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The Colours of the Lord's Prayer

What The Lord's Prayer is .

The Lord's Prayer is the greatest of all prayers; it is the approach and preparation for individual prayer. When Christ taught the
disciples the Lord's Prayer it was for, great purpose. He wanted his message to go all over the world. Translated into any
language the words of the Lord's Prayer have exactly the same numerical value and same colour-form. This is indeed unique, and
in that sense it is a miraculous Prayer.
If Christ had said, "when two or three are gathered together it will be difficult for me to be among you unless you say this Prayer,"
that would have been the truth.
The Lord's Prayer is a prayer of hope, of love and peace. A Prayer that holds all things in it's words. It brings, by it's beauty, the
kingdom of heaven into the hearts of those who pray it well. It is a precious Prayer; a prayer to be meditated on; a prayer that has
in it the deepest of issue; a Prayer that can lift one to the greatest heights; a Prayer that can mean all things, including the
Kingdom of Heaven.
Preparation for the Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer is intended to tune the vibrations of the ether around the one who prayers.
Before you begin you must make your conditions right. If you have anger in your heart, or hate, or vanity or lust, or any of the
many sins, just dispel them. Do not be sorrowful or too emotionally happy, be just at peace and calm. There is no need to kneel.
Relax so that you almost forget, you have a body - think that you are just spirit. Then slowly say the Prayer, making the pauses in
the right places, realise you are building a shaft towards Heaven that cannot be dispelled and at every repetition of that prayer it
will rise higher.
Meditation on the Lord's Prayer
If you meditate on the Lord's Prayer- picture the meaning of the words- for only 5 or 10 minutes a day, you will be increasing the
brightness of your soul.
In meditation it is so important to be still, "be still and know that I am God". There are many ways of learning to be still. Close your
eyes and visualise the "still waters". They will enter your soul and you will by the power of their stillness, begin to "know God".
You can lift your soul out of the body right up to the Highest Heaven by the power of your thought; that is why meditation is so
important. There is no part of the Bible that holds a greater field for meditation than the Lord's Prayer. It has enough on which to
meditate for 20 years or more&every word of which fulfils a promise. You will discover different angles and facets of the Prayer you
never dreamt were there.
To become conscious of Christ, to bring him into your home, meditate on the Lord's
Prayer, for these are the words of Christ, spoken through Jesus. As you meditate on that special Prayer word by word, you can
link with the highest. There are people, who, through Meditation, have Christ consciousness and are bathed in light. Where does
the light come from? It is the Christ within, enabling the Angels of Power and Light to be always with them: hearing their prayers,
giving them solace, taking away fear and increasing their love. The lives of such people change : they are bound to change.
How to say the Lord's Prayer.
The Lord's Prayer is a call-sign to the angels. You can shout with a thundering voice and no one will hear you. But you may
whisper the Lord's Prayer and they will certainly gather around you. Each part of the Prayer, puts you in the right condition to
pray. Each part of the Lord's Prayer is a treasure beyond all price.
When the Lord's Prayer is gabbled it has no-colouration: Its harmonies are upset, and it will not create the atmosphere it should.
But by slowly speaking the words with thought and care, you build up the correct colouration for the guides to approach you.
Thought is usually turned inwards. If you want thought to go out it must be brought into
Dynamic action by speaking. Gabbled prayers have no power; but the one who has real intent of thought, who really thinks of
what he is saying, charges these words with the power of his thought and gets a very different effect. Thought behind spoken
prayer also lightens the vibration and enables it to rise.
People in church do not understand the real importance of the Lord's Prayer; they say it too quickly, without feeling of thought.
They do not realise that it contains the most important words in the whole of life.
Colours of the Lord's Prayer
If said with real reverence and understanding, the Lord's Prayer makes a path through the earth plane's shadow into the
Heavens above. Every single word has been carefully chosen for the vibratory effect on the ether. It must be spoken with
knowledge of what the prayer implies. As the prayer is spoken, the colours of the surrounding ether changes.
These colours are very remarkable, they are predominantly Blue, Purple and Mauve with a certain amount of Gold. If you had a
hyper-sensitive wireless-set you could turn these into Sound waves of the most wonderful music and they would rise upwards, with
the speed of thought on which distance has no effect.
