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Justine Joy Murao

Our distinguished Guest of Honor and Speaker, ______________________,
our intelligent and motherly District Supervisor, Dr. Eliza O. Rosino, our
workaholic principal, Mrs. Mercedes M. Ruiz, our diligent and able advisers, Mr.
Rodrigo N. Estebar, Mrs. Lita S. Dela Rosa, Mrs. Rowena L. Pedrozo, Ms. Rosalie
Caseria and Mr. Richard Laluan, equally hard-working teachers, our dear and
beloved parents, co-graduates, visitors, friends, ladies and gentlemen, good
Today we celebrate another milestone in our grade school life our
In our stay here in ASAN SUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, we encountered a
lot of changes. We faced a lot of challenges. These changes and challenges came
in the form of assignments, quizzes, exams, practicum, presentations and
competitions in and out of the school.
We worked, studied, and learned collaboratively with our classmate, with
our friends and schoolmates, with our teachers and parents. We have felt the
happiness, and at times, sadness, as we became a part of one anothers
learning journey. We have learned so much, have become more inspired and
more challenged that we continue to reach for our goal, our star.
This goal is a dream with a deadline, a detailed action plan, a
commitment to timing, and is therefore necessary as we embark on our new
path in our forever youthful and exciting lives.
Our journey to our elementary grades may have come to an end, but
another level of life will begin to open the high school life. More challenges will
come. More changes will take place.
Today, we can see the fruits of our hard work, patience and sacrifices.
Today, I strongly believe, is a sign of Gods great love.

Today is a new beginning, another milestone to conquer, a realization of

the value of embracing our passion that is education for this will lead us
towards our desired path of authentic happiness and self-fulfillment.
I thank the good Lord for this blessing, for this sign of His great love, for
my parents who have been always there to support me in everything that I do,
for their undying love and sacrifices.
I thank the good Lord for the insights, the knowledge, and the learning
our alma mater, Asan Sur Elementary School, equipped us with, for employing
the best teachers who have painstakingly taught us the knowledge we needed to
continue reaching for the star, for the provision of excellent facilities to enhance
our studies in different areas of growth and development. THANK YOU!
The school has taught us that excellence is being the best person that we
can be and that we have what it takes because we are products of ASES.
I now remind each other to follow our passion as we conquer secondary
education, for no one can move forward without looking back to the beautiful
past that have shaped us to be who we are today.
A truly inspirational teacher once told me not to be the person that
others expect me to be but rather be the person that I want to be. I cannot
think of anything better to ask of my fellow graduates than this. I hope you all
live your lives to your hearts content and that you take the path in life that
leads you to the most happiness because, in the end, thats all that matters. For
our futures, I hope that our worries stay small and that all our dreams reach
the stars because the skys the limit.
Thank you very much and again, a pleasant morning to all!

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