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Laddering Interview 1

Submitted to:
Ms. Fatima Akhund
Submitted by:
Nerissa Mavalvala

Customer Profile
Nairmeen (also known as Nemo/NS) is a nine year old student belonging to an SEC A family and studying
at the Karachi Grammar School (KGS). Currently, she in fourth grade and resides in Karachi. Her entire
family (including her cousins and grandparents) frequently consumes Lifebouy Hand Wash Liquid.
Nairmeens father is an entrepreneur and her mother works for the Canadian Consulate. Her sister is a
ninth grade student at KGS. Her mother is the decision maker in the personal care category for this small
nuclear family but pester power plays a role as is very evident in her interview. Nairmeen watches a lot
of TV and is very well acquainted with the details of all the advertisements and TVCs.

Laddering Web

Interview Transcript
NM: Hi Nemo
NS: Hi
NM: Okay, so I am going to ask you some questions. Now what I want you to know is there is no right answer
okay. Whatever answer you say is right, okay so your answer is the right answer. There is no right and wrong
The second thing is I want to see what you think of the different products that I will tell you. So I will give you
names of different different things, you tell me what you think about those products. I am not judging you and
there are no marks. Some of the questions really might be stupid but just answer them.
You have heard of Lifebuoy right? So, what do you know about Lifebuoy?
NS: I know like the Lifebuoy liquid they take out germs from our skin from our body and we dont get coughs.
We dont get sick every time.
NM: Okay, so have you heard of Safeguard or Dettol?
NS: Umm
NM: Which is better? Like Lifebuoy is better or Safeguard is better? Or Dettol is better?
NS: Umm, Lifebuoy.
NM: Lifebuoy why?
NS: Its even like from other soaps it takes much more germs out of. The germs get out quickly.
NM: Okay, so where did you learn about Lifebuoy from?
NS: From TV
NM: Like what
NS: TV, shops, ads
NM: Okay so like what on TV, what have you seen?
NS: Umm, pictures like the germs get out. Like a boy was coming out and then he was washing his hands and
then another girl came and said you have taken so long washing with other soaps, take Lifebuoy. It will get out
in one minute.
NM: So that was an ad that you saw?
NS: Yes
NM: Do you remember more about the ad?
NS: Umm, Its the best anti septic soap
NM: Really, so what what happens in the ad?
NS: The germs get out.
NM: The germs get out in the ad? And they show the germs coming out?
NS: They take the hand and they show that the red thing with the germs and they show one dirty hand and
one clean hand and then they show Lifebuoy and then they show another soap.
NM: And then what happens? The germs come out?
NS: yes
NM: All of them?
NS: Not all, like yes.
NM: So who is there is in the ad? What is the picture and all like?
NS: Umm
NM: The ad na. What does it mean? Is it happening in school or what? Whats the ad about?
NS: Its happening
NM: Who is saying the germs are coming out?
NS: A doctor

NM: A doctor is saying it?

NS: Not a doctor, like a person.
NM: Okay
NS: He is saying that.
NM: And who is saying that it is going to come out fast?
NS: That person who is telling. A person.
NM: A person is telling? So he is telling that germs will come out? Like is there anyone your age or anything in
the ad.
NS: Ya
NM: Who?
NS: A girl
NM: What does the girl do?
NS: The girl is telling the other boy that use Lifebuoy and the boy was smaller than me. I think so.
NM: Okay so what does she say to him?
NS: Umm, that your soap is slow. Can I say it in Urdu?
NM: Ya ya, you can say it in Urdu.
NS: Tera sabun slow hai kya and then everyone laughs and they say that use Lifebuoy, the girl says. And then
another girl asks the same question but like small, come and said that he was washing his hands so your
sabun is slow na. Then the girl said that use Lifebuoy because it comes out your hands germs get out quick
and it is a very good germ soap.
NM: Okay so have you heard of Commander Safeguard. This cartoon thing. You havent heard of it? Okay, and
have you heard of Dettol.
NS: Dettol 100% sure.
NM: Wow, so what do you know about Dettol?
NS: Sardi Zukham. Like when we get cough cold then we use Dettol then all the germs which make you sick
get out.
NM: So its for sardi zukham? Like it is for protection of Sardi Zukham? Tell me one thing now, so in Lifebuoy
you said you wash your hands with it so the germs come out right and because of that you dont fall sick. So
do you like Dettol better or do you like Lifebuoy better?
NS: Lifebuoy
NM: Okay so why Lifebuoy? What is so good about Lifebuoy and not Dettol?
NS: Umm, because Lifebuoy. Lifebuoy gets germs out good and also comes in like red and pink like that.
NM: There is a pink Lifebuoy and a red Lifebuoy also?
NS: Red, green
NM: Green also? You dont know but youve seen them right. Han so tell me whatever youve seen.
NS: Like red it takes out much more germs than Dettol and lot of things it takes out. Dettols just like, Dettols
not that great.
NM: Okay so now when you use Lifebuoy, besides germs what else happens?
NS: It comes out quickly.
NM: What comes out quickly?
NS: The germs.
NM: and? Why is it so important for the germs to come out for you?
NS: So we dont get sick
NM: So you think that by using Lifebuoy just the germs come out and you dont feel sick. There is nothing else
about Lifebuoy?
NS: There is
NM: What?
NS: There is funny ads.

