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Interpretation, The Bible, And Homosexuality.

Received (2015, Feb. 02)

I believe as Dr. Knust[1;2]. The bible was written by humans, humans are imperfect, and each
person has their own interpretive lense when reading the bible[1]. In fact, the Vatican is still
discussing the allowance of homosexuals in the church[5].
Video Time: 40:00 to end; God was androgynous and that could be our path as well.[1]
Quote: Jennifer Knust joined the faculty of BU in the fall of 2005. Professor Knust is a
specialist in the literature and history of ancient Christianity with a particular interest in
the transmission and reception of sacred texts and in the importance of gendered
discourses to the production of an early Christian identity.
Slavery = Confusion
I mean, come on, did God really approve of slavery?[2] Humans are imperfect[1-5], and we don't
really know God's opinion on homosexuality[1], but past ancient Christian writers did believe
the first form was androgynous being[1;2] and the last form might be androgynous as well[1;2].
In addition, humans are a heterogenous population of thinkers that can be influenced[1-5].
Illogical Mainstream Stigma
Still, I realize that I will not be associated with mainstream thinking, which is likely affected by
religion in the US, when my opinions or a similar-reasoning expert's opinions are read[3;4].
Sadly, I know that most of the same people do not really understand the writings of ancient
Christians, and I am learning as well. Once again, Paul did not condemn slavery and even told
slaves to obey their masters and wives to obey their husbands[2]. Sadly, the slave owners were
known to rape the slaves[2].
I would think that a suffering slave, especially a completely innocent one, was more "angelic"
than the owners. If true, the slaves would fit on a spectrum closer to God, and rape of such a
being is definitely forbidden according to Sodom[6].
Quote: The change in attitudes to homosexuality in many countriesnot just the West
but also Latin America, China and other placesis one of the wonders of the world (see
article). This week Americas Supreme Court gave gay marriage another big boost, by
rejecting several challenges to it; most Americans already live in states where gays can
wed. But five countries still execute gay people: Iran hangs them; Saudi Arabia stones
them. Gay sex is illegal in 78 countries, and a few have recently passed laws that make
gay life even grimmer. The gay divide is one of the worlds widest (see article). What
caused it? And will tolerance eventually spread? [4]

Quote: "Only a little more than a century ago, many of the very same passages now
being invoked to argue that the scriptures label homosexuality a sin or that God cannot
countenance gay marriage were used to justify not "biblical marriage" but slavery.
Yes, the apostle Paul selected same-sex pairings as one among many possible examples of
human sin, but he also assumed that slavery was acceptable and then did nothing to protect
slaves from sexual use by their masters, a common practice at the time. Letters attributed to him
go so far as to command slaves to obey their masters and women to obey their husbands as if
they were obeying Christ.
These passages served as fundamental proof texts to those who were arguing that slavery was
God's will and accusing abolitionists of failing to obey biblical mandates.
It is therefore disturbing to hear some Christian leaders today claim that they have no choice but
to regard homosexuality as a sin. They do have a choice and should be held accountable for the
ones they are making."[Dr, Knust, 2]
I believe in the possibility of God, I just believe humans are confused while God is not[7]--Time: 1:50 Vikings think they are controlling the sun God (eclipse).
[1] bu. Knust, Jennifer, Dr. (2010, Apr. 10). What the Bible Does (Not) Say About
Homosexuality. Retrieved (2014, Dec. 04). Video Time: 1:01:10. youtube[online]. Available
[2] VirtueOnline. An Honest Debate on Homosexuality: Jennifer Wright Knust vs. Robert
Gagnon. Retrieved (2015, Feb. 02). virtueonline[online]. Available from:
[3] Ayers, Ian; Townsend, William K. (2013, December). Tops, Bottoms, and Versatiles: What
Straight Views of Penetrative Preferences Could Mean for Sexuality Claims Under Price
Waterhouse. Retrieved (2015, Jan. 31). yalelawjournal[online]. vol. 123(3). Available from:
[4] The Economist. (2014, Oct. 11). The Gay Divide: Victories for gay rights in some parts of the
world have provoked a backlash elsewhere. Retrieved (2014, Dec. 06). economist[online].
Available from:
[5] Dias, Elizabeth. (2014, Oct. 03). What the Vatican Really Said About Homosexuality.
Retrieved (2015, Feb. 02). time[online]. Available from:
[6] Harding, Chris. (2014, Oct. 01). Mostly Heterosexual and Mostly Gay/Lesbian: Evidence for

New Sexual Orientation Identities. Retrieved (2014, Oct. 01).[online]. Available
[7] Udjat, Vanir. (2013, Jul. 31). Did God Create The Universe? Retrieved (2015, Feb. 22). Video
Time: 7:23 min. youtube[online]. Available from:

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