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Functional Nature of planets 1: Introduction

Sarajit Poddar, March 2015

Functional nature of planets 1

Sarajit Poddar, SJC
March 2015

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Functional Nature of planets 1: Introduction

Sarajit Poddar, March 2015

Principle 1: Kendradhipatya Dosa

BPHS 34.2

kendrdhipataya saumy n dianti ubha phalam |

krr naiv'ubha kuryu ubhadca trikoap || 2||
Natural benefics (Saumya Grahas) owning Kendras does not give auspicious
results, while natural malefics (Krura Grahas) owning Kendras does not give
inauspicious results. The Trikona lords always give auspicious results.
The four Kendras are like the four doors of a fort which are protecting the
inhabitants of the fort. If these doors are guarded by malefics, they use all their
fierce (Krura) means to protect it. Benefic lords of the doors are incapable of
protecting it as they are benevolent in nature and have lesser capability to fight.
Hence, it is always ideal if the doors are guarded by the Krura Grahas.
While auspiciousness of the Kendra lords depends on whether or not they are
natural benefics or malefics, the Trikona lords (5L and 9L) are always auspicious
irrespective of their natural nature (naisargika svabhaba).
Explanation of the Samya and Krura Grahas and their roles in the Kendradhipatya Dosa.
BPHS 34.8

guruukrau ubhau proktau candro madhyama ucyate |
udsno budha khyta pp ravyrkibhmij || 8||

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Guru and ukra are auspicious grahas, Candra is mediocre in auspiciousness and Budha is indifferent (udsna).
Inauspicious (ppa) grahas are Srya, ani and Mangal.
In verse 34.2, Maharishi Parashara mentioned about the Kendradhipatya Dosa. Here is explains which Grahas
are to be treated as natural benefics (Saumya) and which are to be treated as natural malefics (Krura).
Jupiter and Venus are always considered as Saumya grahs while Sun, Saturn and Mars are always considered as
Krura grahas. While Moon is considered as only mild in auspiciousness, Mercury is considered neutral.
BPHS 34.9

prendujejyaukrca prabal uttarottaram |
kendvarkrkibhputr prabalca yathottaram || 9||
Full Candra, Budha, Guru and ukra are stronger in the ascending order. Weak Candra, Srya, ani and Mangal
are stronger (in malefic disposition) in the ascending order.
Among the natural benefics Venus is considered to be the strongest, hence is considered as to be worst when
affected by the Kendradhipatya Dosa. The next is Jupiter which is followed by Mercury and Moon. Moon
becomes auspicious when strong in Paksha Bala and Mercury becomes auspicious when associated with other
Saumya Grahas. Thus the order of Grahas affected by the Kendradhipatya Dosa are Venus < Jupiter < Mercury
and Moon.
On the other hand the malefics are stronger in the order of weak Moon (in Paksha bala) < the Sun < Saturn <
Mars. i.e., Mars becomes highest in auspiciousness by the virtue of Kendra ownership. He is followed by Saturn,
Sun and the weak Moon. Mercury is considered to be higher in natural beneficence than Moon, hence his
position comes after the Moon, provided he is associated with other Krura Grahas.
The degree of beneficence in the decreasing order is as follows:
Venus > Jupiter > Saumya Mercury > strong moon > Krura Mercury> Weak Moon > the Sun > Saturn >
Mercury is considered as Saumya when associated with other Saumya Grahas i.e., Jupiter, Venus and strong
Moon. It is considered as Krura, when associated with other Krura Grahas i.e., Mars, Saturn, Sun and weak Moon.
BPHS 34.10

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kendrdhipatyadooya ubhn kathito hi sa |
candrajaguruukr prabalcottarottaram || 10||
The kendradhipatya dosa of Candra, Budha, Guru and ukra are significant in the ascending order.
This is confirmed by the sage here that the Kendradhipatya dosa of Venus is the strongest and that of the Moon
is the weakest. Extending the same logic, the Kendradhipatya yoga of Mars is strongest and that of the Krura
Mercury is the weakest.

