bank accounts and the total demise of financial privacy. The Patriot Act permits the use
of roving wiretaps, or the tapping of multiple phones at one time used by one person
(home, cell, business), AND the elected supporters of the Patriot Act attempt to further its
powers in secret, closed-door sessions.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

So, I ask you the following - while I still can - if our homes, businesses, computer systems,
banks, medical records; our library books, our DNA, our telephone conversations, our right to
criticize our governments shredding of our Constitution, our childrens rights to mental and
educational safety, pregnant womens rights to mental safety and reproduction; our rights to
travel, our rights to buy and sell without governmental ID and interference, and our rights to
possess and share our thoughts and opinions are now subversive and considered as terror,
then what rights do we have as American citizens? Better yet, are we American citizens if
our Constitutional rights do not exist? Look to history for answers, and look no further than
to Nazi Germany. Talk about a scripted duplication of events
"While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom, there will be no
State." - Vladimir Lenin
"To those who scare peace loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this:
your tactics aid terrorists for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve. - John
Ashcroft There ought to be limits to freedom. George W. Bush - May 1999
"What luck for rulers that men do not think." - Adolf Hitler
-------------------"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does
come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J.
Jackson, March 1861
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |



posted 01-30-2007 07:02 PM

The Real ID Card -- Impeccable Timing

Nancy Levant

Member # 7

At large, the American people are still unaware of the issuance of the Real ID card
forthcoming in May of 2008. This new national/international ID card, and its interactivity with
national/international databases, can access our medical, financial, driving, Social Security,
license(s), firearms registrations, and political status inside its high tech/little nano brain. In
essence, it holds our private lives on a swipe-able card that is then privy to any
organization, retailer, or person requesting our identification or our money. In other words,
our life histories accessible upon command from one 2X3 inch card.
Having no choice but to comply, most American people will accept their new
national/international ID card. It is my understanding that without the card, we will be
denied bank accounts in the United States of America, a drivers license, and the right to fly
on airplanes unless we have been issued a Real ID card. One might imagine that global
retailers might require the Real ID to purchase food and gasoline. Take a look at your
current drivers license. Check the expiration date. 2008 would be a good global guess.
For those of us who have seen United Nations military vehicles in the United States, and who
have also noticed convoys of military tanks being transported through the wilderness areas of
our nation the same areas that have been locked down and away from the American
people via Biosphere Reserves and conservation corridors - we have realized for a great
many years that, as one patriot stated, the stage was being set for difficult times on
American soil the key issue that mass media ignores at its professional finest. So, with
stages being set, one must also look to the timing of the Real ID card, and to 2008 in
general. Let us not forget all the other paramilitary systems in our nation, like the
Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, Citizens Corp groups, Neighborhood Watch groups,
C.O.P.S. (Community Oriented Policing Services), the militarizing of law enforcement
departments, and the many new for-hire corporations that offer private armies with weapons
for a price. And then, of course, there are the U.N. peacekeeping forces, which the American
military has been actively involved with for many, many decades while, simultaneously and
incrementally, our leaders have been closing our homeland military bases during these
same decades.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

The professional timing of the Real ID card in 2008, and its mandatory issuance, brings to
mind several forthcoming coincidences and issues. The collecting and databasing of all
personal information of every American adult coinciding with the CFRs North American
Community and all global government infrastructures in place and play, one must consider
the following:
How are domestic terrorists determined and identified?
Who will be held in the Civilian Labor Camps on American soil?
What is the real issue behind the identity theft propaganda?
Why are the off-limits American wilderness areas crawling with secret military operations?
And why the mandatory issuance of an ID card that sums up every American citizen with
one swipe? One cannot help but to almost laugh when it comes to considering how directly
global intentions rest beneath our noses. So easy to see, yet so blindly the public goes about
its merry and dull way. On that note, the Real ID card will ultimately seal your fate. You will
be a compliant and completely identifiable slave to the New World Order, or you will be its
enemy and your Real ID will determine which global creature you shall be. Therefore,
America, let us not in-fight. The fact of our demise as free people exists no matter whose
research is right or wrong. The stage is, in fact, being set for our nations conquering. The
Democrats and Republicans have seen to this fact and have worked steadfastly to raise their
one-world government. They knew from the beginning that people with property, firearms,
and rights were their primary problems, or in other words, the people of the United States of
America and other westernized nations. Our leadership is not what they seem.
The public acceptance of the Real ID in May of 2008 seals the deal. It will be more than
interesting to see which of our friends, neighbors, and family members will willingly sign onto
their fate as new citizens of the global police state. Just keep telling yourselves that you
voted them into office. So did I. As such, we have a lot of soul searching to do and very,
very little time about 21 months. Are we going to continue to allow our representatives
to march off with this nation and our Constitutional freedom, or are we going to unite and
reclaim OUR nation? Ignorance is never bliss. It is abject slavery, and this time, the
enslavement is backed by a system far greater than concepts or perceived notions of
Its past time to do more than wave flags, wear patriotic tee shirts, hats, and pins. Its time
to serve through action and duty to this nation. Start an A.C.E. (Americans for Constitutional
Enforcement) chapter in your neighborhood NOW. Request an information packet
( and create your local chapter. Its YOUR job and Constitutional duty to
save our nation and to preserve freedom. We have been betrayed. For the sake of your
children, open your eyes and act. The only potential answer is to UNITE for freedom and to
command that freedom with one voice. Then, as a nation UNITED in knowledge, we can rid
ourselves of our representative globalists. Now, please stop the bickering and bitching,
especially of the partisanship flavor, and get to WORK. Global government is non-partisan
minus the master-slave divide.
You may also request a mailed copy of the A.C.E. Information Packet by sending $10.00 to
A.C.E., P.O. Box 293, Iron Mountain, MI 49801.
2006 Nancy Levant - All Rights Reserved
Nancy Levant is a life-long writer, a believer of God, country, Constitutional and individual
rights. She resides in rural Southwestern Ohio. She has worked professionally with children
since 1974 and is an ardent supporter of home schooling.
Nancy Levant has done radio and television interviews, has been a guest speaker in many
venues including college campuses, schools, Indian reservations, human service;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

organizations, and has been the president of a youth sports organization.

Ms. Levant just completed her new book "The Cultural Devastation of American Women: The
Strange and Frightening Decline of the American Female." to be released May 2006. Equally,
she is a writer for freedom and land rights issues and opposes the United Nation's Agenda
21 implementation in America.
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |



posted 03-26-2007 06:31 PM

Join the Real ID rebellion

Things are looking more-and-more likely for repeal of the REAL ID Act. The Maine legislature
got the ball rolling, and now as many as 34 others states are threatening to pile on.
Member # 7

Its important to note that the resolution of the Maine legislature was limited. They informed
the federal government that they werent going to embed RFID chips in their state drivers
licenses. But Maine may go even further before all is said-and-done, because many other
states are contemplating more vigorous opposition.
For instance, a committee of the Arizona Senate just voted unanimously to prohibit that state
from complying with the REAL ID Act. And Missouri State Rep. James Guest, a Republican,
has formed a coalition of lawmakers from 34 states to file bills that oppose Real ID.
Now is the time to turn-up the heat on Congress to repeal the REAL ID ACT.
Heres where this issue hits you the hardest: If you do not have a REAL ID compliant state
drivers license, you will not be able to even enter a federal building, or board an airplane!
And privacy experts contend that REAL ID will make identity theft easier, rather than more
Please add fuel to the fire: Tell Congress to repeal the REAL ID Act.
Pressure on Congress can work. It IS working. Send your message to Congress now.
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.
Jim Babka, President
Be part of the Electronic Lobbyist project at
Encourage those who do not have access to the Internet to contact state legislators by letter,
FAX or phone. Though it is for different reasons, patriots and state leaders are opposed to
Real ID: The state is opposed because the project is an unfunded administrative nightmare
and we oppose the idea because its the national ID we have all been fighting and because
its justification has come through the recommendations of the fraudulent 9/11 Commission.
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |



posted 04-06-2007 06:18 PM


By Steven Yates
February 18, 2007;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

