Investopedia Explains 'Soft Skills': Leadership Skills When Necessary

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Investopedia explains 'Soft Skills'

Soft skills have more to do with who we are than what we know. As such, soft skills encompass the character traits
that decide how well one interacts with others, and are usually a definite part of one's personality. Whereas hard
skills can be learned and perfected over time, soft skills are more difficult to acquire and change.
The soft skills required for a doctor, for example, would be empathy, understanding, active listening and a good
bedside manner. Alternatively, the hard skills necessary for a doctor would include a vast comprehension of
illnesses, the ability to interpret test results and symptoms, and a thorough understanding of anatomy and

Acting as a team player means not only being cooperative, but also displaying strong
leadership skills when necessary

Flexibility is a valuable asset - employees who can adapt to any situation are dependable
no matter what's thrown at them

Effective communication is paramount, and includes articulating oneself well, being a

good listener and using appropriate body language

Problem-solving skills and resourcefulness are critical when unexpected issues

inevitably arise

Accepting feedback and applying lessons learned fosters professional growth

Confidence is key, but it's important to always have the knowledge and skills to support

Creative thinking is invaluable and drives innovation and increased efficiency

Amit Kumar did his M Tech from IIT, New Delhi. He has an MBA from IIM, Ahmedabad. But he still
could not get the job of his choice during campus recruitment.
Reason: Blame it on his soft skills. Or rather the lack of them. These include communication, listening,
negotiation, etiquette, language skills etc. Hence, he could not compete with his fellow students who got
better jobs.

Part II: How to improve your soft skills

Soft skills play a vital role for professional success; they help one to excel in the workplace and their
importance cannot be denied in this age of information and knowledge. Good soft skills -- which are in
fact scarce -- in the highly competitive corporate world will help you stand out in a milieu of routine job
seekers with mediocre skills and talent.
The Smyth County Industry Council, a governing body based in the US, conducted a survey recently. The
results of the survey was called the Workforce Profile which found "an across-the-board unanimous
profile of skills and characteristics needed to make a good employee." The people most likely to be hired
for available jobs have what employers call "soft skills".
Here were some of the findings according to the workforce study:
The most common traits, mentioned by virtually every employer, were:
~ Positive work ethic.
~ Good attitude.
~ Desire to learn and be trained.
Mohan Rao, a technical director with Emmellen Biotech Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Mumbai defines a 'good
attitude: "It is a behavioural skill, which cannot be taught. However it can be developed through
continuous training. It represents the reactive nature of the individual and is about looking at things with
the right perspective. You must be ready to solve problems proactively and create win-win situations. And
you must be able to take ownership ie responsibility for your actions and lead from the front without
calling it quits at the most critical moment."
Most of the business leaders observed that they could find workers who have "hard skills" ie the capability
to operate machinery or fulfill other tasks, but many potential hires lack the "soft skills" that a company
CEOs and human resource managers said they are ready to hire workers who demonstrate a high level
of "soft skills" and then train them for the specific jobs available. The ever-changing impact of technology
has given hard-skills-only workers a short shelf life.
According to results of the Workforce Profile, (source: the more valuable employee
is one who can grow and learn as the business changes.
Soft skills "are as important, if not more important, than traditional hard skills to an employer looking to
hire -- regardless of industry or job type. This could offer a major breakthrough as educators and training
providers seek to develop and cluster training courses to fit business and industry needs."

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