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ISSN 2051-6940

3rd - 16th April 2015

For Only

For Office or HomeVisits

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The Oak Class Coffee Morning

On the morning of Wednesday 25th
March I was invited to the Oak Class
at North Repps primary school for
their community coffee morning
with Bingo.
I joined others at the school office
where we signed in and then were
assigned pupils to escort us to the
Oak Classroom, my escort a lovely
young man Marcus (pictured below
right) explained he had been sorting
the cushions and once he had taken
me to a very comfy seat ascertained
I would enjoy a cup of tea which he
duly fetched, there were delicious
cakes on offer made by the class &
the Friends of North Repps School,
but as I was attending the monthly
lunch in Trimingham a couple of

hours later I reluctantly declined. After tea

Marcus escorted me on a tour of the school
including Acorn class where I met the five
ducklings ( above) stars of the school blog.

Continued On Page Six

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Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965

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Richard West
Home Improvements


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The Mace store in Mundesley is now under new

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We welcome you to come and have a look

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Blossom Hill - 2 for 8. Gallo & Hardys - 2 for 10

Various wines - 2 for 6

Also Beer Offers

Stella Artois - 6 for 7. Carling - 8 for 8.

We look forward to seeing everyone
in the near future!

Crab Tales web site:

From The Editor

In the last two weeks the weather

has been amazingly lovely.
On some of the days with sun and
no wind we could have been in mid
summer, then the next day the cold
east wind sweeps in accompanied
by rain mixed with sleet or hail
which means we have to dig out
the thermals drag the boots from
the back of the wardrobe and go
out wrapped up similar to a yeti
in appearance!
Now we have sprung forward into
British Summer Time, Easter upon
us and in Crab Tales country there
are masses of activities to try, see
pages 22 to 23, beautiful beaches
to visit and fun to be found in all
areas of this lovely part of the
world check out the pages to
find numerous suggestions
of how to enjoy life.
Just before going to press, too late
to change, we had an e-mail asking
us to remove the listing for the Film
& Pudding Evening on April 24th
at Erpingham Village Hall.
This event is now SOLD OUT!

Since our last issue we have been

joined by two new reporters for the
Crab Tales: Charity Sadler will be
doing work experience with us (see
Page 4) and Harriet Whittaker will
be taking photos for us. Their first
combined venture will be a report
on the Gimingham Panto.

Enjoy Your Crab Tales

Liz King
01263 834 965


For ALL Advertising PLEASE contact: Liz King

on 01263 834 965 e-mail:
For ALL Special & Regular Events PLEASE
contact Lis Keddell e-mail:


Benefits Agency...........01603 248 248

C.A.B.............................08000 855 889
(Holt)...........................01263 713 849
(Nth Walsham)............01692 402 570
Coast Guard..................01493 851 338
Council (County)...........01603 222 222
(District)...........01263 513 811
Dentist...........................01263 515 229
Doctors: Aldborough ...01263 768 602
Aylsham.........01263 733 331
Cromer .........01263 513 148
Mundesley.....01263 724 500
Sheringham...01263 822 066
N.H.S contact number..................1 1 1
Hospital (Cromer) .........01263 513 571
Job Centre (Cromer).......08456 043 719
Mundesley Visitor Centre...01263 721 070
Opticians.......................01263 512 345
Aylsham ..............01263 732 320
Cromer ................01263 512 850
Nth Walsham.......01692 402 482
Mundesley...........01263 720 702
Sheringham.........01263 822 874
R.S.P.C.A.......................0870 555 5999
Tourist Info-Cromer......01263 512 497
Travel Enquiries............08712 002 233
National Express...........08705 808 080
Rail Enquiries................08457 484 950
Veterinary Surgeon.......01263 822 293
Victim Support..............08453 030 900
POLICE..........................0845 456 4567
* Cromer Police Station Staffed Mon 8am - 3.30pm,
Tues & Weds 8am - 4pm*

Letters to the Editor Send to: 10 Hilda Rd, Mundesley NR11 8BA
e-mail to: OR Drop off at:
K Hardware, Church Street, CROMER
Dear Editor,

We were delighted to see the article about our

Soupa Saturday event on the front page of
your magazine and wish to thank you for your
kind words - we were so pleased that you
enjoyed the experience.
We are always most grateful to both our members
and the general public, for their constant support,
and would like to take this opportunity to thank
everyone who helped to make this event such
a success. We thought that your readers would
like to know that the event raised 279.61.
Over the course of the year, the hard work of the
members, combined with the generosity of the
general public, enables the Ladies Lifeboat Guild
to raise thousands of pounds for the RNLI.
The Guild is a thriving group of like-minded ladies,
of all ages, who give their time to raise money for
a truly worthwhile cause and throughout the year
we organise many fundraising activities, as well
as getting together for a number of social events.
Our membership continues to grow, but we are
always very happy to welcome new members.
Anyone who is interested in joining should contact
our Chairman, Beryl Mansell on 01263 513 336
or Secretary, Lin Baker on 01263 514363.
To find out more about us, look out for our display
boards at the Community Open Day on Saturday
18th April and the Nat West Bank, Cromer on
Monday 27th April Tuesday 5th May.

Our next fundraising event is the fabulous Fish

Supper on Fri. 17th April at Northrepps Village
Hall. The wonderful array of seafood is supplied
by John Davies and is served with delicious homemade salads & desserts. There is also a licensed
bar. Tickets cost 16 and are available from
Angela Sharp on 01263 515 862.
Thank you, once again, for your continued
Jill Reedman,
Cromer Ladies Lifeboat Guild

Dear Editor,

I cannot believe how much publicity you gave

to Lidl in your last issue. So you do all your
regular shopping there, that is a personal
choice for you !
But to do nearly a full page photo spread of their
wares is totally unacceptable and of little thought
to all of our wonderful local shops, who have
the huge task of competing with such stores.
Without them our local communities would
collapse. I can assure you that their produce
is fresher & of higher quality than any supermarket, and sourced a lot closer to home.
So, come on, shop local and enjoy all that
our independent shops have to offer.
Pat Whitby

Letters continued on Page 4

All material is strictly copyright. The views expressed in the CRAB TALES are
not necessarily those of the publishers or the Editor. Material including letters may
be edited. Layout & Design by Lis Keddell. Published by The CRAB TALES.

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965

Letters Continued From Page 3

Dear Philip,

Over the last few issues of your Crab Tales your

name has not appeared as the Editor.
What is going on?
I noticed recently that you are still distributing
the paper around Cromer with your green trolley.
Have you sold it again or what? I do enjoy the
Crab Tales and always have. Please let us
know what is going on?
Yours Sincerely
Roger Green.
In Response: Thank you very much for your
comments Roger. After over ten years I have
got Liz King from Trimingham to take on the
role of Editor but I continue, as the owner,
writing articles as and when required.
I continue to enjoy running the Crab Tales, but
am much freer to do other activities like going
sailing and being more involved as a Parish
Councillor in Mundesley, which I took on
just over a year ago.
I would add that I am happy to write articles on
local businesses who advertise with us, if they
would like to contact me. So in short I am still
there working for the Crab Tales.
Philip Keddell

Dear Editor,

Re Commemorating the Battle of Agincourt

600 years ago.
Your readers may have heard in the budget that
George Osbourne is putting aside 1million
towards the commemorative events of the
Battle of Agincourt 600 years ago.
Whether any of this money comes this way may
be problematical but Erpingham has a series of
events happening throughout the year the biggest
being a Medieval Spectacular on September
12th & 13th in fields around Erpingham Church.
Sir Thomas Erpingham was the leader of the long
bow archers at the battle of Agincourt which was
the major reason for winning the battle against
the French. With the help of the well known
Black Knight Historical the event will include
battling men at arms, long bow archers, and a
living history village with many have a go
activities for people to enjoy.
Although we will have medieval traders alongside others, we would like to ask through the
Crab Tales if any Charities might like to take
advantage of what we hope will be a large
crowd attendance at a much reduced site
fee of 20. If so would they contact us
on either: 01263 761 110 or: 768 209.
Helen Burrell
(Chairman of the executive committee)

Dear Crab Tales Readers,

My name is Charity Sadler, and Im a student

at Cromer Academy.