There must be pauses between each phrase, for the creation of the right colours. Our Father which art in Heaven should not be
said in one breath. It should be said, Our Father...pause&which art in Heaven; In this way you begin to build the colour- form for
the Prayer to travel and penetrate the Heavens.
OUR FATHER BLUE. By these two words it would be possible to fill a whole room with blue. But you want to penetrate the
earthplanes shadow, so you say,
WHICH ART IN HEAVEN... now, the blue starts to concentrate itself into a shaft, 3ft in diameter and rises upwards. This shaft is

capped with PEARL.

HALLOWED BE THY NAME... these words make a wonderful sunset colour around your being. And the colours you can bring
down with your mind, as you say,
THY KINGDOM COME... you are drawing the colours of Heaven into your soul. These words start building a colour- ray of
YELLOW, sunlight colour. The light is now coming down, as well as rising, as if the colours have turned into a fountain; rising and
falling; and through it all, drawing closer and closer, can be seen the spirit forms, the Prayer answerers.
THY WILL BE DONE... now you are bring down the colourisation in which the angels dwell, and asking that God shall instruct
ON EARTH... the colour is GREY. There is a deepening of grey all round your shaft, caused by the concentrating of light forcing it
AS IT IS IN HEAVEN... A positive assertion. You know Heaven exists, and you want it to be like that on earth. You can finish at
this point, and start your own prayers - the link has been correctly prepared.
Our Father
Up to the time of Jesus the Jews held God apart as a miraculous force, a power that could be used for the destruction of their
enemies. Unless men sent praises constantly to this God. He might strike them down and send them into the after-life, to a fiery
hell of torment and torture. It was a God, right outside human vision, completely unearthly.
Then Jesus came and added to mankind the relationship of God the FATHER. But He defines the difference from the earthly
fatherhood when He says, WHO ART IN HEAVEN.
His Father, your Father- Head of the spiritual Family of those who are incarnate and those who are discarnate. An understanding
Father who sees and Knows you all; Who knows your virtues and blames you little for your faults- pitying you maybe, because all
your faults reflect and react and create a condition around you that, on leaving the earthplane you have to live in. Our Father,
whose hand is always held out to humanity. The concept "Our Father" has made God so real, so beautiful.
Our. You all belong to God and He to you. In him is all Fatherhood, all Motherhood. And the first words of the Lord's Prayer are a
selfish appeal. Meditate on the words "Our" belonging to; "Ours" - you are sharing, yet He is, individually, Your Father.
The fatherhood of God surrounds you all; in Him all love is contained and infinitely more- and it all belongs to you. A most perfect
earthly father could not give you in such measure as your Heavenly Father. Is it not a wonderful thing to think that all you have,
and will ever have, comes from Him? The gifts He has to give you are tremendous.
A Father is one who protects his children; they depend upon him for their daily bread. Our Father, the Father of all Fathers, is not
remote, but near you, expressing himself in the beauty that surrounds you. *Association of beauty with the Father should be
looked for in other parts within the Prayer. He has given us beauty expressed through music, literature, art, landscapes, sunrises
and sunsets, flowers and the very colour of the grass. Colour! There is something alive about God's colours, different from that of
man-made materials, of paintings; living colour by the master artist.
If you bring the Father, really into your hearts; if you can feel, He has that great love for you, greater than any earthly father can
have- you can bring the power, of the love of God into your souls.
The Father Who is in Heaven thinks of you, loves you and belongs to you. Science will soon prove that when a person thinks of
another, no matter how far apart they be, their vibrations will make contact to a greater or lesser extent. When you think of OUR
FATHER, you are thinking of God; and you cannot think of God without God thinking of you. He is sensitive to your needs, to
your wants.
Which Art In Heaven
Heaven is thousands of times bigger than the world, and you cannot place God in one particular part of it. He is in the Christ, the
seventh sphere in the Angel Kingdom; He is in all good people, because God is goodness; His is the Fatherhood of the whole
It is almost impossible for you to imagine what the Heavens are like; they are as varied as the earth. But there is no beauty on
earth that can compare with the beauties of the Spheres. In the place God will give you when you are dead&.your Father is there.
A mother's son may be in Australia and immediately she thinks of "our Australia". Many mothers have gone overseas just to see
the homes where their sons live.
Heaven is a place where your work is joy and love. There is no place on earth as happy as Heaven; but you must make Heaven
of your soul so that the Father can dwell in it. He will be in you, yet in Heaven, because your soul will be in Heaven.
