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Quilon Social Service Society


A report on post tsunami rehabilitation programme for the elderly


A Project Supported by HelpAge India

Quilon Social Service Society


Quilon Social Service Society


Post tsunami rehabilitation programme for
the elderly in Kollam and Alappuzha districts
of Kerala

March 2008
For private circulation only

Printed & Published by

Fr. Romance Antony,
Executive Director
Quilon Social Service Society

Compiled and designed by

Deepak.O J, Project Coordinator

Printed at
Printers Castle, Ernakulam

Contact details
Quilon Social Service Society
Fathima Road, Kollam,,
Ph:04742797438, 2797428


Quilon Social Service Society
Director’s Desk

am happy to present a brief report of the special interventions for relief
and rehabilitation of the elders in the wake of Tsunami disaster which
shattered the lives of people in the coast. Elders stood helpless in long
queues for assistance and it looked as though the sun set in their lives. the
partnership with HelpAge India family gave a new dimension to the Tsunami
response of QSSS. The notable feature of the partnership is the pardigm shift
in elder care. For the first time in the state self help groups dynamics was
successfully tried with elders and QSSS had the proud privilege presenting 98
“Where are the charms of spring, Elder self help groups covering 1223 elders.
Oh, where are they,
think not of them. thour hasnt thy tsunami ravaged village have come alone. Flowers have sprouted. smiles have
music too returned to the faces of children and the aged. New spring time has come alive
- John Keats with rainbow colors. and the message HelpAge India and QSSS proclaim
resonates “Elders don’t need sympathy, include them in the march to freedom
and development

Fr.Romance Antony
Executive Director


Quilon Social Service Society

HelpAge India Contents

A bona fide partner for caring the aged Relief Activities 05

elpAge India is a National Level Organization working exclusively for Livelihood restoration 06
the cause and care of the older persons since 1978. The organization
extends financial support to highly credible Non-Government Livelihoods - Advantages &
Organizations for implementing various age-care projects such as Old Age challenges 07
Homes, Day Care Centers, Ophthalmic Care, Sponsor a Grand Parent
Programme, Income Generation Programme and Disaster Management. Promotion of
HelpAge India has taken numerous age care projects, networking with over diverse livelihood 08
900 other voluntary organizations (NGOs) all over the country at a cost of Elder self help group -
over 200 crores, all collected through individual and corporate donations. It A paradigm shift in
has definitely improved the quality of life of over 8 million disadvantaged elderly elder care 09
in our country. Mobile Medical units (MMU) are one of the programmes that
provide specific medical care catering to the health need of the older people Community based
who are often excluded form public health services. Promotion of Elder self granny care programme 11
group and support to micro credit activities stands out as a regular achievement.
Strengthening older persons’
CBOs 12

Federating elder CBOs &

the concept of ‘Elders for Elders’ 13

Advocacy programmes 15

Village immersion programme 17

Mobile Medical Unit &

Health care activites 18


Quilon Social Service Society
Relief Activities
Identification of beneficiaries

through CBOs and from Govt list elp Age International stepped into Tsunami ravaged villages in Kerala
Verification of the list coast in the second week of January 2005. It was the proud privilege
Issue of ID cards of Quilon Social Service Society to partner with an agency of such
Profiling of personal data international reputation for relief and reconstruction in the wake of one of the
Distribution at public place. greatest disasters in recent human history.

Problems encountered Activities started with relief operation. Relief Activities consisted in distribution
Limiting the support to older of relief packets. Relief pack contained Provisions, plastic chair, clothes, vessels,
people alone at the stage of relief stove, mats and bed sheets. 3798 families benefited from this intervention.
was difficult to be accepted by the Minimum standards for food aid defined by the Steering Committee for
general community. Humanitarian Response {Sphere Project} were followed.Without food security
other humanitarian assistance interventions are likely to be less effective. This
It was a hurdle to find out the gaps intervention helped in the post relief camp life ensuring dignified existence.
in the service of various non Access to food and minimum household facilities accelerated return to
governmental organizations and normalcy.
Since HelpAge India is an agency for elder concerns distribution of provisions
Distribution of food and utilities were continued for a period of one year in the form of social
pension under the scheme “Adopt a Gran (AAG) programme”. In this
items programme 200 poor elders in eight villages were supported with monthly
Supply of food items 500 units provisions and toiletries worth Rs.400 and a petty cash of Rs.100 for each
(Full package) Rs.2400/unit selected elder.
Supply of food items 1000 units
(Small package) Rs.398/unit


Quilon Social Service Society

Livelihood Restoration

econstruction in any disaster ravaged village starts with livelihood
restoration. Livelihood activities are economic activities that people know,
own and undertake to earn income today and into the future. Restoration
of livelihood of the elderly who lost their valuables in the tidal waves was one
of the major concerns of the agency. It was found that elders were adversely
affected with loss of fishing equipments and other valuable assets which
contributed towards their supplementary income. The project mainly
concentrated on restoration of fishing and allied activities for the elderly..