Bond Street, Cromer. tel: 01263 512 320

Open: Monday - Saturday 8.30am - 4.30pm

Dear Editor,

Trimingham Pilgrim Shelter Management

Committee are desperately looking for help.
We are in the process of putting together a
Stage 2 bid for money from the Big Lottery
Fund to build a new village hall.
If there are any retired Quantity Surveyors,
Architects or anybody with previous lottery
expertise out there, who would be willing to
give us a guiding hand, we would love to
hear from you. We have until July to
submit our application.
If you would like to help us please contact
Terry Brown on: 01263 834 349.
or e-mail:
or visit:

Dear Liz,

Could I through your magazine thank all those

who helped me on the Trimingham beach on
Monday 2nd March.
It was a beautiful morning so I decided to take
my dog Frank for a walk along the beach before
going to work. I met various dog owners and
their companions but one became over exuberant
while playing with Frank and an unfortunate
accident knocked me over when I was not very
stable on the boulders on the beach.
Unfortunately I fell heavily against the wooden
revetments & broke my femur. The first responder
was quickly on the scene calming and extremely
efficient. The coastguards were superb and very
carefully carried me back to the ambulance (not
an easy task as I was screaming in pain and not
a light weight) which was waiting at Vale Road.
May I also thank the kind couple who took
Frank to their home until my sister collected
him plus the two ladies accompanied by two
cocker spaniels who kept me warm with their
own hat and coats.
I am on the road to recovery and hope to be
back walking the beach with Frank soon.
Thank you all very much
Elaine Stockdale

Dear Editor,

Our aim is to serve good quality

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Over a period of time I will be writing up

different bits and pieces (such as reviews)
that will be featured in the Crab Tales.
If you ever see me in the street, please stop and
say hello to me, I would love to get to know
every-one who reads the Crabtales and what
they would like to see me write about!
I hope that all you readers will enjoy my
contributions to this great little magazine.
Happy Reading



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The Cromer Skate Park campaign has hosted

another successful charity ball, raising a profit
of 878 towards the upkeep and maintenance
of the towns new skate park.
The campaign reached its initial fundraising
target of 150,000 in September last year.
After a hiatus to allow for the worst of the
winter weather, construction work began
on the Meadow on Tuesday 17th March.
Cromers new skate park is expected to be fully
completed and operational by June of this year.
In the meantime, however, the drive to raise
funds to support the ongoing operation of
the skate park continues apace.
The campaign, with the aim of constructing and
maintaining a skate park in Cromer, hosted its
2nd annual charity ball at Northrepps Cottage
Country Hotel in March. Numbers were up
from last years event, with 76 guests.
Norwich magician Tyler Harrison kicked off the
event in great style, as guests were treated to a
superb display of close-up conjuring.
Northrepps Cottage laid on a sumptuous meal,
followed by music & dancing.The function room
was beautifully decorated, and complemented
by lighting & music provided by Sound Stage
Systems. Special thanks to Johnno, Andy and
Lucy, who took such great care of the guests
on the night. In short, the skate park charity
ball was, once again, a very special event,
and a great night was had by all.
The proceeds of 878 came from ticket sales,
a raffle and a silent auction. Many local shops
and businesses dug deep to supply prizes in
support of this very worthy cause.

Letter Continued on Page 8

Crab Tales web site:


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Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965

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Hey there Mr Blue,
Were so pleased to be with you
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Everybody smiles at you

Cromer And

Continued From Front Page

I really must learn more about this social media
& find the ducks at oakclass
The school have a world map where each place
shows up when residents of the country view
@northreppspri, if you have relatives/friends
abroad who twitter, please ask them to view,
as I am sure the children will be delighted.

The raffle finished off this most delightful

morning with many superb prizes.

The Bingo session was great fun for players

and callers alike although some of the
numbers attached sayings were as
amusing as confusing!
All the pupils were excellent hosts and
carried out their duties splendidly.
After my visit I heard that the Pre school at
North Repps Primary Ofsted report resulted
in a good report with outstanding features
The school will be having a Table Top Sale at
North Repps Village hall on the 10th of May.
Book a table on: 01263 579 396 or just go along
to buy some bargains and help the school raise
some funds. See our next issue for details.

Antingham Village

Two years ago the village hall was literally

facing closure due to a dearth of volunteers.
It was also possible that the hall and its land
would be sold, a village meeting was called
and discussions were held.
At that meeting John & Margaret Lake led the
call to try again rather than loose the village
Hall and a new committee was set up.
John was appointed Chairman, Graham Pinner
became Secretary & Sue Coleman as Treasurer.
In the past two years the hall has gone from
strength to strength and is now flourishing.
Due to personal pressures John & Margaret have
had to step down.
A member of the committee Graham Jones
said:Their efforts & leadership have been
exemplary and they have been backed by a
great team of volunteers.
Barbara Rogers, who is over 80, has served the
committee for many years and is also standing

down she has been a real stalwart and

contributed a great deal.
The committee are currently looking for three
more volunteers to replace those standing down.
Janet Covell has been volunteered, caretaker,
booking clerk for many years.
More than 10 organisations regularly
use the Village Hall.

A fresh opportunity is being given to people

living or running businesses in Cromer and
Sheringham to give their views on parking
in the two towns.
A Norfolk County Council survey that ran
from early January to 15 February achieved
a good response, with return rates of 36%
in Cromer and 29% in Sheringham.
However, it is being re-opened online to coincide
with other surveys being carried out on behalf
of traders and the town councils, and will run
until the end of April, so that people will be
able to consider the effects of Easter visitors.
The survey, which can be found at:
asks people where they encounter problems, and
whether measures such as pay & display in the
town centres and residents permit parking on
residential streets might make things better
for businesses and local people.
As in most seaside and market towns, on-street
parking near the town centres is generally short
stay to ensure a turnover that benefits businesses
and their customers.
Further out of the town centres, visitors looking
for longer term parking can leave their cars on
residential streets - avoiding car park charges,
but making parking difficult for the people
who live there.
NCC would like to hear peoples views on the
extent of these & other parking problems, and
measures that the council could use to improve
matters. There are no detailed proposals at this
stage, and there will be a further opportunity
to comment when street by street proposals
have been developed. No measure will be
introduced on a road or street unless there
is local support.
Since 2011 the NCC has been responsible for
on-street parking and enforcement, which in
Sheringham & Cromer is carried out through
the Norfolk Parking Partnership by Civil
Enforcement Officers employed by the
Borough Council of Kings Lynn
& West Norfolk.

If you are reading this, so too are

your future clients

To advertise in the

Crab Tales
phone Liz King on:

01263 834 965

Crab Tales web site:

North Walsham
Windows & Glazing Ltd
Unit 13 Douglas Bader Close,
North Walsham

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Specialising in Replacing
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Would like to welcome you to
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Community Care Workers.
We are eager to speak to people that can drive and have
their own vehicle who can work in Cromer, North Walsham,
Hoveton and all surrounding areas.
We require daytime, evening and weekend care workers that
can drive and have their own vehicle.
Full-time & Part-time vacancies available for those WITH or
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In addition to PAID MILEAGE, there are many other benefits
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With the following shift patterns: 7am - 2pm & / or 3pm - 10pm,
successful candidates would be expected to commit to working
alternate weekends.
Appointment subject to DBS disclosure.
To apply:
Call the recruitment team on 0333

1.00 PM TO 4.00 PM



4343 117

or email

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965

Woodpecker Tree Services

& Access Platform Hire

Antingham, North Norfolk. Established 1997

Call O. Dixon on: Tel (01263) 833 779
Fully Insured and NPTC Qualified.
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Firewood logs and wood chippings available!

Letter Continued From Page 4

The Skate Park campaign committee expressed

its thanks to all those who helped to make the
evening such a success and of course all those
who attended, and who demonstrated their
generosity on the night.
Finally, special mention should be made of our
committee member Jean Spruce, who again has
worked tirelessly to ensure that the success of
last years inaugural ball was surpassed.
Huw Parker, Cromer Skate Park committee

Dear Editor,

On the 18th March, Nth Norfolk Speakers Club

held an International Speech & Speech Evaluation
Contest, which was was well supported.
The Speech Contest was chaired by Ann Paynter.
and the audience was entertained by contestants
who had to deliver a speech with universal appeal.

Dear Editor,

Due to the high numbers of injured & stray cats

being brought into the surgery and the difficulty
reuniting these cats with their owners the RSPCA
East Norfolk Branch have kindly sponsored
some Free of Charge Microchips for cats.
Free of Charge Microchips are available on
selected dates & times in April 2015 ONLY
and appointments must be pre booked.
Cats must be over 6 months of age.
For details please contact us on: 01692 407 126
Best Wishes
Toll Barn Veterinary Centre

150,000 needed to build the park, are not

getting very much for their money.
I suspect that Mr Crump, up there on his cloud
twanging his harp, is having the last laugh.
Yours faithfully
Philip Graham

Dear Editor,

Norman Lamb took time out on March 20th to

help About With Friends celebrate the first
birthday of their Cromer Community Caf.

Dear Editor,

A new Guide Dogs group for Sheringham,

Cromer & district is appealing for volunteers
to plan and support fundraising activities.
You can join a growing number of people in
your local area who are volunteering to help
this National, well loved Charity by giving
just one hour of your time.
Youll be making a real difference by helping
Guide Dogs transform the lives of blind people
by enabling them to live a full & independent life.
When you become a member of the team youll
have the chance to plan and help out at local
events which will include such activities as
social evenings, quiz nights, collections, and
selling Guide Dogs merchandise.

The eventual winner was Paul Rosier, Above

Left, with his speech Sodium Odium.
The Speech Evaluation Contest was chaired by
Lynne Goddard, with Gillian Beecroft giving the
test speech and the best Speech Evaluation was
won by David Ley, Above Right.
The Speakers Club meets alternate Wednesdays
at 6.45pm at North Walsham High School.
Further info from:
or contact Gillian 01692 650 250
Many thanks
Karen Battrick (North Norfolk Speakers Club)

Opened last March, the caf offers a meal, or

snacks in a warm and friendly environment.
About With Friends has a minibus which they use
to collect OAPs for a ride into Cromer to enjoy
a drink or snack in the caf whilst members run
errands for them. The birthday celebrations were
presided over by the Helen Dalton-Hare and
member Dan Shuter gave a speech explaining
how important working at the caf is for him.

Easter Bonnets
Worn By Many

On Wednesday March 18th at 2pm a healthy

and happy group of ladies turned up for their
monthly meeting of the Royal British Legions
womens section at the Coronation Hall.

