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Ecclesiastic Deed Poll

Writ Per Curiam Divina

Registration Date:


Living Beneficiary
myron charles

of the house of rice

Nativity Date

August 12, 1954

Of a Union of

eunice mckenney
james rice

August 23, 1954

So it shall be known by all men, the Writ, is charged by the supreme authority
upon the soil and land of the true free holding landlord [Land Baron] being the Divine
Spirit expressed in living trust, Living Beneficiary to the DIVINE ESTATE, being superior
and free of commerce and usury. The soil and the land is artificially referred to today as
the magisterial judicial districts of the county estate(s) and is superior to any
Commercial Code imagined in the illusionary world of Commerce and Usury of the said
soil and land.
Before Abraham was, I AM; the Divine Spirit having a human experience. Each atom and
cell of this physical vessel I inhabit to travel across this land is infused with the spark of the
Creator; I AM one with the Light, one with Creator, the alpha and the omega, without beginning
nor end, without time.
This third dimensional vessel, called man, the original domicile of the Divine Spirit is
known on this world and in this dimension as Myron Charles of the house of Rice, a living
man/woman, a freeborn peaceful inhabitant, heir to the Divine Estate, Living Beneficiary to the
Divine Trust, freeholder in fee simple absolute.
I have been lost in the Holy See, the Sea of commerce, my estate placed in trust. I have
awakened to the truth, so long hidden from man, and now redeem my estate. I hereby

acknowledge and accept the deed and my right as lawful and proper owner of the estate with
exclusive right of use of all land, tenements and hereditaments thereof, to have and to hold in
fee simple forever.

Irrevocable Deed and Contract

We, the Divine Spirit, expressed in living flesh, infuse this irrevocable deed and contract
with Divine Life through Our Blood, perfecting an unbreakable seal on this agreement, bearing
the full power and authority of the Divine Creator and binding on all inferior persons and
practitioners of the inferior Roman Law, Sharia Law and/or Talmudic Law from the beginning,
without time. The base lead of Our word contains the purest gold for the transmutation of the base
man/woman into pure spirit for in the beginning there was the word and the word was god.

Divine Notice of Protest

We, the Divine Spirit, Living Beneficiary, expressed in trust in living flesh, having return
from being lost in the sea of illusion born of a self imposed state of amnesia and extreme
programming to re-establish Our living status and redeem Our estate establishes the evidence in
fact of Our competence rebutting the assumption with fact.
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the breach of trust
and the usurpation of Our inheritance under the error of assumptions of the 'pledge' of Our private
property. We have never willingly, knowingly and with full disclosure pledged Our inheritance to
any person or entity;
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the conversion of
the birth certificate to a promissory note or other negotiable instrument without full disclosure nor
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to all derivatives of the
birth registration, the estate trust and Cestui Que Vie trust as fruit of the poison tree;
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the malicious and
unconscionable actions of the executors and administrators of the estate, to wit:

Knowingly and willingly claiming the child as chattel of the estate;

Creation of the slave bond contract and slave bond, assuming us to be under the
Codes and Statutes of the United Kingdom.
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the intentionally
deceitful legal language and meaning of Our earthly parents marriage certificate and the birth
registration whereby Our earthly parents were tricked into signing us away into slavery to the
state without full disclosure nor consent;
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the creation of the
slave bond by placing the ink impression of the child's footprint on the birth certificate,
converting said certificate into a slave bond and selling same to the federal reserve for the
conveyance into the second Cestui Que Vie Trust;

We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine of Notice of Protest to the issue of and
monetization of the maritime lien for the salvage for the lost property for the bank's failure to
seize the slave child upon the maturity of the slave bond;
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the issue and
monetization of the Baptismal Certificate and creation of the 3rd Cestui Que Vie trust,
representing the enslavement of Our soul, under the assumption that Our earthly parents gifted,
granted and/or conveyed Our soul to the state;
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the assumption that
we are enemies of the estate and enemies of the Crown operating under the Codes and Statutes of
the United Kingdom;
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the creation of the
multi- dimensional corporate veils of protection which have been placed over the estate to
separate the Living Beneficiary from the annuities;
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the administration
of the estate under limited liability giving rise to imbalance and dis-ease;
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the three Cestui Que
Vie Trusts which represent the triple crown of enslavement and three claims against Our property,
body and soul by the Roman cult for the purpose of enslaving the people in the denial of all of
our rights to the Divine Inheritance, Our right to freedom from all limitations and Our rights and
powers as Divine Creators;
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the BAR
Association as managers of the triple crown of enslavement of the Roman cult representing the
reconstituted "Galla" responsible for the reaping of souls under the Code and Statutes of the
United Kingdom;
We, the Divine Spirit, object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the BAR
Association courts and/or agents use of the inferior Roman Law, Sharia Law, Talmudic Law,
Maritime Law, and/or Cannon Law against Us and/or Our property under the Code and Statutes
of the United Kingdom;
We, the Divine Spirit, expressed in trust in the living flesh, hereby re-establish Our living
status, and status as the Living Beneficiary of the Divine Estate;
We, the Divine Spirit, expressed in trust in the living flesh decree that we are Divinely
vested as the Living Beneficiary of the Divine Estate with the Divine right to access to the estate
We, the Divine Spirit, expressed in trust in living flesh, having re-established Our living
status and our return to unlimited liability and full accountability under the Laws of Great Britain
and NOT under the codes and statutes of the United Kingdom;