Member # 7

Last month, Maine became the first state to pass legislation declining participation in the
national ID system mandated by the Real ID Act of 2005. State-level legislation either
repudiating Real ID, asking Congress to repeal its worst privacy-violating provisions, or
asking for a delay while states study the issue, exists in various stages (sometimes passed
by one House but not the other), or is being considered, in other states: as of this writing,
the list consists of Arizona, Georgia, Hawaii, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma,
Utah, Vermont, Washington State, and Wyoming. In other words, a state-led rebellion
against Real ID is brewing. Lets review the relevant history.
The Real ID Act of 2005 was passed by Congress not on its own (nonexistent) merits but
folded into the larger Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global
War on Terror, and Tsumani Relief, 2005 (PL 109-13) as its Division B. This bill, which
included appropriations for the Iraq War, was considered must-pass by Congress and signed
into law by President Bush on May 11, 2005. This means that the Real ID Act was passed as
the equivalent of a stealth measurethe sort of thing author Claire Wolfe called land-mine
legislation in a classical article. The Real ID Act does not just federalize our drivers licenses
but hand them over to the Department of Homeland Security. It calls for the creation of
mammoth databases of information on law-abiding U.S. citizens. It places state Departments
of Motor Vehicles (DMVs) in the position of having to become domestic spiesand it does so
without any thought to the resources required, much less the dangers (e.g., of identity
theft). It was signed into law despite the opposition of dozens of groups all across the
political spectrum.
An impact analysis released last September by the National Governors Association, the
National Conference of State Legislatures and the American Association of Motor Vehicle
Administrators is devastating. These groups show that efforts to implement Real ID will
create a massively expensive logistic and bureaucratic nightmare. State DMVs have neither
the technology nor the manpower to implement this gigantic unfunded federal mandatenor
the legal means to compel compliance from those they must contact to secure verification of
documents. The cost to my state (personal correspondence from the executive director of
South Carolina DMV) could range from $25 to $28 million, with recurring costs in the $10
million to $11 million range. The study just cited estimates the total cost of implementing
Real ID at over $11 billion over a five year period, with upfront costs of around $1 billion!
The costs to individual U.S. citizens attempting to obtain or renew a drivers license?
Unknown, although I have one estimate at $100!
This analysis overlooks a crucial point: the Real ID Act is unconstitutional! The Constitution
does not give any branch or any agency of the federal government this kind of power! It
should come as no surprise, however, if no one associated with this thing has read our
countrys founding document. Thus, as matters currently stand, unconstitutional or not, Real
ID goes into effect on May 11, 2008. When it goes into effect, here is what we are looking
at: without a Department of Homeland Security approved conversion of ones drivers license
or other personal ID into the Real ID, law-abiding U.S. citizens will not be able to board an
airplane, open a bank account, collect Social Security, obtain a passport, enter federal
buildings or otherwise do business with the federal government or other commercial
endeavors requiring federally-mandated standards of personal identification.
Those of us who have been following these matters for close to ten years saw this coming.
There was, after all, a stealth effort to give every American a national ID card during the
Clinton years. That law, also a stealth measure buried deep inside an omnibus appropriations
bill, would have gone into effect in October 2000. It was thwarted. The post-9/11 era has
given us a political climate more amenable to setting up a surveillance state. The official line
on Real ID, originating with one interpretation of 9/11 Commission recommendations, is that
it will hamper illegal immigration and protect us from terrorism. Obviously, though, if the
federal government was serious about either, they would start enforcing existing immigration
laws, cease imprisoning border patrol agents for doing their jobs, and secure our border with
Mexico. But of course, Real ID is not about immigration, it is not about border control, and it
is not about terrorism. It is about tagging and monitoring U.S. citizens.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

The elites behind this boondoggle may have bitten off more than they can chew. I recently
obtained a document entitled Administrative Burdens on the States Imposed by the Real ID
Act. It states that Real ID changes the very nature and mission of DMVs, from responsible
primarily for ensuring the safe operation of vehicles on state roadways, into wide-ranging
enforcement agents of the federal government in areas from rules to Social Security fraud.
The document goes on to enumerate the requirements of the Real ID Act, along with the
One of the worst of these stems from the requirement that states shall verify, with the
issuing agency, the issuance, validity, and completeness of each document required to be
presented to get the Real ID. The required documents include an existing photo ID, proof of
date of birth, proof of Social Security number, proof of address, and proof of citizenship or
lawful immigration status.
Take just the birth certificate requirement. Just presenting ones birth certificate is not good
enough, since birth certificates can be forged. There are five problems. (1) DMVs will need to
contact the municipality that issued the license and ask them to confirm that they have a
birth certificate on file. Over 6.000 different jurisdictions issue birth certificates. (2) Many of
these files do not exist in electronic form. Therefore, a clerk will have to locate the physical
document in paper files stretching back decades. (3) Birth certificates are not standardized;
thus the DMV clerk and the jurisdiction clerk will have to compare copies to verify the
issuance, validity and completeness of the original. The potential for bureaucratic snafus is
enormous. Some might be as seemingly minor as a discrepancy in the spelling of someones
name due to a typo by a careless clerk. (4) The DMV clerk will then have to certify
completion of the verification process. In order to complete the conversion from the present
system to Real ID this will have to be done for approximately 190 million drivers license
holders in the United States.
Finally, (5) there will be people for whom birth information cannot be located, much less
verified. Over decades of time, records are misplaced, lost, accidentally destroyed, or
rendered unobtainable when facilities close. Even electronic records are damaged or
destroyed when hard drives crash and files are not properly backed up. And believe it or not,
there are people who do not have birth certificatesespecially the thousands of now-elderly
people who were not born in hospitals.
Take the case of James Scott, 81, born at home in South Carolina but now living in New
Jersey. Last year New Jersey began implementing a six point ID verification program to
begin complying with the Real ID Act. Scott brought his Social Security card and a photo-ID
issued by the Passaic County Sheriffs Department, but these didnt satisfy the new
requirements. He was told he needed either a recent passport or a birth certificate. He had
neither. Thus his effort to renew his New Jersey drivers license was thwarted. Other family
members relied on him for transportation, so New Jerseys refusal to renew his license
caused them unnecessary hardship. Scott, a Navy veteran of World War II, told local media,
I served this country. The president didnt want my birth certificate when he sent his letter
drafting me. I cant produce something that doesnt exist. He quit driving when his license
expired. His daughter is attempting to cobble together South Carolina records. Complicating
matters is that South Carolina is reviewing records for 27 James Scotts!
There are no provisions in the Real ID Act for such people. States such as New Jersey have
attempted to set up exceptions clauses for the James Scotts of the countrysetting up a
two-tiered society: those who are Real ID compliant versus those who are not. The former,
of course, will have many opportunities unavailable to the latter.
Birth certificates are just one problem area. Others include: the requirement that states set
up extensive electronic databases with interstate data-sharing networks. These will require
complex administrative, technical and security measures. DMVs will have to expand into
massive bureaucracies. In addition to the higher fees mentioned above, those attempting to
obtain or renew their drivers licenses will face longer lines, poorer service, and greater timeexpenditures often through return trips after locating (if they are able to do so) records
capable of meeting the new requirements. Ironically, we will probably be less secure. Identity;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

thieves have been caught hacking into DMV databases, and more than one DMV clerk has
been implicated in identity theft. Thousands of hastily-trained clerks doubtless to be paid
rock-bottom wages risk magnifying this problem! Can anyone in his right mind believe this
system can be made secure?!
The situation is even worse! Real ID presents the potential for what may be called a publicprivate security-industrial complex, as information on citizens in these databases is sold to
private entities. In recent years we have seen the emergence of private sector data
aggregators with names like ChoicePoint, Acxiom, and Lexis-Nexis. Collecting electronic data
is now a multi-billion-dollar industry that builds dossiers on individuals using a variety of
sources. The federal government is increasingly turning to such companies for help with
security functions. The FBI, for example, pays millions to ChoicePoint, and the Transportation
Security Administration wants to use such firms in performing identity checks on airline
passengers. The risks of identity theft through data theft just get larger.
Finally, there is the real possibility that radio frequency identification (RFID) chips will be
placed in Real ID compliant cardseventually if not right away. The Real ID Act speaks only
of requiring a common machine-readable technology, with defined minimum data elements,
leaving unspecified what Homeland Security will require. Well-connected corporations such as
VeriChip, which manufactures RFID chips, are ready to move. RFID chips in consumer
merchandize can be made more efficient than cash, checks or credit cards as the
merchandize changes hands. Real ID is thus a potential stepping stone to a cashless society
where every legal transaction is conducted electronicallyand recorded. It is also a stepping
stone to a state of affairs where government spooks can monitor your every activity. They
need only scan your ID by remote as you walk or drive within range of their equipment. The
final step, of course, will be implanting RFID chips in human beingsmarking us all like
cattle. (This is already being done to farm animals through the National Animal Identification
System.) Dissent will be far easier to control. Become identified as a potential threat, and
the authorities may elect simply to disable your chip by remote. The dissident will be
rendered unable to buy his next meal.
Is there hope of derailing this train before it gets that far? Writing the above paragraph, I
had a wicked thought, one which brings to mind the several people who emailed me
regarding my article promoting Ron Pauls candidacy for the Republican nomination in 2008.
A few readers wondered what Dr. Pauls chances could really be. It is true that our big box
political parties are controlled by globalist oligarchs who dont want a genuine
Constitutionalist anywhere near the White House! One astute reader pointed out that Id
stated this myself in The Real Matrix: elected officials in national elites answer to [the
super-elite]. Those without the tacit approval of the super-elite have no chance of coming
within a thousand miles of the Oval Office. The masses of people, meanwhile, will have been
educated to adjust to society, which in this context means following the crowd and
automatically withholding support from anyone who cant get elected.
Is this still true, or could circumstances change? The wicked thought: allow Real ID to run its
course. Beginning on May 11, 2008, and over the course of the year and ensuing years, it
will smack millions of presently unsuspecting people right in the kisser. They will find
themselves treated like second-class citizens or even criminals by bored and indifferent
clerks if they cannot produce the required papers on demand. Variations on the James Scott
scenario may well be repeated all across the country. Some, of course, will buy the official
propaganda about government making us all safer. Others will become very upset at long
lines, repeat trips, and red tape. DMVs may have to take measures to deal with angry
citizens, such as increased police presence. Some drivers may allow themselves to be
temporarily sidelined while they struggle to locate pieces of paper they havent needed for
years. Even those who have all their papers will gasp at the expense. Some will probably will
take their chances and drive illegally, with expired licenses. One of the side effects of Real
ID may well be an epidemic of unlicensed drivers. Ordinary people, after all, rely on their
cars to get to work, obtain groceries and do the other things that make up a normal
American life today. They will not willingly give this up to satisfy politicians and bureaucrats.
Real ID will thus further erode respect for the law.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