Dear Editor,

I am writing to say a very big thank you for your

recent support in my efforts to raise money for
the Norfolk Heart Trust following my spell in
hospital last year.
With four events planned I hoped to raise
1,000 between 14th Feb & 8th March.
On Valentines Day with a chip & quiz night
the target was 200. This I exceeded and we
raised 307! Next a Concert with Taverham
band on Sunday March 1st, I hoped to make
my overall target with a bit of luck and I
raised just over 800 on the day.
I have collected a box from Whites the Butchers
in Aylsham which added 10 and my friends
One Foot in the Groove through busking
in Aylsham Market Place gave me 63.50.
Making a total profit of 1,330.46. My grateful
thanks to everyone who attended, donated prizes
or donated monies to this fantastic total.
Yours very sincerely,
Hazel Kingswood.

Guide Dogs receives no government support

and is funded purely by those who are willing
to give time and help to this valuable cause.
The Charity plans to hold a coffee morning in
the area soon so that everyone interested can
meet to shape the groups future but in the
meantime if youd like to know more about
the new support group please contact Daniel
at Guide Dogs on 0118 983 8741 or email:

Dear Liz King,

If John Crump were alive today he would be

turning in his grave. The construction of the
Cromer skate park, to which he was opposed,
has begun and having inspected the site, I can
say that contrary to his ignorant assertion that
the Meadow would be concreted over, the
skate park is surprisingly modest in size.
One could argue that all the young people who
dedicated so much time and effort to raise the

Many of the ladies were sporting their Easter

Bonnets including Jean Barber, pictured above
with a variety of Easter Bonnets, on left with
Debbie Smith, on right.
Along with reports on other business there was
an interesting talk given by Bryan Dobsworth a
Yorkshireman and a celebrated Iris Hybrider.
All in all an interesting and informative
meeting was enjoyed by all those who
were there.

Crab Tales web site:

Medical Negligence

Richard Barr experienced clinical negligence solicitor

based in North Norfolk. Free preliminary consultation without
obligation (at your own home if you wish) Cases may be
taken on no win no fee
For more information and a fact sheet contact me on:

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Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965

In Paston

Solar Eclipse
At Paston 9.28am 20th March 2015

Refurbished Historic Almshouse

Available to Rent.

There are two almshouses in Paston,

on the North Norfolk coast.
Not many people are aware that these, two very
old properties run by a group of trustees, exist.
Founded by Sir William Paston (of Paston
Letters fame) in 1691, the cottages were
originally known as Town Houses.
They were for the sole use and benefit of the
poor inhabitants of Paston.
The majority of almshouse residents today will
be of retirement age, of limited financial means
and usually living within the vicinity of an
almshouse charity.
Almshouse charities are regulated by the Charity
Commission and governed by locally recruited
trustees. Residents pay a weekly maintenance
contribution, which is similar to rent, but
different in law, and less than a
commercial rate.
Benefactors generally founded almshouse trusts
in earlier times to provide for those in need and
often to cater for a particular category of persons.
Today there are almshouses for retired fishermen,
miners, retail workers and a host of other groups,
in addition to the elderly.
Some were founded by
City Livery Companies,
many of which still retain
almshouses and there are
also almshouses for
families, the disabled
and even a few for
key workers.
One of the Paston almshouses is currently undergoing much needed
restoration inside and
the gardens are being
This unfurnished cottage
will shortly be available
and consists of lounge/
dining room, bedroom,
kitchen and shower

From a painting by a past resident

room, and has car parking space.
The trustees are currently looking for a new
resident for the cottage. They will have to pay
a weekly maintenance charge plus Council
Tax, water rates and electricity bills.
The successful applicant must be over 60 years
of age, be able-bodied, a non-smoker, and
preferably living in or associated with the
parish of Paston, but consideration will be
given to anyone in the North Norfolk area.
If you or someone you know is interested
please contact Christine Damen (Paston
Charities Trustee) Tel: 01263 720 973
Pictured below: Paston Almshouses in 1991


ALBY Service Station, Alby Horse Shoes Inn

ALDBOROUGH Spar Shop AYLMERTON Service Station
AYLSHAM Aylsham Garden Centre, Budgens, Somerfield,
Tourist Info Centre
BACTON Bacton Fish & Chip Shop.
BANNINGHAM The Crown Pub / Post Office
BODHAM Post Office
CROMER Budgens, Council Offices, Country Club, Library,
Rainbow, Crossways,Tourist Info Centre, Food Fare,
Icarus Hines, K Hardware, Mill Rd Post Office, Morrisons,
Mary Janes , N & P, Spar, Cliff Rd, No 1 Fish & chip shop
White Horse + 1,000 delivered in Town Centre.
EAST RUNTON East Runton Cafe, East Runton Stores.
GRESHAM @ John Stibbons, Langdale
ITTERINGHAM Village Shop/ Withers Gallery
KNAPTON Elephant Playbarn, Church Porch & MADRA
MUNDESLEY Crayford & Abbs, Country Pickings, Mace,
Manor House, Rushes Newsagents,Tourist Info Centre
Village Flower Shop,The Library & Medical Centre.
NORTH WALSHAM Sainsburys, Waitrose
OVERSTRAND Post Office,Central Stores,
Overstrand Garden Centre
ROUGHTON Jet / Post Office & Groveland
SHERINGHAM CAS Travel, Crown Inn, Library, Poppy
Line Railway Station Whistlestops, Tyneside Club.


SIDESTRAND Sidestrand Church

SOUTHREPPS Mace Shop, Vernon Arms
SUSTEAD from Mrs Jubb, Pear Tree Cottage
TRIMINGHAM Woodlands Park & Church Porch
TRUNCH Corner Shop
WEST BECKHAM Wheatsheaf Public House

Thanks to Paul Damen for this.

Big Society Fund

The NNDC Big Society Fund Grant Panel has
awarded funding totalling 49,000 to eight
community projects across North Norfolk.
Grant awards included: Southrepps Parish
Council (5,372), Ingworth Parish Council
(7,500) and Sculthorpe Parish Council
(7,500) to improve play provision.
A grant of 7,500 was awarded to Wells Town
Tennis Club towards improving facilities for all
users of the tennis club. St Andrews Church Hall
in Holt will receive a grant of 2,628 towards
new chairs and 8,000 was awarded to Stalham
Town Council towards a community project.
If you wish to apply for funding, contact the
Council via Sonia Shuter tel. 01263 516 173
or visit:
The next round of applications closes on
11th May 2015. The Panel will meet on 8th
June 2015 to assess the applications.
A prospectus is available to applicants which
contains comprehensive guidance to support
the application process. The grant scheme is
open to applications for funds of up to
15,000 to support community projects.


and win a Family Swim voucher from

SPLASH in Sheringham ( 2 Adults & 2 kids)

If you are under 12, tell us your name,

age and address, also in which advert
the Crab is hidden and the page number.
Please Note : Entries should be written by
the child themselves, at least their name.
OR - If you are a pensioner,
SPOT THE COD and win
now at Huckleberries

43 Church Street, Cromer

Hand in your Entry, with your name & where you

found the cod and the page number please,
to: K. Hardware in Cromer, or post it to:
Crab Tales, 30 West St, Cromer NR27 DS
before the next issue comes out.

The first entry out of the hat wins !




Congratulations to Keifer Barrett, aged 9, from

Blickling, who found the crab on the Front Page
in the Norfolk Cleaning advert and to Mrs C. Dillon,
from Mundesley, who spotted the Cod on
page 14 in Cromer Osteopaths advert.

Crab Tales web site:

Stores in Cromer, Sheringham,

North Walsham and Aylsham.
telephone : 01263 512 134

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965


Cromer Skate

Construction work on Cromers new custom

designed skate park has begun.

Cromer & Sheringham Crab &

Lobster Festival
Friday 15th - Sunday 17th May

A feast of fun, food, art, music & heritage
The 2015 Seafood Trail & Wonderful Wheel Trail
are Rolling Out! The Crab & Lobster Festival
Food & Art Trails always aim to surprise.
Each year sees Cromer & Sheringham eateries
offering great seafood dishes, and both Towns
are arrayed with a series of uniquely decorated
objects which have been generously sponsored
by local businesses.
So look out for some Wheely Wonderful Ships
Wheels this year.. there are 101 wheels to spot!
At nearly a meter in circumference these solid

On a grey and misty Tuesday 17th March, the

historic first turf was cut by Maverick, the
specialist skate park development company
that won the tender to build the skate park.
Chair of the Cromer Skate Park committee
Hillel Fridman was in attendance, along
with a number of the campaigns younger
supporters Pictured Below.

The Cromer Skate Park campaign reached its

fundraising target of 150,000 in September
last year. Unfortunately, the building work
had to be put on hold until after the winter.
Now that construction has begun, although
progress is still dependent upon prevailing
weather conditions, Maverick is confident
that the work will be completed by June
of this year.
Cromer will therefore have its own skate park
up and running in good time for the start of
the summer season.
Nor has the campaign flagged in its commitment
to raising funds to support the new skate park
once it is fully operational.
Phil Weston of Wet Dog is raffling off
a bespoke specialist skateboard worth a
staggering 266.50.
To see the skateboard and to buy a ticket
in the raffle, please visit Wet Dog surf
shop on Tucker Street in Cromer.
As always, the campaign thanks all those who
have supported and who continue to support
the campaign. Your input is always welcome.
Please contact the committee via
any of the following:
FaceBook: Cromer Skate Park
Twitter: @CromerSkatepark
Telephone: 07775 830 907


Last Week.......
.......Ethel checked into a motel on her 70th
birthday and she was a bit lonely.
She thought: Ill call one of those men you
see advertised in phone books for escorts
and sensual massages.
She looked through the phone book, found
a full page ad for a guy calling himself
Tender Tony - a very handsome man
with assorted physical skills flexing
in the photo.
He had all the right muscles in all the right
places, thick wavy hair, long powerful legs,
dazzling smile, six pack abs and she felt
quite certain she could bounce a sixpence
off his well oiled butt...
She figured, what the heck, nobody will
ever know. Ill give him a call...