Nullification of the Kendradhipatya Dosa and formation of Yoga

BPHS 34.11

kendrakoapat syt parasparaghopagau |
ekabhe dvau sthitau vpi hyekabhe'nyatara sthita || 11||
If there is an exchange between a Kendra and a Kona lord or if a Kendra lord is conjoined with a Kona lord in a
Kendra or in a Kona or if a Kona lord is in a Kendra or vice versa (then the yoga is caused).
It is earlier noted that when natural benefics own a Kendra, it attains a weakness called Kendradhipatya dosa.
However, this is nullified, if the Graha is conjoined with a Trikona lord or placed in a Trikona.
Any sambandha between a Kendra and Kona lord produces auspicious yoga. The sambandha can be established
in one of the following manner:


Exchange between a Kendra and a Kona lord

Conjunction of a Kendra and a Kona lord in any bhava auspicious or inauspicious. Even if the conjunction
happens in a dusthana, it is going to bestow only auspicious results. This is especially true if they are not
weak and afflicted in the sign where they are placed.
If the Kendra lord is placed in a Kona or a Kona lord is placed in a Kendra, they become highly auspicious.
However, the extent of auspiciousness is lesser than exchange or conjunction.
They are in mutual aspect of each other.

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BPHS 34.12

pradyekitau vpi mitho yogakrau tad |
yoge'smin jyate bhpo vikhyto v jano bhavet || 12||
If there happens to be a full mutual aspect between a Kendra and Kona lord they cause Yoga. One born in such
Yoga will becomes a king and be famous.
In the verses 34.11 and 34.12, the sage mentioned about yoga caused by the virtue of sambandha between a
Kendra and a Kona lord. This sambandha cause Rajayoga which bestow kingship and fame. Kingship here means
huge authority and influence over many people and the power to rule over them. Fame and reputation also
comes with the authority and influence as people who are ruled (guided, governed etc.) will know and talk about
this person.
One should also judge the strength of Lagna and the 10th houses, because they govern the extent of fame one
receives in life. The Lagna rules fame that comes due to birth in a specific lineage, place or community, inherent
skills and knowledge etc. The 10th house rules fame that comes due to the ability to perform righteous action in
the society and the ability and authority to guide or govern people.

Rider to the auspiciousness of malefics owning Kendra

BPHS 34.14

kendreatvena ppn y prokt ubhakrit |
s trikodhipatye'pi na kendreatvamtrata || 14||
It has been said, that a malefic owning a Kendra becomes auspicious, which is true, only when it simultaneously
owns a Kona and not by merely owning a Kendra.
In verse 34.2, the sage mentioned that malefics owning a Kendra becomes auspicious. However, here he clarifies
that mere ownership of a Kendra does not make them auspicious but make them lose their inauspiciousness due
to natural svabhaba. However, they become specifically auspicious when the simultaneously own a Kona.
On the other hand, if they own a Trishadaaya instead, they cant become auspicious and remain inauspicious,
true to the nature of Trishadaaya lordship. For instance for Scorpio Lagna, Saturn ruled the 3 rd and 4th house.

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Does it become auspicious by the virtue of Kendra ownership or becomes a malefic due to Trishadaaya
ownership? In verse 34.35 the sage specifically says that for Scorpio Lagna Saturn is inauspicious.
Similarly for Leo Lagna Saturn owns the 6th and 7th Bhava. Its 7th bhava ownership does not make it auspicious
because it owns the 6th house, a Trishadaaya. It being the ruler of the 7th house, it also becomes a killer.

Principle 2: Treatment of the Lagna

BPHS 34.3

lagna kendratrikoatvd vieea ubhapradam |

pacama navama caiva vieadhanamucyate || 3||
The Lagna lord is especially auspicious as it is both a Kendra and a Trikona. The
fifth and the ninth houses are bestower of extraordinary wealth.
The Lagna is primarily a Kendra and secondarily a Trikona. Although it is a
Kendra, it is exempted from the Kendra principle (i.e., judging their nature
based on their naisargika svabhaba of Saumya or Krura. This is because, is a
also a Trikona which atre always auspicious (vide BPHS 34.3). Since, one might
think that Lagna is a Trikona, he clarifies that the 5H and 9H are the primary
Trikona are specifically known for their capability to bestow wealth.
Thus Lagna plays lesser role in bestowing wealth (Trikona principle) and is
important in determining the direction of life (Kendra principle).