Faced with the direct and immediate threat of not being able to drive legally, more and more
people will laugh at pseudo-pundits who try to dismiss concerns about Real ID as conspiracy
theory or some other such tripe. They may or may not realize that we are now in more
danger from our own government (and its controlling oligarchs) than we are from terrorists.
Mounting frustration and anger among those having trouble renewing their drivers licenses
in 2008 could be channeled into grassroots support for a candidate for the Presidency who,
given the chance, will put the brakes on our fast track to a surveillance police state. Dr. Paul
is the obvious choice, and Tom Tancredo who already enjoys some visibility from his stand
on illegal immigration would make an excellent running mate. Tancredo, as most readers
probably know, has launched his own exploratory committee. The two, whose views are not
identical, should figure out a way to work together, and draw their supporters into a single,
unified movement.
The rise to prominence of a team promising a swift and Constitutional resolution to the
potential Real ID train wreck and to larger issues involving the future of U.S. sovereignty
could make 2008 a very interesting year, to say the least. Reflecting the concerns of a
couple of other readers, I do hope that if Dr. Paul pursues his candidacy he hires some good
bodyguards and surveillance people of his ownhistory shows pretty clearly that our ruling
banking oligarchs place little value on the lives of those opposing their goals of world
domination. They are not the only ones willing to threaten someone wanting to end our
federal governments present policy of open borders. Tancredo canceled a Florida appearance
a few weeks ago because of a death threat. Matters could come to a head in this society in
2008. Will we continue our headlong rush towards corporatist enslavement, or begin the
journey back to individual freedom under Constitutional government?
The rebellion against Real ID has started at the state level, and I consider this good news!
Realization is dawning within the states that Real ID isnt going to work under present
conditions. Thus last week, Maine took the leap, and may become the test case plunging the
whole national ID scheme into crisis. Above I listed other states considering legislation
sometimes repudiating and sometimes calling for delaying implementing Real ID. We need
repudiation in all 50 states. If every state in the Union declines to participate in this scheme
and remains steadfast despite likely federal attempts at bribery, Real ID is finished. The feds
will have to back down. No one really thinks they will allow the airlines to go under, for
example, when citizens can no longer pass its draconian security measures. As the saying
goes, good riddance to bad rubbish.
2007 Steven Yates - All Rights Reserved
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Steven Yates earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy in 1987 at the University of Georgia and has
taught the subject at a number of colleges and universities around the Southeast. He
currently teaches philosophy at the University of South Carolina Upstate and Greenville
Technical College, and also does a little e-commerce involving real free trade. He is on the
South Carolina Board of The Citizens Committee to Stop the FTAA.
He is the author of Civil Wrongs: What Went Wrong With Affirmative Action (1994),
Worldviews: Christian Theism Versus Modern Materialism (2005), around two dozen
philosophical articles and reviews in refereed journals and anthologies, and over a hundred
articles on the World Wide Web. He lives in Greenville, South Carolina, where he writes a
weekly column for the Times Examiner and is at work on a book length version of his
popular series to be entitled The Real Matrix (hopefully!) to be completed this summer.
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |



posted 04-17-2007 05:50 AM

History of National Identification Cards;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

Member # 7

National ID cards have long been advocated as a means to enhance national security,
unmask potential terrorists, and guard against illegal immigrants. They are in use in many
countries around the world including most European countries, Hong Kong, Malaysia,
Singapore and Thailand. Currently, the United States and the United Kingdom have
continued to debate the merits of adopting national ID cards. The types of card, their
functions, and privacy safeguards vary widely.
Americans have rejected the idea of a national ID card. When the Social Security Number
(SSN) was created in 1936, it was meant to be used only as an account number associated
with the administration of the Social Security system. Though use of the SSN has expanded
considerably, it is not a universal identifier and efforts to make it one have been consistently
rejected. In 1971, the Social Security Administration task force on the SSN rejected the
extension of the Social Security Number to the status of an ID card. In 1973, the Health,
Education and Welfare Secretary's Advisory Committee on Automated Personal Data Systems
concluded that a national identifier was not desirable. In 1976, the Federal Advisory
Committee on False Identification rejected the idea of an identifier.
In 1977, the Carter Administration reiterated that the SSN was not to become an identifier,
and in 1981 the Reagan Administration stated that it was "explicitly opposed" to the creation
of a national ID card. The Clinton administration advocated a Health Security Card in 1993
and assured the public that the card, issued to every American, would have full protection
for privacy and confidentiality. Still, the idea was rejected and the health security card was
never created. In 1999 Congress repealed a controversial provision in the Illegal Immigration
Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 which gave authorization to include Social
Security Numbers on driver's licenses.
In response to the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, there has been renewed interest in the
creation of national ID cards. Soon after the attacks, Larry Ellison, head of California-based
software company Oracle Corporation, called for the development of a national identification
system and offered to donate the technology to make this possible. He proposed ID cards
with embedded digitized thumbprints and photographs of all legal residents in the U.S. There
was much public debate about the issue, and Congressional hearings were held. Former
House Speaker Newt Gingrich testified that he "would not institute a national ID card
because you do get into civil liberties issues." When it created the Department of Homeland
Security, Congress made clear in the enabling legislation that the agency could not create a
national ID system. In September 2004, then-DHS Secretary Tom Ridge reiterated, "[t]he
legislation that created the Department of Homeland Security was very specific on the
question of a national ID card. They said there will be no national ID card."
The public continues to debate the issue, and there have been many other proposals for the
creation of a national identification system, some through the standardization of state
driver's licenses. The debate remains in the international spotlight several nations are
considering implementing such systems. The U.S. Congress has passed the REAL ID Act of
2005, which mandates federal requirements for driver's licenses. Critics argue that it would
make driver's licenses into de facto national IDs.
The REAL ID Act of 2005
The REAL ID Act of 2005 creates a de facto national identification card. Ostensibly voluntary,
it would become mandatory as those without the card would face suspicion and increased
scrutiny. It is a law imposing federal technological standards and verification procedures on
state driver's licenses and identification cards, many of which are beyond the current
capacity of the federal government, and mandating state compliance by May 2008. In fact,
REAL ID turns state DMV workers into federal immigration officials, as they must verify the
citizenship status of all those who want a REAL ID-approved state driver's license or
identification cards. State DMVs would far move away from their core mission -- to license
drivers.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

REAL ID was appended to a bill providing tsunami relief and military appropriations, and
passed with little debate and no hearings. The REAL ID Act repealed provisions in the
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, which contained "carefully crafted
language -- bipartisan language -- to establish standards for States issuing driver's licenses,"
according to Sen. Richard Durbin. After more than two years, the Department of Homeland
Security issued draft regulations for state compliance on March 1, 2007.
The National Conference of State Legislatures estimates (pdf) that that the cost to the states
will be more than $11 billion over five years. This is more than 100 times the $100 million
cost that Congress initially estimated. For 2006, $40 million was allocated for start-up costs.
No more funding has been allocated, and it is likely that the cost will be shouldered by the
How will the REAL ID Act affect state driver's licenses and identification cards (DL/ID)?
If the Department of Homeland Security Secretary doesn't grant a state an extension to
meet the certification requirements, then by May 11, 2008 (three years after passage of the
REAL ID Act), states must meet the following standards to be accepted for federal use
(entrance into a courthouse, onto a plane; receiving federal benefits, such as Social Security
or Medicare). After more than two years, the Department of Homeland Security issued draft
regulations on March 1, 2007, explaining how the states can meet these standards. The EPIC
analysis of the potential privacy implications follows the enumeration of the each set of
Minimum document requirements, 202(b):
"To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall include, at a minimum, the following
information and features on each driver's license and identification card issued to a person
by the State:
(1) The person's full legal name.
(2) The person's date of birth.
(3) The person's gender.
(4) The person's driver's license or identification card number.
(5) A digital photograph of the person.
(6) The person's address of principle residence.
(7) The person's signature.
(8) Physical security features designed to prevent tampering, counterfeiting, or duplication of
the document for fraudulent purposes.
(9) A common machine-readable technology, with defined minimum data elements."
EPIC analysis:
We strongly advise deleting the 202(b)(6) requirement of displaying the person's address of
principal residence on the card. This has significant implications for domestic violence victims
and the homeless. We suggest requiring the acceptance of alternate addresses, such as P.O.
boxes, in order to protect the privacy of individuals.
There is also the risk that the Department of Homeland Security guidelines will, under the
202(b)(9) requirement of "common machine-readable technology," mandate that the states
must include radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in DL/ID. This wireless;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