Good evening, maam, how may I help you?

Oh my, he sounded sooo sexy!

wooden wheels have been a real challenge for

the wheel decorators, and there certainly seems
to be no lack of of creativity in North Norfolk!
Hundreds of people have been working away for
many weeks - including professional artists,
enthusiasts, families, friends and staff as well
as groups such as Cromer Academy, Cromer
guides, Sheringham brownies, Colby School,
Woodfields School, Cromer Junior School
and Sheringham Primary School - and all
the Wonderful Wheels will be on display
by Good Friday.
There are clusters of wheels in the Cromer and
Sheringham area, but some have rolled as far
as Woodfordes brewery at Woodbastwick.
All the places displaying a wheel hope you will
also pop in and browse, there are gift & craft
shops, cafes & pubs, churches, charity shops,
putting greens, book sellers, estate agents,
galleries, boutiques, museums, restaurants
& many interesting places to visit on the trail.
The Food Trail includes 30 different eateries
& 30 fun True or False seafood facts.
Cafes, chippies, tea rooms, restaurants, pubs,
hotels & crab shops are all aiming to offer a
taste of seafood, often freshly caught.
Combining the two trails is a great way to explore
our towns and the local area, to find out more
about our seafood, and to discover some of
the very special flavour which this part of
North Norfolk has to offer.
Trail leaflets are available from Tourist Information centers and from various points around
the towns & nearby villages.
You could win a meal for two, or tickets to
the fabulous Summer Pier Show by voting
online for your favourite wheel at:
Remember to come back for our Grand Charity
Auction on August 30th, you could bag yourself
a Wonderful Wheel to take home - and all monies
raised go to help local good causes.
Afraid she would lose her nerve if she
hesitated, she rushed right in:
Hi, I hear you give a great massage.
Id like you to come to my motel
room and give me one.
No, wait, I should be straight with you.
Im in town all alone and what I really
want is sex. I want it hot, and I want
it now.
Bring implements, toys, rubber, leather,
whips, everything youve got in your
bag of tricks.
Well go hot and heavy all night tie me up,
cover me in chocolate syrup & whipped cream,
anything and everything, Im ready!!
Now, how does that sound?
He said:

That sounds absolutely fantastic, but you

need to press 9 for an outside line.

Crab Tales web site:

Thanks to Julie Green for this.

The Ship Inn

21 Beach Road, Mundesley

Beautiful Seaview Restaurant

Fantastic, locally sourced, New Menu

Live Entertainment

Honey James ~ Female Vocalist

Easter Sunday

Sunday Roast 12 - 8pm

See our web-site for Menu
Thursday Evenings 'Curry & A Pint' 9.95
Quiz Night 1st Tuesday of each month.
Rooms Ready for Booking!
Competitive Rates Apply

Seaview Function Room available

for ALL occasions.
To book or for further information phone us on:

01263 722 671
or e-mail :

Quiz Master
This is Stuart who is the
Meat Raffle toastmaster
and Quiz master at the
Mundesley Ship.
He enjoys setting brain
curdling quizzes and
puzzling dingbats on
the first Tuesday of
every month.
He is an avid Dylan fan
so every quiz includes
a Dylan question.
George Cotsicoros, the
Ships Landlord, has
had this plaque made
for Stuarts chair.

HG & Sons
Redecoration to Restoration
07980 528 027
01263 510 978
5 million commercial & public liability

Waste registration (upper tier carrier)


painting and decorating

tiling and wallpapering
bricklaying and pointing
cherry picker hire
waste removal
loose shingle and sand delivery
full bathroom & kitchen installations
total renovations
ground work including digger
roof and gutter repairs
property maintenance & servicing
All Trades Covered

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965


Isla At Splash

On Wednesday March 18th I went along to

take some photos of a local star.

Jarrolds Top 5

Gimingham Panto
Crab Tales Readers might be interested to see
this photo of the last Gimingham panto which
was held in the village Hall about
half a century ago.

Titles Over All Categories

1) Norfolk Tide Tables 2015 (2.00)

2) Cromer Through Time/Madgin
(offer price 9.99)
3) Official Highway Code (2.50)
4) O/S Explorer map 252 Norfolk Coast East
5) O/S Landranger map 133 North East
Norfolk, Cromer and Wroxham (7.99)

Book Choice
The Invention of Wings
by Sue Monk Kidd.

Isla Rush aged 16 is competing in the Track,

Road and Time Trails in cycling. As a pupil
of Sheringham High School she is currently
ranked 10th in the country of her age group.
In support of Isla, North Norfolk District Council
are giving her free use of the gym and pool at
the Splash Leisure and Fitness Centre.
You cannot but admire her approach to the
campaign of continuing to gain records in
this demanding field.
I wish Isla all the very best, as she is a great
young lady.

Take A Selfie.....

..and celebrate Norfolks Great Big Read

This book is based on the life Sarah Grimke, the

daughter of a wealthy family living in Charleston
in South Carolina in the early 19th century, Sarah
& her sister Angelina were famous Abolitionists
and feminine thinkers. Sarah was the first woman
to write a comprehensive feminist manifesto and
Angelina the first woman to speak before a
legeslative body.
When Sarah was eleven years old she was given,
as a ribbon wrapped birthday gift, a young slave
girl called Handful to be her personal maid.
This fictionalised book runs the lives of the two
girls in parallel. Sarah tried to teach Handful to
read, but they were both severely punished for
this and Sarah was not allowed to follow her
ambitions to study law.
The book portrays the inhuman treatment inflicted
on the slaves including the cruel punishments
they endured, such as the treadmill and the
one-legged punishment.
Sue Monk Kidd in the appendix to her book records
her feeling when looking at an inventory of the
goods & chattels in John Grimkes house after
his death in 1819 to find the names, ages, roles
and appraised values of 17 slaves, recorded
between the Brussels carpet and eleven yards
of cotton flax.
The book portays the world of 19th century
South Carolina in great detail especially the
struggles Sarah has in her personal life, and
her long crusade for the rights of women
and her battle for the abolition of slavery.
It is a thought provoking and satisfying book.

From Sidestrand Book Group


Selfies, blog posts & film clips are just a few of

the ways people can share their favourite book
with others as part of Norfolks Great Big Read.
NCCs Library & Information Service is inviting
people to take a selfie with their favourite book,
write book reviews & send them to the Norfolk
Loves Books blog, as part of Norfolks Great
Big Read that started on the 23rd of March.
Every County Council library in Norfolk is
taking part in the campaign, which ends on
Saturday 25th April, and is aimed at getting
everybody to borrow a book, read it and
share a love of reading.
The Norfolk Loves Books blog, supported by
Jarrolds, will be a one-stop shop for information
throughout Norfolks Great Big Read. It will
include details of Community Reads arranged
to encourage as many people as possible to
read the same book & share their thoughts.
Shared Reading sessions, for people to share
stories & poems and discuss them in a friendly
group setting, will also be held at libraries
around the county.
World Book Night on Thursday 23rd April
will bring the event to a close with a Murder
Mystery evening at the Norfolk & Norwich
Millennium Library from 6pm - 7.30pm.
For more information email:
For information on how to share your photos,
film clips or book reviews visit:
Its free to join the library and free to borrow
books, ebooks & magazines. DVDs, console
games and CDs can also be borrowed at
reasonable prices.
For more information about library services visit or

This show was also a version of Cinderella.

It was produced by the Revd. Garth Norman
and features mainly young people from the
Youth Club of that time.
The photo below is of the present production
team for comparison. Were generally a bit
older but still game enough, we hope, to put
on a good show!

See the next issue of the Crab Tales for a

review and pictures of this years Panto
Thanks to Roger Burford for this.

Dots Birthday

Trimingham Lunch Club enjoyed a chicken

casserole with a selection of desserts including
Dots famous trifle, popular at all the lunches.
Dot celebrated her Birthday by making the
trifle and preparing potatoes and the diners
showed their appreciation by presenting
her with a beautiful bouquet.

Crab Tales web site:

Saffron Insurance
On April 2nd Saffron Insurance celebrated
its second anniversary of its branch
opening in Cromers Bond Street.

Above: Left - Right Toby Farrow, John Glover,

Tracey Howett & Will Howett.
On Right: Steve Crowe.

Will Howett & his team

would like to thank all
the clients that have
taken out insurance at
their Bond Street office
and welcome all new
clients to call in for a
chat and quotation.
Over the last two years
the business has grown
considerably providing
expert advice and competitive prices for home,
motor and commercial
This growth has seen
two highly experienced insurance
professionals added
to the team: Jon Glover
and Steve Crowe will
add their vast insurance
knowledge and experience
to the teams expertise.
The team also recently bade
farewell to Peter Farrow,
who has worked in the

Cromer area for many years and we

wish him a long & happy retirement.
If you need any insurance quotes for your
home, motor or commercial insurance do
pop in and see Will, Tracey, Toby, Jon
and Steve at their Bond Street office in
Cromer and they would be delighted
to offer you independent
insurance advice.

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965


Maytime Medley

Pier Of The Year!

at Thorpe Market Church

Scintillating work by local artists will be on

display in St. Margarets Church from 11am 4pm on Saturday 1st May & Monday 3rd May
and from 12pm - 5pm on Sunday 2nd May.
Admission is free & refreshments
are available.
St. Margarets Church Thorpe Market has hosted
a plethora of exhibitions over a number of years.
The purpose-made screens offer a run of over
80ft. in either natural daylight or with the
modern lighting system.
The building and its facilities, for both the
performing and visual arts, is freely available
for the wider community to use. Enquiries
Maytime Melody features three local artist who
work in a variety of mediums.

