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Summary of the Project

I. Name of the Project

II. Location
III. Brief Description Project
IV. Project Summary
1. Market Feasibility
2. Technical Feasibility
3. Management Feasibility
4. Financial Feasibility
5. Socio-economic Impact
Introduction/Background of the Study
I. Brief background of the study
II. Objective of the study
III. Operational Definition of Terms
IV. Scope and Limitations of the Study
Market Study
Objective of the Study
1. Consumption for the past year
2. Major Consumers of the producer
3. Project Demand
1. Supply for the past year
2. Projected Supply
Demand and Supply Analysis, Demand/Supply Gap
Projected sales/market share
Marketing strategies/programs
1. Product
i. Product category/quality and supply
ii. Brand
iii. Packaging
2. Pricing
3. Place of distribution
4. Promotion/advertising
Technical Study
I. Objective of the study
II. Product service
1. Description of the product
2. Uses of the product
III. Manufacturing Process
1. Description of the process
2. Alternative process considered
IV. Production schedule
V. Machinery and equipment
VI. Plant Location

Plant size and Lay out
Raw materials and supplies
IX. Waste disposal
X. Utilities
XI. Direct labor requirements
Management Study
I. Objectives of the study
II. Form of business ownership
III. Capitalization
IV. Organizational structure
V. Manpower requirements
VI. Compensation
Organizational policies
Legal requirements
Financial study
I. Objective of the study
II. Total project costs
III. Initial capital
IV. Sources of financing
1. Short/long term financing
2. Alternative resources
3. Amount terms of financinal
V. Financial statement
1. Assumptions
2. Projected Income statement
3. Projected cash flow statement
4. Projected balance sheet
VI. Financial analysis
1. Ratios
i. Liquidity ratios
ii. Profitability ratios
iii. Solvency ratios
iv. Activity ratios
2. Breakeven point analysis
3. Capital recovery, internal rate of return
4. Net present valve
5. Sensitivity analysis
J. Socio-economic
I. Contribution to the Philippine economy
II. Employment generation
III. Social desirability
IV. Other

G.7. Mapping 6

G.8. Search of Internet, Books, and Libraries 7

H. Project Summary 9
H.1. Market Summary 9
H.2. Technical Summary 9
H.3. Management Summary 9
H.4. Financial Summary 10
Polytechnic University of the Philippines v
I. Operational Terms 10
J. Scope and Limitation 11
II. Market Study 12
Introduction 12
Objectives 12
A. Demand 13
A.1. Past Demand 13
A.1.1. For the Industry 13
A.1.2. For Every Products 14
A.2. Projected Demand 15
A.2.1. For the Industry 15
A.2.2. For Every Products 15
A.3. Market Segmentation 16
B. Supply 17
B.1. Past Supply 17
B.1.1. For the Industry 17
B.1.2. For Every Products 17
B.2. Projected Supply 18
B.2.1. For the Industry 18
B.2.2. For the Products 19
B.3. Competitors Analysis 20
C. Demand Supply Gap Analysis 21
D. Market Share Analysis 23
D.1. Projected Sales 25
E. Marketing Strategies 26
E.1. Product Strategies 26
E.2. Place Strategies 26
E.3. Pricing Strategies 26
E.4. Promotion 27
E.4.1. Poster 27
E.4.2. Website 28
E.4.3. Flyers 29
Polytechnic University of the Philippines vi
E.4.4. Gift Certificates 30
F. SWOT Analysis 30
III. Technical Study 31
Introduction 31

Objectives 32
A. Product Description 32
A.1. Product Pricing 34
A.2. Product Preparation Guide 35
A.2.1. Streetfoods 35
A.2.2. Drinks 43
A.2.3. Desserts 46
A.3. Time Motion Study 50
B. Business Process 50
C. Business Location 50
D.1. Vicinity Map 50
D.2. Floor Plan 51
D. Machineries and Equipment 53
E. Utensils 58
F. Furniture and Fixtures 64
G. Supplies 65
G.1. Office Supplies 65
G.2. Sanitary Supplies 67
H. Store Uniforms 71
I. Utilities Requirements 73
I.1. Electricity 73
I.2. Water Supply 73
I.3. Telecommunications 73
I.4. LPG 73
J. Waste Disposal Method 74
K. Direct Labor Requirements 74
K.1. Work Schedule 75
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IV. Management Study 76
Introduction 76
Objectives 76
A. Form of Ownership 76
B. Mission, Vision, Core Values 77
B.1. Vision 77
B.2. Mission 77
B.3. Core Values 77
C. Capitalization 78
D. Organizational Chart 78
E. Manpower Requirements 79
F. Employment Process 82
G. Legal Requirements 83
G.1. Municipality of Paraaque 83
G.2. BIR 83
G.3. SSS 83
G.4. DTI 83

G.5. SEC 83
G.6. FDA 83
H. Organizational Policies and Procedures 84
H.1. Employment 84
H.2. Classification of Employees 85
H.2.1. According to Rank 85
H.2.2. According to Status 85
H.3. Orientation 85
H.4. Personnel Records 86
H.5. Contracts of Employment 86
H.6. Work Schedule 86
H.7. Tune Keeping 86
H.8. Attendance and Punctuality 87
H.8.1. Attendance 87
H.8.2. Punctuality 88
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H.9. Personnel Movement and Performance Evaluation 88
H.10. Separation from Service 88
H.10.1. Voluntary Resignation 88
H.10.2. Termination 89
H.11. Compensation and Benefits 89
H.11.1. Salaries and Wages 89
H.11.2. Overtime Pay 89
H.11.3. Cancelled Day-off/ Holiday Pay 89
H.11.4. 13th Month Pay 90
H.11.5. Paternity and Maternity Leave 90
H.11.6. SSS/PHIC/HDMF Benefits 90
H.11.7. Hospitalization Plan 90
H.11.8. Accident Insurance 91
H.11.9. Retirement Benefits 91
H.11.10. Bereavement Assistance 91
H.11.11. Other Incentives and Awards 91
I. Code of Ethics 91
I.1. Hygiene and Sanitation 91
I.2. Arrival and Departure of Employees 92
I.3. Procedure for Notices/Bulletin Boards 92
I.4. Notice of Disciplinary Action 92
I.5. Code of Conduct 92
I.5.1. Kinds of Penalties 92
H. Project Schedule Gantt Chart 94
V. Financial Study 95
Introduction 95
Objectives 95
Major Assumptions 96
Income Statement 97

Statement of Cash Flow 98

Balance Sheet 99
Statement of Changes in Partners Equity 100

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