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Principle 3: Treatment of 7H-10H and Trishadaaya

BPHS 34.4

saptama daama caiva vieasukhamucyate |

triaydhip sarve grah ppaphal smt || 4||
Seventh and the tenth bhava are especially known to bestow happiness. The
lords of the Trishadaaya are always known to bestow inauspicious results.
There are four Kendras Lagna, 4H, 7H and 10H. In the previous shlokas, the
sage mentioned about the treatment of overall Kendra lords and the Lagna
Lord. The remaining Kendras on which explanation are needed are the 4H, 7H
and 10H. While the Trikona (5H and 9H) are the bestower of wealth, the
Saptama and Dasama Kendras are specifically known to bestow happiness. 7H
is important from the matter of happiness from partner, companion and spouse
while 10H is known to give success, recognition and fame. From a Bhavat
Bhavam standpoint 7H is Bhavat Bhavam of 4H and also of 10H. 7H = 4th from
4H, 10th from 10H. Hence 7H is important from the standpoint of Sukha
(Happiness, 4H) and Karma (success, 10H).
The Trishadaaya comprises of Tri + Shad + Aaya houses i.e., the 3rd (Tri), 6th
(Shad) and the 11th (Aaya) houses. The lords of these houses are specifically
inauspicious and are the bestower of all kinds of troubles.

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For different Lagnas the Trishadaaya rulers simultaneously rule one among a
Kendra, Trikona, another Trishadaaya or a Dependent bhava. Based on that,
their natures are altered as follows:
1. Trishadaaya + Kendra = Inauspicious
2. Trishadaaya + Trikona = Auspicious
3. Trishadaaya + Lagna = Auspicious
4. Trishadaaya + Another Trishadaaya = Extremely inauspicious
5. Trishadaaya + Dependent bhava (2nd, 12th) = Inauspicious
6. Trishadaaya + Randhra (8th) = Extremely inauspicious and deadly
Dual Trishadaaya lordship: For Aries, Libra and Sagittarius Lagnas, Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus respectively become the lords of two Trishadaayas. This
makes them extremely inauspicious. Their dasas turn out to be the worst dasas
in the life of the natives of the mentioned Lagnas. The ideal situation is when
these dasas dont appear in their lifetime, which is based on the Moons
nakshatra position. For instance, one born in Aries Lagna will not likely face
Mercurys dasa in their lifetime, if they are born with Moon in Ketu or Venuss

Principle 4: Principle of the dependent lords (2-8-12)

BPHS 34.5

vyayadvityarandhre shacaryt phalaprad |

sthnntarnurodhtte prabalcottarottaram || 5||

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The effects due to the lords of Vyaya (12th), Dvitiya (2nd) and Randhr (8th) Bhava
depend on their association. In each group the strength will be in the ascending
In the previous verses, the sage gave the principles for determining the
auspiciousness for the lords of Kendra, Trikona and Trishadaaya. This covered
the houses 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11. The houses remaining are the 2, 8 and
12. While the auspiciousness of Kendra lords depend on the naisargika
svabhaba of these lord, Lagna lord and the Trikona lords are always auspicious,
and Trishadaaya lords are always inauspicious.
When it comes to the lordship of the remaining houses viz., 2, 8 and 12, their
auspiciousness depends on the ownership of the other Bhava. For instance, for
Dhanu lagna, Saturn owns, the 2H and 3H. Since the 3H ownership makes it
inauspicious, Saturn will remain to be inauspicious as 2nd lordship will just
follow the nature bestowed by the 3rd lordship and will not have an independent
Sun and Moon are the ruler of only one signs. Hence when they become the
lords of the 2nd, 8th and 12th, they remain neutral, neither auspicious nor
Mentioned here are four groups of bhava lords (1) Kendra (1-4-7-10) (2)
Trikona (5-9), (3) Trishadaaya (3-6-11) and (4) Dependents (2-8-12). In each
of these groups, the strength increases in the ascending order. For instance
among the Kendras 10th is the strongest and among the Trikonas, 9th is the
strongest and so on.