technology has significant security risks, including those of surreptitious gathering of personal
data by unauthorized individuals and clandestine tracking of cardholders. EPIC has
consistently recommended the use of contact technology, such as the stripes on the backs of
credit cards, in identification documents. Contact cards are more secure; they do not contain
the risk of data theft through wireless transmission and allow cardholders to have control
over who sees their data. See EPIC's RFID page for more information on the dangers of
using RFID in identification documents.
Minimum driver's license and identification card issuance standards, general, 202(c)(1):
"(1) In general. -- To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall require, at a
minimum, presentation and verification of the following information before issuing a driver's
license or identification card to a person:
(A) A photo identity document, except that a non-photo identity document is acceptable if it
includes both the person's full legal name and date of birth.
(B) Documentation showing the person's date of birth.
(C) Proof of the person's social security account number or verification that the person is not
eligible for a social security account number.
(D) Documentation showing the person's name and address of principal residence."
Minimum driver's license and identification card issuance standards, special requirements
"(2) Special requirements. -(A) In general. -- To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall comply with the
minimum standards of this paragraph.
(B) Evidence of lawful status. -- A State shall require, before issuing a driver's license or
identification card to a person, valid documentary evidence that the person -(i) is a citizen or national of the United States;
(ii) is an alien lawfully admitted for permanent or temporary residence in the United States;
(iii) has conditional permanent resident status in the United States;
(iv) has an approved application for asylum in the United States or has entered into the
United States in refugee status;
(v) has a valid, unexpired nonimmigrant visa or nonimmigrant visa status for entry into the
United States;
(vi) has a pending application for asylum in the United States;
(vii) has a pending or approved application for temporary protected status in the United
(viii) has approved deferred action status; or
(ix) has a pending application for adjustment of status to that of an alien lawfully admitted
for permanent residence in the United States or conditional permanent resident status in the
United States."
Verification of documents, 202(c)(3):;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

"(3) Verification of documents. -- To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall
implement the following procedures:
(A) Before issuing a driver's license or identification card to a person, the State shall verify,
with the issuing agency, the issuance, validity, and completeness of each document required
to be presented by the person under paragraph (1) or (2).
(B) The State shall not accept any foreign document, other than an official passport, to
satisfy a requirement of paragraph (1) or (2).
(C) <<NOTE: Deadline. Memorandum.>> Not later than September 11, 2005, the State shall
enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Secretary of Homeland Security to
routinely utilize the automated system known as Systematic Alien Verification for
Entitlements, as provided for by section 404 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and
Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (110 Stat. 3009-664), to verify the legal presence
status of a person, other than a United States citizen, applying for a driver's license or
identification card.
EPIC analysis:
As the DMVs must verify name, date of birth, Social Security number, place of residence and
citizenship status, "with the issuing agency," this creates an incredible bureaucracy. The
DMVs must all have secure access to state and federal databases with this information.
These databases have been found to have inaccurate or incomplete information, which would
significantly affect DL/ID applicants. Imagine the delays, as state DMV workers will be forced
to become federal immigration officers, verifying the citizenship status of applicants. And
there is question of whether citizens or legal permanent residents can find the documentation
required. Section 202(c)(3)(B) forbids the acceptance of "any foreign document, other than
an official passport, to satisfy a requirement of paragraph (1) or (2)." There are also
discrimination concerns, as those who look or sound "foreign" would be targeted. The
National Conference of State Legislatures has said, "The Real ID Act would cause chaos and
backlogs in thousands of state offices across the country, making the nation less secure."
Other requirements, 202(d):
"(d) Other Requirements. -- To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall adopt the
following practices in the issuance of drivers' licenses and identification cards:
(1) Employ technology to capture digital images of identity source documents so that the
images can be retained in electronic storage in a transferable format.
(2) Retain paper copies of source documents for a minimum of 7 years or images of source
documents presented for a minimum of 10 years.
(3) Subject each person applying for a driver's license or identification card to mandatory
facial image capture.
(4) Establish an effective procedure to confirm or verify a renewing applicant's information.
(5) Confirm with the Social Security Administration a social security account number
presented by a person using the full social security account number. In the event that a
social security account number is already registered to or associated with another person to
which any State has issued a driver's license or identification card, the State shall resolve the
discrepancy and take appropriate action.
(6) Refuse to issue a driver's license or identification card to a person holding a driver's
license issued by another State without confirmation that the person is terminating or has
terminated the driver's license.
(7) Ensure the physical security of locations where drivers' licenses and identification cards;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

are produced and the security of document materials and papers from which drivers' licenses
and identification cards are produced.
(8) Subject all persons authorized to manufacture or produce drivers' licenses and
identification card security clearance requirements.
(9) Establish fraudulent document recognition training programs for appropriate employees
engaged in the issuance of drivers' licenses and identification cards.
(10) Limit the period of validity of all driver's licenses and identification cards that are not
temporary to a period that does not exceed 8 years.
(11) In any case in which the State issues a driver's license or identification card that does
not satisfy the requirements of this section, ensure that such license or identification card -(A) clearly states on its face that it may not be accepted by any Federal agency for federal
identification or any other official purpose; and
(B) uses a unique design or color indicator to alert Federal agency and other law
enforcement personnel that it may not be accepted for any such purpose.
(12) Provide electronic access to all other States to information contained in the motor
vehicle database of the State.
(13) Maintain a State motor vehicle database that contains, at a minimum (A) all data fields printed on drivers' licenses and identification cards issued by the State;
(B) motor vehicle drivers' histories, including motor vehicle violations, suspensions, and
points on licenses."
EPIC analysis:
The requirements to maintain paper copies or digital images of these important identity
documents for seven to 10 years, combined with the requirement to "provide electronic
access to all other States to information contained in the motor vehicle database of the
State" will make this data a tempting target for identity thieves. The 50 state (plus the
District of Columbia) databases would become on large database. And one presumes that
each DMV would have access to these databases at the very least to confirm that the
applicant does not have a REAL ID license or ID card in another state. If a criminal could
break the security of any one of the tens of thousands of entrance points, then the criminal
would have access to the personal data, including Social Security numbers, of every single
person in the United State with a REAL ID license or ID card. This would put hundreds of
millions of people at risk for identity theft.
The requirement for non-REAL ID-compliant DL/ID to have explicit "invalid for federal
purposes" designations, turns this "voluntary" card into a mandatory national ID card.
Anyone with a non-REAL ID-compliant card would be instantly suspicious. Compliant cards
would be necessary for federal purposes such as entering courthouses, air travel or receiving
federal benefits, such as Medicaid or Social Security. It would be easy for insurance
companies, credit card companies, even video stores, to demand a REAL ID-compliant DL/ID
in order to receive services. Significant delay, complication and possibly harassment or
discrimination would fall upon those without a REAL ID license or ID card.
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |


SNCO Contributor

posted 04-17-2007 05:26 PM

National ID;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

Don't worry, be happy.
< img>
Member # 3262

The Greywolf
NCO Contributor

Posts: 592 | From: The Confederate States of America | Registered: Jan 2007 |

posted 04-18-2007 07:12 PM

CSC, I fear our young people, the ones who can't remember a time before computers and
surveillance camaras, DON"T FEAR the national ID. They don't remember how it was to be
free or at least more free then today.

Member # 2659

Posts: 2748 | From: D 057 Btn 47 FF | Registered: Feb 2005 |



posted 11-26-2007 06:20 AM



Member # 7

By John Longenecker
November 21, 2007
Part I: The Flea.
PRIVACY is an American Safeguard against mistake, abuse and retaliation. The Personal Data
Portability removal of this safeguard for any reason opens the door to a whole family of
predatory cottage industries. The cost is not in how to pay for these, the cost is in the loss
of privacy first.
Though the reasons may sound good at first fighting crime, violence and even terrorism
the removal of the protection of Privacy as a safeguard of our way of life will usher in
unstoppable predatory industries promising to rectify problems, furnish solutions and even
guide Americans into newer monstrosities of electronic surveillance.
With Political Correctness already having its own boot on the throat of American thought,
intrusion of electronic surveillance will not only keep open files on what you buy and how
much you have, but it will soon presume to dictate what you must become.
For health, safety of yourself and others, knowledge of your behavior and habits will soon
come to dictate how you must change, and that means morphing you into what you must
be. For your own good and for the good of society, you will be compelled to change.
RFID Chips one of two leading means of electronic surveillance promise dreams of
convenience, but they will deliver nightmares of conformity. The PC influence can already
force parents into unwelcome injections for their children, or go to jail for ten days. Too
much milkfat or animal fat in your diet will soon be known, and the insurance underwriters
will soon be able to know not guess, but know your consumption, and it is they who will
cite the figures on heart disease and animal fat and how much is good or bad for you, not
Lets take a look at one of the earliest applications as I recall it from the seventies when I
first heard about portable data embedded in a chip which is to be embedded in people the
medical records data to accompany the patient wherever he or she goes.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