We, the Divine Spirit decree that:

Our earthly parents never willingly, knowingly and with full disclosure gifted,
granted or conveyed Our soul to any person, entity or cult;
No person, entity nor cult have the authority to gift, grant, convey nor enslave
Our soul to any other person, entity or cult without full disclosure and our
We, the Divine Spirit have never willingly, knowingly and with full disclosure gifted,
granted or conveyed Our soul to any person, entity or cult, nor consented to same;
Our status as being at peace with the Crown; at peace with the Holy See and re-establish
the Crown's obligation to protect the Divine Estate and the Living Beneficiary against the princes
of the civil law and the princes of the codes and statutes of the United Kingdom;
At all times we are on and within the judicial districts and under the general post office
and NOT under the Judicial Districts, the JUDICIAL DISTRICTS, the Post Office or the POST
We, the Divine Spirit, expressed in trust in the living flesh, having re-established Our
living status, whose estate is held in the above referenced trust, hereby re-establish Ourselves as
Grantor of the trust having provided 100% of the value to fund the trust, with the authority to act
in that capacity and exercise the power and authority of the Grantor of said trust;
We, the Divine Spirit, expressed in trust in the living flesh are vested as Beneficiary of
said trust as said trust was established for Our benefit;
We, the Divine Spirit, expressed in trust in living flesh, having re-established Our living
status, have standing to seek redress of grievance in the common law;
Receipt of this Ecclesiastic Deed Poll constitutes acceptance and is binding on all inferior
persons and carries a mandatory obligation to act in accordance with Divine Law.
We, the Divine Spirit, expressed in trust in the living flesh, a free born inhabitant, heir to
the Divine Estate, Beneficiary to the Divine Trust, freeholder in fee simple absolute, do hereby
object to and issue Divine Notice of Protest to the following, to wit:
To the compelled registration of the Birth under the error of assumptions and failing full
disclosure, which created the 14th Amendment citizen of the United States;
To the compelled acceptance of benefits 'under the will' which was perverted by the
Trustees without full disclosure and under mis-apprehension and mis-representation,
precluding Our enforcement of Our contractual rights in property bequeathed by the will;
To the Trustee's propaganda, mis-representation, mis-apprehension, deceit and coercion
that gave rise to the seemingly voluntary termination of the trust by the Beneficiary;
To the Trustee's breach of his fiduciary duties which caused loss and injury to the estate;

To the assumption/presumption that the free born inhabitant is deceased;

To the assumption that the free born inhabitant is the executor of the estate trust;
To the assumption that the free born inhabitant is a donor with full disclosure.
We, the Divine Spirit, expressed in trust in living flesh, a free born inhabitant, heir to the
Divine estate, Beneficiary to
the Divine Trust as expressed in the Preamble to the
Constitution, freeholder in fee simple absolute, do hereby:
Re-establish Our living status, evidenced by the DNA/Blood Seal thumb print below;
Instruct the Trustees to immediately dissolve the 14th Amendment United States citizen ;
Instruct the Trustees to correct your records to reflect that we hereby elect to enforce
contractual rights in property bequeathed by the will, against the will.
Demand that the trust res be turned over to us within the confines of the Truth in Lending
Demand that all restrictions against the freeholder be immediately released;
Demand that all bonds, notes or other negotiable instruments be redeemed and the equal
consideration be returned to the freeholder;
Demand that the private funds held by the DTC, DTCC, OITC and/or any/all other
entities be made available to me for the discharge of debt, funding the National Banking
Association and all sub-accounts thereof;
Demand that the Trustees provide a full account within 60 days.

Blood Seal of (Myron Charles- freeholder)

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