NM: There are funny ads?

NS: Not funny like nice ads.
NM: So why is it good to have funny ads and all? All the time.
NS: So that children can
NM: So Nemo youre saying that children can watch funny ads. So what happens with funny ads?
NS: With funny ads we children get like not excited, children get like feel good that like if.
NM: So do you feel good after seeing Lifebuoy?
NS: ya
NM: why?
NS: Because when I was sick umm I went to my dadis house, so when I went there and I was using Lifebuoy
and it was so good. All my germs came out and then I started using Lifebuoy. My family started using Lifebuoy,
now it really helps us.
NM: So like if I ask you, you know whats so funny about the Lifebuoy ad because you know just now you told
me it is all about germ protection which is very serious like you know being, staying well and not being sick
and all that. So like, so tell me.
NS: Because in their ads like Bunty tera sabun slow hai kya? and like a girl says that
NM: When did you watch this ad?
NM: Like recently or long time back?
NS: Long time back
NM: Have you seen anything recently? No? Where do you use Lifebuoy the most?
NS: In school.
NM: In school you use Lifebuoy?
NS: Ya, like there is soap in school. The bathroom one is Dettol and in our class there is this basin and there is
one Lifebuoy. So when I go for snack, I use that and it really helped me and my hands are not like that
NM: So did somebody come and tell you about Lifebuoy in school or in school nobody told you about
NS: No one told me. I knew because my dadi was using it.
NM: So we said that with Lifebuoy there is one thing that germs go and you dont fall sick. What else does
Lifebuoy do for you? Ads I get make you feel happy and you get excited. So like what else? No? Nothing
coming to your mind right? So tell me one thing, besides school now and dadis house, have you used Lifebuoy
anywhere else?
NS: Yes like when I go to my friends house.
NM: When did you use it at your friends house?
NS: Like when I eat food, my germs get out, when I have a bath, when I go to the washroom I wash my hands
and even when I go to my cousins house, I use it there.
NM: So at your cousins house also, there is Lifebuoy only?
NS: They use Lifebuoy only
NM: At your cousins house it is always about eating only?
NS: And even, bacteria. Like they take out all theI dont know.
NM: Nairmeen, just say what you are saying. Its okay just say. What do you do at your cousins house?
NS: We play, we play hide and seek and we touch the floor. Then we play hop skotch. Then I have to wash my
hands. All the germs get back. Then I have to eat or go out somewhere so I have to wash my hands when my
hands get dirty. And even when they are washing the dishes, after washing the dishes we use Lifebuoy.
NM: So dishes, they get clean right, so why should we use Lifebuoy after that.
NS: So that
NM: Have you seen someone using Lifebuoy after washing the dishes?
NS: No