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Names are very significant. There is something very precious in a name when it is hallowed with love. If a name is spoken with
holiness of thought and love behind it, it will go out into the ether and make magnetic contact with the one you are naming. If you
speak God's Name with love in your heart you are bringing him closer, into your orbit.
"Hallowed be Thy Name" - you put his name above all names. If you have done wisely
you have surrended yourself to his guidance and his love.; if you have not done so, the Prayer is empty&.you recognise His
beauty, His mercy. His justice - He is God, and you're Father.
Christ is a Hallowed Name above all others. Anywhere in the world where human beings dwell, they can be conscious of Him and
know that he is their life. When a man says "In the name of Christ", a vibration is sent through the ether reaching to the Christ

Sometimes names recall stress, hopelessness and hate in you. Names can mean so much,
Can bring so many prejudices- it brings hope, it brings the thought of One who will always guide you, and love you, no matter
what you do.
Yes his Name, and you, who see the Fathers perfection, beauty, peace, love, virtue and happiness- how can you help but hallow
his name?
Thy Kingdom Come
Which came first, the earth or the kingdom of Heaven? The Kingdom of Heaven came first, and it is God's purpose to make the
earth a true copy of Heaven. It has always been in Heaven, and you pray that it may come on earth. Out of Heaven earth was
formed; out
of Heaven man first came, and it is Heaven that man must pass&..In some form or other those words have been said for millions
of years by men outside His Kingdom, longing for it to come.
You are not asking for something impossible- it can come on earth. It cannot penetrate the fog, darkness and despair of the earth
in general, but where there is love, kindness, much giving and no vanity, where there is peace and the happiness follows, there
His Kingdom can come. Where it is you will have a feeling of belonging, as though you are part of that place. It is found in some
places of worship, but not all.
Sermons are seldom preached on the Kingdom of Heaven; so little is known about it. Read books on theology or comparative
religion, and you will be none the wiser as to what Christ meant about the Kingdom of Heaven. There are indeed abstract
Of a place where angels pass in and out all day with harps and songs&such a place does not exist. God has something better to
do with spirits than to place them in a cloudy kind of atmosphere that seems to have very little mind in it, very little intelligence, as
though the soul of man had left mind behind, with his dead body, and sailed out into the unknown&.can you imagine billions of
angels floating about playing harps? what would be the purpose of it?
"Thy kingdom comes" means the 4th dimension, inter-penetration. The spheres that are above the earth to come closer,
interpenetrating one with the other, until there are seven in one place, with the angels.
There can be no Kingdom of Heaven while there is fear and want. But the New Age has dawned and the classes will be put to
one side; there will be no more "low" or "high". Brotherhood is the kind of Heaven God wants on this earth, and it is coming. It is
in the stars, it is in the planets, it is in the ether, and at last it has entered into the human mind.
"Thy Kingdom Come", you are asking for something very great, very wonderful. You are calling for peace, justice, mercy, hope
and happiness beyond any understanding of the earth. All nationalities shall recognise His Fatherhood His Kinship. You are
asking for the Kingdom to come on earth that is rife with distrust, strife, dishonesty, chaos and fear. You are asking, not only for
the kingdom to come on earth, but also that it shall come to you, individually.
There is not to be a change in the earths surface, it is a kingdom you can have in yourself
But first of all, Christ must enter you; you must be of Christ and Christ of you. You would not be troubled by anything that
happened on this earth if Christ were in you.
There is only one giver of the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus Christ. The world revolves in the Aura of Christ, so you can all be in
direct communication with him. He speaks through yourselves; in hope and joy and happiness. You can pass out of the fog and
coldness of life into the warmth of Christ's love by just making up your mind and calling him unto you. All the weary past can be
lifted from your shoulders and you can be made anew. I WILL TELL YOU HOW, WATCH AND PRAY.
Watch yourselves and prey that the angels may help you. Watch yourselves; do not Watch your neighbours. Watch what you say,
the effect of your words; Watch your acts, look forward and think of the effect of your acts. You Have to WATCH to know what to
PRAY for, and then the angels will come to your aid, and out of love for you, they will guide you.
To bring His Kingdom upon earth you have to do your part, have you not? His Kingdom has no selfishness, no vanity, no unkind
thoughts, no gossip, and no greed. It is the Kingdom of good thought and purpose. You can make the Kingdom of Heaven on
earth here and now.