Methodology for Implementation

Systematization of activities is necessary for successful restoration of livelihoods.
Hence we introduced a specific methodology for implementing livelihood
restoration activities. Involvement of Karayogams in Alappad and Arattupuzha
and Parish committees in other coastal villages in Kollam Corporation, Chavara
etc. gave more transparency to the interventions. Methodology adopted was
as below:

● Identification of beneficiaries through CBOs and Govt list

● Physical verification
● Preparation of beneficiary list
Ensuring Sustainability
A sustainable livelihood is one which
● Profiling of beneficiary list
can cope with, and recover from,
● Procurement of items
stresses and shocks and maintain or
● Distribution
enhance its assets and capabilities
while not undermining the existing
resource base. (University of Sussex,
Livelihood support given used by DFID and the World Bank).In
order to ensure the sustainability of
Sl.No Items Unit Cost Units Beneficiaries the livelihood restoration program we
1 Boat & Engine 177308 65 396 introduced savings and thrift practices
in the beneficiary groups. Fishermen
2 Catamaran 27500 60 60 were formed into groups and savings
3 Fishing Nets 31920 20 20 accounts opened in nationalized
banks. Promotion of ‘Self Help culture’
4 Chinese Nets 52000 04 04 commenced through Elders Self Help
5 Dug out canoes 27500 35 35 Groups. Elders were organized in to
groups of 10-20 members according
6 Boats repair 15000 07 07 to their livelihood activities.
Total 191 522


Quilon Social Service Society
Advantages and challenges

Type of content of a Single Advantages Challenges

Livelihood unit

Boat and Net Marine Plywood Group of 6-8 fisher men operates People from Alappad and
boats the boat Arattupuzha requested for slightly
bigger boats. So the distribution in
Suzuki out board those areas was delayed.The gear
engines supplied did not satisfy the
requirement of the fishermen who
3 types of nets needed different types of nets for
different seasons and to harvest
different species.The engines and
nets are usually kept in the
temporary shelter provided and
exposed to be destroyed in
possible fire accidents.Heavy
operation cost especially the
heavy price for kerosene.

Catamaram Fiber catamaran Agency adapted improved Technology is relative by new and
3 types of nets technology- fiber craft made by durability is not assured
local craftsmen with expertise.
Models were tried to suit to the
local sea conditions. The fiber
catamarans enjoy longer lifespan. It
is easy to handle and elder friendly
for maintenance. No fuel cost is
incurred for catamarans and hence
brings in more profit.

Dug out canoes Small sized for The canoes were provided to the
inland fishing beneficiaries of Arattupuzha and
Alappad. The elders use it for both
Big sized for marine and inland fishing and thus
marine fishing they could be employed during all
the fishing seasons.

Chinese nets Wooden It was an ideal activity for older Construction of the unit is time
structureFishing people since it does not require consumingGetting quality wood
nets much physical work but unit cost was so difficult.
is high.

Boat repair Rs.15000 provided Ferry men could restart their

to each unit livelihood activities

Net only Sardine Different types of nets supported

Edakkettu vala fishermen to engage in fishing in
Disco net different seasons


Quilon Social Service Society

Promotion of diverse
Fish vending: Coir making &Tailoring:
There are hundreds of aged fish vending women in Kollam who procure fish Coir making one of Kerala’s traditional
from harbor and sell it in the neighboring areas through house to house lending. crafts deserves support. We could place a
A unit of fish vending vessel worth Rs.400 and Rs.2000 as working capital was few elders in the trade. Advantage was that
distributed to each of the selected women in the affected villages. they could engage themselves in a skill they
were proficient in. Tailoring machines were
Petty shops: provided to some of our elders, having
Assistance was given to 25 persons in Alappad and Arattupuzha for setting up ensured that a younger person in the family
petty shops which were lost in Tsunami. Unit cost-Rs.25000/-. well versed in tailoring could take care of
the elder.
Duck and poultry:
30 duck/poultry units were funded as source for supplementary income. This Carpenters & Masons: Family members
intervention came as a relief for very elderly people who could have an skilled in carpentry and masonry were
enterprise in their backyard. provided with tool kits.