Above: The display area in the Church.

The Village Library will also be available to
borrow, exchange or purchase from a good
selection of clean used books.
The wild flowers in the conservation churchyard will be approaching their best.

Above & Below: The Church during one of the

Snowdrop Sundays exhibitions

Above: Work by Rosalie Gibb

Local artist, photographer, designer and writer

Rosalie Gibb nee Osborne, born in Gimingham,
returned to North Norfolk a few years ago after
having lived in Kent for many years, also
returning to her love of art as another
expression of her creative talents.
Rosalies art covers diverse subjects, from
her love of boats & the coast to landscapes,
particularly big skies, flowers and fauna,
trains and the odd lighthouse.
Rosalie uses different mediums and techniques,
with watercolours being the favourite.
She will also be exhibiting some of her
photographs, also covering a wide
range of subjects.

Above: Work by Anton Todd

Above: Work by Maureen Howson
Maureen obtained GCE art at school and was
expected to go on to Art College.........but the
lure of earning a living in the City of London
took over!
Maureen started painting again when she moved
to North Norfolk in 1993, using various
mediums, the favourite being pastels.
Maureen particularly enjoys painting animals
and has been fortunate enough to have had
several commissions painting peoples pets.
Maureen has no particular favourite painting
style but enjoys all aspects of art and has sold
several paintings at an Ipswich gallery and
the Dedham Art Gallery.


Anton is a self-taught potter developing pieces

of work based around his love of the sea in all
weathers and his fascination with harbours, the
boats they shelter and the buildings that nestle
around them.
Anton finds inspiration in rock formations,
waves in water and anything else natural
and sometimes mechanical, seeing ideas
in almost anything.
All of his work is based on places he has been
and seen. Anton moved to the Norfolk coast
in 2013 and as well as being able to see the
sea from his house, collects driftwood which
has become a major source of inspiration
and now forms the basis of much of
his work.
In addition to the Norfolk coast, much of Antons
inspiration comes from childhood holidays
spent in Devon and Cornwall.

Cromer Pier has been voted Pier Of The Year

2015 by members of the National Piers Society.
Worthing Pier took second place with the piers
at Eastbourne and Llandudno tying for third.
Cromer Pier is in its 114th year. It was designed
by John James Webster (1845-1914).
Initially a toll of 2d (1p) was levied, rising to 4d
when concerts were given on the bandstand.
In due course this was roofed over & converted
into a roller skating rink. But by 1921 it had
become a fully-fledged theatre and welcomed
its first concert party, the Rolling Stones.
Astonishingly the Pavilion Theatre has survived
ever since and is now home to the UKs last
surviving End Of The Pier show, which is
produced by Openwide Coastal and runs
twice daily for 13 weeks in the summer
and 4 weeks at Christmas.
Such is its popularity that the theatres
auditorium has had to be enlarged.
Only four other pier theatres survive in the UK.
Cromer Pier is picturesquely situated below the
Victorian splendour of the Hotel de Paris, where
Oscar Wilde stayed in 1892 and Stephen Fry
worked as a waiter in the 1970s.
Children love to fish for crabs from its decks
and an RNLI lifeboat station at the pier head
contains a museum and shop.
The pier has been used in films such as Alan
Partridge: Alpha Papa, and will feature in a
forthcoming BBC drama series Partners In
Crime, starring David Walliams and Jessica
(Call The Midwife) Raine.
The pier sustained severe damage in the winter
storms of 2013, forcing the Pavilion Theatre to
cancel nearly 2 weeks performances. Both the
Box Office and Restaurant were destroyed and
repairs are still taking place.
The National Piers Societys President Gavin
Henderson commented:Theres No Business
like Show Business, and Cromer Pier proves
it! Congratulations to all concerned.
Tom FitzPatrick, Leader of North Norfolk
District Council, which owns the pier, said:
This is a fantastic reward for the significant
investment in repairs and refurbishment that
has enabled us to return Cromers iconic
landmark to its former glory.
For further information visit the piers
website or
contact Jo Artherton, Pier Manager,
on 01263 512 495 or Anthony Wills,
Media Relations Officer, National
Piers Society, on 020 7586 5154
or email
The Pier Of The Year competition was
inaugurated in 1996 (the Year Of The Pier).
Every year individual members of the National
Piers Society are invited to nominate the pier
which they feel most deserving of the award.
The only conditions are that closed piers and
piers which have won the award in the last
five years are not eligible.
Last years winner was Penarth.

From Petes Pen

Crab Tales web site:

Quick-play Chess
At Wide Sky Aylsham Festival
Aylsham chess players David Owen and
Jonathan Reeve are again organising a
chess tournament as part of this years
Wide Sky Aylsham Festival.
The tournament is being held on Saturday 23rd
May (from 11am to 4pm) and will hopefully
build on last years successful event.
Aylsham & District Ex-Service & Social Club
are kindly providing the venue.
David and Jonathan hope that the event will
encourage new and returning adult players to
take part in a not too serious competition.
The tournament is open to chess players
with an ECF (English Chess Federation)
grade of up to 170 or no grade at all.
The tournament will consist of 5 rounds of
40 minute games. There is a 12.50 entry
fee (15 after 1st May) which pays for a
light buffet and gives competitors the
chance to win one of several trophies.

Contact us:

01263 837 728


07557 117 050


Pam Malone

Above: left to right : David Owen (Broadland

Chess Club member), Jonathan Reeve
(Broadland Chess Club member), Sue Sharpe
(Aylsham Festival Director) & Richard Preston
(Aylsham Festival Volunteer).
David and Jonathan are members of Broadland
Chess Club. The tournament will raise funds
to support The Wide Sky Aylsham Festival and
Broadland Chess Club
Further details of the chess tournament can be
obtained by phoning or e-mailing:
David Owen : 01263 731 327
or Jonathan Reeve : 01263-733 744

After 16 years as Chairperson of the Coronation Hall

Mundesley, Mrs Pam Malone handed over the duties
to Mr Ken Bragger at the Halls annual A.G.M held
on Tuesday the 17th of March.
Pam thanked all who had been on the Committee
both past and present, all those who use the Hall
and the Caretaker Mr Clive Braithwaite.
She was then thanked for all her hard work and
commitment over the years and presented with a
framed picture showing a range of events that had
taken place in the hall during her time in the chair.
These included the Mundesley Festival held at the
beginning of August each year, various performances
by the Mundesley Players, the annual Pantomime
in February, Village Cinema each month, sports,
sales and meetings.
Those attending the meeting then enjoyed
Tea and Cake and a glass of Sherry.

When I Was At...

.......the checkout and ready to pay for my
groceries the cashier said:
Strip down, facing me.
Making a mental note so that I could complain
to my local MP about this security rubbish,
I did just as she had instructed.
After the shrieking and hysterical remarks
finally subsided, I found out that she was
referring to how I should position my
credit card.
Nonetheless, Ive been asked to shop
elsewhere in the future.
They need to make their instructions
a lot clearer for pensioners.
I hate this getting older stuff.

Thanks to Russell Sparkes for this.

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965


Bowen Technique

Suffering Backache or Sciatica?

Having Neck and Shoulder pain, Migraines
or other Headaches?
Need positive, on-going support with a
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* fully qualified, registered advanced-level therapist

* refreshing modern approach
* treatment often 3-5 sessions only
Member NHS register of CAM
Professional clinics in Aldborough Surgery, Cromer,
Holt, Sheringham and also Norwich.
For appointments or free telephone consultation
please phone 01263 825 438

or 01263 711712.

Evening & Saturday appointments available

The Deprivation
Of Liberty Safeguards
Part 2 What is Deprivation of Liberty?
By Victoria Wells Solicitor with
Hayes + Storr
In my previous article I considered the purpose
of and procedure for obtaining Deprivation of
Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) authorisation.
This is required by hospitals & care homes when
they consider it necessary to deprive someone of
their liberty in order to provide the necessary care.
It can only be applied to someone who has a
mental health condition (including dementia)
which prevents them from making decisions
about their care or treatment.
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 sets out the test
for whether someone lacks mental capacity to
make decisions as being if they cannot do one
or more of the following:
1: Understand information given to them.
2: Retain that information long enough to be
able to make a decision.
3: Weigh up the information available and
understand the consequences of the decision
4: Communicate their decision, by any
possible means.
But what exactly does deprivation of liberty
mean? A Supreme Court case recently provided
the following definition the person is under
continuous supervision and control and is not
free to leave, and that person lacks capacity
to consent to these arrangements
It is not relevant whether they actually object
or not to the arrangements for their care.
Other cases have provided the following
examples of situations & decisions which
may amount to a deprivation of liberty:
Restraint of a person in order to admit them
to hospital.
Medication being given against a persons
will, in particular to sedate them.
Complete control over a patients care or
movements for an extended period of time.
Restrictions on where they may live, against
their wishes or that of a family member
Refusal to release a patient into the care
of others.
Restriction of a persons access to their
family and friends.
Restriction of their movements within a care
setting, including the locking of doors.
Restraint being used when giving care
or treatment.
One-to-one supervision.
The use of bedrails and wheelchair straps.