Fear keeps you out of the Kingdom of Heaven. What a horrible evil fear is, and what stupid things people are afraid of, Fear of
their neighbours; Fear of appearing ridiculous;
Fear of not being with the mass; Fear of illness, of pain, of not being good, of acting the part; Fear of losing material things; Fear
that happiness may go; Fear of loneliness; Fear of death. They all keep you out of the Kingdom of Heaven. Christ can dispel
those fears. Fear is greyness, darkness, dreariness - Christ is light and Sun and warmth. Pray over each fear, in Christ's Name,
that it may leave you. Fear is want of trust; trust in Him and you have no fear. Watch your fears; do not let them beset you. Tell
Christ, say, "I have this fear. Lord Jesus, lift it from my soul", HE WILL DO IT
The time is coming after this New Age has begun, when men will awaken to knowledge that Prayer is real, and then God's
Kingdom will come on earth.
Thy Will Be Done
His is the will of love, anything which is against love, the opposite to love, is against His will and against happiness and peace.
In order to do His will, you have to love Him and your neighbours. His will is that you should forgive again and again; that you
should hold no bad thoughts about your neighbours, but look beyond their faces and see the grace of God in them. It is His will
that you should be without vanity, humble before the greatness of God and the beauty that He has created. It is His will that you
should think of your neighbour first and yourself last. It is indeed very difficult, but along that way lies the Kingdom of Heaven.

Meditate on His will. How often in life is His will in your actions? How often do you act as God would have you do? Do you really
want His will? Or is it only lip service?
God's will can be done on earth. Through his peace, His love, His joy; not through long faces and pessimism, but through the
bright smile and happy outlook on life. Not through
regular attendance through church, with large Bibles under you arms&You are a person asking for his will to be done, and you
are a part, a unit, of the whole of Heaven. - Thy will be done in you on earth, as it is in Heaven, - well, are you beginning to see
the beauty?
On earth, as it is in Heaven
It is possible to raise the bit on earth on which you are, by meditating on these words. For the kingdom of heaven is not a strange
place, it can come on earth.
Try to picture Heaven. When you are released from the chain of flesh, you soar towards this heaven. You know you have to
progress there, to rise higher, and any thinking of self only keeps you down. You progress there as you do here, by love and
service. Heaven has all earth's beauties, birds, flowers&.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
These words actually mean food, that the body may be kept in health. In spite of hate, unhappiness and fear, the milk of human
kindness flows stronger than it did; and in this country not many people are in want for their daily bread.
But there is more than one kind of hunger. There is the Manna from Heaven that you need to satisfy your souls. When Jesus
blessed the bread it was filled with the power of His spirit. The bread of Holy Communion is spiritual food, it is manna from Heaven,
and the spirit is starved without it.
In asking for your "daily bread" you also ask to be looked after. Who is going to look after you? Perhaps you have been pushed
about, nobody has taken your hand or put their arms around you. You may be a very lonely person, but if you pray to Him, there
are so many in Heaven who are waiting to look after you. The Ministering Angels looked after Jesus Christ you know, others will
look after you.
You ask that material worries may be removed from your path. Some people have the false idea that they should pray for material
help; that prayer should be entirely on the spiritual plane; that material things are of the earth, earthly, outside God and His Angel
orbit. How ridiculous when Christ Himself prayed for material things!
Forgive Us Our Trespasses, As We Forgive Them That Trespass Against Us
There are so many things you have done for which you need so much forgiveness. You pay for your own sins, One day you will
understand how precious is that forgiveness. You pay for your own sins in proportion as you forgive your neighbours, theirs
against you. Forgiveness clears the darkness from your soul, and makes it possible for the power of God to enter. It is a spiritual
law that if you sow forgiveness, you reap forgiveness.
Trespassers are people who interfere with you: who upset your vanity; people of whom you are jealous; people you dislike:
people who bore you. You have to forgive them their trespasses - and as you forgive, you will find that they will not "trespass" any
These words have a very strong spiritual significance. They are the words of balance. You cannot receive without giving. We
know, Oh God, that You do, so keep this balance; We know we have to pay for everything we get; We have to give for all we
receive, until the perfect balance comes.