Diverse livelihoods provided

Sl.No Type of LH Unit Cost Units Beneficiaries

1 Coir making Rs.6500 15 15
2 Duck & Poultry Rs.1500 40 40
3 Carpentry Rs.8319 10 10
4 Masonry Rs.2000 15 15
5 Fish vending Rs.2500 185 185
6 Petty business Rs.20000 25 25
7 Tailoring Rs.5500 24 24
Total 314 314


Quilon Social Service Society
Elder Self A
noteworthy innovation in our rehabilitation agenda was the introduction
of Self Help Group culture for elders. Initially there was apprehension
as to whether elder SHGs would take off but soon we found that the
Help Group elders welcomed the idea of meeting together , sharing and making themselves
productive citizens. Above all the concept instilled a new sense of dignity in the
A paradigm shift in elder care elders.

Why Elders Self Groups?

Our world is moving towards an elders’ world.With the dawn of small families,
increased longevity of life expectancy the percentage of people above 50 or 60
far exceeds that of persons below 50. People at 60 or up to 70 are healthy and
productive and capable of earning and supporting themselves. Youngsters are
migrating to cities for employments. The result is that there is no one to take
care of the needs of older people. In this context the concept of a CBO of
elders has become relevant. It is important to tap the rich experience, skill and
knowledge of elders. It was in this background that we floated the slogan
Definition of ESHG ‘Elders for Elders’
“It is a group, which comprises of
poor, marginalized and productive Characteristics of ESHGs
elders congregated with a common ● Group of 10-20 members - 55 and above
interest of their psycho-social well ● They meet regularly once or four times in a month
being and economic betterment.” - ● They share their dreams, sorrows and happiness
”When a group of 15-20 less ● Collect small amounts as savings
privileged elders gets together as a ● Provide mutual support in difficulties
group, draft programs of thrift and
credit and other social security Activities of ESHGs
schemes for the welfare of their ● Weekly meetings
group members, it is known as an ● Savings and small loans to members
Elder self help group.” ● Financial support to elders having chronic diseases
– Graying with Grace 2007 ● Visiting the disabled and ill persons
● Advocacy for elders’ rights and entitlements


Quilon Social Service Society

Financial aspects of ESHGs

● Savings are small but regular in most of the cases
● Credit needs of elders are comparatively small
● Some productive groups may require big loans
● Mutual trust and collective responsibility is the guarantor for loans

Impacts of ESHGs Status of ESHGs formed

● Recognition from society
● Elders help each other in difficulties Sl.No Village No Members
● Financial support from groups
● Enjoying a degree of independence 1 Arattupuzha 14 164
● Ventilation of feelings in group meetings 2 Arinallur 09 147
● Consideration from their family
3 Azheekal 11 131
● Elders became contributors in their family
4 Eravipuram 11 140
Limitations of ESHGs 5 Kovilthottam 08 89
● External support is required
● Not a productive age group 6 Moothakara 05 50
● Life time of a member is maximum of 15-20 years 7 Neendakara 07 93
● Disability of members will create gaps in group activities
8 Port Kollam 09 133
The process of forming ESHGs 9 Thangassery 06 70
● Open meeting with key persons and target population
10 Thirumullavaram 09 98
● Mapping of target population
● Identifying the homogeneous factors that bind elders 11 Thope 04 44
● Sensitizing the target groups 12 Vaddy 05 64
● Organizing a meeting with desired members
● Regularize meeting with records, thrift and credits Total 98 1223


Quilon Social Service Society
Granny Care
illage Elder Care Committees
(VECC) have played fundamental
role in taking care of destitute elders
and it was the begining of sustainable model
of community based elder care

Destitute elders posed a major concern.As

we could not possibly supply them with
ration on a regular basis Helpage India and
QSSS introduced the noble concept of
‘Community based Granny care’. A civilized
society cannot stand away from the
responsibility towards vulnerable
population in their society. HelpAge India
and QSSS provided an opportunity to the
villagers for showing their commitment to
the less fortunate elders. This was also a
major step to transfer the responsibility of
caring the destitute from NGO to
community and to ensure a viable system
for food security for the poor in our villages.