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Functional Nature of planets 1: Introduction

Sarajit Poddar, March 2015

Principle 5: Special treatment of 8th lord

BPHS 34.6

tatra bhgyavyayeatvdrandhreo na ubhaprada |

triadydhipatve'tho koapatve tu satphala || 6||
Randhresha (8L) is not auspicious as he owns the 12th bhava from the Dharma
Bhava. If the Randhresha simultaneously owns a Trishadaaya (3-6-11), he will
prove specifically harmful, while his simultaneous ownership of a Kona will
bestow auspicious effects.
Among the dependent lords, 8th lord attains a special position as it owns the
Bhava which signify loss of dharma. Anything that cant uphold dharma cant be
auspicious. Lord Krsna proclaims in Bhagavadgita that whenever there is fall of
dharma he manifests to uplift the dharma and rescue the righteous ones. The
8th lordship however takes a backseat when the Graha also owns a Trikona (1H,
5H and 9H). For instance for Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aquarius, the 8L also
simultaneously owns an auspicious Bhava viz., Lagna, 5H or 9H, hence they lose
their inauspiciousness due to 8th lordship.
On the other hand, if the 8L also owns a Trishadaaya, then it becomes the
deadliest Graha in the horoscope. This applies to Jupiter for Taurus Lagna, Mars
for Virgo Lagna, Mercury for Scorpio Lagna and Venus for Pisces Lagna. This
applies to all the even signs Lagnas with the exception to the ones ruled by
Moon and Saturn.

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Functional Nature of planets 1: Introduction

Sarajit Poddar, March 2015

Principle 6: Rajayoga formation

BPHS 34.11

kendrakoapat syt parasparaghopagau |
ekabhe dvau sthitau vpi hyekabhe'nyatara sthita || 11||
If there is an exchange between a Kendra and a Kona lord or if a Kendra lord is
conjoined with a Kona lord in a Kendra or in a Kona or if a Kona lord is in a
Kendra or vice versa (then the yoga is caused).
A sambandha between a Kendra and Kona lord produces auspicious yoga. The
sambandha can be established in one of the following manner:
1. Exchange between a Kendra and a Kona lord
2. Conjunction of a Kendra and a Kona lord in any bhava auspicious or
inauspicious. Even if the conjunction happens in a dusthana, it is
going to bestow only auspicious results. This is especially true if they
are not weak and afflicted in the sign where they are placed.
3. If the Kendra lord is placed in a Kona or a Kona lord is placed in a
Kendra, they become highly auspicious. However, the extent of
auspiciousness is lesser than exchange or conjunction.
4. They are in mutual aspect of each other.

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Sarajit Poddar, March 2015

BPHS 34.12

pradyekitau vpi mitho yogakrau tad |
yoge'smin jyate bhpo vikhyto v jano bhavet || 12||
If there happens to be a full mutual aspect between a Kendra and Kona lord
they cause a Rajayoga. One born in such a yoga will becomes a king and be
In the verses 34.11 and 34.12, the sage mentioned about yoga caused by the
virtue of sambandha between a Kendra and a Kona lord. This sambandha cause
Rajayoga which bestow kingship and fame. Kingship here means huge authority
and influence over many people and the power to rule over them. Fame and
reputation also comes with the authority and influence as people who are ruled
(guided, governed etc.) will know and talk about this person.
One should also judge the strength of Lagna and the 10th houses, because they
govern the extent of fame one receives in life. The Lagna rules fame that comes
due to birth in a specific lineage, place or community, inherent skills and
knowledge etc. The 10th house rules fame that comes due to the ability to
perform righteous action in the society and the ability and authority to guide or
govern people.

