What Is The Thought of The Catholic Church About The Abortion?

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Many persons nowadays say that it is possible to be a good Christian and at the same

time justify the abortion. These persons say that the Bible, which contains the God's
Word, does not condemn the abortion directly.
What is the thought of the Catholic Church about the abortion?
Unanimous, along the whole history, the Churchs Parents, their Shepherds and Doctors,
have condemned the abortion the one that they qualified of homicide.
As the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith explains in the already mentioned book
The Provoked Abortion ": The tradition of the Church has supported that the human
life must be protected and favored from its beginning, as in the diverse stages of its
growth ", being opposed to the customs of the Greek - Roman world ".
Juan Paul II also has condemned the abortion?
The Pope Juan Paul II repeated in diverse opportunities the teachings of the Church in
this matter.
And in definitive and categorical form, he condemned it in these terms:
With the authority awarded by Christ to Pedro and successors, in communion with the
Bishops of the Catholic Church, I confirm that the direct and voluntary elimination of
an innocent human being is always seriously immoral. This doctrine based on that not
written law that every man, in the light of the reason, finds in the own heart; the Holy
Writ corroborates, the tradition of the Church transmits and the ordinary and universal
Teaching teaches.
To understand the gravity of the abominable crime of the abortion ", the first chapter of
the Encyclical "Evangelium Vitae" remembers, in conformity with the Holy Writ, that
exist " sins that cry out revenge before the God's presence " and among them " the
voluntary homicide has been included, first".
Does not Church admit the abortion in case of violation?
As it already remained above mentioned, the Church teaches that the natural and divine
law: they both exclude, so, the right of killing an innocent man directly
Without not knowing the difficulties that eventually a pregnancy might implies in those
conditions, the catholic doctrine is categorical: there is no reason that could give us the
right to take the life of an innocent and defenseless being in the mother bosom.
This education of the Church has not changed and is not changeable ".

Muchas personas hoy en da dicen que se puede ser buen cristiano y al mismo
tiempo justificar el aborto. Estas personas dicen que la Biblia, la cual contiene la
Palabra de Dios, no condena el aborto directamente.
Cul es el pensamiento de la Iglesia Catlica sobre el aborto?
Unnimente, a lo largo de toda la historia, los Padres de la Iglesia, sus Pastores y sus
Doctores, han condenado el aborto al que calificaron de homicidio.
Como explica la Congregacin para la Doctrina de la Fe en el ya citado libro "El Aborto
Provocado": "La tradicin de la Iglesia ha sostenido siempre que la vida humana debe
ser protegida y favorecida desde su comienzo, como en las diversas etapas de su
desarrollo", oponindose de esa forma "a las costumbres del mundo greco-romano".
Juan Pablo II tambin ha condenado el aborto?
El Papa Juan Pablo II reiter en diversas oportunidades las enseanzas de la Iglesia
en esa materia.
Y en forma definitiva y categrica lo conden en estos trminos:
"Con la autoridad conferida por Cristo a Pedro y a sus Sucesores, en comunin con
los Obispos de la Iglesia Catlica, confirmo que la eliminacin directa y voluntaria de
un ser humano inocente es siempre gravemente inmoral. Esta doctrina, fundamentada
en aquella ley no escrita que cada hombre, a la luz de la razn, encuentra en el propio
corazn, es corroborada por la Sagrada Escritura, transmitida por la tradicin de la
Iglesia y enseada por el Magisterio ordinario y universal
Para hacer comprender la gravedad del "delito abominable del aborto", el primer
captulo de la Encclica "Evangelium Vitae" recuerda que, conforme a las Sagradas
Escrituras, existen "pecados que claman venganza ante la presencia de Dios" y entre
ellos "ha incluido, en primer lugar, el homicidio voluntario".
La Iglesia no admite el aborto en caso de violacin?
Como ya qued dicho, la Iglesia ensea que la ley natural y la ley divina: "excluyen,
pues, todo derecho a matar directamente un hombre inocente"
Sin desconocer las dificultades que eventualmente podra acarrear un embarazo en
estas condiciones, la doctrina catlica es categrica: no hay razn alguna que pueda
darnos el derecho a disponer de la vida de un ser inocente e indefenso en el seno
Esta enseanza de la Iglesia "no ha cambiado y no es cambiable".

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