NM: Then how did you know that after washing the dishes you wash your hands with Lifebuoy?
NS: Washing after Lifebouy means, washing your hands.
NM: Ya, have you seen somebody do that?
NS: Yes
NM: Who?
NS: My grandmother
NM: So she washes all the dishes and then washes her hands with Lifebuoy?
NS: Yes
NM: Okay, and why do you think it is so important to wash your hands with Lifebuoy after washing the dishes?
NS: So like all the dishes you washed your hands get clean and even they dont get sticky and dirty.
NM: So Lifebuoy is not at all sticky?
NS: No, its very
NM: Its very what?
NS: Smells good
NM: It smells good. Why is it so important for a soap to smell good?
NS: The fragrance
NM: The fragrance and? So what do you do with the fragrance?
NS: I like the smell so I always dirty my hand and then I pick it up again and I pick it again and I pick it again.
NM: So what else? So you like the fragrance?
NS: the color
NM: You like the color also? Why is the color so important?
NS: Because it is pink color. The red one and I like pink.
NM: So why is this color so important? You like pink, what about pink?
NS: It has different shades like pink then a little whitish pinkish.
NM: So whats so good about that whitish pinkish?
NS: It makes me smile
NM: So you feel all happy happy with it? So it makes your bathroom all colorful?
NS: Ya, I like.
NM: Okay so you were saying
NS: Even when I have a bath, from school when I come I always use Lifebuoy.
NM: Okay so tell me one thing. After the hand wash soap, the hand is also sticky sticky but Lifebuoy is not
sticky. So whats so good about Lifebuoy?
NS: Its not sticky. It takes out the germs. It has nice colors. Nice fragrance.
NM: No no but fragrance and all is fine but if it is not sticky, what is it?
NS: Its liquidy
NM: Why is that so important?
NS: So it can smooth. It can apply on our hands and our fingers and everything of our hand.
NM: So what happens because of it when you put it on your hands and fingers?
NS: Then it our germs get out. Infection, not infections, cough cold go out.
NM: Cold and coughs go away with Lifebuoy?
NS: Ya and even Dettol.
NM: So when have you used Dettol?
NS: When my mum got it for me from the shop once because first I was using Palmolive then it really didnt
like take out my germs properly. Then my mum told me to use Dettol. But Dettol I really didnt like. That I
didnt like the smell even and not that good. I dont like it. But when I went to my grannys house they used
Lifebuoy so even I loved the smell and said that I really want this so every two minutes I used to go to the
washroom, wash my hands even when I was eating food, when I was playing.
NM: Okay so tell me one thing, if I say Lifebuoy, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

NS: Life
NM: Life? So Lifebuoy saves lives?
NS: Ya so tell me now you said when you are eating, when you are playing, when you are going to the
bathroom, after that youve used Lifebuoy, when else have you used Lifebuoy?
NM: do you like pets? Have you used Lifebuoy after playing with pets or something? Do you want to tell us
about it?
NS: My cousins have dogs. I used to go to their place. I love pets. I always used to touch them. My mum always
used to wash her hands so all the germs can get out and my cousins also they do not have it everywhere in the
bathroom. They dont have Lifebuoy but different soaps. In the one bathroom they have Lifebuoy, I always
used to go to that bathroom and use Lifebuoy and wash my hands.
NM: So you play with the dog? They have a dog right do they? So you play with the dog then you go wash your
hands with Lifebuoy. Then what happens?
NS: All the germs come out.
NM: All the germs come out.
NS: Ya all. And you know when Im touching something dirty like the ball then I put it. Then there is a hole of
mud and my hands get all dirty. And when I try to sweep the car, the car is all dusty like that and then I go
straight up and eat my food, then I have to wash my hands only.
NM: Nairmeen now I need to still ask you. You like because of the shape right? And the colors. So why are the
shape and colors so important to you?
NS: Color makes me all. When I was small I really used to like pink and the color used to make me look
delighted like feel good because I wanted to go shopping. Lifebuoy red, the red one, I like it. Makes my germs
get off and so I really want it more and more and more.
NM: What about the shape? You said you even like the shape? The fragrance. Why do you like the fragrance
so much? What happens because of that good fragrance?
NS: It makes me all
NM: Like what? You smell it and then you want to keep smelling your hands.
NS: And I want to put more and more and more. My hands get all fresh. Then I want to wash my hand then it
feels good.
NM: Okay so we talked about smell, shape, color. You told me about shape but you didnt tell me much about
it. Do you like the shape of the bottle?
NS: Ya there is even a bottle and theres even soap.
NM: Which one do you like?
NS: I have not used the soap, Ive used the liquid.
NM: Do you like it?
NS: I have not seen the soap.
NM: Tell me more about what youve seen on the TV or whatever about Lifebouy.
NS: A man okay a doctor he shows all the soap and he makes a cross and says that they are all not that like
they all dont take out the germs so he shows Lifebuoy. Then he shows lot of bottles of Lifebuoy and he shows
that a hand and then when you put Lifebuoy how many germs get off. Lifebuoy is much better than the others
that is proof for people to use Lifebuoy.
NM: Okay now tell me one thing; have you seen any Dettol ad? On TV or anything?
NS: That one which the lady that boy he touches his car and he takes the ball in the puddle and then once his
friends mother says no. He takes a soap uses it and the friends used to use the soap and more germs come, so
now they use a liquid.
NM: So in that they use with their friends but in Lifebuoy they do not use it with their friends? Do you think it
is important to use with friends?