The program includes

● Provision of monthly ration and toiletries worth Rs.400
● Managed by people’s committee called VECC
(later it merged to VLF)
● Involvement of youth in social protection of elders
● Provision of pocket money (capital grant) to the committee
● Rotation of grains through Indirect beneficiaries

Village Elder Care Committees

VECC was formed in villages for managing the destitute elder care through
Grain banks.VECC was comprised of the elected members of respective local
Concept of Grain governing body, karayogam/parish committee representatives, ESHG members
Banking and members from youth clubs. Purchase and quality maintenance committee
Destitute care at village level was selected by the VECC. For functional efficiency destitute elder care and
functions through grain banking.The granny bans were transferred from VECC to VLF.
concept is to do business with grain
and provisions among the working Future funds for the program
elders and transfer profit for Profit from business
ensuring the food security of Donations from philanthropists
destitute elders. This ropes in the Sponsorship from agencies
entire village to destitute elder care Contribution from ESHGs
directly or indirectly. Grants from apex federations
Fund raising programs at district level


Quilon Social Service Society

Older persons

Seed Capital to ESHGs

In order to ensure the sustenance of
livelihoods seed capital was given to the
elder self groups after performance
assessment through a predefined criteria.
A total of Rs. 6,90,3000/- was transferred

lder person’s organizations have emerged in various parts of the to 82 self help groups.
countries. We arranged a series of programmes to capacitate the
leaders of elders at different level to take up positions assigned to
Seed Capital transferred
Village 2006 2007
● ESHG concept orientation programmes: Contents of the program were
SHG concept, Roles and responsibilities of office bearers, accounting Arattupuzha 170000 810000
procedure and Fund management Arinallur 170000 928000
● VECC concept orientation training: The objective of the training was to
Azheekal 170000 552000
make aware village leaders about the technical and procedural aspects of
Community based destitute care concept and their roles and responsibility Eravipuram 120000 0
in managing elder care. Kovilthottam 130000 364000
● Exposure visit of elders to Tamilnadu: The experience was brainstorming to Moothakara 25000 315000
the elder representatives. They could learn about the federation of SHGs
Neendakara 120000 490000
and micro credit schemes run by the federation in Tamilnadu.
● Training on enterprises for IGP: Basics in identifying enterprises for income
Port Kollam 200000 612000
generation activities, Ranking and prioritization of enterprises according to Thangassery 75000 455000
feasibility, preparation of a standard business plan Thirumullavaram 150000 630000
● Other training programs
Thope 40000 60000
Training on Disaster preparedness
Gender sensitization programs Vaddy 95000 222000
Training on Leadership & Group dynamics Total 1465000 5438000


Quilon Social Service Society
Federating W
e reached a milestone when we could federate the ESHGs at the
village level to the district level. Collective efforts have made
momentous growth in development sector.Village level federations
Elder CBOs & and district level federations broke the walls of isolation and ushered in new
avenues in networking and advocacy. DLF could attain respectability to the

the Concept level of negotiating with Govt departments. Now they are in a safe net enjoying
protection and renewed hope.

of ‘Elders for VLF to district level federation (DLF)

12 VLFs in Kollam have been federated to a district level federation named

Elders’ ‘Kerala Punarjani Vayojana Samithy’ and enjoys legal status under Travancore
Cochin Literary and Scientific and Charitable Society Registration Act 1985.
Two members, president and secretary, from each VLF were nominated to DLF
and an executive committee of 24 members was formed and they meet once
a month.
Significance of Significance of District Level Federation
Village Level Federation
● Function as the apex body of all VLFs and ESHGs in Kollam
● Social security of village elders is the ● Initiating advocacy level activities for elders’ rights and privileges
prime responsibility of VLF ● Developing mechanisms to monitor the activities at village level and ESHG
● VLF is the coordinating body of village level
level activities ● Networking the elder CBOs with other financial agencies
● Monitoring and Reviewing of the ● Fund raising for destitute care program
activities of ESHGs at village level ● Lobbying and making recommendations to the government and other
● VLF can operate village level income service organizations for the welfare of the aged
generation activities ● Representing poor elders before public forums
● Function as a sub institution of Elders ● Assisting VLF through advice in running the savings and credit programs
for Elders Foundation trust efficiently
● Supervision of functioning of MPCCE in ● Function as facilitating agency of the activities of elders for Elders foundation
villages trust


Quilon Social Service Society

Functions of EfE
● Advocating for change in stereotyping
of Aged
● Promoting a case that elders are
● Promoting enhancement of livelihoods
of the aged
● Furthering the ESHG movement
● Promoting community care for the
● Lobbying and advocating for human
rights of the elderly