The Flea the tiny thing you really dont want on you was originally touted in the middle
seventies for keeping medical records with the patient at all times, specifically on their
person, indwelling. In the seventies and before, the MedicAlert Tag was more than sufficient
in furnishing vital information to doctors, volunteers and others. This was before EMS was
even called EMS.
The newer concept was that, with the arrival of greater technology, longer history and more
complex treatments and medicines, there was supposedly the greater complexity of
records to keep, and the need for the right platform to disgorge it all to the practitioner who
would see the patient in time of emergency.
But this is not how emergency treatment works. Then or now.
Much of emergency medical care is commonly without a complete medical history. It is...
well, emergency. Much of emergency treatment is supportive, life-saving, and generally
straightforward from patient to patient. Airway, breathing, circulation, whether shortness of
breath is from heart attack, choking, bee sting, electric shock or even myasthenia gravis in
the field, its all the same. First things first.
Paramedics in the field are trained to assess the patient in 90-seconds. In that time, the
nature and degree of the emergency is understood and life-saving treatment has begun in
Advanced Life Support. Thats pretty damned fast. Any other medical professional in the
same situation as Paramedics operate in their world would not delay his or her assessment
and treatment of an emergency patient for want of further information. There would be no
wait-and-see delay, as the insistence on a portable, embedded medical history suggests.
Furthermore, what a professional needs to know at the most urgent moments is not
contained in a chip, but in the physical exam and presentation of the patient. Signs,
symptoms and findings of what is happening at the present are generally much more
important than a miniature past embedded somewhere in the patients muscle.
Once the door is opened for portable medical history data as unimportant as it is others
will push it open for all sorts of applications for the portability of other personal data data
which is a lot less urgent than medical data, but certainly more useful to predators. RFID
rings the dinner bell for predators. Those predators are worldwide.
And this is where the second problem emerges. Supposing that our sovereignty is in fact
dead and we cannot stop the Flea from jumping on us first problem the second problem
is identity theft, or theft of all portable information.
Remember that once the Flea is embedded in you, you cant get rid of it. Even if you can
precisely locate the thing, its harder to remove than a tattoo.
One may not have anything to hide per se, but everyone has something to protect.
Privacy, not Piracy
Some of us remember cell phone piracy of the nineties, and we remember the assurances
officials gave. Pirates would stand over freeways and scan passing cars below to capture
their cellular codes electronically. Within minutes, they could make calls billed to Joe and
Josephine Caller. Only when millions of customers began denying they made all those phone
calls did the industry catch on. Meanwhile, officials denied that it was possible. It was more
than possible it was done and gone. As with most such theft, most of the predators are
not found.
Today, with handheld technology available to read RFID chips at a distance, no rational
person can assure Americans that their personal data will not be stolen and abused. With
todays technology, a person with an RFID Chip containing any information at all could find
their data stolen, and not ever know where, when nor by whom. Never. Its as fast as a;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

snapshot and just as anonymous.

The genius or the horror of human implanted RFID Chips is that they can be read at a
distance and through solid objects. Alright, we know this. But did you know how easy it is
for a predator to pick up a few parts and steal your portable data from even greater
distances than the manufacturer's parameters?
Its not a question of encoding your chip for protection codes are universal to some extent
or the chips themselves are useless in any industry, or incompatible with various scanners.
Besides, your installer may not have preferred the more expensive options of encoding, no
matter what he says. Its easier to say they did than to do it, just like its easier to obtain
forgiveness than permission.
Once your personal, portable data is captured, its in the wind, and youre toast. The
technology makes it possible to pick up a few parts, make up a yagi antenna and youre in
business. Now, the useful range of the RFID Chip about 30 feet is extended by a
sensitive lurking antenna and circuit to 300 feet or more. That can put it on a freeway
overpass, outside a restaurant, or even your home.
The patent for human implantation of the RFID Chip was granted in 1973, with plenty of
time to dream up many applications since then. Sounded good, but two things prevented it:
privacy concerns and miniaturization technology. Now, the Flea is tiny enough to be lost
among several grains of pepper on the tip of your finger, and privacy concerns can go to
But this is only the beginning. This is not your fathers reading your portable data for one
medical emergency application, it is shared for many applications. It is placed on shared
databases, and it is to be shared worldwide. Airports, retailers, public buildings, foreign
stations are gearing up to read RFID Chips as visitors, patrons and members pass through
their doors hourly.
Shared databases mean your data is shared worldwide.
As with all looting in this country, Liberty and Sovereignty must be pushed aside somehow,
because they are the last bulwark against that kind of predatory industries looting. These
industries depend heavily on adversity for their customer base and very survival. Whole
industries large and small tend to sprout up not only to furnish the Flea, but to manage the
problems anticipated and unanticipated in an enchanting transfer of wealth. All in the name
of fighting crime, or some other purported necessity. Pick one.
If you like the credit reporting bureaus and the cottage industries who promise to clean up
the errors, youll love RFID and all other surveillances and what they charge. But the cost to
America is not in the repair bills for errors its in the loss of sovereignty that paves the
way for the Flea to begin with.
In Part II, well elaborate even greater potential for abuse (as if this wasnt enough?)
defiance of citizen authority, and what defiance and electronic surveillance mean to the
American of tomorrow your children and their children after parents have had the chip as
the norm for a generation.
2007 - John Longenecker - All Rights Reserved
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E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale
John Longenecker was one of the first Paramedics in Los Angeles EMS. Today, he a father of
three, author, columnist, talk show guest and founder of the Good For The Country
Foundation, a 501(c)(3) patriotic think tank examining policy adverse to the public interest.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |



posted 11-28-2007 06:07 AM



Member # 7

By John Longenecker
November 28, 2007
Tracking Americans Worldwide
The Right To Bare Arms means no RFID in the body. Virgin. Untouched. Unmolested.
With any sort of requirement to even eventually and for whatever reason take the RFID Chip
implant, the officials pushing it makes them the New Bureau Of Engraving.
I had written years ago that when I was a Paramedic in the Fairfax District of Los Angeles in
1977, I had seen and treated many Jews who had Nazi Numbers on their arms. You know
what those were for.
The RFID Chip is for that same purpose. Order.
You can call it fighting crime, you can call it tracking and you can call it Order, but its all the
same: Control. And Control by knowing things about you is the foe of Liberty, because it
subjects innocent everyday behavior to scrutiny, and this leads to mistake, abuse and
When I say that tiny RFID Chips can track Americans worldwide, I am speaking of the shared
databases we described in Part I. For years, Ive been calling it the Flea the tiny thing you
dont want on you. Lets look closer.
Shared databases are already operating in fingerprinting, insurance coverage, point of sale,
automobile records, medical records, sales leads for sales weasels, marketing tracking of
both merchandise and customer habits, diesel parts, tires, grooming supplies, and much,
much more. Enter Internet search term Keyword RFID and you pull up a host of news items.
Take it a step further: Google for yourself your own tracking: Google Alert term RFID and
you can begin to follow RFID newsbreaks as they happen by opting-in for e-mail notification
of the latest. You may get ten a day. When one begins to view the enormity of the
applications, delight of new technology turns to apprehension and suspicion. JMO, of course.
As more and more agencies adopt RFID readers, more and more databases want to join, and
many have made a good case for taking a peek at the data of what you buy, eat, read and
watch. The fact is, that you are now watched, or soon will be.
As these are embedded in consumables, they are read wherever you take your consumables.
This establishes the technology of worldwide reading of RFID Chips for a seemingly harmless
tracking model: marketing. It also makes you trackable wherever you go by what you carry.
(Whats in your wallet?)
And, naturally, if its proven in marketing, it will be of interest in law enforcement. The brunt
of the cost will have been absorbed by business in pioneering the concept of following a
single item anywhere in the world, and with such an infrastructure in place by then, law
enforcement tracking is no longer three steps away, but one step away. The privacy defense;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

will no longer be a voice, but a whimper by then, outweighed bullied by so-called

necessity for a new crime fighting tool, and technical wonder for its ease of operation.
No wonder crime is permitted to continue: it paves the way for new technologic intrusions,
equipment sales and the staff to man them.
Now, to the future Americans to be tracked, the children, as promised.
As I mentioned, Liberty, Sovereignty and Privacy need to be pushed aside for the industry of
Personal Data Portability, otherwise known as Tracking. The customers view is convenience,
while the marketers view is watching. What they do with the information they obtain morphs
into wider and wider applications, inspired by more and more successful experiments some
technological triumphs, others societal triumphs, as in overcoming Privacy objections all of
which then translate into deeper and deeper intrusions.
But intrusion isnt harmless, because such personal information can so easily be
misinterpreted. Such personal data can so easily be subjective and abused. What they
interpret can be pivotal in how you parent your children, and sooner than you think.
As RFID is embedded in more and more items, a greater acceptance and acceptability occurs,
and over time, tracking becomes the norm. What we establish and accept today will become
the norm for our kids, and will proceed from there. As with our U.S. History, what is erased
or forgotten is what might have added powerful enough perspective to protect the nation on
the issue, so acceptance today is essential to the control of tomorrow. Refusal today is
critical to the safety and freedom of our kids tomorrow.
Erasing the baseline for perspective is to disarm the children of tomorrow in their protest
against control when it comes time for them to grapple with the problem -- long after were
gone. Order. Irrespective of what we teach them today, our actions of acceptance will speak
louder, and do much of the advance work of control no.. more like surrender to and for
the industries which will thrive on adversity, war, terrorism and crime. And the need
Now look at this: Who uses the Internet a lot in 2008? The kids. Who likes to buy all kinds
of junk at the Mall? The kids. Where are RFID chips being placed? In all sorts of items, from
those diesel parts to wet shaving razors . . . and RFID is placed in tons of stuff for... shall
we say.. marketing purposes.
And who furnishes a free modem with new or upgraded service? ISPs do. When was the last
time you paid for a modem?
As the discussion has been posted on the world wide web [dont forget to Google Alert the
term RFID] modems are being geared for RFID readers for so-called marketing research in
items brought home. This is not a new concept, not new at all. Havent you noticed the
contactless swipe or pass feature on the terminal when you buy something? Internet.
Various software already manages what they are calling Global RFID Networks already in
Its no great leap to RFID readers in the home computers modem.
And heres another frightening aspect of the nightmare: not only will chips of the near future
be readable and tiny, they will also be writeable and re-writeable, just like the mag stripe on
your membership card is. The mag stripe is just a piece of recording tape souped up for high
print-through and durability. But make no mistake, when it is read at the supermarket, it is
re-writing the stripe and updating it. Hows that for taking a swipe at Americans?
Theyre not likely to leave this feature out of Portable Personal Data chips.
Every day the industry makes advances toward personal implantation, its an appraisal of our
current Sovereignty.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