23 Church Street, Cromer
01603 736 238

Back & sciatic pain

Neck & shoulder pain
Trapped nerves
Sports injuries
Babies to adults treated
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Barbara Shearing Hip, knee & foot pain
BSc (hons) Ost
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Fully Insured


A deprivation of liberty can consist of one major

decision by the care provider, such as restraint
or not being able to leave the care setting, or
several smaller decisions, combined.
Ultimately it is the amount of control that the care
provider has over the person that will decide
whether there is a deprivation of liberty, and
each case has to be looked at individually.
The Supreme Court has observed that there
have been far fewer applications for DoLS
authorisations than was envisaged when
the legislation came in.
However, it appears that care homes in particular
are increasingly applying for a DoLS authorisation
whenever they have a client who lacks capacity
to make decisions about their care & treatment.
This may be in part to protect, quite understandably,
their own legal position, but should hopefully
as well provide the intended safeguards for
the vulnerable person.
If you have a loved one in a care home or other
care setting, it may be worth checking whether
a DoLS authorisation is in place, in case you
have not been made aware of this.
This article aims to supply general information, but
it is not intended to constitute advice. Every effort is
made to ensure that the law referred to is correct at
the date of publication and to avoid any statement
which may mislead.
However no duty of care is assumed to any person
and no liability is accepted for any omission or
inaccuracy. Always seek our specific advice.

If you require advice on this matter please

contact our Private Client Team here at
Hayes + Storr on 01263 825 959.
If you require advice on any other legal
matter please telephone our office or

Waitrose in North Walsham supports three local
charitable projects each month, with customers
voting for the charity of their choice with their
green discs (received after paying at the tills)
dictating how the 1000 Waitrose donates each
month is divided between local good causes.
During April the projects due to receive their
share of the 1000 are as follows:
1) The Federation of North Walsham Junior,
Infant School and Nursery.
2) Antingham and Southrepps Primary School
3) Sidestrand Hall Special needs School.
See the next issue of the Crab Tales for
reports on these donations.

Crab Tales web site:


20 High Street
Norfolk NR27 9HG

17 - 19 West Street, Cromer.

With our additional provisions for the Community,

we are able to take on more new clients.
This includes new NHS customers of any age.
We welcome all enquiries
Contact the Reception on

01263 515 229

The NNDC Is Seeking Views

The District Council is seeking
your views for site of proposed
community sports pitch facility.
Four sites have been identified as
a potential home for a proposed
community outdoor sports
facility in Cromer.
The Council recognises that Cromer
currently has a lack of outdoor sports
pitch facilities & is seeking to explore
the potential for a number of sport
clubs in the area to share facilities
including pitches, clubhouse and
changing rooms.
In the long-term, better equipped
& more modern facilities would
give local clubs the ability to
expand & encourage greater
participation in sport.
To provide such a facility, the
Council has identified 4 areas
of land, well related to the
town with the potential
for development.
The consultation exercise will
enable the NNDC to reduce this
to one or two of the sites which
will be the subject of detailed
investigation in terms of
possible development costs.
Proceeds of any sale of the Cabbell
Park site, the current home of the
Cromer Town and Cromer Youth
Football Club, will be committed

towards the provision of the

new facility.
The initial appraisal of the four
sites has been completed against
a number of criteria including
landscape impact, ground levels,
relationship with adjoining land
uses and accessibility.
North Norfolk District Council
Leader, Tom FitzPatrick, said:
This consultation exercise is a
good opportunity for the people
of Cromer to help identify where
would be the best place for us to
consider building a much-needed
outdoor sports facility for the
community to use and enjoy.
We know that such a facility would
be a huge asset to the town, and I
am delighted to see progress being
made to make it happen.
Comments are invited from local
parish & town councils, sports clubs
and members of the wider public.
Comments can be submitted:
Online via the Councils website.
In writing to the Planning Policy
Team, NNDC, Holt Road, Cromer
NR27 9EN.
By email to:

The closing date for comments

is Friday 17th April 2015.


The Tides Sponsered By

The Best
Fish & Chips
in Cromer

01263 512 316

TIDES For Cromer

3rd - 19th April
For Mundesley Add 15 minutes

Rare Fish
I have had another dig
into the archives that
might interest your
Crab Tales readers.
I bet none of the fishermen in the
recent Sea Angling Contest in
Nth Norfolk caught anything
like these two specimens :-

October 30th, 1731

'A large sturgeon, taken in a poor

fisherman's net at Sherringham, was

brought to Norwich, being 12 feet
long and 9 feet in girth, the liver
weighed five and a half stone'

April 30th, 1810

'A very rare and curious

fish, called the Opah, or
King Fish, was found on
Mundesley beach.'
I attach illustrations of both
of these fish for you, taken
from Wikipedia in case
any more crop up!
Thanks to Bob Wilkinson
for this.

Visit for current Weather & Tides

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965


Brians Handyman Services

Painting & Decorating / Tiling / Woodwork / Assembling Flat Packs
Odd Jobs etc / Putting Up Shelves / Curtain Poles & Pictures
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What, When & Where All Phone tel nos. are code 01263, unless otherwise stated.


Bridge Club 7pm Fri 7.15pm t: 761 308

Broadland Junior Chess 8.30am term-time Sat.
t: 735 740
Country Market each Friday 8.50-noon
Cricket Club indoor Sun 3-5pm t: 510 102
Evening WI 7.30pm 1st Thurs Town Hall.
Extend Over 60s Exercise Fridays Jubilee
Family Centre t: 01692 407 851
Farmers Market 9am-1pm 1st & 3rd Sat.
F.I.T. group 2nd & 4th Weds t: 731 177
Flower Club 2nd Wed 7.30pm Town Hall
Fitness Yoga/Pilates Tues & Thurs
Friendship Hall t: 01692 538 569
Gym Club Fri 5pm. High School t: 576 609
Inspired Gardeners group. 2nd Thurs 10.30
- noon. Methodist Church Hall. t:733 535.
Lammas KC Lodge ROAB Tues 8.15pm
Sutton School Of Dance, Mill Row.
Monday Stall Parish Church 8.30-noon
N. N. Mental Health Users & Carers Forum
2nd Weds Jubilee Centre 1- 3.30pm.
RBL (Womens) 1st Mon Salvation Army Hall
N.N. Speakers Club 7pm alt.Wed High School
t: 01692 402 662
Scalextric Club Presto Park Weds 7.15pm.
t: 01603 754 319
Quaker Meetings Sun 10.30am Peggs Yard
Yoga Tues 7.30pm Peggs Yard. t: 732 426

Tennis Club Sun, Weds & Fri t:513 741

The One Oclock Club over 60s.1-2pm
Thurs. Barkers Herne.
W.I. 2nd Thurs 2 pm, Garden St.

Walsham Writers Group :
Weavers Morris Dancers Wed 7.45pm
St Nicholas Room t: 01692 404 447

Acorns Parent & Toddler Group 1.30 -3pm

Thurs (term-time) Belfry School. t: 579 275.
Gardening Club 2.30pm 1st Tues Parish
Hall t: 576 437
Carpet Bowls 2.30pm Thurs. Parish Hall
t: 833 369
Railway Quilters & Craft Group 2nd & 4th
Tues.10-12 Parish Hall t: 576 986
Strand Club 2nd Wed of month (except Aug)
2.30pm The Pavilion t: 407 851
W.I. 3rd Wed 7.30pm Parish Hall t: 834 242

Beetle Drive 3rd Tues.7.30pm St.Josephs Church

Bridge The Morley. Duplicates Thurs 7pm
Beginners Fri 2pm t: 822 087
Bounce & Rhyme under 5s & parents/carers.
Tues 10.15-10.45am : Library. t: 822 874
CAB. YESU,Thurs 10-2pm t: 01692 402 570
Chess. All ages & abilities. 7.30 Fri.
Morley Club. t: 576 575.
Christian Spiritualist Church Tues 7.30pm
Oddfellows Hall t 513 067
English Country Dancing Mons 7.30pm
Methodist Church Hall t: 01692 404 447
Evening W.I. 2nd Mon. St. Josephs Church
Hall t: 823 889
Gingerbread Fri pm. Friends Meeting Hse
t: 0785 9364 702
Harry Upcher Lodge ROAB Mon 8.15pm
Tyneside Club.
Hearing Aid Clinic 10-12pm 1st Mon.
Age Concern.
Ladies Fellowship 7.30pm 2nd Tues
Salvation Army.
Lip reading classes Thurs 1.30 - 3.30pm
Health Centre t: 0344 800 8002
MS meetings 7-9pm 1st & 3rd Wed. Robin
Hood Pub, t: 823 392
Morris Dancing. Oddfellows Hall. Weds
7.30pm t: 837 693
Old Shannocks 2.15pm last Wed of month
Community Rooms.
Quaker Meetings Sun 10.30am Cremer St.
R.A.F.A. 4th Tues of month. t: 837 229
Saturday Super Sale First Sat 9-11am.
Salvation Army Hall.
Sheringham & Cromer Lions Club 2nd &
4th Tues.The Morley Club. t: 821 276
Sheringham Singers Ladies Choir Tues 2-4pm
Lighthouse Community Church t: 768 126
Sheringham Voyager 2pm 1st & 3rd Thurs
Community Centre t: 01692 500 550
Sheringham Youth Choir 11-18yrs.Weds
7pm (term time) Baptist Church
The Fellowship Choir 10-11.30am Mon
St. Andrews Church. t:761 482



Badminton Tues & Fri am: Coronation Hall.