The trust has now a financial capital about

1.5 crores in which each member of the
trust contributed Rs.2000/- as their
membership. Tthe trust is looking for

Elders for Elders linkages with the Elder self help groups in
other states for making the movement
Foundation Trust- Multi Purpose Community
A national level federation for elders Center
HelpAge India has constructed two

ational level federation of elders self help group - Elders for Elders multipurpose community care centers at
foundation trust - was formed at Cuddalore.The trust was constituted Eravipuram and Alappad for village elders
with two member trustees each from the four district level federations- with the aim of providing a common place
Nagapattinam, Cuddalore, Vedaranyam and Kollam. Two trustees, each from to village elders for socialization, meetings
the 52 VLFs in the four districts, were selected and constituted a general body and to promote livelihood activities. The
of 104 and they meet once in a year at Cuddalore. It possesses a total center is also destined to ser ve as
membership of 7807 elders. temporary shelter to estranged elders.


Quilon Social Service Society

Elders Week 2005: Advocacy was one of the major components of the project.The objective was
● Elders Mela to amplify the voice of elders to the Government, policy makers and society.
● Crowning of Elder King & Queen
● Cultural events Elders’ Week Celebrations
Throughout the project period National Elders Week was observed with a
Elders Week 2006: variety of programs.
● Cultural & entertainment programs for
the elders Demonstration of Elders at Thiruvananthapuram
● Super specialty medical camp An advocacy event at the head quarters of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, was
● Seminar on building coastal MFI organized on 30th October 2007with the intention of convincing the general
● Press meet public on the first ever movement in the world by the elderly for the elderly
● Students and Grannies meet for productive and healthy ageing-Elders for Elders Foundation trust. This was
● Elders Eve the first programme organized in Kerala for advocating the movement of the
● Elders mela 06 trust. 600 elders walked in the rally at the state head quarters and highlighted
the messages of protecting the elders by saying that ‘elders are the foundation
Elders’ Week 2007 of our nation’. Following the rally a public meeting was convened at Bishop
● Foundation stone laying for MPCCE at Pereira hall. Dr.Thomas Isaac, Hon. Minister of Finance, Govt of Kerala
Eravipuram & Alappad inaugurated the function. Theatre sketch and songs by ‘Kanal’-a folk team-was
● Poster making competition for School presented. Cultural programme of elders was a highlight of the day.
● Press meet by District level Federation
of Elders
● Elders’ Mela 07
● Punarjani Puraskar’ for best performing
● Elders Eve and crowning the eldest elder
● News letter – Vayojana sabdam


Quilon Social Service Society

Campaign for OLD AGE PENSION Vulnerability analysis (VA)

We organized a campaign for availing OAP to all eligible elders from the 12 A participatory approach
project villages. The ESHGs, VLFs and District level federation of Elders (DLF)
had involved in the campaign. Vulnerability Analysis is a systematic process
that involves communities and other
Through this programme the elder CBOs identified the eligible elders not stakeholders in an in-depth examination of
included in any pension schemes of Central/State Govt, and handed over the their vulnerability, and at the same time
applications for OAP to the District administration as well as to the State empowers or motivates them to take
Govt. appropriate actions.The overall aim of PVA
is to link disaster preparedness and
Vulnerability analysis were done in all the project villages for selecting eligible response to long term development. VA is
elders for OAP a qualitative way of analyzing vulnerability,
which involves participation of vulnerable
Tsunami commemoration programmes people themselves. The analysis helps us to
Village Federations in the coastal villages had organized tsunami commemoration understand vulnerability, its root causes and
programmes and remembered those who lost their lives in the tidal waves. most vulnerable groups, and agree on
Representatives of Local self government and other religious organizations actions by, with and to people to reduce
participated in the programme. their vulnerability. By analysis we mean the
process of breaking down something into
component parts, which can then be