In Part III, we can ask the denizens of the industry why they dont take their own Chip and
2007 - John Longenecker - All Rights Reserved
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |



posted 01-23-2008 05:04 PM

DHS Suggests a REAL ID Could be Necessary for Medicine

By Ryan Singel January 16, 2008 | 4:47:12

Member # 7

A top homeland security policy maker suggests that the recently released mandates for a defacto national I.D. card could help stop meth labs, if the government required that
pharmacy's demand that cold medicine buyers show their REAL ID.
Currently individuals who want to buy over-the-counter decongestants containing pseudoephedrine have to show I.D. to a pharmacy clerk, sign a log sheet and are limited in the
amount they can purchase. The rules -- pushed heavily by California Democratic Senator
Dianne Feinstein, are intended to make it harder for meth labs to get pseudo-ephedrine to
cook into full-blown methamphetamines. They were made law in the 2006 re-authorization of
the Patriot Act.
Stewart Baker, the assistant director for policy at Homeland Security and a longtime needler
of privacy groups, suggested on Wednesday that the federal law could be tweaked to require
controversial REAL ID identification cards, according to Federal rules -- such as
those requiring identification to enter federal buildings or to board a plane without being
patted down -- are the hammer in the government's efforts to make recalictrant states
comply with the government's rules for standardizing driver's licenses.
The Cato Institutes's Jim Harper interprets Baker's statement to mean a REAL ID would be
necessary for any prescription. I don't see that in the report on Baker's remark, but certainly
the F in FDA stands for Federal. The feds probably could do this, but from a health
standpoint it would be a nightmare. No REAL ID, no birth control, no antibiotics, no insulin.
How many dead Americans are these rules going to be worth?
Many states have balked at the expensive REAL ID proposal and have said they won't
Homeland Security is already set to test those state's resolve and is threatening to not let
any citizen of those states to use their state-issued I.D.'s to board planes come May.
If that holds, expect that Hartsfield-Atlanta airport will be filled with angry travelers, who not
only can't get where they are going with enduring painfully long lines. The sick ones among
them won't even get to stop their sniffles, either, if what the irascible Baker suggests
actually comes to pass.
[ 02-26-2011, 07:05 PM: Message edited by: ConSigCor ]
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |



posted 02-26-2011 06:45 PM


LAW to carry a "National ID" card.

Member # 7

Even though no one on Capitol Hill is talking about it, unless it is stopped, the provisions of
The Real ID Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-13, 119 Stat 392), through the Department of
Homeland Security, will require the federalization of State-issued driver's licenses by May 11,
2011.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

This is the type of card the Nazi's and the communists in the Soviet Union made people
The new cards, disguised as a uniform drivers' license, will be biometric. Each card will store
up to a gigabyte of personal data about the card holder AND will contain a GPS tracking
chip---so that means the government will know where you are at all times.
No one is talking about this... and certainly, this is something the Obama administration
would like to keep quiet.
Barack Obama's America is quickly becoming Nazi Germany. Did you ever think you would
experience invasive, Big Brother tactics in which uniformed officers ask: "Let me see your
We know Barack Obama doesn't care what the U.S. Constitution says. SO WE HAVE TO
George Orwell's "1984" has finally arrived---27 years late.
Just click on this link. We have made it easy for you to FAX every Member of the U.S.
Congress to tell them to STOP any form of National I.D. cards or National Drivers' license.
Tell Congress that the Real ID Act goes beyond Constitutional limits, and that the American
people will not be subjected to what amounts to an internal passport. Further, tell Congress
that since the creation of a uniform, federal drivers' license/ID card exceeds the financial
limits established by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pubic Law 104-4, 2 USC
1501), this law cannot be implemented because the cost exceeds the limits the federal
government can impose on the States. Please help us fight this usurpation of YOUR privacy
rights---and CHALLENGE an unlawful demand on the States. OUR PERSONAL FREEDOMS
must be preserved.
If this battle is not waged---and won---by May 11, 2011, the American people will be
carrying a federal ID card that will double as a State-issued drivers' license. You will need it
to vote. You will need it to enter a federal building. You will need it to buy a plane ticket.
And, believe it or not, you will need it if you are stopped while jogging in the park or sitting
on your front porch. Oh, yes... and because it will be your drivers' license as well, you will
need it to drive your car.
You may be wondering how in the world we could have allowed this to happen. We "allowed
it" to happen because we were more concerned about terrorists than civil liberties. Congress
passed the Real ID Act on May 11, 2005, creating a mandatory national standard for Stateissued drivers' licenses, making the data points identical on all cards. REAL ID requires State
driver's license authorities to use more stringent measures to verify Social Security numbers,
birth dates, addresses, proof of citizenship and immigration status. The act prescribes 18
SEPARATE SECURITY CONTROLS that States are now required to use when issuing driver's
Before a REAL ID can be issued, the applicant must provide the following documentation:

A photo ID, or a non-photo ID that includes his or her full legal name and birth date
Documentation of birth date (i.e., your birth certificate)
Documentation of legal status and Social Security number
Third party documentation showing name and place of residence.

No big deal, if you're trying to keep terrorists out of the country.

But the liberties we will give up in order to accept this government control and intrusion on
our privacy are monumental.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

As Benjamin Franklin warned, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Who among us really believes that this National I.D. program is designed to keep us safer?
It's all part of Obama's regime of control and government centralization.
Please make sure every Member of Congress hears from you. Click this link to FAX Congress
and tell them to STOP any form of National I.D. cards or National Drivers' license. Tell
Congress that the Real ID Act goes beyond Constitutional limits, and that the American
people will not be subjected to what amounts to an internal passport. Further, tell Congress
that since the creation of a uniform, federal drivers' license/ID card exceeds the financial
limits established by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pubic Law 104-4, 2 USC
1501), this law cannot be implemented because the cost exceeds the limits the federal
government can impose on the States. Please help us fight this usurpation of YOUR privacy
rights---and CHALLENGE an unlawful demand on the States. OUR PERSONAL FREEDOMS
must be preserved.
In 1998 the Clinton Administration tested a privately-funded card without the consent of
Congress. Their card was part of a special healthcare program funded by the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation. The program was initiated in five western States and entailed giving
women with dependent children free healthcare in the pilot project that actually tested the
effectiveness of the biometric cards, which electronically monitored the whereabouts of the
cardholder 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by GPS. The test lasted one year. It was deemed
to be a success. So you see, the federal government already has the ability to track the
whereabouts of its human capital while they work, when they play, and where they sleep.
If this battle is not waged---and won---by May 11, 2011, "Real ID" will go into effect.
You will have to carry your card to vote.
You will have to carry your card to enter a federal building.
You will have to carry your card to buy a plane ticket.
You will have to keep your "national driver's license" on your person at all times, whether
you are driving or not---you will need it whether you are playing tennis, sitting on your front
porch, or walking up to the corner to catch a taxi.
Click this link to FAX Congress and tell them to STOP any form of National I.D. cards or
National Drivers' license. Please help us fight this usurpation of YOUR privacy rights---and
CHALLENGE an unlawful demand on the States. OUR PERSONAL FREEDOMS must be
Most states are already compliant well before the deadline. Personal data about you has
already been taken and it has been stored in a dossier about you.
And this information will be available to law enforcement officials in all other States. That
means the presumptions of "unreasonable search" are void, because if you are stopped in
any State for speeding, the police in that State can "read" the database assigned to your
card and virtually "share your information" over the Internet with any other government
agency in any state.
In addition to some First Amendment concerns, the REAL ID Act violates the Tenth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, because driver's license, as such, should come under
State purview, not the laws of the federal government. A federal drivers' license violates the
Tenth Amendment with respect to State power, and obliterates the states' dual sovereignty
with the federal government, making the State subservient to the federal government.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