Tel: 722 835
Bowls Pavilion Bingo: Sun 7.30pm, Whist
Drive: Tues, Wed & Fri 1.45pm t: 721 815
Cafe Church 1st Weds 10.30am Church Rooms.
Carpet Bowls Mon 1.30pm Coronation Hall
t: 722 054
Come & Meet Club 3rd Weds 11am. Royal
Hotel, Coffee Bar t:720 558.
Community Choir Tues 7.30pm Methodist
Church t: 722 022
Craft Club 10am - 12pm 1st & 3rd Mon
Coronation Hall. t 720 549
Age Concern Fri 10am The Cottage.
Creative Writing Group 1st Fri 2.15-4.15pm
Aqua Therapy Classes Mon 11am-12pm
Library t:720 702
Wed 7- 8pm Country Club t: 501 914
Knit & Natter Tues 4-5pm Library t:720 702
Air Training Corps 7pm Mon & Thurs,
Library Mon & Sat:10-1pm,Tues 2-5.30pm
High School t: 515 452
Fri 10-1pm & 2-6.30pm. t: 720 702
Baptist Church 1st & 3rd Sat Coffee
Luncheon Club for over 60s & disabled.
morning t: 576 524
Mon &Thurs 12-2pm Free Church t :721 984
Bridge (Duplicate) Mon 7pm t: 822 778
MADRA t: 07734 689 978
C.A.B. Appointments: t : 01692 405 847
Methodist Church Sun worship 10.30am
Christian Fellowship Sun 10.30am former RBL 4th Weds Haig Club. t: 722 238
Gospel Hall t: 838 180
RBL Womens 3rd Weds 1.45pm Coronation
Cromer Orchestra meets 7-9pm The Belfry Hall t:721 021
Arts Centre. Overstrand. t: 511 600
Scrabble Club Fridays t: 720 663
Cromer Forum 1st Tues 7.30pm Methodist Table Tennis Club Thurs 7pm Coronation Hall.
Church New Hall t: 515138
t: 722 930 or 07828 175 493
Diabetes UK 4thThurs 7.30pm Methodist
Village Cinema 7.30pm Coronation Hall 2nd
Church Hall. t: 01692 405 492
Tues Info:
Elderberries Badminton 3-5pm Mon & Fri W.I. 2nd Mon 7pm Church Rooms t: 720 744
Cromer sports hall. t: 761 142
Elderberries Short Mat Bowls 3-5pm Mon North Walsham
AgeUK 4th Thurs 10 - noon Drop in for info
& Fri Cromer sports hall. t: 511 246
1st Suffield Park Guides 7pm.Weds. info: & advice. Library t: 01692 402 482 Animal Magic Dog Club t: Kathy 720 730
Flower Club 7.20pm 3rd Mon Junior School. Bipolar Self Help Group 3rd Thurs 2pm
Saddlers Shop t: 0854 434 9872
t: 513 408
Folk Dance Club 7.30pm Tues Community Charity Bingo Weds 8pm Community Centre.
t: 01692 407 214
Hall t: 578 224
Chess Club 7.30 Mon. Orchard Garden Pub.
Garden Society 7.30pm 2nd Weds
All abilities. t: 01692 404 649
Community Hall t: 514 399
Hockey Club Mon under16 6.30pm Adults Extend Over 60s Exercise Mon. Methodist
Church Hall t: 01692 407 851
7.15pm Sports Centre t: 01692 404 440
Judo Tues from 7pm. Millfield Primary School.
Korean Martial Arts t: 07765 282 981
t: Hazel: 579 345
Lip reading classes Thurs 10 - 12noon
Lions Club 7.30pm 1st Mon. Community
Methodist Church Rooms t: 0344 800 8002.
Centre. t: 01692 400 702
N & N Assoc.for Blind 9.30-1pm Tues
N.N. Speakers Club 7pm alt. Weds. High
Merchants Place.
N.N. Mencap Society Thurs 1pm Merchants School t: Gillian :01692 650 250
Parkinson Support Group 2nd Tues 10:30am
Place. t: 578 116
Parkinsons Disease Society 10.30am 2nd Sacred Heart Church Hall. t:01692 406 486
Quaker Meetings Sun 10.30am Meeting
Wed of month St. John Hall, Bond St.
R.E.M.E. 2pm. 1st Wed Halsey Hse t: 512 450 House, Mundesley Rd. near Swafield.
RAFA 7.30pm First Tues. Bluebell Inn
RBL 2pm 1st Wed. The Cottage t:510 146
Reading 4 U 3rd Wed 9.45am St.Johns Hall
RBL Womens Section 2.30pm 1st Thurs
Sing for Joy Singing Group Thurs 10am. t: 768 164
Short & Sweet book group 1-2pm Tues
Community Centre. t: 570 117
every 3 weeks in Library. t: 01692 402 482
St John Ambulance Adults Tues 7.30pm
Cadets Tues 5.45pm St John Hall, Bond St. Spiritualist Centre Sun: 6.30-8pm
Sea Scouts Beavers Fri 5.30pm. Cubs Weds St Johns Ambulance Hall.
The Wheel of Light 1st Thurs 7.30pm
6.30pm.Scouts Fri 7.15pm. t: 514 562
Tabletop/Craft Sale Sat 10am-4pm Parish Orchard Gardens Pub. t: 721 484
Victory Explorers Weds evenings
Hall. t:649 441 t: 649 441
14 - 18 yrs t: 01692 406415
Taekwondo Sports Centre. t: 711 824



The Runtons

Bingo Sun & Wed 7.30pm Bernies Social

Club East Runton
NN Amateur Radio Group 7- 9.30pm 2nd
Thurs East Runton village hall t: 519 485
N.N. Chess Club Fri 7.30pm. W. Runton
Social Club t: 823 814
Philatelic Society 2nd Mon 7.30pm
West Runton Church Hall.
Cromer & Sheringham Probus Club
12.30pm 1st Tues, Links Hotel t:824 306
Rotary Club Weds 6pm except 5th Weds
Dormy House W.Runton, t: 578 194
Sequence Dancing Mon 7.30-10pm
E. Runton Village Hall.t:01692 403 071
West Runton Scouts info : 712 288
W.I. 2.15pm 2nd Wed. W. Runton Church Hall


All at Pilgrim Shelter. Free Parking

Whist Mon & Thurs 1 for1.15pm deal 1.50
incl. Raffle & Refreshments. t: Liz 834 965
Yoga Mon 7.30pm 4 t: Linda 834 349
Slimming Club Tues 2pm t: Val 579 797
Computer Class Thurs 11am 6
t: Liz 834 965


1st Suffield Park Guides Weds evenings
Acol Bridge Club Tues 2pm. All abilities.
Weybourne Village Hall. t:515 588
Badminton Thurs. Gresham Village Hall
t: 07917 596 797

Beachcombers Dining Club 1st Mon 7pm:

The Feathers Hotel, Holt. t: Hazel 838 566
Cash Bingo Tues 8pm Aldborough
community centre.
Cantamus Choir 7.30pm Thurs. Southrepps
Church. t: 07785 782 498.
Crazee Kidz Club 7pm 2nd & 4th Fri. term time.
Roughton Village Hall 7-16yrs. t:768 138
Cromer & Sheringham Brass Band 7.45pm
Thurs Upper Sheringham Village Hall t:733 638
Cromer Air Rifle Club 9am -noon Sundays
Near Sheringham. t: 570 223
Extend exercise for over 60s Mon 2.30pm
Northrepps Village Hall t:768 159
Farmers Market 1st Sun 9.30am - 12.30pm
Aldborough Community Hall t: 768 766
Fit Together Health Walks t: 07766 259 999
Fit Together Tea Dance Tues 2-4pm Briston
Copeman Centre - 2 Info: 07766 259 999
Greenfingers Gardening Club 7.30pm 1st
Thurs Jubilee Hall, Banningham t: 761 620
Gym Club Thurs 5-8pm Northrepps Village
Hall t: 576 609
Knapton Ladies Club 3rd Mon 7.30pm
Village Hall t:720 908. 1st Tues Womens
Own Methodist Church t: 721 439
MS Group Mon 10-2pm Southrepps Village
Hall t: 823 392
Minni-House Club 2-4pm 2nd Thurs. Bodham
Village Hall. t: 826 970
Nordic Walking Tues & Thurs 11am
t: 07825 773 368
Norfolk Dixieland Jazz Band 1.30pm 1st Sun
Goat Inn,Skeyton.Free. t: 01692 538 600.
Norfolk Submariners 1st Wed 12noon Kings
Head, Horsham St Faith t: 511 758
N.N. Minni House Club 2nd Thurs 2-4pm
(except Aug) Bodham Village Hall t: 826 970.
N. Walsham Cage Bird Club 8pm 3rd Tues
Felmingham Village Hall. t: 01692 404 750
Northrepps Pre-School Mon-Fri Term-time
t:579 396
Northrepps R.B.L. 1st Mon. 2nd.Mon. BHs.
7.30pm. Northrepps Cottage t: 579 633.
Nth Norfolk Model Engineering Club
1st Fri 7.30pm High Kelling Social Centre
Prize Bingo 7.30pm 1st & 3rd Fri
Gimingham Village Hall
Roughton & District WI. 2nd weds of month.
7.30pm Roughton Village Hall t: 768 106.
Roughton Under 5s Playgroup t:07553 456 083
Rubys Prize Bingo. 1st Sat of month
7.30pm. Lower Southrepps Social Club
Seniors Swimming Mon & Weds am., Fri pm.
Greshams Swimming Pool, Holt. t: 711 123
Suffield Park Bowls Club. Whist Drives
Tues 2.15pm. Fri twice monthly 7.30pm.
Traditional Catholic Latin Mass 4th. Sun
5.30pm Mission Rooms Horsham St. Faiths
(opp. Parish Church) t: 01603 788 873
Trunch Bumbles Pre-school t: 720 931
Trunch Friends 2nd Tues 2pm Trunch
Village Hall t:721 570
Trunch Methodist Church 1st Sat 10am - noon.
Coffee Morning. Stalls Cakes t: 720 145
Weybourne Folk Club 3rd Sun 3-6pm
Maltings Hotel, Weybourne.t:588 781
Woodlands Pre-School Mon am,
Tues - Fri 9am-3pm t: 834 148