Quilon Social Service Society
Village Immersion
Learning’s from the villages

elpAge India and QSSS adopted the concept of village immersion
programmes, a participatory approach which is a practical means for
Participatory tools used development professionals to learn directly about the lives of the people
Transect walks from the village itself.
Updating Social map
Trade in trade out Immersions are a useful means for experiential learning that can lead to a deep
Mobility mapping understanding of the reality of the lives of people living in poverty – and to a
Seasonality calendar process of rethinking policy and practice to be more effective in supporting
Time utilization chart their efforts to achieve better lives. They are likely to be most effective if
Income and Expenditure analysis integrated into a wider systemic process of personal and organizational learning
Livelihood analysis – a process that values reflection and relationship building as emphasized.
Community visioning
Livelihood enhancement action plan Revisiting of project activities during ‘immersion’
Logical frame work analysis Minimum requirement analysis: Villagers along with project staffs visited the
beneficiaries under AAG programme so as to ensure that minimum
Methodology adopted requirements are maintained for the security of elders.
● Discussion about the concept to the
project team Participatory grading of ESHGs:As part of transferring roles and responsibilities
● Primar y discussion and schedule to elders grading of ESHGs was taken up
preparation for village visits in the DLF
meeting VECC-VLF merging: For functional efficacy Village Elder Care Committees were
● Formation of VIP team merged into the Village Level Federations in continuation of the discussions
● Village stay with elders during the immersion.
● Application of various participatory
tools for gathering information Disease profiling:Discussions were drawn in connection with major old age
● Visioning exercises and preparation of diseases and the dominant diseases were identified. Mobility mapping exercise
logical frame work gave a picture of movement of elders to various institutions especially in health
● Preparation of village level documents care. Elders became conscious about the present situation and planning was
● Preparation of the report done for facing it courageously.


Quilon Social Service Society

Mobile Medical Units &

Heath Care activites

MU (Mobile Medicare Unit) was a pioneer project of HelpAge India.
It was launched in Kollam as Tsunami Rehabilitation Programme to
provide psychological and physical welbeing to elders, who cannot
afford quality health care. The unit was manned with a qualified doctor, a
pharmacist and a social worker dispensing free treatment and medicines to
disadvanged older people in 18 sites along the coastal belt of Kollam and Alapad
District. This programme aimed to enable older people to resume an active
role in life and society.

● At the end of the project the team was able to provide quality health
services to 10000 elders.

● 13 Specialty Medical camps were organised covering 1089 beneficiaries.

● Two IOL (Cataract) Camps were organized implemented through AIMS

and Ozanam Eye Hospital at Aratupuzha and along the Coastal belt. Free
screening Camps and Cataract Operations with medication was provided
to 286 elders.

● A speciality Arthritis camp was organised for elders to diagnose and treat
patients with arthritis handicaps. Free knee cap and braces worth Rs. 3000/
- were provided to 175 needy.


Quilon Social Service Society
VLF - Village level federation
DLF - District level federation
ESHG - Elder self help group
MPCCE - Multi purpose community care
centre for the elderly
VIP - Village immersion programme
OAP - Old age pesion
MMU - Mobile medical unit
CBO - Community based organisation
NGO - Non government organisation
VECC - Village Elder Care Committee
VA - Vulnerability Analysis
DFID- Department for funding for
international development

Project Team
HelpAge India
Rajeshwar.D, Dr.Sathyababu,
V Ramalingam, Elango Rajarathinam,
Joshua R Godfrey, Ajith Chacko, Ravi
Ranganathan, Satheesh, Subha.S.S,
Julie A Thomas, Shilly Joseph, Jacquiline,
Vinoth Kumar, Dr.Sharon George,
Johnson, Prince & Basil John
Quilon Social Service Society
Fr.Romance Antony, Xavier, Viji.R Vijayan,
Deepak.OJ, Suresh Joseph, Yazir Hameed,
Sujith V.R, Rasi RA, Prathibha, Praveen
James, Milkin Martin, Sebastian Valentine,
Abraham, Lenin, Joy Daniel, Samcy John,
Vimala S, Lenoramma, Santhosh & Anil


Quilon Social Service Society

Quilon Social Service Society

is the official organisation of the Catholic
Diocese of Quilon for social concern and
development of the people. It enjoys legal
status having been registered under
Travancore Cochin Literary Scientific and
charitable Societies Registration Act of
1957 (Q-137/60)

Thematic Areas
● Organisation of women into a creative
force for sustainable development
● Promotion of peoples bank for micro
● Skill development for alternate
livelihood initiatives
● Mainstreaming entrepreneur
development ventures with credit and
market linkages
● Leading the destitute to planned
development through a package of
● Providing conducive atmosphere for
integrated development of children
● Support for excellence in education and
career orientation
● Shelter programmes to ensure decent
● Regenerative management of natural
● Response to Disaster and Disaster
preparedness programme
● Combat trafficking and ensuring
protection to women and children
from trafficking

Quilon Social Service Society

Fathima Road, Kollam - 691 013
Call - 91-474-2797428 (D), 2797438 (O),

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