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Power Turbine Speed Control of The GE T700 Engine Using The Zero SteadyState Self-Tuning Regulator

New approach to the speed control of the T700 turbo shaft engine using an adaptive controller
of the self-tuning type for the power turbine. The unknown parameters of this model can be
updated recursively on-line by the RLS estimation algorithm. The designed by minimizing the
expected value of a quadratic criterion which also includes an integrating effect to remove the
steady-state speed errors.
The GE T700 engine whose cross section shown in Figure 1 is a hvo-spool engine. consisting
of a gas generator and a free power turbine. The gas generator consists of a 3-stage
axicentnfugal compressor and a high-pressure turbine.
Figure 1, Cross section of the GE T700 trubo shaft engine

For a linear controller design. the nonlinear dynamic model must be linearized about an
equilibrium operating point. As with most turbine engine, the assumption is made that the
pressure and temperature dynamics appearing in the flow equations are fast compared to the
gas generator and free turbine dynamics in the low frequency region. Therefore, their
dynamics can be neglected and they are included in the model only as outputs.
The combined engine-rotor system can be modeled by a state-space model in the following
x = Ax + Bu
y = Cx+Du ...................................... (1)
WF = used to regulate power turbine speed.
Np = three different linearized models.

SISO stochastic discrete model:

A(z-1) y(t) = B(z-1) u(t - d)+ C(z-1) w(t) .......................(2)
= the time given as an integer representing the number of sampling periods
= the process time delay
n(t) = the input at time (t)
y(t) = the output at time (t)
w(t) = a white Gaussian noise with zero
A(z-l) , B(z-l) and C(Z-1) arc polynoinials in the backward shift operator (z-1) . which can be
written in the SISO structure as:
A(z -1) = 1+a l z-l +a2 z -2 +. ..+an z-n
B(z - 1) = b0 + b l z -1 + b 2 z- 2+..+ bmz-m
C(z - 1) = l+c1z-1 + c2z-2 +...+ckz-k ..............................(3)
Assumed, C (z-1) = 1.
A (z-1) & B (Z-1) are unknown it is required to estimate these parameters. These estimates are
then used in the controller algorithm that minimizes a quadratic cost function of the inputs and
Objective = for this scheme is output regulation as close as possible in the mean square error
sense to the reference Yr representing to the set point.
Parameter Estimation
To obtain an algoritliin for parameter estimation, rewrite the model of (2) at time t as:
y(t)= bo u(t - d)+...+ bm u(t - d - in) - ...- al y(t - 1) -...- an y(t - n)+ w(t).............................(4)
Rewriting (4) in a vector multiplication form as:
y(t)= Px(t-l) + w(t) ................................(5)
P = [bo ,b1 ,..., bm,-al,-a2 ,..., - an]
x(t - 1) =[ u(t - d), u(t - d - I),.., u(t - d - m),y(t-1), y(t-2),...,y(t-n)]T......................(6)
Consider the model:
(t)=P(t)x(t - 1)....................................... (7)
where the matrix P(t) is the estimate of the parameter matrix P based on the information
obtained from the input-output record up to time t. P(t) is sought to minimize the sum of
squares of the residuals The least squares estimate P(t) may be written in the useful recursive
P(t)=P(t- l)+R(t)x(t-l)[y(t)-P1(t- I)x(t-l)]
R(t-l)=(1/)[R(t-1)-[R(t-1)xT(t-1) x (t-1 P(t-1)] / [ + xT(t-1)R(t-1)x(t-1)]..............(8)
where R(t) is the covariance of the error in estimation and 0 < <1 1 IS a forgetting factor.

Controller Design Result

A self-tuning controller is designed such that the average of the mean-squared errors and the
control energy appropriatey weighted is minimized. where the errors refer to tlie deviations of
the actual values of the power turbine speed from the desired values. Then, the resulting
controller is to be tested by digital simulations for the implication of specifications to
achieve good performance in terms of:
Command following.
disturbance rejection.
insensitivih to modeling error.
Figure 2,block diagram GE T700 turboshaft

For the svstem. the input is the fuel flow wf and the output is the speed N of the power turbine
On the basis of the simulation studies the autoregressive model was chosen for n= 1, m= 1
and d= 1
Np(t)=-alNp(t - l)+b0 wf(t -I)+b1 wf(t -2).........( 9)
where M (t) is a random, zero-mean Gaussian white noise represents the modeling errors.
The parameter and the data vectors in defined as;
P(t)=[b0 b1-a1]
x(t - 1) =[ wf (t - 1) wf (t - 2) Np (t - 1)]T....................(10)
The described controller was tested by digital simulation studies. The control scheme
was programmed by using MATLAB. Due to not to excite resonant mode,. a constraint u(t)<
0.05 was imposed. The weighting factors Q1 and Q2 are set equal to 1 and 10 respectively.
The forgetting factor in (8) is set equal to 0.97. The initial values of the parameters are bo =
1, b1, =a1, = 0 and R (0) = 10-1 .The parameters are estimated using (8) and the control is
computed as in (10).
The simulation results for the system with the adaptive self-tuning type controller
under the load and modeling error variations are shown in Figures 2 and 3. The estimate of bo

is also graphed in Figure 3. The performance of the resulting controller was investigated by
using a component-base real-time simulation program of a T700 turboshaft engine which is
described in [1]. The results of the nonlinear simulation is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 3 Linearized Model: Load variation (step disurbance = % 10)

Figure 4 Linearized Model 1: Modeling error (white noise disturbance:mean = 0, standard

deviation = 1 )

figure 4, Nonlinear simulation: Ramp load from 1 sec to 1.1 sec. Q1=1, Q2=95.5

The sampling period of 0 01 sec was selectcd for the time-series model which is the
real-time integration step size in the nonlinear simulation and is long enough for the
parameter estimation and the real time application. The designed zero steady-state self-tuning
controller was tested by digital simulation studies. The results indicate that it is not sensitive
to modeling errors and the proposed approach is capable of speed control and give consistent
results with changing load demand.

MEC 624





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