God gives you far more than you can give in return, but you must give something, so you contract to forgive those who sin
against you. Has it ever struck you, the seriousness of making that contract with God? How can you pray the Lord's Prayer with
hate in your heart, with an unforgiving soul, a critical mind, with uncharitableness? If you have not forgiven, do not say the Lord's
Prayer, because you cannot lie to God.
From the whole Bible that Prayer stands out clear and defined in all it's grandeur, in all it's Beauty, through its promise to mankind.
It is prayed so often in churches of all Christian countries - it is prayed morning, noon and night, and yet how many times is it really
prayed? How many people keep their part of the bargain of that Prayer?
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
A God of love who leads you into temptation? No, the meaning is this: "Do not allow me to be tempted beyond my powers to
Think of what you are asking. As you raise yourself spiritually, you find that other powers let loose, and the higher you climb, the
stronger is the pull back to earth. You are asking God to strengthen you against that trouble. You are weak, you need His helping
hand. Sometimes you ask your guides to lead you to the right thing, and they do through God... and sometimes you are lead into
When you started on this world adventure, perhaps 10,000 years ago, you had by degree's to be tempted of all sins in order to
become perfectly pure. Of these words you can say "I know I have been lead into temptation, but please God, I am so weak,
spare me until my strength can resist". God does not lead you into evil, but you re-incarnate to get rid of karma, and you must be
tempted, because it is only by resisting evil that you can get rid of karma.
But Deliver Us From Evil
Evil is the result of evil deeds - what your deeds have done to others. You cannot harm yourself without doing harm to the rest of
God's children: You cannot hurt another, without hurting yourself. You are all connected. You all need deliverance from evil.
There is so much evil in the world, it is in the very land on which your homes stand.
"Deliver us from evil", They sound such simple words, yet how much depth is in them!

How often are you delivered from evil? Are you to be delivered from some wicked person who may steel your purse, rob from your
house, or knock you down.? no, But you in the flesh, are beset with the evil, everyday of your lives. Unseen evil forces: evil in
your subconscious: evil in your surroundings, in the very atmosphere you breathe: evil that is passed down from generation to
generation; evil that is in you. That belongs to you. Have you ever been in house, or a room, that has made you feel depressed,
that feels uncomfortable? That is the time to ask god to deliver you from evil, to lead you away from such places, to avoid evil
For Thine Is The Kingdom
...that is to come on earth. The Kingdom of beauty, and the Kingdom of love.
You have taken from God and you have given back to God. You have given yourself to God; the things you keep you lose, and
the things you give away, you have forever - in giving yourself to God you have God forever. How many people have really given
themselves to God? In the history of the world, only a few saints have given themselves.
"Thine is the Kingdom". It is giving of all unto Him. Nothing belongs to you; it is not yours, that self you have carefully nurtured, it
is not yours, it is God's.
"For thine is the Kindom", the finish! The Kingdom is His, but He is your Father, as you belonged to your earthly father, so you
belong to God. And as your earthly home is you're Fathers, so is God's kingdom your Kingdom.
But you always finish at "For thine is the Kingdom". The rest has been added afterwards, and spoils the vibration.
The Lord's Prayer creates vibrations of peace and hope, and is a preparation for your own prayers. It surrounds you with light by
which the angels can see. It clears the fog of sin, hopelessness and fear from the room in which it is said. The greyness is
dispelled, a shaft of light enters the room. The whole atmosphere changes and there is a kind of rush of wind carrying the angels
and spirit guides, and also maybe loved ones, with it.
As the prayer progresses the light changes, from a beautiful blue it passes through degrees of purple and yellow-gold to a pearl
light, in which is warmth and love, and that light surrounds you. The Lord's Prayer has brought the angels to your side. You tell
them your wants, and then you thank them.
Do not forget your own prayers are not God's responsibility, they are yours. So be sure to pray for the right things. What are the
right things? Perhaps someone you love, is in difficulties; perhaps someone is sick, or is leading a bad life, mixing in bad
Every time you speak the Lord's Prayer you bring more of the presence of Heaven into your home, and if the Kingdom of Heaven
is within you, other people will feel it; and wherever you go you will bring peace, hope to the hopeless and you will lift the yoke
from the heavy-laden&..
When the Lord's Prayer is finished there stands a great figure in the sky of Heaven - the risen Christ, the Perfect Man. The Man
who knew all love, who gave you the word "Father", whom He found in the word "Love". Love is in the hearts of all mankind; all
mankind is part of God.
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