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Functional Nature of planets 1: Introduction

Sarajit Poddar, March 2015

BPHS 34.13

koeatve yadaikasya kendreatva ca jyate |
kendre koe sthito v'sau viedyogakraka || 13||
If the Kona lord also becomes the lord of a Kendra, then its placement in a
Kendra or a Kona specifically prove to be a Yogakaraka.
For certain lagnas, say those owned by Venus and Saturn, one Graha becomes
the owner of a Kendra and a Trikona. In such cases, they become suo-moto
Rajayoga-karaka. The suo-moto Rajayoga karakas can bestow the yoga on their
own accord, without any sambandha of any other Grahas. However, they lack
the support which comes from the sambandha of two Rajayoga-karakas. Hence,
they get support for bestowing their auspicious results only when they are
placed in a Kendra or a Trikona. When they are placed in a Kendra, their Trikona
ownership takes the front seat in driving the Rajayoga. On the other hand if
they are placed in a Trikona, their Kendra ownership takes the front seat (vide
On the other hand, if the Graha is associated with an inauspicious bhava such
as Trishadaaya or the 8th house by placement or conjunction with their lords,
then yoga does not manifest. This is similar to the situation whereby ownership
of the Trishadaaya or the 8th house render them ineligible to bestow Rajayoga.

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Functional Nature of planets 1: Introduction

Sarajit Poddar, March 2015
Rider to the formation of the Rajayoga:
BPHS 34.15

kendrakodhipveva ppasthndhipau yad |
tayo sambandhamtrea na yoga labhate nara || 15||
If the Lords of a Kendra or Kona own simultaneously an inauspicious Bhava, they dont cause Rajayoga by mere
relations stipulated (vide 34.11-12).
When the Kendra or the Kona lords also own a Trishadaaya, their sambandha with another Kendra or Kona
lords dont cause the Rajayoga mentioned before. This also applies to the ownership of 8th house which is
specifically known as the destroyer of the Rajayogas. The reason being, the Rajayoga is sustained by righteous
action (9th house, dharma). 8th house being the 12th from the 9th house represent loss of dharma. Hence
ownership, conjunction or aspect of the 8H or its lord completely destroys the Rajayoga.
For instance for Aries Lagna, Saturn is the lord of 10th and 11th lord. In verse 34.90, the sage made it explicit that
conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn does not produce the promised Rajayoga due to 11H ownership of Saturn.
Similarly for Gemini lagna, Saturn-Jupiter sambandha does not produce Rajayoga, as here Saturn owns both 8 th
and 9th house. The 8th house ownership makes the Rajayoga null and void.
What happens when the 9L owns a Trishadaaya? Would it bestow Rajayoga? For two lagnas, Cancer and
Capricorn, the 9L also becomes the 6th lord. This is not possible for other Lagnas as 9L cant become 3L or 11L.
For the mentioned Lagnas, Maharishi didnt speak anything about the formation of the Dharma-Karmadhipati
yoga but says that these two lagnas are suo-moto Rajayoga karakas i.e., Mars for Cancer Lagna and Venus for
Capricorn and have the capacity to bestow Rajayoga if they are well placed. From this we can infer that
Trishadaaya ownership of the Kona lord nullify its eligibility to bestow yoga. This is also evident for Virgo Lagna
where Saturn rules the 5th and 6th houses. Such Saturn is also incapable of bestowing Kendra-Kona Rajayoga due
to Trishadaaya ownership.
One should note that strong Rajayoga is possible by conjunction of 4 th and 5th lords or 9th and 10th lords
provided they dont get inadvertently associated with Trishadaaya lords or the 8th lord, in which case, the yoga is
broken. However, the Grahas being the Trikona lords dont become inauspicious and continue to give auspicious

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Functional Nature of planets 1: Introduction

Sarajit Poddar, March 2015

Principle 7: Single planet conferring Rajayogas:

When a Graha simultaneously own a Kendra and a Kona, it gains the ability to
bestow Rajayoga, provided it is well placed in a Kendra or a Kona in the
horoscope. This is possible only for 6 Lagnas as given below:
1. Saturn for Taurus and Libra Lagnas
2. Mars for Cancer and Leo Lagnas
3. Venus for Capricorn and Aquarius Lagna

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