NS: Cause then more germs come. Cause if I am using it and other people are snatching it then more germs
will come and they will pass on. It is better to use a liquid. You just have to press it and your hands come, press
it your hands come. The liquid comes better.
NM: So when you press it and it comes it, why is it so important?
NS: With liquid. With soap it is not so good. You use it with your families also. Liquid good, it just comes out
and you just have to apply so we just have to apply it. But in.
NM: So basically, youre saying it just comes so when it comes and you just have to press it.
NS: It just oozes out.
NM: So whats so good about that?
NS: And sometimes one day when I was using Lifebuoy I was pressing a lot and it came on my face.
NM: Is that good or bad?
NS: A little bad, it came on my eye.
NM: What happened then?
NS: It came on my eyebrows and then I had to wash it but still it was fun. But a little fun.
NM: So you are saying Lifebuoy is fun?
NS: Fun or funny.
NM: Can you please tell me how Lifebuoy is fun and funny?
NS: Like the ads are funny. The way they are made, it is like Life and Bouy. I dont understand what buoy
NM: It means like a lifesaving. Buoy, something that saves you, stops you from drowning.
NS: Then even if it is funny, like I said sometimes the liquid comes out, it splashes. Maybe it does not when
you use it in a more nicer way.
NM: Have the Lifebuoy people ever come to your school?
NS: No
NM: So your telling me so many nice nice things. I want to know more about Lifebuoy. I really like what you
were telling me. It seems fun maybe I should start using it like it oozes out. Umm Umm,
NS: Is there a Lifebuoy liquid dishwash?
NM: why?
NS: Just asking
NM: Have you seen it?
NS: No, Okay I dont know more.
NM: You dont know more, okay thank you Nairmeen.
NS: Welcome.

Additional Questions Second Conversation

NM: Why is it so important to not fall sick?
NS: Then you wontgo to parties and enjoy myself. Dont want to be sick all the time.
NM: And why is it important to keep smelling and keep using it?
NS: Keep smelling it then you like get more tempted. More into that thing. I like the kiddies fragrance so I

Third Conversation
NM: Hi Nairmeen, so last time when I was talking to you, you told me Lifebuoy it smells really
good, and because it smells really good, you feel very good and you feel fresh, so you want to
use it more and more and more.
NS: Yes
NM: Why is it so important for you to use it more and more and more?
NS: So the germs can get out and we can be well for every occasion.
NM: Why is it so important to be well for every occasion?
NS: So you can.
NM: Why do you have to be well for every occasion?
NS: So we enjoy. If we dont, if we are not there for every occasion then we wont enjoy our life.
NM: No but Nairmeen why is it so important for you to use it again and again? Thats what I
want you to think. How do you feel when you are using it again and again?
NS: Nice, fine, fresh, so when you come from school all the germs come out. You use soap for
everything so all your germs can get out and you feel healthy and fresh.
NM: So if the germs are out, your healthy, your fresh, how do you feel?
NS: Very nice, if you always not fresh you wont feel good, you will always feel like I am sick.
NM: So how do you feel?
NS: Nice
NM: No no, see your using it again and again right. Youre putting it on your hand, your using it
then again after little while youre using it again. How do you feel when you keep using it again
and again?
NS: Nice, I always use it again and again to feel nice because Lifebuoy always takes out germs
and always says whoever makes it, their lives, our lives get saved.
NM: Okay.

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