We CANNOT accept details or

corrections over the phone.
Please post CONCISE copy to
LIS KEDDELL at 10 Hilda Road,
Mundesley. NR11 8BA
or e-mail:
or via:

Crab Tales web site:

Weds 8th APRIL

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Fri 3rd, Sat 4th , Sun 5th April

10am - 5pm: East Runton Village Hall
Cromer & District Art Society ~ Annual Easter Art
Exhibition Admission Free. Info: 576 747
Saturday 4th April
10am-12.30pm : The Patch, Sheringham High
School, NR26 8ND
Easter Egg Hunt ~ 2.50 per child - all paying
children will leave with a selection of chocolate.
Refreshments available. More info: 820 520

01263 515 250

07836 227 490

Wednesday 8th April

10:30am : Northrepps Cottage Car Park
Fit Together Walk ~ Northrepps ~ Approx. 3 miles
Arrive 20 mins early if new. Info: 07766 2599 99.
Wednesday 8th April
7.30pm: Roughton Village Hall.
Roughton & District W.I. ~ Talk about meditation
and its use in promoting Health & Wellbeing.
Friday 10th April
9.30am - 2.30pm: St John Ambulance Hall, Cromer.
Table Top Sale ~ 5 per table in advance Info or to
book please contact: Val Saunders on 722 427
10:30am: Priory Maze Car Park
Fit Together Walk ~ Beeston Heath - Pretty Corner.
Approx. 3 miles. Arrive 20 mins early if new.
Info: 07766 2599 99.
10:30am: Vicarage St. Car park. Nth Walsham
Fit Together Walk ~ Nth Walsham Spa Common/
Saddlers Wood. Approx. 2.9 miles. Arrive 20mins
early if new. Info: 07766 259 999.
Saturday 11th April
9am - 12pm: Methodist Church Hall, Sheringham
Table Top Sale ~ Bric-a-brac, books, Fairtrade Stall,
etc, also tea and coffee.
9am - midday: Nth Walsham Community centre
Table Top Sale ~ double tables available for 5.
organised by North Walsham Players.
To book tel: 01692 402 116
10.30am -2pm : Village Hall, East Ruston.
East Ruston Craft Fair ~ Great variety of handmade crafts & gifts. Refreshments available.
Free Admission & Parking
7.30pm: St Botolphs Church, Trunch
Concert ~ Once upon a Time ~ Trio Intermezzo
from Germany. Tabea Goergen-Mahler & Norfolk
Winds. Admission by programme on door, 10
(8 concs) Proceeds to St Botolphs Church



07747 444 976




We offer pre-packed Coal
including smokeless.

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24 West Street
01263 512 275
The Best Pub in Town
Stylish En-Suite rooms. Free Wifi.
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Tues - Sun 12pm - 2.30pm & 6pm - 9pm

Sunday Lunches :12noon to 4pm

Voted one of the Best Lunches

in Cromer . Booking advisable

Saturday 4th April: 9pm

Music by The Atoned

Sunday 5th April: 8pm

Grumpys World Famous Quiz
Saturday 11th April: 10am


Sunday 5th April

From 10am: Gresham Village Park
Carboot Sale ~ Pitches 5. Set up 8.30am
Refreshments on Sale in the Pavilion.
Info: 07765 633 549

In the White Horse Car Park. Set up 9am.

Pitch : 5. Cake Stall. All Money raised for
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

More Special Events on Page 22

Saturday 11th April: 9pm

The One & Only Neil Francis

Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965


Special Events

Copy for the Next Issue by noon

Wednesday 8th APRIL
Sunday 12th April
from 10am: Next to Woodlands, Trimingham
Fun Dog Show ~ Free Parking. Judging From 11am
For Details, schedules & bookings Tel Liz : 834 965
Tuesday 14th April
7:30pm: Cromer Parish Church
Public Electoral Forum ~ All 5 main parliamentary
candidates for N.Norfolk will introduce themselves,
address those present & then take questions. All
most welcome.Info from T: 578 230.
Wednesday 15th April
11am: Playing field car park. Trunch
Fit Together Walk ~ Trunch Amble Approx. 2 miles.
Arrive 20mins early if new. Info: 07766 259 999.
7.30pm: Roughton Village Hall.
A Swishing Evening ~ 2nd hand good quality
clothing etc. Tickets 3 include nibbles & glass of
wine. contact : 01692 403 605.
Thurs 16th - Sat 18th April
7:30pm: The Auden Theatre
Nth Norfolk Chamber Opera ~ The Elixir of Love
(LElisir dAmore) by Gaetano Donizetti, in English
translation by David Parry.Tickets 14, Concs 12
from Auden Theatre Box Office on : 713 444
Friday 17th April
10:30am: Old Reading Rooms Tea Room. Kelling
Fit Together Walk ~ Kelling/Telegraph Hill. 3 miles.
Arrive 20 mins early if new. Info:07766 259 999.
From 12 noon: Mundesley Parish Hall
Soup & Pudding Lunch ~ All freshly made.
Come along and enjoy the company.

Friday 17th April

1:30pm: Kelling Heath Caravan Park
Fit Together Walk ~ Kelling Heath. Bookable
Introductory Walk Approx. 1 mile. Book this
walk on 07766 259 999 by 3pm 16th April.
Saturday 18th April
10am - 4pm: Parish Hall, Church St. Cromer
Cromer Community ~ Open Day. At 11am & 2pm
Andy Boyce will present a slide show: A Walk Around
Edwardian Cromer Cromer & Sheringham Brass
Band will provide entertainment during the day.
11am - 4pm: Plumstead Church NR11 7LG
Book Sale ~ Large selection of 2nd-hand books.
Light refreshments available. Fund raising for
community of Plumstead. info: 577 718
2pm : Honing & Crostwight Village Hall Honing.
Flower Arranging Demonstration ~ with David Wright
Musical Theatre Tickets 6 incl. refreshments.
tel 01692 405 408. Proceeds for St Bartholomews
Church, Sloley Flower Festival Fund.
Sunday 19th April
4.30pm: Trimingham Church
Songs Of Praise ~ Sing along with the Seaside
Harmonies. For Details Tel Liz : 834 965
Monday 20th April
11am: Playing field car park. Trunch
Fit Together Walk ~ Trunch Bookable Walk. 1 mile.
Book walk on 07766 259 999 by 3pm Fri 17th April.
Tuesday 21st April
10:30am: The Lees, Sheringham
Fit Together Walk ~ Sheringham to Beeston.
Approx. 2.5 miles. Arrive 20 mins early if new.
Info:07766 259 999.
Wednesday 22nd April
2pm: North Walsham Library
Fit Together Walk ~ A Weavers Way/Town walk.
Approx. 2 miles. Arrive 20mins early if new.
Info: 07766 259 999.

Thursday 23rd April

7pm start: Sheringham Woodfields School
Quiz Evening & Pudding Club ~ Book teams on
820 520 Puddings available through the evening.
BYO drink & nibbles. Refreshment available.
7 for 7.30pm: Cromer Parish Church
St. Georges Day Concert ~ Cromer & Sheringham
Brass Band, conducted by Jane Bussey. Free entry
Retiring collection for band. Info: 512 254
Friday 24th April
11am: The Banningham Crown Car Park
Fit Together Walk ~ Banningham. 3.75 miles.Arrive
20 mins early if new. Info: 07766 2599 99.
7.30pm: Antingham Village Hall
Quiz Night ~ 7 p.p. includes Fish & Chip supper.
A raffle will be held
7.15 for 7.30pm: Erpingham Village Hall
Film & Pudding Evening ~ Part of Erpinghams
Agincourt season. The classic film Henry V with
Laurence Olivier. Battle of the puddings (eating!)
in the interval. Tickets for film only: 5 book on:
768 209 or 761 702 or on the night 3 for a bowl &
eat as many French or English puddings as you like!
Sunday 26th April
1.45pm : Erpingham Bowls Club
Erpingham Bowls Club ~ 1st Open Tournament of
season. 2.50 (includes tea & cake). New members
& beginners welcome. t: George 761 577
Monday 27th April
10:30am:The Village Inn.W. Runton
Fit Together Walk ~ West Runton - Beeston Bump.
Approx. 3 miles. Arrive 20 mins early if new.
Info: 07766 2599 99.
1:30pm The Village Inn.W. Runton
Fit Together Walk ~ West Runton Amble. 2 miles.
Arrive 20 mins early if new. Info: 07766 2599 99.



from 9.00am



from 10am Next to Woodland Holiday Park





4.30pm: Trimingham Church

Songs Of Praise

Sing along with the Seaside Harmonies

SAT 25th & SUN 26th April

10am - 5pm: Trimingham Church


Over 15 artists have their work on display and for sale.

Reasonable refreshments in the Pilgrim Shelter opposite.


For Details, schedules & bookings for all events

Tel Liz : 834 965 or Dot: 833 249 or visit:

Trimingham Facebook /


Crab Tales web site:


3 x 75


9am - 5.00pm


10am - 4pm






400m2 - 19.99



Friday 3rd April : 9am - 5pm ~~~ Saturday 4th April: 9am - 5pm
Sunday 5th April : CLOSED ~~~ Monday 6th April : 9am - 5pm


Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 834 965



Crab Tales web site:

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