We must do everything that we can to invalidate this Act by May 11, 2011.
Ultimately, just as Social Security Cards were never supposed to be used for ID purposes,
Real ID drivers' license will, very quickly, become de facto national ID cards, which is why
people who don't drive will still need to carry one.
REAL ID is REAL intrusive! We must make sure this doesn't happen in America. Please send
your faxes now.
Tony Adkins
Conservative Action Alerts
P. S. The REAL ID Act implementation will make it much easier for the federal government to
track every American---which is its purpose under the REAL ID Act. This is an outright act of
control on the part of the Obama administration, only one of the many agenda items they
are implementing in order to have power over every American citizen. We must speak up,
quickly, and make sure a National I.D. card NEVER becomes reality in the United States of
Real ID: Dead in the States, Congress follows suit
Written by: Michael Boldin
Heres news of yet another nail in the coffin of Real ID. Still on the books in Congress, never
overturned in federal court, but null and void in virtually the entire country (Florida, why
dont you join the rest!)
From Cato-at-Liberty, it appears that Congress might actually defund the whole mess and
make it pretty much official:
Its a good thing for Congress to have an open debate on the bill that would fund the
government from March 4th through the September 30 end of the 2011 fiscal year. The
alternative is for the bill to be written and the political log-rolling to be done entirely behind
the scenes. Open debate of the bill and amendments requires at least some level of
discussion about various projects and programs rather than spending decisions being based
solely on raw political power. And it gives the public some chance to have a say.
The debate may include an amendment to strip funding from the REAL ID Act, our
deplorable national ID law. As I wrote here before, money spent on REAL ID is waste. That
money should be put to better uses, including deficit reduction. No future money should go
to the national ID boondoggle, and ultimately REAL ID should be repealed once and for all.
Amendment #277 (find it on this page, scroll down) would add the following language to
the FY 2011 spending bill:
None of the funds made available by this Act may be used by the United States Citizenship
and Immigration Services for the implementation of the REAL ID Act of 2005 (Public Law
Michael Boldin [send him email] is the founder of the Tenth Amendment Center. He was
raised in Milwaukee, WI, and currently resides in Los Angeles, CA.
The government has attempted to implement this since the Reagan era. Understand;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

that if people become aware of a particular issue, TPTB delay it. This makes people
that exposed it, out to be liars.
Later, TPTB pull it again, then no one listens to the person exposing it, now they get
their way.
This is how the game is played, and has been for quite some time. It's partly to
blame for the inaction of us Americans.
TPTB love to play chess. Eventually they will find a crisis that is serious enough to
allow them to implement it.
[ 02-26-2011, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: ConSigCor ]
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |



posted 07-01-2013 03:08 PM

If You Like The Surveillance State, Youll Love E-Verify

Member # 7

Ron Paul
July 1, 2013
From massive NSA spying, to IRS targeting of the administrations political opponents, to
collection and sharing of our health care information as part of Obamacare, it seems every
day we learn of another assault on our privacy. Sadly, this week the Senate took another
significant, if little-noticed, step toward creating an authoritarian surveillance state. Buried in
the immigration bill is a national identification system called mandatory E-Verify.
The Senate did not spend much time discussing E-Verify, and what little discussion took place
was mostly bipartisan praise for its effectiveness as a tool for preventing illegal immigrants
from obtaining employment. It is a tragedy that mandatory E-Verify is not receiving more
attention, as it will impact nearly every Americans privacy and liberty.
The mandatory E-Verify system requires Americans to carry a tamper-proof social security
card. Before they can legally begin a job, American citizens will have to show the card to
their prospective employer, who will then have to verify their identity and eligibility to hold a
job in the US by running the information through the newly-created federal E-Verify
database. The database will contain photographs taken from passport files and state drivers
licenses. The law gives federal bureaucrats broad discretion in adding other biometric
identifiers to the database. It also gives the bureaucracy broad authority to determine what
features the tamper proof card should contain.
Regardless of ones views on immigration, the idea that we should have to ask permission
from the federal government before taking a job ought to be offensive to all Americans.
Under this system, many Americans will be denied the opportunity for work. The E-Verify
database will falsely identify thousands as ineligible, forcing many to lose job opportunities
while challenging government computer inaccuracies. E-Verify will also impose additional
compliance costs on American businesses, at a time when they are struggling with
Obamacare implementation and other regulations.
According to David Bier of Competitive Enterprise Institute, there is nothing stopping the use
of E-Verify for purposes unrelated to work verification, and these expanded uses could be
authorized by agency rule-making or executive order. So it is not inconceivable that, should
this bill pass, the day may come when you are not be able to board an airplane or exercise
your second amendment rights without being run through the E-Verify database. It is not
outside the realm of possibility that the personal health care information that will soon be
collected by the IRS and shared with other federal agencies as part of Obamacare will also
be linked to the E-Verify system.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

Those who dismiss these concerns as paranoid should consider that the same charges were
leveled at those who warned that the PATRIOT Act could lead to the government collecting
our phone records and spying on our Internet usage. Just as the PATRIOT Act was only
supposed to be used against terrorists but is now used to bypass constitutional protections in
matters having noting to do with terrorism or national security, the national ID/mandatory EVerify database will not only be used to prevent illegal immigrants from gaining employment.
Instead, it will eventually be used as another tool to monitor and control the American
The recent revelations of the extent of National Security Agency (NSA) spying on Americans,
plus recent stories of IRS targeting Tea Party and similar groups for special scrutiny,
demonstrates the dangers of trusting government with this type of power. Creation of a
federal database with photos and possibly other biometric information about American
citizens is a great leap forward for the surveillance state. All Americans who still care about
limited government and individual liberty should strongly oppose E-Verify.
Former Congressman Ron Pauls article first appeared at, the
temporary home for his weekly column until his personal web page is up and running.
-------------------"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does
come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J.
Jackson, March 1861
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |


posted 07-01-2013 04:52 PM

Use cash.

Senior Member
Member # 1119

I used to use military ID for everything I could since it was technically a federal ID, yet by
law, it gives up very little information about the individual compared to what is on a driver's
license, but now there is an even better ID.
The US Passport card is a legal verified ID, actually kind of tricky to get since it involves all
of the steps of getting a passport, but it gives up even less of your personal information than
a military ID or any of the state issued IDs, and by law, anything official has to accept it as
your ID because as a federal ID, it supersedes any other ID. About the only think it will not
work is certain kinds of checkpoints at airports and seaports for traveling between countries
which don't border the US, but even in those circumstances, if you "lost" your regular
passport but still have your passport card, the worst they can do is delay our re-entry into
the US, and if were to actually lose the passport or a drivers license, then the passport card
is one document that can easily get you a replacement without having to dig up your birth
certificate and social security card and send them in for verification.
In either event, use cash, demand cash, make a fuss when people don't accept it or won't
pay it. Only cash and coin of the realm even says "legal tender for all debts public and
private". Credit cards don't and all it takes is a couple of phone calls for someone to screw
that up in a hurry.
[ 07-01-2013, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Breacher ]

-------------------Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Posts: 4522 | From: Oregon | Registered: Sep 2002 |



posted 07-01-2013 06:04 PM

The key point.;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

Member # 7

The mandatory E-Verify system requires Americans to carry a tamperproof social security card. Before they can legally begin a job, American
citizens will have to show the card to their prospective employer, who will
then have to verify their identity and eligibility to hold a job in the US by
running the information through the newly-created federal E-Verify

-------------------"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does
come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J.
Jackson, March 1861
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |


posted 07-01-2013 09:17 PM

Real patriot movement people need to focus on cash income sources anyway, and a
volunteer contribution system to replace (for us) what would otherwise be the tax system.
Senior Member
Member # 1119

-------------------Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Posts: 4522 | From: Oregon | Registered: Sep 2002 |

Senior Member
Member # 4308

posted 08-23-2013 12:24 AM

I have always preferred cash. The ages old statement, * money talks and BS walks * has
sealed the deal countless times throughout history. The really neat thing about cash is that it
is PRIVATE and PUBLIC all at the same time. Besides it is NOT necessary to go to a bank or
credit union to exchange cash for cash as one has to do when trying to change a check into
-------------------Old People Know Stuff
JOHN 3:16
Organic Grub Tastes Better
Posts: 486 | From: Somewhere Nipply | Registered: Jul 2009 |



posted 02-15-2015 07:10 AM

TSA Demands Internal Passport for Domestic Travel

By: Wendy McElroy | Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Member # 7

Precedents exist for requiring citizens to produce special ID for domestic travel; they include
Nazi Germany, apartheid South Africa and Russia (both Imperial and Soviet).
Over the Christmas season, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) quietly
announced that America was walking down that path. By 2016, all domestic air travel will
require either a traditional passport or a federally-compliant ID card called "Real ID." State
driver's licenses will no longer allow Americans access to domestic flights, as they do now.
Real ID will constitute an internal passport. (The drop-date date is commonly reported as;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

An internal passport refers to an identity document that people must produce to move from
place to place within national borders. It allows a government to monitor the movement of
its own people and to control that movement by granting or denying ID. In the past,
governments have used internal passports to isolate 'undesirables', to regulate economic
opportunities, to reap personal data, to intimidate and command obedience, and to
segregate categories of people (like Jews) for political purposes. It allows a government to
bind anyone it chooses to his or her place of birth.
The upcoming Real ID requirement targets only air travel. But that's how it begins - with
After people became numb to years of ID demands, questioning and searches at airports,
those tactics spread to train stations and subways. Then highway check-points were
established in areas that lay within 100 miles from an "external boundary," including coasts.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents now have the authority to stop a traveller if they
have "reasonable suspicion" of an immigration violation or other crime. Although the agents
do not currently have authority to demand ID from American citizens, they often do so.
The ACLU has repeatedly cautioned that "[i]n practice, Border Patrol agents routinely ignore
or misunderstand the limits of their legal authority in the course of individual stops, resulting
in violations of the constitutional rights of innocent people....These problems are compounded
by...the consistent failure of CBP to hold agents accountable for abuse. Thus, although the
100-mile border zone is not literally 'Constitution free', the U.S. government frequently acts
like it is."
USA 100-Mile Border Zone
Recently, highway checkpoints have occurred well outside the 100-mile "exemption" range,
with agents demanding to see ID. They detain and threaten those who refuse the illegal
The total control of movement always begins with airports. Real ID will be reality in the US
by the end of the decade and, perhaps, long before. And it is not likely to be limited to air
Real ID Walks In Through A Back Door
Under the Real ID Act of 2005, state driver's licenses and other ID needed to conform to
federal standards. The IDs were to be used for "official purposes" as were defined by the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Examples of explicitly defined "purposes" include
for entry into federal buildings and for boarding commercial air flights. But the law also
provided the DHS with the authority to require Real ID for other undefined purposes,
apparently at its discretion.
To be compliant, the state IDs must incorporate specific personal details about each bearer
and link that information to a unique identifying number. The minimum information required
consists of a front-facing photo that is compatible with facial recognition technology, a full
legal name, signature, birth date, gender, and main address. (RFID chips were not mandated
but the Act left the future possibility open.)
The issuing state must verify the information and encode it in a machine readable manner
such as bar codes. Then, the data must be linked to every other state's motor vehicle
databases. The networking would permit an easy data-merge with federal databases such as
the FBI's Next Generation Identification system. The latter is a national facial recognition
system, which serves other functions as well.
The Real ID Act experienced a huge backlash from privacy and fourth amendment advocates,
as well as from states' rights ones. The states themselves rebelled because the federal;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

government hoisted the cost of implementing the program onto their shoulders. Some states
- for example, Idaho, Hawaii, New Hampshire, and Maine - flatly refused to comply. DHS
estimates that somewhere between 20-30% of Americans live in non-compliant areas. This
means the states have to scramble to abide by federal standards by 2016. The Real ID will
have a white star inside a gold circle in the upper right corner to indicate that the data has
been verified.
The verification process is not a simple one for the state or for the individual. The Marietta
Daily Journal (Oct. 23,2012) reported, "[M]any drivers in Georgia were surprised when they
attempted to renew their driver's licenses. What was a quick point and click online is no
longer. Federal requirements for the Real ID Act, now require drivers to visit a Department of
Driver Services office if they don't already have DDS secure license marked by a white star
in a field of gold in the upper right corner of the license.
"Many Georgians haven't renewed their licenses in many years, so naturally, they were
caught by surprise when they had to produce, in person, proof of identity, Social Security
card and proof of residence. But there is more. You have to prove your citizenship as well.
How? According to the DDS, either with a 'valid, unexpired U.S. passport', an original or
certified copy of a U.S. birth certificate/amended birth certificate filed with the State Office of
Vital Statistics. Birth certificates issued by hospitals 'are not acceptable'."
This is nothing less than the federalization and standardization of all identifying documents
throughout the United States. Those who are unable to document such niceties as their
existence (that is, their birth) will become second class citizens. They will be unable to fly
and excluded from entering into federal buildings, which may be necessary for them to
obtain government permissions or fulfil legal requirements. Joining the ranks of the secondclass will be the holders non-compliant licenses; these lack a white star and are stamped
"Not for Federal Official Use" instead. "Not for Federal Official Use" holders will need a
traditional passport or to apply for alternate DHS documentation if they wish to fly.
What To Expect
Many states and, so, many individuals will not make TSA's January 2016 deadline for Real
ID. Some hope the humanitarian TSA will push back the deadline as it did last year. And a
delay may happen...for logistical reasons. If it does, those who wish to escape a nation with
internal passports may have another year to do so.
But the main hope of delaying Real ID is a confrontation between the federal and state
governments. In 2012, the governor of Montana declared,
"Montana will not agree to share its citizens' personal and private information through a
national database, nor bear the exorbitant cost [of] building such a database. Furthermore,
the Act tramples on our state's right to determine our own licensing procedures and
protocols, and would interfere with our state's work to improve drivers' license security.
Montana is in no mood at all for another heavy-handed play by the federal government, such
as what transpired in 2008 when the homeland security director threatened to prevent
Montanans from boarding an airplane unless we complied with the REAL ID act. We refused,
and will refuse again."
Brave words. But Real ID is coming. When it arrives with both feet, Real ID will make it
much more difficult for freedom-loving people to avoid the federal behemoth. Of course, that
is its purpose. FATCA and related global measures gave the feds access to every cent that
any American possessed in the world. Now Real ID wants to ensure that no American can
avoid federal detection within domestic borders.
Id Checkpoint in Rutherford county TN
[ 02-15-2015, 07:27 AM: Message edited by: ConSigCor ]

-------------------;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does
come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J.
Jackson, March 1861
Posts: 11425 | From: A 059 Btn 16 FF MSC | Registered: Oct 2001 |

The Greywolf
NCO Contributor

posted 02-15-2015 08:06 AM

New Mexico is not real ID compliant yet...But they are pushing through the last obstacle this
year.. I hope they fail again.
Member # 2659


Senior Member
Member # 4428

Posts: 2748 | From: D 057 Btn 47 FF | Registered: Feb 2005 |

posted 02-15-2015 08:45 AM

If we the citizenry comply in anyway with this. We deserve to loose our freedoms! I am not
going to mince my words or actions with anyone. Resist or comply its up to you. We must
fight for our freedom or die as slaves to this tyranny. For those of us that have run our
mouths (me included). It is time to stand our ground and deliver on our verbiage. If you
don't. STFU!
-------------------Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Posts: 950 | From: A 127 Btn 10 FF | Registered: Aug 2009 |

Lord Vader
Senior Member
Member # 168

posted 02-15-2015 09:39 AM


If we the citizenry comply in anyway with this. We deserve to loose our
freedoms! I am not going to mince my words or actions with anyone. Resist or
comply its up to you. We must fight for our freedom or die as slaves to this
tyranny. For those of us that have run our mouths (me included). It is time to
stand our ground and deliver on our verbiage. If you don't. STFU!
I agree with you 100% every one who gives in to this violation of our rights is an ass kissing
coward and is NO Patriot and also does not deserve the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Any one deserving of the Title Patriot would do any thing and every thing needed to fight
against this and I Do Mean Every Thing regardless of who or what gets hurt or
damaged and regardless of any Moral Considerations and to Hell with Collateral
And we all must fully understand that in a real WAR Morality is a Weakness especially when
fighting an Immoral Enemy.
-------------------VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Posts: 3145 | From: Trapped in Rhode Island | Registered: Oct 2001 |


Senior Member
Member # 4428

posted 02-15-2015 10:06 AM

Your are straying off course with my comment. I do not support collateral damage. We would
loose public support with such sloppy actions. Your comments suggest that you are not what
you say you are. Your comments come across as though you want to bait people into saying;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

stupid and entrapping comments to be used against them. Why is this?!

-------------------Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Posts: 950 | From: A 127 Btn 10 FF | Registered: Aug 2009 |


Senior Member
Member # 861

posted 02-15-2015 10:07 AM

Vader when you lose your morality you lose you support base. morals are beacons for your
supporting populace. collateral damage did not work for Che. Or us. last time we had an indepth argument on infrastructure Rick Stanley got a lot of people investigated. And lot of
people harassed and a lot of people fired from their jobs.
-------------------Don't waste my time. BTDT Verified
Posts: 1732 | From: 27thBn\48thFF(irregulars) | Registered: May 2002 |


Senior Member
Member # 4428

posted 02-15-2015 10:09 AM

Your comments do not pass the stink test for me!

-------------------Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Posts: 950 | From: A 127 Btn 10 FF | Registered: Aug 2009 |


Senior Member
Member # 861

posted 02-15-2015 10:11 AM

Vader fix your flight pattern. And check your shot groups. As red dog would say this comes
across as fed bait
-------------------Don't waste my time. BTDT Verified
Posts: 1732 | From: 27thBn\48thFF(irregulars) | Registered: May 2002 |

Lord Vader
Senior Member
Member # 168

posted 02-15-2015 11:03 AM


Your are straying off course with my comment. I do not support collateral
I agree with you 100% every one who gives in to this violation of our rights is an ass kissing
coward and is NO Patriot and also does not deserve the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
That is what I agreed with and stated regarding your post.
And to that I added some of my thoughts on this issue. MY THOUGHTS NOT YOUR
Do you now now understand that I did not mean to infer that you believed the same as I
do on my use of Collateral Damage or any of my other thoughts......
-------------------VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Posts: 3145 | From: Trapped in Rhode Island | Registered: Oct 2001 |;f=44;t=000016;p=1#000027[2/15/2015 3:17:45 PM]

A Well Regulated Militia: National I.D. Watch

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